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Floral morphology, anatomy and histology in the newly circumscribed order Celastrales, comprising Celastraceae, Parnassiaceae and Lepidobotryaceae are studied comparatively. Several genera of Celastraceae and Lepidobotrys (Lepidobotryaceae) were studied for the first time in this respect. Celastraceae are well supported as a group by floral structure (including genera that were in separate families in earlier classifications); they have dorsally bulged‐up locules (and thus apical septa) and contain oxalate druses in their floral tissues. The group of Celastraceae and Parnassiaceae is also well supported. They share completely syncarpous gynoecia with commissural stigmatic lobes (and strong concomitant development of the commissural vascular bundles but weak median carpel bundles), only weakly crassinucellar or incompletely tenuinucellar ovules with an endothelium, partly fringed sepals and petals, protandry in bisexual flowers combined with herkogamy by the movement of stamens and anther abscission, and stamens fused with the ovary. In contrast, Lepidobotryaceae are more distant from the other two families, sharing only a handful of features with Celastraceae (not Parnassiaceae), such as pseudohermaphroditic flowers, united stamen bases forming a collar around the gynoecium and seeds with a conspicuous aril. However, all three families together are also somewhat supported as a group and share petals that are not retarded in late floral bud development, 3‐carpellate gynoecia, ventral slits of carpels closed by long interlocking epidermal cells and pollen tube transmitting tissue encompassing several cell layers, both integuments usually more than two cell layers thick, and only weak or lacking floral indumentum. In some molecular analyses Celastrales form an unsupported clade with Malpighiales and Oxalidales. This association is supported by floral structure, especially between Celastrales and Malpighiales. Among Celastrales, Lepidobotryaceae especially share special features with Malpighiales, including a diplostemonous androecium with ten fertile stamens, epitropous ovules with an obturator and strong vascularization around the chalaza. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 149 , 129–194.  相似文献   

Floral structure, including morphology, anatomy and histology, was comparatively studied in representatives of all seven families of Cucurbitales as currently circumscribed by other authors based on molecular analyses and including Corynocarpaceae, Coriariaceae, Tetramelaceae, Datiscaceae, Begoniaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Anisophylleaceae. Three superfamilial clades are supported by floral structure: Tetramelaceae/Datiscaceae, Tetramelaceae/Datiscaceae/Begoniaceae and Corynocarpaceae/Coriariaceae. Anisophylleaceae appear most isolated in Cucurbitales, and show more similarities with Oxalidales, especially Cunoniaceae, although some features of interest are shared with other Cucurbitales and not Oxalidales. Tetramelaceae and Datiscaceae share dioecy, completely isomerous (but not regularly pentamerous) flowers (not in male Datiscaceae), only small sepals, lacking petals (not in male Octomeles). Tetramelaceae, Datiscaceae and Begoniaceae share the presence of numerous small ovules and seeds with a large‐celled surface, 2‐cell‐layered integuments, and a collar around the funicle by an extension of the outer integument. Corynocarpaceae and Coriariaceae share thick petals, unifacial stigmas, superior ovaries with a single, median, pendant syntropous ovule per carpel, and annular outer integuments with vasculature at the base. The four classical core families of Cucurbitales: Tetramelaceae, Datiscaceae, Begoniaceae and Cucurbitaceae (relationship unresolved, not retrieved as a clade as yet in molecular studies) share in various combinations androdioecy, basifixed and extrorse or latrorse anthers, trimerous gynoecia, bifurcate free carpel parts, an extended roof over the ovary formed by the ventral parts of the carpels, and parietal placentae. Trends of interest at the order level are unisexual flowers, thick, pointed petals (if present) that do not conform to the model in other rosids or basal core eudicots, a 2‐cell‐layered inner integument, which is delayed in development, and lacking or scant tanniferous tissues in flowers. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 145 , 129–185.  相似文献   

