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A free-water surface wetland covering an area of 2800 m2 was operated from March 2002 to June 2004 for agricultural runoff treatment in the Dianchi Valley in China. In the wetland were grown Zizania Caduciflora Turez Hand-mazt and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.ex Steud. The instantaneous inflow rate was measured and the integrated flux was recorded by an ultrasonic flow instrument all year round. The average inflow rate, hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were kept at 242 m3 d?1, 12.7 cm d?1 and 2.0 d, respectively. The annual average total phosphorus (TP) in the inflow was 0.87 mg L?1, and the corresponding removal efficiency was calculated to be 59.0%. Biannual plant uptake and removal by harvesting and seed transport was the main pathway for TP removal, while the influent TP load was 12.9 g m?2 year?1. Hydraulic retention time had a significant positive correlation with the removal of P (r2 = 0.88). Water temperature, inflow phosphorus load, inflow and hydraulic load rates were positively correlated with the removal of P. Inflow phosphorus concentrations were negatively correlated with the removal of P. It is shown that the free-water surface wetland was an effective and economical system for agricultural runoff treatment in lake regions.  相似文献   

Excess P in surface waters in Quebec is the primary cause of water quality deterioration and the majority of it is coming from agricultural land as non-point source pollution. The objective of this study was to compare how two substrates, a sandy clay loam and a sand soil, influenced P retention in a surface-flow constructed wetland (CW). A secondary objective was to determine if the hydraulic residence time of the wetland differed between soil types. Measurements were taken at a pilot-scale CW site between July 5 and October 1, 2007. Three cylindrical tank replicates filled with sandy clay loam soil, and three with a sandy soil were planted with cattails (Typha latifolia L.) and reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinaceae L.). The tanks were flooded continuously with an artificial agricultural runoff solution containing 0.3 mg L?1 dissolved reactive P. The six treatment tanks retained 0.9–1.6 g P m?2, which corresponded to an average removal efficiency of 41%; there was no significant difference in the P retention by the two soil types. A bromide tracer test revealed a mean hydraulic retention time of 2.2 days for all tanks; however, the active volume of the sand tanks was greater. This investigation suggests that a sandy soil may be less prone to reducing conditions in a surface-flow CW and therefore maintain its role as a P sink for longer than the sandy clay loam.  相似文献   

人工湿地处理农业径流的研究进展   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
卢少勇  张彭义  余刚  金相灿 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2627-2635
人工湿地(CW)是独特的土壤-植物-微生物-动物系统。按水流方式分为表面流湿地(FWS)和潜流湿地(SFW)。FWS投资低,但占地大,低温地区冬季运行需要独特的考虑。SFW的保温保水效果好,卫生条件较好,但投资高,易堵塞。SFW分为水平潜流湿地(HF)和垂直潜流湿地(VF)。HF床供氧较差,适于去除SS和BOD,但NH3-N的去除较差。VF床供氧好,占地小,适于硝化和去除BOD,但对SS的去除不如HF床,而且构建费高,易堵塞。FWS按系统中的主体植物的不同分为大型自由漂浮植物湿地、大型沉水植物湿地和大型挺水植物湿地。农业径流(AR)由农田排水、灌溉余水、村落污水、畜禽养殖污水和部分雨水径流组成。其污水源具有面广、量大、分散、间歇的峰值和高无机沉淀物负荷的特点。中国大多数农村经济基础薄弱,管理水平不高。农村中的低洼地、低产田和公共用地均可作为生态环境保护用地。农村的污水收集系统欠完善。传统污水处理技术处理AR时难度大、维护管理复杂、投资和运行费高。而CW的耐冲击负荷能力强、投资低、运行费低、维护管理简便,但占地较大。因此CW适合于有地可用的农村的AR的处理。小结了1982年起CW技术在AR处理中的研究和应用。已有研究结合AR的水质、水量规律及农村的特点,进行了CW的设计与工艺改进。对氮、磷、有机物、农药和杀虫剂等污染物的去除效果有较多的研究。关于CW的运行、维护和管理的研究有沉积物积累、水量平衡、去除效果的衡量、植物收割和费用分析。CW的运行效果的衡量应当基于进出水负荷量而非基于进出水浓度。总之CW在AR污染控制中具有良好的应用前景。CW经合理设计和管理后有望实现“零费用运行”或者“盈利性运行”。  相似文献   

