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Rabbit antibodies to bovine superoxide dismutase have been produced and used to develop a double-antibody solid phase radioimmunoassay for the enzyme. The assay is sensitive and highly specific for the bovine enzyme, showing no cross-reactivity with the murine or human superoxide dismutases. It has been applied to the quantitation of exogenous enzyme in serum and extracts of mouse cells and tissues.  相似文献   

The nature of mitochondrial DNA replication during the synchronous cell cycle in the yeast, Saccharomycescerevisiae has been investigated by examining the rate of labeled DNA precursor incorporation into specific segments of the mitochondrial genome at defined points during synchronous growth. The movement of label uptake from one area of the DNA to another at different times during the synchronous cell cycle indicates mitochondrial DNA replication to be a synchronous process during this time with most or all molecules at the same point in replication at any given time during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The aerobic interaction between ascorbate oxidase and L-tyrosine, L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine or 3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid in 1:10 molar ratio was followed by optical absorption, CD and EPR spectroscopy in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 5.0. While the spectra of the system ascorbate oxidase—L-tyrosine remain practically unaffected after several hours, indicating that no oxidation of the amino acid occurs in the conditions employed, rather drastic changes can be observed in the spectra of the ascorbate oxidase-catechol systems. In particular, while the optical absorption below 500 nm increases markedly due to the formation of the substrate oxidation products, an irreversible decrease in intensity of the absorption, CD and EPR spectral features associated with the blue copper(II) chromophores indicates that a partial loss of Type 1 copper by ascorbate oxidase has occurred during this secondary catechol oxidase activity. A copper species characterized by weak positive CD activity at 370 nm and EPR signal at intermediate field between those of the Type 2 and Type 1 coppers can be detected in the early stages of the reaction. The irreversible damage undergone by the protein during catechol oxidase activity may have biological significance and accounts for the low yield of purified enzyme obtained when the crude enzyme extract is left in prolonged contact with low molecular weight cell components, rich in σ-diphenolic compounds.  相似文献   

Methods for preparing biospecific adsorbents and immobilized enzymes utilizing Sepharose CL as a support and trichloro-s-triazine as the linking agent are described. The difficulties encountered during conventional aqueous and mixed aqueous-phase reactions of trichloro-s-triazine with insoluble polyols, particularly reagent hydrolysis, are avoided by performing the activation reactions in anhydrous organic phase and replacing the second chlorine on the triazine ring by an aromatic amine. Ligands can be coupled to the activated support in either aqueous or organic phase. The methods have been applied to the attachment of a number of different enzymes, proteins, and small-molecule ligands to Sepharose. The superiority of the triazine linkage to the cyanogen bromide linkage is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the title compounds, M(S2COiC3H7)3, M = As(III), (1); Sb(III), (2); and Bi(III), (3) have been determined by three dimensional X-ray diffraction techniques and refined by a least square method. Crystals of (1) and (2) are isomorphous and both crystallize in the rhombohedral space group R3, with unit cell parameters for (1) ahex = 11.559(2), chex = 28.131(3) Å and for (2) ahex = 11.696(2) and chex = 28.135(2) Å, Z = 6. The central metal atom in both (1) and (2) is coordinated by three asymmetrically chelating xanthate ligands [AsS 2.305(2) and 2.978(2) Å and SbS 2.508(1) and 3.006(1) Å] which form a distorted octahedral environment consistent with the presence of a stereochemically active lone pair of electrons. Crystals of (3) are orthorhombic, space group Pnma, Z = 4 with dimensions a = 11.003(3), b = 20.833(4) and c = 9.428(2) Å. The environment of the bismuth atom in (3) is seven coordinate and is comprised of six sulphur atoms, derived from three asymmetrically coordinating xanthate ligands, and a bridging sulphur atom from a neighbouring molecule which results in the formation a polymeric array. For (1) final R and RW 0.050 and 0.047 respectively for 936 reflections [I ? 3σ(I); (2) R 0.040, Rw 0.040 for 1455 reflections I ? 2σ(I)]; and (3) R 0.052, Rw 0.039 for 1796 reflections [I ? 2σ(I).  相似文献   