Cunoniaceae in the Cretaceous of Europe: Evidence from Fossil Flowers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fossil flowers of the Cunoniaceae from Late Cretaceous sedimentsof southern Sweden are described in detail. The flowers aresmall, bisexual, actinomorphic, tetramerous with broadly attachedvalvate sepals; they have narrowly attached petals; eight stamensin two whorls; a massive, lobed nectary; a semi-inferior, syncarpousgynoecium with axile placentation; numerous ovules; separatestyles; and peltate, probably secretory, trichomes. They sharemany features with extant representatives of both the Cunoniaceaeand Anisophylleaceae. However, the gynoecium structure in particularindicates a closer relationship to the Cunoniaceae. The floralcharacters are not specific for any extant genus of the familyand therefore a new genus and species, Platydiscus peltatusgen. et sp. nov., is formally described. This is the first recordof cunoniaceous floral structures from the Northern Hemisphereand the oldest record of Cunoniaceae flowers worldwide. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Anisophylleaceae, Cunoniaceae, fossil flowers, Late Cretaceous, Oxalidales, Platydiscus peltatus gen. et sp. nov., Santonian-Campanian, southern Sweden  相似文献   

Floral structure of all putative families of Crossosomatales as suggested by molecular studies was comparatively studied. The seven comprise Crossosomataceae, Stachyuraceae, Staphyleaceae, Aphloiaceae, Geissolomataceae, Ixerbaceae, and Strasburgeriaceae. The entire clade (1) is highly supported by floral structure, also the clades (in sequence of diminishing structural support): Ixerbaceae/Strasburgeriaceae (2), Geissolomataceae/Ixerbaceae/Strasburgeriaceae (3), Aphloiaceae/Geissolomataceae/Ixerbaceae/Strasburgeriaceae (4), and Crossosomataceae/Stachyuraceae/Staphyleaceae (5). Among the prominent floral features of Crossosomatales (1) are solitary flowers, presence of a floral cup, imbricate sepals with outermost smaller than inner, pollen grains with horizontally extended endoapertures, shortly stalked gynoecium, postgenitally united carpel tips forming a compitum, stigmatic papillae two‐ or more‐cellular, ovary locules tapering upwards, long integuments forming zigzag micropyles, cell clusters with bundles of long yellow crystals, mucilage cells, seeds with smooth, sclerified testa and without a differentiated tegmen. Clade (2) is characterized by large flowers, petals forming a tight, pointed cone in bud, stamens with long, stout filaments and sagittate anthers, streamlined, conical gynoecium, antitropous ovules, rudimentary aril, lignified, unicellular, T‐shaped hairs and idioblasts with striate mucilaginous cell walls. Clade (3) is characterized by alternisepalous carpels, punctiform stigma formed by postgenitally united and twisted carpel tips, synascidiate ovary, only one or two pendant ovules per carpel, nectary recesses between androecium and gynoecium. Clade (4) is characterized by pronounced ‘pollen buds’. Clade (5) is characterized by polygamous or functionally unisexual flowers, x‐shaped anthers, free and follicular carpels (not in Stachyuraceae). Crossosomataceae and Aphloiaceae, although not retrieved as a clade in molecular studies, share several special floral features: polystemonous androecium; basifixed anthers without a connective protrusion; stigma with two more or less decurrent crests; camplyotropous ovules and reniform seeds; simple, disc‐shaped nectaries and absence of hairs. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 147 , 1–46.  相似文献   

The wood sorrel family, Oxalidaceae, is mainly composed of annual or perennial herbs, a few shrubs, and trees distributed from temperate to tropical zones. Members of Oxalidaceae are of high medicinal, ornamental, and economic value. Despite the rich diversity and value of Oxalidaceae, few molecular markers or plastomes are available for phylogenetic analysis of the family. Here, we reported four new whole plastomes of Oxalidaceae and compared them with plastomes of three species in the family, as well as the plastome of Rourea microphylla in the closely related family Connaraceae. The eight plastomes ranged in length from 150,673 bp (Biophytum sensitivum) to 156,609 bp (R. microphylla). Genome annotations revealed a total of 129–131 genes, including 83–84 protein-coding genes, eight rRNA genes, 37 tRNA genes, and two to three pseudogenes. Comparative analyses showed that the plastomes of these species have minor variations at the gene level. The smaller plastomes of herbs B. sensitivum and three Oxalis species are associated with variations in IR region sizes, intergenic region variation, and gene or intron loss. We identified sequences with high variation that may serve as molecular markers in taxonomic studies of Oxalidaceae. The phylogenetic trees of selected superrosid representatives based on 76 protein-coding genes corroborated the Oxalidaceae position in Oxalidales and supported it as a sister to Connaraceae. Our research also supported the monophyly of the COM (Celastrales, Oxalidales, and Malpighiales) clade.  相似文献   

