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We have studied the effect of myosin P-light chain phosphorylation on the isometric tension generated by skinned fibers from rabbit psoas muscle at 0.6 and 10 microM Ca2+. At the lower Ca2+ concentration, which produced 10-20% of the maximal isometric tension obtained at 10 microM Ca2+, addition of purified myosin light chain resulted in a 50% increase in isometric tension which correlated with an increase in P-light chain phosphorylation from 0.10 to 0.80 mol of phosphate/mol of P-light chain. Addition of a phosphoprotein phosphatase reversed the isometric tension response and dephosphorylated P-light chain. At the higher Ca2+ concentration, P-light chain phosphorylation was found to have little effect on isometric tension. Fibers prepared and stored at -20 degrees C in a buffer containing MgATP, KF, and potassium phosphate incorporated 0.80 mol of phosphate/mol of P-light chain. Addition of phosphoprotein phosphatase to these fibers incubated at 0.6 microM Ca2+ caused a reduction in isometric tension and dephosphorylation of the P-light chain. There was no difference before and after phosphorylation of P-light chain in the normalized force-velocity relationship for fibers at the lower Ca2+ concentration, and the extrapolated maximum shortening velocity was 2.2 fiber lengths/s. Our results suggest that in vertebrate skeletal muscle, P-light chain phosphorylation increases the force level at submaximal Ca2+ concentrations, probably by affecting the interaction between the myosin cross-bridge and the thin filament.  相似文献   

Talmadge, Robert J., Roland R. Roy, and V. Reggie Edgerton.Distribution of myosin heavy chain isoforms in non-weight-bearing rat soleus muscle fibers. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2540-2546, 1996.The effects of14 days of spaceflight (SF) or hindlimb suspension (HS) (Cosmos 2044)on myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content of the rat soleus muscleand single muscle fibers were determined. On the basis ofelectrophoretic analyses, there was a de novo synthesis of type IIx MHCbut no change in either type I or IIa MHC isoform proportions aftereither SF or HS compared with controls. The percentage of fiberscontaining only type I MHC decreased by 26 and 23%, and the percentageof fibers with multiple MHCs increased from 6% in controls to 32% inHS and 34% in SF rats. Type IIx MHC was always found in combinationwith another MHC or combination of MHCs; i.e., no fibers contained typeIIx MHC exclusively. These data suggest that the expression of thenormal complement of MHC isoforms in the adult rat soleus muscle isdependent, in part, on normal weight bearing and that the absence ofweight bearing induces a shift toward type IIx MHC protein expression in the preexisting type I and IIa fibers of the soleus.


Masticatory myosin heavy chain (M MyHC) is a myosin subunit isoform with expression restricted to muscles derived from the first branchial arch, such as jaw-closer muscles, with pronounced interspecies variability. Only sparse information is available on the contractile properties of muscle fibers expressing M MyHC (M fibers). In this study, we characterized M fibers isolated from the jaw-closer muscles (temporalis and masseter) of two species of domestic carnivores, the cat and the dog, compared with fibers expressing slow or fast (2A, 2X, and 2B) isoforms. In each fiber, during maximally calcium-activated contractions at 12 degrees C, we determined isometric-specific tension (P(o)), unloaded shortening velocity (v(o)) with the slack test protocol, and the rate constant of tension redevelopment (K(TR)) after a fast shortening-relengthening cycle. At the end of the mechanical experiment, we identified MyHC isoform composition of each fiber with gel electrophoresis. Electrophoretic migration rate of M MyHC was similar in both species. We found that in both species the kinetic parameters v(o) and K(TR) of M fibers were similar to those of 2A fibers, whereas P(o) values were significantly greater than in any other fiber types. The similarity between 2A and M fibers and the greater tension development of M fibers were confirmed also in mechanical experiments performed at 24 degrees C. Myosin concentration was determined in single fibers and found not different in M fibers compared with slow and fast fibers, suggesting that the higher tension developed by M fibers does not find an explanation in a greater number of force generators. The specific mechanical characteristics of M fibers might be attributed to a diversity in cross-bridge kinetics.  相似文献   

