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Bacteria are surrounded by a complex cell envelope made up of one or two membranes supplemented with a layer of peptidoglycan (PG). The envelope is responsible for the protection of bacteria against lysis in their oft‐unpredictable environments and it contributes to cell integrity, morphology, signaling, nutrient/small‐molecule transport, and, in the case of pathogenic bacteria, host–pathogen interactions and virulence. The cell envelope requires considerable remodeling during cell division in order to produce genetically identical progeny. Several proteinaceous machines are responsible for the homeostasis of the cell envelope and their activities must be kept coordinated in order to ensure the remodeling of the envelope is temporally and spatially regulated correctly during multiple cycles of cell division and growth. This review aims to highlight the complexity of the components of the cell envelope, but focusses specifically on the molecular apparatuses involved in the synthesis of the PG wall, and the degree of cross talk necessary between the cell division and the cell wall remodeling machineries to coordinate PG remodeling during division. The current understanding of many of the proteins discussed here has relied on structural studies, and this review concentrates particularly on this structural work.  相似文献   

A peptidoglycan (PG) cell wall composed of glycans crosslinked by short peptides surrounds most bacteria and protects them against osmotic rupture. In Escherichia coli, cell elongation requires crosslink cleavage by PG endopeptidases to make space for the incorporation of new PG material throughout the cell cylinder. Cell division, on the contrary, requires the localized synthesis and remodeling of new PG at midcell by the divisome. Little is known about the factors that modulate transitions between these two modes of PG biogenesis. In a transposon-insertion sequencing screen to identify mutants synthetically lethal with a defect in the division protein FtsP, we discovered that mutants impaired for cell division are sensitive to elevated activity of the endopeptidases. Increased endopeptidase activity in these cells was shown to interfere with the assembly of mature divisomes, and conversely, inactivation of MepS was found to suppress the lethality of mutations in essential division genes. Overall, our results are consistent with a model in which the cell elongation and division systems are in competition with one another and that control of PG endopeptidase activity represents an important point of regulation influencing the transition from elongation to the division mode of PG biogenesis.  相似文献   

The essential stages of bacterial cell separation are described as the synthesis and hydrolysis of septal peptidoglycan (PG). The amidase, AmiC, which cleaves the peptide side‐chains linked to the glycan strands, contributes critically to this process and has been studied extensively in model strains of Escherichia coli. However, insights into the contribution of this protein to other processes in the bacterial cell have been limited. Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) is a phytopathogen that causes black rot disease in many economically important plants. We investigated how AmiC and LytM family regulators, NlpD and EnvC, contribute to virulence and cell separation in this organism. Biochemical analyses of purified AmiC demonstrated that it could hydrolyse PG and its activity could be potentiated by the presence of the regulator NlpD. We also established that deletion of the genes encoding amiC1 or nlpD led to a reduction in virulence as well as effects on colony‐forming units and cell morphology. Moreover, further genetic and biochemical evidence showed that AmiC1 and NlpD affect the secretion of type III effector XC3176 and hypersensitive response (HR) induction in planta. These findings indicate that, in addition to their well‐studied role(s) in cell separation, AmiC and NlpD make an important contribution to the type III secretion (T3S) and virulence regulation in this important plant pathogen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by constriction of an actomyosin ring. In fission yeast, ring constriction is followed by deposition of a multilayered division septum that must be cleaved to release the two daughter cells. Although many studies have focused on the actomyosin ring and septum assembly, little is known about the later steps involving the cleavage of the cell wall. RESULTS: We identified a novel gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, namely the agn1(+) gene that has homology to fungal 1,3-alpha-glucanases (mutanases). Disruption of the agn1(+) gene is not lethal to the cells, but does interfere with their separation, whereas overexpression of Agn1p is toxic and causes cell lysis. Agn1p levels reach a peak during septation and the protein localizes to the septum region before cell separation. Moreover, agn1(+) is responsible for the 1,3-alpha-glucanase activity, which shows a maximum at the end of septation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results clearly suggest the existence of a relationship between agn1(+), 1,3-alpha-glucanase activity and the completion of septation in S. pombe. Agn1p could be involved in the cleavage of the cylinder of the old wall that surrounds the primary septum, a region rich in alpha-glucans.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Pseudomonas aeruginosa cell wall biosynthesis and cell division gene cluster that corresponds to the mra operon in the 2-min region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The organization of the two chromosomal regions in P. aeruginosa and E. coli is remarkably similar with the following gene order: pbp3/pbpB, murE, murF, mraY, murD, ftsW, murG, murC, ddlB, ftsQ, ftsA, ftsZ, and envA/LpxC. All of the above P. aeruginosa genes are transcribed from the same strand of DNA with very small, if any, intragenic regions, indicating that these genes may constitute a single operon. All five amino acid ligases, MurC, MurD, MurE, MurF, and DdlB, in addition to MurG and MraY were cloned in expression vectors. The four recombinant P. aeruginosa Mur ligases, MurC, MurD, MurE, and MurF were overproduced in E. coli and purified as active enzymes.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa harbors three paralogous zinc proteases annotated as AmpD, AmpDh2, and AmpDh3, which turn over the cell wall and cell wall-derived muropeptides. AmpD is cytoplasmic and plays a role in the recycling of cell wall muropeptides, with a link to antibiotic resistance. AmpDh2 is a periplasmic soluble enzyme with the former anchored to the inner leaflet of the outer membrane. We document, herein, that the type VI secretion system locus II (H2-T6SS) of P. aeruginosa delivers AmpDh3 (but not AmpD or AmpDh2) to the periplasm of a prey bacterium upon contact. AmpDh3 hydrolyzes the cell wall peptidoglycan of the prey bacterium, which leads to its killing, thereby providing a growth advantage for P. aeruginosa in bacterial competition. We also document that the periplasmic protein PA0808, heretofore of unknown function, affords self-protection from lysis by AmpDh3. Cognates of the AmpDh3-PA0808 pair are widely distributed across Gram-negative bacteria. Taken together, these findings underscore the importance of their function as an evolutionary advantage and that of the H2-T6SS as the means for the manifestation of the effect.  相似文献   