Chrysobalanaceae s.l. , one of the few suprafamilial subclades of Malpighiales that is supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses, and containing Chrysobalanaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Euphroniaceae, and Trigoniaceae, was comparatively studied with regard to floral structure. The subclade is well supported by floral structure. Potential synapomorphies for Chrysobalanaceae s.l. are the following shared features: floral cup; flowers obliquely monosymmetric; sepals congenitally united at base; sepals of unequal size (outer two shorter); fertile stamens concentrated on the anterior side of the flower and sometimes united into a strap; staminodes absent in the posteriormost antepetalous position; anthers extremely introrse, with thecae almost in one plane; endothecium continuous over the dorsal side of the connective; dorsal anther pit; gynoecium completely syncarpous up to the stigma; carpel flanks slightly bulged out transversely and thus carpels demarcated from each other by a longitudinal furrow; flowers with dense unicellular, non-lignified hairs, especially on the gynoecium; light-coloured, dense indumentum on young shoots and inflorescences. Potential synapomorphies for Chrysobalanaceae + Euphroniaceae include: spur in floral cup; clawed petals; lignified hairs on petals; nectary without lobes or scales and mostly annular. Potential synapomorphies for Dichapetalaceae + Trigoniaceae include: special mucilage cells in sepals in mesophyll (in addition to epidermis); anthers almost basifixed; gynoecium synascidiate up to lower style; nectary with lobes or scales and semi-annular.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 249–309.  相似文献   

Within the rosid order Malpighiales, Rhizophoraceae and Erythroxylaceae (1) are strongly supported as sisters in molecular phylogenetic studies and possibly form a clade with either Ctenolophonaceae (2) or with Linaceae, Irvingiaceae and Caryocaraceae (less well supported) (3). In order to assess the validity of these relationships from a floral structural point of view, these families are comparatively studied for the first time in terms of their floral morphology, anatomy and histology. Overall floral structure reflects the molecular results quite well and Rhizophoraceae and Erythroxylaceae are well supported as closely related. Ctenolophonaceae share some unusual floral features (potential synapomorphies) with Rhizophoraceae and Erythroxylaceae. In contrast, Linaceae, Irvingiaceae and Caryocaraceae are not clearly supported as a clade, or as closely related to Rhizophoraceae and Erythroxylaceae, as their shared features are probably mainly symplesiomorphies at the level of Malpighiales or a (still undefined) larger subclade of Malpighales, rather than synapomorphies. Rhizophoraceae and Erythroxylaceae share (among other features) conduplicate petals enwrapping stamens in bud, antepetalous stamens longer than antesepalous ones, a nectariferous androecial tube with attachment of the two stamen whorls at different positions: one whorl on the rim, the other below the rim of the tube, the ovary shortly and abruptly dorsally bulged and the presence of a layer of idioblasts (laticifers?) in the sepals and ovaries. Ctenolophonaceae share with Rhizophoraceae and/or Erythroxylaceae (among other features) sepals with less than three vascular traces, a short androgynophore, an ovary septum thin and severed or completely disintegrating during development, leading to a developmentally secondarily unilocular ovary, a zigzag‐shaped micropyle and seeds with an aril. Special features occurring in families of all three groupings studied here are, for example, synsepaly, petals not retarded and thus forming protective organs in floral bud, petals postgenitally fused or hooked together in bud, androecial tube and petals fusing above floral base, androecial corona, apocarpous unifacial styles, nucellus thin and long, early disintegrating (before embryo sac is mature), and nectaries on the androecial tube. Some of these features may be synapomorphies for the entire group, if it forms a supported clade in future molecular studies, or for subgroups thereof. Others may be plesiomorphies, as they also occur in other Malpighiales or also in Celastrales or Oxalidales (COM clade). The occurrence of these features within the COM clade is also discussed. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 166 , 331–416.  相似文献   

