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Membrane proteins are aggregation‐prone in aqueous environments, and their biogenesis poses acute challenges to cellular protein homeostasis. How the chaperone network effectively protects integral membrane proteins during their post‐translational targeting is not well understood. Here, biochemical reconstitutions showed that the yeast cytosolic Hsp70 is responsible for capturing newly synthesized tail‐anchored membrane proteins (TAs) in the soluble form. Moreover, direct interaction of Hsp70 with the cochaperone Sgt2 initiates a sequential series of TA relays to the dedicated TA targeting factor Get3. In contrast to direct loading of TAs to downstream chaperones, stepwise substrate loading via Hsp70 maintains the solubility and targeting competence of TAs, ensuring their efficient delivery to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Inactivation of cytosolic Hsp70 severely impairs TA translocation in vivo. Our results demonstrate a new role of cytosolic Hsp70 in directly assisting the targeting of an essential class of integral membrane proteins and provide a paradigm for how “substrate funneling” through a chaperone cascade preserves the conformational quality of nascent membrane proteins during their biogenesis.  相似文献   

Virtually nothing is known about the interaction of co-translationally active chaperones with nascent polypeptides and the resulting effects on peptide conformation and folding. We have explored this issue by NMR analysis of apomyoglobin N-terminal fragments of increasing length, taken as models for different stages of protein biosynthesis, in the absence and presence of the substrate binding domain of Escherichia coli Hsp70, DnaK-beta. The incomplete polypeptides misfold and self-associate under refolding conditions. In the presence of DnaK-beta, however, formation of the original self-associated species is completely or partially prevented. Chaperone interaction with incomplete protein chains promotes a globally unfolded dynamic DnaK-beta-bound state, which becomes folding-competent only upon incorporation of the residues corresponding to the C-terminal H helix. The chaperone does not bind the full-length protein at equilibrium. However, its presence strongly disfavors the kinetic accessibility of misfolding side-routes available to the full-length chain. This work supports the role of DnaK as a "holder" for incomplete N-terminal polypeptides. However, as the chain approaches its full-length status, the tendency to intramolecularly bury non-polar surface efficiently outcompetes chaperone binding. Under these conditions, DnaK serves as a "folding enhancer" by supporting folding of a population of otherwise folding-incompetent full-length protein chains.  相似文献   

Substrate binding to Hsp70 chaperones is involved in many biological processes, and the identification of potential substrates is important for a comprehensive understanding of these events. We present a multi‐scale pipeline for an accurate, yet efficient prediction of peptides binding to the Hsp70 chaperone BiP by combining sequence‐based prediction with molecular docking and MMPBSA calculations. First, we measured the binding of 15mer peptides from known substrate proteins of BiP by peptide array (PA) experiments and performed an accuracy assessment of the PA data by fluorescence anisotropy studies. Several sequence‐based prediction models were fitted using this and other peptide binding data. A structure‐based position‐specific scoring matrix (SB‐PSSM) derived solely from structural modeling data forms the core of all models. The matrix elements are based on a combination of binding energy estimations, molecular dynamics simulations, and analysis of the BiP binding site, which led to new insights into the peptide binding specificities of the chaperone. Using this SB‐PSSM, peptide binders could be predicted with high selectivity even without training of the model on experimental data. Additional training further increased the prediction accuracies. Subsequent molecular docking (DynaDock) and MMGBSA/MMPBSA‐based binding affinity estimations for predicted binders allowed the identification of the correct binding mode of the peptides as well as the calculation of nearly quantitative binding affinities. The general concept behind the developed multi‐scale pipeline can readily be applied to other protein‐peptide complexes with linearly bound peptides, for which sufficient experimental binding data for the training of classical sequence‐based prediction models is not available. Proteins 2016; 84:1390–1407. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Members of the Hsp70 protein family must work with other co-chaperones to exert their function. Herein, we identified a new Hsp70 co-chaperone, p49/STRAP, previously shown to interact with serum response factor. We demonstrated that a fraction of p49/STRAP was cytosolic, and that it interacted with the β-sandwich domain of Hsp70. Although p49/STRAP had little effect on the intrinsic ATPase activity of Hsp70, it reduced the ATP-hydrolytic activity of Hsp70 stimulated by Hsp40, and inhibited the refolding activity of the Hsp70/Hsp40 system. Thus, p49/STRAP can be considered a bona fide co-chaperone of Hsp70.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that geographic variation in traits and genes associated with climatic adaptation may be initially driven by the correlated evolution of thermal preference and thermal sensitivity. This assumes that an organism's preferred body temperature corresponds with the thermal optimum in which performance is maximized; hence, shifts in thermal preferences affect the subsequent evolution of thermal-related traits. Drosophila subobscura evolved worldwide latitudinal clines in several traits including chromosome inversion frequencies, with some polymorphic inversions being apparently associated with thermal preference and thermal tolerance. Here we show that flies carrying the warm-climate chromosome arrangement O(3+4) have higher basal protein levels of Hsp70 than their cold-climate O(st) counterparts, but this difference disappears after heat hardening. O(3+4) carriers are also more heat tolerant, although it is difficult to conclude from our results that this is causally linked to their higher basal levels of Hsp70. The observed patterns are consistent with the thermal co-adaptation hypothesis and suggest that the interplay between behaviour and physiology underlies latitudinal and seasonal shifts in inversion frequencies.  相似文献   

