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Orthologous regions in barley, rice, sorghum, and wheat were studied by bacterial artificial chromosome sequence analysis. General microcolinearity was observed for the four shared genes in this region. However, three genic rearrangements were observed. First, the rice region contains a cluster of 48 predicted small nucleolar RNA genes, but the comparable region from sorghum contains no homologous loci. Second, gene 2 was inverted in the barley lineage by an apparent unequal recombination after the ancestors of barley and wheat diverged, 11-15 million years ago (mya). Third, gene 4 underwent direct tandem duplication in a common ancestor of barley and wheat 29-41 mya. All four of the shared genes show the same synonymous substitution rate, but nonsynonymous substitution rates show significant variations between genes 4a and 4b, suggesting that gene 4b was largely released from the strong purifying selection that acts on gene 4a in both barley and wheat. Intergenic retrotransposon blocks, many of them organized as nested insertions, mostly account for the lower gene density of the barley and wheat regions. All but two of the retrotransposons were found in the regions between genes, while all but 2 of the 51 inverted repeat transposable elements were found as insertions in genic regions and outside the retrotransposon blocks.  相似文献   

Sequence comparison of orthologous regions enables estimation of the divergence between genomes, analysis of their evolution and detection of particular features of the genomes, such as sequence rearrangements and transposable elements. Despite the economic importance of Coffea species, little genomic information is currently available. Coffea is a relatively young genus that includes more than one hundred diploid species and a single tetraploid species. Three Coffea orthologous regions of 470-900 kb were analyzed and compared: both subgenomes of allotetraploid Coffea arabica (contributed by the diploid species Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canephora) and the genome of diploid C. canephora. Sequence divergence was calculated on global alignments or on coding and non-coding sequences separately. A search for transposable elements detected 43 retrotransposons and 198 transposons in the sequences analyzed. Comparative insertion analysis made it possible to locate 165 TE insertions in the phylogenetic tree of the three genomes/subgenomes. In the tetraploid C. arabica, a homoeologous non-reciprocal transposition (HNRT) was detected and characterized: a 50 kb region of the C. eugenioides derived subgenome replaced the C. canephora derived counterpart. Comparative sequence analysis on three Coffea genomes/subgenomes revealed almost perfect gene synteny, low sequence divergence and a high number of shared transposable elements. Compared to the results of similar analysis in other genera (Aegilops/Triticum and Oryza), Coffea genomes/subgenomes appeared to be dramatically less diverged, which is consistent with the relatively recent radiation of the Coffea genus. Based on nucleotide substitution frequency, the HNRT was dated at 10,000-50,000 years BP, which is also the most recent estimation of the origin of C. arabica.  相似文献   

Birds are characterised by feathers, flight, a small genome and a very distinctive karyotype. Despite the large numbers of chromosomes, the diploid count of 2n approximately 80 has remained remarkably constant with 63% of birds where 2n = 74-86, 24% with 2n = 66-74 and extremes of 2n = 40 and 2n = 142. Of these, the most studied is the chicken (2n = 78), and molecular cytogenetic probes generated from this species have been used to further understand the evolution of the avian genome. The ancestral karyotype is, it appears, very similar to that of the chicken, with chicken chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4q, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4p and Z representing the ancestral avian chromosomes 1-10 + Z; chromosome 4 being the most ancient. Avian evolution occurred primarily in three stages: the divergence of the group represented by extant ratites (emu, ostrich etc.) from the rest; divergence of the Galloanserae (chicken, turkey, duck, goose etc.)--the most studied group; and divergence of the 'land' and 'water' higher birds. Other than sex chromosome differentiation in the first divergence there are no specific changes associated with any of these evolutionary milestones although certain families and orders have undergone multiple fusions (and some fissions), which has reduced their chromosome number; the Falconiformes are the best described. Most changes, overall, seem to involve chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 10 and Z where the Z changes are intrachromosomal; there are also some recurring (convergent) events. Of these, the most puzzling involves chromosomes 4 and 10, which appear to have undergone multiple fissions and/or fusions throughout evolution - three possible hypotheses are presented to explain the findings. We conclude by speculating as to the reasons for the strange behaviour of these chromosomes as well as the role of telomeres and nuclear organisation in avian evolution.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) has been determined. It is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule, 141,182 bp in size, and is composed of a large single copy of 83,048 bp, a small single copy of 12,544 bp, and a pair of inverted repeat regions of 22,795 bp each. A comparative analysis among monocots showed that the sugarcane chloroplast genome was very similar to maize but not to rice or wheat. Between sugarcane and maize at the rps16-trnQ (UUG) region, however, a length polymorphism was identified. With regard to insertions/deletions equal to or longer than 5 bp, a total of 53 insertion and 31 deletion events were identified in the sugarcane chloroplast genome. Of the 84 loci identified, a pair of direct repeat sequences was located side by side in a tandem fashion in 47 loci (56.0%). A recombination event during plant evolution is discussed at two sites between the sugarcane and tobacco chloroplast genomes.  相似文献   