Flowers of Anisophyllea(Anisophylleaceae, Cucurbitales) andCeratopetalum(Cunoniaceae, Oxalidales) are surprisingly similar in appearance.To date, these families have never been interpreted as closelyrelated, and even in present molecular (rbcL) studies they appearin different orders of eurosids I (APG, Annals of the MissouriBotanical Garden85:531–553, 1998). In this investigation,flowers of selected taxa of both families are morphologicallyand anatomically compared. In addition, previous work on thetwo families is reviewed. The results strongly emphasize thegreat similarity in all floral organs. Some special similaritiesinclude the occurrence of trimerous flowers, isomerous organwhorls (including the gynoecium), valvate sepals, digitate petals,obdiplostemony, incurved filaments in bud with similar anthers,similar pollen, similar nectaries, carpels with free styles,a canal in the centre of each individual carpel as well as inthe centre of the entire gynoecium along the symplicate zone,and similar ovules with a slit-shaped micropyle. In addition,recently recovered Late Cretaceous floral fossils that sharefeatures of both families further emphasize a potential closerelationship. However, if more extensive molecular studies areperformed in the future that support the current disparate positionof the two families, then an explanation of the biological/functionalsimilarities in floral structure should be attempted: specifically,whether this suite of features is a symplesiomorphy for basalrosids, or an autapomorphy for each family. Copyright 2001 Annalsof Botany Company Anisophylleaceae, Cucurbitales, Cunoniaceae, eudicots, floral structure, molecular systematics, Myrtales, Oxalidales, Saxifragales  相似文献   

Reproductive structures and systematics of Buxaceae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Buxaceae belong to a grade of families near the base of eudicots. Flowers of these families are characterized by a variable number and arrangement of floral organs. In this study, the anthetic structure of the gynoecium and androecium of representatives of all genera of Buxaceae were comparatively studied, and observations on the flowering processes and pollination biology were made. Styloceras and Notobuxus were studied in detail for the first time. Various features of the morphological analysis support our earlier molecular phylogenetic study. Shared reproductive characters among Sarcococca , Pachysandra and Styloceras are the occurrence of two (rarely three) carpels, the lack of interstylar nectaries, a micropyle formed by both integuments, attractive stamens in male flowers, and fleshy fruits. In addition, Styloceras and Pachysandra share a secondary partition in the ovary. Notobuxus does not seem to be clearly distinct from Buxus . Both have a similar inflorescence and perianth structure; female flowers have three carpels, interstylar nectaries, micropyles formed by the inner integument, rudimentary arils, and they develop into capsular fruits; in male flowers stamens are sessile and the central pistillode is lacking in some species. Thus, it is questionable to justify a separation of Buxus and Notobuxus at genus level. The results further strongly support the placement of Buxaceae among basal eudicots.  © The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 193–228.  相似文献   

Ochnaceae s.l. (Ochnaceae, Quiinaceae and Medusagynaceae), one of the well‐supported subclades of the large order Malpighiales retrieved so far in molecular phylogenetic studies, were comparatively studied with regard to floral structure using microtome section series and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Floral morphology, anatomy and histology also strongly reflect this close relationship. Potential synapomorphies of the subclade include: flowers nectarless, sepals of different sizes within a flower, petals not retarded in development and forming the protective organs of advanced floral buds, petal aestivation contort, petals with three vascular traces, petals reflexed over the sepals and directed toward the pedicel, polystemony, anthers almost or completely basifixed, gynoecium often with more than five carpels, short gynophore present, styles separate for at least their uppermost part and radiating outwards, suction‐cup‐shaped stigmas, vasculature forming a dorsal band of bundles in the upper stylar region, gynoecium epidermis with large, radially elongate cells, ovules either weakly crassinucellar or incompletely tenuinucellar with an endothelium, abundance of tanniferous tissues and sclerenchyma in floral organs. The most strongly supported subclade of two of the three families in molecular analyses, Quiinaceae and Medusagynaceae, is also particularly well supported by floral structural features, including the presence of functionally and morphologically unisexual flowers, a massive thecal septum that persists after anther dehiscence, styles radiating outward from the ovary, two lateral ovules per carpel, positioned one above the other, conspicuous longitudinal ribs on the ovary wall at anthesis, and a ‘false endothelium’ on the nucellus at anthesis. Additionally, the group fits well in Malpighiales and further emphasizes the relationship of Malpighiales with Celastrales and Oxalidales, and thus the unity of the COM clade. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 299–392.  相似文献   

