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UV-induced changes in phytoplankton cells and its effects on grazers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. This review addresses the effects of UV-radiation on the morphology and biochemistry of phytoplankton and the potential effects on grazers.
2. UVA and UVB radiation inhibit the uptake of inorganic nutrients in phytoplankton. Reduced rates of ammonium and nitrate uptake in marine diatoms, and reduced uptake of phosphorus in freshwater flagellates are reported. The effects on cell stoichiometry are not settled.
3. UVA and UVB radiation promote increased cell volumes owing to a decoupling between the photosynthetic processes and cell division. Loss or inactivation of flagellae and loss of motility are also reported for a number of phytoplankton species.
4. UVA and UVB radiation may affect major biochemical constituents. Accumulation of intracellular, photosynthetic products (lipids or carbohydrates) is a common, although not unique, property of UV-stressed algae. Fatty acid (FA) profiles seem susceptible to UV radiation. A relative increase of short-chained, and a decrease in polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) are reported. The important membrane FA like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5ω3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 : 6ω3) seem particularly susceptible, owing to lipid peroxidation or reduced biosynthesis.
5. UV-related responses are highly dependent on taxonomy, cell-cycle stage, nutrient-limitation and the UV : PAR (photosynthetic active radiation)-ratio.
6. Nutrient deficiency, cell size, cell wall properties and FA can all have significant impacts on grazers. Thus the reported effects on cell morphology and biochemical constituents could have profound effects on grazers and energy transfer in aquatic foodwebs.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation induces skin photoaging by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS caused by UV-irradiation results in loss of skin cells and degradation of extracellular matrix. A number of antioxidants have been chemically synthesized or naturally extracted to prevent ROS-mediated skin photoaging. In our previous work, silkworm hemolymph extract (SHEX) was prepared, and its antioxidant activity was tested by free radical-scavenging assay. This study assessed the protective effects of SHEX on UV-induced photoaging of human immortalized keratinocytes (HaCaT). UVA (365 nm)-induced ROS generation was inhibited by supplementation of silkworm hemolymph (SH). Treatment with SHEX prepared by boiling SH inhibited death of HaCaT cells caused by UVB (315 nm) and UVA irradiation in a dose-dependent manner. Seven fractions were obtained by separating SHEX by gel permeation chromatography and the antioxidant activity of the fractions was examined. The fraction showing the highest protective efficacy on UV-induced cell damage corresponded to the lutein-containing fraction isolated in our previous study. Moreover, the SHEX fraction suppressed the expression of MMP-1 (matrix metalloproteinase-1), a matrix-degrading enzyme, suggesting that the active constituent of SHEX has the potential to inhibit skin photoaging. These results suggest that SHEX can be developed as a dietary and cosmetic supplement for prevention of skin photoaging.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of UV induction of the SOS function were screened. A log phase culture of E. coli PQ37 (sulA::lacZ, rfa, uvrA, Phoc) was irradiated with UV and then immediately subjected to culture for 2 h in a liquid LB medium containing each test compound. Expression of the SOS gene (sulA) was assayed by monitoring the levels of β-galactosidase. In order to examine the inhibitory effects of test compounds on protein synthesis, the levels of the constitutive alkaline phosphatase were assayed in parallel.The total number of compounds tested was 233, including 44 food and feed additives, 23 naturally occurring compounds and derivatives, 21 antibiotics, 61 pesticides, 33 inorganics and 51 other chemicals. As a result, 5-fluorouracil and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine were found to inhibit considerably the UV induction of the SOS gene without any inhibition of protein synthesis. Mutagenesis induced by UV irradiation was depressed by the addition of either compound at non-toxic concentrations.  相似文献   

UV-induced fragmentation of Cajal bodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Summary An artificial decreasing of the wing number inM. torreyi by means of UV-irradiation has been described, and the morphology of the aradiate and uniradiate facies of the induced H-clone has been analysed. The theory of morphogenesis inMicrasterias contains two aspects: 1. A plasmatic framework, the continuity of which depends on its doubling in the interphasic stage and on its transfer to the daughter semicell after cytokinesis, controls the number of the main sectorial units and the degree of symmetry. 2. The nucleus controls the form of these units during the developmental phase of the new semicell.The difference between the two morphological groups of the lobes (polar and wing) was discussed. The H-strain ofM. torreyi has shown that a polar lobe is able to produce a wing unit.Dedicated to Prof. Dr.Lothar Geitler on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

