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Summary In the crickets, Gryllus campestris and Gryllus bimaculatus, the innervation of the dorso-ventral neck muscles M62, M57, and M59 was examined using cobalt staining via peripheral nerves and electrophysiological methods. M62 and M57 are each innervated by two motoneurons in the suboesophageal ganglion. The four motoneurons project into the median nerve to bifurcate into the transverse nerves of both sides. M62 and M57 are the only neck muscles innervated via this route. These bifurcating axon-projections are identical to those of the spiracular motoneurons in the prothoracic ganglion innervating the opener and closer muscle of the first thoracic spiracle in the cricket. The morphology of their branching pattern is described. The neck muscle M57 and the opener muscle of the first thoracic spiracle are additionally innervated by one mesothoracic motoneuron each, with similar morphology. These results suggest, that in crickets, the neck muscles M57 and M62 are homologous to spiracular muscles in the thoracic segments. The two neck muscles M62 and M59 (the posterior neighbour of M57) receive projections from a prothoracic dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neuron that also innervates dorsal-longitudinal neck muscles but not M57. In addition, one or two mesothoracic DUM neurons send axon collaterals intersegmentally to M59. This is the first demonstration of the innervation of neck muscles by DUM neurons.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscles of rotifers are monocellular or occasionally bicellular. They display great diversity of cytological features correlated to their functional differentiation. The cross-striated fibers of some retractors are fast contracting and relaxing, with A-band lengths of 0.7 µm to 1.6 µm, abundant sarcoplasmic reticulum and dyads. Other retractors and the circular muscles are tonic fibers (A band > 3 µm), stronger (large volume of myoplasm) or with greater endurance (superior volume of mitochondria/ myoplasm). All of these retractor muscles are coupled by gap junctions and are innervated at two symmetrical points; they constitute two motor units implicated in withdrawal behaviour.The muscles inserted on the ciliary roots of the cingulum control swimming. They are multi-innervated and each of them constitute one motor unit. They have characteristics of very fast fibers; the shortest A-band length is 0.5 µm in Asplanchna.All the skeletal muscles of bdelloids are smooth or obliquely striated as are some skeletal muscles of monogononts. These muscles are well suited for maximum shortening and are either phasic or tonic fibers.All rotifer skeletal muscles originate from ectoderm and contain thin and thick myofilaments whose diameters are identical to those of actin and myosin filaments in vertebrate fast muscles or in insect flight muscles. There are no paramyosinic features in the thick myofilaments. The insertion, innervation, coupling by gap junctions and other cytological differentiations of rotifer skeletal muscles are reviewed and their phylogeny discussed.  相似文献   

Poor results can be anticipated with conventional surgical decompression of nerves entrapped within the hand in (1) those with underlying systemic disease causing primary neuropathy, (2) those with combined median and ulnar nerve palsies, and (3) those who have been previously operated upon for nerve entrapment within the hand. Eighteen patients belonging in these categories were surgically treated by resection of the hook of the hamate and (in some) by intraneural neurolysis. Using this technique, we have decreased our failure rate from 20 percent to less than one percent. We believe that failures can be eliminated if the patients destined to have poor results from the usual treatment are identified preoperatively and a more aggressive surgical decompression is used on this "at risk" group.  相似文献   

The morphology and innervation of the six oculomotor muscles in the gobiid fishTridentiger trigonocephalus are described. Every rectus muscle is composed of two types of muscle fibres. Muscles attach onto the cartilaginous or fibrous sclerotica. Oblique muscles attach onto the ethmoidal plate; recti muscles attach onto the parasphenoid or a thick fibrous membrane. There is no myodome. The common oculomotor nerve is composed of four bundles, the trochlear and the externus of two. The two kinds of fibres of the lateral rectus and the two distinct bundles of the nerve VI suggest a possible homology between this muscle in fishes and the lateral rectus+retractor bulbi in mammals.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the upper extremity nerves of stroke patients morphologically and electrophysiologically and to determine whether there is a relationship between clinical evaluations, ultrasonographic measurements, and electrodiagnostic findings.

Methods: This cross-sectional study included 30 chronic stroke patients. After recording demographical data, clinical, ultrasonographic, and electrophysiological evaluations were performed. Clinical evaluations included Brunnstrom Recovery Stages (BRS), Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA), Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), Motricity index (MI), Functional Independence Measurement (FIM), and Functional Ambulation Scale (FAS). For ultrasonographic measurements, median and ulnar nerves were scanned. Median and ulnar nerve conduction studies were performed bilaterally.