Gillbeea whypallana sp. nov. is described from the Wet Tropics of North Queensland. This species differs from G. adenopetala in the larger serrate asymmetrical stipules, hirsute leaves and fruits and the number of lateral veindleaflet. Gillbeea adenopetala and G. whypallana both differ from G. papuana in having hairs on the lateral margins of the petals, and in having more than two ovules per carpel. The comparative morphology of the three Gillbeea species is described and illustrated, and the phylogenetic placement of the genus within the Cunoniaceae is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Floral structure is compared in Pelagodoxa and Sommieria (Arecaceae, Arecoideae). Male flowers have three free, imbricate sepals, three basally congenitally united and apically valvate petals, and six stamens. Anthers are dorsifixed and dehiscence introrse. The sterile gynoecium is tricarpellate. Female flowers have three free, imbricate sepals and three free, imbricate petals, which are slightly fused with the sepals at the base. Four to six staminodes are congenitally united at the base and fused with the ovary for a short distance. The gynoecium is syncarpous. Carpels are almost equal in early development; later the gynoecium becomes pseudomonomerous. The three stigmatic branches are equally developed, apical and sessile. The carpels are (syn-)ascidiate up to the level of the placenta and (sym-)plicate above. Each carpel has one ovule, in the sterile carpels it is aborted at anthesis. The fertile ovule is erect up to anthesis and pendant afterwards because of the bulging out of the ovary. Pollen tube transmitting tracts (PTTT) encompass the secretory epidermis of the ventral slits of each carpel. Floral structure in Pelagodoxa and Sommieria supports the sister group relationship between the two genera suggested in recent molecular phylogenies and reflects their close relationships to a major clade of pseudomonomerous arecoid palms from the Indo-Pacific region.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 27–39.  相似文献   

Lardizabalaceae, one of seven families of Ranunculales, represent a monophyletic group. The family has functionally unisexual flowers with the organs in trimerous whorls, petaloid sepals and sometimes nectariferous petals. Among Ranunculales, Lardizabalaceae share several floral characters and climbing habit with Menispermaceae, but molecular analyses indicate that Circaeasteraceae and Lardizabalaceae form a strongly supported clade. Morphological and ontogenetic studies of flowers have proved to be a good complement to molecular data in clarifying relationships. Floral organogenesis has been studied in very few species of the family. This study investigates the comparative floral development of three species from three genera (Decaisnea, Akebia and Holboellia) of Lardizabalaceae using scanning electron microscopy. Flowers have a whorled phyllotaxis. Within each whorl, the organs are initiated either simultaneously or in a rapid spiral sequence. In Akebia, six sepals are initiated, but one to three sepals of the second whorl do not further develop. The presence of three sepals in Akebia is thus a developmentally secondary simplification. The petals (if present) are retarded in early developmental stages; stamens and petals are different in shape from the beginning of development. The retarded petals may not be derived from staminodes in Lardizabalaceae. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 166 , 171–184.  相似文献   

Petal and fruit surface sculpturing are reported for seven endemic Bupleurum species in Turkey. Considerable differences in the dorsal surface of petals were observed, but major structural similarities were found in the ventral surface of petals. Significant taxonomic differences between species were determined on the surfaces of the fruits. These microstructural surface features are evaluated as possible consistent parameters in the delimitation of species of Bupleurum. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 441–449.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis in Helleborus thibetanus and Nigella damascena was examined and compared using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, and the putative relationships of Helleborus and Nigella were analysed. H. thibetanus and N. damascena share some features of floral phyllotaxis and development of the sepals, petals, stamens and carpels, which are also found in other members of Ranunculaceae. However, they differ strongly in the number and degree of fusion of the carpels: in H. thibetanus, the two carpels are slightly united at the base, whereas, in N. damascena, the gynoecium is syncarpous and the five carpels are united throughout the ovary. Differences are also noted in petal development. The blade of the young petal of H. thibetanus develops two bulges which become connate and then fuse with the blade at the sides, developing more quickly than the blade and forming a tubular petal. In N. damascena, a single ridge is formed on the petal blade which develops into the smaller adaxial labium of the bilabiate petal, whereas the blade itself develops into the larger abaxial labium bearing two pseudonectaries. The outermost stamens are delayed in development in Helleborus, but not in Nigella. Although the results from our investigation are preliminary, differences in floral development characters suggest that Helleborus and Nigella may not be closely related and possibly support placement into separate tribes. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 166 , 431–443.  相似文献   

