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2008 年8 月利用陷阱法在内蒙古额尔古纳国家级自然保护区获得了4 号鼩鼱类标本,个体皆小, 尾长小于32 mm,貌似姬鼩鼱,颅全长在16. 50 ~17.24 mm 之间,大于姬鼩鼱(15 mm)。为了确证该4 号标本的物种类型,本文测定了它们的线粒体细胞色素b (Cyt b)基因全序列,结合从GenBank 下载的鼩鼱类序列构建系统进化关系。发现测定序列和下载苔原鼩鼱序列很好地聚在一起并形成单系。标本间及与下载的苔原鼩鼱间遗传距离小。从分子角度确证了标本为苔原鼩鼱,证实了苔原鼩鼱在中国的分布。本文对标本进行了描述。  相似文献   

Environmental processes govern demography, species movements, community turnover and diversification and yet in many respects these dynamics are still poorly understood at high latitudes. We investigate the combined effects of climate change and geography through time for a widespread Holarctic shrew, Sorex tundrensis. We include a comprehensive suite of closely related outgroup taxa and three independent loci to explore phylogeographic structure and historical demography. We then explore the implications of these findings for other members of boreal communities. The tundra shrew and its sister species, the Tien Shan shrew (Sorex asper), exhibit strong geographic population structure across Siberia and into Beringia illustrating local centres of endemism that correspond to Late Pleistocene refugia. Ecological niche predictions for both current and historical distributions indicate a model of persistence through time despite dramatic climate change. Species tree estimation under a coalescent process suggests that isolation between populations has been maintained across timeframes deeper than the periodicity of Pleistocene glacial cycling. That some species such as the tundra shrew have a history of persistence largely independent of changing climate, whereas other boreal species shifted their ranges in response to climate change, highlights the dynamic processes of community assembly at high latitudes.  相似文献   

We examined cytochrome b sequence variation in 251 ornate shrews (Sorex ornatus) from 20 localities distributed throughout their geographical range. Additionally, vagrant (S. vagrans) and montane (S. monticolus) shrews from four localities were used as outgroups. We found 24 haplotypes in ornate shrews from California (USA) and Baja California (Mexico) that differed by 1-31 substitutions in 392 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence. In a subset of individuals, we sequenced 699 bp of cytochrome b to better resolve the phylogeographic relationships of populations. The ornate shrew is phylogeographically structured into three haplotype clades representing southern, central and northern localities. Analysis of allozyme variation reveals a similar pattern of variation. Several other small California vertebrates have a similar tripartite pattern of genetic subdivision. We suggest that topographic barriers and expansion and contraction of wetland habitats in the central valley during Pleistocene glacial cycles account for these patterns of genetic variation. Remarkably, the northern ornate shrew clade is phylogenetically clustered with another species of shrew suggesting that it may be a unique lowland form of the vagrant shrew that evolved in parallel to their southern California counterparts.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) by a combined phylogeographical and landscape genetic approach, and thereby to infer the locations of glacial refugia and establish the influence of geographical barriers. We sequenced part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of 179 individuals of S. antinorii sampled across the entire species' range. Six specimens attributed to S. arunchi were included in the analysis. The phylogeographical pattern was assessed by Bayesian molecular phylogenetic reconstruction, population genetic analyses, and a species distribution modelling (SDM)‐based hindcasting approach. We also used landscape genetics (including isolation‐by‐resistance) to infer the determinants of current intra‐specific genetic structure. The phylogeographical analysis revealed shallow divergence among haplotypes and no clear substructure within S. antinorii. The starlike structure of the median‐joining network is consistent with population expansion from a single refugium, probably located in the Apennines. Long branches observed on the same network also suggest that another refugium may have existed in the north‐eastern part of Italy. This result is consistent with SDM, which also suggests several habitable areas for S. antinorii in the Italian peninsula during the LGM. Therefore S. antinorii appears to have occupied disconnected glacial refugia in the Italian peninsula, supporting previous data for other species showing multiple refugia within southern refugial areas. By coupling genetic analyses and SDM, we were able to infer how past climatic suitability contributed to genetic divergence of populations. The genetic differentiation shown in the present study does not support the specific status of S. arunchi. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 864–880.  相似文献   

