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NIKLAS  KARL J. 《Annals of botany》1998,82(2):177-187
A method is presented to calculate the factor of safety (basedon any criterion of failure) for populations of equivalent biologicalstructures that normally sustain mechanical loads (e.g. stemsof the same order of branching). The method uses the empiricallydetermined mean and standard deviation of the actual loads andthe load capabilities provided that both types of loads arenormally distributed in the population. The factor of safetySiscalculated from the formulaS  相似文献   

In Drosophila simulans a Wolbachia-like microorganism is responsible for reduced egg-hatch when infected males mate with uninfected females. Both incompatibility types have previously been found in North America, Europe and Africa. Some California populations have remained polymorphic for over two years, and the infection is apparently spreading in central California. Egg hatch proportions for wild-caught females from polymorphic populations show that the incompatibility system acts in nature, but egg mortality rates are apparently lower than observed in laboratory populations. Although infected females maintained under various laboratory conditions never produce uninfected offspring, some wild-caught infected females produce both infected and uninfected progeny. This helps explain the persistence of a low frequency of uninfected flies in predominantly infected populations and may also explain the other polymorphisms observed. Fitness comparisons of infected and uninfected stocks, including both larval and adult fitness components, indicate that fecundity may be the component most affected. Infected females suffer a fecundity reduction of 10-20% in the laboratory, but the reduction seems to be smaller in nature. A theoretical analysis provides some insight into the population biology of the infection.  相似文献   

Primary amenorrhea is one of the common reproductive disorder affecting females. It leads to the absence of menarche in the reproductive age group in females and/or complete absence of reproductive organs. There are many causes which lead to PA, including genetic aberrations which are the leading factors.  相似文献   

Vishnu-Mittre 《Grana》2013,52(2):306-312
The paper records the occurrence of indigenous oaks (Quercus semecarpifolia and Q. dilatata) in the Kashmir valley, which have hitherto been reported as absent there. It also gives an outline history of the oaks in the Kashmir valley since the beginning of the Pleistocene and discusses the historical status of the modern oaks in the valley.  相似文献   

The distribution of d.wt in peach trees varies greatly withincreasing tree size or age. The growth of the fruit, rootsand tree frame is competitively inter-related throughout thelife of the tree while the growth of leaves and the annual shootsthat support them is independent and increases in direct proportionto tree size. The proportion of the annual increment of d.wtdirected into fruit growth increases from less than 30 per centin a young tree of about 16 cm butt-circumference to almost70 per cent in a mature tree of about 55 cm butt-circumference.Thereafter the proportion of d.wt allocated to fruit growthdid not increase, although the total yield of d.wt continuedto increase exponentially. Conversely the proportion of d.wtallocated to the frame and roots declined from just under 40and 20 per cent respectively to less than 10 and 1 per centrespectively. In these organs also, the proportions did notchange further for larger trees. The ratio of vegetative growth made by the top of the tree comparedto root growth increased from 1 in a young tree to 4 in theoldest trees but there was a strong allometric relation (r=0·99)between the growth of both systems. The physiological implicationsof these data and their relation to horticultural productivityare discussed.  相似文献   

Four different species ofProductus frequently found, in the Lower and Middle Carboniferous of Kashmir show a lineage more or less in the stratigraphical succession. It starts fromProductus cora d'Orb. (the primitive member of this series) and exhibits a retrogressive accentuation of the twisting of the umbo which almost disappeares in the youngest specimens. The spiral angle varies in the four stages from 70° to 30°. The lineage is regarded as a true genetical one.  相似文献   

Insect parasitoids and their insect hosts represent a wide range of parasitic trophic relations that can be used to understand the evolution of biotic diversity on earth. Testing theories of coevolution between hosts and parasites is based on factors directly involved in host susceptibility and parasitoid virulence. We used controlled encounters with potential hosts of the Aphidius ervi wasp to elucidate behavioral and other phenotypic traits of host Acyrthosiphon pisum that most contribute to success or failure of parasitism. The host aphid is at an advanced stage of specialization on different crop plants, and exhibits intra-population polymorphism for traits of parasitoid avoidance and resistance based on clonal variation of color morph and anti-parasitoid bacterial symbionts. Randomly selected aphid clones from alfalfa and clover were matched in 5 minute encounters with wasps of two parasitoid lineages deriving from hosts of each plant biotype in a replicated transplant experimental design. In addition to crop plant affiliation (alfalfa, clover), aphid clones were characterized for color morph (green, pink), Hamiltonella defensa and Regiella insecticola symbionts, and frequently used behaviors in encounters with A. ervi wasps. A total of 12 explanatory variables were examined using redundancy analysis (RDA) to predict host survival or failure to A. ervi parasitism. Aphid color was the best univariate predictor, but was poorly predictive in the RDA model. In contrast, aphid host plant and symbionts were not significant univariate predictors, but significant predictors in the multivariate model. Aphid susceptibility to wasp acceptance as reflected in host attacks and oviposition clearly differed from its suitability to parasitism and progeny development. Parasitoid progeny were three times more likely to survive on clover than alfalfa host aphids, which was compensated by behaviorally adjusting eggs invested per host. Strong variation of the predictive power of intrinsic (body color) and extrinsic traits (symbionts, host plant), indicate that host variables considered as key predictors of outcomes strongly interact and cannot be considered in isolation.  相似文献   

