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Contractile and endurance properties of geniohyoid and diaphragm muscles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the wealth of information about the neural control of pharyngeal dilator muscles, little is known about their intrinsic physiological properties. In the present study the in situ isometric contractility and endurance of a pharyngeal dilator, the geniohyoid muscle, were compared with properties of the diaphragm in 12 anesthetized artificially ventilated cats. The contraction time (means +/- SE) of the geniohyoid (27 +/- 2 ms) was shorter than that of the diaphragm (36 +/- 3 ms; P less than 0.0005), as was the half-relaxation time (29 +/- 2 vs. 45 +/- 4 ms; P less than 0.002). The faster contraction and relaxation of the geniohyoid compared with the diaphragm were appropriately reflected in the shape of the force-frequency curves for the two muscles, with that of the geniohyoid located to the right of the diaphragm force-frequency curve. The endurance properties of the two muscles were assessed using repetitive stimulation at 40 Hz in trains lasting 0.33 s, with one train repeated every second. The ratio of force at the end of 2 min of repetitive stimulation to initial force was 0.67 +/- 0.06 for the geniohyoid and 0.15 +/- 0.03 for the diaphragm (P less than 0.00001). After the repetitive stimulation, the muscle force generated in response to a range of stimulus frequencies was reduced to a greater extent for the diaphragm than for the geniohyoid muscle. These results indicate that the geniohyoid muscle has a faster physiological profile than does the diaphragm yet is relatively resistant to fatigue when driven at high rates.  相似文献   

Myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle mass. The impact of myostatin deficiency on the contractile properties of healthy muscles has not been determined. We hypothesized that myostatin deficiency would increase the maximum tetanic force (P(o)), but decrease the specific P(o) (sP(o)) of muscles and increase the susceptibility to contraction-induced injury. The in vitro contractile properties of extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles from wild-type (MSTN(+/+)), heterozygous-null (MSTN(+/-)), and homozygous-null (MSTN(-/-)) adult male mice were determined. For EDL muscles, the P(o) of both MSTN(+/-) and MSTN(-/-) mice were greater than the P(o) of MSTN(+/+) mice. For soleus muscles, the P(o) of MSTN(-/-) mice was greater than that of MSTN(+/+) mice. The sP(o) of EDL muscles of MSTN(-/-) mice was less than that of MSTN(+/+) mice. For soleus muscles, however, no difference in sP(o) was observed. Following two lengthening contractions, EDL muscles from MSTN(-/-) mice had a greater force deficit than that of MSTN(+/+) or MSTN(+/-) mice, whereas no differences were observed for the force deficits of soleus muscles. Myostatin-deficient EDL muscles had less hydroxyproline, and myostatin directly increased type I collagen mRNA expression and protein content. The difference in the response of EDL and soleus muscles to myostatin may arise from differences in the levels of a myostatin receptor, activin type IIB. Compared with the soleus, the amount of activin type IIB receptor was approximately twofold greater in EDL muscles. The results support a significant role for myostatin not only in the mass of muscles but also in the contractility and the composition of the extracellular matrix of muscles.  相似文献   

To assess the characteristics and function of the muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall, we have examined the isometric contractile properties of bundles of canine rectus abdominis (RA) and external oblique (EO) muscles. In addition, we have related the lengths of these muscles measured sonometrically in vivo at supine functional residual capacity (FRC) to in vitro optimal force-producing length (Lo). We also investigated the action of the abdominal muscles on the displacement of costal and crural diaphragm. We found that 1) contraction time of RA was longer and that the RA developed greater force than the EO at submaximal stimulation frequencies; 2) maximal tetanic force and the active length-tension curves were similar in both abdominal muscles; 3) on passive stretch, the compliance of the RA was one-third that of the EO; 4) at supine FRC, the EO is operating at 83% of Lo, whereas the RA is operating at 105% of Lo; 5) stimulation of either RA or EO (abdominal pressure of 15 cmH2O) lengthened the costal and crural diaphragm toward their Lo values, with greater crural excursion occurring than costal. We conclude that the RA is well suited for restraining the abdominal viscera in prone quadrupeds, whereas the EO is better designed to assist expiration. Stimulation of both muscles improves in situ diaphragmatic operating length.  相似文献   