The genus Mus encompasses at least 38 species divided into four subgenera: Mus , Pyromys , Nannomys and Coelomys . The subgenus Mus , which comprises the house mouse and related species, is by far the most extensively studied, although the subgenus Nannomys is the most speciose. Although the relationships within the subgenus Mus are rather well characterized, those between subgenera are still unclear. In the present study, phylogenetic analyses of the whole genus were performed using a larger species sample of Nannomys than in previous studies, and a nuclear gene (IRBP) in addition to mitochondrial data (cytochrome b and 12S rRNA). Members of the Acomyinae and Murinae were used as outgroups. Separate and combined analyses were performed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods, and divergence times were estimated. The results showed that the monophyly of the genus Mus and of each subgenus was strongly supported by the three genes and the combined analysis. The phylogenies derived from the three genes were on the whole congruent; however, several conflicting topologies were observed such as the relationships between the three Asian species of the subgenus Mus ( caroli , cervicolor and cookii ). Increasing the taxonomic sampling of Nannomys did not satisfactorily improve the resolution of relationships between the four subgenera. In addition, molecular calibrations indicate that the Mus and Nannomys radiation coincided with major environmental changes.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 417–427.  相似文献   

We infer phylogenetic relationships among isopod species of the genus Orthometopon distributed in the Greek area, comparing partial mitochondrial DNA sequences for cytochrome oxidase I (COI). All phylogenetic analyses produced topologically identical trees that revealed a well-resolved phylogeny. These trees support the monophyly of the genus Orthometopon , and suggest two clades that correspond to separate geographical regions (west and east of the mid-Aegean trench). However, the phylogenetic relationships among Greek populations of Orthometopon spp. are different from the presumed pattern on the basis of morphological evidence. The distinct geographical distribution of the major clades of the phylogenetic tree and its topology suggest a spatial and temporal sequence of phylogenetic separations, which coincide with some major palaeogeographical separations during the geological history of the Aegean Sea. The results stress the need for a reconsideration of the evolutionary history of Orthometopon species, which will help overcome difficulties encountered in classical taxonomy at the species level. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 152 , 707–715.  相似文献   

A species-wide phylogeographical study of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) was performed using the whole 1140 base pair mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene. We examined 83 specimens from 52 localities resulting in 65 unique haplotypes. Our results demonstrate that the root vole is divided into four main mtDNA phylogenetic lineages that seem to have largely allopatric distributions. Net divergence estimates (2.0-3.5%) between phylogroups, as well as relatively high nucleotide diversity estimates within phylogroups, indicate that the distinct phylogeographical structure was initiated by historical events that predated the latest glaciation. European root voles are divided into a Northern and a Central mtDNA phylogroup. The mtDNA data in concert with fossil records imply that root voles remained north of the classical refugial areas in southern Europe during the last glacial period. The currently fragmented populations in central Europe belong to a single mtDNA phylogroup. The Central Asian and the North European lineages are separated by the Ural Mountains, a phylogeographical split also found in collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx) and the common vole (M. arvalis). The Beringian lineage occurs from eastern Russia through Alaska to northwestern Canada. This distribution is congruent with the traditional boundaries of the Beringian refugium and with phylogeographical work on other organisms. In conclusion, similarities between the phylogeographical patterns in the root vole and other rodents, such as Arctic and subarctic lemmings, as well as more temperate vole species, indicate that late Quaternary geological and climatic events played a strong role in structuring northern biotic communities.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply molecular methods to study the colonization of islands off the west coast of Scotland by the common shrew ( Sorex araneus L.), and current gene flow. We collected 497 individuals from 13 islands of the Inner Hebrides and Clyde Island groups and six mainland regions. Individuals were genotyped at eight microsatellite loci, and the mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence (1140 base pairs) was obtained for five individuals from each island/mainland region. Based on these molecular data, island colonization apparently proceeded directly from the mainland, except for Islay, for which Jura was the most likely source population. Raasay may also have been colonized by island hopping. Most island populations are genetically very distinct from the mainland populations, suggesting long periods of isolation. Two exceptions to this are the islands of Skye and Seil, which are geographically and genetically close to the mainland, suggesting in each case that there has been long-term gene flow between these islands and the mainland. We consider possible methods of island colonization, including human-mediated movement, swimming, and land and ice bridges.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 797–808.  相似文献   

