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Summary Tassel branch numbers of six crosses of maize (Zea mays L.) were analyzed to determine inheritance of this trait. Generation mean analyses were used to estimate genetic effects, and additive and nonadditive components of variance were calculated and evaluated for bias due to linkage. Both narrow-sense and broad-sense heritabilities were estimated. Additive genetic variance estimates were significant in five of the six crosses, whereas estimates of variance due to nonadditive components were significant in only three crosses. Additionally, estimates of additive variance components usually were larger than corresponding nonadditive components. There was no evidence for linkage bias in these estimates. Estimates of additive genetic effects were significant in four of six crosses, but significant dominance, additive × additive and additive × dominance effects also were detected. Additive, dominance, and epistatic gene action, therefore, all influenced the inheritance of tassel branch number, but additive gene action was most important. Both narrow-sense and broadsense heritability estimates were larger than those reported for other physiological traits of maize and corroborated conclusions concerning the importance of additive gene action inferred from analyses of genetic effects and variances. We concluded that selection for smalltasseled inbreds could be accomplished most easily through a mass-selection and/or pedigree-selection system. Production of a small-tasseled hybrid would require crossing of two small-tasseled inbreds. We proposed two genetic models to explain unexpected results obtained for two crosses. One model involved five interacting loci and the other employed two loci displaying only additive and additive × additive gene action.Journal Paper No. J-9231 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011. Project No. 2152  相似文献   

Summary The evaluation of germplasm to identify its potential as a source of new favorable alleles is a time-consuming phase of maize hybrid breeding programs. The objective of this paper was to study the relationship between allozyme diversity and quantitative estimators of the relative number of new favorable alleles for grain yield, present in donor lines but not present in the elite hybrid. Twenty-two maize inbred lines representing heterotic groups from the United States (US) and Yugoslavia (YU) were used as donors to estimate the presence of new favorable alleles for grain yield improvement for the hybrid B73 x Mo17. In a second experiment, a 15-line diallel was grown, and 13 single crosses differing in allozyme relatedness measure (ARM) and heterotic grouping were considered as targets to be improved by the remaining 13 lines. Minimally biased estimates of new favorable alleles for grain yield (G) and ARM values were made for all donor lines within each target hybrid. Donor lines were grouped in four allozyme-pedigree classes for each target hybrid to compare the effect of allozyme diversity with pedigree diversity. Pedigree dissimilarities had significant effects on G estimates. Dissimilar pedigree classes had higher G estimates than similar pedigree classes. Allozyme differences between donor inbred lines and target hybrids had inconsistent effects on G estimates. Significant differences in G estimates among allozyme classes were found for 31% of the target hybrids. Classes with similar allozymes had higher G estimates more frequently than classes with disimilar allozymes. Correlation coefficients between G estimates and ARM values were low and not significant for 12 of the 14 target hybrids.This project was partially supported by the USDA and Republic Funds for Scientific work of Serbia through funds available to the United States-Yugoslav Joint Board of Scientific and Technological Cooperation, Project JFP 662  相似文献   

Transparent plastic minirhizotron tubes have been used to evaluate spatial and temporal growth activities of plant root systems. Root number was estimated from video recordings of roots intersecting minirhizotron tubes and of washed roots extracted from monoliths of the same soil profiles at the physiological maturity stage of a maize (Zea mays L.) crop. Root length was measured by the line intercept (LI) and computer image processing (CIP) methods from the monolith samples.There was a slight significant correlation (r=0.28, p<0.005) between the number of roots measured by minirhizotron and root lengths measured by the LI method, however, no correlation was found with the CIP method. Using a single regression line, root number was underestimated by the minirhizotron method at depths between 0–7.6 cm. A correlation was found between root length estimated by LI and CIP. The slope of estimated RLD was significant with depth for these two methods. Root length density (RLD) measured by CIP showed a more erratic decline with distance from the plant row and soil surface than the LI method.  相似文献   

