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Based on light microscopic observations, nerve pathways are described for the first time in the praesoma of a species of the Echinorhynchidae. The pathways are described for 18 nerves, 8 paired and 2 single, which originate from the cerebral ganglion and a post-ganglionic cell and terminate in the body wall musculature and the proboscis. The location of two commissures formed by these nerves is also described.  相似文献   

The total number of eggs (absolute fecundity) and the number of eggs per 1 gr of body weight (relative fecundity) of Echinorhynchus borealis Linstow, 1901, E. salmonis salmonis Muller, 1784, E. s. baicalensis Bogolepova, 1957 and E. truttae Schrank, 1788 from the Baikal lake was examinide. The absolute fecundity decreases in the row or species: E. borealis (26,200 eggs), E. s. salmonis (110,113), E. truttae (8123), E. s. baicalensis (6087). The fecundity of acanthocephalans depends on the host species. The dependence of the whole number of larvae upon the body length of females (r = 0.804) is shown.  相似文献   

Studies of the fine structure of the adult acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi have given a new information on the structure and organization of the body wall of these parasitic helminths. Their body surface is covered by glycocalyx of mucopolysaccharide nature. Just under it there is the surface membrane which has numerous invaginations forming a network of branching canals from which membrane vesicles are isolating. In their turn these canals pass through "the cytoplasmic canals" of the cortical matrix. Between the surface membrane and cortical matrix there is the base plate. These three structures form the striped layer underlain by the felt layer. It is formed by three layers of fibrous strands (one circular and two longitudinal), which are parallel to the body surface. These strands consist of loosely laid fibrils. The lowest layer is a radial one which occupies 2/3 of the body wall. It consists of the radial strands beginning from the cortical matrix and ending at the basement membrane. Numerous lipid droplets and glycogen granules are formed here. Two types of fibrils with 0.26 and 0.05 diameter have been detected for the first time. The radial layer in the cytoplasm was found to have crystalline structures and polymembrane bodies, numerous nuclei with light karyoplasm and distinct nucleoli. The location of the nuclei is of two types: either in the cytoplasm or in the "lacunae". We have shown that the "lacunae" are specialized sites of the cytoplasm whose boundaries are marked by the fibres of two types. Besides, this type of the acanthocephalan was found to have two "giant lacunae" extending along the body.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die synzytiale Epidermis des Darmparasiten Echinorhynchus gadi besteht aus 4 übereinanderliegenden Zonen: apikal befindet sich eine von zahlreichen Poren durchsetzte intrazelluläre elektronendichte Schicht, durch die fingerförmige Einstülpungen des Plasmalemms in die Tiefe ziehen. Diese bilden eine eigene Zone, die durch ihren Gehalt an Enzymen und Pinozytosebläschen gekennzeichnet ist. An eine mittlere Faserschicht, in deren Bereich häufig größere Glykogenfelder lagern, schließt sich basal eine Zone mit zahlreichen Vakuolen und Granula an. Die Lemnisken, die nicht durch eine Plasmamembran von der Epidermis getrennt sind, besitzen auffallend viele Lysomen und Fetteinschlüsse. Die Lemnisken dienen vermutlich der Resorption von Fetten und stellen modifizierte Darmkanäle dar.
Structure and histochemistry of the integument of Echinorhynchus gadi Müller (Acanthocephala)
Summary The syncytial epidermis of the gut-parasite Echinorhynchus gadi consists of four different zones: an apical intracellular electron dense layer, perforated by numerous narrow holes, through which fingerlike invaginations of the surface-plasmalemm penetrate into the cytoplasm, where they constitute an own layer, characterized by specific enzyme activities as well as by pynocytotic vesicles. A central fibre-layer, in which frequently large fields of glycogen occur, is followed by a basal zone with vacuoles and granules. The lemniscs are not separated by a plasmamembrane from the epidermis. They are particularly rich in lysosomes and lipid droplets. They serve the resorption of lipids and are presumably modified intestinal tracts.
Die Untersuchung wurde mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft durchgeführt. — Herrn Professor Bargmann danke ich für die Überlassung eines Arbeitsplatzes im Anatomischen Institut Kiel, Herrn Dr. rer. nat. U. Welsch für die Überlassung des Themas.  相似文献   