JNK和BAD(bcl-2相关死亡启动子)都是参与细胞凋亡的重要调控蛋白. 然而,二者在功能上的联系及其在细胞凋亡中的相互作用尚未见报导. 本研究证明, BAD可作为JNK的磷酸化底物, 与JNK相互作用, 协同调节紫外线(UV)诱导的细胞凋亡. 蛋白质印迹检测PARP (聚ADP核糖聚合酶)裂解, 以及流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡结果揭示, UV诱导的MEF细胞凋亡依赖JNK的激酶活性. siRNA敲降BAD的蛋白表达,可增加MEF细胞对UV 诱导的细胞凋亡的敏感性. UV处理的野生型MEF细胞抽提液(含JNK激酶活性)可催化GST-BAD底物发生磷酸化修饰, 而UV未处理的细胞抽提液却不能. 结果提示, UV激活的JNK活性可催化BAD磷酸化|体外合成的持续活化的JNK与GST-BAD体外共孵育结合质谱分析证明, JNK 可催化BAD蛋白的Thr-201磷酸化. 提示BAD是JNK的底物. 此外,野生型和T201A突变的BAD质粒转染BAD-/-细胞结果显示, BAD的T201磷酸化可抑制JNK激酶活性及其底物c-Jun的磷酸化, 提示BAD磷酸化对JNK具有负反馈调节作用. 上述结果证明,BAD作为底物可被UV激活的JNK激酶磷酸化|磷酸化BAD反过来又可抑制JNK的激酶活性, 负性调节细胞凋亡. 综上所述, BAD与JNK能够相互影响, 协同调控UV诱导的细胞凋亡.  相似文献   

A pigmented adenine-requiring strain of S. pombe has been used to study some aspects of the UV-induced replicating instabilities in this yeast. The effect of the repair capacity of a cell on the frequency of such instabilities has been investigated by using three different radiation-sensitive mutants and by studying the influence of caffeine on the frequency of secondary mosaics. Data showed that UV-induced replicating instabilities are not influenced by changes in the repair capacity of the treated cell. Since two of the sensitive mutants used are known to have high spontaneous mutation rates and the third one shows reduced UV-induced mutability, the induction of replicating instabilities differs in this respect both from the induction of spontaneous and UV-induced mutations.  相似文献   

紫外辐射诱导桃蚜DNA变异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用微卫星标记技术分析了不同剂量紫外线诱导下桃蚜(Myzus persicae)的DNA变异与分子多态性.根据3种引物的扩增图谱测出反映遗传变异程度的参数——多态位点率和基因多样度,并进行了方差分析和聚类分析.结果表明,不同紫外线照射时间(2、4和6 h)和照射强度(15、30和45 W)处理后,F1代桃蚜产生可遗传的变异致使F2代的DNA发生变异,且变异大小是由辐射时间和强度共同决定的 .F2代对照与2 、4 和6 h的处理平均多态位点率之间差异显著.对于平均基因多样性,除2 h处理外其余处理均与对照差异显著,且2 h 处理低于对照;根据遗传距离将桃蚜分为对照、2 h(15和30 W)和其余处理3大类群,此聚类分析与前述方差结果一致.  相似文献   

The UV-induced reactivity of dilinoleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DLiPE) Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films has been studied by in situ measurements of the changes in the mean molecular area, UV-vis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Optimum orientation and packing density of the DLiPE molecules in the monolayer were achieved by adding uranyl acetate to the subphase. A first-order reaction kinetic model was successfully fitted to the experimental reaction kinetics data obtained at a surface pressure of 30 mN/m. Topographical studies of LB films by AFM were performed on bilayer structures as a function of subphase composition and UV irradiation time. The orientational effect of the uranyl ions on the monolayer molecules was observed as an enhanced homogeneity of the freshly prepared monomeric LB films. However, the long-term stability of these films proved to be bad; clear reorganization and loss of a true monolayer structure were evidenced by the AFM images. This instability was inhibited for the UV-irradiated films, indicating that the UV irradiation gave rise to a cross-linked structure.  相似文献   

DNA光修复酶在蓝光驱动下,利用黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸(FAD)分子的黄素酶作为催化辅助因子,来修复紫外线诱导的环丁烷嘧啶二聚体(CPD)和嘧啶(6-4)嘧啶酮的DNA损伤产物。通过无根发育树,综述了DNA光修复酶/隐花色素家族的分类;详细地阐述两种DNA光修复酶的结构、光损伤后产生的嘧啶二聚体的结构及光修复过程;最后回顾了DNA光修复酶的研究现状并展望该领域的发展前景。  相似文献   

