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—Isolated rat posterior pituitary glands were incubated with [14C]glucose or [14C]acetate and the incorporation of radioactivity into several amino acids was followed. The results indicated that radioactivity was incorporated from [14C]glucose into a large pool of glutamate which appeared to be responsible for a large proportion of GABA synthesis in the gland. The specific activity of glutamine was always less than that of glutamate when [14C]glucose was the precursor employed, whereas [14C]acetate labelled a glutamate pool which had approximately the same specific activity as that of glutamine. The results are discussed with reference to the compartmentation of amino acid metabolism in the nervous system.  相似文献   

In order to investigate some of the cytochemical processes involved in interphase growth and culminating in cell division, a combined autoradiographic and microphotometric study of nucleic acids and proteins was undertaken on statistically seriated cells of Vicia faba root meristems. Adenine-8-C14 and uridine-H3 were used as ribonucleic acid (RNA) precursors, thymidine-H3 as a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) precursor, and phenylalanine-3-C14 as a protein precursor. Stains used in microphotometry were Feulgen (DNA), azure B (RNA), pH 2.0 fast green (total protein), and pH 8.1 fast green (histone). The autoradiographic data (representing rate of incorporation per organelle) and the microphotometric data (representing changes in amounts of the various components) indicate that the mitotic cycle may be divided into several metabolic phases, three predominantly anabolic (net increase), and a fourth phase predominantly catabolic (net decrease). The anabolic periods are: 1. Telophase to post-telophase during which there are high rates of accumulation of cytoplasmic and nucleolar RNA and nucleolar and chromosomal total protein. 2. Post-telophase to preprophase characterized by histone synthesis and a diphasic synthesis of DNA with the peak of synthesis at mid-interphase and a minor peak just preceding prophase. The minor peak is coincident with a relatively localized DNA synthesis in several chromosomal regions. This period is also characterized by minimal accumulations of cytoplasmic RNA and chromosomal and nucleolar total protein and RNA. 3. Preprophase to prophase in which there are again high rates of accumulation of cytoplasmic RNA, and nucleolar and chromosomal total protein and RNA. The catabolic phase is: 4. The mitotic division during which there are marked losses of cytoplasmic RNA and chromosomal and nucleolar total protein and RNA.  相似文献   

姚兵  黄威权  张崇理  王江华 《动物学报》2001,47(2):176-178,T001
用免疫组织化学ABC法,研究了颌下腺及无血清培养的颌下腺上皮细胞DHEA的定位,结果显示,大鼠颌下腺的浆液性腺泡的上皮细胞及各级导管上皮细胞均呈DHEA免疫反应阳性,无血清培养腺上皮细胞也呈DHEA免疫反应阳性,阳性物质分布于胞质,胞核呈阴性反应,此结果提示:大鼠颌下腺能自身合成DHEA,DHEA对消化功能可能具有重要的调节作用。  相似文献   

—The time course of changes in glycolytic and citric acid cycle intermediates and in amino acids was studied in acute and steady state hypercapnia. Experiments on unanaesthetized animals exposed to 10% CO2 for 10, 20 and 60s showed that there was a transient decrease in glycogen concentration, progressive increases in glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate and decreases in pyruvate and lactate. During this time the levels of amino acids and Krebs cycle intermediates did not change, except for a small fall in malate at 60s. The results indicate that there was a decrease in glycolytic flux due to an inhibition of the phosphofructokinase reaction. Since the tissue levels of phosphocreatine, ATP, ADP and AMP were unchanged inhibition of phosphofructokinase was probably due to the fall in pH. Anaesthetized animals were exposed to about 5% CO2 (for 2, 5, 15, 30 and 60 min) or to about 45% CO2 (for 5 and 15 min). Except for succinate, which increased, all citric acid cycle metabolites analysed (citrate, α-ketoglutarate, fumarate and malate) decreased with the rise in CO2-tension. The sum of the amino acids analysed (glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, asparagine, alanine and GABA) decreased at extreme hypercapnia. The results suggest that Krebs cycle intermediates and amino acids are partly used as substrates for energy production when there is reduced pyruvate availability due to hypercapnia. It is proposed that amino acid carbon is made available for oxidation via transamination (aspartate aminotransferase reaction) and deamination (glutamate dehydrogenase reaction) and that citric acid cycle intermediates are metabolized following a reversal of reactions usually leading to CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