人工湿地是为了净化污水而建造的一类系统,其环境特征既不同于自然湿地,也不同于一般陆地生境。人工湿地的生物多样性是一个新问题。作者以杭州植物园作为案例研究了亚热带地区人工湿地植物多样性的季节变化。结果表明:秋末人工湿地的物种数为72种,其中自然迁入植物54种;冬春季的物种数为46种,其中自然迁入物种33种。在人工湿地中,人工配置的植物种类仍然是群落结构的主体,迁入植物大部分处于伴生地位。应该在人工配置植物的基础上保留一些有价值的自然迁入植物,使人工湿地具有较高的生物多样性,这样既能充分吸收水中的多种营养成分,又能美化环境。亚热带地区可以有冬春和夏秋两个植物功能群在人工湿地中连续生长,这可以充分利用时间生态位,提高人工湿地在冬季的净化效果,增强人工湿地净化能力的季节间稳定性。  相似文献   

The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project (ENRP) was a 1544 ha constructed wetland built by the South Florida Water Management District as part of Everglades restoration efforts. The limnology of this wetland is characterized over its 60-month operational history. The ENRP received agricultural runoff containing high levels of C, N, P and other dissolved constituents; had moderately high alkalinity with a circumneutral pH; and had low to moderate DO. The ENRP provided substantial treatment (concentration reduction from inflow to outflow) for Al, Fe, NH4, NOx, SRP, TP, TSS and turbidity (high-treatment variables), while Secchi depth increased markedly. These changes were judged biologically significant. Dissolved oxygen, and water temperature had well defined annual cycles, while some level of seasonality was noted for Al, alkalinity, Ca, conductivity, DOC, Fe, hardness, K, Mg, Mn, Na, NH4, pH, Secchi depth, SiO2, TOC, TN, turbidity, and TSS. The ENRP was P limited based on TN:TP molar ratios. Dissolved ions were dominated by Ca, Cl, Na, and HCO3; the stoichiometric balance of both major and minor ions was similar throughout the wetland. The downstream settling of TSS was associated with increased light penetration, but did not appear important in sediment accretion. The adsorption of P to Ca, and perhaps Al and Fe, precipitates is thought to have been an important nutrient removal mechanism. Although there was little net reduction in DOC, we speculate that some incoming material was degraded and replaced by new DOC produced within the wetland.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an input/output mass balance to predict phosphorus retention in a five pond constructed wetland system (CWS) at Greenmount Farm, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The mass balance was created using 14-months of flow data collected at inflow and outflow points on a weekly basis. Balance outputs were correlated with meteorological parameters, such as daily air temperature and hydrological flow, recorded daily onsite. The mass balance showed that phosphorus retention within the system exceeded phosphorus release, illustrating the success of this CWS to remove nutrients from agricultural effluent from a dairy farm. The last pond, pond 5, showed the greatest relative retention of 86%. Comparison of retention and mean air temperature highlighted a striking difference in trends between up-gradient and down-gradient ponds, with up-gradient ponds 1 and 2 displaying a positive quadratic relationship and down-gradient ponds 3 through 5 displaying a negative quadratic relationship.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, the use of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment has been a topic of significant research culminating in a good data base from which simplistic equations have been derived to aid in the design of these facilities to meet long term water quality treatment performance criteria. Over the past decade, the use of treatment wetlands has extended to stormwater and combined sewer overflow (CSO) management applications. Designing constructed wetlands for stormwater and CSO applications have unique challenges stemming from the highly stochastic nature of the hydraulic and pollutant loading on a stormwater wetland compared with wastewater treatment systems. This paper explores the possibility of adapting the simplistic models for wastewater wetlands for interim use in developing design guidelines for stormwater wetland systems. A procedure that takes into account the unsteady intermittent nature of stormwater inflows to these wetlands has been incorporated into one of these simplistic models and a case study presented to demonstrate the application of the procedure.  相似文献   

