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We examined the synthesis of extracellular matrix macromolecules by the differentiated rat thyroid epithelial cell line FRTL-5. As shown by electron microscopy, the extracellular material produced by these cells is deposited at the basolateral surface and focally organized in the form of a basement membrane. Biochemical and biosynthetic studies demonstrated that laminin, type IV collagen, and fibronectin are synthesized and deposited in the culture monolayer. Secretion of fibronectin into the culture medium also occurred. By immunofluorescence we observed some peculiarities in the distribution patterns of the basement membrane glycoproteins; while fibronectin and laminin had an almost superimposable distribution, type IV collagen displayed a rather different pattern. Type IV collagen and laminin localization at sites where extracellular material was detected was confirmed by immuno electronmicroscopy using the protein A-colloidal gold technique. The results indicate that under appropriate culture conditions the differentiated thyroid epithelial cell line FRTL-5 synthesizes, secretes and organizes an extracellular matrix where some basement membrane glycoproteins are present.  相似文献   

The superfamily of collagens is comprised of 27 members (reviewed by Myllyharju & Kivirikko, 2004; Ricard-Blum & Ruggiero, 2005; Ricard-Blum et al., 2005), which are classified into several subgroups according to their structural features and supramolecular assemblies. Fibrillar collagens and FACITS (Fibril-Associated Collagens with Interrupted Triple helix) are described in the paper by Ruggiero et al. in this issue. Our paper reports recent advances on collagens associated to basement membranes. It focuses on the multiplexin family (including collagens XV and XVIII) and on membrane collagens present in skin, namely collagens XIII and XVII. The mechanisms leading to the shedding of their ectodomain from cell membrane and the biological roles of their shedded domains are discussed. The last part of the paper is devoted to several fragments of basement membrane collagens, called matricryptins or matrikins, and to their biological activities.  相似文献   

In this study techniques commonly used to extract and purify proteoglycans of vertebrates were applied to the embryo of the asteroid Pisaster ochraceus at the early bipinnaria larva stage, a stage in which extensive cell migration is occurring within the extracellular matrix of the blastocoel. Several large sulfated glycoproteins were isolated and shown to consist of protein cores covalently bound to sulfated polysaccharide chains. The polysaccharide chains consisted primarily of neutral sugars and were not susceptible to glycosaminoglycan-degrading enzymes, suggesting that these were not glycosaminoglycans. The sulfated glycoproteins could be fractionated by electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-agarose-acrylamide composite gels. Two types of monoclonal antibodies prepared against isolated extracellular matrix of these embryos reacted with two subsets of bands on Western blots of the composite gels. Staining of sections of the embryos with the antibodies showed that the epitopes that they recognized were located throughout the extracellular matrices of the embryos. That these high molecular weight glycoproteins were located within the extracellular matrix of the embryos suggests that they may be involved in the control of morphogenesis and cellular movement.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix has a variety of biological effects on cells, including increased cell adhesion, migration, division and differentiation. Cells are also regulated by soluble factors such as cytokines. We have investigated the binding of interferon-gamma to basement membrane. Interferon-gamma binds basement membrane with a high affinity (kD = 1.5 x 10(-9) M). The binding site is located on the glycosaminoglycan part of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan. This result suggests that extracellular matrix interacts with interferon-gamma and could modulate the cellular response to such factors.  相似文献   

A novel heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) present in the extracellular matrix of rat liver has been partially characterized. Proteoglycans were purified from a high salt extract of total microsomes from rat liver and found to consist predominantly (approximately 90%) of HSPG. A polyclonal antiserum raised against this fraction specifically recognized HSPG by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. The intact, fully glycosylated HSPG migrated as a broad smear (150-300 kD) by SDS-PAGE, but after deglycosylation with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid only a single approximately 40-kD band was seen. By immunocytochemistry this HSPG was localized in the perisinusoidal space of Disse associated with irregular clumps of basement membrane-like extracellular matrix material, some of which was closely associated with the hepatocyte sinusoidal cell surface. It was also localized in biosynthetic compartments (rough ER and Golgi cisternae) of hepatocytes, suggesting that this HSPG is synthesized and deposited in the space of Disse by the hepatocyte. The anti-liver HSPG IgG also stained basement membranes of hepatic blood vessels and bile ducts as well as those of kidney and several other organs (heart, pancreas, and intestine). An antibody that recognizes the basement membrane HSPG found in the rat glomerular basement membrane did not precipitate the 150-300-kD rat liver HSPG. We conclude that the liver sinusoidal space of Disse contains a novel population of HSPG that differs in its overall size, its distribution and in the size of its core protein from other HSPG (i.e., membrane-intercalated HSPG) previously described in rat liver. It also differs in its core protein size from HSPG purified from other extracellular matrix sources. This population of HSPG appears to be a member of the basement membrane HSPG family.  相似文献   

