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During the Iron Age, sea trade in the Mediterranean increased, particularly with the expansion of Phoenician and Greek colonies in the Western Mediterranean. A side effect of these human movements was the involuntary dispersion of commensal species, such as the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus). One archaeological layer dated from the 4th Century BC, coming from an Iberian village located in the Mediterranean coast of Spain, contained a large and reliable accumulation of small mammals. The presence of the house mouse was highly suspected within this layer. To assess its abundance quantitatively, we used a geometric morphometrics approach of the first lower molar contour using elliptical Fourier analysis. We also increased the power of the discrimination between the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus) and the house mouse by combining a dimension reduction approach together with different validation procedures. The relative importance of age, sex, and geographical origin onto the shape and form of the lower molar contour was also investigated. The results obtained demonstrate the presence and the dominance of the house mouse in the landscape surrounding the Iberian village in the 1st Millennium BC, only a few centuries after its arrival in the Western Mediterranean Basin. A cross‐validated linear discriminant function considering different Mediterranean populations suggest Morocco and France as the most probable geographical origins for the Algerian mouse, and Tunisia for the origin of house mice in North‐Eastern Spain. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 483–497.  相似文献   

Previous study of the ear ossicles in Primates has demonstrated that they vary on both functional and phylogenetic bases. Such studies have generally employed two-dimensional linear measurements rather than three-dimensional data. The availability of Ultra- high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (UhrCT) has made it possible to accurately image the ossicles so that broadly accepted methodologies for acquiring and studying morphometric data can be applied. Using UhrCT data also allows for the ossicular chain to be studied in anatomical position, so that it is possible to consider the spatial and size relationships of all three bones. One issue impeding the morphometric study of the ear ossicles is a lack of broadly recognized landmarks. Distinguishing landmarks on the ossicles is difficult in part because there are only two areas of articulation in the ossicular chain, one of which (the malleus/incus articulation) has a complex three-dimensional form. A measurement error study is presented demonstrating that a suite of 16 landmarks can be precisely located on reconstructions of the ossicles from UhrCT data. Estimates of measurement error showed that most landmarks were highly replicable, with an average CV for associated interlandmark distances of less than 3%. The positions of these landmarks are chosen to reflect not only the overall shape of the bones in the chain and their relative positions, but also functional parameters. This study should provide a basis for further examination of the smallest bones in the body in three dimensions.  相似文献   

This study sought to differentiate the species of skates encountered in Gulf St Vincent (GSV), South Australia using normalized elliptical Fourier analysis of body shape. Significant intraspecific variation was observed among whole body shapes. This was overcome by limiting subsequent analyses to the anterior snout region, where significant differences in shape were detected among the species examined and provided a high degree of classification success for the skates of GSV. More generally, this approach has the potential to provide a cost‐ and time‐efficient means of discrimination among species of skates. Further research is required to investigate the potentially confounding effects of sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic variation in growth to improve the efficacy of the body shape analysis of the skates and batoids species in general. In addition, this approach requires considerable development to facilitate implementation in a fishery setting.  相似文献   

Population differentiation is a crucial step in the speciation process and is therefore a central subject in studies of microevolution. Assessing divergence and inferring its dynamics in space and time generally require a wide array of markers. Until now however, most studies of population structure are based on molecular markers and those concerning morphological traits are more scarce. In the present work, we studied morphological differentiation among populations of the ground beetle Carabus solieri, and tested its congruence with genetic population structure. The shape of pronotum and aedeagus was assessed using Dual Axis Fourier Shape Analysis. manova on Fourier coefficients revealed highly significant morphological variation between populations and a similar geographical pattern of differentiation for both structures. On the whole, morphological and genetic patterns were also found to be congruent. Our analysis confirms the phylogeographical scenario proposing that two entities of C. solieri differentiated during the last glaciation events before recolonizing the actual range of the species. It also indicates a large introgression between the two differentiated entities in the centre of the range.  相似文献   

