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报道了内蒙古1个分布新记录科——粟米草科(Molluginaceae),该科主要分布于热带和亚热带地区。相关凭证标本存放于内蒙古大学植物标本馆(HIMC)。  相似文献   

索志立 《植物学报》2006,23(1):87-97
水盾草科(Cabombaceae)是双子叶植物。水盾草科包括2属: 水盾草属(Cabomba Aublet.)和莼菜属(Brasenia Schreb.)。形态学研究显示水盾草科具有许多原始性状, 而且在其适应水生环境的过程中经历了性状退化。水盾草科又被称为“古草本”。最新的分子系统发育研究显示, 水盾草科是现存被子植物系统树基部ANITA类群的成员之一。但有关水盾草科的系统位置存在争议。被子植物的起源与早期分化一直是植物学家关注的热点。本文对该科系统位置的研究历史与现状进行评述。  相似文献   

水盾草科系统位置评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水盾草科(Cabombaceae)是双子叶植物。水盾草科包括2属:水盾草属(Cabomba Aublet.)和莼菜属(Brasenia Schreb.)。形态学研究显示水盾草科具有许多原始性状,而且在其适应水生环境的过程中经历了性状退化。水盾草科又被称为“古草本”。最新的分子系统发育研究显示,水盾草科是现存被子植物系统树基部ANITA类群的成员之一。但有关水盾草科的系统位置存在争议。被子植物的起源与早期分化一直是植物学家关注的热点。本文对该科系统位置的研究历史与现状进行评述。  相似文献   

霉草科(Triuridaceae)-中国大陆分布新记录科   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
报道中国大陆霉草科(Triuridaceae)2种分布新记录,大柱霉草(Sciapila megastyla Fukuyama et Suzuki)和多枝霉草(Sciaphila ramosa Fukuyama et Suzuki)。  相似文献   

任强 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1840-1864
本文将17个物种从广义鸡皮衣属Pertusaria s. lat.转移至白衣属Lepra,报道了2个中国新记录种:Lepra albopunctataL. muricata,将Pertusaria sanguinulenta作为Lepra submultipuncta的异名处理。Pertusaria brachyspora在中国为错误报道,从中国地衣名录剔除。本文对文献中错误鉴定标本进行了订正研究,为中国已知的37个白衣属地衣编制了分种检索表。  相似文献   

中国石灰岩地区霉草科一新记录种——星状霉草   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道了中国石灰岩地区霉草科喜荫草属一新记录种--星状霉草Sciaphila stellata Aver.,本种与国产的大柱霉草S.megastyla Fukuyama et Suzuki在外形上较相似,但不同在于前者茎具不明显的棱,叶片苞片状,卵形或三角形,顶端钝,花序仅排列在轴的一侧;雄花与雌花花被片具有明显的差...  相似文献   

芒苞草科是笔者根据自己在四川西部横断山区发现的单型属——芒苞草属AcanthochlamysP.C.Kao为模式而建立的一个单型新科——Acan-thochlamydaceaeP.C.KaoFl.Sichuan9:4831989。经过近20年的艰辛工作,作者和合作者们对这一新科进行了一系列深入的研究,提供了植物分类学、植物形态解剖学、细胞学、孢粉学、植物化学、植物群落学、植物地理学、分子生物学、系统与演化植物学等多学科证据,证明芒苞草科确实成立。如今,芒苞草科已被植物学界广泛承认,特别…  相似文献   

任菲  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,(5):511-522
对来自我国不同地区的柔膜菌科真菌进行了分类研究,发现3个新种(新疆绿胶杯菌、多隔拟散胞盘菌、河南新胶鼓菌)和1个新变种(落叶松芽孢盘菌小囊变种)以及3个未命名种,分别属于绿散胞盘菌属(Chlorencoelia sp.8357)、斯特罗盘菌属(Strossmayeria sp.1683)和丝绒盘菌属(Velutarina sp.4115),报道2个中国新记录种(卷边盘菌、泪滴暗被盘菌)。对上述分类群进行了详细的形态解剖学描述和图解,对新分类群与相近种的区别进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为编写中国植物志英文版,对我国石竹科植物(不包括繁缕属、无心菜属和蝇子草属)进行了修订,归并2种,增补9种、2亚种、1变种,并对一些属、种的学名和文献加以校订。  相似文献   

在近期缅甸北部的植物考察中,一种菌类寄生植物矮生喜荫草(Sciaphila nana Blume)被发现和确认。矮生喜荫草代表缅甸被子植物一新记录科,霉草科植物。矮生喜荫草主要特征为花单性同株、雄花内轮花被片顶端具有柄的门把状物、花被片6、3个雄蕊、花药4室。  相似文献   