前言虽然乳腺在生长、功能和萎退过程中形态上的变化是很大的(姚曾序、顾国彦,1957),可是和形态变化相伴随的化学和生物化学变化却研究得少。关于碱性磷酸酶(以下简称 AKP)方面,Kay(1925),Folley 和 Kay(1935)最早证明牛、羊和豚鼠乳腺含有相当量的这种酶。以后 Folley 和 Greenbaum(1947)进一步用生化方法研究了大鼠在怀  相似文献   

Abstract— Levels of free amino acids, profiles of polyribosomes, and rates of protein synthesis and degradation were examined in the brains of chicks fed toxic levels of galactose. The content of a number of amino acids were altered; alanine and leucine were most strikingly depressed, whereas levels of aspartate were elevated. Polyribosomal profiles were unaltered. There appeared to be no detrimental effect on protein synthesis as judged by in vivo incorporation of L-[U-14C]leucine and L-[guanidino-14C]arginine. Likewise, the half-lives of proteins, measured by the loss of L-[guanidino-14C]arginine, were similar in experimental and control groups. In contrast, initial rates of incorporation of [3H]glucosamine into glycoproteins were enhanced. The effect was greatest in the microsomal fraction and typically 50 per cent greater than controls. Levels of free glucosamine and protein-bound hexosamine were essentially unaltered in the galactose-fed chicks.  相似文献   

Incubation of brain cell suspensions with 14 mM-phenylalanine resulted in rapid alterations of amino acid metabolism and protein synthesis. Both thc rate of uptake and the final intracellular concentration of several radioactively-labelled amino acids were decreased by high concentrations oi phenylalanine. By prelabelling cells with radioactive amino acids, phenylalanine was also shown to effect a rapid loss of the labelled amino acids from brain cells. Amino acid analysis after the incubation of the cells with phenylalanine indicated that several amino acids were decreased in their intracellular concentrations with effects similar to those measured with radioisotopic experiments (large neutral > small and large basic > small neutral > acidic amino acids). Although amino acid uptake and efflux were altered by the presence of 14 mwphenylalanine, little or no alteration was detected in the resulting specific activity of the intracellular amino acids. High levels of phenylalanine did not significantly altcr cellular catabolism of either alanine, lysine, leucine or isoleucine. As determined by the isolation of labcllcd aminoacyl-tRNA from cells incubated with and without phenylalanine, there was little or no alteration in the level of this precursor for radioactive alanine and lysine. There was, however, a detectable decrease in thc labelling of aminoacyl-tRNA for leucine and isoleucine. Only aftcr correcting for the changes of the specific activity of the precursors and thcir availability to translational events, could the effects of phenylalanine on protein synthesis be established. An inhibition of the incorporation into protein for each amino acid was approximately 20%.  相似文献   

The incorporation into brain slice protein of externally provided [1-14C]valine was measured at varying levels of valine in the medium, under conditions of constant protein synthesis and equilibration of intracellular valine specific activity. The results indicate that the valine pool used for protein synthesis is not identical to the pool of total free valine. Neither does the incorporation solely occur from an extracellular pool which is in equilibrium with the incubation medium. The data are compatible with a two-site activation model in which aminoacylation of tRNA occurs at both an internal site utilizing amino acid from the intracellular pool and an external (possibly membranous) site converting extracellular valine directly to valyl-tRNA. A good fit to the experimental observations is also provided by a compartmented intracellular valine pool model.  相似文献   

