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湿地处理污水的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
黄立南 《生态科学》1996,15(2):117-120
作为一项新兴的污水处理技术,近几年来,湿地在全世界范围内被广泛地研究和利用。国外大量的研究表明,各种类型的湿地都具有潜在的处理和净化污水的能力。利用湿地降低污水所载营养物被普遍认为是经济而有效的途径,最近更有报道建议开发人工湿地以减少自然水体中的氮素  相似文献   

植物群落组成对人工湿地微生物群落影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于不同湿地植物在分泌氧气与有机物能力方面存在着较大差异,所以不同植物种类及其群落组成可能不同程度地影响湿地微生物群落参数。为了检验这种假设,本研究在垂直流微宇宙中分别确立了5个植物种类丰富度水平,并用霍格兰德营养液灌溉湿地。结果表明:在4个植物种类间,单一栽培羊蹄或水芹湿地的微生物群落对生态板中酰胺或杂合物的利用能力较大,而虉草或吉祥草湿地的利用能力则较小。其次,较大的植物种类丰富度不仅提高了湿地中微生物生物量碳和氮以及脱氢酶活性,而且也增强了微生物群落对碳水化合物和氨基酸的利用能力。另外,水芹、虉草或吉祥草在植物群落中的存在与否影响了微生物群落对碳水化合物、杂合物和酰胺的利用能力。  相似文献   

不同类型人工湿地微生物群落的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物是人工湿地不可缺少的成员,对湿地生态系统中物质转化、能量流动起着重要作用.本文从人工湿地微生物群落的研究方法、微生物群落结构与组成、微生物群落调节作用与环境因素的关系等方面,综述了人工湿地微生物的研究进展.各种新颖的分子生物学方法已经成为研究人工湿地的微生物多样性的有力工具,其中最常见的是变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和寡核苷酸荧光探针原位杂交(FISH);人工湿地微生物群落的调节作用主要取决于湿地的水文条件、废水的特点(包括组成成分,污染物的特点和利用性)、湿地的过滤材料或土壤类型、植物和各种环境因素;不同人工湿地类型的微生物群落组成,从多到少依次是变形菌、噬纤维菌.黄杆菌菌群、放线菌和厚壁菌.如何进一步加深对氮循环相关微生物多样性的研究,提高废水中氮的去除效率依然是未来人工湿地技术需要解决的重要问题之一.  相似文献   

章妮  杨阳  陈克龙 《生态科学》2022,41(5):46-54
湿地生态系统在生物多样性保护等方面有着重要的功能及地位,不同的湿地生态系统在功能上存在差异,土壤微生物在湿地生态系统中发挥着重要作用,但目前对河源湿地的土壤微生物群落开展的研究较少。全球变暖大背景下,为探究温度升高对河源湿地土壤微生物的影响,利用高通量测序方法来深入了解模拟增温后土壤细菌及真菌的群落结构及多样性的变化。青海湖河源湿地细菌的优势菌群为变形菌门、酸杆菌门、放线菌门及厚壁菌门,真菌的优势菌群为子囊菌门、担子菌门。细菌群落对比真菌群落而言对土壤增温的响应更为明显,细菌菌群的相对丰度呈增加趋势,真菌群落仅Hypocreales目相对丰度显著增加;土壤细菌及真菌群落的丰富度均降低,而群落多样性增加。增温影响了土壤细菌及真菌的群落结构及多样性,且细菌群落对土壤增温更为敏感。  相似文献   

模拟人工湿地处理污水的试验研究   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:33  
运用自行设计的人工湿地模拟装置处理人工污水,研究了污水在系统中的净化动态和最佳停留时间,并初步探讨了pH、Eh和气温对净化效率的影响。试验结果表明,有树系统5天内的净化率分别为:BOD_594.8%,总氮93.0%,总磷95.0%,氨氮99.5%。当Pb、Cd浓度分别在2500mg/L和250mg/L以内时,系统对Pb、Cd的净化率为99.9%以上,并可在3小时内基本完成。即使在“土壤”含Pb量达2.86g/kg和含Cd量达0.29g/kg的情况下,系统对Pb、Cd的净化率仍可达96.2—98.5%。  相似文献   

【目的】探究高寒湿地逆行演替对土壤性质与微生物群落结构的影响。【方法】以新疆巴音布鲁克天鹅湖高寒湿地为研究对象,依托逆行演替典型样带(沼泽-沼泽化草甸-草甸),利用高通量测序技术分析各演替区土壤微生物群落结构。【结果】高寒湿地逆行演替改变了土壤微生物在分类操作单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)水平上的物种组成,致使草甸区的微生物ACE、Chao1、Simpson、Shannon多样性指数显著低于沼泽区和沼泽化草甸区(P<0.05);随着演替发生,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、子囊菌门(Ascomycota)的相对丰度均减少,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、被孢霉门(Mortierellomycota)的相对丰度增加;主坐标法分析(principal coordinates analysis,PCoA)排序分析显示,土壤微生物群落在各逆行演替都出现不同程度的离散...  相似文献   