The constitutively expressed heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsc70) is a major chaperone protein responsible for maintaining proteostasis, yet how its structure translates into functional decisions regarding client fate is still unclear. We previously showed that Hsc70 preserved aberrant Tau, but it remained unknown if selective inhibition of the activity of this Hsp70 isoform could facilitate Tau clearance. Using single point mutations in the nucleotide binding domain, we assessed the effect of several mutations on the functions of human Hsc70. Biochemical characterization revealed that one mutation abolished both Hsc70 ATPase and refolding activities. This variant resembled the ADP-bound conformer at all times yet remained able to interact with cofactors, nucleotides, and substrates appropriately, resembling a dominant negative Hsc70 (DN-Hsc70). We then assessed the effects of this DN-Hsc70 on its client Tau. DN-Hsc70 potently facilitated Tau clearance via the proteasome in cells and brain tissue, in contrast to wild type Hsc70 that stabilized Tau. Thus, DN-Hsc70 mimics the action of small molecule pan Hsp70 inhibitors with regard to Tau metabolism. This shift in Hsc70 function by a single point mutation was the result of a change in the chaperome associated with Hsc70 such that DN-Hsc70 associated more with Hsp90 and DnaJ proteins, whereas wild type Hsc70 was more associated with other Hsp70 isoforms. Thus, isoform-selective targeting of Hsc70 could be a viable therapeutic strategy for tauopathies and possibly lead to new insights in chaperone complex biology.  相似文献   

Mortalin, a member of the Hsp70‐family of molecular chaperones, functions in a variety of processes including mitochondrial protein import and quality control, Fe‐S cluster protein biogenesis, mitochondrial homeostasis, and regulation of p53. Mortalin is implicated in regulation of apoptosis, cell stress response, neurodegeneration, and cancer and is a target of the antitumor compound MKT‐077. Like other Hsp70‐family members, Mortalin consists of a nucleotide‐binding domain (NBD) and a substrate‐binding domain. We determined the crystal structure of the NBD of human Mortalin at 2.8 Å resolution. Although the Mortalin nucleotide‐binding pocket is highly conserved relative to other Hsp70 family members, we find that its nucleotide affinity is weaker than that of Hsc70. A Parkinson's disease‐associated mutation is located on the Mortalin‐NBD surface and may contribute to Mortalin aggregation. We present structure‐based models for how the Mortalin‐NBD may interact with the nucleotide exchange factor GrpEL1, with p53, and with MKT‐077. Our structure may contribute to the understanding of disease‐associated Mortalin mutations and to improved Mortalin‐targeting antitumor compounds.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum encounters frequent environmental challenges during its life cycle which makes productive protein folding immensely challenging for its metastable proteome. To identify the important components of protein folding machinery involved in maintaining P. falciparum proteome, we performed a proteome‐wide phylogenetic profiling across various species. We found that except HSP110, the parasite lost all other cytosolic nucleotide exchange factors essential for regulating HSP70 which is the centrum of the protein folding network. Evolutionary and structural analysis shows that besides its canonical interaction with HSP70, PfHSP110 has acquired sequence insertions for additional dynamic interactions. Molecular co‐evolution profile depicts that the co‐evolving proteins of PfHSP110 belong to distinct pathways like genetic variation, DNA repair, fatty acid biosynthesis, protein modification/trafficking, molecular motions, and apoptosis. These proteins exhibit unique physiochemical properties like large size, high iso‐electric point, low solubility, and antigenicity, hence require PfHSP110 chaperoning to attain functional state. Co‐evolving protein interaction network suggests that PfHSP110 serves as an important hub to coordinate protein quality control, survival, and immune evasion pathways in the parasite. Overall, our findings highlight potential accessory roles of PfHSP110 that may provide survival advantage to the parasite during its lifecycle and febrile conditions. The data also open avenues for experimental validation of auxiliary functions of PfHSP110 and their exploration for design of better antimalarial strategies. Proteins 2015; 83:1513–1525. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The EGFR‐driven cell‐cycle pathway has been extensively studied due to its pivotal role in breast cancer proliferation and pathogenesis. Although several studies reported regulation of individual pathway components by microRNAs (miRNAs), little is known about how miRNAs coordinate the EGFR protein network on a global miRNA (miRNome) level. Here, we combined a large‐scale miRNA screening approach with a high‐throughput proteomic readout and network‐based data analysis to identify which miRNAs are involved, and to uncover potential regulatory patterns. Our results indicated that the regulation of proteins by miRNAs is dominated by the nucleotide matching mechanism between seed sequences of the miRNAs and 3′‐UTR of target genes. Furthermore, the novel network‐analysis methodology we developed implied the existence of consistent intrinsic regulatory patterns where miRNAs simultaneously co‐regulate several proteins acting in the same functional module. Finally, our approach led us to identify and validate three miRNAs (miR‐124, miR‐147 and miR‐193a‐3p) as novel tumor suppressors that co‐target EGFR‐driven cell‐cycle network proteins and inhibit cell‐cycle progression and proliferation in breast cancer.  相似文献   