M. A. Khan 《Hydrobiologia》1986,135(3):233-242
L. Naranbagh (alt. 1587 m) is a polymictic, shallow marl lake in the flood-plain valley of Kashmir, India. Macrofloral affinities resemble Potamogeton Type of Forsberg (1965) with alkaline waters, not rich in phosphorus. CaCO3 precipitation coupled with decline in Ca2+ and alkalinity values are characteristic of the lake. Fluctuations in Mg2+, Na+, K+, and Cl were relatively conservative. The levels of PO inf4 sup3– -P and NO inf3 sup– -N indicate moderate fertility of the lake water.Persistence of a summer-autumn planktonic algal pulse is related to favourable irradiance, high water temperatures, and increased photosynthetic efficiency values. The most striking seasonality in photosynthetic rates (m–2 h–1) between winter minimum (3 mg Cassim) and summer maximum (75.4 mg Cassim) is determined by mainly climatic changes. Energy flow gave annual phytoplankton production of 51.95 × 102 KJ m–2 for the ecosystem.The nutrient levels and productivity rates suggest mesotrophic status of L. Naranbagh in classic oligoeutrophic classification of lake types.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease and diabetes represent a major public health concern. The former is the most frequent cause of death and disability in patients with type 2 diabetes, where left ventricular dysfunction is highly prevalent. Moreover, diabetic retinopathy is becoming a dominant cause of visual impairment and blindness. The complex relation between cardiovascular disease and diabetic retinopathy as a function of ageing, obesity and hypertension remains to be clarified. Here, we investigated such relations in patients with diabetes type 2, in subjects with neither overt heart disease nor advanced proliferative diabetic retinopathy. We studied 47 patients and 50 controls, aged between 45 and 65 years, equally distributed according to gender. From the 36 measures regarding visual structure and function, and the 11 measures concerning left ventricle function, we performed data reduction to obtain eight new derived variables, seven of which related to the eye, adjusted for age, gender, body mass index and high blood pressure using both discriminant analysis (DA) and logistic regression (LR). We found moderate to strong correlation between left ventricle function and the eye constructs: minimum correlation was found for psychophysical motion thresholds (DA: 0.734; LR: 0.666), while the maximum correlation was achieved with structural volume density in the neural retina (DA: 0.786; LR: 0.788). Controlling the effect of pairwise correlated visual constructs, the parameters that were most correlated to left ventricle function were volume density in retina and thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layers (adjusted multiple R2 is 0.819 and 0.730 for DA and LR), with additional contribution of psychophysical loss in achromatic contrast discrimination. We conclude that visual structural and functional changes in type 2 diabetes are related to heart dysfunction, when the effects of clinical, demographic and associated risk factors are taken into account, revealing a genuine relation between cardiac and retinal diabetic phenotypes.  相似文献   

本文首次提出混杂试验的多元统计分析方法,并以香茅肥料试验为实例,论述平方和与乘积和矩阵的分解及总自由度的裂分方法,各种WilksA统计量的构造及其显著性测验法.最后给出了笔者编制的SAS统计分析程序.  相似文献   

本文把经典巢式设计的统计分析方法由单变量推广到多变量,使得试验或调查的多性状数据能综合在一起进行分析,以得出考虑了性状间相关性在内的统计结论并用一烟草栽培试验数据示明具体步骤。  相似文献   

Green leafy vegetable extracts of six genotypes of kale (Brassica oleracea acephala) were evaluated for ascorbic acid, carotenoids, total phenolics and antioxidant activity. Ascorbic acid ranged from 142 mg per 100 g in Wappal Hakh to 164 mg per 100 g fr wt in Knol khol. Wild genotypes Wappal and Pumb, had significantly high phenolic content (285 and 227 mg per 100 g fr wt) and possessed highest antioxidant activities (840 and 780 µmol FRAP per g fr wt) than cultivated genotypes. A positive and strong correlation (R2 = 0.807) between total phenolic content and antioxidant activity suggests that kale has enormous potential to enhance the antioxidant potential of our daily food supply. Wild genotypes, Wappal and Pumb can be incorporated into the breeding programmes in order to increase the antioxidant potential of cultivated varieties.  相似文献   