The ability of rabbit oviduct explants to incorporate radiolabelled precursors into specific secretory products was investigated. Ampullary and isthmic oviduct segments were cultured in the presence of [3H]glucosamine or [35S]sodium sulphate. Medium samples were analysed for the presence of secreted, labelled macromolecules. Explants incorporated the [3H]glucosamine and secreted labelled glycoproteins in vitro. SDS gel electrophoresis and subsequent fluorographic analysis of culture medium demonstrated a differential secretion of glycoproteins between the ampulla and the isthmus. Although ampullary tissue secreted a greater amount of labelled glycoproteins during the sampling period, the major secretory constituent of Mr approximately 66,000 was common to both oviduct segments. Tissue incubated with [35S]sodium sulphate also secreted a labelled glycoprotein or subunit of Mr approximately 66,000. The results indicate that rabbit oviduct explants are capable of synthesis and secretion of specific sulphated glycoproteins in vitro and that there is a difference in the type and amount of secretion produced between the two oviduct segments.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix from a mouse endodermal cell line consisted mainly of two polypeptides with molecular weights of about 200,000 (200K) and 400,000 (400K). Both poly-peptides incorporated radioactivity from [3H]proline and [3H]glucosamine and were solubilized from the matrix by treatment with bacterial collagenase or 0.5 m sodium chloride. These polypeptides appeared similar to those of laminin (R. Timpl, H. Rohde, P. G. Robey, S. I. Rennard, J.-M. Foidart, and G. R. Martin, 1979, J. Biol. Chem., 254, 9933–9937) in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate but the laminin polypeptides seemed slightly larger than the 200K and 400K polypeptides, respectively. The amino acid compositions of the isolated 200K and 400K polypeptides resembled one another and the previously published amino acid composition of laminin. Antibodies prepared against the solubilized extracellular matrix protein (mixture of 200K and 400K components) as well as those against the isolated 400K component precipitated both the 400K component and the 200K component from culture media. These antisera and antisera to laminin showed identical reactivities in immunodiffusion and in immunofluorescence of tissue sections where they stained basement membranes. The immunofluorescent staining pattern was similar to that obtained with antifibronectin except in the liver where antifibronectin stained the biliary ducts and the liver sinusoids, while laminin-like immunoreactivity was not present in the sinusoidal areas. Such differences in distribution of matrix components could be involved in generation of signals for differentiation and growth of the adjacent cells.  相似文献   

We report the chemical characterization of the highly sulphated glycoprotein SSG 185 from Volvox carteri. SSG 185 is a hydroxyproline-containing, extracellular glycoprotein. The sulphate residues are clustered within the parent saccharide structure of SSG 185, since on mercaptolysis all the sulphate residues are recovered in a small saccharide fragment containing mannose, arabinose and sulphate (in a molar ratio of 2). SSG 185 is a short-lived molecule, serving as a precursor for a high mol. wt. component of the extracellular matrix. Synthesis of SSG 185 is developmentally controlled. Different SSG 185 variants, with unknown modifications in the sulphated saccharide fragment, are synthesized at different developmental stages or under the influence of the sexual inducer. These modifications remain conserved in the aggregated state of SSG 185, indicating the development-dependent modification of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Fruiting body formation of Myxococcus xanthus, like biofilm formation of many other organisms, involves the production of an extracellular matrix (ECM). While the polysaccharide component has been studied, the protein component has been largely unexplored. Proteins associated with the ECM were solubilized from purified ECM by boiling with sodium dodecyl sulfate and were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry of tryptic fragments. The ECM is enriched in proteins of novel function; putative functions were assigned for only 5 of the 21 proteins. Thirteen putative ECM proteins had lipoprotein secretion signals. The genes for many ECM proteins were disrupted in the wild-type (WT), fibA, and pilA backgrounds. Disruption of the MXAN4860 gene had no effect in the WT or fibA background but in the pilA background resulted in a 24-h delay in aggregation and sporulation compared to its parent. The results of this study show that the M. xanthus ECM proteome is diverse and novel.  相似文献   