The chaperone heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and its network of co-chaperones serve as a central hub of cellular protein quality control mechanisms. Domain organization in Hsp70 dictates ATPase activity, ATP dependent allosteric regulation, client/substrate binding and release, and interactions with co-chaperones. The protein quality control activities of Hsp70 are classified as foldase, holdase, and disaggregase activities. Co-chaperones directly assisting protein refolding included J domain proteins and nucleotide exchange factors. However, co-chaperones can also be grouped and explored based on which domain of Hsp70 they interact. Here we discuss how the network of cytosolic co-chaperones for Hsp70 contributes to the functions of Hsp70 while closely looking at their structural features. Comparison of domain organization and the structures of co-chaperones enables greater understanding of the interactions, mechanisms of action, and roles played in protein quality control.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation is enhanced upon exposure to various stress conditions and aging, which suggests that the quality control machinery regulating protein homeostasis could exhibit varied capacities in different stages of organismal lifespan. Recently, an efficient metazoan disaggregase activity was identified in vitro, which requires the Hsp70 chaperone and Hsp110 nucleotide exchange factor, together with single or cooperating J‐protein co‐chaperones of classes A and B. Here, we describe how the orthologous Hsp70s and J‐protein of Caenorhabditis elegans work together to resolve protein aggregates both in vivo and in vitro to benefit organismal health. Using an RNAi knockdown approach, we show that class A and B J‐proteins cooperate to form an interactive flexible network that relocalizes to protein aggregates upon heat shock and preferentially recruits constitutive Hsc70 to disaggregate heat‐induced protein aggregates and polyQ aggregates that form in an age‐dependent manner. Cooperation between class A and B J‐proteins is also required for organismal health and promotes thermotolerance, maintenance of fecundity, and extended viability after heat stress. This disaggregase function of J‐proteins and Hsc70 therefore constitutes a powerful regulatory network that is key to Hsc70‐based protein quality control mechanisms in metazoa with a central role in the clearance of aggregates, stress recovery, and organismal fitness in aging.  相似文献   

Misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are selected for ER‐associated degradation (ERAD). More than 60 disease‐associated proteins are substrates for the ERAD pathway due to the presence of missense or nonsense mutations. In yeast, the Hsp104 molecular chaperone disaggregates detergent‐insoluble ERAD substrates, but the spectrum of disease‐associated ERAD substrates that may be aggregation prone is unknown. To determine if Hsp104 recognizes aggregation‐prone ERAD substrates associated with human diseases, we developed yeast expression systems for a hydrophobic lipid‐binding protein, apolipoprotein B (ApoB), along with a chimeric protein harboring a nucleotide‐binding domain from the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) into which disease‐causing mutations were introduced. We discovered that Hsp104 facilitates the degradation of ER‐associated ApoB as well as a truncated CFTR chimera in which a premature stop codon corresponds to a disease‐causing mutation. Chimeras containing a wild‐type version of the CFTR domain or a different mutation were stable and thus Hsp104 independent. We also discovered that the detergent solubility of the unstable chimera was lower than the stable chimeras, and Hsp104 helped retrotranslocate the unstable chimera from the ER, consistent with disaggregase activity. To determine why the truncated chimera was unstable, we next performed molecular dynamics simulations and noted significant unraveling of the CFTR nucleotide‐binding domain. Because human cells lack Hsp104, these data indicate that an alternate disaggregase or mechanism facilitates the removal of aggregation‐prone, disease‐causing ERAD substrates in their native environments.  相似文献   

