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Oocytes in primordial ("resting") follicles in adult human ovaries contain a complex paranuclear structure identified by light microscopists as Balbiani's vitelline body. By electron microscopy this structure is composed of a mass of mitochondria with associated endoplasmic reticulum, multiple compound aggregates which form a ring around the cytocentrum, and a single stack or coil of annulate lamellae either attached to the nuclear membrane or free in the cytoplasm. The compound aggregates contain vacuoles and finely divided electron-opaque material. Evidence is presented for the probable transport of this material between the oocyte and its environment. The cytocentrum contains a central aggregate of amorphous electron-opaque deposits which appear to become periodically aligned on fine fibrils to form the long coarse fibers at the periphery of the cytocentrum. The apparent prevalence of annulate lamellae attached or adjacent to the nuclear membrane of oocytes in ovaries removed during the mid-follicular (estrogenic) phase of the cycle indicates the need for further study of a possible hormonal influence on the resting oocyte. By light microscopy phosphatases were not found within the oocyte, but adenosine-monophosphatase activity is present in the cortical cells surrounding primordial follicles, and also at the periphery of each primitive follicle cell, most prominently at the oocyte side. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity is present within the oocyte cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The mechanism, whereby histamine and serotonin increase the permeability of blood vessels, was studied in the rat by means of the electron microscope. The drugs were injected subcutaneously into the scrotum, whence they diffused into the underlying (striated) cremaster muscle. An intravenous injection of colloidal HgS was also given, in order to facilitate the identification of leaks by means of visible tracer particles. After intervals varying from 1 minute to 57 days the animals were killed; the cremaster was fixed, embedded in methacrylate, and examined with the electron microscope. One to 12 minutes after the injection, the blood vessels of the smallest caliber (3 to 5 micra as measured on electron micrographs) appeared intact. Numerous endothelial openings were present in blood vessels with a diameter of 7 to 8 micra or more. These gaps were 0.1 to 0.8 micra in width; portions of intercellular junctions were often present in one or both of the margins. The underlying basement membrane was morphologically intact. An accumulation of tracer particles and chylomicra against the basement membrane indicated that the latter behaved as a filter, allowing fluid to escape but retaining and concentrating suspended particulate matter of the size used. Uptake of tracer particles by endothelial vesicles was minimal. Phagocytosis by endothelial cells became more prominent at 3 hours, but as a secondary occurrence; the pericytes were actively phagocytic at all stages. At the 3-hour stage no leaks were found. The changes induced by histamine and serotonin were indistinguishable, except that the latter was more potent on a mole-to-mole basis. In control animals only small accumulations of tracer particles were found in the wall of a number of blood vessels. With regard to the pathogenesis of the endothelial leaks, the electron microscopic findings suggested that the endothelial cells become partially disconnected along the intercellular junctions. Supporting evidence was provided at the level of the light microscope, by demonstrating—in the same preparation—the leaks with appropriate tracer particles1, and the intercellular junctions by the silver nitrate method. The lipid nature of the chylomicron deposits observed in electron micrographs was also confirmed at the level of the light microscope, using cremasters fixed in formalin and stained in toto with sudan red.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying reproductive aging and menopausal age in female mammals are poorly understood. Mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a central controller of cell growth and proliferation. To determine whether mTORC1 signaling in oocytes plays a direct role in physiological follicular development and fertility in female mice, we conditionally deleted the specific and essential mTORC1 component Rptor (regulatory-associated protein of mTORC1) from the oocytes of primordial follicles by using transgenic mice expressing growth differentiation factor 9 (Gdf-9) promoter-mediated Cre recombinase. We provide in vivo evidence that deletion of Rptor in the oocytes of both primordial and further-developed follicles leads to the loss of mTORC1 signaling in oocytes as indicated by loss of phosphorylation of S6K1 and 4e-bp1 at T389 and S65, respectively. However, the follicular development and fertility of mice lacking Rptor in oocytes were not affected. Mechanistically, the loss of mTORC1 signaling in Rptor-deleted mouse oocytes led to the elevation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling that maintained normal follicular development and fertility. Therefore, this study shows that loss of mTORC1 signaling in oocytes triggers a compensatory activation of the PI3K signaling cascade that maintains normal ovarian follicular development and fertility.  相似文献   

