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During the spring of 1994, we determined the factors responsiblefor the decline of the seasonal diatom bloom in the Gullmarfjord, on the west coast of Sweden. Four species constituted>75% of the biomass—Detonula confervacea, Chaetocerosdiadema, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii—reachingconcentrations of 4900, 350, 8200 and 270 cells ml–1,respectively. Growth of phytoplankton was exponential (growthrate = 0.12 day–1) from 3 to 21 March, after which a galewith winds >15 m s–1 caused massive aggregation. Amaximum of 130 p.p.m. (v/v) of marine snow aggregates was observedby in situ video at the peak of the bloom. Critical concentrations(Jackson, Deep-Sea Res., 37, 1197–1211, 1990) were similarto observed showing that coagulation theory could explain thesudden decline of the bloom. The heterotrophic dinoflagellateGyrodinium cf. spirale increased exponentially after the peakof the bloom with maximum (temperature-adjusted) growth rates.After the rapid aggregation and sedimentation of the bloom,they were able to control any further growth of diatoms. Nitrateand silicate were never depleted, but phosphate may have beenlimiting by the end of the study period. We conclude that massaggregation during a gale marked the end of the bloom, and thatintense grazing by heterotrophic dinoflagellates prevented anysubsequent increase of diatoms.  相似文献   

Flocculation of ‘sticky’ phytoplankton cells intorapidly sinking aggregates has been invoked as a mechanism explainingmass sedimentation of phytoplankton blooms in the ocean. Phytoplanktonstickiness, defined as the probability of adhesion upon collision,is one key factor determining the potential for aggregate formation.In the laboratory, we examined variation in stickiness in fivespecies of diatoms and two species of flagellates grown in batchcultures. We also investigated the production of paniculatemucus by phytoplankton cells and its role in aggregate formation,and we studied the effects of solute exudates on cell stickiness.Four of the five diatoms investigated were significantly sticky,while one diatom and both of the flagellates were not sticky.Stickiness varied considerably within species. In the diatomSkeletonema costatum, the typical but not entirely consistentpattern was that stickiness decreased with age of the batchcultures. We were otherwise unable to establish consistent relationshipsbetween cell stickiness and the growth stage of the algae, environmentalconcentrations of inorganic nutrients, and abundances of suspendedand epiphytic bacteria. We showed that the diatom S.costatumat times excretes a solute substance that depresses flocculation.This may reduce cell losses from the euphotic zone during thegrowth phase due to flocculation and sedimentation. We demonstratedtwo different mechanisms of phytoplankton aggregate formation.In the diatom S.costatum, the cells are sticky in themselves,and coagulation depends on cell-cell sticking and does not involvemucus. Aggregates are composed solely of cells. Cells of thediatom Chaetoceros affinis, on the other hand, are not in themselvessticky. Transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP), produced bythe diatom, cause the cells to aggregate and coagulation dependson TEP-cell rather than cell-cell sticking. Aggregates are formedof a mixture of mucus and cells. We found several species ofdiatoms and one flagellate species to produce copious amountsof TEP. TEP from some species (e.g. Coscinodiscus sp.) is stickyand may cause other, non-sticky particles to coagulate. Thisemphasizes the potential importance of diatom-derived paniculatemucus for particle flocculation in the ocean.  相似文献   

The abundance, size distribution and bacterial colonizationof transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) were monitored inthe Kattegat (Denmark) at weekly intervals throughout the spring(February-May) encompassing the spring diatom bloom. These recentlydiscovered particles are believed to be formed from colloidalorganic material exuded by phytoplankton and bacteria, and mayhave significant implications for pelagic flux processes. Duringthis study, the number concentration of TEP (>1 µm)ranged from 3 x 103 to 6 x 104 ml–1 and the volume concentrationbetween 0.3 and 9.0 p.p.m.; they were most abundant in the surfacewaters subsequent to the spring phytoplankton bloom. The rangeof TEP (encased) volume concentration was similar to that ofthe phytoplankton, although at times TEP volume concentrationexceeded that of the phytoplankton by two orders of magnitude.The TEP size distribution followed a power law, with the abundanceof particles scaling with particle diameter–(ß+1).The seasonal average estimate of ß (2.3) was not significantlydifferent from three, consistent with TEP being formed by shearcoagulation from smaller particles. However, date-specific estimatesof ß differed significantly from three, probably becauseTEP are fractal. All TEP were colonized by bacteria, and bacteriawere both attached to the surface of and embedded in TEP. Yetthe number of attached bacteria per TEP was related neitherto the surface area nor the volume, but rather scaled with TEPsize raised to an exponent of  相似文献   

