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Strong inference techniques were used in a preliminary study of the structure and dynamics of the vegetation the Prince Albert region of the Great Karoo, South Africa. Seedling emergence studies indicate that open areas in the interstices of the existent vegetation are colonized by mound-building species of the Mesembryanthemaceae. Later, these species serve as sites of establishment for seedlings of several species of woody shrubs. Eventually, the woody shrubs replace the mound-building mesems through interspecific competition. The woody shrubs persist in the community until they reach senescence and die or are removed through overgrazing. Superimposed on this dynamic pattern is a further temporal pattern involving a combination of disturbance and subsequent soil changes. Much of this effect is caused by fossorial animals, which are associated with large circular (10–20 m diameter) mounds. Burrowing by these animals changes the soil characteristics and establishes an additional sequence of vegetation succession in which the mounds serve as refuges from which non-palatable species, such as Pteronia pallens, can invade the rangeland. Later, as the mounds are abandoned and disturbance effects cease, more palatable species, such as P. empetrifolia, will replace P. pallens, overcoming finally the effects of the adjacent mounds on the surrounding vegetation.  相似文献   

The relationship between water chemistry and vegetation was studied in a coastal ombrotrophic mire in northern Hokkaido, Japan. The distributions of Sphagnum and Phragmites communities were separated clearly by the pH and ion concentration of the peat surface-pore water. The drainage ditches along the road across the center of the mire had a high pH and ion concentration, as did the peat water in the western part of the mire. It was found that fields used for livestock farming on a hill to the west of the mire leached materials into the mire through drainage ditches, surface runoff, and probably also through ground water, and thus influenced the water chemistry of the mire. Management of the water, including that in the catchment of the mire, should be introduced before biological buffering capacity against excess nutrient loading caused by human activity is exceeded and the mire loses its ombrotrophic status.  相似文献   

This paper describes the present-day vegetation, stratigraphy and developmental history of the mire of Egelsee-Moor (Salzburg, Austria; 45°45′N, 13°8.5′E, 700 m a.s.l., 15 ha in area) since the early Late Glacial on the basis of 4 transects with 14 trial borings across the peatland. We present a vegetation map of the mire, a longitudinal section through the peat body based on six cores showing the peat types, overview macrofossil diagrams of six cores showing the local mire development and two pollen diagrams covering the Late Glacial and Holocene. The chronology of the diagrams depends on biostratigraphic dating for the Late Glacial and early Holocene and radiocarbon dating for the remaining Holocene. The northern part of the mire originated through terrestrialisation of nutrient-rich, mostly inundated fen and the southern part through paludification of wet soils. The very small lake of today was a reservoir until recently for providing water-power for timber rafting (‘Holztrift’). The mire vegetation today is a complex of forested parts (mainly planted Pinus sylvestris and Thuja occidentalis, but also spontaneous Picea abies, Betula pubescens and Frangula alnus), reed-lands (Phragmites) and litter meadows (Molinietum, Schoenetum, etc.). The central part has hummock-hollow complexes with regionally rare species of transitional mires (Drosera anglica, D. intermedia, Lycopodiella inundata, Scorpidium scorpioides, Sphagnum platyphyllum, S. subnitens). The results indicate that some of the mid-Holocene sediments may have been removed by the timber-rafting practices, and that water extraction from the hydrological catchment since 1967 has resulted in a partial shift of transitional mire to ombrotrophic bog. The latter potentially endangers the regionally rare species and was used as an argument to stop further water extraction.  相似文献   