Photosynthetic membranes derived from sonic extracts of the cyanobacterium Spirulinaplatensis contain a latent Ca+2-ATPase which is activated by exposure to trypsin. When sonic membranes are washed with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, the ATPase is removed from these membranes with an accompanying loss of photophosphorylation activity. The latent ATPase activity solubilized by washing has been partially purified, and addition of the enzyme to depleted membranes restores photophosphorylation activity to levels approaching 50% of the rates observed in unwashed membranes. These data indicate that this ATPase is the coupling factor responsible for photosynthetic energy transduction in Spirulinaplatensis.  相似文献   

When phospholipid vesicles are added to an aqueous solution of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) a fluorescence enhancement of up to several hundredfold is observed which can be used for a determination of phospholipid concentration. Fluorescence enhancement of 2 μm DPH is proportional to the phospholipid concentration over a wide range. As little as 0.7 nmol (~0.5 μg of phospholipid) can be determined to within ±10%. The fluorescence is a function of the type of phospholipid used, salt concentration, and time of incubation. Protein and detergents also enhance DPH fluorescence but to a much smaller extent. Optimal conditions for the assay are presented. Use of this assay to detect phospholipid vesicles fractionated by size on a Sepharose 4B column is illustrated. In this case the method compares favorably to more classical methods of analysis in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, and time involved.  相似文献   

A Pt(II) complex containing three 1-methylcytosine ligands (C), [Pt(NH3)C3] (CIO4)2· H2], has been prepared starting with cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2, and its crystal structure has been determined. The title compound represents a model of a hypothetical interaction of cis.Pt(II) with three biomolecules which proceeds via an intermediate monochloro complex, cis-[Pt(NH3)2CCl]Cl, and loss of ammonia from this compound. [Pt(NH3)C3](ClO4)2·H2O crystallizes in space group P21/c (No. 14) with a = 15.296(3), b = 4.666(3), c = 14.025(2) Å, β = 122.61(1)° and has 4 formula units in the unit cell. Data were collected with use of a Syntex P21 diffractometer and MoKα radiation. The crystal structure was determined by standard methods and refined to R1 = 0.043 and R2 = 0.056 based on 2925 independent reflections. The compound contains the three 1-methylcytosine ligands bound through N(3) with the three ligands almost perpendicular to the Pt coordination plane. The two C ligands trans to each other have identical orientations with respect to the platinum square plane whereas the cytosine trans to NH3 has the opposite orientation. Bond lengths and angles are normal.  相似文献   

The coupling reaction of diazonium salts of aromatic compounds with the aromatic residues of proteins results in chromophoric covalent derivatives which yield strong resonance enhanced Raman spectra. The protein residues modified by these coupling reactions have been identified using the ν(NN) and ν(N-φ) vibrational bands in the resonance Raman spectra. Previous studies have established that diazoarsanilic acid couples with carboxypeptidase at tyrosine 248. The resonance Raman spectrum of arsanilazocarboxypeptidase was compared with spectra of arsanilazotyrosine and arsanilazohistidine model compounds; the results are consistent only with coupling at a tyrosine residue. This confirmation of the previously established site of modification establishes the utility of resonance Raman spectroscopy as a tool for identification of the site of covalent modification. To further investigate this approach, the diazonium salt of sulfanilamide (a site-specific reagent) was used to prepare a covalent coupling derivative of bovine carbonic anhydrase. The coupling reaction appears to have a stoichiometry of 1:1 and results in nearly complete loss of sulfanilamide binding capability and esterase activity. Comparison of the pH dependence of the resonance Raman spectra of sulfanilazocarbonic anhydrase with the spectra of sulfanilazotyrosine, sulfanilazohistidine, and sulfanilazotryptophan suggests that histidine is the site of modification of this new carbonic anhydrase derivative.  相似文献   