The microbial dynamics during a spring diatom bloom declinewas monitored in the Northeast Atlantic during a 5-day Lagrangianstudy (8–12 April 2002). Phytoplankton abundance, compositionand health status were related to viral and bacterial abundance,zooplankton abundance and grazing rates, as well as bacterialproduction. Phytoplankton reached maximum concentration on Day3 (Chl a >5 µg L–1) and declined on Day 5 (Chla 2 µg L–1) and was dominated (70% of Chl a) bydiatoms. Bacterial production increased substantially to >20µg C L–1 day–1 on Day 3 and concomitantlylarge viruses decreased in number by half to <10 x 103 mL–1.This was followed by a 5-fold increase in large viruses on Day5, indicating infection and subsequent lysis on Days 3 and 5,respectively. Micro- and mesozooplankton grazing were not theprincipal cause for the decline of the bloom and pheophorbide-ashowing little variation in concentration from Days 1–4(100 ng L–1) although doubled on Day 5. The poor physiologicalstatus of the diatoms, indicated by the high chlorophyllide-aconcentrations (50–480 ng L–1), likely promoteda series of closely interrelated events involving bacteria andviruses leading to the demise of the diatom bloom.  相似文献   

Changes in the elemental composition of the diatom Asterionellaformosa within mixed phytoplankton samples were determined overthe spring bloom period using energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis.Using a 10 kV electron microprobe, X-ray information from thetop 1–2 µm of the cell revealed overall mean concentrationsof: Si (4636 mmol kg–1 dry wt), P (82), S (54), Cl (71)K (94) and Ca (90). Concentrations of all elements showed widevariation within each date sample, with unimodal frequency distributionsapproximating to a Normal distribution. Correlation of the entiredata set demonstrated clear statistical associations betweenelements, including Si, P and K. Uptake of Si during the courseof the diatom bloom led to a major fall in lake water concentration(1.0 to 0.07 mg l–1), which correlated with a decreasein the mean cell Si concentration (6735 to 3107 mmol kg–1dry wt) during the final phase of the bloom. Mean cell concentrationsof P and K also showed marked decreases with time, in closeparallel with cell Si. These changes in P and K were attributedto the high level of internal correlation with Si and not toany significant decrease in P and K availability in the environment.  相似文献   

The abundance of the marine phototrophic planktonic ciliateMesodinium rubrum was monitored throughout an annual cycle attwo stations in the Southampton Water estuary. Seasonal changesin the concentration of nitrate, ammonia and phosphate weremonitored both at the inner estuary station (NW Netley) andouter estuary station (Calshot). Nutrient levels in the winterwere similar at both stations, and were diminished during sequentialdiatom blooms dominated initially by Sketetonema costatum andthen by Rhizosolenia dclicatula. Nitrate was reduced to a seasonalminimum in the outer estuary following these spring diatom blooms,but in the inner estuary was sustained >500 µg I–1until the onset of the M.rubrum bloom. During the developmentof a visible red tide of M.rubrum in June/July at NW Netley,nutrient concentrations were considerably reduced. Cell numbersof M.rubrum varied between 2 and 3 cells ml during winterto >400 cells ml–1 during the bloom at NW Netley, whereasat Calshot cell abundance did not increase above 25 cells ml–1at any time of the year. At NW Netley, dense accumulations ofthe ciliate occurred over restricted depth intervals duringthe bloom and possible factors influencing the observed verticaldistribution of cells are considered. 1Present address: Biology Department, Faculty of Science, AddisAbaba University, PO Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia  相似文献   