1. The activities of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of cyclic nucleotides were studied in sarcolemma prepared front guinea-pig heart ventricle; the enzyme activities reported here were linear under the assay conditions. 2. Adenylate cyclase was maximally activated by 3mM-NaF; NaF increased the Km for ATP (from 0.042 to 0.19 mM) but decreased the Ka for Mg2+ (from 2.33 to 0.9 mM). In the presence of saturating Mg2+ (15 mM), Mn2+ enhanced adenylate cyclase, whereas Co2+ was inhibitory. beta-Adrenergic amines (10-50 muM) stimulated adenylate cyclase (38+/-2%). When added to the assay mixture, guanyl nucleotides (GTP and its analogue, guanylyl imidophosphate) stimulated basal enzyme activity and enhanced the stimulation by isoproterenol. By contrast, preincubation of sarcolemma with guanylyl imidodiphosphate stimulated the formation of an 'activated' form of the enzyme, which did not reveal increased hormonal sensitivity. 3. The guanylate cyclase present in the membranes as well as in the Triton X-100-solubilized extract of membranes exhibited a Ka for Mn 2+ of 0.3 mM; Mn2+ in excess of GTP was required for maximal activity. Solubilized guanylate cyclase was activated by Mg2+ only in the presence of low Mn2+ concentrations; Ca2+ was inhibitory both in the absence and presence of low Mn2+. Acetylcholine as well as carbamolycholine stimulated membrane-bound guanylate cyclase. 4. Cylic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activities of sarcolemma exhibited both high-and low-Km forms with cyclic AMP and with cyclic GMP as substrate. Ca2+ ions increased the Vmax. of the cyclic GMP-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

WARP is a recently described member of the von Willebrand factor A domain superfamily of extracellular matrix proteins, and is encoded by the Vwa1 gene. We have previously shown that WARP is a multimeric component of the chondrocyte pericellular matrix in articular cartilage and intervertebral disc, where it interacts with the basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan perlecan. However, the tissue-specific expression of WARP in non-cartilaginous tissues and its localization in the extracellular matrix of other perlecan-containing tissues have not been analyzed in detail. To visualize WARP-expressing cells, we generated a reporter gene knock-in mouse by targeted replacement of the Vwa1 gene with beta-galactosidase. Analysis of reporter gene expression and WARP protein localization by immunostaining demonstrates that WARP is a component of a limited number of distinct basement membranes. WARP is expressed in the vasculature of neural tissues and in basement membrane structures of the peripheral nervous system. Furthermore, WARP is also expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge of developing limb buds, and in skeletal and cardiac muscle. These findings are the first evidence for WARP expression in non-cartilaginous tissues, and the identification of WARP as a component of a limited range of specialized basement membranes provides further evidence for the heterogeneous composition of basement membranes between different tissues.  相似文献   