The Hsp70 chaperone system plays a critical role in cellular homeostasis by binding to client protein molecules. We have recently shown by methyl‐TROSY NMR methods that the Escherichia coli Hsp70, DnaK, can form multiple bound complexes with a small client protein, hTRF1. In an effort to characterize the interactions further we report here the results of an NMR‐based titration study of hTRF1 and DnaK, where both molecular components are monitored simultaneously, leading to a binding model. A central finding is the formation of a previously undetected 3:1 hTRF1‐DnaK complex, suggesting that under heat shock conditions, DnaK might be able to protect cytosolic proteins whose net concentrations would exceed that of the chaperone. Moreover, these results provide new insight into the heterogeneous ensemble of complexes formed by DnaK chaperones and further emphasize the unique role of NMR spectroscopy in obtaining information about individual events in a complex binding scheme by exploiting a large number of probes that report uniquely on distinct binding processes.  相似文献   

One of the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the accumulation of beta-amyloid peptides (Aβ) in senile plaques. Aβ-induced oxidative stress is believed to be responsible for degeneration and apoptosis of neurons and consequent cognitive and memory deficits. Here, we investigated the possible neuroprotective effect of the heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) inhibitor geldanamycin (GA) against amyloid pathogenesis in adult male Wistar rats. GA or vehicle was injected into the lateral cerebral ventricles of rats 24 h before injection of Aβ (1–42) in CA1 area of hippocampus. The learning and memory of the rats were assessed 7 days after injection of Aβ using passive avoidance (PA) task. As potential contributing factors in Aβ-induced memory decline, we evaluated apoptotic markers and also used terminal-transferase UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique to detect apoptosis in the hippocampus of Aβ-injected rats. Our behavioral data suggest that GA pretreatment can significantly suppress memory deficits in Aβ-injected rats. There was also not only a marked increase in Hsp70 level but also upregulated 70 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) in the hippocampus of GA-treated groups with a reduction in apoptotic factors including caspase-3, poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase, Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and TUNEL-positive cells as well. Thus, we conclude that GA exerts its protective effects against Aβ (1–42) toxicity and memory deficits, at least in part, by upregulating of Hsp70 and P70S6K.  相似文献   

