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Leucine-rich nuclear export signals (NESs) mediate rapid nuclear export of proteins via interaction with CRM1. This interaction is stimulated by RanGTP but remains of a relatively low affinity. In order to identify strong signals, we screened a 15-mer random peptide library for CRM1 binding, both in the presence and absence of RanGTP. Under each condition, strikingly similar signals were enriched, conforming to the NES consensus sequence. A derivative of an NES selected in the absence of RanGTP exhibits very high affinity for CRM1 in vitro and stably binds without the requirement of RanGTP. Localisation studies and RNA interference demonstrate inefficient CRM1-mediated export and accumulation of CRM1 complexed with the high-affinity NES at nucleoporin Nup358. These results provide in vivo evidence for a nuclear export reaction intermediate. They suggest that NESs have evolved to maintain low affinity for CRM1 to allow efficient export complex disassembly and release from Nup358.  相似文献   

In addition to previously isolated ratjadone A we describe three new members of this family, ratjadones B, C, and D, from another strain of the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum. We have investigated the properties of these ratjadones with respect to their activity on mammalian cell lines. We found IC(50) values in the picomolar range and a significant increase in the size of nuclei. A further examination showed that they inhibit the export of the leucine-rich nuclear export signal (LR-NES) containing proteins in different cell lines. Ratjadones are able to inhibit the formation of the nuclear export complex composed of the CRM1, RanGTP, and the cargo protein, as shown by two different in vitro assays. Finally, the binding of ratjadone C to CRM1 was demonstrated. These ratjadone activities are in the same concentration range as described for the polyketide leptomycin B (LMB) from Streptomyces sp. Like LMB, it seems that the ratjadones covalently bind to CRM1, inhibit cargo protein binding via LR-NES, and thereby block nuclear export. Thus, the ratjadones represent a new class of natural compounds which inhibit proliferation in eukaryotes by blocking nuclear export.  相似文献   

MSH4 and MSH5 are members of the MutS homolog family, a conserved group of proteins involved in DNA mismatch correction and homologous recombination. Although several studies have provided compelling evidences suggesting that MSH4 and MSH5 could act together in early and late stages of meiotic recombination, their precise roles are poorly understood and recent findings suggest that the human MSH4 protein may also exert a cytoplasmic function. Here we show that MSH4 is present in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of both testicular cells and transfected somatic cells. Confocal studies on transfected cells provide the first evidence that the subcellular localization of MSH4 is regulated, at least in part, by an active nuclear export pathway dependent on the exportin CRM1. We used deletion mapping and mutagenesis to define two functional nuclear export sequences within the C-terminal part of hMSH4 that mediate nuclear export through the CRM1 pathway. Our results suggest that CRM1 is also involved in MSH5 nuclear export. In addition, we demonstrate that dimerization of MSH4 and MSH5 facilitates their nuclear localization suggesting that dimerization may regulate the intracellular trafficking of these proteins. Our findings suggest that nucleocytoplasmic traffic may constitute a regulatory mechanism for MSH4 and MSH5 functions.  相似文献   

Chromosome region maintenance 1 (CRM1) exports nuclear export signal (NES) containing cargos from nucleus to cytoplasm and plays critical roles in cancer and viral infections. Biochemical and biophysical studies on this protein were often obstructed by its low purification yield and stability. With the help of PROSS server and NES protection strategy, we successfully designed three small fragments of CRM1, each made of four HEAT repeats and capable of binding to NESs in the absence of RanGTP. One of the fragments, C7, showed dramatically improved purification yield, thermostability, mechanostability, and resistance to protease digestion. We showed by isothermal titration that the protein kinase inhibitor NES binds to C7 at 1.18 μM affinity. Direct binding to C7 by several reported CRM1 inhibitors derived from plants were verified using pull‐down assays. These fragments might be useful for the development of CRM1 inhibitors towards treatment of related diseases. The strategy applied here might help to tackle similar problems encountered in different fields.  相似文献   

Pan1 is an actin patch-associated protein involved in endocytosis. Our studies revealed that in oleate-grown cells Pan1 is located in the nucleus as well as in patches. One of three putative nuclear localization signals (NLS) of Pan1, NLS2, directed beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) to the nucleus. However, GFP-Pan1(886-1219), containing NLS2, was found in the cytoplasm indicating that it may contain a nuclear export signal (NES). A putative Pan1 NES, overlapping with NLS3, re-addressed NLS(H2B)-NES/NLS3-beta-gal from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Inactivation of the NES allowed NLS3 to be effective. Thus, Pan1 contains functional NLSs and a NES and appears to shuttle in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

Protein export from the nucleus   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

