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Summary We describe the molecular cloning of BglII fragments of the hybrid plasmid pRS5 (pSC101 and EcoRI fragments of F; f7, f5, f3 and f6). The clones isolated were examined for the expression of F-specified replication, incompatibility, mobilization and inhibition of T7 bacteriophage multiplication. Proteins directed by the BglII clones were labelled in Escherichia coli K12 maxicells and analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The sizes of previously reported proteins, encoded by the replication, incompatibility and leading regions encompassed by these plasmids have been confirmed in this study. In addition, the results demonstrate that a pif gene, which encodes an 80,000 dalton polypeptide essential for the inhibition T7 phage multiplication, is located on the BglII fragment that spans the junction of EcoRI fragments f7 and f5.  相似文献   

Cloning the origin of transfer region of the resistance plasmid R1   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The insertion of a 7.7-kb EcoRI fragment of the resistance plasmid R1 into pBR325 yielded a plasmid which is mobilizable by pDB12, a multicopy derivative of R1drd-19 lacking most of the resistance determinants. The vector alone was not mobilizable in this system. From this observation we conclude that we have cloned the origin of transfer (oriT) of R1. After inserting a 5.3-kb PvuII-EcoRI fragment of the 7.7-kb region into pUC9 the DNA was cleaved randomly with DNaseI and BamHI linkers were attached to the ends. A subsequent BamHI digestion and electrophoretic separation of the resulting DNA molecules by their size allowed us to generate an ordered series of stepwise shortened plasmids. Plasmids with a deletion of approximately 3400 bp could no longer be mobilized. Since the next larger plasmid with 284 additional base pairs could be mobilized, we are able to confine the oriT location within this extra nucleotide stretch. The DNA sequence of this region was determined. Dominant features within the DNA region are a high AT content and five inverted repeats, which might function as recognition or substrate sites for proteins of the conjugational transfer system.  相似文献   

Initiation and termination of DNA transfer at F plasmid oriT   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
DNA sequences within the F plasmid transfer origin (oriT) were tested for their ability to initiate or terminate conjugal transfer. Mutant and wild-type oriT elements were cloned as direct repetitions flanking the rpsL gene on a pBR322-based plasmid, and the frequency of deletion of this segment during matings sponsored by F’lac (F42) with streptomycin-resistant recipients was measured. Shortened oriT elements that lacked adjacent TraM-binding sites allowed efficient initiation and termination. Some truncated orir segments lacking the TraM-binding sites and the TraY-binding site, sbyA, initiated transfer inefficiently, but nevertheless promoted efficient termination. Removal of TraM-, TraY-, and IHF-binding sites severely reduced both nicking and termination. Point mutations that previously had been reported to prevent nicking caused reduced levels of both initiation and termination. These results indicate that regions of oriT supporting initiation are more extensive than those needed for termination, although some regions are required for both. Moreover, termination can be effective for some mutant loci that do not support efficient nicking.  相似文献   

The product of the Escherichia coli F plasmid traI gene is required for DNA transfer via bacterial conjugation. This bifunctional protein catalyzes the unwinding of duplex DNA and is a sequence-specific DNA transesterase. The latter activity provides the site- and strand-specific nick required to initiate DNA transfer. To address the role of the TraI helicase activity in conjugative DNA transfer traI mutants were constructed and their function in DNA transfer was evaluated using genetic and biochemical methods. A traI deletion/insertion mutant was transfer-defective as expected. A traI C-terminal deletion that removed the helicase-associated motifs was also transfer-defective despite the fact that the region of traI encoding the transesterase activity was intact. Biochemical studies demonstrated that the N-terminal domain was sufficient to catalyze oriT-dependent transesterase activity. Thus, a functional transesterase was not sufficient to support DNA transfer. Finally, a point mutant, TraI-K998M, that lacked detectable helicase activity was characterized. This protein catalyzed oriT-dependent transesterase activity in vitro and in vivo but failed to complement a traI deletion strain in conjugative DNA transfer assays. Thus, both the transesterase and helicase activities of TraI are essential for DNA strand transfer.  相似文献   