Phytoplankton produce large amounts of polysaccharide gel material known as transparent exopolymer particles (TEP). We investigated the potential links between phytoplankton-derived TEP and microbial community structure in the sea surface microlayer and underlying water at the English Channel time-series station L4 during a spring diatom bloom, and in two adjacent estuaries. Major changes in bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton community structure occurred after the peak of the spring bloom at L4, and coincided with the significant decline of microlayer and water column TEP. Increased abundance of Flavobacteriales and Rhodobacterales in bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton communities at L4 was significantly related to the TEP decline, indicating that both taxa could be responsible. The results suggest that TEP is an important factor in determining microbial diversity in coastal waters, and that TEP utilisation could be a niche occupied by Flavobacteriales and Rhodobacterales.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the salp Thetys vagina was observed in theJapan Sea during spring 2004. Catches up to 187 kg wet weight(WW) per 2.18 x 105 m3 (equal to 0.9 g WW m–3) were collectedwith 10-m diameter surface-water otter trawl nets. The horizontaldistribution indicated that the high biomass was related tothe area with high chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, whichwas located around the subarctic front with the warm TsushimaCurrent. Five prey taxa were identified from the gut contentsof individuals from the high Chl a area. The diatom Coscinodiscusspp. (13–55 µm in diameter) dominated numerically.Another significant prey was the large diatom Coscinodiscuswailesii (219–313 µm) that is an indicator of thespring bloom in this area. The mass occurrence of T. vaginathus appears related to phytoplankton availability, though themechanisms remain uncertain.  相似文献   

Results are presented on the phytoplankton species compositionand abundance from bottle samples collected in September 1989near the confluence of the Brazil and Malvinas currents offArgentina. The phytoplankton assemblages were dominated by diatomsand dinoflagellates. A surface diatom bloom was found alongthe west side of the Brazil Current, and was dominated by Thalassiosiradelicatula Ostenfeld emend. Hasle (cell numbers up to 5.5 x105 cells 1–1) The bloom was associated with strong temperaturegradients separating Brazil and Malvinas waters, and with thepresence of a cyclonic eddy near the confluence of the currents.These features were detected in satellite imagery coincidentwith the in situ sampling dates.  相似文献   

To assess the role of viruses in the bloom dynamics of Micromonaspusilla in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea), variationsof host and virus abundance were followed over one annual cycleand in late winter–spring of three consecutive years.Micromonas pusilla was recorded from autumn to spring, withpeak values up to 6.6 x 103 cells ml–1, but was undetectablein summer. Free M.pusilla viruses were detectable in all seasons,with concentrations from 0.02 viruses ml–1 to 1.9 x 103viruses ml–1, exceeding host abundances only in one case.We found a great intraspecific variability in host susceptibilityto viruses present in natural samples, with viral titres rangingover one or two orders of magnitude for the same samples incubatedon different M.pusilla strains. Over the winter–springperiods, a highly dynamic situation was evident, with wide fluctuationsfor both host and virus abundances from one week to another.In some cases, peak host concentrations were accompanied byan increase in viral numbers, whereas in other cases the respectivefluctuations were uncoupled. Although fluctuations of M.pusillaabundance could be influenced by viral infection, there wasno evidence that viruses were able to terminate host blooms.The summer decline of M.pusilla populations did not appear tobe related to the impact of viral infection.  相似文献   