The South Florida Water Management District has constructed large treatment wetlands (stormwater treatment areas (STAs)) to reduce total phosphorus concentrations in agricultural runoff before this water enters the Everglades. An important component of nutrient removal and storage in these systems is incorporation of nutrients into aquatic macrophytes and burial of this biomass in the sediments. However, decomposition of plant biomass before burial returns nutrients to the water column and may reduce STA treatment efficiency. As part of research on biogeochemical control of STA performance, we conducted a summer (July–September) and a long-term (12-month) experiment (February–February) that measured decomposition rates and release of chemical constituents from dominant aquatic macrophytes in a constructed wetland located in south Florida. The rank order of mean decomposition rates was Najas/Ceratophyllum (0.0568 d−1) > Pistia (0.0508 d−1) > Eichhornia (0.0191 d−1) > submerged Typha (0.0059 d−1) > aerial Typha (0.0008 d−1). Summer decomposition rates were generally higher than rates from the long-term experiment, which suggested a temperature effect. Decomposition rates were negatively correlated with litter C:N and C:P molar ratios and cellulose and lignin content and positively correlated with N and P content. There was no significant difference in decomposition rates among sampling stations despite the fact that there was a decreasing gradient in water column inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations at these sites. Relatively little of the initial P mass remained in the litter of all species, except Typha, by the end of both experiments. First-order decomposition models derived using nonlinear regression generally had explanatory power, i.e. accounted for variance, comparable to more complex decreasing-coefficient models. Decomposition rates for the species examined in this study were within the range of published values when comparisons were made either by species or by plant group.  相似文献   

The South Florida Water Management District (District) has built large treatment wetlands, known as Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs), to reduce excess phosphorus loading to the Everglades. The District conducted research in a prototype treatment wetland, the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project (ENRP), to study biogeochemical processes that are important to treatment performance. Vertical profile measurements of water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity and transmission of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were made in open-water areas and sites dominated by emergent, floating or submersed vegetation over an annual cycle. Relative thermal resistance to mixing was used to infer the strength of thermal stratification. Long-term diel variation in temperature at the surface and bottom of an open-water and a vegetated site also was measured. Open-water sites were nearly isothermal and had minimal thermal stratification, while vegetated sites were all thermally stratified to some degree. The highest surface water temperatures (>35 °C) occurred in submersed vegetation where much of the light absorbed by leaves and stems was reflected as heat. Oxygen was uniformly low (<4 mg L−1) in emergent and floating vegetation and attributed to shading, high biological oxygen demand and limited reaeration at the surface. Depressed oxygen levels at open-water areas were attributed to high sediment oxygen demand. The highest oxygen concentrations occurred in submersed vegetation beds. Water column pH was unstratified and near circumneutral in the open water and at emergent and floating vegetation sites, while pH was markedly stratified in submersed vegetation, where surface values at times exceeded 9.0. High surface oxygen and pH levels in submersed vegetation were consistent with intense photosynthesis. Conductivity increased at the bottom of emergent and submersed vegetation but not at open-water or floating vegetation sites. PAR transmission was strongly reduced at all sites due to shading and/or absorption by dissolved organic carbon. Light extinction coefficients were markedly higher at vegetated sites compared to the open water. Peak irradiance shifted to longer wavelengths (538–643 nm) and both short (<400 nm) and long (>700 nm) wavelengths were largely attenuated at 60 cm relative to the surface. Long-term monitoring at a vegetated site revealed periods of inverse thermal stratification and dampened diel variation in temperatures at the bottom compared to open water.  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) is a major nutrient for plant growth, and it is often the primary limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems controlling algal blooms. The Bronx River of New York City, New York, USA includes freshwater and coastal water systems. The water quality of both fresh and saline water is lower than the standard levels designated by New York State, and classified as Class B and Class I waters, respectively. Algal blooms and oxygen depletion within the river have degraded the water quality, endangered fishing, and limited recreational use. The internal loading of P, an important bioavailability indicator in the Bronx River, is determined by the sorption processes, i.e., cycling of P between solid and liquid phases. The objectives of this study were to understand how P sorption characteristics affect the internal loading of P and the conditions that might give rise to a flux of P from sediment to the water column, and to estimate the effects of physicochemical properties of the sediments on P sorption parameters. Bed sediments were collected from 15 sites along the Bronx River, from the origin in Westchester Davis Brook, Kensico Dam through the Bronx to the Sound View Park estuary. Phosphorus sorption maximum (Smax) were significantly correlated with oxalate–extractable iron (Ox–Fe) and aluminum (Ox–Al), acid-extractable calcium (HCl–Ca) and magnesium (HCl–Mg), and total organic matter (OM), suggesting that not only metal ions affected P sorption characteristics, but OM also influenced the P sorption processes. This study also showed that originally sorbed P (S0) was significantly correlated with Ox–Fe, Ox–Al, HCl–Mg, and OM. The extremely high values of the percentage of sorbed P retained in sediments (>98% for all sites except the two estuary sites: site 13 of 88% and site 14 of 92%) suggest that a large flux of P to the water column from the sediments could potentially occur under changing hydro-climatic conditions, such as the changes in pH, ionic strength and redox conditions, which may, in turn, exacerbate eutrophic conditions and subsequent algal blooms.  相似文献   

