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The relative magnitude of adjustment in osmotic potential (ψs) of water-stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves and roots was studied using plants raised in pots of sand and grown in a growth chamber. One and three water-stress preconditioning cycles were imposed by withholding water, and the subsequent adjustment in solute potential upon relief of the stress and complete rehydration was monitored with thermocouple psychrometers. Both leaves and roots exhibited a substantial adjustment in ψs in response to water stress with the former exhibiting the larger absolute adjustment. The osmotic adjustment of leaves was 0.41 megapascal compared to 0.19 megapascal in the roots. The roots, however, exhibited much larger percentage osmotic adjustments of 46 and 63% in the one and three stress cycles, respectively, compared to 22 and 40% in the leaves in similar stress cycles. The osmotically adjusted condition of leaves and roots decreased after relief of the single cycle stress to about half the initial value within 3 days, and to the well-watered control level within 6 days. In contrast, increasing the number of water-stress preconditioning cycles resulted in significant percentage osmotic adjustment still being present after 6 days in roots but not in the leaves. The decrease in ψs of leaves persisted longer in field-grown cotton plants compared to plants of the same age grown in the growth chamber. The advantage of decreased ψs in leaves and roots of water-stressed cotton plants was associated with the maintenance of turgor during periods of decreasing water potentials.  相似文献   

When a leaf is excised from a plant by cutting the petiole in air, the stomata sometimes exhibit an “Iwanoff effect” or temporary increase of aperture before entering the phase of hydroactive closure. Simultaneous and separate measurements of transpiration from upper and lower leaf surfaces, derived from thermocouple psychrometers, photosynthesis measurements from either or both surfaces obtained with an Infrared Gas Analyser and measurements with a nitrous oxide diffusion porometer have been made on leaves of Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) before and after severing the petiole. The effect of previous illumination of the plant on the occurrence of the Iwanoff effect has been studied. The results obtained are consistent with the suggestion that an Iwanoff effect is observed when there is little or no water stress, but fails to appear if water stress has developed, even though it may not yet have reached the level at which hydroactive stomatal closure would occur. Furthermore the Iwanoff effect appears to be limited to the stomata of the upper surface in cotton leaves. This seems to be due to the greater accessibility of the upper than the lower epidermal cells, to the water demand of the internal tissues which follows excision. Evidence is also presented to show that the adaxial stomates do not necessarily close completely in the dark.  相似文献   

The physiological gaseous molecule, carbon monoxide (CO) becomes a subject of extensive investigation due to its vasoactive activity throughout the body but its role in gastroprotection has been little investigated. We determined the mechanism of CO released from its donor tricarbonyldichlororuthenium (II) dimer (CORM-2) in protection of gastric mucosa against 75% ethanol-induced injury. Rats were pretreated with CORM-2 30 min prior to 75% ethanol with or without 1) non-selective (indomethacin) or selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 (SC-560) and COX-2 (celecoxib) inhibitors, 2) nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor L-NNA, 3) ODQ, a soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) inhibitor, hemin, a heme oxygenase (HO)-1 inductor or zinc protoporphyrin IX (ZnPPIX), an inhibitor of HO-1 activity. The CO content in gastric mucosa and carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) level in blood was analyzed by gas chromatography. The gastric mucosal mRNA expression for HO-1, COX-1, COX-2, iNOS, IL-4, IL-1β was analyzed by real-time PCR while HO-1, HO-2 and Nrf2 protein expression was determined by Western Blot. Pretreatment with CORM-2 (0.5–10 mg/kg) dose-dependently attenuated ethanol-induced lesions and raised gastric blood flow (GBF) but large dose of 100 mg/kg was ineffective. CORM-2 (5 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg i.g.) significantly increased gastric mucosal CO content and whole blood COHb level. CORM-2-induced protection was reversed by indomethacin, SC-560 and significantly attenuated by celecoxib, ODQ and L-NNA. Hemin significantly reduced ethanol damage and raised GBF while ZnPPIX which exacerbated ethanol-induced injury inhibited CORM-2- and hemin-induced gastroprotection and the accompanying rise in GBF. CORM-2 significantly increased gastric mucosal HO-1 mRNA expression and decreased mRNA expression for iNOS, IL-1β, COX-1 and COX-2 but failed to affect HO-1 and Nrf2 protein expression decreased by ethanol. We conclude that CORM-2 released CO exerts gastroprotection against ethanol-induced gastric lesions involving an increase in gastric microcirculation mediated by sGC/cGMP, prostaglandins derived from COX-1, NO-NOS system and its anti-inflammatory properties.  相似文献   