A high-resolution pollen record for the Holocene has been obtained from Derragh Bog, a small raised mire located on a peninsula in Lough Kinale-Derragh Lough, in Central Ireland as part of the Discovery Programme (Ireland) Lake Settlements Project. The data are compared with two lower resolution diagrams, one obtained from Derragh Lough and one from adjacent to a crannog in Lough Kinale. The general trends of vegetation change are similar and indicate that landscape-scale clearance did not occur until the Medieval period (ca. a.d. 800–900). There are, however, significant differences between the diagrams due primarily to core location and taphonomy, including pollen source area. Only the pollen profile from Derragh Bog reveals an unusually well represented multi-phase primary decline in Ulmus ca. 3500–3100 b.c. (4800–475014C b.p.) which is associated with the first arable farming in the area. The pollen diagram indicates a rapid, and almost complete, clearance of a stand of Ulmus with some Quercus on the Derragh peninsula, arable cultivation in the clearing and then abandonment by mobile/shifting late Neolithic farmers. Subsequently there are a number of clearance phases which allow the colonisation of the area by Fraxinus and are probably associated with pastoral activity. The pollen sequence from adjacent to a crannog in Lough Kinale shows clear evidence of the construction and use of the crannog for the storage of crops (Hordeum and Avena) whereas the Derragh Bog diagram and the diagram from Derragh Lough reflect the growth of the mire. This study reveals that in this landscape the record from a small mire shows changes in prehistoric vegetation caused by human agriculture that are not detectable in the lake sequences. Although in part this is due to the higher temporal resolution and more consistent and complete chronology for the mire, the most important factor is the closer proximity of the raised mire sequence to the dry land. However, the pollen sequence from adjacent to a crannog does provide detailed evidence of the construction and function of the site. It is concluded that in order to ascertain a complete picture of vegetation changes in a lowland shallow lake-dominated landscape, cores from both the lake and surrounding small mires should be analysed.  相似文献   

Competitive abilities of introduced and native grasses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bakker  Jonathan  Wilson  Scott 《Plant Ecology》2001,157(2):119-127
Differencesin competitive ability may explain the maintenance of existing plantpopulationsand the invasion of new areas by plant species. We used field experiments toexamine the competitive responses of Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertn., an introduced C3 grass, and Boutelouagracilis (HBK.) Lag., a native C4 grass, and thecompetitive effects of Agropyron-dominated vegetation andsuccessional prairie. We also tested whether the outcome of competitiveinteractions varied with water availability. In each vegetation type,transplants of each species were grown under two levels of competition(presenceor absence of neighboring vegetation) and three levels of water availability(high, medium, or low). Transplant survival, growth, and biomass allocationpatterns were measured. Water availability had no effect on the measuredvariables, suggesting that both species were limited by another resource.Growthrates were affected more by competition, while survival and root: shoot ratiowere affected more by transplant species identity. In the successional prairie,neighboring vegetation suppressed the growth of Agropyrontransplants less than that of Bouteloua transplants,suggesting that Agropyron has a stronger ability to resistcompetitive suppression in that vegetation type. The spread ofAgropyron into surrounding vegetation may relate to itsability to resist competitive suppression. In theAgropyron-dominated vegetation, neighboring vegetationsuppressed the growth of both species by the same extent. However, competitionaccounted for more variation in transplant growth inAgropyron-dominated vegetation than in successionalprairie, suggesting that Agropyron has strong competitiveeffects which hinder plant growth and prevent other species from establishinginAgropyron fields.  相似文献   

Cover data for plant species on eight environmentally similar sites that were each burned in a different year (from 2 to 36 years ago) were used to construct a composite sequence of vegetational change after fire on Artemisia-grassland sites in southeastern Idaho. Some species were early successional such as Lithospermum ruderale, and some late successional: Artemisia tridentata, A. tripartita, and Gutierreza sarothrae. But many species: Purshia tridentata, Symphoricarpos oreophilus, Amelanchier alnifolia, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus, Achillea millefolium, Agropyron dasystachyum, and A. spicatum were present in both early and later stages. Shannon and Simpson indices of diversity and species richness indicated little change in alpha diversity through time. This was attributed mainly to the limited change in species composition from early to later stages. The general pattern of succession is compatible with the tolerance model of Connell & Slatyer (1977) in most respects. Species traits relating to persistence through a disturbance or re-establishment on the site, and tolerance of competition shape the course of succession on a site. Perennial grasses and forbs which sprout from the base after fire are the first species to dominate the sites. Sprouting shrubs, which require some years to regrow to their pre-fire form, are prominent by the sixth year. Shrubs which rely on dispersal become co-dominants in later stages, at which time some herbaceous species are reduced oreliminated. The pattern of succession can differ due to presence or absence of species with particular traits.  相似文献   

