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Glutamine synthetase (GS), EC, is a central enzyme in the assimilation of nitrogen and the biosynthesis of glutamine. We have isolated the Aspergillus nidulans glnA gene encoding GS and have shown that glnA encodes a highly expressed but not highly regulated mRNA. Inactivation of glnA results in an absolute glutamine requirement, indicating that GS is responsible for the synthesis of this essential amino acid. Even when supplemented with high levels of glutamine, strains lacking a functional glnA gene have an inhibited morphology, and a wide range of compounds have been shown to interfere with repair of the glutamine auxotrophy. Heterologous expression of the prokaryotic Anabaena glnA gene from the A. nidulans alcA promoter allowed full complementation of the A. nidulans glnADelta mutation. However, the A. nidulans fluG gene, which encodes a protein with similarity to prokaryotic GS, did not replace A. nidulans glnA function when similarly expressed. Our studies with the glnADelta mutant confirm that glutamine, and not GS, is the key effector of nitrogen metabolite repression. Additionally, ammonium and its immediate product glutamate may also act directly to signal nitrogen sufficiency.  相似文献   

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - A comparative study was made on catabolite repression of acid protease and polygalacturonase in an adenine-requiring mutant of Aspergillus niger. Both...  相似文献   

Nitrogen metabolite repression in Aspergillus nidulans   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
Summary In Aspergillus nidulans, mutations, designated areAr, can result in the inability to utilise a wide variety of nitrogen sources including amino acids, purines, amides, nitrate, and nitrite, whilst not affecting growth on ammonium. Other allelic areA mutations, designated areAd, lead to derepression of one or more activities which are ammonium repressible in wild type (areA+) strains, whilst not affecting their inducibility. Various areA mutations exhibit a wide variety of phenotypes: areAr alleles can be temperature sensitive on some nitrogen sources while not on others, and different alleles can be temperature sensitive for utilisation of different nitrogen sources. areAd alleles can be derepressed for one ammonium-repressible activity, be normally repressible for another, and lead to abnormally low levels for a third. Once again each areAd allele has its own highly specific phenotype. The inability of areAr strains to utilise most nitrogen sources is paralleled by low activities of certain ammonium-repressible enzymes. areAr mutations appear to be epistatic to some but not all regulatory mutations leading to constitutive synthesis of inducible enzymes and also epistatic to gdhA mutations which lead both to loss of NADP-linked glutamate dehydrogenase and to derepression of ammonium-repressible activities. areAr mutations do not interfere with repair of a large number of auxotrophies in double mutants. Furthermore, although areAr mutations prevent utilisation of L-arginine, L-ornithine, and L--amino-n-butyrate as nitrogen sources, they do not prevent the metabolism of these compounds necessary for repairing auxotrophies for proline and isoleucine in the appropriate double mutants. Utilisation of acetamide and most amino acids as carbon or carbon and nitrogen sources is unaffected by areAr mutations, and areAr strains are able to utilise acetamide and L-proline (but not other amino acids) as nitrogen sources in the presence of non-catabolite-repressing carbon sources such as L-arabinose, glycerol, melibiose, and lactose. Suppressor mutations, designated creAd, probably leading to loss of carbon catabolite repression, allow utilisation of acetamide and proline as nitrogen sources in areAr double mutants in the presence of carbon catabolite-repressing carbon sources. creAd mutations allow ethanol to serve as a source of acetate for pyruvate dehydrogenaseless (pdhA) strains in the presence of carbon catabolite-repressing carbon sources, whereas pdhA single mutants respond to ethanol as sole carbon source only in the presence of non-carbon catabolite-repressing carbon sources. Specific suppressor mutations, designated amd d and prn d, allow utilisation of acetamide or proline, respectively, in areAr double mutants.The areA locus can be interpreted as specifying a protein which is capable of (and in most cases essential for) allowing the synthesis of a number of enzymes of nitrogen metabolism but which cannot function in the presence of ammonium (i.e., as specifying a positive regulatory element which mediates ammonium repression) although the possibility that the areA product also plays a negative regulatory role cannot at present be ruled out.  相似文献   