A "gene-island" sequencing strategy has been developed that expedites the targeted acquisition of orthologous gene sequences from related species for comparative genome analysis. A 152-kb bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) encoding phytochrome A (PHYA) was fully sequenced, revealing 16 open reading frames with a gene density similar to many regions of the rice (Oryza sativa) genome. The sequences of genes in the orthologous region of the maize (Zea mays) and rice genomes were obtained using the gene-island sequencing method. BAC clones containing the orthologous maize and rice PHYA genes were identified, sheared, subcloned, and probed with the sorghum PHYA-containing BAC DNA. Sequence analysis revealed that approximately 75% of the cross-hybridizing subclones contained sequences orthologous to those within the sorghum PHYA BAC and less than 25% contained repetitive and/or BAC vector DNA sequences. The complete sequence of four genes, including up to 1 kb of their promoter regions, was identified in the maize PHYA BAC. Nine orthologous gene sequences were identified in the rice PHYA BAC. Sequence comparison of the orthologous sorghum and maize genes aided in the identification of exons and conserved regulatory sequences flanking each open reading frame. Within genomic regions where micro-colinearity of genes is absolutely conserved, gene-island sequencing is a particularly useful tool for comparative analysis of genomes between related species.  相似文献   

Comparative sequence analysis is contributing to the identification and characterization of genomic regulatory regions with functional roles. It is effective because functionally important regions tend to evolve at a slower rate than do less important regions. The choice of species for comparative analysis is crucial: shared ancestry of a clade of species facilitates the discovery of genomic features important to that clade, whereas increased sequence divergence improves the resolution at which features can be discovered. Recent studies suggest that comparative analyses are useful for all branches of life and that, in the near future, large-scale mammalian comparative sequence analysis will provide the best approach for the comprehensive discovery of human regulatory elements.  相似文献   

J. A. Bietz 《Biochemical genetics》1982,20(11-12):1039-1053
Prolamin mixtures were isolated from oats, rice, normal and high-lysine sorghum, two varieties of pearl millet, two strains of teosinte, and gamma grass and subjected to NH2-terminal amino acid sequence determinations. In each case (except for rice, whose prolamins apparently have blocked or unavailable NH2-terminal residues), primarily a single sequence was observed despite significant heterogeneity, suggesting that prolamin homology in each cereal arose through duplication and mutation of a single ancestral gene. Comparisons were then made to prolamin sequences previously determined for wheat, corn, barley, and rye. Within genera, different varieties or subspecies exhibited few differences, but more distantly related genera, subtribes, and tribes showed increasingly large differences. Within the subfamily Festucoideae, no homology was apparent between prolamins of oats and those of the subtribe Triticinae (including wheat, rye, and barley, for which prolamin homology was previously demonstrated). Within the subfamily Panicoideae, corn was shown to be closely related to teosinte but more distantly to Tripsacum. Sorghum was shown to have diverged less from corn than had millet. These comparisons demonstrate that prolamin sequence analyses can successfully predict and clarify evolutionary relationships of cereals.  相似文献   

To study genome evolution in wheat, we have sequenced and compared two large physical contigs of 285 and 142 kb covering orthologous low molecular weight (LMW) glutenin loci on chromosome 1AS of a diploid wheat species (Triticum monococcum subsp monococcum) and a tetraploid wheat species (Triticum turgidum subsp durum). Sequence conservation between the two species was restricted to small regions containing the orthologous LMW glutenin genes, whereas >90% of the compared sequences were not conserved. Dramatic sequence rearrangements occurred in the regions rich in repetitive elements. Dating of long terminal repeat retrotransposon insertions revealed different insertion events occurring during the last 5.5 million years in both species. These insertions are partially responsible for the lack of homology between the intergenic regions. In addition, the gene space was conserved only partially, because different predicted genes were identified on both contigs. Duplications and deletions of large fragments that might be attributable to illegitimate recombination also have contributed to the differentiation of this region in both species. The striking differences in the intergenic landscape between the A and A(m) genomes that diverged 1 to 3 million years ago provide evidence for a dynamic and rapid genome evolution in wheat species.  相似文献   