Myosin was localized in situ in the posthatch chicken pectoralis using isoform-specific mAbs. The distribution among myofibrils was demonstrated by immunofluorescence and by immunogold EM. Fluorescein- or rhodamine-labeled antibody (12C5) specific for the head region (S1) of myosin was used as a marker to identify "embryonic" myosin. In longitudinal semithin frozen sections, a minority population of myofibrils stained intensely with 12C5. All other myofibrils in the same cell stained only weakly. Similarly, in Lowicryl-embedded ultrathin sections prepared for EM, a minority population reacted preferentially with gold-labeled 12C5. An antibody (5B4) specific for the rod portion of "neonatal" myosin reacted strongly with nearly all myofibrils, and this was evident by light and electron microscopy. A few of the fibrils that reacted strongly with 12C5 reacted weakly with 5B4. These observations demonstrate that an epitope reacting with 12C5 is more abundant in some myofibrils than in others within the same cell. Three categories of myofibrils can be identified by their relative proportions of embryonic and neonatal forms of myosin: in nearly all fibrils, a neonatal isoform predominates; in a minority population, embryonic and neonatal isoforms are both abundant; and in a few fibrils, an embryonic isoform predominates. It is concluded that there are distinct populations of myofibrils in which specific isoforms are segregated within an individual cell.  相似文献   

The ability of strong-binding myosin heads to activate the thin filament was investigated by incubating skinned single muscle fibers with N-ethylmaleimide-(NEM) modified myosin subfragment-1 (S1). Isometric force was influenced in a complex manner: during maximal calcium activation, NEM-S1 inhibited force with half-maximal inhibition at 20 microM while at submaximal calcium, NEM-S1 potentiated force with greatest effect at 6 microM. When fibers were treated with NEM-S1 (4-8 microM), the tension-pCa (-log [Ca2+]) relationship became less steep (i.e. the Hill coefficient decreased from 5.4 to 3.0 upon treatment with NEM-S1), but the midpoint was unchanged. These results support the idea that strong binding of intrinsic heads contributes to the cooperativity observed in Ca2+ activation of force. The NEM-S1-induced increase in force at low Ca2+ was associated with an acceleration of a kinetic transition, and this transition was activated to near maximum while force was not. The rate of force redevelopment following restretch (ktr) at submaximal calcium was increased by NEM-S1 in a concentration-dependent manner, yielding a maximum rate at low [Ca2+] which was similar to that observed during full activation. The effects of NEM-S1 on force and ktr indicate that strong-binding myosin cross-bridges are involved in activation of the thin filament.  相似文献   

Summary Slow muscle fibers were dissected from cruralis muscles of Rana esculenta and Rana pipiens. Isometric contractures were evoked by application of K+-rich Ringer's containing Ca2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+ or Mg2+. High (7.2 mmol/liter) external Ca2+ concentration raised, 0 Ca2+ lowered the K+ threshold. Replacing Ca2+ by Ni2+ or Co2+ had an effect similar to that of high Ca2+ Ringer's. In Mg2+ Ringer's the K+ concentration-response curve was flattened. These effects were observed already after short exposure times in both species of slow fibers. When Ca2+ was removed for long periods of time the slow fibers of R. esculenta lost their contractile response to application of high K+ concentrations much more quickly than those of R. pipiens, while the response to caffeine (20 mmol/liter) was maintained. Upon readmission of Ca2+ contractile ability was quickly restored in the slow fibers of both R. esculenta and R. pipiens, but the effects of Ni2+ (or Co2+, Mn2+ and Mg2+) were much larger in R. esculenta than in R. pipiens slow fibers. It is concluded that divalent cations have two different sites of action in slow muscle fibers. K+ threshold seems to be affected through binding to sites at the membrane surface; these sites bind Ni2+ and Co2+ more firmly than Ca2+. The second site is presumably the voltage sensor in the transverse tubular membrane, which controls force production, and where Ca2+ is the most effective species of the divalent cations examined.We are grateful to Mrs. S. Pelvay for technical assistance.  相似文献   