【背景】肽聚糖(Peptidoglycan,PG)是细菌细胞壁的重要组成部分,而霍乱弧菌Ⅵ型分泌系统(Type Ⅵ Secretion System,T6SS)可以分泌具有肽聚糖水解酶活性的效应蛋白到受体细菌中杀死细胞,这类水解酶的作用机制尚未研究清楚。【目的】通过对细菌细胞壁的PG成分进行研究,建立细胞壁PG成分分析方法,并对霍乱弧菌T6SS分泌的2个破坏细胞壁的效应蛋白TseH和VgrG3的作用机制进行解析。【方法】使用显微镜观察TseH和VgrG3异位表达对宿主细菌生长的影响;纯化大肠杆菌细胞壁,使用透射电子显微镜(Transmission Electron Microscope,TEM)观察提纯的细胞壁形态;使用纯化的TseH和VgrG3分解消化PG,利用超高效液相色谱-飞行时间质谱(Ultra-Performance LiquidChromatography-Time-of-FlightMassSpectrometry,UPLC-TOFMS)分析鉴定消化后的产物成分;通过分析结果推导结构。【结果】通过透射电子显微镜观察,发现提纯的PG呈现半透明的薄膜泡状;通过UPLC-TOFMS的分析以及逆向推导,得到了提纯的PG被VgrG3水解酶降解之后的3种主要产物,分别是二糖二肽(Disaccharide,Di)、二糖三肽(Disaccharide Tripeptide,Tri)和二糖四肽(Disaccharide Tetrapeptide,Tetra)。【结论】建立了提纯PG和UPLC-TOFMS分析PG成分的方法,揭示了效应蛋白VgrG3而非TseH可以降解PG多糖链N-乙酰葡糖胺和N-乙酰胞壁酸之间的β(1-4)糖苷键的功能。由于攻击细胞壁的效应蛋白在革兰氏阴性细菌中广泛存在,本研究不仅为鉴定这类重要效应蛋白的功能提供了有效的方法,而且对研究靶向细胞壁的新型抗生素也有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

During cytokinesis a new crosswall is rapidly laid down. This process involves the formation at the cell equator of a tubulo‐vesicular membrane network (TVN). This TVN evolves into a tubular network (TN) and a planar fenestrated sheet, which extends at its periphery before fusing to the mother cell wall. The role of cell wall polymers in cell plate assembly is poorly understood. We used specific stains and GFP‐labelled cellulose synthases (CESAs) to show that cellulose, as well as three distinct CESAs, accumulated in the cell plate already at the TVN stage. This early presence suggests that cellulose is extruded into the tubular membrane structures of the TVN. Co‐localisation studies using GFP–CESAs suggest the delivery of cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) to the cell plate via phragmoplast‐associated vesicles. In the more mature TN part of the cell plate, we observed delivery of GFP–CESA from doughnut‐shaped organelles, presumably Golgi bodies. During the conversion of the TN into a planar fenestrated sheet, the GFP–CESA density diminished, whereas GFP–CESA levels remained high in the TVN zone at the periphery of the expanding cell plate. We observed retrieval of GFP–CESA in clathrin‐containing structures from the central zone of the cell plate and from the plasma membrane of the mother cell, which may contribute to the recycling of CESAs to the peripheral growth zone of the cell plate. These observations, together with mutant phenotypes of cellulose‐deficient mutants and pharmacological experiments, suggest a key role for cellulose synthesis already at early stages of cell plate assembly.  相似文献   