Developing rat ova have been studied with the electron microscope. Special attention was paid to relations of ova to the granulosa cells, the developmental stages of ovarian follicles, and the cytology of the unfertilized tubal ova. The relationship of the oocyte to the surrounding granulosa cells was found to change from one of a simple apposition of the plasma membranes to a complex interdigitation of microvilli from the ovular surface and processes from the granulosa cells extending into the matrix of the zona pellucida. This complex interrelation is maintained until the formation of the first polar body is initiated. At this time no microvilli are found and the oolemma presents a gently undulating outline. Also at this time, a perivitelline space forms and the granulosa cell processes retract. In the unfertilized tubal ova no microvilli are present and the processes of the follicular cells are completely withdrawn. The cytoplasmic elements of the oocyte in various stages of development are described in some detail. Of particular interest is the change noted in position and degree of aggregation of the Golgi complex as maturation proceeds. The distribution and structural characteristics of the mitochondria, ergastoplasm, dense particles, and multivesicular bodies are described.  相似文献   

Electron Microscopic Observations on the Taste Buds of the Rabbit   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
An examination of the fine structure of the taste buds in the rabbit was undertaken. Gustatory epithelium was fixed in OsO4 or 1 per cent KMnO4 solution, containing polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Thick sections were examined in the phase microscope and contiguous sections prepared for the electron microscope. The bud contains two types of cells, gustatory receptors and sustentacular cells. The receptors are characterized by a dark nucleus and densely granular cytoplasm. The apical processes bear numerous microvilli which extend into the taste pore. Imbedded between the microvilli there is a dense substance, which is also present in the apical cytoplasm of the receptors. The sustentacular cells contain a large pale nucleus and less dense cytoplasm. Their basal surfaces rest upon a basement membrane. The subepithelial nerve plexuses comprise the fibers which innervate the gustatory receptors. The nerve fibers vary in diameter from 500 A to 0.3 µ, and are ensheathed by Schwann cells. The intragemmal fibers enter the taste bud between adjacent cells, and are ensheathed by the plasma membranes of the supporting cell until they synapse upon the gustatory cell. The synaptic terminals contain synaptic vesicles, which at this junction reside in the postsynaptic element. This observation is discussed with reference to synapses described elsewhere in the nervous system.  相似文献   

Electron microscope observations on rabbit ear cartilage following the administration of papain show that both the elastic component of the matrix and the amorphous material disappear leaving a matrix which consists of delicate fibrils which are presumed to be collagen. This unmasking of fibrils coincides with the appearance of an abnormal component in the electrophoretic pattern of the rabbit's serum. The chondrocytes show vacuoles in their cytoplasm which appear at the same time that the cells appear crenated in the light microscope. A ruffly appearance of the cell surface membrane coincides with this vacuolization, and vacuoles often appear open and in continuity with the extracellular space. The resurgence of the rabbit ear is accompanied by a reconstitution of both the amorphous material and the elastic component of the matrix. During this period numerous dilated cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum which contain a moderately dense material are present in the chondrocyte cytoplasm. We have been unable to demonstrate a direct relationship between the elastic component of the matrix and a particular component of the chondrocyte cytoplasm, but it is clear that changes occur in the cartilage cell cytoplasm during both the depletion and reconstitution of the matrix. Previous studies on the effect of papain on elastic tissue are noted and the possible relationships between changes in the cells and matrix of this elastic cartilage are discussed.  相似文献   

