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Structure-activity relationship studies of flavopiridol analogues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) along with the complementary cyclins form key regulatory checkpoint controls on the cell cycle. Flavopiridol is a synthetic flavone that shows potent and selective cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory activity. In this paper, we report modifications of the 3-hydroxy-1-methylpiperidinyl (D ring) of flavopiridol and their effect on CDK inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

A series of des-keto lobeline analogs has been synthesized and evaluated for their ability to inhibit the dopamine transporter (DAT) and serotonin transporter (SERT) function and for their affinity for the synaptic vesicle monoamine transporter (VMAT2), as well as for alpha4beta2( *) and alpha7( *) neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The enantiomers 8R-hydroxylobel-9-ene (3a) and 10S-hydroxylobel-7-ene (3c) exhibited high potency and selectivity at SERT and DAT, respectively.  相似文献   

The rhodium(II)-catalyzed intermolecular C-H insertion of methyl aryldiazoacetates with either N-Boc-piperidine or N-Boc-pyrrolidine followed by deprotection with trifluoroacetic acid is a very direct method for the synthesis of methylphenidate analogues. By using either dirhodium tetraacetate or dirhodium tetraprolinate derivatives as catalyst, either the racemic or enantioenriched methylphenidate analogues can be prepared. The binding affinities of the methylphenidate analogues to both the dopamine and the serotonin transporters are described. The most notable compounds are the erythro-(2-naphthyl) analogues which display high binding affinity and selectivity for the serotonin transporter.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,58(12):PL231-PL239
We have synthesized several derivatives of dl-threo-methylphenidate (Ritalin) bearing substituents on the phenyl ring. IC50 values for binding of these compounds to rat brain monoamine transporters were assessed using [3H]WIN 35,428 (striatal membranes, dopamine transporters, DAT), [3H]nisoxetine (frontal cortex membranes, norepinephrine transporters, NET) and [3H]paroxetine (brain stem membranes, 5HT transporters, 5HTT). Affinities (1/Ki) decreased in the order: DAT > NET ⪢ 5HTT. Substitution at the para position of dl-threo-methylphenidate generally led to retained or increased affinity for the dopamine transporter (bromo > iodo > methoxy > hydroxy). Substitution at the meta position also increased affinity for the DAT (m-bromo > methylphenidate; m-iodo-p-hydroxy > p-hydroxy). Substitution at the ortho position with bromine considerably decreased affinity. Similar IC50 values for binding of o-bromomethylphenidate to the dopamine transporter were measured at 0, 22 and 37 degrees. N-Methylation of the piperidine ring of methylphenidate also considerably reduced affinity. The dl-erythro isomer of obromomethylphenidate did not bind to the DAT (IC50 > 50,000 nM). Affinities at the dopamine and norepinephrine transporters for substituted methylphenidate derivatives were well correlated (r2 = 0.90). Abilities of several methylphenidate derivatives to inhibit [3H]dopamine uptake in striatal synaptosomes corresponded well with inhibition of [3H]WIN 35, 428 binding. None of the compounds examined exhibited significant affinity to dopamine D1 or D2 receptors (IC50 > 500 or 5,000 nM, respectively), as assessed by inhibition of binding of [3H]SCH 23390 or [123I]epidepride, respectively, to striatal membranes.  相似文献   

Structure-activity relationships for cocaine and analog binding at the dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin transporters were determined. Cocaine inhibition of ligand binding to each of these sites has a stereospecific requirement for the levorotatory isomer. Binding potencies of cocaine derivatives involving N-substitution, C2 and C3 substituent modifications, however, revealed differences in structure-activity relationships for cocaine binding at the transporters. Removal of the N-methyl groups produced little change in binding potency at the dopamine transporter site but produced increases in binding potency at norepinephrine and serotonin transporter sites. Changes in structure at the C2 substituent produced changes in binding potency at the dopamine transporter which were generally similar in direction, but not necessarily in magnitude at the norepinephrine and serotonin transporters. Modifications to the C3 substituent, especially substitution of a hydroxyl moiety, produce changes in affinity at norepinephrine and serotonin transporters which are much larger than those observed at dopamine transporters. In general, our results indicate that unique structural requirements exist for each transporter site, but that cocaine binding at norepinephrine and dopamine transporters can be described by more similar structure-activity relationships than those found for the serotonin transporter. Requirements for cocaine binding to the dopamine transporter, which we have previously shown to be associated with the reinforcing effects of cocaine, include levorotatory stereospecificity, the benzene ring at C3, at least some portions of the tropane ring, and the presence of the C2 methyl ester group in the beta conformation.  相似文献   