A cell wall hydrolase of Bacillus subtilis was prepared from Escherichia coli cells harboring a plasmid containing the B. subtilis cwlA gene and purified by hydroxyapatite column chromatography and HPLC through TSK-gel G3000SWXL. In contrast to the molecular mass of 29,919 Da deduced from its nucleotide sequence, the purified CWLA is a 23 kDa protein. Characterization of the specific substrate bond cleaved by CWLA indicated the enzyme is an N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase. A 32-kDa precursor protein was detected on zymography of a crude cell homogenate. Some of the enzymatic properties of CWLA are also described.  相似文献   

Phages are highly abundant in the environment and pose a major threat for bacteria. Therefore, bacteria have evolved sophisticated defence systems to withstand phage attacks. Here, we describe a previously unknown mechanism by which mono- and diderm bacteria survive infection with diverse lytic phages. Phage exposure leads to a rapid and near-complete conversion of walled cells to a cell-wall-deficient state, which remains viable in osmoprotective conditions and can revert to the walled state. While shedding the cell wall dramatically reduces the number of progeny phages produced by the host, it does not always preclude phage infection. Altogether, these results show that the formation of cell-wall-deficient cells prevents complete eradication of the bacterial population and suggest that cell wall deficiency may potentially limit the efficacy of phage therapy, especially in highly osmotic environments or when used together with antibiotics that target the cell wall.  相似文献   

Because of their large sizes and simple shapes, giant‐celled algae have been used to study how the structural and mechanical properties of cell walls influence cell growth. Here we review known relationships between cell wall and cell growth properties that are characteristic of three representative taxa of giant‐celled algae, namely, Valonia ventricosa, internodal cells of characean algae, and Vaucheria frigida. Tip‐growing cells of the genus Vaucheria differ from cells undergoing diffuse growth in V. ventricosa and characean algae in terms of their basic architectures (non‐lamellate vs. multilamellate) and their dependence upon pH and Ca2+ for cell wall extensibility. To further understand the mechanisms controlling cell growth by cell walls, comparative analyses of cell wall structures and/or associated growth modes will be useful. The giant‐celled algae potentially serve as good models for such investigations because of their wide variety of developmental processes and cell shapes exhibited.  相似文献   

In tip‐confined growing pollen tubes, delivery of newly synthesized cell wall materials to the rapidly expanding apical surface requires spatial organization and temporal regulation of the apical F‐actin filament and exocytosis. In this study, we demonstrate that apical F‐actin is essential for the rigidity and construction of the pollen tube cell wall by regulating exocytosis of Nicotiana tabacum pectin methylesterase (NtPPME1). Wortmannin disrupts the spatial organization of apical F‐actin in the pollen tube tip and inhibits polar targeting of NtPPME1, which subsequently alters the rigidity and pectic composition of the pollen tube cell wall, finally causing growth arrest of the pollen tube. In addition to mechanistically linking cell wall construction and apical F‐actin, wortmannin can be used as a useful tool for studying endomembrane trafficking and cytoskeletal organization in pollen tubes.  相似文献   

The ability to characterize bacterial cell-wall composition and structure is crucial to understanding the function of the bacterial cell wall, determining drug modes of action and developing new-generation therapeutics. Solid-state NMR has emerged as a powerful tool to quantify chemical composition and to map cell-wall architecture in bacteria and plants, even in the context of unperturbed intact whole cells. In this review, we discuss solid-state NMR approaches to define peptidoglycan composition and to characterize the modes of action of old and new antibiotics, focusing on examples in Staphylococcus aureus. We provide perspectives regarding the selected NMR strategies as we describe the exciting and still-developing cell-wall and whole-cell NMR toolkit. We also discuss specific discoveries regarding the modes of action of vancomycin analogues, including oritavancin, and briefly address the reconsideration of the killing action of β-lactam antibiotics. In such chemical genetics approaches, there is still much to be learned from perturbations enacted by cell-wall assembly inhibitors, and solid-state NMR approaches are poised to address questions of cell-wall composition and assembly in S. aureus and other organisms.  相似文献   