Echinorhynchus trachyrinci n. sp. (Palaeacanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) is described from Trachyrincus scabrus (Rafinesque) (Macrouridae: Trachyrincinae) (type-host) and T. murrayi Günther from the northeast Atlantic. The most important diagnostic features of this species are: the number of longitudinal rows of hooks 17–22; the number of hooks per row 17–22+; the maximum length of hook blade 38–52m; the proboscis width 139–224m; and the proboscis length to width ratio 3.9–6.4:1. E. trachyrinci n. sp. is differentiated from E. gadi, E. malacocephali, E. longiproboscis, E. petrotschenkoi, E. melanoglaeae, E. theragrae and E. sebastolobi. Metechinorhynchus malacocephali Parukhin, 1985 is transferred to Echinorhynchus as E. malacocephali n. comb  相似文献   

Echinorhynchus brayi n. sp. (Palaeacanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) is described from Pachycara crassiceps (Roule) (Zoarcidae) from the Porcupine Seabight, Northeast Atlantic. The new species closely resembles E. canyonensis Huffman & Kliever, 1977, a parasite of a Pacific zoarcid, but has longer lemnisci, larger eggs and larger testes. E. brayi n. sp. can be readily differentiated from the ten other Echinorhynchus spp. recorded from deep-sea fishes (E. abyssicola, E. gadi, E. longiproboscis, E. malacocephali, E. melanoglaeae, E. muraenolepisi, E. petrotschenkoi, E. sebastolobi, E. trachyrinci and E. truttae), because it has fewer hooks per longitudinal row.  相似文献   

Minimum of the osmotic pressure in the intestine of the cod corresponds to the osmotic pressure of sea water of 10%. The sorbtion level of neutral red by intact E. gadi remained practically unchanged after their maintenance in sea water of 8-10 to 30% during 24 hours (ecological optimum). Specimens of E. gadi transferred from 10 to 4% displayed compensatory recovery of the normal sorbtion level of the dye by the 5th-6th day of the experiment. The ability of Acanthocephala possessing extreme eutelia to a physiological adaptation is indicative of its not obligatory participation of mitotic processes in the acclimation.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the influence of environmental change on an endoparasite, Echinorhynchus gadi (Acanthocephala) of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) over a 30-year period off the coast of Labrador in the north-western Atlantic, North Atlantic Fisheries Organization subareas 2J-3K. Cod, once an abundant fish species that had been commercially exploited for many decades, declined precipitously during the mid-1980s onwards. This decline was attributed to climatic changes that affected the entire food chain from zooplankton to fish, sea birds and marine mammals. A monitoring programme was introduced, sampling cod by otter trawling using research vessels. The fish, after capture, were frozen at - 20 degrees C, subsequently thawed and the digestive tract removed and examined for the parasite in 2006. Data from samples taken in 1976, 1980-81, 1986, 1990, 2000 and 2003 were compared statistically with those collected in 2006. The results indicate a decline in the prevalence and mean abundance of E. gadi in 1986 with a minimum in 2000 but increasing gradually in 2003 and 2006. These changes were coincident initially with a decline of oceanic temperature and the entire food web, including capelin (Mallotus villosus), a preferred prey of cod and primary source of E. gadi. The increase in prevalence and mean abundance of the parasite in 2006 were associated with an increase of oceanic temperature and the return of small schools of capelin to offshore areas. Cod older than 4 years harboured a greater abundance of E. gadi than younger fish, while no difference was observed between the sexes. The results suggest that the abundance of E. gadi can be useful as a bioindicator of environmental changes in the north-western Atlantic.  相似文献   

