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We compared the foliar 15N and 13C values of Pinus massoniana growing on soils with and without microbiotic crust to examine the influence of the microbiotic crust on N and water use in plants in deteriorated watersheds in southern China. At our study site, litterfall and undergrowth had been intensively removed for fuel and soil N concentration was extremely low. Microbiotic crust covered the lower slope within the watersheds and pine trees were taller here than on the middle and upper slopes, although the crust reduced the amount of rainfall that could penetrate the soil. The foliar 15N values were greater (closer to zero) in pine trees growing on soil covered with microbiotic crust on the lower slope than on the middle and upper slopes, which lacked the microbiotic crust. These data suggest that P.massoniana may depend on N fixed by the microbiotic crust on the lower slope, and on N carried by precipitation on the middle and upper slopes. The microbiotic crust did not influence foliar 13C, an index for water use efficiency, in P.massoniana. The fact that P.massoniana biomass was greater on the lower slope, which is less permeable to rainfall, suggests that P.massoniana growth may be limited by the amount of available N rather than by water. The microbiotic crust may improve plant productivity by increasing N availability, despite its negative effect on water availability.  相似文献   

  1. In low-gradient, macrophyte-rich rivers, we expect that the significant change in macrophyte biomass among seasons will strongly influence both biological activity and hydraulic conditions resulting in significant effects on nutrient dynamics. Understanding seasonal variation will improve modelling of nutrient transport in river networks, including annual estimations of export, which could optimise decision-making and management outcomes.
  2. We explored the relationships among seasonal differences in reach-scale nutrient uptake, macrophyte abundance, solute transport and transient storage in the River Gudenå (Denmark), a large macrophyte-rich river. We used the minimal pulse addition technique to measure uptake of ammonium, nitrate, soluble reactive phosphorus, as well as reach-scale metabolism, and surface transient storage in spring, summer, and autumn.
  3. We found that riverine uptake changed among seasons and was linked to macrophyte biomass via both biological activity, reflected in reach-scale metabolism, and through physical processes, as solute transport was influenced by longitudinal dispersion. In this macrophyte-rich river, seasonal changes in macrophyte biomass affected contact time between the water and biota, which influenced ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus uptake. Using stoichiometric scaling of reach-scale metabolism, we found that seasonal variation also influenced the relative contributions of autotrophic and heterotrophic biota in assimilatory uptake.
  4. In summary, riverine nutrient uptake was not static, highlighting the importance of seasonality, with significant implications for modelling of nutrient export in river networks. Moreover, current management strategies that remove macrophyte biomass (i.e. weed cutting and dredging) will short-circuit the positive effects of enhanced nutrient uptake resulting from abundant macrophytes in rivers.

Trophic relations among introduced species may induce highly variable and complex effects in communities and ecosystems. However, studies that identify the potential impacts for invaded systems and illuminate mechanisms of coexistence with native species are scarce. Here, we examined trophic relations between two introduced fishes in streams of NW Patagonia, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). These species originate from different regions of the Northern Hemisphere but they now coexist as invading species over the world. We used gastric contents and stable isotopes analysis to compare the diets of two size‐classes of these two invaders in three localities of southern Chile. Both species displayed similar ontogenic diet shifts with smaller trout consuming mostly invertebrates and larger trout being more piscivorous and epibenthic feeders. However, piscivory was more prevalent in brown trout than in rainbow trout and highest at the site with the greatest density of native fishes suggesting that the availability of native fishes as trout prey may limit the occurrence of trout piscivory. We found an elevated dietary overlap between the two trout species at larger sizes while at smaller size a higher intraspecific dietary overlap occurred suggesting a potential interference competition among the two fish invaders especially at larger sizes. Our results highlight that the impacts of invading species on non‐native fishes are context specific (i.e. species and ontogenic stages) and thus, difficult to generalize.  相似文献   