Extensive nuclear DNA content variation has been observed inZea mays. Of particular interest is the effect of this variation on the agronomic potential of maize. In the present study, yield and growth data were collected on 12 southwestern US maize open-pollinated populations. These populations, originally cultivated by the Indians of the southwestern US for both human and animal consumption and adapted to various altitudes, were grown in replicated plots at the University of Illinois Agronomy-Plant Pathology South Farm. All growth and yield parameters were found to be negatively correlated with nuclear DNA amount. The negative correlations of nuclear DNA amount and growth parameters were more pronounced at 60 days after planting (DAP) than 30 DAP. Agronomically-important yield parameters, such as ear or seed weight and seed number per plant, also exhibited a significant negative correlations with nuclear DNA amount. These correlations demonstrate how the nucleotype may exhibit a high degree of influence on the agronomic phenotype. Although the results presented here represent only three replications at one location in 1 year, the observations noted suggest that nucleotype plays an integral role in determining the agronomic performance of maize. Further studies are needed to fully document this role.  相似文献   

种植方式和密度对夏玉米光合特征及产量的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张倩  张洪生  宋希云  姜雯 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1235-1241
为探明种植方式和密度对玉米光合特征及产量的影响,以郑单958为材料,在不同种植密度水平(67500株/hm2和82500株/hm2)下,以常规等行距种植方式为对照,设置3种不同缩行宽带种植方式(三行一带、四行一带、五行一带)进行比较研究。结果表明:与对照相比,无论高密度还是中等密度下,各缩行宽带种植方式均使玉米穗位上第1叶茎叶夹角显著减小,其中中三行一带种植方式穗位上两叶叶夹角值均最小;各缩行宽带种植方式光合速率(Pn)均不同程度高于对照,子粒产量显著增加,其中三行一带、四行一带、五行一带种植方式分别比对照增加16.7%、6.1%、10.7%(2011年)和17.2%、12.1%、10.6%(2012年)。所有处理中,三行一带种植方式高密度处理2011年和2012年籽粒产量均最高,因此可推荐为黄淮海夏玉米高产高效种植新方式。  相似文献   

Growth,yield, and yield components of ethephon-treated corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Field studies were conducted during 1985 and 1986 to study the effect of stage and rate of ethephon application on growth, combine-harvested yield, and yield components of three corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids at two densities. Ethephon was applied at four rates from 0 to 560g ha–1 at three growth stages: tassel elongation (TE 3mm), TE + 6d, and Ear elongation (EE 3mm). The greatest rate of ethephon decreased lodging by 85% in 1985 and 93% in 1986. Reduction in yield at the greatest rate of ethephon was 6% and 2% of the control in 1985 and 1986, respectively. Brace-root rating in 1986 was increased 20%, when comparing the greatest application rate with the control. In the same year, weight per seed was reduced 2%, which was equivalent to the percentage yield reduction. Plant and ear heights generally decreased in a linear fashion with increasing rate of ethephon. The growth stage at the time of ethephon application significantly altered all variables except grain moisture. Grain yield, seed weight, and lodging decreased as ethephon application was delayed. Decrease in seed weight probably caused the yield decrease with delayed application. Stages of application interacted with rate such that ear height was reduced less as ethephon application was delayed. The greatest rate of ethephon applied at the beginning of EE resulted in the best lodging control. However, reduction in lodging did not result in higher yield. Also, ethephon applied at the TE stage mainly affected elongation of internodes below the ear; at the EE stage, elongation of internodes above the ear was affected.  相似文献   

Summary The present study was undertaken to obtain information on average gene frequency in two heterotic populations of maize (Zea mays L.), Mezcla Amarillo Selection (MAS) and J607. Sixty-four male plants were taken in each of the populations and each of these were crossed to a different set of eight plants, four of which belonged to the same population and four to the other population. This resulted in two groups of intra-population (within MAS and within J607) and two groups of inter-population (MAS X J607 and J607 X MAS) progenies. Each group consisted of 256 full-sib progenies on the pattern of the North Carolina Design I mating system. The male plants were selfed to produce 64 S1 prgenies in each population. The materials were evaluated at two diverse locations, Ludhiana and Gurdaspur, for grain yield, ear length, ear girth, number of kernel rows, plant height, ear height and days to silk. An incomplete block design with two replications were used. The plot consisted of a 5 m long row. Ratios of estimated genetic components of variance and covariance were compared with corresponding theoretical ratios computed for a single locus for various gene frequencies and levels of dominance, and approximate ranges of the gene frequencies and their relative magnitude were worked out in the two populations. The average frequency of favourable genes for plant height was estimated as 0.6 in MAS and 0.8 in J607. For grain yield the average gene frequency was 0.8 to 0.9 in MAS and 0.7 to 0.8 in J607 whereas for ear height it was 0.5 to 0.7 in MAS and 0.4 to 0.6 in J607. The gene frequency in the two populations seemed to be similar for days to silk, ear length, ear girth and kernel rows.  相似文献   