不同干扰方式下松江湿地土壤微生物群落结构和功能特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以松江湿地为研究对象,采用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)和BIOLOG微平板法,系统分析4种干扰方式(农业、工业、旅游和保护)对湿地土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响。结果表明,微生物对碳源利用能力由强到弱依次为:滨江湿地(保护)金河湾湿地(旅游)白鱼泡湿地(旅游)太阳岛湿地(旅游)呼兰河口湿地(农业)阿什河湿地(工业)。松江湿地土壤微生物对羧酸类、糖类和氨基酸类碳源利用率较高,而对多聚物类、酚类和胺类的利用率较低,其中羧酸类和糖类是影响微生物群落代谢功能的敏感碳源。松江湿地土壤微生物以细菌为主,占总PLFA的69.72%—80.97%,真菌次之(9. 20%—23. 51%),放线菌最少(6.77%—9.82%); Shannon多样性指数以滨江湿地最高(2.994),阿什河湿地最低(2.881)。RDA分析表明,受工业、农业干扰的阿什河湿地和呼兰河口湿地微生物群落结构与TN、NO_3~--N和NH_4~+-N呈显著正相关(P0.05);受旅游干扰的太阳岛湿地微生物群落结构与pH呈显著正相关;而同样受旅游干扰的白鱼泡和金河湾湿地微生物群落结构与p H呈显著负相关;受保护的滨江湿地微生物群落结构主要受TC/TN影响。  相似文献   

为研究人工湿地对氟喹诺酮类(FQs)、磺胺类(SFs)、四环素类(TCs)抗生素的净化性能及微生物群落的响应,以运行多年的单层及多层(3层、6层)基质结构的水平潜流入工湿地为对象,分别采用固相萃取-高效液相色谱法和高通量测序来检测抗生素含量和微生物菌落结构,分析对比分层结构湿地系统中3类8种抗生素的去除规律、对常规污染...  相似文献   

全球变暖大背景下,大量冻土将面临进一步退化,而冻融过程遍布整个青藏高原,土壤微生物对环境变化更有着高度的敏感性。以青海湖河源湿地湿地冻融退化下的土壤微生物为研究对象,基于16s rRNA及18s rDNA测序探究冻融退化对土壤微生物群落结构及多样性的影响。结果显示:青海湖高寒湿地有效序列注释得到1583个细菌操作分类单元以及80个真菌操作分类单元。冻融退化并未改变土壤微生物的优势菌群:细菌群落中的优势菌群均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)及酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria),已知的真菌菌群中相对丰度最高的均为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)。冻融退化使0—10cm、10—20cm的细菌群落结构趋于相似,真菌群落中德福里斯孢属(Devriesia)、担孢酵母属(Erythrobasidium)的相对丰度显著减少。冻融退化显著影响土壤微生物的α多样性,降低了细菌群落的ACE指数、Chao1指数、Simpson指数以及真菌群落的ACE指数、Chao1指数、Shannon指数,细菌群落的Shannon指数及真菌群落的Simpson指数有所增加。本研究表明,冻融退化对土壤微生物的群...  相似文献   

研究了利用渠式生物膜法进行生活污水处理实验。该法结合了活性污泥法和生物膜法的优点,能有效处理城市生活污水,而且装置不设二沉池,占地面积少,基建投资省。实验测定了不同的水力停留时间(HRT)和进水负荷下的化学需氧量(CODCr)及氨氮(NH3-N)浓度,并分析其对去除率的影响。结果表明,在实验设定的范围内,CODCr和NH3-N去除率随着水力停留时间的增大而增大,而随着进水负荷的增大而相应的减少。在水温25℃,流量0.6L·min-1,CODCr 100mg·L-1,NH3-N 15 mg·L-1的条件下,污染物的去除率较高(CODCr为71%、NH3-N为36%),出水水质比较理想,可以达到景观、娱乐和冷却水等的用水标准。  相似文献   