Knowledge of determining factors for nitrogen uptake preferences and how they are modified in changing environments are critical to understand ecosystem nitrogen cycling and to predict plant responses to future environmental changes. Two 15N tracer experiments utilizing a unique differential labelled nitrogen source were employed in both African savannas and greenhouse settings. The results demonstrated that nitrogen uptake preferences were constrained by the climatic conditions. As mainly indicated by root δ15N signatures at 1:1 ammonium/nitrate ratio, in the drier environments, plants preferred nitrate and in the wetter environments they preferred ammonium. Nitrogen uptake preferences were different across different ecosystems (e.g. from drier to wetter environments) even for the same species. More significantly, our experiments showed that the plant progeny continued to exhibit the same nitrogen preference as the parent plants in the field, even when removed from their native environment and the nitrogen source was changed dramatically. The climatic constraint of nitrogen uptake preference is likely influenced by ammonium/nitrate ratios in the native habitats of the plants. The constancy in nitrogen preference has important implications in predicting the success of plant communities in their response to climate change, to seed bank use and to reforestation efforts.  相似文献   

The photorespiratory nitrogen cycle proposed by Keys et al. (Nature 275: 741–743, 1978) involved formation of glycine by transamination of glyoxylate in the peroxisomes utilizing glutamate. Subsequently, glycine is oxidized to ammonia, serine and CO2 in the mitochondria. The ammonia is reassimilated via the GS/GOGAT pathway generating glutamate. In this article, experimental evidence which suggests the occurrence of alternative mechanisms of glycolate and serine synthesis as well as of CO2 and ammonia evolution is discussed. The problem of utilization of NADH coupled to ATP synthesis during photosynthesis is still unresolved, which complicates the glycine oxidation reaction in light. Further, factors are presented that determine the availability of amino donors in the peroxisomes and of amino acids viz., glycine, serine and glutamate for the operation of the photorespiratory N cycle. Recent evidence regarding the role of formate arising out of the reaction of glyoxylate with H2O2 in the regulation of photosynthetic electron flow in the Hill reaction, as well as of photorespiratory substrates functioning as carbon sources for the citric acid cycle in the light or for export to the growing tissues, suggests that the role of photo-respiration in plant metabolism needs to be reexamined.  相似文献   

The photorespiratory nitrogen cycle was initially thought to be a closed cyclic process. If this were true the loss of glutamate, glutamine, serine or glycine to other processes, such as protein synthesis or export from the leaves, would not be possible in a stoichiometric sense. However, recent studies with [15N]-labeled amino acids show that there are alternative sources of nitrogen for photorespiration, indicating that the nitrogen cycle is not a closed cyclic system. In addition recent work with 15NH4Cl and [15N]-glycine and a metabolically competent mitochondria system has shown that glutamate is synthesized in the mitochondria. Hence the glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, EC in mitochondria could also be active in the reassimilation of NH4. We would like to propose that one function of mitochondrial GDH is to synthesize glutamate from some of the NH4 released by photorespiration and that this glutamate represents a reserve for use in biosynthetic reactions.  相似文献   

  • Symbiotic plants might be able to regulate a limited nitrogen (N) pool, thus avoiding and reducing competition for resources, through the uptake of different chemical N forms. Our aim was to see whether coexisting herbs showed preference for different forms of N in a temperate desert.
  • We conducted a situ experiment using the 15N labeling method in the Gurbantunggut Desert of Northwestern China dominated by Erodium oxyrrhynchum, Hyalea pulchella, Nonea caspica and Lactuca undulata during their growing period (April and May).
  • Four desert herb species preferentially relied on 15N‐NO3 for their N nutrition. Multi‐factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis results showed that species, N forms, months, and soil depths strongly affected N uptake rate. The uptake rate by herbs was higher in May than in April, and higher at 0–5 cm than at 5–15 cm soil layers. Erodium oxyrrhynchum, N. caspica and L. undulata showed different preference on N form over months. Erodium oxyrrhynchum and L. undulata changed their uptake preference from more 15N‐Glycine in April to more 15N‐NH4 in May.
  • Although the N uptake rate of four desert herbs varied across different soil depths and months, all species absorbed more inorganic N compared with organic N. The higher preference for 15N‐NO3 and 15N‐NH4 over 15N‐Gly possibly reflects adaptation to different N forms in temperate desert.