The concept of a minimal ribosomal RNA-containing ribosome, a structure with a minimal set of elements capable of providing protein biosynthesis, is essential for understanding this fundamental cellular process. Nematodes and trypanosomes have minimal mitochondrial rRNAs and detailed reconstructions of their secondary structures indicate that certain conserved helices have been lost in these taxa. In contrast, several recent studies on acariform mites have argued that minimal rRNAs may evolve via shortening of secondary structure elements but not the loss of these elements as shown for trypanosomes and nematodes. Based on extensive structural analysis of chelicerate arthropods, we demonstrate that extremely short rRNAs of acariform mites share certain structural modifications with nematodes and trypanosomes: loss of helices of the GTPase region and divergence in the evolutionarily conserved connecting loop between helices H1648 and H1764 of the large subunit rRNA. These highly concerted parallel modifications indicate that minimal rRNAs were generated under the strong selection that favored or tolerated reductions of helices in particular locations while maintaining the functionality of the rRNA molecules throughout evolution. We also discuss potential evolution of minimal rRNAs and atypical transfer RNAs.  相似文献   

Two genetic markers, BCD135 and RZ567 were used to select clones from genomic BAC libraries of barley and rice for sequencing and subsequent sequence comparisons. A set of two orthologous BACs each from barley and rice was selected by hybridization with BCD135 and RZ567 cDNA probes. A total of 556-kb stretch including two barley BACs (773K135 and 745C13) and two orthologous rice BACs (24K23 and 49D11) was completely sequenced. Comparative sequence analysis between orthologous BACs from the two species revealed presence of two conserved genes at BCD135 region and only one gene at the RZ567 regions. The two conserved genes were in the same order and orientation in both the species however, separated by significantly larger distance in barley. The larger distance between two barley genes was mainly due to presence of different retrotransposable elements and their derivatives (78.9% of the intergenic region) that expanded the barley BCD135 region at the rate of 9.1X. An additional gene of unknown function was also inserted along with several retrotransposable elements between two conserved genes at barley BCD135 region. More genome expansion rate (10X) around barley RZ567 locus was estimated by extremely high proportion (> 70%) of retrotransposons. Among different retrotransposons, the Sabrina elements rather than BARE were more prevalent in both the regions. Contrary to it, the BCD135 region of rice was composed of only 17.1% retrotransposable elements and no significant retrotransposons except 14 miniature inverted transposable elements (MITEs) were observed in its RZ567 region. The sequence comparison between orthologous regions of rice and barley genomes was useful for gene identification and determination of individual gene structure indicating the possibility of effective utilization of rice genome sequences in understanding the large genome of barley. (The sequence data described in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank data library under the accession no. AF474072 (773K14), AF474071 (745C13), AF480497 (24K23) and AF480496 (49D11)).  相似文献   

T Huotari  H Korpelainen 《Gene》2012,508(1):96-105
Elodea canadensis is an aquatic angiosperm native to North America. It has attracted great attention due to its invasive nature when transported to new areas in its non-native range. We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast (cp) genome of Elodea. Taxonomically Elodea is a basal monocot, and only few monocot cp genomes representing early lineages of monocots have been sequenced so far. The genome is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule 156,700bp in length, and has a typical structure with large (LSC 86,194bp) and small (SSC 17,810bp) single-copy regions separated by a pair of inverted repeats (IRs 26,348bp each). The Elodea cp genome contains 113 unique genes and 16 duplicated genes in the IR regions. A comparative analysis showed that the gene order and organization of the Elodea cp genome is almost identical to that of Amborella trichopoda, a basal angiosperm. The structure of IRs in Elodea is unique among monocot species with the whole cp genome sequenced. In Elodea and another monocot Lemna minor the borders between IRs and LSC are located upstream of rps19 gene and downstream of trnH-GUG gene, while in most monocots, IR has extended to include both trnH and rps19 genes. A phylogenetic analysis conducted using Bayesian method, based on the DNA sequences of 81 chloroplast genes from 17 monocot taxa provided support for the placement of Elodea together with Lemna as a basal monocot and the next diverging lineage of monocots after Acorales. In comparison with other monocots, the Elodea cp genome has gone through only few rearrangements or gene losses. IR of Elodea has a unique structure among the monocot species studied so far as its structure is similar to that of a basal angiosperm Amborella. This result together with phylogenetic analyses supports the placement of Elodea as a basal monocot to the next diverging lineage of monocots after Acorales. So far, only few cp genomes representing early lineages of monocots have been sequenced and, therefore, this study provides valuable information about the course of evolution in divergence of monocot lineages.  相似文献   