Little is known of the role semiochemicals play in the mating systems of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in the primitive subfamily Prioninae. Mallodon dasystomus (Say), the hardwood stump borer, is a widely distributed prionine native to the southern US. Preferred hosts of M. dasystomus include oak, sweetgum, sugarberry and hackberry; although they also colonize a variety of other hardwoods. Here, we study the mate location behavior of M. dasystomus by testing the hypotheses that the sexes are mutually attracted to volatiles emanating from the larval host and that females release a volatile pheromone that is attractive to males alone. In a Y-tube olfactometer, male and female M. dasystomus responded to volatiles from host material (i.e., sweetgum and sugarberry). However, only males responded to females in the olfactometer, suggesting that females release a volatile sex pheromone. In choice experiments conducted in a greenhouse, we determined that both males and females prefer host over non-host material. In further bioassays in the greenhouse, males chose host material containing a live female over that containing a live male or host material alone. These findings are further evidence of the critical role host volatiles and pheromones play in mating systems of longhorned beetles.  相似文献   

Cotton is one of the most important crops for its natural textile fibers in the world. However, it often suffered from drought stress during its growth and development, resulting in a drastic reduction in cotton productivity. Therefore, study on molecular mechanism of cotton drought-tolerance is very important for increasing cotton production. To investigate molecular mechanism of cotton drought-resistance, we employed RNA-Seq technology to identify differentially expressed genes in the leaves of two different cultivars (drought-resistant cultivar J-13 and drought-sensitive cultivar Lu-6) of cotton. The results indicated that there are about 13.38% to 18.75% of all the unigenes differentially expressed in drought-resistant sample and drought-sensitive control, and the number of differentially expressed genes was increased along with prolonged drought treatment. DEG (differentially expression gene) analysis showed that the normal biophysical profiles of cotton (cultivar J-13) were affected by drought stress, and some cellular metabolic processes (including photosynthesis) were inhibited in cotton under drought conditions. Furthermore, the experimental data revealed that there were significant differences in expression levels of the genes related to abscisic acid signaling, ethylene signaling and jasmonic acid signaling pathways between drought-resistant cultivar J-13 and drought-sensitive cultivar Lu-6, implying that these signaling pathways may participate in cotton response and tolerance to drought stress.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Acala SJ2) plants were exposed to three levels of osmotic or matric potentials. The first was obtained by salt and the latter by withholding irrigation water. Plants were acclimated to the two stress types by reducing the rate of stress development by a factor of 4 to 7. CO2 assimilation was then determined on acclimated and nonacclimated plants. The decrease of CO2 assimilation in salinity-exposed plants was significantly less in acclimated as compared with nonacclimated plants. Such a difference was not found under water stress at ambient CO2 partial pressure. The slopes of net CO2 assimilation versus intercellular CO2 partial pressure, for the initial linear portion of this relationship, were increased in plants acclimated to salinity of −0.3 and −0.6 megapascal but not in nonacclimated plants. In plants acclimated to water stress, this change in slopes was not significant. Leaf osmotic potential was reduced much more in acclimated than in nonacclimated plants, resulting in turgor maintenance even at −0.9 megapascal. In nonacclimated plants, turgor pressure reached zero at approximately −0.5 megapascal. The accumulation of Cl and Na+ in the salinity-acclimated plants fully accounted for the decrease in leaf osmotic potential. The rise in concentration of organic solutes comprised only 5% of the total increase in solutes in salinity-acclimated and 10 to 20% in water-stress-acclimated plants. This acclimation was interpreted in light of the higher protein content per unit leaf area and the enhanced ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity. At saturating CO2 partial pressure, the declined inhibition in CO2 assimilation of stress-acclimated plants was found for both salinity and water stress.  相似文献   

舒茶早(Camellia sinensis cv. ‘shuchazao’)是皖西南产区一种茶树品种。为研究茶蚜取食为害诱导的茶树挥发物释放特征,运用气相色谱-质谱联用技术,比较了健康茶梢和蚜害茶梢的挥发物组成和相对含量。结果显示,健康茶梢挥发物种类(16种)和相对含量较少,而蚜害茶梢挥发物种类(24种)较为丰富且相对...  相似文献   