The effects of neighboring vegetation and soil fertility on the establishment, survival and growth of tree species were studied in a subtropical old-field area in south Brazil. Seed damage, germination and seedling establishment of four tree species plus growth and survival of two transplanted tree species were monitored under factorial combinations of the following treatments: (1) pioneer vegetation (presence and absence); (2) soil fertility (addition of NPK and control). Facilitation was the main process affecting plant performance. The presence of pioneer vegetation significantly improved germination, establishment, growth and survival of most study species. Around 90% of sown seeds were damaged and the removal of pioneer vegetation significantly increased seed damage for all species studied, decreased germination in three out of four species, and decreased establishment in one species. Moreover a significantly higher seedling growth rate of Inga virescens was found after the first year of the experiment in plots where vegetation was present. The presence of vegetation significantly increased seedling survival of I. virescens by protecting seedlings from leaf loss due to winter frosts. Competition was detected by the second year when a higher growth of transplanted seedlings of the species Araucaria angustifolia occurred in plots where vegetation was present and fertilizer were applied. A lower growth rate was detected in plots where vegetation was present but fertilizer was not applied. These results indicate a balance between competition for soil nutrients and protection by neighbor vegetation. Damage of seedlings by leaf cutter ants was an important barrier for plant survival. Damage occurred in 80% of the A. angustifolia seedlings and 58% of these damaged seedlings died. The presence of neighboring vegetation tended to protect seedlings from ant damage. Although competition occurred, facilitation seems to be the main process driving early successional changes in this subtropical old field. This was mainly due to the improvement of local microclimatic conditions and protection against herbivores by neighboring vegetation. Facilitation occurred during establishment and growth phases in a subtropical area that is considered a productive, low stress environment. Our results indicate that facilitation may be more frequent in productive environments than previously thought.  相似文献   

Many areas of blanket mire in Britain display apparently degraded vegetation, having a limited range of ericaceous and Sphagnum species. Data are presented here from Wales from the upland locality of Drygarn Fawr (Elenydd SSSI), which is dominated overwhelmingly by Molinia caerulea. Palaeoecological techniques were used to chronicle vegetation history and to determine the nature and timing of vegetation changes, as an aid to devising conservation management and restoration strategies. Although for the past 2000 years the pollen and plant macrofossil data indicate some evidence for cyclic vegetation change, they demonstrate that here the major vegetation change post-dated the start of the industrial revolution. The palaeoecological data show a greater proportion of Sphagnum than currently. Local extinction of some species (e.g., Myrica gale) apparently took place in Medieval times, but most of the degradation and floral impoverishment apparently occurred during the 20th Century. The implications for conservation management are far-reaching. The overwhelming dominance of Molinia is clearly unprecedented. While it was locally present for hundreds of years, some factor(s)—possibly a change in grazer and grazing regime—encouraged its recent ascendancy in the 20th Century. Consequently, any management attempts to reduce the pre-eminence of Molinia would not be countering an ingrained, long-established dominance. It is suggested that investigation of degraded blanket mires elsewhere by historical and multi-proxy palaeoecological techniques—through multiple, dated cores to track species extinctions and directional vegetation changes—would help ascertain previous mire floras and so indicate a range of restoration targets for mire vegetation.  相似文献   

Following a severe fire in 1986 on the estuarine raised mire of Cors Fochno, Wales, a larval transect was initiated across the burnt and unburnt sections to investigate the recovery of the rosy marsh moth Coenophila subrosea population. This paper reports the results of 16 years of surveillance and relates larval density to the growth of the main food plant, bog myrtle Myrica gale. Earlier suggestions that fire is a necessary management tool to maintain Myrica at a young stage of its growth appear unfounded and hydrological effects are probably sufficient to ensure rapid turnover of the foodplant. Eighteen years in which there has been no significant disturbance to the mire vegetation has not led to the predicted decline in the moth population. However, changes in vegetational composition are occurring as a result of conservation management to the hydrological regime of the mire and further studies will be required to investigate whether restoration of the peatland water table leads to a significant reduction in the abundance in food plants or a decline in the status of the rosy marsh moth.  相似文献   