Herein we report the synthesis of a series of bicyclo[3.2.1]octanes and their binding characteristics at the dopamine and serotonin transporters. The data confirm that a heteroatom at position 8 of the tropane nucleus is not a prerequisite for binding since the bicyclo[3.2.1]octanes prove potent inhibitors of both transporters. Therefore the three-dimensional topology of the ligand may be more important than specific functionality with respect to stereospecific binding at the acceptor site.  相似文献   

A number of cyclic and linear fragments and analogues of MCH were synthesized and their biological potencies tested using the isolated carp scale melanophore assay. In this system, the cyclic portion MCH(5–14) exhibited only 0.1% bioactivity, which was markedly enhanced by the addition of the exocyclic sequences MCH(15–17) and MCH(1–4). The exocyclic sequence itself, MCH(1–4, 15–17), had minimal activity, however. Substitution of Tyr11 with phenylalanine reduced the potency of the ring structure MCH(5–14) by about 4-fold. Substitution of Gly8 with D-alanine reduced the potency of MCH(5–14) 16-fold, while both substitutions together caused a still more marked reduction (200-fold) in bioactivity. Linearized fragments of MCH, extending from MCH(15–17) to [Cys(Acm)5,14]MCH(1–17), showed a progressive increase in potency. The linearized forms of MCH, MCH(5–17) and MCH(5–14), were approximately 100-fold or less potent than their cyclic forms. The significant increases in bioactivity produced by the addition of the C- and N-terminal exocyclic sequence even to these linearized forms further emphasizes the importance of these regions for interaction at the receptor site.  相似文献   

Iodinated 3beta-aryltropanes functionalized appropriately at the 2beta-, 8- and aryl positions display selective binding to either the dopamine or serotonin transporters.  相似文献   

Ibogaine, a hallucinogenic alkaloid proposed as a treatment for opiate withdrawal, has been shown to inhibit serotonin transporter (SERT) noncompetitively, in contrast to all other known inhibitors, which are competitive with substrate. Ibogaine binding to SERT increases accessibility in the permeation pathway connecting the substrate-binding site with the cytoplasm. Because of the structural similarity between ibogaine and serotonin, it had been suggested that ibogaine binds to the substrate site of SERT. The results presented here show that ibogaine binds to a distinct site, accessible from the cell exterior, to inhibit both serotonin transport and serotonin-induced ionic currents. Ibogaine noncompetitively inhibited transport by both SERT and the homologous dopamine transporter (DAT). Ibogaine blocked substrate-induced currents also in DAT and increased accessibility of the DAT cytoplasmic permeation pathway. When present on the cell exterior, ibogaine inhibited SERT substrate-induced currents, but not when it was introduced into the cytoplasm through the patch electrode. Similar to noncompetitive transport inhibition, the current block was not reversed by increasing substrate concentration. The kinetics of inhibitor binding and dissociation, as determined by their effect on SERT currents, indicated that ibogaine does not inhibit by forming a long-lived complex with SERT, but rather binds directly to the transporter in an inward-open conformation. A kinetic model for transport describing the noncompetitive action of ibogaine and the competitive action of cocaine accounts well for the results of the present study.  相似文献   

Structure-activity studies of melatonin analogues in prepubertal male rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparison has been made between the activity of the pineal hormone melatonin, and several analogues and metabolites in inhibiting sexual development in a protein-restricted prepubertal rat model. Eleven melatonin analogues or metabolites were tested with the aim of evaluating the model as a test of the hypothesis that melatonin acts as a prohormone and that the ring schism metabolites (kynurenamines) mediate many of the effects attributable to melatonin. Although the hypothesis could not be confirmed, modification of the melatonin structure by lengthening the acrylamide side chain or by replacing the 5 methoxy function with fluorine resulted in loss of biological potency. Modification of the melatonin structure to block the two known points of metabolism resulted in no significant alteration in biological activity. Thus 6-chloromelatonin (blocking 6-hydroxylation) and 2,3-dihydromelatonin (blocking oxidative cleavage of the C2-C3 bond) and 6-chloro-2,3-dihydromelatonin remained biologically active. The metabolic products of brain indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase, N-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxy kynurenamine (aFoMK) and N-acetyl-5-methoxy kynurenamine (aMK), paradoxically were also biologically active.  相似文献   