Summary The sex and age (as measured by length) of Echinorhynchus salmonis Müller, 1784 and the host species of this acanthocephalan considerably affected worm body form and size, as well as size of proboscis, proboscis hooks, proboscis receptacle, lemnisci, testes and cement glands. Linear regression analysis indicated that curves describing the growth pattern of these characters by worm length were significantly different as a function of host species. The larger worms recovered from bloater (Coregonus hoyi: Salmonidae) almost invariably showed higher regression coefficient compared to those from smelt (Osmerus mordax: Osmeridae) in all characters. Taxonomic implications of these findings are discussed. Abnormalities in body wall, proboscis hook orientation, lemnisci and cement gland ducts as well as variations in proboscis hook and cement gland numbers are reported, some for the first time. Findings from studies of cement gland pattern invalidate Petrochenko's (1956) splitting up of the genus into three: Echinorhynchus, Metechinorhynchus and Pseudoechinorhynchus. It is proposed that the designation of the last two genera as junior synynoms of the first be accepted. ac]19791205  相似文献   

Only a few cases of Acanthocephala infections have been reported in humans, and Moniliformis moniliformis is the most common species around the world. We report here a case of infection with M. moniliformis, which passed in the stool of a 2-year-old girl in Iran. The patient had abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and facial edema. According to her mother, the patient had habit of eating dirt and once a cockroach was discovered in her mouth. In stool examination, eggs of M. moniliformis were not found. She was treated with levamisole and the clinical symptoms reduced within 2 weeks. The specimen contained 2 pieces of a female worm with a total length of 148 mm lacking the posterior end. The spiral musculature of the proboscis receptacle and the shape of the trunk allowed its generic determination. Previously 2 cases of M. moniliformis infection were reported in Iran. This is the 3rd case of M. moniliformis infection in Iran.  相似文献   

The relationship between the exposure of organisms to chemicals and subsequent alterations in various biochemical processes (commonly referred to as biomarkers) is of growing importance in environmental and ecotoxicological research. However, parasites which also affect the physiological homeostasis of their hosts, and thus may alter biomarker reactions, are usually ignored in environmental research. To address this deficit, we have used the host-parasite system Gammarus roeseli naturally infected with cystacanths of the acanthocephalan Polymorphus minutus to investigate whether infection of gammarids with parasites alters their heat shock protein response following exposure to palladium (Pd). After 24 days of metal exposure relative levels of heat shock protein hsp70 were analysed in the tissues of parasites and intermediate hosts. Simultaneously, the metal accumulation in gammarids and parasites was determined. As none of the infected gammarids showed hsp70 levels at the end of the Pd exposure (either exposed or not), infected and unparasitized G. roeseli were exposed to heat. Again, only uninfected gammarids showed a temperature-dependent increase in hsp70 levels. Interestingly, although the intermediate hosts showed no hsp70 response, exposure to Pd and heat results in increasing hsp70 in the parasites within in the haemocoel of G. roeseli. Heat experiments with isolated cystacanths also showed increasing hsp70 levels in P. minutus with temperature. Concerning uninfected G. roeseli, exposure to Pd and heat causes a hsp70 response. Pd concentrations were found to be higher in the larval parasites than in the gammarids. This result clearly contradicts previous results, as high metal accumulation was so far only described from adult acanthocephalans. Our findings provide experimental evidence that parasites alter the biomarker responses of their host and that the infection status of test animals is extremely important for ecotoxicological studies.  相似文献   

Responses to innocuous stimuli often habituate with repeated stimulation, but the mechanisms involved in dishabituation are less well studied. Chan et al. (2010b) found that hermit crabs were quicker to perform an anti-predator withdrawal response in the presence of a short-duration white noise relative to a longer noise stimulus. In two experiments, we examined whether this effect could be explicable in terms of a non-associative learning process. We delivered repeated presentations of a simulated visual predator to hermit crabs, which initially caused the crabs to withdraw into their shells. After a number of trials, the visual stimulus lost the ability to elicit the withdrawal response. We then presented the crabs with an auditory stimulus prior to an additional presentation of the visual predator. In Experiment 1, the presentation of a 10-s, 89-dB SPL noise produced no significant dishabituation of the response. In Experiment 2 we increased the duration (50 s) and intensity (95 dB) of the noise, and found that the crabs recovered their withdrawal response to the visual predator. This finding illustrates dishabituation of an antipredator response and suggests two distinct processes—distraction and sensitization—are influenced by the same stimulus parameters, and interact to modulate the strength of the anti-predator response.  相似文献   

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