Complexes of formula M(2,5-DHB)24H2O (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu and Cd; 2,5-DHB = 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate) were prepared and characterized by means of infrared and electronic spectroscopy, and by electron spin resonance. For the Zn complex the crystal and molecular structure was also determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystal is orthorhombic, space group Pbca (No. 61), with a = 18.503(4), b = 13.536(3), c = 6.900(2) Å, and Z = 4. The final refinement used 877 reflections and gave a residual R value of 0.041. The complex has slightly compressed octahedral coordination, with the zinc atom bound to two monodentate carboxylate groups lying in trans positions and four water molecules. X-ray data and infrared spectra show the Mn, Co, Ni, Zn and Cd complexes to be isostructural with the Zn compound. The electronic, infrared and ESR spectra of the copper(II) complex are consistent with a CuO4? based chromophore involving two water molecules and two monodentate carboxylate groups in the metal plane, and long axial contacts.  相似文献   

The title compound is the first accurately determined structure in the general class of ‘Costa’ B12 models. The data permit comparisons of structural results to other relevant B12 models and the construction of a cis effect series.Crystal Data: C14H20CoF6N4O3P, M = 504.4, monoclinic, space group P21/c, a = 14.316(3), b = 6.819(1), c = 22.741(5) Å and β = 99.91(2)°, V = 2186.9 Å3, Dm = 1.52, Z = 4, Dc = 1.53 g cm?3, μ(MoKα) = 9.2 cm?1, λ(MoKα) = 0.7107 Å. Unit cell parameters were refined and intensity data collected on a CAD4 computer-controlled diffractometer, using graphite-monochromated MoKα radiation. A total of 5803 reflections were collected and corrected for Lorentz-polarization factor, 2802 independent reflections with I > 3σ(I) being used in the subsequent calculations.The CoO bond length to the axial water is 2.102- (3) Å. This value places the Costa model structural cis influence as being comparatively close to corrin based systems, somewhat greater than cobaloximes and definitely lower than Schiff-base complexes.  相似文献   

The first two examples of naturally occurring C-glucosyl-α-hydroxydihydrochalcones have been isolated from Eysenhardtia polystachya, a Mexica  相似文献   

In the search for a fine modulation of cisplatin analogues we have synthesized complexes with two different inert ligands bound to platinum in the cis- position. This paper reports on compounds of formula cis-[PtCl2(aaH)(tba)] (aaH, amino acid; tba, tert-butylamine). These complexes have been synthesized with the aim of obtaining liposoluble cisplatin analogues bound to natural carrier groups. The derivatives of glycine, D-alanine, L-threonine, and L-serine were found to be moderately active against murine P388 and L1210 leukemia models. The compound K[PtCl3(tba)] was also found to be active against the same tumor models. Their activity and potency was, however, much lower than that of cisplatin.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra are reported for native Cu(II) Pseudomonasaeruginosa azurin and its Ni(II) substituted derivative. The spectrum of the native azurin includes a low frequency feature and bands in the first overtone region not previously reported. The spectrum of the Ni(II) derivative exhibits three major peaks in the metal-ligand stretching region shifted to lower frequency relative to the M-L peaks in the spectrum of native azurin. Resonance enhanced ligand modes are observed which indicate that at least two of the ligands in Ni(II) azurin (cysteine and at least one histidine) are the same as in native azurin. The data also suggest that the disposition of ligands about the metal may be more nearly tetrahedral in the Ni(II) derivative than in native azurin.  相似文献   

Fluorescamine is a useful reagent for the fluorometric assay of primary amines. The extent of the reaction between fluorescamine and primary amines, as well as the fluorescence intensities of the resulting fluorophors depend on pH, solvent composition and reagent concentration. Optimum values for these variables further depend on the amine under study. The influence of these parameters on the fluorogenic reaction of representative amines, and on their fluorophoric derivatives has been investigated, and the results are reported here.  相似文献   

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