Platyrrhinus is a diverse genus of small to large phyllostomid bats characterized by a comparatively narrow uropatagium thickly fringed with hair, a white dorsal stripe, comparatively large inner upper incisors that are convergent at the tips, and three upper and three lower molars. Eighteen species are currently recognized, the majority occurring in the Andes. Molecular, morphological, and morphometric analyses of specimens formerly identified as Platyrrhinus helleri support recognition of Platyrrhinus incarum as a separate species and reveal the presence of two species from western and northern South America that we describe herein as new ( Platyrrhinus angustirostris sp. nov. from eastern Colombia and Ecuador, north‐eastern Peru, and Venezuela and Platyrrhinus fusciventris sp. nov. from Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago, northern Brazil, eastern Ecuador, and southern Venezuela). These two new species are sister taxa and, in turn, sister to Platyrrhinus incarum. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 785–812.  相似文献   

Morphological convergence is a central concept in evolutionary biology, but convergent patterns remain under‐studied in nonvertebrate organisms. Some scallop species exhibit long‐distance swimming, a behaviour whose biomechanical requirements probably generate similar selective regimes. We tested the hypothesis that shell shape similarity in long‐distance swimming species is a result of convergent evolution. Using landmark‐based geometric morphometrics, we quantified shell shape in seven species representing major behavioural habits. All species displayed distinct shell shapes, with the exception of the two long‐distance swimmers, whose shells were indistinguishable. These species also displayed reduced morphological variance relative to other taxa. Finally, a phylogenetic simulation revealed that these species were more similar in their shell shape than was expected under Brownian motion, the model of character evolution that best described changes in shell shape. Together, these findings reveal that convergent evolution of shell shape occurs in scallops, and suggest that selection for shell shape and behaviour may be important in the diversification of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 571–584.  相似文献   

The determination of the minimum number of individuals can be very challenging, especially in an assemblage of fragmentary bones and isolated teeth. Similarities in tooth morphology, degree of wear, and interproximal wear facets (IPWF) are generally used to associate isolated teeth qualitatively. However, no quantitative method has yet been established for an objective identification and matching of isolated tooth crowns. In this study, we analyze the IPWF morphology of adjacent mandibular molars (17 M(1)/M(2) pairs), applying both qualitative and quantitative methods to test a reproducible approach for crown association. The surfaces of distal (for M(1)) and mesial (for M(2)) IPWF were surface-scanned and digitally selected. Three-dimensional (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) outlines of IPWF were analyzed using elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA) and geometric morphometrics methods (GMM). Additionally, teeth were qualitatively associated by visual evaluation of the IPWF outline and by physical matching. Unsatisfactory results with less than 50% of tooth pairs correctly associated were obtained by using both methods, shape analysis (digital approach) and the visual evaluation (qualitative assessment) of the IPWF outline. The physical matching of the crowns showed highly variable accuracy ranging between 53% and 77%. The quantitative form-space analysis of 2D IPWF outlines provided the best results (82% of correctly associated teeth), but no statistically significant differences were recorded when compared with the manual matching. Since three tooth pairs out of 17 could not be quantitatively associated, we suggest that the quantitative analysis of IPWF should be used only in addition with other approaches.  相似文献   

Lungless salamanders (Family Plethodontidae) form a highly speciose group that has undergone spectacular adaptive radiation to colonize a multitude of habitats. Substantial morphological variation in the otic region coupled with great ecological diversity within this clade make plethodontids an excellent model for exploring the ecomorphology of the amphibian ear. We examined the influence of habitat, development, and vision on inner ear morphology in 52 plethodontid species. We collected traditional and 3D geometric morphometric measurements to characterize variation in size and shape of the otic endocast and peripheral structures of the salamander ear. Phylogenetic comparative analyses demonstrate structural convergence in the inner ear across ecologically similar species. Species that dwell in spatially complex microhabitats exhibit robust, highly curved semicircular canals suggesting enhanced vestibular sense, whereas species with reduced visual systems demonstrate reduced canal curvature indicative of relaxed selection on the vestibulo‐ocular reflex. Cave specialists show parallel enlargement of auditory‐associated structures. The morphological correlates of ecology among diverse species reveal underlying evidence of habitat specialization in the inner ear and suggest that there exists physiological variation in the function of the salamander ear even in the apparent absence of selective pressures on the auditory system to support acoustic behavior.  相似文献   