The study of double-stranded RNA unwinding by helicases is a problem of basic scientific interest. One such example is provided by studies on the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 helicase using single molecule mechanical experiments. HCV currently infects nearly 3% of the world population and NS3 is a protein essential for viral genome replication. The objective of this study is to model the RNA unwinding mechanism based on previously published data and study its characteristics and their dependence on force, ATP and NS3 protein concentration. In this work, RNA unwinding by NS3 helicase is hypothesized to occur in a series of discrete steps and the steps themselves occurring in accordance with an underlying point process. A point process driven change point model is employed to model the RNA unwinding mechanism. The results are in large agreement with findings in previous studies. A gamma distribution based renewal process was found to model well the point process that drives the unwinding mechanism. The analysis suggests that the periods of constant extension observed during NS3 activity can indeed be classified into pauses and subpauses and that each depend on the ATP concentration. The step size is independent of external factors and seems to have a median value of 11.37 base pairs. The steps themselves are composed of a number of substeps with an average of about 4 substeps per step and an average substep size of about 3.7 base pairs. An interesting finding pertains to the stepping velocity. Our analysis indicates that stepping velocity may be of two kinds- a low and a high velocity.  相似文献   

Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) remain a major threat to the health of children throughout the world, mostly in developing nations. The aim of the present study was to determine any relationship between STHs and hemoglobin status in school children of Kashmir Valley (India). Stool and blood samples were collected from 382 male and female school children in the age group of 5-15 yr from all 6 school districts of the Kashmir Valley. Finger-prick blood samples were used to collect the hemoglobin, which was then measured on-site by Sahli's acid hematin method; stool samples were processed using both simple smear and zinc sulphate concentration methods. Of the 382 children surveyed, 299 (78.27%) were infected with Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, or both. Children infected by STHs were found to have lower mean values of hemoglobin than uninfected children. The present study reveals that STHs are abundant among school children of Kashmir Valley, creating a negative effect on the hemoglobin values and indicating the necessity of implementing control measures.  相似文献   

A folk taxonomy of cooking pottery from Puebla, Mexico, is derived from potters, according to a method described here. Making no assumptions about the taxonomy, the potters' raw data are subjected to a multivariate analysis. The resulting cognitive mapping reveals an inherent structure that can be interpreted in two dimensions, and attributed to two factors: open/closed pottery types, and multiple/nonmultiple ears. These factors are found to be analogous to important cultural categories in the society, upon which people organize their thinking and behavior. Multivariate analysis manifests the system underlying the folk taxonomy, and provides a check on the ethnographer . [folk taxonomy; multivariate analysis; pottery: Puebla, Mexico]  相似文献   

森林土壤氮素可利用性的影响因素研究综述   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
近几十年来 ,人类对木材、纤维和其他森林资源需求的急剧增加 ,对森林的集约化经营管理成为必然趋势。由于大部分森林生态系统缺乏N素 ,因此施肥成为经济有效的途径。但是 ,由于森林中的N肥利用效率低于农业系统 ,且N肥生产成本较高 ,易造成环境中多余N素的污染 ,所以需要更有效的经营管理方法。要改进这类方法 ,则必须很好地理解全球各种森林生态系统的N素循环和N素可利用性[3 1] 。可利用性养分 (availablenutrient)是指土壤中易被植物吸收同化的养分元素或化合物的数量[4 0 ] ,可以理解为植物利用土壤中易吸收和…  相似文献   



Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive autoinflammatory disorder due to MEFV mutations and one of the most frequent Mediterranean genetic diseases. The observation of many heterozygous patients in whom a second mutated allele was excluded led to the proposal that heterozygosity could be causal. However, heterozygosity might be coincidental in many patients due to the very high rate of mutations in Mediterranean populations.


To better delineate the pathogenicity of heterozygosity in order to improve genetic counselling and disease management.


Complementary statistical approaches were used: estimation of FMF prevalence at population levels, genotype comparison in siblings from 63 familial forms, and genotype study in 557 patients from four Mediterranean populations.


At the population level, we did not observe any contribution of heterozygosity to disease prevalence. In affected siblings of patients carrying two MEFV mutations, 92% carry two mutated alleles, whereas 4% are heterozygous with typical FMF diagnosis. We demonstrated statistically that patients are more likely to be heterozygous than healthy individuals, as shown by the higher ratio heterozygous carriers/non carriers in patients (p<10−7–p<0.003). The risk for heterozygotes to develop FMF was estimated between 2.1×10−3 and 5.8×10−3 and the relative risk, as compared to non carriers, between 6.3 and 8.1.


This is the first statistical demonstration that heterozygosity is not responsible for classical Mendelian FMF per se, but constitutes a susceptibility factor for clinically-similar multifactorial forms of the disease. We also provide a first estimate of the risk for heterozygotes to develop FMF.  相似文献   

Factors Affecting the Secretion of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A   总被引:4,自引:11,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The biosynthesis of enterotoxin A by replicating and nonreplicating cells was investigated. Unlike enterotoxin B, a secondary metabolite, enterotoxin A secretion resembled that of a primary metabolite by being secreted during the exponential phase of growth. The amount of toxin produced per unit of growth was not influenced by NaCl, NaNO(2), or NaNO(3). Several surfactants increased toxin secretion. Toxin secretion by nonreplicating cells was inhibited by chloramphenicol and 2, 4-dinitrophenol but not by streptomycin or penicillin G. The optimal pH for enterotoxin A production was 6.5 to 7.0. The findings suggest a number of possible reasons for the higher incidence of food poisonings caused by enterotoxin A as compared to enterotoxin B.  相似文献   

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