During acute hepatic coma following two-stage hepatic devascularization in the rat, profound changes occurred in plasma and whole-brain amino acids and putative neurotransmitters. Brain ammonia, glutamine and GABA were increased, aspartate was decreased, while glutamate was unchanged. An increase in brain tryptophan was accompanied by a similar increase in plasma unbound tryptophan but decreased plasma total tryptophan. These changes occurred in the presence of high plasma levels of the other neutral amino acids, including the branched chain amino acids. Plasma insulin was unchanged while glucagon levels rose, resulting in a decreased insulin to glucagon ratio. These results suggest that while plasma unbound tryptophan may influence brain tryptophan levels, altered plasma concentrations of neutral amino acids which compete with tryptophan for transport into the brain do not contribute to the increase in brain tryptophan observed during acute hepatic coma.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of feeding dietary wheat and Bengal gram proteins to pregnant rats on brain protein and glutamic acid metabolism in 15-, 17- and 19-day fetuses were investigated. Wheat and Bengal gram diets resulted in loss of brain weight with decreased DNA, RNA, protein, free x amino N and deficits in the activities of brain glutamine synthetase, glutaminase I. glutaminase II and glutamate decarboxylase at all the gestational ages studied without any change in glutamine transferase activity. The concentrations of the amino acids alanine, glutamic acid, glutamine and GABA were found to be significantly lower on wheat and Bengal gram diets than the control on a 10% casein diet. The wheat with lysine and Bengal gram with methionine, cystine and tryptophan resulted in similar mean values of all the characteristics studied to the mean values observed in rats on the control diet. However, glutaminase I activity remained significantly low on lysine fortified wheat diet, and aspartic acid content was found to increase on both fortified and unfortified wheat and Bengal gram diets. A 20% casein diet showed increased brain weight, DNA. RNA. protein and free x amino N concentrations as compared with the 10% casein diet, while the other parameters remained unchanged.  相似文献   

—In growing rat brain, the specific activity of DNA at 12 h after the subcutaneous injection of [3H]thymidine underwent a sharp rise during the first 6 days of life, dropping just as precipitously by 15 days, thereafter continuing to decrease with increasing age. When [3H]thymidine was given to 6-day-old rats, a considerable amount was taken up immediately into the brain. Thymidine taken up into the acid-soluble fraction was readily phosphorylated to its nucleotides, thymidine mono-, di-, and triphosphate (TMP, TDP and TTP) within only 30 min following injection. The highest specific activity was found in TTP. The incorporation of of [3H]thymidine into DNA took place over a longer period of time after injection.  相似文献   

试验以5个八倍体小偃麦、野生二粒小麦、硬粒小麦和13个普通小麦品种(系)为材料,研究了叶片中硝酸还原酶活性(NRA)、氨基酸和粗蛋白含量与籽粒蛋白质含量之间的关系。结果表明,叶片中NRA在拔节、抽穗、开花三个生育时期与籽粒蛋白质含量存在显著的正相关系;叶片中氨基酸总量与籽粒蛋白质含量在拔节和抽穗期显著相关,在开花期相关不显著;抽穗期旗叶中粗蛋白含量与籽粒蛋白质含量相关显著。籽粒蛋白质含量高的基因型材料其叶片中NRA、氨基酸和粗蛋白含量一般高于低蛋白基因型材料,三者的变化趋势一致,这反映了不同基因型N素代谢的特点。因此适宜生育时期叶片中NRA、氨基酸和粗蛋白含量可作为品质育种选择过程中的参考生理指标。  相似文献   

The formation of ammonia and changes in the contents of free amino acids have been investigated in slices of guinea pig cerebral cortex incubated under the following conditions: (1) aerobically in glucose-free saline; (2) aerobically in glucose-free saline containing 10 mM-bromofuroic acid, an inhibitor of glutamate dehydrogenase (EC; (3) aerobically in saline containing 11-1 mM-glucose and (4) anaerobically in glucose-free saline. Ammonia was formed at a steady rate aerobically in glucose-free medium. The formation of ammonia was largely suppressed in the absence of oxygen or in the presence of glucose whereas the inhibitor of glutamate dehydrogenase produced about 50 per cent inhibition. Other inhibitors of glutamate dehydrogenase exerted a similar effect. Ammonia formation was also inhibited by some inhibitors of aminotransferases but not by others. Inhibition was generally more pronounced during the second and third hour of incubation. With the exception of glutamine which decreased slightly, the contents of all amino acids increased markedly during the anaerobic incubation. During aerobic incubation in a glucose-free medium, there was an almost complete disappearance of glutamic acid and GABA. Glutamine also decreased, but to a relatively smaller extent. The content of all other amino acids increased during aerobic incubation in glucose-free medium, although to a lesser extent than under anaerobic conditions. The greater increase of amino acids appearing anaerobically in comparison to the increase or decrease occurring under aerobic conditions corresponded closely to the greater amount of ammonia formed aerobically over that formed anaerobically. This finding is interpreted as indicating a similar degree of proteolysis under anaerobic and aerobic conditions; aerobically, the amino acids are partly metabolized with the concomitant liberation of ammonia. In glucose-supplemented medium, the content of glutamine was markedly increased. The content of glutamate and aspartate remained unchanged, whereas that of some other amino acids increased but to a lesser extent than in the absence of glucose. Proteolysis in the presence of glucose was estimated at about 65 per cent of that in its absence. In the presence of bromofuroate the rate of disappearance of glutamate was unchanged, but there was a larger increase in the content of aspartate and a smaller decrease of GABA and glutamine. Other changes did not differ significantly from those observed in the absence of bromofuroate. We conclude that the metabolism of amino acids in general and of glutamic acid in particular differs according to whether they are already present within the brain slice or are added to the incubation medium. Only the endogenous amino acids appear to be able to serve as precursors of ammonia and as substrates for energy production.  相似文献   