Wild-type Aspergillus nidulans grew equally well on NH4Cl, KNO3 or glutamine as the only nitrogen source. NADP+-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (EC and glutamine synthetase (GS; EC activities varied with the type and concentration of nitrogen source supplied. Glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activity (EC was detected but it was almost unaffected by the type and concentration of nitrogen source supplied. Ion exchange chromatography showed that the GOGAT activity was due to a distinct enzyme. Azaserine, an inhibitor of the GOGAT reaction, reduced the glutamate pool by 60%, indicating that GOGAT is involved in ammonia assimilation by metabolizing the glutamine formed by GS.  相似文献   

The intracellular levels of glutamine synthetase (GS) in Anacystis nidulans grown under different conditions were determined using a whole-cell assay. Nitrate-grown cells have 64% more GS than cells grown in ammonium sulfate. Nitrogen starvation does not affect GS levels appreciably. Incubation of nitrate-grown cells with ammonium sulfate does not change the ratio of gamma-glutamyl transferase activities stimulated by Mg2+ and Mn2+ ions. An in vitro test of adenylylation indicates that algae do not have an endogenous adenylyl transferase (ATase) and that algal GS is not adenylylatable by the Klebsiella aerogenes ATase. Some characteristics of the GS-membrane complex were determined by centrifugation of the complex under varying conditions of pH and ionic strength. In this way, it was shown that acid pH (4.5) stabilizes the complex and high ionic strength tends to solubilize the enzyme. A simple partial purification of GS (89-fold) was developed based on the sedimentation properties of GS.  相似文献   

The best studied role of ubiquitination is to mark proteins for destruction by the proteasome but, in addition, it has recently been shown to promote macromolecular assembly and function, and alter protein function, thus playing a regulatory role distinct from protein degradation. Deubiquinating enzymes, the ubiquitin-processing proteases (ubps) and the ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolases (uchs), remove ubiquitin from ubiquitinated substrates. We show here that the creB gene involved in carbon catabolite repression in Aspergillus nidulans encodes a functional member of the novel subfamily of the ubp family defined by the human homologue UBH1, thus implicating ubiquitination in the process of carbon catabolite repression. Members of the novel subfamily of ubps that include CreB are widespread amongst eukaryotes, with homologues present in mammals, nematodes, Drosophila and Arabidopsis, but mutations in the genes have only been identified in A. nidulans. From phenotypes of the A. nidulans mutants it is probable that this subfamily is involved in complex regulatory pathways. Mutations in the gene encoding the WD40 repeat protein CreC result in an identical phenotype, implicating both genes in this pathway.  相似文献   

Carbon catabolite repression of the Aspergillus nidulans xlnA gene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Expression of the Aspergillus nidulans 22 kDa endoxylanase gene, xlnA , is controlled by at least three mechanisms: specific induction by xylan or xylose; carbon catabolite repression (CCR); and regulation by ambient pH. Deletion analysis of xlnA upstream sequences has identified two positively acting regions: one that mediates specific induction by xylose; and another that mediates the influence of ambient pH and contains two PacC consensus binding sites. The extreme derepressed mutation creAd 30 results in considerable, although not total, loss of xlnA glucose repressibility, indicating a major role for CreA in its CCR. Three consensus CreA binding sites are present upstream of the structural gene. Point mutational analysis using reporter constructs has identified a single site, xlnA .C1, that is responsible for direct CreA repression in vivo . Using the creAd 30 derepressed mutant background, our results indicate the existence of indirect repression by CreA.  相似文献   