Summary Genotype x environment (GE) interaction encountered in experiments complicates genotype selection and varietal recommendation. The integration of yield and stability of genotypes into a single parameter may make selection and recommendation easier. Kang developed a rank-sum method that allows selection for both yield and the stability variance statistics ( i 2 or s i 2 ) of Shukla. The objective of this research was to compare the rank-sum selection method to selection based on yield alone in five international maize (Zea mays L.) yield trials. Ranks were assigned for yield (the highest mean yield received a rank of 1) and for i 2 and s i 2 (the lowest value received a rank of 1). The yield and i 2 ranks and/or the yield and s i 2 ranks for each genotype were summed. Each trial contained two reference entries (REs). Yield rank or rank-sum of each genotype was compared to yield rank or rank-sum of the best RE (BRE). GE interaction was significant for all trials. Heterogeneity in the GE interaction due to the linear effect of a covariate (differences in fertility and/or cultural practices) was significant in Trials 1, 2, and 5. Overall, in all trials, 29 genotypes were selected on the basis of yield alone. On the basis of i 2 and yield rank-sum, 32 genotypes were identified, with 11 being lower yielding than the 29 yield-based selections. On the basis of s i 2 and yield rank-sum, 31 genotypes were selected, with 11 being lower yielding than the yield-bases selections. Obviously, yield is sacrificed when the rank-sum method is used in the selection process. However, selection based on yield alone may not be adequate when GE interaction is significant because of testing in diverse environments.  相似文献   

Summary When roots of five day-old maize seedlings were exposed to15N-nitrate, a constant (25–29%) proportion of the reduced15N derived from the entering15N-nitrate accumulated as insoluble15N nitrogen. Constancy was established by two hours and lasted through 12 hours at ambient15N-nitrate concentrations of 0.05 mM to 20.0 mM. Even when little15N nitrate had been reduced (<2 moles), there was a linear relationship between accumulation of insoluble15N (but not accumulation or translocation of soluble reduced15N) and total reduced15N. It is proposed that protein synthesis from the entering nitrate occurs in close association with nitrate reduction.Paper No. 9764 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7619, USA. This research was supported by Grant No. PCM-8118661 from the National Science Foundation.Use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product's name or criticisms of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   

Two 15N labelling methods for assessing net rhizodeposition of nitrogen (N) in pea crop (Pisum sativum L.) were compared in the greenhouse and in the field: the cotton-wick (CW) and the split-root (SR) methods. Rhizodeposition is defined as the organic material lost from roots during their growth through the soil. CW is a method in which 15N urea was supplied to the plant in pulses via a wick threaded through the stem. In SR, the root system was divided between a hydroponic labelling compartment (LC) containing the labelling nutrient solution (1 or 5 mM 15NO315NH4) and a compartment filled with soil in which the amount of 15N rhizodeposition was assessed. The percentage of N derived from rhizodeposition (%Ndfr), was used to calculate the amount of N rhizodeposition which was obtained from the ratio of atom % 15N excess of the soil : atom % 15N excess of the roots. Above ground parts in the field accumulated markedly more dry matter and N than in the greenhouse, regardless of the labelling method. 15N enrichments of above ground parts were higher than those of roots recovered from the soil. Results indicated that amount of 15N applied to plants were lower in SR than in CW. Additionally, LC roots of SR tended to retain large amounts of 15N. As a consequence, atom % 15N excess of roots was less than 1% in SR, whereas most values varied from 1% to 4% in CW. However, relationships between enrichments of the soil and of the roots were different in SR and CW. It was not possible to compare the Ndfr:root-N ratio between the two methods, but the ratio of Ndfr:plant-N was found to be 10% higher in SR than in CW. Finally, relative to total plant-N, the total contribution of below ground parts to the N pool of the soil reached 22–25% at maturity for the two methods. From our experiments, we could not conclude that one method is better than the other for estimating either net rhizodeposition of N or the contribution of a pea plant to the soil N pool. However, CW is easier to adapt and monitor under field conditions than SR.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rate and yield formation in different maize hybrids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between photosynthetic rate and yield formation processes of the newer and older maize hybrids were investigated. Leaf area at flowering (source) and kernel number (sink) of the newer hybrids were greater than the older ones although their light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Psat) were not greater than the older ones before flowering. After flowering, Psat and chlorophyll content of the newer hybrids declined more slowly than the older ones. They not only distributed almost all photosynthates produced after flowering to grain but also reallocated some reserved photosynthates produced before flowering to grain. The newer hybrids exhibited greater grain mass than the older ones mostly because they could optimally regulate the photosynthetic rate and yield formation processes to maximize grain mass.  相似文献   