抚仙湖窑泥沟人工湿地的除磷效果研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为了减缓和控制抚仙湖局部湖湾水体富营养化趋势,在抚仙湖北岸建设了净化面积1 hm2的人工湿地.综合利用生物氧化塘、水平潜流人工湿地和表面流人工湿地治理技术,对入湖河道窑泥沟污水中磷的去除效果进行了试验研究.结果表明,该人工湿地系统对磷具有较强的去除能力.总磷去除率在57.7%~81.10%之间,平均去除率为54.9%.单位面积磷滞留量平均为26 mg·m-2·d-1,其中,湿地植物同化作用磷滞留量为26.1 mg·m-2·d-1,约占磷滞留总量的10%,大部分磷去除是通过基质吸附和沉降作用,但主要湿地植物水芹的季节变化对相应功能区的除磷效果会产生一定影响.试验期间,各功能区单位面积磷滞留量依次为水平潜流人工湿地>生物氧化塘>沉淀池>表面流人工湿地.  相似文献   

The phosphorus (P) fractions and bioavailable P in the sediments from the Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve were investigated using chemical extraction methods for the first time to study the distribution and bioavailability of P in the reserve sediments. A hypothesis was presented suggesting that the bioavailable P in the sediments could be evaluated using the P fractions. The total phosphorus (TP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), organic phosphorus (OP), non-apatite phosphorus (NAIP), and apatite phosphorus (AP) contents in the sediments were in the ranges of 303.87–761.59 mg kg−1, 201.22–577.66 mg kg−1, 75.83–179.16 mg kg−1, 28.86–277.90 mg kg−1, and 127.36–289.94 mg kg−1, respectively. The water soluble phosphorus (WSP), readily desorbable phosphorus (RDP), algal available phosphorus (AAP), and NaHCO3 extractable phosphorus (Olsen-P) contents in the sediments were in the ranges of 0.58–357.17 mg kg−1, 80.77–586.75 mg kg−1, 1.09–24.12 mg kg−1, and 54.96–676.82 mg kg−1, respectively. The correlation analysis results showed that the NAIP was the major component of the bioavailable P and that the impact of the AP on the bioavailable phosphorus may be minimal. Due to the low TP content in the sediments of the Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve, the potential pollution risks of P in the sediments may not be very high. The results also show that the bioavailable P concentrations in the sediments of the Quanzhou Bay Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve could not be evaluated by measuring the P fractions and that the hypothesis was untenable.  相似文献   

Metal accumulations in sediments and plants of constructed and natural wetlands were compared in two wetlands constructed by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for the treatment of acid mine drainage and a natural wetland. Load rates and removal efficiencies of most metals were generally greater in the constructed wetlands than in the natural wetland. There were similar sediment and plant metal concentrations between one constructed wetland and the natural wetland and greater metal concentrations in the sediments and plants in the other constructed wetland compared to the natural wetland. Data indicate that Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, B, and Cr are being accumulated in the plants at all three wetlands, although accumulation of metals by these plants accounts for only a small percentage of the removal of the annual metal load supplied to each wetland.  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》2006,26(3):241-251
Constructed wetlands (CW), widely used to remove nutrients from runoff waters, transform some of the carbon and nitrogen they receive into greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), and may therefore have adverse atmospheric impacts. We studied seasonal and temporal changes in C degradation and emissions of CH4 and N2O of a boreal CW used to purify peat mining runoff waters 5 (in 1992) and 15 (in 2001–2002) years after construction. There was a remarkable change in the cycling of carbon in the wetland as the number of years in operation increased: the mean CH4 emission tripled from 140 to 400 mg CH4 m−2 d−1 and the mean CO2 release (respiration) doubled from 7270 to 13 600 mg CO2 m−2 d−1 in the 10-year period. The reasons for the increased C gas production were the increased plant biomass, which doubled in 10 years, and a 3 °C higher average temperature in 2002 than in 1992. The N2O fluxes did not change during the study period: the mean emissions were 340 and 450 μg N2O m−2 d−1 in 1992 and 2002.  相似文献   