Herbivory of Mnemiopsis leidyi and its interactions with phytoplanktonand non-gelatinous zooplankton were examined in small-scalemicrocosm experiments. Clearance rates for M. leidyi incubatedwith phytoplankton were generally negative, but ranged up to4.5 1 ctenophore–1 day–1 when the large (80 µmø) diatom Ditylum brightwelli was offered as a food source.These highest ingestion rates would provide Mnemiopsis withonly 21 % of its daily carbon requirements for respiration.Mean shrinkage of M. leidyi was 8.2–51% when incubatedwith phytoplankton. Although M. leidyi neither fed activelyon phytoplankton, nor satisfied its nutritional needs on sucha diet, the chain-forming diatom Skeletonema costatum becameentangled in mucus strands and balls produced by M. leidyi inthe absence of zooplankton. Attachment onto mucus occurred atphytoplankton concentrations commonly observed in NarragansettBay and may be important in the formation of "marine snow" duringsummer M. leidyi pulses; phytoplankton sinking rate and the"package size" available to herbivores would also be affected.The experiments support our previous hypothesis based on fieldobservations in Narragansett Bay that M. leidyi indirectly regulatesphytoplankton abundance there during the summer bloom as a consequenceof predation on zooplankton. The extent to which M. leidyi influencedphytoplankton dynamics in the microcosms was dependent on therelative abundance and physiological state of the three trophiclevels. A food web diagram for M. leidyi is presented.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundance and [3H]thymidine incorporation rates wereused to characterize bacterial distributions and dynamics duringa spring diatom bloom in the coastal plume of the Hudson Riverduring March, 1981. Bacterial abundance did not decline significantlyaway from the plume or across the continental shelf. However,a pronounced gradient was observed for [3H]thymidine incorporation. Following a northeast gale, a bloom of Skeletonema costatumdeveloped in response to coastal upwelling. As the plume becamesaltier, warmer and larger, bacterial abundance averaged 1.3x 109 cells 1–1. Bacterial incorporation of [3H]thymidineinto cold 5% TCA insoluble materials, bacterial production andspecific growth rates averaged 80–120 pmol 1–1 d–1,1.4–2.0 x 109 cells 1–1 and 1.2–1.5 d–1.respectively. The mean density of bacteria in the plume didnot change even though growth rates were higher than expectedlosses from sinking, mixing and export. The abundance and production levels of attached bacteria inthe plume were significantly higher than they were in coastalwater outside the plume. In contrast, free bacterial levelswere similar in all regions of the shelf and plume. Bacterialparameters in the plume were not correlated with phytoplanktonpigment concentrations, while significant positive correlationswere found in shelf waters >33 salinity. Thus bacteria werecoupled to phytoplankton in shelf waters but not in the plumewhere allochthonous dissolved matter was probably supportingthe bacteria. *Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Contribution No. 3459 2Present address: Department of Microbiology, University ofGeorgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA.  相似文献   

The predation impact of Cyclops vicinus on rotifers was studiedunder near-natural conditions in small enclosures to evaluatewhether copepod predation is responsible for the decline ofrotifers in Lake Constance in spring. Cyclops vicinus fed selectivelyon Synchaeta spp.; Keratella and Polyarthra spp. were not selectedfor. Predation rates increased with prey density up to a maximumof 37 Synchueta day–1 at a density of 1.6 x 106 Synchaetam–2, i.e. at -1200 Synchaeta l–1. Calculation ofcropping rates suggests that Cyclops alone can control the abundanceof Synchaeta in spring, i.e. that mainly Cyclops is responsiblefor the decline of Synchaeta species in Lake Constance in May.  相似文献   

Fluxes of diatoms in the Dona Paula Bay, west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment traps were deployed at a station in the Dona PaulaBay to collect sedimenting particles at weekly intervals fromNovember to May during 1995–1997. Sedimented particleswere analysed for total diatom flux, chlorophyll a (Chl a) andparticulate organic carbon (POC). The highest diatom flux wasrecorded in April–May for both the years. Fluxes of diatomsvaried from0.6 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (November 1995)to 121.47 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (December 1996).In all, 19 diatom genera were identified in the sedimented material.Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma, Licmophora, Coscinodiscus,Rhizosolenia and Surirella were the most abundant genera inthe sedimented material throughout the sampling period. Meanflux of POC and diatom carbon was 251 and 0.39 mg C m–2day–1, respectively. The diatom carbon accounted for 0.15%of the POC flux. Mass flux of diatoms showed significant negativecorrelation with the concentration of nitrate and phosphate.This suggests that the nutrient concentration played an importantrole in influencing the sedimentation of diatoms at this coastalstation.  相似文献   