Ferritin, added to the incubation medium of ascites tumor cells, was used as an electron microscopic marker to study the uptake of large protein molecules by morphologically intact cells. A definite uptake could be detected after 1 hour of incubation in Tyrode bicarbonate solution containing 0.04 to 13.3 mg ferritin/ml. Ferritin was found in a variety of membrane-surrounded structures, suggesting that pinocytesis and related membrane movements are occurring under physiological conditions and can account for the penetration of intact macromolecules into isolated tumor cells. Supplementation of the medium with serum albumin (33 mg/ml) increased the average amount of ferritin per cell and per pinocytotic structure. Ferritin was strongly adsorbed by fragments of lysed cells, which were readily taken up by intact cells. Besides its role as carrier, this debris appeared to stimulate membrane movements. Only rare examples were found to suggest the release of ferritin from the pinocytotic structures into the cytoplasm. Thus, the disintegration of such structures cannot be considered an obvious step towards a rapid metabolic utilization of protein by the cell. Particles of colloidal gold presented to the cell under the same conditions were not taken up to any significant extent, thus providing good evidence for a selective ingestion of particles of comparable sizes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Alveolar membranes and an epiplasm exist under the cell membrane of the noncontractile heterotrich ciliate Climacostomum virens. Postciliary microtubular ribbons join at the right of each somatic kinety to form a Km fiber. Two transverse microtubular fibers occur per kinetosomal pair. A myonemal network interconnects the kinetosomal bases intrakinetally and interkinetally. Ultrastructural comparisons are made between the contractile and noncontractile heterotrichs.
The buccal cortex consists of an adoral zone of membranelles, a peristomal field, a buccal tube, the apical membranelles, and a haplokinety. The kineties of the peristomal field and buccal tube are rows of paired kinetosomes, with a postciliary ribbon of microtubules arising from the posterior kinetosome of each pair, and a transverse ribbon and an oblique ribbon from the anterior kinetosome. No Km fibers exist in this region. The haplokinety is a collar of paired kinetosomes surrounding the cytostome; a postciliary microtubular ribbon descends from each kinetosomal pair into the cytostomal region. Ultrastructural details of the buccal cortex of C. virens and other heterotrichs are compared. The nemadesmata which lie under the membranelles are implicated in the body bending of C. virens.
Algae endosymbiotic in the cytoplasm of C. virens are described.  相似文献   

Pancreatic ribosomes (guinea pig) aggregate and lose upon treatment with polyamines, particularly spermine, their bound secretory enzymes. Spermine, at 0.5 mM, for example, causes the release of about 85 per cent of the chymotrypsinogen and RNase, and from 85 to 100 per cent of the ribosomal amylase. At the same time, the particles lose about 10 per cent of their RNA, 7 to 24 per cent of their total protein, and from 75 to 100 per cent of their Mg++. Observations with the electron microscope confirm the heavy agglutinating of the ribosomes but otherwise show little change in the structure of the particles. Using radioactive spermine it was found that, concomitant with the loss of bound enzymes and Mg++ from the ribosomes, spermine became bound to the particle. The extent of binding ranged from 0.29 to 1.49 µmoles per 10µmoles RNA-P. The bound radioactive spermine can be removed by subsequent treatment of the ribosomes with GTP, ATP, or P-P, which treatment also removes most of the RNA of the particles, leaving behind ribosomes with a much lower RNA/protein ratio. From this evidence it was inferred that spermine, in releasing the Mg++ of the particle, becomes salt-linked to the free phosphate hydroxyl groups of the RNA. Freshly isolated pancreatic and hepatic ribosomes contain very little spermine, about 0.1 to 0.2 µmoles polyamine/10 µmoles RNA-P. The results are discussed in terms of the linkages between the structural protein, the bound secretory enzymes, and the RNA of the ribosomes.  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus cantonensis is a parasitic nematode that needs to develop in different hosts in different larval stages. Freshwater snails, such as Pomacea canaliculata, are the intermediate host, and rats are the definitive host. Periodic shedding of the cuticle (moulting) is an important biological process for the survival and development of the parasite in the intermediate and definitive hosts. However, there are few studies on the cuticle alterations between different stages of this parasite. In this study, we observed the ultrastructural appearance and changes of the cuticle of the 2nd/3rd stage larvae (L2/L3) and the 3rd/4th stage larvae (L3/L4) using a scanning electron microscope. We also first divided L2/L3 into late L2 and early L3. The late L2 lacked alae, but possessed a pull-chain-like fissure. Irregular alignment of spherical particles on the cuticle were noted compared to the L3. Alae appeared in the early L3. The old cuticle turned into a thin film-like structure which adhered to the new cuticle, and spherical particles were seen regularly arranged on the surface of this structure. Regular rectangular cavities were found on the surface of L3/L4. The caudal structure of L3/L4 was much larger than that of L3, but caudal inflation, such as seen in L4, was not observed. These results are the first to reveal the ultrastructural changes of the cuticle of A. cantonensis before and after moulting of L2/L3 and L3/L4.  相似文献   