Summary In the present work we localized binding sites for the lectins WGA, RCA I, con A and SBA at the ultrastructural levels in morphologically different basement membranes. These different basement membranes included (a) thin ones, for example, tubular basement membrane of the mouse kidney which separates epithelial cell layers from mesenchymal cells and glomerular basement membrane which separates epithelial cells from other epithelial cells, (b) thick multilayered ones, for example, Reichert's membrane which is built up during the embryonic development of rodents and as an example of a pathologically thickened basement membrane, the basement membrane of the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) sarcoma. We were able to show that, in contrast to the thick multilayered basement membranes, the thin ones showed a strong positive SBA-binding pattern. Thick basement membranes otherwise revealed very strong labelling with the lectins WGA and RCA I. Our findings lead us to conclude that thin and thick basement membranes differ markedly in the quality and quantity of the carbohydrates which they contain.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells derived from human pulmonary arteries incorporate (3H)-glucosamine and 35SO4 into glycosaminoglycans and into the carbohydrate side chains of glycoproteins. These 3H/35S-carbohydrate chains were isolated from cells and culture medium after Pronase digestion. The 3H/35S-glycosaminoglycans were separated from the 3H/35S glycopeptides by chromatography on Sephadex G-50. The distribution of cellular glycosaminoglycans and glycopeptides indicated that 30–60% of the cellular 35S-glycopeptides may be associated with the matrix components that are synthesized by the cell and attached to a plastic substratum. Human pulmonary arterial endothelial cells were grown on collagen or on a matrix derived from vascular smooth muscle cells in order to investigate how smooth muscle cell extracellular matrix components may regulate the synthesis of endothelial cell glycoconjugates. Endothelial cells grown on plastic release various proportions of the glycoconjugates they synthesize into the culture medium. However, these same cells, when grown on substratum composed of extracellular matrix materials, synthesized altered proportions of cell-associated glycosaminoglycans and reduced the levels of total glycosaminoglycans they released into the culture medium. Thus the growth of endothelial cells on a matrix of smooth muscle cell components indicates that the glycosaminoglycan materials released into the culture medium by cells grown on a plastic substratum may not be an accurate reflection of the levels or composition of extracellular matrix materials made by endothelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a major lysosomal degradation pathway for cellular components in eukaryotic cells. Baseline macroautophagy is important for quality control of the cytoplasm in order to avoid the accumulation of cytotoxic products. Its stimulation by various stressful situations, including nutrient starvation, is important in maintaining cell survival. Here we demonstrate that macroautophagy is regulated differently depending on whether HeLa cells adhere to collagen I or collagen IV, proteins typical of connective tissue and basal membrane, respectively. We observed that the basal levels of macroautophagy were higher in cells plated on collagen IV than in cells plated on collagen I or on uncoated substrate. However, the stimulation of macroautophagy by nutrient starvation, as reflected by the buildup of autophagosomes and the increase in the autophagic flux, was higher in cells plated on collagen I than in cells plated on collagen IV. These contrasting results were not due to differences in the starvation-dependent inhibition of mTOR complex 1 signaling. Interestingly, cells plated on collagen IV formed numerous focal adhesions (FAs), whereas fewer FAs were observed in cells plated on the other substrates. This implies that focal adhesion kinase (FAK) was more robustly activated by collagen IV. Silencing the expression of FAK by siRNA in cells plated on collagen IV shifted the autophagic phenotype of these cells to an "uncoated substrate autophagic phenotype" under both basal and starvation-induced conditions. Moreover, cells plated on collagen IV were less dependent on autophagy to survive in the absence of nutrients. We conclude that extracellular matrix components can modulate macroautophagy and mitigate its role in cell survival.  相似文献   

Peptides derived from extracellular matrix proteins have the potential to function as potent therapeutic reagents to increase neuronal regeneration following central nervous system (CNS) injury, yet their efficacy as pharmaceutical reagents is dependent upon the expression of cognate receptors in the target tissue. This type of codependency is clearly observed in successful models of axonal regeneration in the peripheral nervous system, but not in the normally nonregenerating adult CNS. Successful regeneration is most closely correlated with the induction of integrins on the surface of peripheral neurons. This suggests that in order to achieve optimal neurite regrowth in the injured adult CNS, therapeutic strategies must include approaches that increase the number of integrins and other key receptors in damaged central neurons, as well as provide the appropriate growth-promoting peptides in a “regeneration cocktail.” In this review, we describe the ability of peptides derived from tenascin-C, fibronectin, and laminin-1 to influence neuronal growth. In addition, we also discuss the implications of peptide/receptor interactions for strategies to improve neuronal regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary Lymph nodes contain an extensive array of extracellular matrix fibers frequently referred to as reticular fibers because of their reticular pattern and positive reaction with silver stains. These fibers are known to contain primarily type-III collagen. In the present study, frozen and plastic-embedded sections of mouse and human lymph nodes were subjected to immunostaining with a panel of monospecific antibodies directed against type-IV collagen, type-III collagen, laminin, entactin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that, in addition to being uniformly stained with antibodies to type-III collagen, these fibers also stained positively with antibodies to type-IV collagen and to other basement-membrane-specific components. Furthermore, the basement-membrane-specific antibodies stained the outer surface of individual fibers. These same type-III collagen-rich fibers were distinct from blood vascular basement membranes since they did not react with antibodies to factor VIII-related antigen, an endothelial-cell-specific marker. The role of these basement-membrane-specific components associated with the reticular fibers of lymphoid tissue is unknown. However, it is possible that the ligands promote attachment of reticular fibroblasts as well as macrophages and lymphocytes to the extracellular matrix fibers.  相似文献   