All plant cells are encased in primary cell walls that determine plant morphology, but also protect the cells against the environment. Certain cells also produce a secondary wall that supports mechanically demanding processes, such as maintaining plant body stature and water transport inside plants. Both these walls are primarily composed of polysaccharides that are arranged in certain patterns to support cell functions. A key requisite for patterned cell walls is the arrangement of cortical microtubules that may direct the delivery of wall polymers and/or cell wall producing enzymes to certain plasma membrane locations. Microtubules also steer the synthesis of cellulose—the load-bearing structure in cell walls—at the plasma membrane. The organization and behaviour of the microtubule array are thus of fundamental importance to cell wall patterns. These aspects are controlled by the coordinated effort of small GTPases that probably coordinate a Turing''s reaction–diffusion mechanism to drive microtubule patterns. Here, we give an overview on how wall patterns form in the water-transporting xylem vessels of plants. We discuss systems that have been used to dissect mechanisms that underpin the xylem wall patterns, emphasizing the VND6 and VND7 inducible systems, and outline challenges that lay ahead in this field.  相似文献   

Cellulose synthase‐like (CSL) proteins of glycosyltransferase family 2 (GT2) are believed to be involved in the biosynthesis of cell‐wall polymers. The CSL D sub‐family (CSLD) is common to all plants, but the functions of CSLDs remain to be elucidated. We report here an in‐depth characterization of a narrow leaf and dwarf1 (nd1) rice mutant that shows significant reduction in plant growth due to retarded cell division. Map‐based cloning revealed that ND1 encodes OsCSLD4, one of five members of the CSLD sub‐family in rice. OsCSLD4 is mainly expressed in tissues undergoing rapid growth. Expression of OsCSLD4 fluorescently tagged at the C‐ or N‐terminus in rice protoplast cells or Nicotiana benthamiana leaves showed that the protein is located in the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi vesicles. Golgi localization was verified using phenotype‐rescued transgenic plants expressing OsCSLD4–GUS under the control of its own promoter. Two phenotype‐altered tissues, culms and root tips, were used to investigate the specific wall defects. Immunological studies and monosaccharide compositional and glycosyl linkage analyses explored several wall compositional effects caused by disruption of OsCSLD4, including alterations in the structure of arabinoxylan and the content of cellulose and homogalacturonan, which are distinct in the monocot grass species Oryza sativa (rice). The inconsistent alterations in the two tissues and the observable structural defects in primary walls indicate that OsCSLD4 plays important roles in cell‐wall formation and plant growth.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan (PG) is an essential constituent of the bacterial cell wall. During cell division, the machinery responsible for PG synthesis localizes mid-cell, at the septum, under the control of a multiprotein complex called the divisome. In Escherichia coli, septal PG synthesis and cell constriction rely on the accumulation of FtsN at the division site. Interestingly, a short sequence of FtsN (Leu75–Gln93, known as EFtsN) was shown to be essential and sufficient for its functioning in vivo, but what exactly this sequence is doing remained unknown. Here, we show that EFtsN binds specifically to the major PG synthase PBP1b and is sufficient to stimulate its biosynthetic glycosyltransferase (GTase) activity. We also report the crystal structure of PBP1b in complex with EFtsN, which demonstrates that EFtsN binds at the junction between the GTase and UB2H domains of PBP1b. Interestingly, mutations to two residues (R141A/R397A) within the EFtsN-binding pocket reduced the activation of PBP1b by FtsN but not by the lipoprotein LpoB. This mutant was unable to rescue the ΔponB-ponAts strain, which lacks PBP1b and has a thermosensitive PBP1a, at nonpermissive temperature and induced a mild cell-chaining phenotype and cell lysis. Altogether, the results show that EFtsN interacts with PBP1b and that this interaction plays a role in the activation of its GTase activity by FtsN, which may contribute to the overall septal PG synthesis and regulation during cell division.  相似文献   

Watermelon [ Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai, cv. Charleston Gray] fruits were examined to determine the effect of ethylene on cell wall hydrolases. pectin degradation, and cell wall ultrastructure. Enzymic studies showed that activity of polygalacturonase (EC increased in placental tissue following 1 day of ethylene treatment and was 10 times higher after 6 days of treatment. The increase in polygalacturonase activity was accompanied by the appearance in ethanol powders of low-molecular-weight pectic polymers and a decrease in total pectin. The enhanced enzyme activity and decrease in total pectins were observed only in fruits exposed to ethylene. Ultrastructural studies of ethylene-treated tissue revealed an early disintegration of the middle lamella. The onset of wall separation coincided with the first notable increase in polygalacturonase activity. Cell wall of untreated fruit showed no evidence of structural changes. The results indicate that initiation of enzymic activity and cell wall separation in response to ethylene are not characteristic phenomena of normal ripening and senescence in watermelon fruit.  相似文献   

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