The study of Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) has provided important clues to decipher mechanisms underlying aging. Progerin, a mutant lamin A, disrupts nuclear envelope structure/function, with further impairment of multiple processes that culminate in senescence. Here, we demonstrate that the nuclear protein export pathway is exacerbated in HGPS, due to progerin‐driven overexpression of CRM1, thereby disturbing nucleocytoplasmic partitioning of CRM1‐target proteins. Enhanced nuclear export is central in HGPS, since pharmacological inhibition of CRM1 alleviates all aging hallmarks analyzed, including senescent cellular morphology, lamin B1 downregulation, loss of heterochromatin, nuclear morphology defects, and expanded nucleoli. Exogenous overexpression of CRM1 on the other hand recapitulates the HGPS cellular phenotype in normal fibroblasts. CRM1 levels/activity increases with age in fibroblasts from healthy donors, indicating that altered nuclear export is a common hallmark of pathological and physiological aging. Collectively, our findings provide novel insights into HGPS pathophysiology, identifying CRM1 as potential therapeutic target in HGPS.  相似文献   

Crm1 is a member of the karyopherin family of nucleocytoplasmic transport receptors and mediates the export of proteins from the nucleus by forming a ternary complex with cargo and Ran:GTP. This complex translocates through the nuclear pores and dissociates in the cytosol. The yeast protein Yrb2p participates in this pathway and binds Crm1, but its mechanism of action has not been established. We show that the human orthologue of Yrb2p, Ran-binding protein 3 (RanBP3), acts as a cofactor for Crm1-mediated export in a permeabilized cell assay. RanBP3 binds directly to Crm1, and the complex possesses an enhanced affinity for both Ran:GTP and cargo. RanBP3 shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm by a Crm1-dependent mechanism, and the Crm1--RanBP3-NES-Ran:GTP quarternary complex can associate with nucleoporins. We infer that this complex translocates through the nuclear pore to the cytoplasm where it is disassembled by RanBP1 and Ran GTPase--activating protein.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of receptor-mediated nuclear import and nuclear export   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
Nuclear transport of proteins and RNA occurs through the nuclear pore complex and is mediated by a superfamily of transport receptors known collectively as karyopherins. Karyopherins bind to their cargoes by recognition of specific nuclear localization signals or nuclear export signals. Transport through the nuclear pore complex is facilitated by transient interactions between the karyopherins and the nuclear pore complex. The interactions of karyopherins with their cargoes are regulated by the Ras-related GTPase Ran. Ran is assisted in this process by proteins that regulate its GTPase cycle and subcellular localization. In this review, we describe several of the major transport pathways that are conserved in higher and lower eukaryotes, with particular emphasis on the role of Ran. We highlight the latest advances in the structure and function of transport receptors and discuss recent examples of steroid hormone receptor import and regulation by signal transduction pathways. Understanding the molecular basis of nuclear transport may provide insight into human diseases by revealing how nucleocytoplasmic trafficking regulates protein activity.  相似文献   

Control of nuclear export of hnRNP A1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Homodimerization antagonizes nuclear export of survivin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Survivin plays separate roles during different phases of the cell cycle. In mitosis, Survivin is a key regulator of cell division, while in interphase, Survivin is able to protect cells from apoptosis. Survivin shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm under the influence of one or more nuclear export signals (NESs). Paradoxically, our data show that Survivin poorly binds CRM1 in vitro because hydrophobic residues of the NES are occupied in homodimer contacts. We show that NES-preserving dimerization mutants behave as monomers in solution, show dramatically increased CRM1 binding and are more efficiently exported in vivo than wild-type Survivin. These data indicate that Survivin contains a monomer-specific NES and that dimerization modulates cytoplasmic access of the protein. Our findings have implications for both the mitotic and interphase roles of survivin.  相似文献   

Sentrin/small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) has emerged as a powerful mediator regulating biological processes and participating in pathophysiological processes that cause human diseases, such as cancer, myocardial fibrosis and neurological disorders. Sumoylation has been shown to play a positive regulatory role in keloids. However, the sumoylation mechanism in keloids remains understudied. We proposed that sumoylation regulates keloids via a complex. RanGAP1 acted as a synergistic, functional partner of SUMOs in keloids. Nuclear accumulation of Smad4, a TGF-β/Smad pathway member, was associated with RanGAP1 after SUMO1 inhibition. RanGAP1*SUMO1 mediated the nuclear accumulation of Smad4 due to its impact on nuclear export and reduction in the dissociation of Smad4 and CRM1. We clarified a novel mechanism of positive regulation of sumoylation in keloids and demonstrated the function of sumoylation in Smad4 nuclear export. The NPC-associated RanGAP1*SUMO1 complex functions as a disassembly machine for the export receptor CRM1 and Smad4. Our research provides new perspectives for the mechanisms of keloids and nucleocytoplasmic transport.  相似文献   

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