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微藻生物柴油的现状与进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
微藻生物柴油能够解决目前使用植物原料发展生物柴油面临的耕地不足、气候变化对产量影响大和引起农作物价格上涨等突出问题。通过转基因技术培育“工程微藻”,繁衍能力高,生长周期短,比陆生植物产油高出几十倍,并且能用海水作为其天然培养基进行工业化生产。介绍了微藻生物柴油的优势,高脂质微藻选育,以及工程微藻研究与下游生产工艺的研究现状和进展。  相似文献   

产生物柴油微藻培养研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
石油的大量使用会导致能源枯竭和温室气体(CO2)排放的增加。为了实现经济和环境的和谐发展,必须使用可再生能源代替石油。可再生能源使用后不会造成温室气体排放的增加。生物柴油是一种理想的可再生能源, 能满足以上要求,所以近年来得到迅速发展。微藻是一种主要利用太阳能固定 CO2,生成制备生物柴油所需油脂的藻类。因此以微藻油脂为原料转化成的生物柴油是石油理想的替代品。简要介绍了产油微藻的种类和微藻油脂的合成,较详细地阐述了微藻自养培养、异养培养、生物反应器、工程微藻的最新研究进展,并初步展望了微藻产油研究的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

微藻生物柴油的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微藻生物柴油是一种具有较大发展潜力的可再生能源,与动、植物为原料制备的生物柴油相比,它有不占用耕地、产油效率高等优点。目前,微藻生物柴油在国内外都有很大发展,产业化的进程也在逐步推进。介绍了高油脂含量微藻的种类、微藻合成油脂的机理研究、微藻的培养技术及微藻生物柴油的产业化现状,并对微藻生物柴油发展中的一些问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

微藻养殖中的新型光生物反应器系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前世界上微藻的大规模养殖仍普遍采用开放池式生产系统,该系统具有许多不足之处;开发高效、易于控制的新型生产系统是今后开展的趋势。本文对一些新型光生物反应器系统如优化的浅水道工生产系统、密闭管道式、发酵罐式光生物反应器、高密度藻类光生物反应器以及其它类型的光生物反应器进行了较为详细的介绍。  相似文献   

生物柴油是石化柴油的一种优良替代品,发展生物柴油有助于缓解能源危机,减少污染物的排放。本文从原料、技术、现有生产能力等方面概述了生物柴油在我国的产业化发展现状,并针对我国生物柴油产业发展提出了建议。[编者按]  相似文献   

生物柴油原料资源高油脂微藻的开发利用   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
生物柴油作为化石能源的替代燃料已在国际上得到广泛应用。至今生物柴油的原料主要来自油料植物, 但与农作物争地的情况以及较高的原料成本限制了生物柴油的进一步推广。微藻作为高光合生物有其特殊的原料成本优势, 微藻的脂类含量最高可达细胞干重的80%。利用生物技术改良微藻, 获得的高油脂基因工程微藻经规模养殖, 可大大降低生物柴油原料成本。介绍了国内外生物柴油的应用现状, 阐述了微藻作为生物柴油原料的优势, 对基因工程技术调控微藻脂类代谢途径的研究进展, 以及在构建工程微藻中面临的问题和应采取的对策进行了综述和展望。  相似文献   

微藻具有固定CO2和净化有机废水的能力,在环保、食品饲(饵)料、医药和生物能源开发等领域备受关注,但规模化培养及其产业化仍是研究的难点,亟待解决。就常用于大规模培养微藻的光生物反应器的特点和结构进行了综述。其中,封闭式微藻光生物反应器能够较好地调控藻种的培养条件、不易遭受污染,藻种的纯度容易控制,但培养规模小,生产成本较高;而开放式微藻光生物反应器无法精确控制藻种生长环境,但生产规模大、产量高、生产成本低,因此应用广泛。最佳的方法是综合两者优点,即首先利用封闭式微藻光生物反应器进行中试放大,大量繁殖藻种,然后投入开放式微藻光生物反应器内进行大规模商业生产,此方法有望成为微藻光生物反应器的发展方向,以期为微藻大规模培养提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

微藻生物柴油技术的研究现状及展望   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
微藻生物柴油是一种优良的可再生新能源,对于解决人类面临的能源短缺和全球变暖两大危机具有潜在的重大战略意义。综述了微藻生物柴油的技术流程、油脂含量较高的微藻藻种、微藻生物柴油的最大技术瓶颈、提高微藻油脂总产量的方法、微藻的大规模培养、微藻的采收和微藻生物柴油的制取等方面的研究现状,并对微藻生物柴油未来的核心研究方向提出了初步见解。  相似文献   