A strong postzygotic reproductive barrier separates the recently diverged Asian and African cultivated rice species, Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima. Recently a model of genetic incompatibilities between three adjacent loci: S(1)A, S(1) and S(1)B (called together the S(1) regions) interacting epistatically, was postulated to cause the allelic elimination of female gametes in interspecific hybrids. Two candidate factors for the S(1) locus (including a putative F-box gene) were proposed, but candidates for S(1)A and S(1)B remained undetermined. Here, to better understand the basis of the evolution of regions involved in reproductive isolation, we studied the genic and structural changes accumulated in the S(1) regions between orthologous sequences. First, we established an 813 kb genomic sequence in O. glaberrima, covering completely the S(1)A, S(1) and the majority of the S(1)B regions, and compared it with the orthologous regions of O. sativa. An overall strong structural conservation was observed, with the exception of three isolated regions of disturbed collinearity: (1) a local invasion of transposable elements around a putative F-box gene within S(1), (2) the multiple duplication and subsequent divergence of the same F-box gene within S(1)A, (3) an interspecific chromosomal inversion in S(1)B, which restricts recombination in our O. sativa×O. glaberrima crosses. Beside these few structural variations, a uniform conservative pattern of coding sequence divergence was found all along the S(1) regions. Hence, the S(1) regions have undergone no drastic variation in their recent divergence and evolution between O. sativa and O. glaberrima, suggesting that a small accumulation of genic changes, following a Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller (BDM) model, might be involved in the establishment of the sterility barrier. In this context, genetic incompatibilities involving the duplicated F-box genes as putative candidates, and a possible strengthening step involving the chromosomal inversion might participate to the reproductive barrier between Asian and African rice species.  相似文献   

Streptococcus oralis is an early colonizer bacterium in dental plaques and is considered a potential pathogen of infective endocarditis (IE) disease. In this study, we built a complete genome map of Streptococcus oralis strain SOT, Streptococcus oralis strain SOD and Streptococcus infantis strain SO and performed comparative genomic analysis among these three strains. The results showed that there are five genomic islands (GIs) in strain SOT and one CRISPR in strain SOD. Each genome harbors various pathogenic genes related to diseases and drug resistance, while the antibiotic resistance genes in strains SOT and SOD were quite similar but different from those in strain SO. In addition, we identified 17 main virulence factors and capsule-related genes in three strains. These results suggest the pathogenic potential of Streptococcus strains, which lay a foundation for the prevention and treatment of a Streptococcus oralis infection.  相似文献   

Ma J  SanMiguel P  Lai J  Messing J  Bennetzen JL 《Genetics》2005,170(3):1209-1220
The homeologous Orp1 and Orp2 regions of maize and the orthologous regions in sorghum and rice were compared by generating sequence data for >486 kb of genomic DNA. At least three genic rearrangements differentiate the maize Orp1 and Orp2 segments, including an insertion of a single gene and two deletions that removed one gene each, while no genic rearrangements were detected in the maize Orp2 region relative to sorghum. Extended comparison of the orthologous Orp regions of sorghum and japonica rice uncovered numerous genic rearrangements and the presence of a transposon-rich region in rice. Only 11 of 27 genes (40%) are arranged in the same order and orientation between sorghum and rice. Of the 8 genes that are uniquely present in the sorghum region, 4 were found to have single-copy homologs in both rice and Arabidopsis, but none of these genes are located near each other, indicating frequent gene movement. Further comparison of the Orp segments from two rice subspecies, japonica and indica, revealed that the transposon-rich region is both an ancient and current hotspot for retrotransposon accumulation and genic rearrangement. We also identify unequal gene conversion as a mechanism for maize retrotransposon rearrangement.  相似文献   