It is well known that the force developed by skeletal muscles increases with temperature. Despite the work done on this subject, the mechanism of force potentiation is still debated. Most of the published papers suggest that force enhancement is due to the increase of the individual cross-bridge force. However, reports on skinned fibers and single-molecule experiments suggest that cross-bridge force is temperature independent. The effects of temperature on cross-bridge properties in intact frog fibers were investigated in this study by applying fast stretches at various tension levels (P) on the tetanus rise at 5 degrees C and 14 degrees C to induce cross-bridge detachment. Cross-bridge number was measured from the force (critical force, P(c)) needed to detach the cross-bridge ensemble, and the average cross-bridge strain was calculated from the sarcomere elongation needed to reach P(c) (critical length, L(c)). Our results show that P(c) increased linearly with the force developed at both temperatures, but the P(c)/P ratio was considerably smaller at 14 degrees C. This means that the average force per cross bridge is greater at high temperature. This mechanism accounts for all the tetanic force enhancement. The critical length L(c) was independent of the tension developed at both temperatures but was significantly lower at high temperature suggesting that cross bridges at 14 degrees C are more strained. The increased cross-bridge strain accounts for the greater average force developed.  相似文献   

To understand mammalian skeletal myosin isoform diversity, pure myosin isoforms of the four major skeletal muscle myosin types (myosin heavy chains I, IIA, IIX, and IIB) were extracted from single rat muscle fibers. The extracted myosin (1-2 microg/15-mm length) was sufficient to define the actomyosin dissociation reaction in flash photolysis using caged-ATP (Weiss, S., Chizhov, I., and Geeves, M. A. (2000) J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 21, 423-432). The ADP inhibition of the dissociation reaction was also studied to give the ADP affinity for actomyosin (K(AD)). The apparent second order rate constant of actomyosin dissociation gets faster (K(1)k(+2) = 0.17 -0.26 microm(-1) x s(-1)), whereas the affinity for ADP is weakened (250-930 microm) in the isoform order I, IIA, IIX, IIB. Both sets of values correlate well with the measured maximum shortening velocity (V(0)) of the parent fibers. If the value of K(AD) is controlled largely by the rate constant of ADP release (k(-AD)), then the estimated value of k(-AD) is sufficiently low to limit V(0). In contrast, [ATP]K(1)k(+2) at a physiological concentration of 5 mm ATP would be 2.5-6 times faster than k(-AD).  相似文献   

The structural changes of phalloidin-rhodamin labelled F-actin at relaxed and contracted skeletal muscle fibre containing phosphorylated myosin and at contracted state after dephosphorylation were investigated by measuring of polarized fluorescence of the fluorophore. The mechanical properties (isometric tension development) of fibre were studied in parallel. At submaximal concentration of Ca ions (0.6 mumol/l) the isometric tension was decreased after dephosphorylation of fibre myosin. The changes in polarization of fluorophore bound to actin filament were correlated with isometric tension developed by the muscle fibre. The angles between the actin filament long axis and the absorption and emission dipoles for contracted and relaxed fibre were different, suggesting changes in the organization of the actin monomers in thin filament, dependent on the physiological state of the fibre. The flexibility of the thin filaments during transition of the fibre from relaxed to "contracted" state increases as indicated by greater average angle between the F-actin long axis and the fibre axis.  相似文献   