The small heat shock protein (sHSP) from Methanococcus jannaschii (Mj Hsp16.5) forms a monodisperse 24mer and each of its monomer contains two flexible N‐ and C‐terminals and a rigid α‐crystallin domain with an extruding β‐strand exchange loop. The minimal α‐crystallin domain with a β‐sandwich fold is conserved in sHSP family, while the presence of the β‐strand exchange loop is divergent. The function of the β‐strand exchange loop and the minimal α‐crystallin domain of Mj Hsp16.5 need further study. In the present study, we constructed two fragment‐deletion mutants of Mj Hsp16.5, one with both the N‐ and C‐terminals deleted (ΔNΔC) and the other with a further deletion of the β‐strand exchange loop (ΔNΔLΔC). ΔNΔC existed as a dimer in solution. In contrast, the minimal α‐crystallin domain ΔNΔLΔC became polydisperse in solution and exhibited more efficient chaperone‐like activities to prevent amorphous aggregation of insulin B chain and fibril formation of the amyloidogenic peptide dansyl‐SSTSAA‐W than the mutant ΔNΔC and the wild type did. The hydrophobic probe binding experiments indicated that ΔNΔLΔC exposed much more hydrophobic surface than ΔNΔC. Our study also demonstrated that Mj Hsp16.5 used different mechanisms for protecting different substrates. Though Mj Hsp16.5 formed stable complexes with substrates when preventing thermal aggregation, no complexes were detected when preventing aggregation under non‐heat‐shock conditions. Proteins 2014; 82:1156–1167. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The ATP‐dependent protein chaperone heat‐shock protein 70 (Hsp70) displays broad anti‐aggregation functions and has a critical function in preventing protein misfolding pathologies. According to in vitro and in vivo models of Parkinson's disease (PD), loss of Hsp70 activity is associated with neurodegeneration and the formation of amyloid deposits of α‐synuclein (αSyn), which constitute the intraneuronal inclusions in PD patients known as Lewy bodies. Here, we show that Hsp70 depletion can be a direct result of the presence of aggregation‐prone polypeptides. We show a nucleotide‐dependent interaction between Hsp70 and αSyn, which leads to the aggregation of Hsp70, in the presence of ADP along with αSyn. Such a co‐aggregation phenomenon can be prevented in vitro by the co‐chaperone Hip (ST13), and the hypothesis that it might do so also in vivo is supported by studies of a Caenorhabditis elegans model of αSyn aggregation. Our findings indicate that a decreased expression of Hip could facilitate depletion of Hsp70 by amyloidogenic polypeptides, impairing chaperone proteostasis and stimulating neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in cytoplasmic genomes (i.e. the mitochondrial genome in animals, and the combined mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes in plants) was traditionally assumed to accumulate under a neutral equilibrium model. This view has, however, come under increasing challenge from studies that have experimentally linked cytoplasmic genetic effects to the expression of life history phenotypes. Such results suggest that genetic variance located within the cytoplasm might be of evolutionary importance and potentially involved in shaping population evolutionary trajectories. As a step towards assessing this assertion, here we conduct a formal meta‐analytic review to quantitatively assess the extent to which cytoplasmic genetic effects contribute to phenotypic expression across animal and plant kingdoms. We report that cytoplasmic effect sizes are generally moderate in size and associated with variation across a range of factors. Specifically, cytoplasmic effects on morphological traits are generally larger than those on life history or metabolic traits. Cytoplasmic effect sizes estimated at the between‐species scale (via interspecies mix‐and‐matching of cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes) are larger than those at the within‐species scale. Furthermore, cytoplasmic effects tied to epistatic interactions with the nuclear genome tend to be stronger than additive cytoplasmic effects, at least when restricting the data set to gonochorous animal species. Our results thus confirm that cytoplasmic genetic variation is commonly tied to phenotypic expression across plants and animals, implicate the cytoplasmic–nuclear interaction as a key unit on which natural selection acts and generally suggest that the genetic variation that lies within the cytoplasm is likely to be entwined in adaptive evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Cellular functions are always performed by protein complexes. At present, many approaches have been proposed to identify protein complexes from protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks. Some approaches focus on detecting local dense subgraphs in PPI networks which are regarded as protein‐complex cores, then identify protein complexes by including local neighbors. However, from gene expression profiles at different time points or tissues it is known that proteins are dynamic. Therefore, identifying dynamic protein complexes should become very important and meaningful. In this study, a novel core‐attachment–based method named CO‐DPC to detect dynamic protein complexes is presented. First, CO‐DPC selects active proteins according to gene expression profiles and the 3‐sigma principle, and constructs dynamic PPI networks based on the co‐expression principle and PPI networks. Second, CO‐DPC detects local dense subgraphs as the cores of protein complexes and then attach close neighbors of these cores to form protein complexes. In order to evaluate the method, the method and the existing algorithms are applied to yeast PPI networks. The experimental results show that CO‐DPC performs much better than the existing methods. In addition, the identified dynamic protein complexes can match very well and thus become more meaningful for future biological study.  相似文献   

There is a rich amount of information in co‐occurrence (presence–absence) data that could be used to understand community assembly. This proposition first envisioned by Forbes (1907) and then Diamond (1975) prompted the development of numerous modelling approaches (e.g. null model analysis, co‐occurrence networks and, more recently, joint species distribution models). Both theory and experimental evidence support the idea that ecological interactions may affect co‐occurrence, but it remains unclear to what extent the signal of interaction can be captured in observational data. It is now time to step back from the statistical developments and critically assess whether co‐occurrence data are really a proxy for ecological interactions. In this paper, we present a series of arguments based on probability, sampling, food web and coexistence theories supporting that significant spatial associations between species (or lack thereof) is a poor proxy for ecological interactions. We discuss appropriate interpretations of co‐occurrence, along with potential avenues to extract as much information as possible from such data.  相似文献   

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