A 4.6-ha urban stormwater treatment wetland complex in southwest Florida has been investigated for several years to understand its nutrient retention dynamics. This study investigates the role of aquatic vegetation, both submerged vegetation (such as benthic macrophytic and algal communities) and emergent plant communities, on changes in nutrient fluxes through the wetlands. Gross and net primary productivity of water column communities and net primary productivity of emergent macrophytes were used to estimate nutrient fluxes through vegetation in these wetlands using biannual biomass, nutrient concentrations of plant material, and areal coverage data. Emergent macrophyte net primary productivity was estimated as the difference between the increase of productivity during the wet season and the loss during the dry season which, in turn, suggested approximately 0.11g-N m??2 y??1 and 0.09g-P m??2 yr??2 being removed, primarily from the soil, by emergent vegetation. Water column primary productivity accounted for a much larger flux of nutrients with approximately 39.6g-N m??2 yr??1 and 2.4g-P m??2 yr??1 retained in algal communities. These fluxes, combined with measurements in parallel studies, allowed us to develop preliminary nutrient budgets for these wetlands and identify gaps, or missing fluxes, in our models for these wetlands. The results further validated previous findings that suggested that there are large inputs of nitrogen (up to 62.3g-N m??2 yr??1) that are not accounted for by the pumped inflow. Additionally, management suggestions are provided to improve water quality by identifying vegetative species that are most effective at retaining nutrients.


Phytoremediation of chromium by model constructed wetland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromium is a pollutant present in tannery wastewater, its removal is necessary for protection of the environment. Penisetum purpureum, Brachiaria decumbens and Phragmites australis were grown hydroponically in experimental gravel beds to determine their potential for the phytoremediation of solutions containing 10 and 20 mg Cr dm(-3). These concentrations, similar to tannery wastewater after initial physico-chemical treatment were used with the aim of developing an economic secondary treatment to protect the environment. All the systems achieved removal efficiencies of 97-99.6% within 24 h. P. purpureum and B. decumbens removed 78.1% and 68.5% respectively within the first hour. Both P. purpureum and B. decumbens were tolerant of the concentrations of chromium applied, but P. purpureum showed the greatest potential because its faster growth and larger biomass achieved a much greater chromium removal over the whole length of time of the experiment.  相似文献   

Li  Xi  Li  Yuyuan  Li  Yong  Wu  Jinshui 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2018,102(24):10755-10765
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Managing waste produced from swine farming operations is a significant agricultural and environmental challenge. Confined animal feeding operations...  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to assess the role of the macrophyte Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. in experimental temporarily flooded vertical-flow wetland filters treating urban runoff. For 2 years, hydrated nickel and copper nitrate were added to sieved road runoff to simulate contaminated primary treated urban runoff. During the first year, 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal efficiencies were lower in planted filters than in unplanted filters. However, the BOD removal performances of all filters were virtually similar irrespective of the planting regime during the second year. The nutrient removal performance of planted filters was more efficient and stable throughout the season particularly after the filters matured compared to that of unplanted filters. A substantial amount of nitrogen was also removed by harvesting P. australis, though metals were not, when compared to those retained in the filters. Furthermore, higher concentrations of nickel in the effluent were recorded in the planted filters, despite their ability to take up the heavy metals. P. australis provided undesirable conditions for precipitation of Ni by lowering the pH in the processes. Finally, after applying shock loadings of Cu, higher Cu outflow concentrations were recorded for planted in comparison to unplanted filters.  相似文献   

Presented in this paper is a low-carbon assessment for wastewater treatment by a constructed wetland as ecological engineering. Systems accounting by combining process and input-output analyses is applied to track both direct and indirect GHG emissions associated with the wastewater treatment. Based on the detailed assessment procedures and the embodied GHG emission intensity database for the Chinese economy in 2007, the GHG emissions embodied in both the construction and operation stages of a pilot constructed wetland in Beijing are investigated in concrete detail, with parallel calculations carried out for a cyclic activated sludge plant as a typical conventional wastewater treatment system for comparison. With the overall embodied GHG emissions taken into account, the constructed wetland is shown to be remarkably less carbon intensive than the conventional wastewater treatment system, and the contrast in GHG emission structure is also revealed and characterized. According to the results, the ecological engineering of the constructed wetland is considered to be favorable for achieving the low-carbon goal.  相似文献   

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