Chestnut blight fungus (Endothia parasitica [Murr.] P.J. And. &; H.W. And.)) is a classic example of an invasive species, which severely damaged populations of its host, Castanea dentata, and had widespread and long-term impacts on eastern North American forests. Concurrently, forests were further disturbed by lumbering, which was common across the region from the mid 1800s to the early 1900s. In 1926, local infestations of chestnut blight were reported in the Coweeta Basin, Southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. We used permanent plot inventories of the Basin (first sampled in 1934 and twice afterward in 1969–72 and 1988–93) to describe the distribution of species along a complex environmental gradient. Specifically, we asked: How does vegetation change over approximately 60 years following logging and the demise of C. dentata? Does the association between vegetation and environment determine the pattern of species distributions through time? Which species replaced C. dentata across this complex environmental gradient? We used nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination and multiresponse permutation procedure for the analyses of the inventory periods. In 1934, C. dentata was the most important species in the Coweeta Basin. It was present in 98% of the plots and contributed 22% of the total density and 36% of the total basal area. Diversity increased significantly over time and was attributed to an increase in evenness of species distribution. The canopy dominant, C. dentata, was replaced by more than one species across the environmental gradient. Importance values of Quercus prinus, Acer rubrum, Cornus florida, Tsuga canadensis, and Oxydendrum arboreum increased by 2–5% across the basin following the decline of C. dentata. Tsuga canadensis increased in abundance and distribution, especially near streams across elevations. Liriodendron tulipifera replaced C. dentata in moist coves, which have low terrain shape and high organic matter content. In contrast, Q. prinus and A. rubrum were ubiquitous, much like C. dentata before the chestnut blight becoming dominant or co-dominant species across all environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Severe natural disturbances can lead to the recovery of the original vegetation or the shift to new vegetation types. While post-disturbance succession is well documented for regularly disturbed ecosystems, little is known about the pathways and rapidity of vegetation dynamics after rare events such as peat mass movements in bogs. We monitored the floristic changes in a mire subject to a bog burst in 1987 for two decades through the repeated sampling of permanent plots. The mean species number per plot increased continuously, while the evenness increased only in the first decade and then slightly decreased. Declining species were mostly mire species, while colonist species were mostly wet meadow species. Species turnover was higher in the first decade after the disturbance, and was also higher in the area of peat erosion than in the area of peat accumulation. Changes in plant species composition indicate a succession towards tall-forb vegetation (Filipendulion), acidic fen vegetation (Caricion fuscae) and swamp willow forest (Salicion). We conclude that the effects of the disturbance are still ongoing, and that the mire’s potential for recovery is therefore difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Kuijper DP  Nijhoff DJ  Bakker JP 《Oecologia》2004,141(3):452-459
Competition models including competition for light predict that small plant species preferred by herbivores will be outshaded by taller unpreferred plant species with increasing productivity. When the tall plant species is little grazed by the herbivores, it can easily invade and dominate short vegetation. The tall-growing grass Elymus athericus dominates the highly productive stages of a salt-marsh succession in Schiermonnikoog and is not preferred by the herbivores which occur there, hares and geese. We studied how interspecific competition and herbivory affected performance during early establishment of this species with increasing productivity. Seedlings were planted in the field in a full factorial design, manipulating both interspecific competition and herbivory. The experiment was replicated along a natural productivity gradient. Competition reduced aboveground biomass production and decreased the number of ramets that were produced but did not affect survival of seedlings. The negative effects of competition on seedling performance increased with increasing productivity. In contrast to our expectations, herbivory strongly reduced seedling survival, especially at the unproductive sites and had only small effects on seedling growth. The present study shows that unpreferred tall-growing species cannot easily invade vegetation composed of short preferred species. Grazing by (intermediate-sized) herbivores can prevent establishment at unproductive sites, and increased competition can prevent a rapid invasion of highly productive sites. Herbivores can have a long-lasting impact on vegetation succession by preventing the establishment of tall-growing species, such as E. athericus, in a window of opportunity at young unproductive successional stages.Plant nomenclature follows Van der Meijden et al. (1990)  相似文献   