Euglossine bees (Apidae; Euglossini) exclusively pollinate hundreds of orchid species and comprise up to 25% of bee species richness in neotropical rainforests. As one of the first studies of comparative phylogeography in a neotropical insect group, we performed a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)-based analysis of 14 euglossine species represented by populations sampled across the Andes and/or across the Amazon basin. The mtDNA divergences within species were consistently low; across the 12 monophyletic species the mean intraspecific divergence among haplotypes was 0.9% (range of means, 0-1.9%). The cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) divergence among populations separated by the Andes (N = 11 species) averaged 1.1% (range 0.0-2.0%). The mtDNA CO1 data set displayed homogeneous rates of nucleotide substitution, permitting us to infer dispersal across the cordillera long after the final Andean uplift based on arthropod molecular clocks of 1.2-1.5% divergence per million years. Gene flow across the 3000-km breadth of the Amazon basin was inferred from identical cross-Amazon haplotypes found in five species. Although mtDNA haplotypes for 12 of the 14 euglossine species were monophyletic, a reticulate CO1 phylogeny was recovered in Euglossa cognata and E. mixta, suggesting large ancestral populations and recent speciation. Reference to closely related outgroups suggested recent speciation for the majority of species. Phylogeographical structure across a broad spatial scale is weaker in euglossine bees than in any neotropical group previously examined, and may derive from a combination of Quaternary speciation, population expansion and/or long-distance gene flow.  相似文献   

Squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri) are distributed over a wide area encompassing the Amazon Basin: French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana, together with Western Panama and Western Costa Rica. The genus Saimiri includes a complex of species and subspecies displaying considerable morphological variation. Taxonomic and systematic studies have identified, in this genus, one to seven species comprising up to 16 subspecies. The phylogenetic relationships between these taxa are poorly understood. Molecular markers have yielded a consistent framework for the systematics of Central and South American Saimiri, identifying four distinct clades: S. oerstedii, S. sciureus, S. boliviensis, and S. ustus. Here, we reconsider the phylogenetic and biogeographic history of Saimiri on the basis of mitochondrial (mtDNA) sequence data, focusing mostly on individuals originating from the Amazon Basin. We studied 32 monkeys with well‐defined geographic origins and inferred the phylogenetic relationships between them on the basis of full‐length cytochrome b gene nucleotide sequences. The high level of gene diversity observed (0.966) is consistent with the high level of behavioral and morphological variation observed across the geographic range of the genus: 20 mtDNA haplotypes were identified with a maximum divergence of 4.81% between S. b. boliviensis and S. ustus. In addition to confirming the existence of the four clades previously identified on the basis of molecular characters, we suggest several new lineages, including S. s. macrodon, S. s. albigena, S. s. cassiquiarensis, and S. s. collinsi. We also propose new patterns of dispersion and diversification for the genus Saimiri, and discuss the contribution of certain rivers and forest refuges to its structuring. Am. J. Primatol. 72:242–253, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intraspecific phylogeny and genetic variation were investigated based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene in six soricine shrew species, Sorex unguiculatus, S. caecutiens, S. shinto, S. gracillimus, S. minutissimus and S. hosonoi, collected primarily from northeastern Asia. Maximum likelihood trees and a phylogenetic network were generated to estimate intraspecific phylogenies. S. minutissimus showed high congruence between phylogenetic position and geographical origin and S. gracillimus showed low congruence. In contrast, there was no congruence between phylogeny and geography in S. unguiculatus and the S. caecutiens from Sakhalin-Eurasia. Positive correlation between genetic and geographical distances was found in S. minutissimus and S. gracillimus, but not in the other species (or regional populations). The results of the phylogenetic and genetic analyses suggest that S. minutissimus and S. gracillimus have occupied their present ranges for a longer time than the other species if we assume a stepping-stone model of population structure. In addition, there was no contradiction between the present investigations and the hypotheses of multiple immigration by S. gracillimus and a single immigration by S. unguiculatus into Hokkaido Island. It is proposed that these six northeastern Asian species experienced different historical processes of range expansion and dispersal despite the fact that some of them currently show similar patterns of distribution.  相似文献   