Small, random length changes were applied to bundles of intact fibers from rat and mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles, while they were being tetanically stimulated. With increasing frequency of length changes, EDL muscle stiffness (tension change per unit change in length) increased, then decreased and increased again. The decrease was not seen in the soleus muscles. The EDL frequency-response could be well fitted by three exponential components with apparent rate constants of approximately 25, 150, and 500 s-1 at 20 degrees C. All rate constants increased steadily with temperature and for each 10 degrees C increase in temperature, the rates in the mouse EDL increased by a factor (Q10) between 1.8 and 2.4. With tetanic stimulation, force increased nearly exponentially to a steady level with a rate constant of 24 s-1 at 20 degrees C in mouse EDL muscles, and a Q10 of 2.4. These values correspond closely to the lowest frequency rate constant measured with length perturbations, which suggests that this process may limit the rate of rise of force in intact muscle fibers. During fatigue the high frequency and intermediate frequency rate constants declined, but the low frequency rate constant remained unchanged. These results are discussed in relation to current biochemical models for cross-bridge cycling.  相似文献   

Peak absolute force, specific tension (peak absolute force per cross-sectional area), cross-sectional area, maximal unloaded shortening velocity (Vo; determined by the slack test), and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform compositions were determined in 124 single skeletal fibers from the soleus muscle of 12-, 24-, 30-, 36-, and 37-mo-old Fischer 344 Brown Norway F1 Hybrid rats. All fibers expressed the type I MHC isoform. The mean Vo remained unchanged from 12 to 24 mo but did decrease significantly from the 24- to 30-mo time period (from 1.71 +/- 0.13 to 0.85 +/- 0.09 fiber lengths/s). Fiber cross-sectional area remained constant until 36 mo of age, at which time there was a 20% decrease from the values at 12 mo of age (from 5,558 +/- 232 to 4,339 +/- 280 micrometer2). A significant decrease in peak absolute force of single fibers occurred between 12 and 24 mo of age (from 51 +/- 2 x 10(-5) to 35 +/- 2 x 10(-5) N) and then remained constant until 36 mo, when another 43% decrease occurred. Like peak absolute force, the specific tension decreased significantly between 12 and 24 mo by 20%, and another 32% decline was observed at 37 mo. Thus, by 24 mo, there was a dissociation between the loss of fiber cross-sectional area and force. The results suggest time-specific changes of the contractile properties with aging that are independent of each other. Underlying mechanisms responsible for the time-dependent and contractile property-specific changes are unknown. Age-related changes in the molecular dynamics of myosin may be the underlying mechanism for altered force production. The presence of more than one beta/slow MHC isoform may be the mechanism for the altered Vo with age.  相似文献   

Myosin thick filaments have been shown tobe structurally labile in intact smooth muscles. Although the mechanismof thick filament assembly/disassembly for purified myosins in solution has been well described, regulation of thick filament formation inintact muscle is still poorly understood. The present study investigates the effect of resting calcium level on thick filament maintenance in intact airway smooth muscle and on thick filament formation during activation. Cross-sectional density of the thick filaments measured electron microscopically showed that the density increased substantially (144%) when the muscle was activated. Theabundance of filamentous myosins in relaxed muscle was calcium sensitive; in the absence of calcium (with EGTA), the filament densitydeceased by 35%. Length oscillation imposed on the muscle underzero-calcium conditions produced no further reduction in the density.Isometric force and filament density recovered fully after reincubationof the muscle in normal physiological saline. The results suggest thatin airway smooth muscle, filamentous myosins exist in equilibrium withmonomeric myosins; muscle activation favors filament formation, and theresting calcium level is crucial for preservation of the filaments inthe relaxed state.


