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Questions: What are the feedbacks among the seed bank, parent vegetation, and landscape structure that control plant species turnover in space and time in a tidal freshwater marsh? How can these feedbacks be used to better understand marsh community dynamics and to establish restoration practices that seek to restore vegetation diversity of this important and widely distributed ecosystem? Location: Potomac River, Virginia, United States (15 km south of Washington, DC). Methods: We sampled the seed bank and standing vegetation in a tidal freshwater marsh and explored similarities between seed bank and vegetation composition through space and time. We then investigated marsh surface elevation, distance to nearest tidal channels, and life history of component species as potential explanations for the observed vegetation patterns. Results: The composition of individual plots changed considerably from year to year; however, the composition at broader spatial (whole marsh) and temporal (4 years) scales was relatively stable. Species composition of the seed bank was dissimilar to both the previous and current year's standing vegetation, and similarity to standing vegetation was particularly low in plots dominated by annual species. Landscape structure and life history characteristics of individual species best explained the spatiotemporal variability in marsh vegetation. Conclusions: Restoration designs should be landscape‐dependent and explicitly incorporate spatially structured elements such as elevation gradients to maximize community diversity in reconstructed tidal freshwater marshes. Optimal designs include areas of high seed input, areas of high species turnover, as well as other areas of greater stability.  相似文献   

A decade-long examination was made of recruitment and establishment in a tidal freshwater high marsh along the Delaware River. Over the 10 yr of the study, seed bank, field seedlings, and vegetation showed variable patterns and significant year-to-year fluctuations. Patterns of each species were unique, perhaps the result of specific germination and/or establishment requirements and seedling morphology. For a given species there was little correlation among seed bank, seedling, and vegetation patterns, and germination success did not guarantee establishment. Species diversity showed significant year-to-year fluctuation, but there was no trend, and perennials did not change in importance during the 10-yr period. Because four annual species (Bidens laevis, Cuscuta gronovii, Impatiens capensis, and Polygonum arifolium) composed over 90% of the seed bank and field seedlings, and 58-89% ( = 70 ± 4) of the cover, community dynamics were dependent on seedling recruitment. For a given species life history stages (seed bank, field seedlings, and vegetation) were not predictable over the temporal scale of a decade. It is predicted, however, that if hydrology remains unchanged, the same suite of species will persist. The importance of the parasite Cuscuta gronovii is noteworthy.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study focuses on the relationship between vegetation succession and soil seed bank composition on the Schiermonnikoog (The Netherlands) salt marsh over 100 yr. The importance of driftline material in seed dispersal and the relationship with succession is also investigated. The results indicate that the majority of species have a transient or short‐term seed persistent bank. Seeds of most species are able to float over the salt marsh and become concentrated in the driftline higher up the marsh. After plants have established a seed bank forms, which disappears when vegetation is replaced by later‐successional species. Exceptions are Spergularia mar‐itima, which is still present in the seed bank of late successional stages, and Juncus gerardi and Glaux maritima, which appear in the seed bank of early successional stages, but are absent in the vegetation. Based on the results of this study constraints and possibilities for salt‐marsh restoration by de‐embankment are discussed.  相似文献   

淡水湿地种子库的小尺度空间格局   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
刘贵华  刘幼平  李伟 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2739-2743
以长江中下游淡水湿地湖里沼泽为对象,研究了种子库在小尺度空间范围的水平分布格局。在沼泽中选择地表植被分布比较均一的16m×4m大小的方形区域,按1m间隔获取64个内径7·8cm、深5cm的圆柱状土样,通过幼苗萌发法鉴定每个土样的种子库组成。采用2个格局指数(离散系数和Lloyd平均拥挤指数)以及Moran空间自相关系数分析了种子库中优势种的空间分布格局。结果显示种子库由17个物种组成,多年生的锐棱荸荠(Eleocharisacutangula)和龙师草(E·tetraqueter)是种子库中密度最大的物种。两个格局指数显示7个分布频率大于10%的物种的种子全部为聚集分布。MoransI统计分析显示其中只有3个物种为显著的正的空间自相关,表明这3个物种的种子斑块大小超过了目前的两个取样单位之间的距离(1m),而其它4个物种的种子斑块则小于这个尺度。  相似文献   

Disturbance can generate heterogeneous environments and profoundly influence plant diversity by creating patches at different successional stages. Herbivores, in turn, can govern plant succession dynamics by determining the rate of species replacement, ultimately affecting plant community structure. In a south-western Atlantic salt marsh, we experimentally evaluated the role of herbivory in the recovery following disturbance of the plant community and assessed whether herbivory affects the relative importance of sexual and clonal reproduction on these dynamics. Our results show that herbivory strongly affects salt marsh secondary succession by suppressing seedlings and limiting clonal colonization of the dominant marsh grass, allowing subordinate species to dominate disturbed patches. These results demonstrate that herbivores can have an important role in salt marsh community structure and function, and can be a key force during succession dynamics.  相似文献   