Flowering plants typically use floral rewards to attract animal pollinators. Unlike nectar, pollen rewards are usually visible and may thus function as a signal that influences landing decisions by pollen‐seeking insects. Here we artificially manipulate the presence of both pollen and staminal hairs (a putative false signal of pollen reward availability) in the hermaphroditic lily Bulbine abyssinica (Xanthorrhoeaceae) to investigate their effects on bee visitation and fecundity, and also test for trade‐offs between pollen production and seed production. Honeybees, the primary floral visitors, are probably not able to distinguish between colours of petals, staminal hairs and pollen of B. abyssinica, according to analysis of reflectance spectra in a bee vision model. Flowers with both pollen and hairs removed had the lowest levels of bee visitation, seed set and seed abortions. Flowers containing hairs had an ~50% increase in visitation rate and seed set compared with emasculated flowers, while intact controls had the highest seed abortion rate. Ovule discounting in intact flowers is probably due to ovarian self‐incompatibility (or strong early inbreeding depression) as ovules penetrated by tubes from self‐pollen uniformly failed to develop into seeds. These results show that staminal hairs can enhance plant fecundity by increasing attraction of pollen‐seeking insects to flowers without increasing the risk of ovule discounting through pollinator‐mediated self‐pollination. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 481–490.  相似文献   

According to recent molecular phylogenetic data, the rare Australian endemic Maundia triglochinoides does not form a clade with taxa traditionally classified as members of Juncaginaceae. Therefore, views on the morphological evolution and taxonomy of Alismatales require re‐assessment. As the morphology of Maundia is poorly known and some key features have been controversially described in the literature, the flowers, fruits, inflorescence axes and peduncles were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Inflorescences are bractless spikes with flowers arranged in trimerous whorls. Except in the inflorescence tip (where the flower groundplan is variable), flowers possess two tepals in transversal‐abaxial positions, six stamens in two trimerous whorls and four carpels in median and transversal positions. Fruits are indehiscent. The shared possession of orthotropous ovules supports the molecular phylogenetic placement of Maundia as sister to a large clade including Potamogetonaceae and related families. Maundia and Aponogeton spp. share the same highly unusual floral groundplan, a homoplastic similarity that can be explained by spatial constraints in developing inflorescences. The nucellar coenocyte of Maundia appears to be unique among monocots. As Maundia exhibits a mosaic of features characteristic of other families of tepaloid core Alismatales, its segregation as a separate family is plausible. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 12–45.  相似文献   

Using scanning electron microscopy, we studied the floral ontogeny of Sinojackia xylocarpa. There are 6–7 (–8) sepals. Sepal initiation is staggered; adaxial sepals arise later than abaxial and lateral ones. There are (5–) 6–7 (–8) petals, initiated simultaneously. Petals alternate with the sepals, and occasionally there are two petals instead of one between two sepals. The (10–) 12–14 (–16) stamens are initiated centripetally in two sets (whorls). These floral organ numbers deviate from those of the otherwise mostly pentamerous family Styracaceae. The ovary consists of three (rarely four) locules. In each of the locules, two rows of ovules are differentiated basipetally. Placentation is axile with (5–) 6 (–7) ovules in each locule. Ovules are unitegmic and are ascending with the micropyle directed downwards. Intra‐ovarian trichomes are present as in other representatives of Styracaceae and seem to be an apomorphic character of the family as they are absent in the closely related Symplocaceae and Diapensiaceae. Various levels of organ union occur in anthetic S. xylocarpa. The calyx is synsepalous and the ovary syncarpous. Possibly, the basal connation of petals and stamens is postgenital (and not congenital), but this needs further study. The outward curvature of the young anthers of the inner stamen whorl superficially simulates an obdiplostemonous androecium. However, the sequence of stamen initiation shows a diplostemonous pattern.  相似文献   

The Irvingiaceae, one of 40 families of the Malpighiales, comprise a small woody family of 10 species in three genera distributed in Old World tropics. Its relationships with other families are unclear, although recent molecular analyses suggest affinities with Linaceae, Caryocaraceae, Erythroxylaceae, and Rhizophoraceae. To gain insight into family relationships, we investigated 63 embryological characters of two previously unstudied African species, Irvingia gabonensis and I. smithii, and compared them with other Malpighiales and the sister group Oxalidales. Embryologically, Irvingia is characterized by the absence of an integumentary tapetum and by having a non-multiplicative inner integument, a multiplicative testa, many discrete fascicles of vascular bundles running in the testa from the raphe to antiraphe (each fascicle comprised several strands arranged in a concentric manner), and a fibrous exotegmen. Comparisons showed that Irvingia did not resemble any of the Linaceae, Caryocaraceae, Erythroxylaceae, Rhizophoraceae, or any of the other malpighialean families for which embryological data are available. The genus rather resembled Huaceae and Connaraceae (Oxalidales) in seed coat structure. However, 18 families (45%) of the Malpighiales are still poorly understood embryologically, and therefore additional studies are required for further critical comparisons.  相似文献   

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