All broadleaf woody plants of pinelands and hammocks (upland areas) in the northern parts of Everglades National Park were defoliated by the strong winds of Hurricane Andrew in August 1992. Most plants re‐leafed within two months of the storm, at which time we tagged newly produced leaves of eight species (five species in two hardwood hammocks and four in two pineland sites; one species was studied in both habitats), and monitored individual leaf area lost or damaged monthly for three months. We marked a second cohort of new leaves on the same individuals four months later and monitored these for three months. Herbivory rates in leaves of the first cohort were lower than observed in pre‐hurricane studies on two of the species, and lower in the first cohort than in the second cohort in six of the eight species studied, indicating that most insect herbivores were virtually absent for the first few months after the storm. Additionally, most species produced significantly larger leaves in the first cohort than the second cohort, and leaves of the second cohort were not significantly different in size from pre‐hurricane leaves in one species for which pre‐hurricane data were available. The large disturbance of the hurricane defoliated and reduced the above‐ground biomass of the plants, but apparently also eliminated most herbivores and competition for light, facilitating the recovery of the plants.  相似文献   

Osmotic adjustment in Rosa hybrida L. cv Samantha was characterized by the pressure-volume approach in drought-acclimated and unacclimated plants brought to the same level of drought strain, as assayed by stomatal closure. Plants were colonized by either of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus deserticola Trappe, Bloss and Menge or G. intraradices Schenck and Smith, or were nonmycorrhizal. Both the acclimation and the mycorrhizal treatments decreased the osmotic potential (Ψπ) of leaves at full turgor and at the turgor loss point, with a corresponding increase in pressure potential at full turgor. Mycorrhizae enabled plants to maintain leaf turgor and conductance at greater tissue water deficits, and lower leaf and soil water potentials, when compared with nonmycorrhizal plants. As indicated by the Ψπ at the turgor loss point, the active Ψπ depression which attended mycorrhizal colonization alone was 0.4 to 0.6 megapascals, and mycorrhizal colonization and acclimation in concert 0.6 to 0.9 megapascals, relative to unacclimated controls without mycorrhizae. Colonization levels and sporulation were higher in plants subjected to acclimation. In unacclimated hosts, leaf water potential, water saturation deficit, and soil water potential at a particular level of drought strain were affected most by G. intraradices. G. deserticola had the greater effect after drought preconditioning.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenase (LOX) mRNA, enzyme protein, and enzyme activity were found to be induced in leaves of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Moneymaker) on inoculation with plant pathogenic bacteria. The rate of enzyme activity with linoleic or linolenic acid as substrate was approximately 10 times greater than that with arachidonic acid. Optimum activity was at pH 7.0. In the incompatible interaction, which was associated with a hypersensitive reaction (HR), a single band with relative molecular weight approximately 100,000 was revealed by probing western blots of enzyme extracts with antiserum raised against a pea lipoxygenase. Changes in the intensity of this band reflected the changes observed in LOX enzyme activity after bacterial inoculations. In the hypersensitive reaction, i.e. after inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae, LOX mRNA was induced by 3 hours and enzyme activity began to increase between 6 and 12 hours and had reached maximum levels by 24 to 48 hours. In tomato leaves inoculated with P. syringae pv tomato (compatible interaction), LOX mRNA was induced later and enzyme activity changed only marginally in the first 24 hours, then increased steadily up to 72 hours, reaching the levels seen in the HR.  相似文献   