The distinct patterns of stratification in the North Channeland stratified region of the western Irish Sea influence theseasonal abundance of phytoplankton. The 3–4 month productionseason in the stratified region was characterized by productionand biomass peaks in the spring (up to 2378 mg C m2 day–1and 178.4 mg chlorophyll m–2) and autumn (up to 1280 mgC m–2 day–1 and 101.9 mg chlorophyll m–2).Phytoplankton in the North Channel exhibited a short, late productionseason with a single summer (June/July) peak in production (4483mg Cm–2 day–1) and biomass (–160.6 mg chlorophyllm–2). These differences have little influence on copepoddynamics. Both regions supported recurrent annual cycles ofcopepod abundance with similar seasonal maxima (182.8–241.8103ind. m–2) and dominant species (Pseudocalanus elongatusand Acartia clausi). Specific rates of population increase inthe spring were 0.071 and 0.048 day1 for the North Channel andstratified region, respectively. Increased copepod abundancein the stratified region coincided with the spring bloom, andwas significantly correlated with chlorophyll standing stock.Increased copepod abundance preceded the summer production peakin the North Channel. This increase was not correlated withchlorophyll standing crop, suggesting that a food resource otherthan phytoplankton may be responsible for the onset of copepodproduction prior to the spring bloom. Hetero-trophic microplanktonas an alternative food source, and advection of copepods fromthe stratified region, are proposed as possible explanationsfor copepod abundance increasing in advance of the summer peakin primary production.  相似文献   

The investigation was carried out at one station in Korsfjorden,a typical deep silled fjord of western Norway. During 14 cruisesfrom 4 February to 30 June 1977 ATP, chlorophll a, phaeopigmenta, and in situ 14C-assimilation were measured in the net (>30µm), nano and ultraplankton (<5 µm). Sampleswere collected from five light depths within euphotic zone.The impact of hydrographical conditions and light regime onthe bloom dynamics was also studied. In the periods 4 February-7 March and 13 April-30 June, ultraplankton contributed >60%to the total primary production while net and nanoplankton dominatedfrom 7 March to 13 April. The diatoms Skeletonema costatum,Chaetoceros compressits and C. debilis, and Rhizosolenia hebetatavar. semispina made up the main part of the biomass on 21 March,28 March and 4 April respectively. A shade adapted diatom societywas located at the top of the nutricline in late June with S.costatum, Chaetoceros spp., and Thalassiosira spp. as the dominantspecies. The highest assimilation number of eight for the netplankton and four for the ultraplankton were found at the depthof 32% light intensity on 28 March and 24 May respectively.Linear relationships were found between chlorophyll a and ATPfor the different size fractions with regression slopes rangingfrom 4.3 to 5.8. The total primary production for the periodof investigation was calculated to 74 g C m–2. Light regimeand water column stability were decisive factors for the outburstof the first diatom bloom in late March. Grazing on net planktondiatoms increased during late March-early April. Changes inthe longshore wind-stress component were found to be essentialfor the understanding of the bloom dynamics.  相似文献   

Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) are recognized to playan important role in the flux of exported carbon to the deepocean. However, there is little information on how TEP standingstocks are affected by different hydrographic conditions andother relevant ecological factors in situ. This lack of knowledgeis particularly serious for the Southern Ocean. During Australsummer 1999, the Strait of Bransfield presented high mesoscalevariability. Two fronts were present, the Bransfield hydrographicfront and a slope front along the South Shetland Islands andseveral mesoscale anticyclonic eddies and/or frontal meanders.The spatial distributions of biological properties were largelyaffected by this complex hydrography. Chlorophyll a (Chl a)(0.05–4.81 µg L–1), TEP (from undetectableto 346 µg GXeq L–1) and heterotrophic bacteria (HB)(1.7–9.4 x 105 cells mL–1) were positively correlateddespite the wide hydrographic heterogeneity of the BransfieldStrait. Higher abundances of autotrophic biomass, and correspondlyhigher TEP and heterotrophic bacteria (HB), were found in themore stratified waters. TEP spatial distribution was mostlyrelated to the abundance of autotrophic biomass although localhigh TEP concentrations were not matched by similarly high valuesof Chl a in some areas where diatoms were relatively abundant.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to investigate whether processes relatedto zooplankton feeding have a positive effect on bacterial growth.Bacterial abundance and [3H]thymidine incorporation rates werefollowed in grazer-free batch cultures originally containingeither Scenedesmus quadricauda or Rhodomonas lacustris as foodsources, and Daphnia cucullata or Eudiaptomus graciloides asgrazers. Compared with controls lacking either animals or algae,a significantly higher bacterial abundance and productivityoccurred in cultures which contained both phyto- and zoo-plankton.The same experimental methodology was tested during the declineof a diatom spring bloom in a eutrophic, temperate lake. A significantincrease in bacterial biomass was observed due to the grazingactivity of in situ mesozooplankters during the clear-waterphase. Our results demonstrated that the dissolved carbon pathwayfrom mesozooplankton to bacteria averaged 57% (26–78%)of the algal carbon filtered from suspension.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll (Chl) a was measured every 10 m from 0 to 150 min the Transition Domain (TD), located between 37 and 45°N,and from 160°E to 160°W, in May and June (Leg 1) andin June and July (Leg 2), 1993–96. Total Chl a standingstocks integrated from 0 to 150 m were mostly within the rangeof 20 and 50 mg m–2. High standing stocks (>50 mg m–2)were generally observed westof 180°, with the exceptionof the sporadic high values at the easternmost station. Thetotal Chl a standing stock tended to be higher in the westernTD (160°E–172°30'E) than in the central (175°E–175°W)and eastern (170°W–160°W) TD on Leg 1, but thesame result was not observed on Leg 2. It was likely that largephytoplankton (2–10 and >10 µm fractions) contributedto the high total Chl a standing stock. We suggest that thehigh total Chl a standing stock on Leg 1, in late spring andearly summer, reflects the contribution of the spring bloomin the subarctic region of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Thedistribution of total Chl a standing stock on Leg 2 was scarcelyaffected by the spring phytoplankton bloom, suggesting thattotal Chl a standing stock is basically nearly uniform in theTD in spring and summer. Moreover, year-to-year variation inthe total Chl a standing stock was observed in the western TDon Leg 1, suggesting that phytoplankton productivity and/orthe timing of the main period of the bloom exhibits interannualvariations.  相似文献   

The growth of a natural phytoplankton population was studiedduring a monospecific spring bloom of the diatom Rhizosoleniadelicatula at Roscoff (western English Channel). Direct examinationof the intracellular pool of 19 free amino acids (FAA) was usedas an index of the physiological status of the cells. TotalFAA in the particulate matter shows a general decrease duringthe bloom, and FAA cell content varies from 200 mM 1 cell volume–1to 10 mM at the time of maximum biomass. FAA-N/particulate Nis <3% during the study, slightly decreasing at the timeof maximum biomass. Individual free amino acids appear reliablefor the development of the diatom biomass and good indicatorsof the growing population. At maximum biomass, major compoundsare glutamic acid (30.8 mol%), glutamine (11.7%), alanine (9.9%),isoleucine (6.6%) and lysine (6.4%). Serine, glycine, arginineand aspartic acid appear also as major components during otherperiods of the study. We suggest that the observed changes arean indication of the physiological state of the cells duringthe bloom. In particular glutamine (GLN), glutamic acid (GLU)and the GLN/GLU ratio allow the metabolic evolution of the naturalpopulation to be characterized. GLN is strictly linked to theliving biomass (Chla) while GLU is present at high percentagethroughout the study. The ecological significance of ß-alanine(BALA) is also revealed during this study, being strongly correlatedto degraded matter represented by phaeopigments. These resultsdemonstrate the validity of using individual free amino acidsas an aid in understanding the physiological status of algaein natural bloom conditions.  相似文献   

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