Summary Ploidy levels of 26Zea mays L. anther culture-derived callus lines of the F1 hybrids (H99 × Pa91, Pa91 × FR16, and H99 × FR16) were determined at various times after culture initiation using flow cytometry (for 21 lines) or chromosome counting of callus cells or regenerated plants (for the remaining 5 lines). Twenty of the lines remained haploid, whereas 6 were diploid. The results from flow cytometry, after examining the DNA content of 5000 nuclei of each callus line, show that each callus line consisted of homogenous haploid or diploid cells. Thus for diploid callus lines, spontaneous chromosome doubling must have occurred before or in the early stages of androgenesis, before the initiation of callus cultures. These long-term callus cultures (growing for up to 38 mo.) have stably maintained their ploidy levels so it is unlikely that the culture conditions have caused chromosome doubling. The restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern obtained with 52 to 58 markers for each diploid callus line shows that all the diploid lines are homozygous diploid so each originated from a microspore and not from diploid maternal F1 hybrid tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Two maize (Zea mays L.) populations, AS1(S) and ECR-A, were evaluated for allozyme frequency changes associated with selection for improved seedling emergence, early season vigor and early maturity. Eleven marker loci were examined and four loci were used for indirect selection in an attempt to modify cold tolerance and maturity. Allozyme-selected divergent subpopulations were produced by compositing selected S1 progeny from cycle one (C1) of AS1(S) and from C2 of ECR-A. These subpopulations and S1 generations from all cycles resulting from phenotypic selection, ECR-A C1 through C7 and AS1(S) CO through C6, were tested in cold tolerance and agronomic performance trials over five environments in 1986. Seedling emergence and seedling dry weight did not improve with phenotypic selection in ECR-A, while plant height, ear height, grain yield, grain moisture, days to mid-silk and days to mid-pollen were reduced significantly. Contrasts between divergent allozyme-selected subpopulations from ECR-A were significant for grain moisture and mid-pollen date. For AS1(S), seeding emergence increased, while plant and ear height decreased with phenotypic selection. Contrasts between allozyme-selected subpopulations were significant for plant and ear height. Changes associated with marker-based selection for AS1(S) were not in the same direction as with phenotypic selection. Selection for favorable allozyme genotypes may be effective in changing certain traits in populations that have been modified by direct selection, however results may not be predictable.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy, Wisconsin Agric. Exp. Stn., Madison, WI. Part of a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph. D. received June, 1987. Research supported by the College of Agric. and Life Sci., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dekalb-Pfizer Genetics, Garst Seed Company, and Pioneer Hi-Bred.  相似文献   