根据分子系统学研究结果,楠属(Phoebe)中以其宿存的花被片在果时松散、先端外倾,果实球形为特征的物种,即山楠Phoebe chinensis Chun,小花楠P.minutiflora H.W.Li,竹叶楠P.faberi(Hemsl.)Chun,小叶楠Pmicrophylla H.W.Li以及长毛楠P.forrestiiW.W.Smith均应归入润楠属(Machilus),其中原先作为润楠属物种发表的竹叶润楠Machilus faberi Hemsl.应予采用,但山楠一种其种加词发表时已是晚出同名,另起新名为Machilus montana L.Li,J.Li&H.W.Li,nom.nov,而余下三种作为新组合在此发表,即:M.minutiflora(H.W.Li)L.Li,J.Li&H.W.Li,comb.nov.;M.microphylla(H.W.Li)L.Li.J.Li&H.W.Li,comb.nov.及Mforrestii(W.W.Smith)L.Li,J.Li&H_W.Li,comb.nov.。  相似文献   

On the basis of molecular phylogenetic analyses of the Persea group (Lauraceae) using the sequences of ITS and LEAFY intron II, the species Phoebe chinensis Chun, P.minutiflora H. W. Li, P.faberi (Hemsl.) Chun, P.microphylla H. W. Li and P.forrestii W. W. Smith, which are characterised by the persistent perianth lobes loosely clasping the base of fruit, apex extrorse, as well as globose fruit, were transferred into the genus Machilis. Accordingly, a new name Machilus montana L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li, as well as three new combinations M.minutiflora (H. W. Li) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li, M.microphylla (H. W. Li) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li and M.forrestii (W. W. Smith) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li were reported here.  相似文献   

The new species Mollugo viscosa Thulin & Harley is described from Minas Gerais in eastern Brazil. It was previously part of the recently published M. brasiliensis Thulin & Harley, a species that was found to be non‐monophyletic in molecular phylogenetic analyses. Mollugo brasiliensis is here divided into a northern species (M. brasiliensis s.str.) in Bahia and a southern species (M. viscosa sp. nov.) in Minas Gerais. The new species differs from M. brasiliensis in its denser and more viscous indumentum, and in its distinctly smaller seeds with smaller tubercles and a smaller hilar peg, and from its sister species M. ulei by being a perennial herb with bisexual flowers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In a review of the horseflies of the Tabanus mandarinus species group in Korea, six species are recognized. Among them, Tabanus nipponicus is newly recorded from Korea. Keys, annotated check lists of domestic records, collection data, and photographs of T. nipponicus are provided.  相似文献   

荞麦是一种蓼科(Polygonaceae family)荞麦属(Fagopyrum Mill)的古老作物,在全世界,尤其是东亚及东欧地区广泛种植。数千年以来,荞麦都是中国凉山等高海拔地区的主要粮食作物,其营养丰富,其中富含的芦丁等生物活性成分还具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤的功效。荞麦的栽培种甜荞和苦荞已经被广泛传播,但野生荞麦却只在特定区域分布。中国西南地区,包括四川、云南、贵州各省以及西藏自治区,是公认的世界荞麦属植物的起源中心、分布中心和多样化中心,荞麦种质资源非常丰富。目前已有文献报导的荞麦属植物超过20种,其绝大多数已在中国西南地区被发现,该地区的地理环境非常复杂,孕育了极具多样性的野生荞麦资源。但截至目前,这些已报导的种还没有经过科学的归类,同种异名的现象比较严重,本研究团队从2004年至今,在中国西南地区进行了多年多次的野外考察和标本采集工作,并在室内进行花和果实的解剖观察,获得了大量的荞麦属植物分类学数据。基于这些数据和荞麦染色体数量分析,经馆藏标本和模式照片的对比,并综合国内外相关文献,对中国荞麦属植物进行了分类学修订,将产自中国的荞麦属28个种归并为21个:即将Fagopyrum megaspartanium Q. F.Chen,F. pilus Q. F. Chen并入F. cymosum (Trrev)Meisn作为异名;F. pleioramosum Ohnishi,F. wenchuanense J.R.Shao并入F.caudatum (Samuelsson) A. J. Li作为异名;F. callianthum Ohnishi并入F.qiangcai D.Q.Ba作为异名;F. zuogongense Q.F.Chen并入F. homotropicum Ohnishi作为异名;F. longzhoushanense J.R.Shao并入F. pugense T.Yu作为异名。重新制定了21个种的分种检索表。本文将有助于重新认识荞麦属植物的进化地位,并为后续进一步探究属中各个种的亲缘关系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Presented in this paper is a taxonomical note on the genus Vicia L. of China with 43 species, four varieties and six forms recognized. Four new species, one new variety and one new state are reported. They areV. multijuga Xia; V. ternata Xia; V. wushanica Xia; V. longidentata Xia; V. unijuga A. Br. var. trifoliolata Xia; V. chianshanensis (P. Y. Fu et Y. A. Chen) Xia.  相似文献   