碳减排与可再生能源的开发利用是研究可持续发展的热点,而微藻在此方面具有巨大优势.利用微藻减排CO2合成生物柴油生产原料油脂,对于解决能源短缺和全球变暖具有重大战略意义.将碳减排与微藻生物柴油的制备方法相结合,对微藻转化CO2合成生物油脂的机制,微藻油脂积累的影响因素以及国内外在工业上的研究概况等方面进行综合归纳和评述,并对微藻生物油脂的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

生物柴油是可再生能源开发利用的重要发展方向。藻类制备生物柴油具有产油量高、生长速度快、环境适应能力强、不与农作物争夺农田和淡水资源等优势。从微藻制备生物柴油着手,简要介绍了生物柴油的生产原料与发展历程、微藻油脂的组成与生物合成途径、微藻制备柴油的工艺与瓶颈及解决策略,最后对微藻制备生物柴油技术提出了近中远期发展目标及展望。  相似文献   

Algal biofuels are a growing interest worldwide due to their potential in terms of sustainable greenhouse gas displacement and energy production. This article describes a comparative survey of biodiesel production and conversion yields of biodiesel via alkaline transesterification of acylglycerols extracted from the microalgae Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum, grown under silicate or nitrate limitation, and that of model vegetable oils: soybean, and rapeseed oil. Acylglycerols were extracted with n-hexane and the total yield per biomass was determined by gravimetric assay. Under our conditions, the total acylglycerol yield from the microalgae studied was 13-18% of total dry weight. The biodiesel samples were analyzed using gas chromatography-flame ionization detector to determine quantitative information of residual glycerol, mono-, di-, and tri-acylglycerol concentrations in the biodiesel. All of the algal-based biodiesel demonstrated less mono-, di-, and tri-acylglycerol concentrations than the vegetable-based biodiesel under identical transesterification conditions. The fatty acid compositions of all the feedstock oils and their resultant biodiesel were also analyzed and reported. Based on the fatty acid methyl ester compositions of our samples we qualitatively assessed the suitability of the algal-derived biodiesel in terms of cetane number (CN), cold-flow properties, and oxidative stability.  相似文献   

Microalgae are among the most promising of non‐food based biomass fuel feedstock alternatives. Algal biofuels production is challenged by limited oil content, growth rate, and economical cultivation. To develop the optimum cultivation conditions for increasing biofuels feedstock production, the effect of light source, light intensity, photoperiod, and nitrogen starvation on the growth rate, cell density, and lipid content of Chlorella minutissima were studied. The fatty acid content and composition of Chlorella minutissima were also investigated under the above conditions. Fluorescent lights were more effective than red or white light‐emitting diodes for algal growth. Increasing light intensity resulted in more rapid algal growth, while increasing the period of light also significantly increased biomass productivity. Our results showed that the lipid and triacylglycerol content were increased under N starvation conditions. Thus, a two‐phase strategy with an initial nutrient‐sufficient reactor followed by a nutrient deprivation strategy could likely balance the desire for rapid and high biomass generation (124 mg/L) with a high oil content (50%) of Chlorella minutissima to maximize the total amount of oil produced for biodiesel production. Moreover, methyl palmitate (C16:0), methyl oleate (C18:1), methyl linoleate (C18:2), and methyl linolenate (C18:3) are the major components of Chlorella minutissima derived FAME, and choice of light source, intensity, and N starvation impacted the FAME composition of Chlorella minutissima. The optimized cultivation conditions resulted in higher growth rate, cell density, and oil content, making Chlorella minutissima a potentially suitable organism for biodiesel feedstock production. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 2280–2287. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

微藻规模化培养研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微藻作为地球上最古老的物种之一,其诞生可追溯到35亿多年前.微藻的种类十分丰富,形态也多种多样.微藻一般都含有叶绿体,因此可进行光合作用,有研究表明微藻固定CO2的能力是陆地植物的10倍.微藻以其丰富的代谢产物及独特的生理特性在可再生能源、生物医药、食品工业和环境监测等方面有着广泛的应用.然而如何在控制成本的前提下对微...  相似文献   

污水资源化、二氧化碳减排及微藻生物柴油是当前能源与环境领域的前沿课题。以下围绕污水及烟道气资源化培养产油微藻的培养体系,就藻种、营养条件、培养方式、培养环境及微藻生物反应器等影响产油微藻培养的因素研究进展进行了综述。在综述的基础上提出:由于微藻具有特殊营养方式,通过藻种筛选、微藻营养条件和培养环境的优化以及高效光生物反应器和生产工艺等的创新,可利用污水进行产油微藻生产,以获得生物柴油等高附加值产品,实现微藻生物能源、污水资源化处理和CO2减排三者高度耦合的产油微藻生产体系,从而减少微藻培养费用及污水处理费用,因此,该体系具有重要的环境、社会、经济价值和商业化应用前景。  相似文献   