The larvae of three species of the genus Diplodus (Diplodus vulgaris, D. sargus, and D. puntazzo) colonize shallow waters along the Mediterranean coasts and, after a short period spent in the water column, they settle. For all three species this habitat transition is characterized by important shape changes mostly related to swimming capacity and feeding behavior. In this study, geometric morphometrics are used to characterize shape changes during the early juvenile life of specimens collected in a single locality in order to compare growth curves and allometric relationships. Size-related shape changes proved to be similar for all three species and are consistent with the ecological transition. A nonparametric smoothing technique (Loess) was used to fit the scatter of shape on size. The graphical representation (of most size-related shape variability) of this fitting technique shows how major shape changes are rapid for small sizes and slow down successively. The approach allows for the visualization of allometry and the fitting technique might help in defining the allometric growth pattern, thus contributing to the study of the autoecology of the species and in establishing terms for comparison with other ecologically or phylogenetically related species.  相似文献   

鳞头犬牙南极鱼为南极最为重要的底层鱼类,具有重要的生态作用和极高的商业价值,鱼类耳石形态随着生活史过程的推移有所差异,故耳石形态分析可用于推断鳞头犬牙南极鱼的生活史过程。本研究利用采集自南极罗斯海、阿蒙森海、威德尔海及拉扎列夫海120尾分属4个生活史阶段的鳞头犬牙南极鱼耳石,结合传统测量分析与椭圆傅里叶分析两种形态学研究方法,对其各生活史阶段耳石形态的差异进行研究。结果表明: 鳞头犬牙南极鱼各生活史阶段耳石形态存在差异,随着生活史过程的推移,耳石的变化趋势为整体上由轮廓平滑、复杂度较低向轮廓曲折、高度复杂化转变,且纵轴方向增长速度低于横轴方向,翼叶等特征部位变化显著。针对耳石形态的线性判别分析结果显示,椭圆傅里叶分析判别值较高,为85.4%,而传统测量分析判别值较低,为71.9%,表明相较于传统测量分析,椭圆傅里叶分析更具优势。  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(2):203-214
Comparisons of skull shape between closely related species can provide information on the role that phylogeny and function play in cranial evolution. We used 3D‐anatomical landmarks in order to study the skull ontogeny of two closely related species, Lagenorhynchus obscurus and Lagenorhynchus australis , with a total sample of 52 skulls. We found shared trends between species, such as the relative compression of the neurocranium and the enlargement of the rostrum during ontogeny. However, these are common mammalian features, associated with prenatal brain development and sensory capsules. Moreover, we found a posterior displacement of the external nares and infraorbital foramina, and a strong development of the rostrum in an anteroposterior direction. Such trends are associated with the process of telescoping and have been observed in postnatal ontogeny of other odontocetes, suggesting a constraint in the pattern. Interspecific differences related to the deepness of facial region, robustness of the feeding apparatus and rostrum orientation may be related with the specific lifestyles of L. obscurus and L. australis . We also tested the presence of three different modules in the skull (basicranium, neurocranium, rostrum), all of which presented strong integration. Only the rostrum showed a different ontogenetic trajectory between species. Even though we detected directional asymmetry, changes in this feature along ontogeny were not detectable. Because asymmetry may be related to echolocation, our results suggest a functional importance of directional asymmetry from the beginning of postnatal life. J. Morphol. 278:203–214, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of a variety of morphometric tools has brought about a revolution in the comparison of morphology in the context of the size and shape in various fields including entomology. First, an overview of the theoretical issues of geometric morphometrics is presented with a caution about the usage of traditional morphometric measurements. Second, focus is then placed on two broad approaches as tools for geometric morphometrics; that is, the landmark‐based and the outline‐based approaches. A brief outline of the two methodologies is provided with some important cautions. The increasing trend of entomological studies in using the procedures of geometric morphometrics is then summarized. Finally, information is provided on useful toolkits such as computer software as well as codes and packages of the R statistical software that could be used in geometric morphometrics.  相似文献   

In order to determine the phenotypic associations of four morphologically similar species of Microtus occurring in Turkey, we applied landmark-based shape analysis. The skulls of Microtus anatolicus, M. dogramacii, M. guentheri and M. levis (= M. rossiaemeridionalis) were found to differ significantly in terms of both size and shape. M. guentheri had the biggest skull, while M. levis had the smallest. Sexual dimorphism was found in the shape of the skull in M. dogramacii and M. levis. The tympanic bulla area is enlarged in M. anatolicus compared to the other species. Mahalanobis distances (the distance between a point and the group mean, taking into account the within-group covariance-variance matrix) confirm the distinction of the arvalis group (M. levis) and socialis group (Microtus anatolicus, M. dogramacii, M. guentheri).  相似文献   

