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Sepsis represents a significant cause of mortality in intensive care units. Early diagnosis of sepsis is essential to increase the survival rate of patients. Among others, C-reactive protein (CRP) is commonly used as a sepsis marker. In this work we introduce immune precipitation combined with microchip capillary gel electrophoresis (IP–MCGE) for the detection and quantification of CRP in serum samples. First high-abundance proteins (HSA, IgG) are removed from serum samples using affinity spin cartridges, and then the remaining proteins are labeled with a fluorescence dye and incubated with an anti-CRP antibody, and the antigen/antibody complex is precipitated with protein G-coated magnetic beads. After precipitation the complex is eluted from the beads and loaded onto the MCGE system. CRP could be reliably detected and quantified, with a detection limit of 25 ng/μl in serum samples and 126 pg/μl in matrix-free samples. The overall sensitivity (LOQ = 75 ng/μl, R2 = 0.9668) of the method is lower than that of some specially developed methods (e.g., immune radiometric assay) but is comparable to those of clinically accepted ELISA methods. The straightforward sample preparation (not prone to mistakes), reduced sample and reagent volumes (including the antibodies), and high throughput (10 samples/3 h) are advantages and therefore IP–MCGE bears potential for point-of-care diagnosis.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for the quantitation of specific DNA which employs nonradioisotopic probes and β-galactosidase as a detector. The sample DNA was immobilized on a nitrocellulose filter paper. After the filter paper had been processed to hybridization with a biotinylated probe DNA, the paper was incubated with avidin-β-galactosidase complex. The optimum ratio of avidin to biotinylated β-galactosidase for preparation of a complex between the two was determined. The filter paper was punched. Each punched piece was put into a microtiter well and β-galactosidase activity was measured using 4-methylumbelliferyl β-d-galactosidase as a substrate. By this method, we were able to quantify as little as a few picograms of specific DNA. The application of this method for the quantitative assay of hepatitis B virus DNA in serum sample is also described. The sensitivity for the detection of the DNA by our method was practically comparable to that of the conventional radioisotopic method. The validity of our method for detection of the virus DNA was further supported by comparison with the serological data.  相似文献   

MERIT40 is a novel associate of the BRCA1-complex, thus play an essential role in DNA damage repair mechanism. It is the least implicit protein and its structural and functional aspects of regulating the stability of BRCA1–MERIT40 complex remain equivocal. Analysis of protein–protein interactions between BRCA1 and its cellular binding partners like ABRAXAS, RAP80 and MERIT40 would help to understand the role of protein complex integrity in DNA repair mechanism. The recombinant proteins were purified and their structural aspects were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Interaction analysis was carried out to determine binding partners of MERIT40. MERIT40 showed interaction with bridging molecule, called ABRAXAS, thus generate a scaffold among various members which further stabilizes the entire complex. It acts as an adapter molecule by interacting with BRCA1-BRCT in non-phosphorylation dependent manner. The feature enlighten on structural and interaction profile of BRCA1-complex member to elucidate their role in complex stability and DNA repair process.  相似文献   

In contrast to photosynthetic reaction centers, which share the same structural architecture, more variety is found in the light-harvesting antenna systems of phototrophic organisms. The largest antenna system described, so far, is the chlorosome found in anoxygenic green bacteria, as well as in a recently discovered aerobic phototroph. Chlorosomes are the only antenna system, in which the major light-harvesting pigments are organized in self-assembled supramolecular aggregates rather than on protein scaffolds. This unique feature is believed to explain why some green bacteria are able to carry out photosynthesis at very low light intensities. Encasing the chlorosome pigments is a protein-lipid monolayer including an additional antenna complex: the baseplate, a two-dimensional paracrystalline structure containing the chlorosome protein CsmA and bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a). In this article, we review current knowledge of the baseplate antenna complex, which physically and functionally connects the chlorosome pigments to the reaction centers via the Fenna–Matthews–Olson protein, with special emphasis on the well-studied green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum (previously Chlorobium tepidum). A possible role for the baseplate in the biogenesis of chlorosomes is discussed. In the final part, we present a structural model of the baseplate through combination of a recent NMR structure of CsmA and simulation of circular dichroism and optical spectra for the CsmA–BChl a complex.  相似文献   