Strain SF22, a glutamine-requiring (Gln-) mutant of Bacillus subtilis SMY, is likely to have a mutation in the structural gene for glutamine synthetase, since this strain synthesized 22 to 55% as much glutamine synthetase antigen as did wild-type cells in a 10-min period but had less than 3% of wild-type glutamine synthetase enzymatic activity. The expression of several genes subject to glucose catabolite repression was altered in the Gln- mutant. The induced levels of alpha-glucosidase, histidase, and aconitase were 3.5- to 4-fold higher in SF22 cells than in wild-type cells grown in glucose-glutamine medium, and citrate synthase levels were 8-fold higher in the Gln- mutant than in wild-type cells. The relief of glucose catabolite repression in the Gln- mutant may result from poor utilization of glucose. Examination of the intracellular metabolite pools of cells grown in glucose-glutamine medium showed that the glucose-6-phosphate pool was 2.5-fold lower, the pyruvate pool was 4-fold lower, and the 2-ketoglutarate pool was 2.5-fold lower in the Gln- cells than they were in wild-type cells. Intracellular levels of glutamine were sixfold higher in the Gln- mutant than in wild-type cells. Measurements of enzymes involved in glutamine transport and utilization showed that the elevated pools of glutamine in the Gln- mutant resulted from a threefold increase in glutamine permease and a fivefold decrease in glutamate synthase. The pleiotropic effect of the gln-22 mutation on the expression of several genes suggests that either the glutamine synthetase protein or its enzymatic product, glutamine, is involved in the regulation of several metabolic pathways in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

The areA gene, which mediates nitrogen metabolite repression in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans, lies sufficiently close to a telomere that no indispensable gene can be distal to it. We were able therefore to exploit the existence of a near terminal pericentric inversion to devise a method for cloning areA plus the region beyond it towards the telomere. In crosses heterozygous for this inversion a class of duplication-deficient progeny lacking areA and the region centromere-distal to it is obtained. We, therefore, sought clones from an A. nidulans gene library in lambda Charon 4 able to hybridize to total genomic DNA from a wild-type strain but not to that from a duplication-deficiency strain. A clone, containing an 11.6-kb insert, which hybridised weakly to duplication-deficiency DNA, overlapped chromosome breakpoints of three different aberration-associated areA alleles and was able to transform an areA mutant to areA+. Southern blotting and genetic analysis established that the transforming sequence had integrated in the region centromere distal to areA. The cloning method yielded other clones from the region centromere-distal to areA which were used to show that the translocation associated with a mutant areA allele is reciprocal rather than non-reciprocal, a fact which could not be established by classical genetics. Finally, analysis of the cloned portion of the dispensable region centromere-distal to areA indicates that this region contains at least 0.5% of the A. nidulans genome.  相似文献   