Nonmetric cranial traits have been commonly used in evolutionary relationship studies. They develop during the growth and development of an individual, and for this reason its expression presents different sources of genetic and nongenetic variation. However, the use of these features in evolutionary relationship studies carries the implicit assumption that much of the nonmetric trait variation is essentially genetic. Among the nonheritable factors, cranial vault deformation has been the most studied in human populations. Because of the widespread distribution and elevated rate of artificial cranial vault deformation found in America, and the importance of nonmetric traits in evolutionary relationship studies in this area, the objectives of this paper are as follows: (a) to study the influence of artificial cranial vault deformation on the presence of nonmetric traits within samples of human craniofacial remains; and (b) to establish artificial cranial vault deformation influence on evolutionary relationships between local populations on a regional scale. Our results indicate that artificial cranial vault deformations alter the variation and covariation of metric and nonmetric traits in some samples. Wormian bones, placed in cranial vault sutures, are the most influenced by this factor. However, our results suggest that when all nonmetric traits were used the artificial cranial vault deformation did not influence the basic pattern of variation among samples. The exclusion or inclusion of wormians bones in evolutionary relationships analysis did not modify the results, but using only wormians bones lead to inconsistent results indicating that these traits have little value on these kind of studies.  相似文献   

The morphological differences in female genitalia within and between species are little studied and poorly understood, yet understanding patterns of variation in female genitalia can provide insights into mechanisms of genital evolution. The present study aimed to explore the patterns of intraspecific and interspecific variation in female genitalia in two sister taxa of watersnake (Nerodia sipedon and Nerodia fasciata) that have similar genital shape. We used a geometric morphometric (GM) approach to study variation in shape of the vagina between and within two sister species. We examined genital shape in female watersnakes ranging from small, sexually immature females to large reproductive females that had recently given birth. We found that shape variation of genitalia is strongly correlated with body size, where larger but not smaller females have a bifurcation in the vagina. However, we also found significant shape variation in the structure of the vagina between the two species, where N. fasciata has narrower genitalia with more prominent bifurcation, whereas N. sipedon has wider genitalia with less marked bifurcation. Using GM allowed us to detect significant differences in genital shape that were not apparent upon visual examination alone, suggesting that shape variation in female genitalia may be greater than previously assumed. Additional study of morphological differences in male reproductive organs for these species would help to determine whether there has been genital co‐evolution, and potentially mechanical reproductive isolation, in these two closely‐related and occasionally sympatric species. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111, 183–191.  相似文献   

A new and phylogenetically basal species of Carpolestes, the youngest and most derived genus of the plesiadapoid family Carpolestidae in North America, is described from a late Tiffanian (Ti-5) site in Sweetwater County, Wyoming, USA. Carpolestids differ from closely related plesiadapoid clades in having an enlarged, multicuspidate, blade-like P4 that is partly convergent on that of multituberculates and other mammals showing plagiaulacoid dental adaptations. With some notable exceptions, the evolutionary history of North American carpolestids is characterized by the progressive development of larger and more elaborate P4 blades through time. In particular, species of the monophyletic genus Carpolestes differ from species assigned to the earlier and apparently paraphyletic genus Carpodaptes in terms of both the size and shape of their P4. A geometric morphometric analysis reveals that, with respect to P4 shape, the closest approximation to the highly derived morphology of Carpolestes is made by Carpodaptes hobackensis, which is one of the smallest known species of Carpodaptes. In contrast, the largest known species of Carpodaptes, Carpodaptes jepseni, has a P4 that falls within the metric range of variation for species of Carpolestes, yet Carpodaptes jepseni shows a uniquely derived P4 shape that seems to exclude it from any special phylogenetic relationship with Carpolestes. A phylogenetic analysis based on dental characters reconstructs Carpodaptes hobackensis as the sister group of the Carpolestes clade. Shape seems to have been a more important factor than size during the final transformation of the blade-like P4 of North American carpolestids.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:212F9ECC-DA9A-44F8-BE7E-43F3EBAD636A  相似文献   

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