Results: Mean ages of the patients were 62.2?±?13.0 years (range 24–84 years; 22 males, 8 females). There was no significant difference in median/ulnar nerve ultrasonographic measurements between paretic and non-paretic sides (p?>?.05), whereas median nerve motor conduction velocity was significantly slower and median nerve F-wave latency was prolonged on the paretic side (p?<?.05). The median and ulnar nerve compound motor action potential (CMAP) amplitudes of paretic sides were positively correlated with lower extremity BRS and FAS scores. Median CMAP amplitudes were also positively correlated with FIM scores and ulnar CMAP amplitudes were positively correlated with motricity scores. Moreover, on the paretic side, there were positive correlations of median SNAP amplitudes with FIM and FAS scores (p?<?.05).

Conclusions: Our results showed electrophysiological changes in peripheral nerves on the paretic upper extremities, however, no morphological change was determined. Further studies with larger number of patients and longer follow-up periods are needed to clarify the effect of stroke and spasticity on the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Development of blood capillaries in the human intraorganic nerves has been studied. The intramuscular nerves of fetuses, newborns, children and mature persons (88 cases in all) make the object of the investigation. Combination of light optic methods and electron microscopy is used. The development of blood capillaries of the human intraorganic nerves is a complex process, indissolubly connected with development of myelin and amyelin conductors. The capillaries in the nerves appear on the 3d month of the intrauterine development and their structure is the most favourable for intensively proceeding, at this time, the myelinization process. With progress of nervous fibers and stromal elements, differentiation of the blood capillaries takes place. By the 6th month of the interuterine life, the capillaries of the intramuscular nerves are mainly formed. The structural unit in interrelation of the capillaries and nerve elements is the complex: capillary-lemmocyte-nervous fiber. Further changes are of slower character.  相似文献   

In 47 dissected right and left hands of adults of both sexes, kept in a moist condition, significant practical-clinical investigations of the transitional zone between forearm and hand were undertaken. In particular it was sought to determine the characteristic sizes of the extensor retinaculum, the osteofibrous tunnels, the insertion tendons of the hand and finger extensor muscles, and their tendon sheaths. Together with the palmar carpal ligament, the 2 to 3 cm wide extensor retinaculum annularly surrounds the whole circumference of the carpus. It extends obliquely from radial-proximal to ulnar-distal and conducts the extensor tendons over the carpal articulations. According to recent studies, it is divided into a superficial and a deep fibrous layer. From the undermost surface, vertical and oblique septa run to the plane of the forearm and carpal bones. They separate the fibrous portion of the 6 tendinous compartments of the dorsum manus. In 8.5% of cases, an accessory and completely independent tunnel of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle exists in the material investigated, and in 2.2% of cases, there is an additional tunnel for the extensor carpi radialis muscle. Hence, one occasionally finds 8 separate osteofibrous gliding compartments for the extensor muscles in the dorsal hand region. The longest tunnel belongs, as a rule, to the extensor digiti minimi muscle, whilst the widest pertains to the extensor digitorum muscle. Within the tunnel and also proximal and distal to it, the extensor tendons are surrounded by synovial sheaths. Because of its wide encroachment on the dorsum of the hand, the insertion tendon of the extensor digiti minimi muscle possesses the longest tendon sheath, measuring 68.8 mm. The next longest sheath, that of the extensor pollicis longus muscle, which measures 56.2 mm, begins further proximal to the gap of the radiocarpal articulation. In 12.8% of cases, there are divided sheaths of the abductor pollicis longus and of the extensor pollicis brevis muscle. The tendon sheath of both extensor carpi radiales muscles is frequently divided into 2 compartments which, in 2/3 of cases, communicate. The compartment of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle, in 91.5% of cases, shares a window-like opening with the roof of the synovial vagina of the extensor pollicis longus muscle. The tendon sheath of the long extensor muscles of the fingers originates 5 mm proximal to the forearm border of the extensor retinaculum and has a communal recess. The IVth tendon sheath opens distally and splays out in a glove-like manner to some distal recesses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We aimed to determine whether postexercise depression of motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) could be demonstrated without voluntary muscle activation in humans. Voluntary fatigue was induced with a 2-min maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle. On another occasion, "electrical fatigue" was induced with trains of shocks delivered for 2 min over the FDI motor point. Five of the twelve subjects also underwent "sequential fatigue" consisting of a 2-min MVC of FDI followed by 20 min of rest and then 2 min of motor point stimulation. Voluntary fatigue induced MEP depression that persisted for at least 20 min. Electrical fatigue induced a transient MEP facilitation that subsided 20 min after the stimulation and became depressed within 30 min. Thus MEP depression can be induced by both voluntary and electrical fatigue. With electrical fatigue, the initial depression is "masked" by transient MEP facilitation, reflecting cortical plasticity induced by the prolonged electrical stimulation. MEP depression probably reflects tonic afferent input from the exercising muscle that alters cortical excitability without altering spinal excitability.  相似文献   

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