Schoffman  Hanan  Keren  Nir 《Photosynthesis research》2019,141(3):343-353
Photosynthesis Research - The acclimation of cyanobacterial photosynthetic apparatus to iron deficiency is crucial for their performance under limiting conditions. In many cyanobacterial species,...  相似文献   

Protein methylation and acetylation play important roles in biological processes, and misregulation of these modifications is involved in various diseases. Therefore, it is critical to understand the activities of the enzymes responsible for these modifications. Herein we describe a sensitive method for ratiometric quantification of methylated and acetylated peptides via MALDI–MS by direct spotting of enzymatic methylation and acetylation reaction mixtures without tedious purification procedures. The quantifiable detection limit for peptides with our method is approximately 10 fmol. This is achieved by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio through the addition of NH4H2PO4 to the matrix solution and reduction of the matrix α-cyanohydroxycinnamic acid concentration to 2 mg/ml. We have demonstrated the application of this method in enzyme kinetic analysis and inhibition studies. The unique feature of this method is the simultaneous quantification of multiple peptide species for investigation of processivity mechanisms. Its wide buffer compatibility makes it possible to be adapted to investigate the activity of any protein methyltransferase or acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

We have systematically analyzed the variation of protein binding cavity volume of 200 protein–ligand complexes belonging to eight protein families. Wide variation in protein binding cavity volume for the same protein is observed on binding different ligands. Analysis of individual protein families shows high correlation between atom–atom interactions in binding site and ligand volume. This study implies the significance of protein flexibility in docking small molecule inhibitors on the basis of protein binding cavity volume with respect to ligand volume.  相似文献   

In this paper we report a systematic XAS study of a set of samples in which Cu(II) was progressively added to complexes in which Zn(II) was bound to the tetra-octarepeat portion of the prion protein. This work extends previous EPR and XAS analysis in which, in contrast, the effect of adding Zn(II) to Cu(II)–tetra-octarepeat complexes was investigated. Detailed structural analysis of the XAS spectra taken at both the Cu and Zn K-edge when the two metals are present at different relative concentrations revealed that Zn(II) and Cu(II) ions compete for binding to the tetra-octarepeat peptide by cross-regulating their relative binding modes. We show that the specific metal–peptide coordination mode depends not only, as expected, on the relative metal concentrations, but also on whether Zn(II) or Cu(II) was first bound to the peptide. In particular, it seems that the Zn(II) binding mode in the absence of Cu(II) is able to promote the formation of small peptide clusters in which triplets of tetra-octarepeats are bridged by pairs of Zn ions. When Cu(II) is added, it starts competing with Zn(II) for binding, disrupting the existing peptide cluster arrangement, despite the fact that Cu(II) is unable to completely displace Zn(II). These results may have a bearing on our understanding of peptide-aggregation processes and, with the delicate cross-regulation balancing we have revealed, seem to suggest the existence of an interesting, finely tuned interplay among metal ions affecting protein binding, capable of providing a mechanism for regulation of metal concentration in cells.  相似文献   

YH Cai  H Huang 《Amino acids》2012,43(3):1141-1146
Protein-DNA interaction plays an important role in many biological processes. The classical methods and the novel technologies advanced have been developed for the interaction of protein-DNA. Recent developments of these methods and research achievements have been reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative cytochemical method for the measurement of -galactosidase activity in cultured human skin fibroblasts has been developed using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-galactopyranoside as the indigogenic substrate. The method relies upon the oxidation of the primary reaction product by ferro/ferricyanide during which an insoluble indigo dye is generated as the final reaction product. The reaction was linear with time up to 60 min using the final cytochemical standard procedure. The enzyme showed maximum activity at pH 4.0 to 4.1. The concentration optima of indigogenic substrate and potassium ferro/ferricyanide were 3.67 mM and 3.13 mM respectively. The presence of sodium chloride activated -galactosidase up to 100 mM, but was inhibitory above that concentration. The enzyme was inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and heparin. The enzyme molecules were shown to diffuse out of the cells using media without a suitable inert colloid stabilizer. However, diffusion was completely prevented by using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) grade G18/140. Air-drying of cells was essential to make the cell membrane permeabel to the substrate and, thereby, to avoid a pronounced lag phase. However, in a biochemical analysis, air-drying itself caused a decrease in enzyme activity to 43% of the control. Even after air-drying lysosomal latency could still be demonstrated by using PVA grade G04/140.Control persons, one carrier of and two patients with -galactosidase deficiency were easily identified as belonging to three separate groups by using the cytochemical assay.It is proposed that the quantitative cytochemical approach may also be applied to cultured human amniotic fluid cells or chorion biopsies giving a rapid prenatal diagnosis of -galactosidase deficiency due to the small number of cells needed in the analysis.  相似文献   