分析栓皮栎枝叶挥发性物质的组成成分以及对机械损伤的响应。本文通过气质联用(GC/MS)方法比较分析了北京平谷地区天然次生林林栓皮栎枝叶机械损伤前、后挥发性气体VOCs主要成分和相对含量。(1)栓皮栎枝叶中的挥发性物质有酯类、烷烃类、萜烯类、芳香烃类、醛酮类、醇类、烯烃类以及其他含氮、氯、硫等物质等8大类,其中酯类和烷烃类含量最多,约占总物质含量的30.32%~41.60%和30.02%~33.14%;(2)虽然机械损伤前、后挥发性物质的组分和含量均有所变化,但是每一类物质主要成分基本保持一致,其中主要成分有酞酸二丁酯、2-甲基-1-己醇、2,6,10-三甲基十四烷、3-亚甲基-1,1-二甲基-2-乙烯基环己烷、十四烷、十九烷、油酸酰胺、壬醛、癸醛等;(3)机械损伤随栓皮栎枝叶挥发性物质成分及含量均产生了不同程度的影响。机械损伤后总挥发物含量均有明显的增加,其中明显增加的组分有:萘、d-柠檬烯、(Z)-3,7-二甲基-1,3,6-十八烷三烯、4-己烯-1-醇乙酸酯、酞酸二丁酯、乙酸己酯、苯甲酸丁酯、3-亚甲基-1,1-二甲基-2-乙烯基环己烷等化合物。栓皮栎枝叶8大类挥发性物质中酯类和烷烃类含量最多;机械损伤后,萘、d-柠檬烯、4-己烯-1-醇乙酸酯、酞酸二丁酯等物质均有明显的增加,这些物质对昆虫具有一定的驱避作用,这可能是栓皮栎的一种化学防御策略来响应和免受外界虫食等胁迫的侵害。另外,机械损伤后许多组分也发生了不同程度或是小幅度的变化,其变化机理和生态功能尚未知晓,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2007,10(3):269-274
In this study, we assessed the insecticidal properties of bistrifluron on the insect life stages of the cotton caterpillar, Palpita indicaa, with the primary emphasis on hatching rate, mortality, and susceptibility to chemicals, in addition to the preoviposition period, longevity, and fecundity. Bistrifluron exerted no effects on the egg. However, the larvae hatching from the eggs evidenced 100% mortality within 24 hrs. The susceptibility of P. indica to bistrifluron evidenced similar results at each larval stage. When bistrifluron was applied to the pupal stage, the chemicals significantly affected the longevity and fecundity of the normally emerging adults. The application of high concentrations of bistrifluron (50 ppm) to young adults delayed their pre-oviposition periods. In addition, the longevity, fecundity and hatching rate were attenuated.  相似文献   

通过电子克隆和RACE相结合的方法,从陆地棉中克隆到一个新ARF基因。序列分析表明,该基因序列全长为2393其中包括87bp的5′非编码区(5′UTR),1941bp的蛋白质编码区,终止密码子TAA和362bp的3′非编码区。该基因可编码647个氨基酸的蛋白质,分子量为71.9kD,等电点(PI)为8.2。该基因含有一个与拟南芥中ARF基因相似的B3结构域和一个Auxin_resp结合位点,表明该基因与拟南芥ARF基因有很高的同源性,推测具有相似或相同的功能。  相似文献   

革兰氏阴性菌木醋杆菌(Acetobacter xylinum (Brown) Yamada)合成一种由纤维素微纤丝组成的胞外带状物.与高等植物纤维素相比,它具有独特的结构和机械性能.根据从木醋杆菌ATCC 53582克隆的acs纤维素合成操纵子序列设计引物, 用PCR的方法从木醋杆菌Ay201中克隆了ayacs纤维素合成操纵子的全部4个基因.序列比较发现,两者高度同源.将连上CaMV 35S启动子的acsA、acsB克隆到植物表达载体pCAMBIA 1301上,acsC、acsD克隆到pCOB302-3中.然后通过花粉管通道法转化棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)胚珠,收获的种子在含有卡那霉素和除草剂的双抗培养基上进行筛选.PCR检测发现934粒种子中有5棵植株含有全部4个基因.这是首次将编码4个功能蛋白的细菌操纵子成功地转入棉花.  相似文献   

Stream bacteria play an important role in the utilization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from leaves, and in transfer of this DOM to other trophic levels. Leaf leachate is a mixture of labile, recalcitrant, and inhibitory compounds, and bacterial communities vary in their ability to utilize leachate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of DOM from sugar maple leaves on bacterial populations in biofilms on decomposing leaf surfaces. Populations of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Burkholderia cepacia, and Pseudomonas putida were enumerated on decomposing maple leaves in a northeast Ohio stream using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Additionally, artificial substrata consisting of PVC-end caps filled with agar supplemented with leaf leachate and covered with cellulose filters were used to determine bacterial response to leachate from leaves at different stages of decomposition. Population sizes of bacterial species exhibited different responses. Leachate did not affect A. calcoaceticus. B. cepacia was tolerant of phenolic compounds released from leaves and the population size increased when DOM concentrations were greatest. In contrast, P. putida was inhibited by phenolic components of leachate when total DOM concentrations were greatest. Differences in response of the bacterial species to components of leaf leachate indicate the complexity of microbial population dynamics and interactions with DOM. Differences among species in response to DOM have the potential to influence transport and retention of organic matter in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