Most nucleosides in solution typically exist in equilibrium between two major sugar pucker forms, N-type and S-type, but bridged nucleosides can be locked into one of these conformations depending on their specific structure. While many groups have researched these bridged nucleosides for the purpose of determining their binding affinity for antisense applications, we opted to look into the potential for biological activity within these conformationally-locked structures. A small library of 2',4'- and 3',4'-bridged nucleoside analogues was synthesized, including a novel 3',4'-carbocyclic bridged system. The synthesized compounds were tested for antibacterial, antitumor, and antiviral activities, leading to the identification of nucleosides possessing such biological activities. To the best of our knowledge, these biologically active compounds represent the first example of 2',4'-bridged nucleosides to demonstrate such properties. The most potent compound, nucleoside 33, exhibited significant antiviral activity against pseudoviruses SF162 (IC(50)=7.0 μM) and HxB2 (IC(50)=2.4 μM). These findings render bridged nucleosides as credible leads for drug discovery in the anti-HIV area of research.  相似文献   

Structure-activity study at positions 3 and 4 of human neuropeptide S   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neuropeptide S (NPS) has been identified as the endogenous ligand of a previously orphan receptor now named NPSR. Previous studies demonstrated that the N-terminal sequence Phe(2)-Arg(3)-Asn(4) of the peptide is crucial for biological activity. Here, we report on a focused structure-activity study of Arg(3) and Asn(4) that have been replaced with a series of coded and non-coded amino acids. Thirty-eight human NPS analogues were synthesized and pharmacologically tested for intracellular calcium mobilization using HEK293 cells stably expressing the mouse NPSR. The results of this study demonstrated the following NPS position 3 structure-activity features: (i) the guanidine moiety and its basic character are not crucial requirements, (ii) an aliphatic amino acid with a linear three carbon atom long side chain is sufficient to bind and fully activate NPSR, (iii) the receptor pocket allocating the position 3 side chain can accommodate slightly larger side chains at least to a certain degree [hArg, Arg(NO2) or Arg(Me)2 but not Arg(Tos)]. Position 4 seems to be more sensitive to amino acids replacement compared to position 3; in fact, all the amino acid replacements investigated produced either an important decrease of biological activity or generated inactive derivatives suggesting a pivotal role of the Asn(4) side chain for NPS bioactivity.  相似文献   

A series of 3'-N-acyl-paclitaxel analogues 1a-v were synthesized and their cytotoxicities in vitro against several human tumor cell lines examined. It has been shown that distinct correlation between activity and N-acyl-substituent. The appropriate size of N-acyl group was indispensable for cytotoxicity, and moreover, the presence of beta-substituted conjugated double and triple bond to N-carbonyl generally resulted in increase of cytotoxicities.  相似文献   

A series of meperidine analogues was synthesized and the binding affinities for the dopamine and serotonin transporters were determined. The substituents on the phenyl ring greatly influenced the potency and selectivity of these compounds for the transporter binding sites. In general, meperidine (3) and its analogues were more selective for serotonin transporter binding sites and the esters 9 were more potent than the corresponding nitriles 8. The 3,4-dichloro derivative 9e was the most potent ligand of the series for dopamine transporter binding sites while the 2-naphthyl derivative 9g exhibited the most potent binding affinity and was highly selective for serotonin transporter binding sites.  相似文献   

Several researches have been devoted to structure-activity relationship and to post-SELEX modifications of the thrombin binding aptamer (TBA), one of the first aptamers discovered by the SELEX methodology. However, no studies on TBA dealing with the effects of introduction of inversion of polarity sites have been reported yet. In this frame, we have undertaken the synthesis and the study of a mini-library composed of several TBA analogues containing a 3'-3' or a 5'-5' inversion of polarity site at different positions into the sequence. Particularly, in this article, we present preliminary results about their structural and biological properties.  相似文献   

The mammalian serotonin transporters rSERT or hSERT were expressed in oocytes and labeled with sulforhodamine-MTS. The endogenous Cys-109 residue contributes most of the signal, and the labeled transporter shows normal function. The SERT fluorescence decreases in the presence of 5-HT and also depends on the inorganic substrates of SERT. The fluorescence also increases with membrane depolarization. During voltage-jump experiments, fluorescence relaxations show little inactivation or history dependence. The fluorescence signal has a voltage dependence similar to that of the prepriming step of the previously described voltage-dependent transient current. However, the fluorescence relaxations are the fastest voltage-dependent events yet studied at SERT; their time constants of approximately 8-30 ms are severalfold faster than the prepriming or inactivation phases of the transient currents. These fluorescence signals are interpreted within the framework of the gate-lumen-gate model. The signals may monitor initial events at the outer gate.  相似文献   