Summary A dorsal approach to the eighth nerve and free-field stimulation were used to investigate the effect of sound direction and intensity on phase locking in auditory nerve fibers of the leopard frog Rana pipiens pipiens.Tuning curves of 75 auditory neurons were analyzed (Fig. 2). Amphibian papillar neurons, but not basilar papillar neurons, exhibit significant phase locking to short tone bursts at the characteristic frequency (CF), the degree of phase locking (vector strength) decreasing with the neuron's CF (Figs. 3, 4 and 10E). Vector strength increases with sound pressure level to saturate about 20 dB above threshold, while the preferred firing phase is only slightly affected (Figs. 5 and 6).In contrast, sound direction hardly affects vector strength (Figs. 7, 8, 9A and 10A and C), but has a strong influence on the preferred firing phase (Figs. 7, 8, 9B and C, 10B and D): With respect to anterior tone presentation there are phase lags for ipsilateral and phase leads for posterior and contralateral presentation. Phase differences between both ears show a sinusoidal or cardioid/ovoidal directional characteristic; maximum differences are found with antero-lateral tone presentation (Fig. 11). The directionality of phase locking decreases with the neuron's CF (Fig. 10F) and only slightly changes with sound pressure level (Fig. 12). Thus, phase locking of amphibian papilla neurons can potentially provide intensity-independent information for sound localization.Abbreviations SPL sound pressure level - FTC frequency threshold curve - CF characteristic frequency - TF test frequency - VS vector strength - AP amphibian papilla - BP basilar papilla  相似文献   

The present study examined Ca(2+) sensitivity of diaphragm muscle (Dia(m)) fibers expressing different myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms. We hypothesized that Dia(m) fibers expressing the MHC(slow) isoform have greater Ca(2+) sensitivity than fibers expressing fast MHC isoforms and that this fiber-type difference in Ca(2+) sensitivity reflects the isoform composition of the troponin (Tn) complex (TnC, TnT, and TnI). Studies were performed in single Triton-X-permeabilized Dia(m) fibers. The Ca(2+) concentration at which 50% maximal force was generated (pCa(50)) was determined for each fiber. SDS-PAGE and Western analyses were used to determine the MHC and Tn isoform composition of single fibers. The pCa(50) for Dia(m) fibers expressing MHC(slow) was significantly greater than that of fibers expressing fast MHC isoforms, and this greater Ca(2+) sensitivity was associated with expression of slow isoforms of the Tn complex. However, some Dia(m) fibers expressing MHC(slow) contained the fast TnC isoform. These results suggest that the combination of TnT, TnI, and TnC isoforms may determine Ca(2+) sensitivity in Dia(m) fibers.  相似文献   

J Kucera  J M Walro 《Histochemistry》1989,92(4):291-299
The expression of four myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, avian slow-tonic (ATO) or neonatal-twitch (ANT) and mammalian slow-twitch (MST) or fast-twitch (MFT) in intrafusal fibers was examined by immunocytochemistry of spindles in the tenuissimus muscle of adult cats. The predominant MHCs expressed by nuclear bag fibers were ATO and MST, whereas the MHCs prevalent in nuclear chain fibers were ANT and MFT. The expression of these isoforms of MHC was not uniform along the length of intrafusal fibers. In general, both bag and chain fibers expressed avian MHC in the intracapsular region and mammalian MHC in the extracapsular region. The nonuniform expression of MHCs observed along the length of bag and chain fibers implies that different genes are activated in myonuclei located in the intracapsular and extracapsular regions of the same muscle fiber. Regional differences in gene activation might result from a greater effect of afferents on myonuclei located near the equator of intrafusal fibers then on myonuclei outside the spindle capsule.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of four myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, avian slow-tonic (ATO) or neonatal-twitch (ANT) and mammalian slow-twitch (MST) or fast-twitch (MFT) in intrafusal fibers was examined by immunocytochemistry of spindles in the tenuissimus muscle of adult eats. The predominant MHCs expressed by nuclear bag fibers were ATO and MST, whereas the MHCs prevalent in nuclear chain fibers were ANT and MFT. The expression of these isoforms of MHC was not uniform along the length of intrafusal fibers. In general, both bag and chain fibers expressed avian MHC in the intracapsular region and mammalian MHC in the extracapsular region. The nonuniform expression of MHCs observed along the length of bag and chain fibers implies that different genes are activated in myonuclei located in the intracapsular and extracapsular regions of the same muscle fiber. Regional differences in gene activation might result from a greater effect of afferents on myonuclei located near the equator of intrafusal fibers then on myonuclei outside the spindle capsule.  相似文献   

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