AIMS: To correlate microbial community composition and water quality changes within wetland cells containing varying plant densities and composition in a free water surface (FWS) constructed wetland. METHODS AND RESULTS: Water chemistry was monitored weekly for nitrate, orthophosphate, and suspended solids, at various sites throughout the wetland for 6 months. Treatment ponds with 50% plant cover had about a 96.3% nitrate removal. The average change between the influent and effluent was 50-60% nitrate removal and 40-50% orthophosphate removal. Community profile of total DNA, generated by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), was used to determine the major microbial composition associated with the wetland sediment, rhizosphere, and surface water. Bacterial cloned libraries were constructed, and 300 clones were analysed by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). A total of 35, 31, and 36 different OTU were obtained from sediment, rhizosphere, and surface water, respectively. The bacterial members within the dominant group of our clone library belonged to unclassified taxa, while the second predominant group consisted of members of the phylum Proteobacteria. The dominant organisms within the class were in the gamma, beta, and delta classes. CONCLUSION: Microbial diversity as determined by Shannon-Weaver index (H) was higher in the wetland cells with 50% plant density than the 100%. This was in agreement with the most efficient wetland contaminant removal units. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study provides evidence that wetlands with 50% plant cover may promote the growth of diverse microbial communities that facilitate decomposition of chemical pollutants in surface water, and improve water quality.  相似文献   

Effect of flooding with sewage water on three wetland sedges   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plants of three wetland sedges, Carex vesicaria, C. rostrata, and C. gracilis, were subjected to flooding with diluted pig farm sewage water in a sand-culture experiment lasting for one growing season (20 weeks). Sewage water application altered growth dynamics and accumulation of dry matter in all three species; it shifted the distribution of dry matter in favor of above-ground parts; it depressed root growth both in dry mass and length; and it increased percentages of major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) in plant dry matter. In the root structure, sewage water application inhibited formation of gas spaces in the cortex, differentiation of exodermis and endodermis, and formation of starch grains in the cortex. The changes in root growth and structure are ascribed to the combination of (1) high nutrient availability, and (2) oxygen deficiency, which developed in the root medium following addition of sewage water. In view of these findings, Carex species are not well suited for use in the treatment of wastewaters rich in both mineral nutrients and organic matter.  相似文献   

Two community on-site UASB-septic tanks were operated in parallel over a six months period under two different hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 2 days for R1 and 4 days for R2 at mean sewage temperature of 24 degrees C. The sewage was characterised by a high COD(tot) concentration of 1189 mg/L, with a large fraction of COD(sus), viz. 54%. The achieved removal efficiencies in R1 and R2 for COD(tot), COD(sus), BOD5 and TSS were "56%, 87%, 59% and 81%" and "58%, 90%, 60% and 82%" for both systems, respectively. R2 achieved a marginal but significant (p<0.05) better removal efficiencies of those parameters as compared to R1. The COD(col) and COD(dis) removals in R1 and R2 were respectively 31% and 20%, and 34% and 22%. The sludge accumulation was very low suggesting that the desludging frequency will be of several years. Accordingly, the reactor can be adequately designed at 2 days HRT.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in denitrification and major factors controlling this process were determined in sediment, microbial communities attached to plant shoots (periphyton) and in the water of a Phragmites and an Elodea-dominated stand of a constructed wetland system between May 1997 and February 1998. The wetland was supplied with effluent from a sewage treatment plant. The denitrification rate in periphyton on plants shoots (expressed per shoot area) was always considerably higher than in the sediment and varied with the chlorophyll-a content of the periphyton in the course of the year. The algae in the periphyton provided attachment surfaces and probably also organic compounds to the denitrifying bacteria. Decreases in periphyton biomass and denitrification rate in the Phragmites and Elodea-dominated stands during the growing season were associated with enhanced shading by Phragmites shoots or a floating layer of macro-algae and Lemna spp., respectively. Light availability and the denitrification rate of periphyton increased again after the Phragmites shoots were cut in October. Nitrate appeared to limit the denitrification rate in the sediment. Periphyton denitrification rates were mostly lower on Elodea shoots than on Phragmites shoots, in spite of the higher living algal biomass on Elodea shoots. This difference was associated with lower nitrate concentrations in the Elodea-dominated stand. In the two stands, the daily denitrification rates in periphyton on shoots of Phragmites australis (44.4–121 mg N m–2 stand area d–1) and Elodea nuttallii (14.8–33.1 mg N m–2 d–1) were clearly more important than rates in the sediment (0.5–25.5 mg N m–2 d–1) or the water (0.4–3.9 mg N m–2 d–1). The presence of few bacteria attachment sites or low organic carbon availability possibly resulted in low denitrification rates in the water. Denitrification appeared to be a major process in nitrate removal from the through-flowing water in this wetland system.  相似文献   