In recent years, the not too distant exhaustion of fossil fuels is becoming apparent. Apart from this, the combustion of fossil fuels leads to environmental concerns, the emission of greenhouse gases and issues with global warming and health problems. Production of biodiesel from microalgae may represent an attractive solution to the above mentioned problems, and can offer a renewable source of fuel with fewer pollutants. This review presents a compilation of engineering challenges related to microalgae as a source of biodiesel. Advantages and current limitations for biodiesel production are discussed; some aspects of algae cells biology, with emphasis on cell wall composition, as it represents a barrier for fatty acid extraction and lipid droplets are also presented. In addition, recent advances in the different stages of the manufacturing process are included, starting from the strain selection and finishing in the processing of fatty acids into biodiesel.  相似文献   

分析了微藻培养系统内光传递过程的数学模型和光分布影响因素,重点综述了光暗循环对微藻生长影响的实验研究和CFD技术应用研究进展,展望了微藻培养系统内光现象的发展方向,以期为规模化、高效微藻培养光生物反应器的设计、优化和放大提供参考。  相似文献   

The current burden on fossil‐derived chemicals and fuels combined with the rapidly increasing global population has led to a crucial need to develop renewable and sustainable sources of chemicals and biofuels. Photoautotrophic microorganisms, including cyanobacteria and microalgae, have garnered a great deal of attention for their capability to produce these chemicals from carbon dioxide, mineralized water, and solar energy. While there have been substantial amounts of research directed at scaling‐up production from these microorganisms, several factors have proven difficult to overcome, including high costs associated with cultivation, photobioreactor construction, and artificial lighting. Decreasing these costs will substantially increase the economic feasibility of these production processes. Thus, the purpose of this review is to describe various photobioreactor designs, and then provide an overview on lighting systems, mixing, gas transfer, and the hydrodynamics of bubbles. These factors must be considered when the goal of a production process is economic feasibility. Targets for improving microalgae and cyanobacteria cultivation media, including water reduction strategies will also be described. As fossil fuel reserves continue to be depleted and the world population continues to increase, it is imperative that renewable chemical and biofuel production processes be developed toward becoming economically feasible. Thus, it is essential that future research is directed toward improving these processes. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:811–827, 2018  相似文献   

The economic and/or energetic feasibility of processes based on using microalgae biomass requires an efficient cultivation system. In photobioreactors (PBRs), the adhesion of microalgae to the transparent PBR surfaces leads to biofouling and reduces the solar radiation penetrating the PBR. Light reduction within the PBR decreases biomass productivity and, therefore, the photosynthetic efficiency of the cultivation system. Additionally, PBR biofouling leads to a series of further undesirable events including changes in cell pigmentation, culture degradation, and contamination by invasive microorganisms; all of which can result in the cultivation process having to be stopped. Designing PBR surfaces with proper materials, functional groups or surface coatings, to prevent microalgal adhesion is essential for solving the biofouling problem. Such a significant advance in microalgal biotechnology would enable extended operational periods at high productivity and reduce maintenance costs. In this paper, we review the few systematic studies performed so far and applied the existing thermodynamic and colloidal theories for microbial biofouling formation in order to understand microalgal adhesion on PBR surfaces and the microalgae–microalgae cell interactions. Their relationship to the physicochemical properties of the solid PBR surface, the microalgae cell surfaces, and the ionic strength of the culture medium is discussed. The suitability and the applicability of such theories are reviewed. To this end, an example of biofouling formation on a commercial glass surface is presented for the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana. It highlights the adhesion dynamics and the inaccuracies of the process and the need for further refinement of previous theories so as to apply them to flowing systems, such as is the case for PBRs used to culture microalgae.  相似文献   

复合脂肪酶催化生物柴油的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
初步探讨了复合脂肪酶催化生物柴油的工艺。优化了复合酶配比条件和叔丁醇反应体系。在无溶剂体系中,Novozym435分别与Lipozyme TLIM和Lipozyme RMIM均以70/30质量比混合时,甲酯得率分别达到94.52%和96.25%,比Novozym435单独催化时的甲酯得率分别提高了9.52%和9.99%。在叔丁醇体系中,当Novozym435与Li-pozyme TLIM和Lipozyme RMIM分别以60/40和80/20的质量比混合时,其甲酯得率分别为85.06%和81.5%,比Novozym435单独催化的效率分别提高了9.89%和7.48%。优化叔丁醇体系中复合酶催化条件后,甲酯得率达92%。  相似文献   

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