The minirhizotron technique has been used to study root development in a salt marsh in the western part of the Nationalpark Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer during a three-year period. The objective of our study was to evaluate root depth distribution and seasonal changes in growth activities of natural plant root systems. Root number was counted at monthly intervals in the top soil layer (0–0.2 m) for every 2 cm soil depth. The number of roots was regarded as an easily detectable parameter reflecting root growth and decay.In general, highest rooting intensity was found in the soil's subsurface layer (0–0.08 m). The number of roots significantly decreased in deeper horizons of the soil. There was also a significant increase and decrease in the number of roots in the course of a year. The highest rooting intensity was found in late winter to early spring, which substantially decreased towards mid summer when the plants were in their reproductive phase. The data indicate that there is a clear seasonal pattern of root growth of salt marsh species.  相似文献   

The effect of oil spills on the recruitment of freshwater tidal wetland species was determined using soil seed bank samples collected in early March from two New Jersey Delaware River marshes. Samples were exposed to simulated tidal cycles 0 (2 days), 2 and 4 wk after soil was collected; 0 wk samples were treated before germination began. Oil treatment significantly reduced survival to I May (end of study) of Acnida cannabina and Bidens laevis, the dominant species, as well as number of species per sample and height of B. laevis. Total perennial seedlings, present in low numbers, also showed significant reduction with treatment. However, during the course of the study, Peltandra virginica recruitment and survival were not reduced by oil treatment and recruitment of Sagittaria latifolia appeared enhanced. There was no consistent pattern regarding which treatment time produced the greatest effect. Interactions (site, treatment, time) were generally not significant. Because these tidal freshwater wetlands and seed banks are dominated by annuals, reduction in seedling numbers and growth could substantially alter vegetation patterns. Timing of oil spills would be important, but impact would depend on species composition of the seed bank and colonizing vegetation, dispersal of seeds into the site, and germination requirements.  相似文献   

Effects of historic tidal restrictions on salt marsh sediment chemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of tidalrestrictions by diking on salt marshbiogeochemistry were interpreted by comparingthe hydrology, porewater chemistry and solidphase composition of both seasonally floodedand drained diked marshes with adjacentnatural salt marshes on Cape Cod,Massachusetts. Flooding periods weregreatest in natural and least in drainedmarshes.Differences between the chemistry of thenatural and diked marshes depended upon thedepth of the water table and the supply ofsulfate for anaerobic metabolism. Drainedmarsh sediments were highly acidic (pH <4)with porewaters rich in dissolved Fe; thenatural and diked flooded marshes had pH 6–7.5and Fe orders of magnitude lower. Porewater nutrients, sulfides and alkalinitywere much lower in both flooded and draineddiked marshes than in the natural marsh.Sediments of the drained marsh had subsided90 cm relative to the natural site due toorganic matter decomposition and compaction. However, despite the loss of organic matter,much of the P and N was retained, withNH4 likely protected from nitrificationby low pH and PO4 adsorbed on Fe and Aloxides. Iron, and to a lesser degree sulfur,had also been well retained by the sediment. Despite eight decades of diking, substantialamounts of reduced S, representing potentialacidity, persisted near the top of the watertable.In contrast, the surface of the seasonallyflooded marsh was only 15 cm below thenatural marsh. Accretion since dikingamounted to 25 cm and involved proportionallyless mineral matter.The restoration of seawater flow to bothseasonally flooded and drained diked marsheswill likely extend flooding depth andduration, lower redox, increase cationexchange, and thereby increase NH4,Fe(II), and PO4 mobilization. Increasedporewater nutrients could benefitrecolonizing halophytes but may also degradesurface water quality.  相似文献   