Summary The synthesis of two enzymes of the arginine catabolic pathway, arginase and ornithine -transaminase (OTAse), in Aspergillus nidulans was found to be sensitive to both glucose and ammonium repression. The glucose and nitrogen starvation result in the identical derepression of OTAse synthesis and have no effects on arginase synthesis. Glucose and ammonium affect the kinetics of induction of both enzymes, however, the effect of ammonium is much stronger. Evidence was obtained for the direct involvement of ammonium in the repression phenomenon. The relations between glucose and ammonium repression are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Catabolite repression of β-galactosidase and of thiogalactoside transacetylase was studied in several strains of Escherichia coli K 12, in an attempt to show whether a single site within the structural genes of the lac operon co-ordinately controls translational repression for the two enzymes. In all experiments the rate of synthesis of the enzymes was compared in glycerol–minimal medium and in glucose–minimal medium. 2. In a wild-type strain, glucose repressed the synthesis of the two enzymes equally. 3. The possibility that repression was co-ordinate was investigated by studies of mutant strains that carry deletions in the genes for β-galactosidase or galactoside permease or both. In all of the strains with deletions, the repression of thiogalactoside transacetylase persisted, and it is concluded that there is no part of the structural gene for β-galactosidase that is essential for catabolite repression of thiogalactoside transacetylase. 4. Subculture of one strain through several transfers in rich medium greatly increased its susceptibility to catabolite repression by glucose. It is concluded that unknown features of the genotype can markedly affect sensitivity to catabolite repression. 5. These results make it clear that one cannot draw valid conclusions about the effect of known genotypic differences on catabolite repression from a comparison of two separate strains; to study the effect of a particular genetic change in a lac operon it is necessary to construct a partially diploid strain so that catabolite repression suffered by one lac operon can be compared with that suffered by another. 6. Four such partial diploids were constructed. In all of them catabolite repression of β-galactosidase synthesized by one operon was equal in extent to catabolite repression of thiogalactoside transacetylase synthesized by the other. 7. Taken together, these results suggest that catabolite repression of β-galactosidase and thiogalactoside transacetylase is separate but equal.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of Neurospora crassa on media containing NH 4 + leads to the repression of a variety of permeases and alternative pathways which would generate NH 4 + , so called ammonium repression. The mutant am 2 which lacks NADP-GDH is not subject to ammonium repression of nitrate reductase or urea permease, but like the wild type has repressed levels of these systems when grown in the presence of proline, glutamate or glutamine. The glutamine synthetase (GS) mutant gln-la has derepressed levels of the aforementioned systems unless grown with glutamine.The oligomeric state of GS depends upon the nitrogen sufficiency of the cell, a tetrameric form predominates under conditions of nitrogen limitation and an octameric form under conditions of nitrogen sufficiency. We have found that the tetrameric form GS predominates in the mutants am 2 and gln-la when they are ammonium derepressed.The mechanism of NH 4 + repression in N. crassa is thought to entail a cessation of positive gene action by the product of the nit-2 regulatory gene. We propose that under conditions of NH 4 + sufficiency, and hence glutamine sufficiency, the octameric form of GS represses nit-2 gene expression and thereby achieves ammonium repression.  相似文献   

Six mutants resistant to p-fluorophenylalanine (FPA) were selected on a medium containing aspartate as the sole source of nitrogen using a phenylalanine-requiring (phenA)auxotroph of A. nidulans as the wild type. The mutants, on the basis of genetic characterization, were found to be alleilic and located on the left arm of the linkage group III, approximately 13 map unit left to meth H locus, henceforth assigned to the symbol fpaV. At a fixed concentration of phenylalanine (23 micrograms/ml), the LD50 value of FPA for all the six mutants was found to be about three times more than that for the wild type strain. Affinity chromatographic purification of the enzyme phenylalanyl-tRNA (Phe-tRNA) synthetase from the mutant as well as the wild type strains, revealed that the wild type enzyme had about 1.4-fold higher affinity for phenylalanine as compared to that for FPA, both in the affinity column and in the catalytic reaction. However, the mutant enzyme showed almost a similar affinity for both in columns but a greatly reduced affinity for FPA in the catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

In Aspergillus nidulans, it is known that creB encodes a deubiquitinating enzyme that forms a complex with the WD40 motif containing protein encoded by creC, that mutations in these genes lead to altered carbon source utilization and that the creD34 mutation suppresses the phenotypic effects of mutations in creC and creB. Therefore, creD was characterized in order to dissect the regulatory network that involves the CreB-CreC deubiquitination complex. CreD contains arrestin domains and PY motifs and is highly similar to the Rod1p and Rog3p proteins from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An additional gene was identified in the A. nidulans genome that also encodes an arrestin and PY motif-containing protein, which we have designated apyA, and thus two similar proteins also exist in A. nidulans. In S. cerevisiae, Rod1p and Rog3p interact with the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p, and so the A. nidulans homologue of Rsp5p was identified, and the gene encoding this HECT ubiquitin ligase was designated hulA. CreD and ApyA were tested for protein-protein interactions with HulA via the bacterial two-hybrid system, and ApyA showed strong interaction, and CreD showed weak interaction, with HulA in this system.  相似文献   

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