Affinity-purified rabbit antibodies specific for two large noncollagenous gycoproteins--laminin and fibronectin--were used to study the distribution of these proteins in normal murine kidneys. Immunofluorescence staining of conventional frozen sections demonstrates fibronectin within mesangial areas of the glomerulus. Laminin is also found in mesangial areas. However, it also appears to be distributed in typical basement membranelike patterns on glomerular and tubular basement membranes and Bowman's capsule. At the ultrastructural level, by labeling 600-800-A thick frozen sections with a three-stage procedure consisting of specific antibodies, biotinyl sheep anti-rabbit IgG, and avidin-ferritin conjugates, fibronectin is present ony in the mesangial matrix and is specifically localized to areas immediately surrounding mesangial cell processes. Laminin, on the other hand, is found uniformly distributed throughout tubular basement membranes, the mesangial matrix, and Bowman's capsule. In glomerular basement membranes, laminin labeling is restricted to the lamina rara interna and adjacent regions of the lamina densa.  相似文献   

Fibronectin and laminin have been found in the extracellular matrix and in the basement membrane of sea urchin embryos during early development. These glycoproteins are also found on the cell surfaces of the outer epithelial layer and on the secondary mesenchyme cells within the blastocoel. The similarity of functions of the extracellular matrix and basement membrane is discussed, as is the similarity of their molecular components. These observations suggest the possibility that fibronectin and laminin form a continuous matrix surrounding the cells which links the outer ECM (hyaline layer) to the inner ECM (basement membrane). Such a network could coordinate the various activities of the embryo during early morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Chloroplast envelope membranes isolated from Pisum sativum seedlings have been found to contain a Mg-ATPase activity (specific activity 50-175 nanomoles per minute per milligram protein). The ATPase had a broad pH optimum between 7.0 and 9.5. The activity was not inhibited by oligomycin, N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, ouabain, or antibodies directed against chloroplast coupling factor 1; nor was the activity stimulated by monovalent cations. However, the ATPase was inhibited by vanadate, molybdate, and adenylyl imidodiphosphate.

The ATPase hydrolyzed a broad range of nucleoside triphosphates, but did not hydrolyze ADP, AMP, or pyrophosphate. The Km for Mg-ATP was determined to be 0.2 millimolar. The ATPase was found to be distinct from ADPase and pyrophosphatase activities also present in pea envelope membranes.

The ATPase was determined to be located on the inner membrane of the envelope after resolution of inner and outer membranes by sucrose density gradient centrifugation.


Two major glycoproteins of 99 kDa and 77 kDa have been purified from oligodendroglial plasma membranes. These two glycoproteins exhibit intense binding to the lectin, wheat germ agglutinin. The 99-kDa and 77-kDa glycoproteins were purified by Sephadex LH-60 chromatography, wheat germ agglutinin affinity chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide pore gradient gel electrophoresis. Re-electrophoresis of excised gel slices containing the two glycoproteins demonstrated their apparent homogeneity. The isoelectric points of the 99-kDa and 77-kDa glycoproteins were 6.15 and 6.00, respectively. Peptide mapping revealed structural differences between the two glycoproteins. Lectin binding studies with radiolabeled succinylated wheat germ agglutinin demonstrated that the binding of the 99-kDa and 77-kDa glycoproteins to wheat germ agglutinin was due to N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in the oligosaccharide side-chains.  相似文献   

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