Animesh Ray  Ron Skurray 《Plasmid》1984,11(3):272-275
The leading region of the F plasmid is, by definition, the first part of the plasmid DNA to be transferred to the recipient cell during conjugation. Restriction fragments of the leading region, when cloned into the plasmid vector pACYC184, extended the maintenance of the normally unstable p15A-derived vector replicon in rec+ Escherichia coli K-12 cells. Mutations in the host's general recombination systems were found to influence the maintenance of these hybrid plasmids.  相似文献   

Boundaries of the nicking region for the F plasmid transfer origin, oriT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extent of the F plasmid oriT nicking region was determined from the properties of successive substitution mutations in the region from base pair 121 to base pair 174 and from KMnO4 probing of DNA structural distortions induced in vivo by tra gene products. Nicking and transfer assays indicated that the left margin of oriT Wes predominantly at the nick site, and that the nicking domain primarily lies within 17bp to the right of the nick. Some mutants that were proficient for nicking showed reduced frequencies of termination, indicating that oriT nicking does not guarantee efficient termination. DNA in the vicinity of the nick (G137, T138, G140, and T141 on the nicked strand) showed elevated sensitivity to KMnO4 when tra gene products were present in the donor. Bases C145, C146, C147, C149, and G150 on the un-nicked strand also became more sensitive to oxidation under tra+ conditions. The bases preferentially oxidized by KMnO4 lie within the nicking domain, as defined by the substitution mutants, and they include dinucleotides that can produce kinks in the DNA. Base pairs in the nicking region are calculated to be more thermodynamically stable than base pairs in the flanking regions.  相似文献   

The product of the F plasmid transfer gene, traN, is thought to be required for the formation of stable mating aggregates during F-directed conjugation. By testing chimeric plasmids that express F transfer region segments for complementation of F lac traN mutant transfer, we mapped traN to the F transfer region between trbC and traF. Both protein and DNA sequence analysis determined the traN product to be a large, 66,000-Mr, polypeptide that undergoes signal sequence processing. The mature polypeptide was associated with outer membrane protein fractions, and a protease accessivity test confirmed that at least one portion of TraN is exposed on the cell surface. Our DNA sequence analysis also revealed that another gene, trbE, is located between traN and traF. The product of trbE was identified and shown to be a small, integral, inner membrane protein. The mating efficiency and pilus-specific phage susceptibility of a trbE::kan insertion mutant suggested that trbE is not essential for F transfer from Escherichia coli K-12 under standard mating conditions.  相似文献   

The largest R . BamHI fragment of the plasmid F, which carries the entire F conjugation system, has been cloned into the single R . BamHI site of the ampicillin (Ap) resistance transposon TN1. pDS1106 (ColE1 mob::Tn1) was the vector plasmid, and the resultant conjugative plasmid, pED830, was characterized both genetically and by restriction enzyme analysis. The transposon construct, denoted Tn2301, was transposable at frequencies similar to Tn1 to small nonconjugative plasmids or to the Escherichia coli host chromosome. In the former case, Apr conjugative plasmids were obtained, whereas in the latter case, Hfr strains resulted. Representative Hfr strains were characterized by quantitative and interrupted mating experiments. Extension of this technique for Hfvr formation should aid chromosome mapping both in E. coli and in other bacterial genera.  相似文献   

Direct repeats of the F plasmid incC region express F incompatibility   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A Tolun  D R Helinski 《Cell》1981,24(3):687-694
The nucleotide sequence of the incompatibility region incC, located at 45.8--46.4 kb on the F plasmid map, was determined. This region consists of 543 bp and contains sufficient information to code for only two small polypeptides of 34 and 30 amino acids each. Deletion of the ATG start codons for these two polypeptides has no effect on expression of incC incompatibility. A prominent feature of this sequence is the presence of five 22 bp direct repeats. A 58 bp segment of the incC region that contains two of these direct repeats was inserted into plasmid pACYC184, which is compatible with the F plasmid. The pACYC184 plasmid containing the direct-repeat sequences now expresses incompatibility with the F'lac plasmid and replication-proficient derivatives of the mini-F plasmid.  相似文献   