Abstract— The abilities of AOAA and EOS to modify the utilisation of radioactively labelled glucose, acetate, glutamine and GABA were studied in isolated rat retina. AOAA inhibited the activities of GAD and GABA-T, while EOS inhibited GABA-T but not GAD. AOAA lowered the free amino acid contents of incubated retinae and suppressed the outflow of amino acids into the incubation medium, while EOS had no effect on either parameter. AOAA strongly inhibited the incorporation of 14C from labelled glucose, acetate and glutamine into GABA, and also suppressed the labelling of glutamate, aspartate and glutamine. These effects were qualitatively similar but quantitatively smaller with EOS. Both compounds markedly decreased the syntheses of aspartate and glutamate from exogenous GABA, while the passage of carbon from GABA to glutamine was much less affected. It is suggested that AOAA and EOS may act predominantly on neurones. It appears that inhibition of GABA-T alone does not cause a profound disturbance of the metabolism of other amino acids. Other metabolic inhibitors such as ouabain, malonate and fluoroacetate did not greatly affect the metabolism of GABA in rat retina.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake of radioactive leucine by incubated neocortex slices was found to be increased by electrical stimulation, yielding a higher content of radioactive amino acid per g fresh weight of tissue which was maintained for prolonged periods of stimulation. The increased tissue content may be associated with tissue swelling found on electrical stimulation, but the additional amino acid uptake was by an active process rather than by passive diffusion. Additions of valine (2.5–10 m m ) or tryptophan (1 m m ) to the incubation medium was found to depress the tissue leucine content. Decreasing the tissue free leucine content by incubating slices in medium containing 5 m m -valine was found to decrease the incorporation of leucine and lysine into tissue protein, indicating that under these conditions tissue free amino acid becomes rate limiting for amino acid incorporation into protein. By analogy with the properties of cerebral tissue in oitro it is suggested that electrical activity in vivo may cause localized increases in free amino acid concentration which may serve to regulate protein synthesis in conditions where the concentration of free amino acids are rate limiting.  相似文献   

After enzyme secretion the membrane of the secretory granule, which had been fused to the cell membrane, was resorbed into the cell. Experiments were therefore carried out to test whether formation of new secretory granules involves reutilization of the resorbed membrane or synthesis of a new membrane, de novo, from amino acids. Incorporation of amino acids-14C into proteins of various cell fractions was measured in vivo, 30, 120, and. 300 min after labeling. At all times the specific radioactivity of the secretory granule membrane was about equal to that of the granule's exportable content. At 120 and 300 min the specific radioactivity of the granule membrane and of the granule content was much higher than that of any other subcellular fraction. It is therefore concluded that the protein of the membrane is synthesized de novo concomitantly with the exportable protein. The proteins of the granule membrane could be distinguished from those of the granule content by gel electrophoresis. All major bands were labeled proportionately to their staining intensity. The amino acid composition of the secretory granule membrane was markedly different from that of the granule's content and also from that of the mitochondrial membrane. The granule membrane showed a high proline content, 30 moles/100 moles amino acids. The analyses show that the radioactivity of the granule membrane is indeed inherent in its proteins and is not due to contamination by other fractions. The possibility is considered that the exportable protein leaves the endoplasmic reticulum already enveloped by the newly synthesized membrane.  相似文献   

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