A general model of competitive binding in drug–interceptor–DNA systems has been developed in order to quantify both the interceptor and protector mechanisms. The model involves full parameterization of the basic equations governing the mutual competition between drugs binding to DNA and incorporates as partial cases various similar models existing in the literature. The generality of the model results from strict accounting of the statistical effects of the binding of the drug and interceptor with DNA according to the McGhee-von Hippel formalism, and to the strict treatment of hetero-association between the drug and interceptor, which includes formation of all possible types of self- and hetero-complexes in solution. Indirect experimental evidence is provided for the importance of the protector mechanism in drug–caffeine–DNA systems, which is sometimes ignored in the literature because of the small magnitude of the CAF-DNA binding constant.  相似文献   

Vitamin A (VA) is an essential nutrient needed in small amounts by humans and supports a wide range of biological actions. Retinol, the most common and most biologically active form of VA has also been found to inhibit peroxidation processes in membranes and it has been widely used as an ingredient with pharmaceutical and nutritional applications. VA is a lipophilic molecule, sensitive to air, oxidizing agents, ultraviolet light and low pH levels. For these reasons, it is necessary for VA to be protected against oxidation. Another disadvantage in the application of VA is its low solubility in aqueous media. Both issues (sensitivity and solubility) can be solved by employing encapsulation techniques. Liposomes can efficiently encapsulate lipid-soluble materials, such as VA. The encapsulated materials are protected from environmental and chemical changes. A new liposome/β-lactoglobulin formulation has been developed as a stable delivery system for VA. The aim of this study was the encapsulation of VA into β-lactoglobulin–liposome complexes, recently developed in our laboratory. The in vivo bioavailability characterization of VA was tested after administration in laboratory animals (mice). In this report, we demonstrate that VA could be efficiently entrapped and delivered in a phospholipid–sterol–protein membrane resembling system, a newly synthesized promising carrier. Based on this finding, the phospholipid–sterol–protein membrane resembling system may be one of the promising approaches to enhance VA absorption and to overcome the formulation difficulties associated with lipophilic means. The carrier system described here has huge potential in food fortification applications to treat VA deficiency.  相似文献   

Despite the major interest in membrane proteins at functional, genomic, and therapeutic levels, their biochemical and structural study remains challenging, as they require, among other things, solubilization in detergent micelles. The complexity of this task derives from the dependence of membrane protein structure on their anisotropic environment, influenced by a delicate balance between many different physicochemical properties. To study such properties in a small protein–detergent complex, we used fluorescence measurements and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the transmembrane part of glycophorin A (GpAtm) solubilized in micelles of dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC) detergent. Fluorescence measurements show that DHPC has limited ability to solubilize the peptide, while MD provides a possible molecular explanation for this. We observe that the detergent molecules are balanced between two different types of interactions: cohesive interactions between detergent molecules that hold the micelle together, and adhesive interactions with the peptide. While the cohesive interactions are detergent mediated, the adhesion to the peptide depends on the specific interactions between the hydrophobic parts of the detergent and the topography of the peptide dictated by the amino acids. The balance between these two parameters results in a certain frustration of the system and rather slow equilibration. These observations suggest how molecular properties of detergents could influence membrane protein stabilization and solubilization.  相似文献   

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