The ribonucleic acid (RNA) of murine leukemia virus (MLV) Rauscher strain was observed by the aid of electron microscopy with the use of the protein monolayer technique. RNA was observed directly after release from virus particles or after isolation by sedimentation in sucrose density gradients. Molecules were found in an extended linear form. Many of the RNA filaments released by detergent treatment contained curled regions, suggesting the linear filaments were originally coiled within the virus particle. The relationship of the curled areas to the containment of the RNA within the virus particle is discussed, and a mechanism for the inclusion of RNA in the budding virion is proposed. Treatment of the extended MLV-RNA with dimethyl sulfoxide resulted in the collapse of the molecule forming a tangled complex. Treatment with urea or heating at 50 C in 3 mm NaCl also produced this effect. Also under the conditions in which MLV-RNA was linear, RNA from Rous sarcoma virus also was linear, but Newcastle disease virus RNA and ribosomal RNA of rat liver had collapsed structures. The results indicated that the RNA of MLV, and perhaps other RNA-containing tumor viruses, has a specific unique conformation dependent upon hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of huma corpora luntea obtained approximately 2, 3, 5, 11, and 15 days after ovulation is reported. All specimens were fixed in Karnovsky's formaldehyde-glutaral-dehyde solution. The 5-day corpus luteum is presumed to represent, in terms of fine structure, the ultrastructural aspects of high progesterone production and is compared to younger differentiating and older regressing specimens. A distinct topographic relationship of cytoplasmic organelles is noted in the mature 5-day luteal cell. It consists of a peripheral cupshaped mass of tubular ER (endoplasmic reticulum), associated with granular ER, lipid droplets, and mitochondria, which merges with a large paranuclear Golgi area extending to a cell surface bordering a perivascular space. The plasma membrane of active luteal cells is described and its variations suggest areas of specialized surface activities. The prevalence and ultrastructure of more electron-opaque stellate cells, of phagocytes, and of thecal cells are reported.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopic observations of the leaves in some conifers are described. These are hyplocheilie stomata surrounded by different morphological subsidiary cells. In Keteleeria, the lateral wall of larger subsidiary cells possesses prom.inant eutieular globoides. Cuticular semigloboides between the sinuoms epidermal anticlinal walls are most obvious in other epidermis. However the single laver of cushion cells which looated underneath the guard ceils of the abaxial epidermis in Cathaya is discovered. The mesophyll ceils with incurved walls of Cathaya consist mainly of single layer of flat oubical cells flat longi-cubieal cells as of the polytriehaeeous lamcllae, thus it may be designated as mesolamellae. It not only supports the establishment of Cathaya Chun and Kuang as a new genus of the Pinaeeae but also may be another important biosystematical evidence between Cathaya and Pinus. The distribution and polymorphism of foliar solereids in Amentotaxus which are different from leaves of other gymnosperms described. The transfusion tracheids are also different in some ways from other genera.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and other particulates—cilia, trichocysts, and "small granules"—have been isolated from several stocks of Paramecium aurelia, syngen 2. Antisera against these particles and against breis have been used to characterize the fractions by diffusion in gel. Evidence is presented for the relationship of particles, as demonstrated by immunologic cross-reactivity of the soluble antigens extracted from them. Although some antigens are unique for a fraction, cross-reacting antigens in two or more fractions, as determined by "spur" formation in agar, suggest a relationship between morphologically diverse particles. A procedure for studying cross-reactions in gels is described using the specific immobilization antigens as a model. The localization of these antigens within cilia, and perhaps trichocysts, has been confirmed. Other organelles, specifically mitochondria and "small granules," appear to alter their specificity spontaneously and reversibly during cell reproduction, a pattern reminiscent of the immobilization serotypes which can transform to one another during clonal growth.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the spirochete Treponema zuelzerae, and particularly of its axial filaments, was investigated by using the electron microscope. The cell consists of a protoplasmic core surrounded by two concentric envelopes, each approximately 12 nm in width. Between these envelopes are two axial filaments, one originating at each pole of the cell, which overlap and lie side by side in the central region of the cell. The diameter of the axial filaments is 18.0 to 18.5 nm. The terminal region of each filament at its proximal end consists of a hook-like structure, very similar in appearance to the proximal end of a bacterial flagellum. The outer envelope of the cell is readily disrupted with distilled water, and this treatment often results in the release of the filaments from their axial position. A sheath is seen surrounding the filaments when cells are treated with distilled water for no more than 1 min and fixed immediately with osmium tetroxide or glutaraldehyde. This sheath has a striated fine structure and a diameter of 46 nm.  相似文献   