A recent phylogenetic study based on morphological, biochemical and early life history characters resurrected the genus Scartomyzon (jumprock suckers, c . eight−10 species) from Moxostoma (redhorse suckers, c . 10–11 species) and advanced the understanding of relationships among species in these two genera, and the genealogical affinities of these genera with other evolutionary lineages within the tribe Moxostomatini in the subfamily Catostominae. To further examine phylogenetic relationships among moxostomatin suckers, the complete mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene was sequenced from all species within this tribe and representative outgroup taxa from the Catostomini and other catostomid subfamilies. Phylogenetic analysis of gene sequences yielded two monophyletic clades within Catostominae: Catostomus + Deltistes + Xyrauchen + Erimyzon + Minytrema and Moxostoma + Scartomyzon + Hypentelium + Thoburnia . Within the Moxostomatini, Thoburnia was either unresolved or polyphyletic; Thoburnia atripinnis was sister to a monophyletic Hypentelium . In turn, this clade was sister to a monophyletic clade containing Scartomyzon and Moxostoma . Scartomyzon was never resolved as monophyletic, but was always recovered as a polyphyletic group embedded within Moxostoma , rendering the latter genus paraphyletic if ' Scartomyzon ' continues to be recognized. Relationships among lineages within the Moxostoma and' Scartomyzon 'clade were resolved as a polytomy. To better reflect phylogenetic relationships resolved in this analysis, the following changes to the classification of the tribe Moxostomatini are proposed: subsumption of' Scartomyzon 'into Moxostoma ; restriction of the tribe Moxostomatini to Moxostoma ; resurrect the tribe Erimyzonini, containing Erimyzon and Minytrema , classified as incertae sedis within Catostominae; retain the tribe Thoburniini.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the dusky shrew (Sorexmonticolus) and eight related species (S. bairdi, S. bendirii, S. neomexicanus, S.ornatus, S. pacificus, S. palustris, S. sonomae and S.vagrans) were assessed using sequences from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (801 bp). Analyses using parsimony and maximum likelihood revealed significant molecular variation not reflected in previous morphological studies of these species. Conversely, three morphologically defined species (S.bairdi, S.neomexicanus and S.pacificus) were poorly differentiated. Sorexornatus and S.vagrans represented basal taxa for a more inclusive group that included: (i) a widespread Continental clade containing S.monticolus (Arizona to Alaska, including S. neomexicanus); (ii) a Coastal clade containing S.monticolus (Oregon to south-east Alaska, including S. bairdi and S. pacificus); (iii) the semiaquatic species (S. bendirii and S. palustris); and (iv) S.sonomae. Additional subdivision was observed within the Continental clade corresponding to populations from the northern and southern Rocky Mountains. Average uncorrected sequence divergence between the Coastal and Continental clades was 5.3% (range 4.5-6.2%), which exceeds many interspecific comparisons within this species complex and within the genus Sorex. Lack of resolution of internal nodes within topologies suggests a deep history of rapid diversification within this group. Late Pleistocene/Holocene glacial perturbations are reflected in the shallow phylogeographic structure within these clades in western North America. Our results suggest also that S. monticolus is not monophyletic under current taxonomic nomenclature. This perspective on phylogeographic history was developed within a growing comparative framework for other organisms in western North America.  相似文献   