Contractile properties of old rat muscles: effect of increased use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine how different kinds of activity affect the composition and contractile properties of aging skeletal muscle, old male rats were strength and swim trained. The mass of weights lifted during the strength training increased by 85 +/- 9% (P less than 0.05), which was accompanied by an increase by 32 +/- 5% (P less than 0.05) of the estimated force developed. The wet muscle weight of the soleus and the plantaris decreased significantly with age. The phenomenon was counteracted but not neutralized by the strength training. Twitch and tetanic tension also decreased significantly with age in both the soleus and plantaris muscle. This was avoided by the strength training. This training also significantly decreased time to peak tension and half-relaxation time of both muscles. The swim training increased the heart-to-body weight ratio by 21 +/- 5% (P less than 0.05) and the endurance of the soleus muscle. Time to peak tension and triosephosphate dehydrogenase activity of the plantaris muscle were strongly correlated (P less than 0.001) with myosin adenosinetriphosphatase activity. The results show that the composition and contractile properties of old skeletal muscle are considerably affected by strength training repeated during a substantial period of old age, whereas swim training only affects the endurance of the skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Soleus and EDL muscles of rats were examined following hindlimb unloading. Some of the rats were given beta-GPA, a creatine analog which depletes high-energy phosphates in muscle tissue, in their food. The contractile properties and fatigue resistance of these muscles were studied, with and without incubation in calcium solution. The increased fatigue resistance after beta-GPA feeding was less in calcium-free solution.  相似文献   

Despite a wealth of information about the respiratory behavior of pharyngeal dilator muscles such as the genioglossus, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid muscles, little is known about their contractile and endurance properties. Strips of these muscles (as well as of the diaphragm) were surgically removed from anesthetized cats and studied in vitro at 37 degrees C. The isometric contraction times of the muscles were 38 +/- 1, 31 +/- 1, 28 +/- 2, and 35 +/- 1 ms for genioglossus, sternothyroid, sternohyoid, and diaphragm, respectively. Contraction times were significantly longer for the genioglossus than for the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles and significantly longer for the diaphragm than for the sternohyoid muscle. Twitch-to-tetanic ratios were largest for the diaphragm and lowest for the sternohyoid muscle, and the force-frequency relationship of the sternohyoid was most rightward positioned and that of the diaphragm was most leftward positioned. During repetitive stimulation, the decrement in force was greatest for the diaphragm and least for the genioglossus muscle, with the force loss of the two hyoid muscles being intermediate in magnitude. The Burke fatigue index was significantly greater for the genioglossus than for the diaphragm, despite similar tension-time indexes during repetitive stimulation. These data indicate heterogeneity among pharyngeal dilator muscles in their contractile and endurance properties, that certain pharyngeal dilator muscle properties differ from diaphragmatic properties, and that pharyngeal muscles have relatively fast contractile kinetics yet reasonable endurance characteristics.  相似文献   