River oases at the southern fringe of the Taklamakan desert in NW China are surrounded by belts of spontaneous vegetation that protect the oases from sand drift. As an important source of forage, fuel and construction wood, this foreland vegetation is also a component part of the agricultural system of the oases but has been, and still is, destroyed through overuse. Within a broader study that aimed to provide a basis for a sustainable management of this foreland vegetation, biomass and production were studied in four vegetation types dominated either by Alhagi sparsifolia, Calligonum caput-medusae, Populus euphratica, or Tamarix ramosissima that were thought to occur under different regimes of natural flooding in the foreland of Qira (Cele) oasis, Xinjiang, NW China. Shoot biomass components were closely correlated to basal area (Calligonum, Populus, Tamarix) or shrub volume and projection area (Alhagi), enabling non-destructive estimation of stand biomass from shoot diameters or shrub dimensions with sufficient precision using allometric regression equations. Relationships between shoot basal area and biomass of the woody species (Calligonum, Populus and Tamarix) agreed with predictions by a theoretical model of plant vascular systems, suggesting that they are determined by hydraulic and mechanical requirements for shoot architecture. Average aboveground biomass densities of typical stands in late summer were 2.97 Mg/ha in Alhagi, 3.6 Mg/ha in a row plantation and 10.9 Mg/ha in homogenous stands of Calligonum, 22–29 Mg/ha in 22 year-old Populus forests and 1.9–3.1 Mg/ha in Tamarix-dominated vegetation. Annual aboveground production including wood and assimilation organs ranged from 2.11 to 11.3 Mg/ha in plantations of Calligonum, 3.17 to 6.12 Mg/ha in Populus, and 1.55 to 1.74 Mg/ha (based on total ground area) or 3.10 to 7.15 Mg/ha (in homogenous stands) in Tamarix. Production of Alhagi is equal to peak biomass. A thinning treatment simulating use by the local population enhanced productivity of Calligonum, Populus and Tamarix. A complete harvest of Alhagi in late August decreased production in the following year. An artificial flood irrigation treatment did not sufficiently increase soil water content except in the uppermost layer and had no clear beneficial effect on growth of the four species and even a negative effect on Alhagi, which was due to increased competition from annual species. As biomass and production with or without artificial irrigation were much higher than values expected for rain-fed desert vegetation at a mean annual precipitation of 35 mm, it is concluded that the existence of all vegetation types studied is probably based on permanent access to groundwater and that natural floods or precipitation do not contribute to their water supply. The effects of agricultural groundwater use in the oasis on groundwater in the foreland of the oasis need further study. Sustainable use of this productive vegetation is possible but requires proper management.  相似文献   

The use of data for present-day vegetation, modern and pretephra pollen have, together, allowed reconstruction of the spatial pattern of the vegetation of an oligotrophic mire, Shimo-kenashi Mire, in ad 915. The modern pollen data were compared with the surrounding vegetation, showing that pollen of Ericaceae, Rosaceae (excluding Sanguisorba), Sphagnum and Liliaceae, together with trees and shrubs, which form scrub or thicket, indicate the limits of the mires. Shimo-kenashi Mire was narrower in ad 915 and had more islands and peninsulas of scrub. Subsequently, the mire margin has advanced and the scrub islands and peninsulas have disappeared at some sites. The fact that the mire is spreading implies that conditions are wetter since ad 915, caused by changes in local hydrology. This history of vegetation at the site will contribute to the conservation and management of the mire as trends in vegetational change provide the basic information for conservation strategy.  相似文献   

The mutual effects of several fouling species (the bivalves Mytilus edulis and Hiatella arctica and a solitary ascidian Styela rustica) on their growth rate and mortality were studied through field experiments. The interactions between S. rustica and H. arctica appeared to be the least antagonistic. In contrast, the mussel was the most “aggressive” species with regard to both competitors. It was observed that the ascidians died, because they were intensively braided and gummed up with the byssus threads of the mussels. However, in some cases the intraspecific competition was stronger than the interspecific one.  相似文献   