双扇蕨科是一个自然的类群,为单型科,有8种。中国产3种:中华双扇蕨Dipteris chinensisChrist、双扇蕨D.conjugata(Kaulf.)Reinw.和喜马拉雅双扇蕨D.wallichii(R.Br.)T.Moore。云南产2种:中华双扇蕨和喜马拉雅双扇蕨。其中,喜马拉雅双扇蕨为云南分布新纪录。文中列出了国产种类的分类检索表,并均附有彩色图片。  相似文献   

在标本研究和野外观察的基础上,对中国分布的梅花草属(Parnassia)的一些种类进行了修订,将披针瓣梅花草(P.lanceolata)、窄瓣梅花草(P.angustipetala)与德格梅花草(P.degeensis)归并入云南梅花草(P.yunnanensis);将贵州梅花草(P.petimenginii)归并入峨眉梅花草(P.faberi);将矮小梅花草(P.humillis)归并入三脉梅花草(P.trinervis);将青海梅花草(P.qinghaiensis)归并入高山梅花草(P.ca-cuminum);将康定梅花草(P.kangdingensis)归并入类三脉梅花草(P.pusilla)。  相似文献   

鳞果星蕨属是从星蕨属中划分出来的,其孢子囊群上幼时覆盖着近无柄的鳞片状隔丝。本文在 研究星蕨亚科植物标本和野外考察的基础上,结合解剖学、孢粉学、生态学和植物地理学资料,对鳞果星蕨属植物作了修订。承认该属的独立性,并研究了有关种类的变异幅度,将星蕨属中有盾状隔丝的种类归入本属,承认鳞果星蕨和云南鳞果星蕨两个种。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the history of taxonomy, groos morphology, pollen morphology, distribution, system and taxonomic treatment of the genus Polygala L. from China. Three subgenera, 4 sections, 41 species and 8 varieties are recognized in this treatment, of which 2 sections are described as new. The system of Chinese species of Polygala L. is proposed as follow: Subgen. 1. Chamaebuxus (DC.)Duchartre (Typus: Polygala chamaebuxus L.) Sect. 1. Arillus S. K. Chen, sect. nov. (Typus: Polygala arillata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don). This section consists of about 20 species, distributed in the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa, with 7 species found in South China. Subgen. 2. Pseudosemeiocardium (Adema) J. Chetek et B. Krisa( Typus: Polygala furcata Royle). Sect. 1. Villososperma C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Typus: Polygala wattersii Hance ). There are 3 species in this section, distributed in S. China and N. Vietnam. Sect. 2. Saxicola S. K. Chen, sect.nov. (Typus: Polygala saxicola Dunn). This section consists of 8 species, among which P. tricornis Gagnep. and P. saxicola Dunn are distributed in both Vietnam and China, and the other 6 species are endemic to China. Sect. 3. Pseudosemeiocardium ( Typus: Polygala furcata Royle). This section consists of about 7 species, distributed in SW China, extending from Indo-China Peninsula, southward to Malay, the Philippines, Indonesia and New Guinea, westward to the southern slope of the Himalayas and N. India, northward to Japan. Subgen. 3. Polygala (Typus: Polygala vulgaris L. ). 400 species or more belong to this cosmopolitan subgenus. Most species are found in America and Africa, with 18 species discovered in China. Taxonomic evidence: The characters of flowers, fruits and seeds, the indumentum of seeds and presence or absence of caruncles are stable and also correlated with one another. There is a certain combination of the above-mentioned characters in a given group, which provide reliable evidence for the infrageneric division. A good example is the Polygala arillata group, grown under the tropical and subtropical forests, which has large, yellow flowers, with sepals fallen after blossom. The flower has carinas with a cristate appendix, which is of 2-9 long narrow pieces. The seeds are spherical, with a hooded caruncle. Its fruits are of annuloid stripes. (Fig. 1). The Polygala tenuifolia Willd. group, cosmopolitan in distribution, has a middle-sized, purple or yellow flower with persistent sepals. Cristate appendix of carina is usually fimbricate. The seed in the group is oblong or subovoid, with a trilobate caruncle. Carpels of the fruits of this group are without annuloid stripes(Fig. 3). The third group, Polygala saxicola group, is between the two as indicated above. The group has a small, yellow or occasionally purplecolored flower, with sepals fallen after blossom or sometimes with a persistent outer sepal. The cristate appendix of carina is lamellar or cucullate. The seed of the group is sometimes with pubescences and hooded caruncles sometimes with hirtoselike villoses and no caruncle (Fig. 2) pollen morphology and systematic treatments: The pollen morphology of the domestic Polygala seems to support division of Polygala L. into three groups as follows: A. Pollen grains subspheroidal, 10-19-colpate, colpi usually rather wide, relatively psilate in the polar area; B. Pollen grains reniform, 22-26-colpate, sculptural in the polar area; C. Pollen grains long-spheroidal or subspheroidal, 9- 23-colpate, with long and deep colpi, which usually extend to the relatively psilate polar area. The pollen morphology is naturally correlated with the morphology of flowers, fruits and seeds. Based on these, three subgenera and four sections no subdivision in Subgen. Polygala)are recognized.  相似文献   

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