The present study examined the intrinsic contractile properties and endurance of the transverse abdominis and external oblique abdominal expiratory muscles in adult hamsters and compared their performance with the diaphragm. Experiments were performed in vitro on isolated bundles of muscle stimulated electrically. In control animals peak twitch tension was similar in the two muscles. In contrast, the twitch contraction time and one-half relaxation time of the transverse abdominis were significantly greater than that of the external oblique. The isometric tension generated over a range of stimulus frequencies (i.e., the force-frequency relationship) was a greater percent of the maximum value in response to subtetanizing frequencies (10-40 Hz) in the transverse abdominis than in the external oblique. For both abdominal muscles, however, the tension generated over this range of stimulus frequencies was less than that of the diaphragm. The endurance of the transverse abdominis during repeated contractions was significantly greater than that of the external oblique but similar to the diaphragm. The effect of chronic hyperinflation produced by elastase-induced emphysema on the contractile function of the two muscles was assessed in a second group of adult hamsters. In emphysematous animals peak twitch tension, contraction time, and one-half relaxation time of the twitch and force-frequency curves of muscles from emphysematous animals were similar to values obtained in control animals for both the external oblique and transverse abdominis. However, the endurance of both the transverse abdominis and external oblique muscles was greater in emphysematous than control animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We studied the in vitro contractile and fatigue properties of the rat external abdominal oblique (EAO) and costal diaphragm (DIA) muscles during postnatal development. Isometric twitch contraction (CT) and half-relaxation (RT1/2) times were longer in both the EAO and DIA muscles during the early postnatal period and decreased with age. In the first postnatal week, the CT and RT1/2 were longer in the EAO than the DIA muscle. At 14 days of age and thereafter, the CT and RT1/2 were shorter in the EAO than in the DIA muscle. Force-frequency relationships of the EAO and DIA muscles changed during postnatal development such that the relative force (percent maximum) generated at lower frequencies (less than 15 pulses/s) decreased with age. Moreover the relative force generated by the EAO muscle at lower frequencies was greater than that of the DIA muscle during the early postnatal period but less than that of the DIA muscle in adults. The specific force of both the EAO and DIA muscles increased progressively with age. There were no differences in specific force between the EAO and DIA muscles at any age. The fatigability of the EAO and DIA muscles was comparable during the early postnatal period and increased in both muscles with postnatal development. In adults the EAO muscle was more fatigable than the DIA muscle. We conclude that the contractile and fatigue properties of the EAO and DIA muscles undergo significantly different postnatal transitions, which may reflect their functional involvement in sustaining ventilation.  相似文献   

Contractile properties of smooth muscles of bronchial tubes of porpoises in formation of hyperreactance airways, were studied. Sensitization by ovalbumin results in formation of hyperresponsiveness of the airways as shown in increase in amplitude of contractile responses to histaminergic influences and oppression of adrenergic relaxations of segments. Respiratory epithelium oppresses contractile responses of airways in intact animals to histaminergic influences. Influence of epithelium on adrenergic responses depends on precontractile factor: they increase in prereduction by histamine. In formation of hyperresponse, the epithelium loses ability to modulate responses of smooth muscles of the airways. Incubation segments of smooth muscles of the airways in interleukin 5 increases contractile responses to histaminergic influences. Receptor of interleukin 5 (the soluble fraction) neutralizes the effect of exogenous interleukin 5, and incubation of receptor of sensitized animals oppresses histaminergic contractile responses.  相似文献   

The relative occurrence of slow-twitch (ST) and fast-twitch (FTa and FTb) fibers, fiber size, and capillary supply in internal (INT) and external intercostal muscles (EXT), the costal diaphragm (DIA), and vastus lateralis muscle (VAS) was examined post-mortem in eight healthy males. The relative occurrence of ST fibers in INT [64 +/- 3% (SE)] and EXT (62 +/- 3%) was similar but higher than in DIA (49 +/- 3%) and VAS (40 +/- 6%; P less than 0.05). The occurrence of FTa fibers in expiratory INT (35 +/- 3%) was higher than in inspiratory INT and EXT (17 +/- 1%; P less than 0.05) but similar to DIA (28 +/- 6%) and VAS (32 +/- 2%). Accordingly, expiratory INT had fewer FTb fibers (1 +/- 1%) than the others (P less than 0.05). Expiratory INT had a 60% larger fiber area than inspiratory INT and EXT and DIA (P less than 0.05), but the area was similar to that of VAS. The number of capillaries per fiber was higher in expiratory INT (2.3 +/- 0.1) than in inspiratory INT and EXT (1.6 +/- 0.1), DIA (1.9 +/- 0.1), and VAS (1.8 +/- 0.2; P less than 0.05). The results suggest that the occurrence of many large capillary-rich FTa fibers in expiratory INT is bound to function (expiratory vs. inspiratory) rather than to anatomy (INT vs. EXT).  相似文献   

It is well known that, among mammals, specific play vocalizations are produced exclusively by certain nonhuman primate species. In order to investigate the functional significance of these calls, we examined their phyletic distribution among New World and Old World monkeys. The results indicate that such calls are produced by species in which allomothering behaviour occurs. We propose a functional explanation of play vocalizations according to which they serve as a possible source of information for maternal retrieval of infants whenever necessary.  相似文献   

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