P. Pakarinen 《Plant Ecology》1995,118(1-2):29-38
Mires have been classified in northern Europe at two levels: (1) mire complexes are viewed as large landscape units with common features in hydrology, peat stratigraphy and general arrangement of surface patterns and of minerogenous vs. ombrogenous site conditions; (2) mire sites are considered as units of vegetation research and used in surveys for forestry and conservation. This paper reviews the development of site type classifications in Fennoscandia (Finland, Sweden, Norway), with a discussion on circumboreal classification and corresponding mire vegetation types in Canada. The scale of observation affects classifications: small plot size (0.25–1 m2) has been used in Scandinavia to make detailed analyses of ecological and microtopographical variation in mostly treeless mire ecosystems, while larger sampling areas (up to 100–400 m2) have been commonly employed in Finnish studies of forested peatlands. Besides conventional hierarchic classifications, boreal mires have been viewed as an open, multidimensional, non-hierarchic system which can be described and classified with factor, principal component or correspondence analyses. Fuzzy clustering is suggested as an alternative method of classification in mire studies where only selected environmental and vegetational parameters are measured or estimated.Nomenclature: Lid, J. (1987) Norsk, svensk, finsk flora (vascular plants). Corley et al. (1981) Journal of Bryology 11: 609–689 (bryophytes)  相似文献   

Competition experiments showed that the small cladoceran Scapholeberis kingi rapidly excluded the rotifer Synchaeta oblonga from mixed-species cultures, but was itself unaffected by the presence of S. oblonga. Short-term experiments testing the effect of S. kingi on the survivorship and reproduction of S. oblonga showed that the former imposed a high mortality on the latter, even though shared food resources were abundant. These results indicate that adult S. kingi mechanically interferes with S. oblonga either by ingesting, or by rejecting in a damaged condition, individuals swept into its branchial chamber. In contrast to many other small species of cladocerans, and like large species of Daphnia, S. kingi has the potential to markedly suppress populations of some rotifer species through a combination of interference and exploitative competition.  相似文献   

A. Jensen 《Plant Ecology》1985,60(1):37-48
The aggregated effect of cattle and sheep grazing on Puccinellion maritimae and other salt-marsh vegetation has been studied together with changes in species composition, the percentage cover of each species, total cover and the percentage of bare ground, six years after grazing had been prevented by construction of experimental exclosures. The results of these experiments are discussed in relation to the natural development of the vegetation that occurred in a permanent plot in the ungrazed part of the salt marsh. Six years without grazing caused a marked increase in total cover and a dramatic reduction in the amount of bare ground. The species composition of the Puccinellia maritima community did not change during these six years, but all species increased in cover. Whereas Artemisia maritima migrated into the Festuca rubra community and only two species Festuca and Halimione portulacoides, increased in cover, all other species showed reduced cover and Salicornia europaea disappeared from the plot after six years without grazing. During the same period of time, three species, Salicornia europaea, Suaeda maritima, and Glaux maritima, disappeared from the plot in the ungrazed marsh as a result of natural development. During thirty-five years the vegetation originally dominated by Puccinellia maritima and Salicornia europaea has changed into a community dominated by Halimione portulacoides, whereas the grazed salt marsh is still dominated by Puccinellia maritima and Salicornia europaea. These results are discussed in relation to the literature on the effect of cattle and sheep grazing on salt-marsh vegetation.  相似文献   

The small, polyhumic lake, Mekkojärvi (southern Finland), is bordered by a moss vegetation zone (Warnstorfia and Sphagnum species) which provides a habitat-rich and productive environment for many planktonic and periphytic animals. Impacts of moss on the metabolism of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton in polyhumic water were investigated in laboratory throughflow systems. Growing Warnstorfia (together with epiphytic algae and bacteria) suppressed the production of planktonic algae but had no clear effect on leucine uptake, and hence bacterial production, or on the decomposition of humic substances. Phenol uptake and mineralization rates, however, were lower in the littoral water than in the pelagial water. Excretion of organic carbon by Warnstorfia algae or Daphnia longispina (the predominant crustacean in the pelagial water) provided only a minor contribution to bacterial production; therefore, a major contribution had to be from humic substances. A bacterial production efficiency of 31–38% could account for the microbial respiration in the water. The results indicated that bacterial, or detrital matter (originating largely from the littoral zone), could not obviate the need for algal food, and that a great deal of particulate matter in the water was poor or useless food for Daphnia. In all, the bulk of dissolved organic matter in Lake Mekkojärvi was biochemically highly recalcitrant. Our results indicate that humic substances (from watershed or littoral area) which, through bacterial degradation, enter the planktonic food web of the lake are mainly lost through respiration by microorganisms.  相似文献   

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