Summary The nature and magnitude of variability in the interpopulation cross of Mezcla Amarillo Selection (MAS), an introduction from CIMMYT, Mexico, and J607, a population developed in India using indigenous, American, and Yugoslavian germplasm, were studied. Interpopulation progenies developed by following the North Carolina Design I were evaluated at two locations. The additive genetic variance component in interpopulation cross, A(12) 2 , and in one population assuming the other population as tester, A12 2 and A21 2 were significant for all the traits evaluated, namely ear length, ear girth, kernel rows and days to silk, with one exception. For kernel rows, the dominance variance component, A(12) 2 , was also significant but it was smaller than A(12) 2 . The variance component due to dominance X location interaction, DL(12) 2 , was significant for all traits except kernel rows. In the case of ear length and ear girth, DL(12) 2 was greater than the other components. AL(12) 2 , AL12 2 and AL21 2 were not significant for any trait. Expected genetic advance indicated a superiority of half-sib reciprocal recurrent selection over full-sib reciprocal recurrent selection.  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to map and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain yield (GY) and for secondary traits under varying nitrogen (N) supply. To achieve this objective, a segregating F2:3 population previously developed for QTL mapping under water-limited conditions was used. The population was evaluated in Mexico under low N conditions in the dry winter season and under low and high N conditions in the wet summer season. From eight QTLs identified for GY under low N conditions, two were also detected under high N conditions. Five QTLs were stable across the two low N environments and five co-localized with QTLs identified for the anthesis-silking interval (ASI) or for the number of ears per plant (ENO) under low N conditions. The percentage of the phenotypic variance expressed by all QTLs for ASI and ENO was quite different when evaluated under low N conditions during the dry winter (40% for ASI and 22% for ENO) and the wet summer seasons (22% for ASI and 46% for ENO). The results suggest optimizing different breeding strategies based on selection index depending on the growing season. Good QTL colocalization was observed for ASI (four QTLs) and ENO (three QTLs) when looking at QTL identified under low N and water-limited conditions in the same population. The results suggest that that both secondary traits can be used in breeding programs for simultaneous improvement of maize against low N and drought stresses.  相似文献   

Summary Two lines of Tribolium castaneum were selected in each of three replicates for egg laying between 7 and 11 days after adult emergency and for adult weight at 12 days, using theoretical (IT) and empirical (IP) index selection methods. Index coefficients were given empirically in the IP line and they were adjusted in the successive generations of selection according to the results obtained in the previous ones. Highly repeatable selection responses in all replicates occurred in both lines for the aggregate genotype (egg laying plus adult weight) and for each individual trait. The IP line tended to increase slightly more than the IT line for aggregate genotype and egg laying, while the highest response in adult weight was obtained with the IT method. The two methods gave consistently different responses in each replicate. The expected results were that IT selection should not exceed IP selection for the aggregate genotype and egg laying while theoretically the IT method should have been superior for increase adult weight. Theoretical expectations for adult weight have been fulfilled in practice. The IP method would be preferred in a practical sense because of its simplicity and freedom from need of parameter estimation.  相似文献   

Isoelectric focusing of zein in agarose gels gives sharp separations of at least 25 bands noted among 25 corn-belt inbreds. Six inbreds provided standard bands which were used to construct a pattern map. A method is provided for comparing bands, identified by distance from the cathode, which differ only slightly in position. The 25 inbreds were separated into five groups on the basis of pattern similarity. Some groups contained inbreds derived from widely different sources. Zein isoelectric focusing in agarose should be useful for genotype identification and for determination of varietal purity.  相似文献   

Summary The identification of inbred lines useful for improvement of an elite single cross hybrid is an essential part of a pedigree maize (Zea mays L.) breeding program. The objectives of this study were to identify lines that could be useful for improvement of hybrid B73 × Mo17 and to relate the values of estimators of new favorable alleles with test cross yields. Crosses of parents of hybrid B73 × Mo17 with 10 public lines from the United States (US), and 14 Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje proprietary lines (lines per se, and test crosses from 3 F2 populations) were evaluated at 4 locations in Yugoslavia in 1986. Significant differences in grain yield were found among lines in minimally biased estimates of favorable alleles (G) present in a donor inbred but not present in a B73 × Mo17, in minimum upper bound (UBND) estimates and in predicted three-way performance (PTC). Twenty-one lines had a significant number of dominant favorable alleles for grain yield not present in B73 × Mo17. The highest values for all estimators of new favorable alleles were found for donor lines which belonged to different heterotic groups than the B73 and Mo17. For most of the inbreds, the (C + F) – (D + E) statistics agreed with predigree information. Simultaneous increases in grain yield and decreases in grain moisture content for B73 × Mo17 are possible with several donor inbred lines. All of the lines with a high number of new favorable alleles for grain yield not present in B73 × Mo17 had negative D (F)-G values for low plant height. Line N152 had the most new favorable alleles for grain yield not present in single cross B73 × Mo17. Population (N152 × Mo17) F2 had the highest difference of observed test cross means from check mean, the most test crosses with significantly higher yields than the check, and the largest estimate of number of segregating loci.This project was partly supported by the United States Department of Agriculture and Republic Funds for Scientific Work of Serbia through funds available to the United States-Yugoslav Joint Board on Scientific and Technological Cooperation. Project No. JFP 662  相似文献   

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