Aims Larch is the dominant timber species in Northeast China. However, compared with the adjacent secondary forests, soil available nitrogen (N) significantly declined in ~40-year-old larch plantations. Thus, it is of great importance to determine how N use strategies in larch change in response to declining soil N availability.  相似文献   

鼎湖山森林演替序列植物-土壤碳氮同位素特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
植物群落对水分利用和养分利用的优化策略, 土壤碳周转和氮循环过程对演替变化如何响应, 森林土壤有机碳积累机制等都是森林生态学需要解决的关键问题。然而, 这些生态学过程的变化在短时间内通过传统的研究手段难以被精确观测, 碳氮同位素(13C、15N)技术的应用或许能提供更多有价值的信息。该文通过对鼎湖山森林演替序列代表性群落——马尾松(Pinus massoniana)针叶林(PF)、针阔叶混交林(MF)和季风常绿阔叶林(BF)植物-土壤碳氮同位素自然丰度的测定, 分析了叶片稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)和稳定氮同位素比率(δ15N)与其叶片元素含量的关系, 以及叶片-凋落物-土壤δ13C、δ15N在演替水平和垂直方向上的变化特征。结果显示: 1)主要优势树种叶片δ13C与其C:N极显著正相关(p < 0.01), 凋落物和各层土壤δ13C均表现为PF > MF > BF, 沿演替方向逐渐降低; 2)叶片δ15N与叶片N含量正相关(p = 0.05), 凋落物和表层土壤(0-10 cm) δ15N沿演替方向逐渐增大; 3)不同演替阶段土壤δ13C、δ15N均沿垂直剖面呈现增大的趋势。结果表明: 南亚热带地区植物群落的发展并不一定受水分利用和氮素利用的补偿制约; δ13C自然丰度法的应用有助于森林土壤有机碳积累机制, 尤其有助于成熟森林土壤“碳汇”机制的阐释; 植物-土壤δ15N值可作为评估土壤氮素有效性和生态系统“氮饱和”状态的潜在指标。  相似文献   

张慧玲  杨万勤  汪明  廖姝  张川  吴福忠 《生态学报》2016,36(7):1967-1974
森林溪流木质残体是森林生态系统与水域之间物质循环和能量流动的主要联结之一,其碳、氮和磷贮量不仅可影响森林与溪流生态系统的结构和功能,而且与下游水体环境密切相关。因此,于2013年8月雨季以岷江上游典型高山森林为研究对象,调查了12条森林溪流木质残体的碳、氮和磷贮量分配特征,并汇算了研究区域内碳、氮和磷在溪流中单位面积的总贮量。结果表明,高山森林溪流木质残体碳、氮和磷的溪流单位面积总贮量分别为312.1 g/m2、809.5 mg/m2和110.9 mg/m2;在溪流中,木质残体碳、氮和磷贮量以径级为1—2.5 cm和2.5—5 cm的木质残体分布居多,分别共占碳、氮和磷总贮量的86.71%、87.20%和84.55%;木质残体碳、氮和磷贮量以Ⅴ腐烂级分配最多,分别共占碳、氮和磷总贮量的65.86%、67.86%和60.31%;尽管溪流各项特征与碳、氮和磷元素贮量的相关性不显著,但基本达到中度相关关系。这些结果为认识森林生态系统中以木质残体为载体的碳、氮和磷输出潜力提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

  1. Although it is well known that nitrogen (N) additions strongly affect ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungal community composition, less is known about how different N application rates and duration of N additions affect the functional role EM fungi play in the forest N cycle.
  2. We measured EM sporocarp abundance and species richness as well as determined the δ15N in EM sporocarps and tree foliage in two Pinus sylvestris forests characterized by short- and long-term N addition histories and multiple N addition treatments. After 20 and 39 years of N additions, two of the long-term N addition treatments were terminated, thereby providing a unique opportunity to examine the temporal recovery of EM sporocarps after cessation of high N loading.
  3. In general, increasing N availability significantly reduced EM sporocarp production, species richness, and the amount of N retained in EM sporocarps. However, these general responses were strongly dependent on the application rate and duration of N additions. The annual addition of 20 kg·N·ha−1 for the past 6 years resulted in a slight increase in the production and retention of N in EM sporocarps, whereas the addition of 100 kg·N·ha−1·yr−1 during the same period nearly eliminated EM sporocarps. In contrast, long-term additions of N at rates of ca. 35 or 70 kg·N·ha−1·yr−1 for the past 40 years did not eliminate tree carbon allocation to EM sporocarps, although there was a decrease in the abundance and a shift in the dominant EM sporocarp taxa. Despite no immediate recovery, EM sporocarp abundance and species richness approached those of the control 20 years after terminating N additions in the most heavily fertilized treatment, suggesting a recovery of carbon allocation to EM sporocarps after cessation of high N loading.
  4. Our results provide evidence for a tight coupling between tree carbon allocation to and N retention in EM sporocarps and moreover highlight the potential use of δ15N in EM sporocarps as a relative index of EM fungal sink strength for N. However, nitrogen additions at high dosage rates or over long time periods appear to disrupt this feedback, which could have important ramifications on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in these forested ecosystems.