森林次生演替和土壤层次对微生物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林次生演替与生态系统结构和功能的动态变化密切相关。大多数研究主要关注植物群落以及土壤有机碳(SOC)的变化,然而土壤微生物群落如何响应森林次生演替还需要进一步探究。本研究以长白山森林次生演替序列(20、80、120、200和≥300年)和两个土壤层次为对象,采用磷脂脂肪酸微生物标志物,探究温带森林次生演替过程中地下微生物群落结构变化。森林次生演替改变了土壤微生物群落结构,主要归因于某些特定微生物类群的变化,演替前期革兰氏阴性菌和腐生真菌占主导,而在演替后期革兰氏阳性菌和丛枝菌根真菌占主导。另外,土壤有机质数量和质量差异是影响微生物群落结构和生物量的主要环境因素。森林演替前期和中期增加的SOC含量促进了微生物生物量,而演替后期增加的难分解芳香族有机组分抑制了微生物生物量合成。土壤层次间理化性质的差异导致微生物群落变化,有机质层高的SOC以及氮含量导致更多微生物生物量的合成。微生物群落在时间和空间尺度的变化及其驱动因素反映了生态系统结构和功能对环境变化的响应。  相似文献   

In this paper,the water quality of the Xixi Wetland was evaluated and the characteristics of water pollution were described according to the survey data.Based on the status of water quality and its functional requirements as an urban wetland,biological-ecological countermeasures were suggested.The experimental use of ecological technologies,such as artificial wetlands,ecological aquiculture and artificial floating island,were done in several fish ponds in the Xixi Wetland.Water monitoring results show that the quality of the treated water has improved significantly and the measures to purify the eutrophic water in the wetland have been effective.  相似文献   

Kamfers Dam, a wetland near Kimberley, South Africa, supports a population of Near Threatened lesser flamingos Phoeniconaias minor. The cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis (Voronikhin) Komarek and Lund 1990, the flamingos’ food source, was in bloom in April 2009. The city's wastewater treatment plant discharges partially treated and untreated sewage directly into Kamfers Dam, creating elevated water levels, poor water quality and hypereutrophication. Subsequently, a crash in the A. fusiformis population compromised the lesser flamingos’ food source. The water quality and algal community of Kamfers Dam were monitored using historical water quality data plus water quality analyses from 2009 to 2011. Conductivity, pH, sodium, chloride and total dissolved salts showed significant decreases over time. Spearman rank correlation was used to measure relationships among physico-chemical parameters and densities of algae. Arthrospira fusiformis was positively correlated with conductivity (Spearman ρ = 0.561, p = 0.029), total dissolved salts (Spearman ρ = 0.572, p = 0.026) and negatively correlated with total phosphorus (Spearman ρ = ?0.718, p = 0.003). While significant correlations were found, attempts to develop a model for predicting algal community composition were unsuccessful due to strong multicollinearity among the water chemistry parameters.  相似文献   

杜显元  陈宏坤  黄丽  张心昱  吴骞  郭宇 《生态学报》2020,40(15):5388-5396
为研究油田外排水对干旱戈壁区人工湿地土壤微生物生物量的影响,选择干旱戈壁区某油田外排水形成的湿地内坝内、内外坝间、外坝边缘土壤,及不受排水影响的对照土壤,采用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法,分析外排水对土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌生物量的影响。结果表明:湿地内坝内、内外坝间、外坝边缘土壤与对照土壤的pH和容重均无显著差异,内外坝间的土壤含水量、电导率、溶解性全盐和全碳含量最高,显著高于内坝内土壤;除含水量外,对照土壤的主要物理性质和养分特征与湿地内坝内、内外坝间、外坝边缘的土壤无显著差异。土壤总微生物量、细菌和真菌生物量从湿地内坝内至外坝边缘逐渐增加。土壤总微生物量、细菌、真菌、放线菌与全氮含量均呈显著正相关,丛枝菌根真菌与全碳呈显著正相关,真菌、丛枝菌根真菌与总石油烃呈显著正相关。研究结果表明,油田外排水增加了湿地外坝边缘的土壤微生物量。  相似文献   

淡水藻类在监测水质和净化污水中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
淡水藻类作为水体中的初级生产者,分布广泛,适应性强,在水生生态系统食物链中占据着十分重要的地位,在水质监测中起着关键的作用。通过对藻类生长与水环境之间的相互关系进行简要的概述,探讨了pH值和氮磷对淡水藻类的生长的影响,以及淡水藻类的生长对外界环境的影响。藻类不但应用于水质监测,而且还能去除水体中的氮、磷等营养物质和其它有机物,对自然水域中的污水有良好的净化作用。重点论述淡水藻类在水质监测和污水净化中的作用以及利用淡水藻类来处理污水的方法。并提出了保护水资源的相关建议,为综合监测和治理水环境提供一定的理论依据和支持。  相似文献   

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