The seasonal distributions of salt marsh free-living and particle-associated bacteria belonging to three subdivisions of the Proteobacteria were determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). More than 66% (median = 78%) of total bacterial cells that were stainable with the fluorescent DNA stain Yo-Pro-1 were also detected using the bacterial probe EUB338. The alpha-Proteobacteria, especially those from the marine Rhodobacter group, were abundant on suspended particles and as free-living cells all year round. The marine Rhodobacter group constituted more than 25% of the particle-associated bacteria and more than 18% of the free-living bacteria. Probes specific for three subgroups within the marine Rhodobacter group detected more than 49% of the total marine Rhodobacter group cells. These subgroups displayed different seasonal dynamics. The marine Rhodobacter group is clearly a widespread, diverse and important bacterial lineage in bacterioplankton and particle-associated assemblages in south-eastern United States salt marshes at all times of the year.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,81(1):1-11
Seed bank samples were collected from Huli Marsh, a subtropical shallow water mountainous marsh in Hunan Province, South China. Core samples were divided into upper and lower layers (each 5 cm in depth) and allowed to germinate in three water levels (0, 5 and 10 cm) over a 4-month period. A total of 51 species germinated and the mean density was 9211 ± 7188 seedlings m−2. In the top 5 cm 41 species and 5747 ± 5111 seedlings m−2 germinated, whereas 40 species and 3464 ± 3363 seedlings m−2 did so from 5–10 cm. Germinated seedling density was significantly higher in the upper layer, largely due to differences in eight species. With increasing experimental water depth, less seedlings germinated: respectively, 9788 ± 7157 m−2, 2050 ± 2412 m−2 and 1978 ± 2616 m−2, of 44, 21 and 19 species, submerged under 0, 5 or 10 cm. Seven species could emerge only in 0 water level. Vallisneria natans occurred only in 5 cm water, whereas Ottelia alismoides occurred in 10 cm water. In the vegetation survey of the marsh, 25 species were recorded, which was less than half of the species recorded in the seed bank. The top 10 dominants in the standing vegetation, accounting for 89% of vegetation abundance, represented only 10% in the seed bank. Twenty germinated species that also occurred in the standing vegetation accounted for 56% of the total seed bank. Our observed number of species germinating from a Chinese wetland seed bank is within the range observed elsewhere in the northern hemisphere (15–113 species).  相似文献   

Aims Human alterations of the environment are combining in unprecedented ways, making predictions of alterations to natural communities a difficult and pressing challenge. Estuarine systems have been subject to a high degree of modification, including increased nitrogen (N) inputs and altered salinity, factors important in shaping estuarine plant communities. As human populations increase and the climate changes, both N and salinity levels are likely to increase in these coastal marshes. Our objective was to evaluate the interactive effects of N and salinity on US West Coast salt marsh species; in particular, the performance of the dominant species Sarcocornia pacifica (pickleweed) alone and in mixed species assemblages. We expected increased salinity to favor S. pacifica but that N enrichment could help maintain greater species richness through use of N in salinity tolerance mechanisms.Methods We crossed treatments of N (added or not) and salinity (salt added or not) in a field experiment at a salt marsh in the San Francisco Estuary, California, USA, in each of three habitats: (i) monotypic pickleweed on the marsh plain, (ii) monotypic pickleweed along channels and (iii) mixed assemblages along channels. In a greenhouse experiment, we crossed treatments of N (added or not) and salinity (at three levels to simulate brackish to saline conditions) in (i) pots of pickleweed only and (ii) the same species mix as in the field.Important findings N addition doubled S. pacifica biomass and branching in both channel and marsh plain habitats regardless of salinity and greatly increased its dominance over Distichlis spicata and Jaumea carnosa in mixed assemblages along channels. In the greenhouse, S. pacifica biomass increased 6- to 10-fold with N addition over the range of salinities, while D. spicata and J. carnosa biomass increased with N addition only at lower salinity levels. Thus, while localized management could influence outcomes, expected overall increases in both N and salinity with human population growth and climate change are likely to enhance the production of S. pacifica in US West Coast marshes while reducing the diversity of mixed species assemblages. This decline in diversity may have implications for the resilience of marshes already subject to multiple stressors as the climate changes.  相似文献   

Summary Seed predation can be an important determinant of plant success, but has received little attention in wetland plant communities. Here, we examine the role of flower and seed predators in limiting the seed production of the dominant perennial plants in a salt marsh plant community. Of the four perennial investigated, direct ovule loss to consumers ranged from 51 to 80%, resulting in seed set reductions ranging from 50% to over 20-fold. Most losses were due to generalist grazing by the grasshopper, Conocephalus spartinae. More species-specific losses were inflicted by planthoppers, and microlepidopteran and dipteran larval seed parasites.Insect abundance and consumer pressure on flowers and seeds increased over the early summer, peaked in the middle of July, and declined through August, and this temporal pattern was reflected in the natural consumer damage incurred by each of the marsh perennials. Juncus gerardi flowers earlier than other marsh perennials and largely escapes heavy consumer losses. Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata flower in the middle of the summer during the peak consumer activity and incur extremely heavy seed losses. Spartina alterniflora flowers late in the summer as consumer pressure is subsiding, which appears to minimize its seed loss. In addition to destroying seeds directly, consumers also markedly reduce the frequency and affect the timing of sexual expression in these plants. In particular, predation drastically reduces the frequency of male flowers, which could lead to pollen limitation of seed set.Intense flower and seed predation on these marsh perennials may be an important determinant of the success of marsh plant populations as well as a potent selective force on their flowering phenologies and reproductive effort.  相似文献   