The formation of ortho-quinone from ortho-diphenol is a key step in its dimerization. An NMR analysis of the oxidation of 3,4-dihydroxycinnamic acid (caffein acid) by NaIO4 revealed the formation of 3-(3',4'-dioxo-1',5'-cyclohexadienyl) propenoic acid (o-quinone) prior to the formation of furofuran-type lignan 4,8-exo-bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,7-dioxabicyclo[3.3.0]octane-2,6-dione. Both electrolytic and enzymatic oxidation of caffeic acid also generated o-quinone. The yields of o-quinone from caffeic acid were quantified by NMR and HPLC analyses. A stable isotope-labeling study of the formation of lignans directly proved the random radical coupling of semiquinone radicals formed from a set of caffeic acid and o-quinone.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for the determination of p-tyramine was developed using gas chromatographychemical ionization mass spectrometry. This method was combined with a stable isotope tracer technique to study p-tyramine metabolism in humans. [2H]5-Phenylalanine was administered orally to men (5 mg/kg) as a tracer and the amounts of [2H]4-p-tyramine excreted into urine were determined at each hour. Excretion of [2H]4-p-tyramine was maximal, between 1 and 2 hours following administration, at about 15 ng/kg·h in healthy adult men. Possible application in the study of metabolic disorders in human was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Jackson  Louise E.  Bloom  Arnold J. 《Plant and Soil》1994,164(2):195-202
We tested radioactive methylammonium (14CH3NH inf3 sup+ ) as a tracer for ammonium (NH4 +) in root uptake measurements from soil. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Moll. cv T5) in 3 L pots filled with loamy sand soil received 40, 200, or 600 μmol 14CH3NH3 + or 15NH4 +. During a 4 h period, the plants absorbed 14CH3NH3 + at slower rates than 15NH4 +. Estimates of NH4 + absorption based on 15NH4 + absorption were 0.9–7.9 μmol NH4 + g−1 plant dry weight h−1, whereas those based on 14CH3NH3 + absorption were 0.2–1.0 μmol NH4 + g−1 plant dry weight h−1. After 4 h, approximately one-half of the applied 15N was not recovered in the plants or soil KCl extracts; apparently, this 15N was either immobilized or nitrified and denitrified by soil biota. By contrast, almost all the 14CH3NH3 + remained in the soil solution after 4 h, but after a 10 d incubation, approximately 20% had been released as 14CO2. These differences in plant absorption rates and movement through soil pools indicate that CH3NH3 + cannot be used reliably as an NH4 + analog in soil.  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotope composition (δ15N) in plant organic matter is currently used as a natural tracer of nitrogen acquisition efficiency. However, the δ15N value of whole leaf material does not properly reflect the way in which N is assimilated because isotope fractionations along metabolic reactions may cause substantial differences among leaf compounds. In other words, any change in metabolic composition or allocation pattern may cause undesirable variability in leaf δ15N. Here, we investigated the δ15N in different leaf fractions and individual metabolites from rapeseed (Brassica napus) leaves. We show that there were substantial differences in δ15N between nitrogenous compounds (up to 30‰) and the content in (15N enriched) nitrate had a clear influence on leaf δ15N. Using a simple steady‐state model of day metabolism, we suggest that the δ15N value in major amino acids was mostly explained by isotope fractionation associated with isotope effects on enzyme‐catalysed reactions in primary nitrogen metabolism. δ15N values were further influenced by light versus dark conditions and the probable occurrence of alternative biosynthetic pathways. We conclude that both biochemical pathways (that fractionate between isotopes) and nitrogen sources (used for amino acid production) should be considered when interpreting the δ15N value of leaf nitrogenous compounds.  相似文献   

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