木醋杆菌纤维素合成操纵子的克隆及棉花转化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
革兰氏阴性菌木醋杆菌 (Acetobacterxylinum (Brown)Yamada)合成一种由纤维素微纤丝组成的胞外带状物。与高等植物纤维素相比 ,它具有独特的结构和机械性能。根据从木醋杆菌ATCC 5 35 82克隆的acs纤维素合成操纵子序列设计引物 ,用PCR的方法从木醋杆菌Ay2 0 1中克隆了ayacs纤维素合成操纵子的全部 4个基因。序列比较发现 ,两者高度同源。将连上CaMV 35S启动子的acsA、acsB克隆到植物表达载体pCAMBIA 130 1上 ,acsC、acsD克隆到pCOB30 2_3中。然后通过花粉管通道法转化棉花 (Gossypiumhirsutum)胚珠 ,收获的种子在含有卡那霉素和除草剂的双抗培养基上进行筛选。PCR检测发现 934粒种子中有 5棵植株含有全部 4个基因。这是首次将编码 4个功能蛋白的细菌操纵子成功地转入棉花  相似文献   

The contents and composition of lipids in citrus leaves in relation to their general resistance to infection by strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri (Xcc) were determined. The composition and contents of total polar lipids and phospholipids and the degree of fatty acid unsaturation were significantly different between resistant and susceptible species. Leaves from resistant plants had less phospholipids, but more free sterols than those from susceptible plants. The predominant fatty acids in the phospholipids were palmitic (16:0), linoleic (18:2) and α-linolenic acid (18:3). The degree of fatty acid unsaturation was higher in susceptible plants than in resistant plants. Major phospholipids in citrus leaves were phosphatidylchloline (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and phosphatidylinositol (PI). β-Sitosterol, campesterol and lanosterol were major sterols in the leaves of citrus plants with resistant species having a higher ratio of free sterols to total phospholipids than susceptible species. Differences in lipid metabolism may contribute to differences in Xcc-resistance of citrus leaves.  相似文献   

Cut carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. `Improved White Sim') were exposed to ultra high purity 14C2H4 (20 μl/1) during flower opening and senescence to study its incorporation and metabolism. During treatment precautions were taken to exclude inhibitory volatiles from rubber serum stoppers which were identified as CS2 and COS. As with the pea seedling (Nature 1975, 255:144-147), cut carnations incorporated 14C2H4 into ethanol-soluble tissue metabolites and oxidized the hormone to 14CO2. Oxidation increased from 0.5 to 3 dpm · mg dry wt−1·6 hr−1 during the period of flower opening and early petal wilt. As severe petal wilt set in, and the ovary increased in size and dry weight, oxidation increased to a peak of nearly 29 dpm · mg dry wt−1·6 hr−1. Concomitant with this peak was a similar rise in the rate of 14C2H4 incorporation into the petals, peduncle, bracts, and sepals. Much higher rates of incorporation were found for the reproductive and receptacle tissues. Incorporation into these tissues steadily increased during flower opening reaching a peak of over 160 dpm · mg dry wt−1 · 6 hr−1 just before full bloom. This peak preceded a peak of endogenous ethylene production while the 14C2H4 oxidation peak followed it.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Melanoma is a relatively immunogenic tumor, in which infiltration of melanoma cells by T lymphocytes is associated with a better clinical prognosis. We hypothesized that radiation-induced cell death may provide additional stimulation of an anti-tumor immune response in the setting of anti-CTLA-4 treatment. METHODS: In a pilot melanoma patient, we prospectively tested this hypothesis. We treated the patient with two cycles of ipilimumab, followed by stereotactic ablative radiotherapy to two of seven hepatic metastases, and two additional cycles of ipilimumab. RESULTS: Subsequent positron emission tomography-computed tomography scan indicated that all metastases, including unirradiated liver lesions and an unirradiated axillary lesion, had completely resolved, consistent with a complete response by RECIST. CONCLUSION: The use of radiotherapy in combination with targeted immunotherapy as a noninvasive in vivo tumor vaccine strategy appears to be a promising method of enhancing the induction of systemic immune responses and anti-tumor effect.  相似文献   

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