We evaluated the combined effects of fire after drought on the seed bank composition and its role in the postfire recovery of NW Patagonia grasslands. During three years, we monitored the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation. Species were arranged in functional groups and Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used to separate sites according to species and functional groups. Similarity between aboveground vegetation and seed bank was calculated with SØrensen Index. In the first year, the seed density was similar in the control and burned sites and was lower than following years in all the sites. The species that survived the high temperatures were all annuals with the exception of the perennial species Fabiana imbricata and Rumex acetosella. In the second postfire year, the diversity and seed density increased due to the contribution of fugitive species (rare in the community) and exotic annual species. Seed bank of perennial species was the most affected by fire and just recovered in the third year. Drought did not affect the similarity between the seed bank and vegetation. Fire had low impact on the total seed bank, probably due to the heat buffering nature of the soil, whereas drought reduced significantly seed bank size and richness. Seed bank contributes to grassland richness maintenance.  相似文献   

Question: We explored the functional significance of seasonal aerial seed banks in two coexisting, heterocarpic annual Asteraceae with dormant (Chrysanthemum coronarium) and non‐dormant (Anacyclus radiatus) achenes. We hypothesised that the plant achene pool is a significant component of total seed reserves, and that within‐season seedling emergence timing is shaped by achene release patterns. Location: SW Spain. Methods: In an observational study, we established temporal achene release patterns. We also quantified the aerial and soil achene pools throughout the release season, and assessed seedling emergence timing. Sowing experiments were used to explore the influence of achene release dynamics on emergence timing, and to establish achene morph‐specific patterns of between‐year distribution of germination. Results: Achene release extended from late spring to late autumn (Chrysanthemum), or from early autumn to early winter (Anacyclus). Within species, achene morphs differed in release timing. Only in Chrysanthemum, a small achene fraction seemed to persist in the soil, and between‐year germination distribution differed among morphs. In coexisting populations, the Anacyclus plant achene pool was an order of magnitude higher than the soil pool throughout the release season, whereas in Chrysanthemum both pools were of the same magnitude during autumn. Within‐year seedling emergence was significantly staggered beneath parent plants compared with the pattern resulting solely from the germination response in soil, with the exception of Chrysanthemum in one of the two study years. Conclusions: Results suggest that seasonal aerial seed banks are effective within‐season, risk‐reducing traits in ruderal Mediterranean habitats characteristic of the study species.  相似文献   

The distribution and temporal fluctuations in the density of bacteria in the water covering a high-salinity marsh were investigated employing epifluorescence microscopy for quantification as well as by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The observed densities ranged from about 1 to 19 × 106 bacteria/ml during the course of the study. High-marsh sampling sites had an average population level of 7.8 × 106 bacteria/ml which was more than double the mean density recovered from large creeks near the mouth of the marsh system. Bacteria associated with seston varied tidally and seasonally, whereas the population of free planktonic bacteria varied only seasonally. Very small fluorescing bodies were commonly observed during epifluorescent observation of samples. These small bodies were observed at densities two orders of magnitude higher than easily recognized bacteria. In a salt marsh, the relative density of epibacteria was influenced by short-term tidal effects, and the population of planktobacteria was apparently controlled by long-term seasonal phenomena.  相似文献   

盐沼生态系统环境梯度明显,物种组成较简单,是研究生物多样性与生态系统功能关系的理想对象。本研究以崇明东滩盐沼湿地为研究区域,研究优势种去除对植物群落结构以及底栖动物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)去除处理仅对植物群落分株密度有极显著效应(P0.01)。去除组和对照组物种组成差异随时间增加而减小,处理效应逐渐减弱。(2)去除组底栖动物密度均低于对照组,但差异不显著。(3)盐沼植物群落特征与底栖动物群落有密切关系,植物密度、冠层高度与底栖动物密度相关性极显著。去除优势种后,植物群落分株密度升高,群落内剩余物种占比有所上升,次优势种对群落的补偿效应具有较大贡献;而底栖动物群落密度下降,其生物量和多样性指数的变化趋势与密度并不一致。上述结果表明生物多样性变化影响了盐沼湿地生态系统植物群落和底栖动物群落结构,进而可能影响物质循环和能量流动过程。  相似文献   

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