Vegetative cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were fixed with potassium permanganate followed by uranyl nitrate, embedded in methacrylate, and studied in electron micrographs of thin sections. Details of the structure of the cell wall, cytoplasmic membrane, nucleus, vacuole, and mitochondria are described. Cell membranes, about 70 to 80 A thick, have been resolved into two dense layers, 20 to 25 A thick, separated by a light layer of the same dimensions, which correspond in thickness and appearance to the components of the "unit membrane" as described by Robertson (15). The cell wall is made up of zones of different electron opacity. Underlying the cell wall is the cytoplasmic membrane, a sinuous structure with numerous invaginations. The nucleoplasm, often of uneven electron opacity, is enclosed in a pair of unit membranes in which nuclear pores are apparent. The vacuole, limited by a single unit membrane, is usually irregular in outline and contains some dense material. Rod-shaped mitochondria, 0.4 to 0.6 µ in length and 0.2 to 0.3 µ in diameter, are smaller in size, but similar in structure to some of those described in plant and animal cells. Attempts to use osmium tetroxide as fixative were unsuccessful, a result similar to that obtained by other workers. It is suggested that yeast cells are impermeable to osmium tetroxide, except when grown under specific conditions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The ultrastructural changes occurring during encystment of Acanthamoeba palestinensis have been investigated. The cyst wall consists of endocyst and exocyst, both having the same fine structure. At irregular intervals in the cyst wall ostioles occupied by opercula are present. The nuclear membrane forms bulb-shaped projections and releases vesicles bounded by double membranes into the cytoplasm. Dense nucleolus-like bodies of different sizes and variable numbers are found in the nucleus of every cyst. The importance of the cyst structure as a taxonomic criterion is discussed.  相似文献   

从本试验观察到,核黄菌的生长全部过程是自配子或菌丝在培养基中开始发育成营养菌丝,部分菌丝形成配子囊形成配子,部分菌丝衰老自溶。当菌丝发育最盛时,核黄素的形成是最多,衰老时培养基核黄素逐渐丰富起来。核黄菌在有空气和缺乏空气时,它们的发育是有区别的,即是在缺乏空气(表面下生长)时,菌丝是细长不形成配子和产生少量核黄素。  相似文献   

A morphological investigation of mitochondria within the seminal epithelial cells of rat testes fixed in potassium permanganate reveals differences in electron opacity between the internal mitochondrial membranes of spermatogenic cells and those of Sertoli cells. Some interpretations of the apparent density differences are briefly discussed. It is concluded that the different effects of permanganate fixation upon the mitochondria of these cell types may reflect a significant structural difference between them.  相似文献   

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