Summary A technique has been developed which allows the isolation of random deletions extending from unique restriction enzyme sites in plasmid DNA molecules. The method involves transformation of E. coli cells with linear plasmid DNAs generated by restriction enzyme cleavage. We have used this technique to map DNA transfer genes in the tra control region of F sex factor DNA. Deletions within EcoRI fragment f6 of F DNA have been isolated and used to assign physical locations to tra genes by a combination of genetic complementation tests, restriction enzyme analysis, DNA heteroduplexing and the analysis of the proteins synthesised in minicells and in vitro. Deletion analysis has also allowed the identification of the traK gene product.  相似文献   

V. Thatte  V.N. lyer 《Gene》1983,21(3):227-236
HindIII restriction sites were created artificially by the insertion of the transposon Tn.5 into the IncN plasmid pCU1 near a presumptive end of its conjugal transfer region (tra). This allowed cloning of an entire and continuous 19.4-kb region of this plasmid that specifies the N transfer system. The cloning vector was the nonconjugative plasmid pACYC184. The recombinant plasmid was as efficient in transfer as the parental N plasmid. Other clones and deletions extending into the tra region allowed localization of a 11.2-kb segment of this region that determines sensitivity to the N-specific bacteriophages IKe and PRD1. It could also be concluded that the ability of pCU1 to promote the killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae requires a 2-kb region that is not part of, but adjacent to the tra region.  相似文献   

Early in F plasmid conjugative transfer, the F relaxase, TraI, cleaves one plasmid strand at a site within the origin of transfer called nic. The reaction covalently links TraI Tyr16 to the 5'-ssDNA phosphate. Ultimately, TraI reverses the cleavage reaction to circularize the plasmid strand. The joining reaction requires a ssDNA 3'-hydroxyl; a second cleavage reaction at nic, regenerated by extension from the plasmid cleavage site, may generate this hydroxyl. Here we confirm that TraI is transported to the recipient during transfer. We track the secondary cleavage reaction and provide evidence it occurs in the donor and F ssDNA is transferred to the recipient with a free 3'-hydroxyl. Phe substitutions for four Tyr within the TraI active site implicate only Tyr16 in the two cleavage reactions required for transfer. Therefore, two TraI molecules are required for F plasmid transfer. Analysis of TraI translocation on various linear and circular ssDNA substrates supports the assertion that TraI slowly dissociates from the 3'-end of cleaved F plasmid, likely a characteristic essential for plasmid re-circularization.  相似文献   

A newly isolatedPseudomonas plasmid coding for detoxification of the herbicide paraquat (Pqr) was characterized. AnEcoR1-generated fragment derived from the plasmid carrying the Pqr determinant was cloned intoEscherichia coli. Subsequent subclonings, followed by exonuclease III-mediated deletion analysis, localized the Pqr gene(s) to a 1.8-kb segment within a 4.2Pst1 subfragment. The cloning and apparent expression of the Pqr gene(s) inE. coli will enable its structural organization and function to be analyzed in detail.  相似文献   

Summary A restriction endonuclease map of EcoRI fragment f6 of F sex factor DNA was constructed and aligned with pre-existing physical and genetic maps. Results of genetic complementation tests and analysis of proteins synthesized in minicells from PstI and BglI1 sub-fragment clones, or from a specific BglII fragment deletion, have allowed mapping of the locations of the origin of DNA transfer and many of the transfer genes known to lie on f6. The proteins detected account for 78% of the coding capacity of fragment f6.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the conjugative F plasmid transfer region genes, traV and traR, have been determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of TraV indicated that it may be a lipoprotein; this was confirmed by examining the effect of globomycin on traV-encoded polypeptides synthesized in minicells. An open reading frame that may represent a previously undetected transfer gene, now designated trbG, was identified immediately upstream of traV. The deduced product of traR was found to share amino acid similarity with proteins from the bacteriophages 186 and P2 and with the dosage-dependent dnaK suppressor DksA.  相似文献   

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