Recent sequencing of the Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea genomes revealed extremely contrasting genomic features such as the abundance and distribution of transposable elements between the two genomes. However, whether and how these structural differentiations may have influenced the evolutionary rates of the two genomes since their split from a common ancestor are unknown. Here, we investigated and compared the rates of nucleotide substitution between two long terminal repeats (LTRs) of individual orthologous LTR‐retrotransposons, the rates of synonymous and non‐synonymous substitution among triplicated genes retained in both genomes from a shared whole genome triplication event, and the rates of genetic recombination estimated/deduced by the comparison of physical and genetic distances along chromosomes and ratios of solo LTRs to intact elements. Overall, LTR sequences and genic sequences showed more rapid nucleotide substitution in B. rapa than in B. oleracea. Synonymous substitution of triplicated genes retained from a shared whole genome triplication was detected at higher rates in B. rapa than in B. oleracea. Interestingly, non‐synonymous substitution was observed at lower rates in the former than in the latter, indicating shifted densities of purifying selection between the two genomes. In addition to evolutionary asymmetry, orthologous genes differentially regulated and/or disrupted by transposable elements between the two genomes were also characterized. Our analyses suggest that local genomic and epigenomic features, such as recombination rates and chromatin dynamics reshaped by independent proliferation of transposable elements and elimination between the two genomes, are perhaps partially the causes and partially the outcomes of the observed inter‐specific asymmetric evolution.  相似文献   

Tobacco is a valuable model system for investigating the origin of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in amphidiploid plants and studying the genetic interaction between mitochondria and chloroplasts in the various functions of the plant cell. As a first step, we have determined the complete mtDNA sequence of Nicotiana tabacum. The mtDNA of N. tabacum can be assumed to be a master circle (MC) of 430,597 bp. Sequence comparison of a large number of clones revealed that there are four classes of boundaries derived from homologous recombination, which leads to a multipartite organization with two MCs and six subgenomic circles. The mtDNA of N. tabacum contains 36 protein-coding genes, three ribosomal RNA genes and 21 tRNA genes. Among the first class, we identified the genes rps1 and rps14, which had previously been thought to be absent in tobacco mtDNA on the basis of Southern analysis. Tobacco mtDNA was compared with those of Arabidopsis thaliana, Beta vulgaris, Oryza sativa and Brassica napus. Since repeated sequences show no homology to each other among the five angiosperms, it can be supposed that these were independently acquired by each species during the evolution of angiosperms. The gene order and the sequences of intergenic spacers in mtDNA also differ widely among the five angiosperms, indicating multiple reorganizations of genome structure during the evolution of higher plants. Among the conserved genes, the same potential conserved nonanucleotide-motif-type promoter could only be postulated for rrn18-rrn5 in four of the dicotyledonous plants, suggesting that a coding sequence does not necessarily move with the promoter upon reorganization of the mitochondrial genome.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome of Pyrus was found to be 159,922?bp in length which included a pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 26,392?bp, separated by a small single-copy region of 19,237?bp and a large single-copy region (LSC) of 87,901?bp. A total of 130 predicted genes (113 unique genes and 17 genes, which were duplicated in the IR) including 79 protein-coding genes, four ribosomal RNA genes and 30 tRNA genes were identified based on similarity to homologs from the chloroplast genome of Nicotiana tabacum. Genome organization was very similar to the inferred ancestral angiosperm chloroplast genome. Comparisons between Pyrus, Malus, and Prunus in Rosaceae revealed 220 indels (??10?bp). Excluding ycf1 and ycf2, which contained deletions in the coding region, all of these were detected in the spacer or intron regions. Three insertions and 13 deletions were detected in Pyrus compared to the same loci in Malus and Prunus. After comparing 89 noncoding chloroplast DNA regions in Pyrus and Malus, highly variable regions such as ndhC-trnV and trnR-atpA were identified. In Pyrus and Malus, the IR/LSC borders were 62?bp shorter than those of Prunus. In addition, there were length mutations at the IRa/LSC junction and in trnH. A total of 67 simple sequence repeats (more than 10 repeated motifs) were identified in the Pyrus chloroplast genome. The indels and simple sequence repeats will be useful evolutionary tools at both intra- and interspecific levels. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated a close relationship between Pyrus and Prunus in the Rosaceae.  相似文献   

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