UV-induced mutation in bacteriophage T4.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Two late gene am mutants of bacteriophage T4 that can be induced to revert by UV were crossed to a temperature-sensitive ligase mutant. In the double mutants, UV-induced reversion was eliminated at a semirestrictive temperature. When the single am mutants were irradiated and then allowed a single passage in a permissive host, the UV-induced reversion frequency was increased by 15- to 25-fold. This increased mutagenesis was also abolished by the presence of the ligase allele. When the UV-irradiated single am mutants multiply infected a permissive host, allowing multiplicity reactivation to occur, the induced reversion frequency was reduced similarly to the reduction in lethality. The mutagenesis that remained was again abolished by the presence of the ligase allele. It is concluded that UV induces mutations in phage T4 through the action of a pathway that includes polynucleotide ligase. The increase in mutation frequency after growth in a permissive host implies that mutagenesis can occur at more than one stage of the infection rather than only in an early stage before expression of the mutant genome. The process of multiplicity reactivation appears to be error-free since it overcomes lethal lesions without inducing new mutations.  相似文献   

Experimental phasing of macromolecular crystal structures relies on the accurate measurement of two or more sets of reflections from isomorphous crystals, where the scattering power of a few atoms is different for each set. Recently, it was demonstrated that X-ray-induced intensity differences can also contain phasing information, exploiting specific structural changes characteristic of X-ray damage. This method (radiation damage-induced phasing; RIP) has the advantage that it can be performed on a single crystal of the native macromolecule. However, a drawback is that X-rays introduce many small changes to both solvent and macromolecule. In this study, ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been used to induce specific changes in the macromolecule alone, leading to a larger contrast between radiation-susceptible and nonsusceptible sites. Unlike X-ray RIP, UV RIP does not require the use of a synchrotron. The method has been demonstrated for a series of macromolecules.  相似文献   

UV-induced momilactone B accumulation in rice rhizosphere   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
UV-irradiation increased the concentration of momilactone B in shoots and roots of rice seedlings, and increasing the irradiation increased the concentration. The concentration in 90-min UV-irradiated shoots and roots, respectively, was 31.8- and 3.6-fold higher than that in non-irradiated shoots and roots. After UV-irradiation the concentration of momilactone B in rice shoots decreased. There was, however, an accumulation of momilactone B in the medium in which UV-irradiated seedlings were grown. Five days after UV-irradiation, momilactone B in the medium was at a level 2.5 times greater than on day 0, which was 47% of momilactone B in the seedlings, suggesting that rice may actively secrete momilactone B into medium. Therefore, UV-irradiation increased not only production of momilactone B in rice seedlings but also secretion of momilactone B into rice rhizosphere. As momilactone B acts as an antimicrobial and allelopathic agent, secretion of momilactone B into the rhizosphere may provide a competitive advantage for root establishment through local suppression of soil microorganism and inhibition of the growth of competing plant species.  相似文献   

In this study the role of nucleotide excision repair (NER) in protecting mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells against the genotoxic effects of UV-photolesions was analysed. Repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) in transcribed genes could not be detected whereas the removal of (6-4) photoproducts (6-4PP) was incomplete, already reaching its maximum (30%) 4 h after irradiation. Measurements of repair replication revealed a saturation of NER activity at UV doses >5 J/m2 while at a lower dose (2.5 J/m2) the repair kinetics were similar to those in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of photolesions were determined in ES cells differing in NER activity. ERCC1-deficient ES cells were hypermutable (10-fold) compared to wild-type cells, indicating that at physiologically relevant doses ES cells efficiently remove photolesions. The effect of the NER deficiency on cytoxicity was only 2-fold. Exposure to high UV doses (10 J/m2) resulted in a rapid and massive induction of apoptosis. Possibly, to avoid the accumulation of mutated cells, ES cells rely on the induction of a strong apoptotic response with a simultaneous shutting down of NER activity.  相似文献   

In the literature, it has been shown that the naturally occurring trans-zearalenone (ZEN) is transformed by ultraviolet irradiation to cis-ZEN. However, the practical relevance of this transformation in animal feeding remains unclear. The aim of the present preliminary investigation was to examine the effect of UV-irradiation on the concentration of trans-ZEN in a natural feed matrix at different dry matter contents to simulate the dry and wet feeding techniques usually applied in pig feeding. Four variants, air dry or wet ZEN-contaminated ground maize either irradiated or not were tested and analysed with conventional HPLC-FLD for trans-ZEN changes, which were further examined for cis-ZEN formation by HPLC-MS/MS. In conclusion, it could be shown that, under the investigated wet feed conditions, naturally occurring trans-ZEN was partially converted by ultraviolet irradiation to its cis counterpart. In contrast, the cis/trans isomerization seemed not to be relevant in dry maize. The consequence of this finding for practical liquid feeding systems for pigs requires further investigation. Additionally, an improvement of the analytical method for cis-ZEN determination is needed.  相似文献   

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