The tubulysins are an emerging antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) payload that maintain potent anti-proliferative activity against cells that exhibit the multi-drug resistant (MDR) phenotype. These drugs possess a C-11 acetate known to be hydrolytically unstable in plasma, and loss of the acetate significantly attenuates cytotoxicity. Structure-activity relationship studies were undertaken to identify stable C-11 tubulysin analogues that maintain affinity for tubulin and potent cytotoxicity. After identifying several C-11 alkoxy analogues that possess comparable biological activity to tubulysin M with significantly improved plasma stability, additional analogues of both the Ile residue and N-terminal position were synthesized. These studies revealed that minor changes within the tubulin binding site of tubulysin can profoundly alter the activity of this chemotype, particularly against MDR-positive cell types.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter regulation of bone metabolism has been a subject of increasing interest and investigation. Dopamine (DA) has been reported to have effects on calcium and phosphorus metabolism. The dopamine transporter (DAT) is believed to control the temporal and spatial activity of released DA by rapid uptake of the neurotransmitter into presynaptic terminals. We have evaluated the histologic and biomechanical properties of the skeleton in mice homozygous for deletion of the DA transporter gene (DAT (-/-)) to help delineate the role of DA in bone biology. We have demonstrated that DAT (-/-) mice have reduced bone mass and strength. DAT (-/-) animals have shorter femur length and dry weight, and lower ash calcium content. Cancellous bone volume in the DAT (-/-) proximal tibial metaphysis is significantly decreased with reduced trabecular thickness. DAT (-/-) vertebrae have lower cancellous bone volume as a consequence of increased trabecular spacing and reduced trabecular number, and cortical thickness and bone area in the femoral diaphysis are reduced. The ultimate bending load (femoral strength) for the DAT (-/-) mice is 30% lower than the wild-type mice. Thus, deletion of the DAT gene results in deficiencies in skeletal structure and integrity. Since serotonin (5-HT) plays a role as a regulator of craniofacial morphogenesis, we explored the expression and function of 5-HT receptors and the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) in bone. Primary cultures of rat osteoblasts (rOB) and a variety of clonal osteoblastic cell lines including ROS 17/2.8, UMR 106-H5 and Py1a show mRNA expression for the 5-HTT, and the 5-HT(1A), 5-HT(1D), 5-HT(2A) and 5-HT(2B) receptors by RT-PCR analysis and immunoblot. A relatively high density of nanomolar affinity 5-HTT binding sites is present in ROS 17/2.8 and UMR 106-H5 cells. The maximal [(3)H]5-HT uptake rate in ROS cells was 110 pmol/10 min/well, with a K(m) value of 1.13 microM. In normal differentiating rOB cultures, 5-HTT functional activity was observed initially at day 25, and activity increased by almost eight-fold at day 31. In mature rOB cultures, the estimated density of [(125)I]RTI-55 binding sites was 600 fmol/mg protein. PMA treatment caused a significant 40% reduction in the maximal uptake rate of [(3)H]5-HT, an effect prevented by pretreatment with staurosporine. 5-HT potentiates the PTH-induced increase in AP-1 activity in UMR 106-H5 cells. In 5-HTT (-/-) animals, cancellous bone volume (BV/TV) in the lumbar vertebrae is reduced, with a trend toward decreased trabecular thickness and trabecular number. These results demonstrate that osteoblastic cells express a functional serotonin system, with mechanisms for responding to and regulating uptake of 5-HT, and disruption of the 5-HTT gene may cause osteopenia.  相似文献   

A series of Milnacipran analogs with variation in the aromatic moiety were prepared in high enantiomeric excess. Structure-activity relationships for two parallel enantiomeric series are described. The (-)-(1R,2S)-naphthyl analog (8h) showed the highest potency in the two series and is a triple reuptake inhibitor of the SERT, NET, and DAT.  相似文献   

The noradrenaline, serotonin and dopamine transporters are three main transporters, which are the target of the antidepressant drugs. In the present study we demonstrate that the life-long deletion of the noradrenaline transporter (NET) induced up-regulation of two other monoamine transporters, dopamine and serotonin (DAT and SERT, respectively). An increase in the binding of [3H]paroxetine to the SERT and [3H]GBR12935 to the DAT was observed in various brain regions of NET-KO mice, without alterations of mRNA encoding these transporters, as measured by in situ hybridization. This important finding impacts the interpretation of previous data indicating the supersensitizity of NET-KO mice for psychostimulants or stronger effect of citalopram in behavioral tests. While using the NET-KO mice in various psychopharmacological studies is very important, one has to be aware that these mice lack NET from the earliest period of their existence, thus compensatory alterations do take place and have to be considered when it comes to interpretation of the obtained results.  相似文献   

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