The Persian racerunner Eremias persica Blanford, 1875 is confined to the Iranian plateau, and forms one of the most widespread but rarely studied species of the family Lacertidae. With many local populations inhabiting a variety of habitats, and exhibiting considerable morphological, genetic, and ecological variations, it represents a species complex. We analysed sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes derived from 13 geographically distant populations belonging to the E. persica complex. Using our knowledge of palaeogeographical events, a molecular clock was calibrated to assess the major events in fragmentation, radiation, and intraspecific variation. The sequence data strongly support a basal separation of the highland populations of western Iran from those of the open steppes and deserts, occurring in the east. The subsequent radiation, fragmentation, and evolution of these major assemblages have led to several discernable geographical lineages across the wide area of the Iranian plateau. The results indicate a middle‐Miocene origin for the clade as a whole. The first split, isolating the western and eastern clades, appears to have occurred 11–10 Mya. Further fragmentations and divergence within the major clades began about 8 Mya, with an evolutionary rate of 1.6% sequence divergence per million years among the lineages in the genes studied (combined data set). Molecular and morphological data strongly support a taxonomic revision of this species complex. At least four of the discovered clades should be raised to species, and two to subspecies, rank. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 641–660.  相似文献   

The comparative phylogeography and evolutionary history of three native cyprinid genera, Squalius (subfamily Leuciscinae), Chondrostoma (subfamily Leuciscinae) and Barbus (subgenus Luciobarbus ; subfamily Cyprininae), were examined focusing mainly in the South-Western region of the Iberian Peninsula, where recently described endemic species are present with considerably restricted distribution areas. In order to accomplish that the variation at the complete cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) was analysed for specimens from the South-Western region, and also for representatives of the three genera from all over the Iberian Peninsula. Data indicate different evolutionary histories, with distinct time periods of colonization between the two cyprinid subfamilies in the Iberian Peninsula. Four new Iberian ichthyogeographic areas are accordingly proposed based on congruent phylogeographic and geological evidences: the South-Western, the South-Eastern, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Evidence was provided for the older isolation of the South-Western area in the Miocene during the Endorheic Drainages phase, designating a clearly defined and distinct ichthyogeographic area. A new molecular clock calibration is proposed for the subgenus Luciobarbus .  相似文献   

A hypothetical biogeographical history of northeastern Asiatic soricine shrews in the late Quaternary was developed by integrating their present distributions, fossil records, a hypothetical phylogeny, and geological investigations. First, a biological area cladogram of the northeastern Asiatic region was constructed by applying the vicariance hypothesis to the phylogeny of thecaecutiens/shinto group, a monophyletic group proposed by Ohdachi et al. (1997). Comparing the biological area cladogram with a geological hypothesis by Ohshima (1990,1991,1992), we hypothesized a geographical history of northeastern Asia. Species were then located on the dendrogram of the geographical history, referring to the present distributions, fossil records, and phylogeny of shrews. According to our hypothesis, higher species diversity of the northern region of northeastern Asia (Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Eastern Siberia) was achieved by several series of colonizations and habitat expansion. On the other hand, the shrew communities of the southern region (Honshu, Sado, Shikoku, and Kyushu) were created by extinction and isolation followed by speciation.  相似文献   

Wood (J. Mamm. 18, 106–118; 1937) united the superfamilies Tapiroidea sensu stricto and Rhinocerotoidea in the suborder Ceratomorpha and aligned the Ceratomorpha with the suborder Hippomorpha within the order Perissodactyla. Although the monophyly of the Ceratomorpha appears now well-supported in paleontological and morphological analyses, the molecular relationship among the three extant superfamilies Tapiroidea, Rhinocerotoidea, and Equoidea has not yet been examined due to the limited amount of molecular information on tapirs. In the present study, we examined the phylogenetic position of Tapiroidea, represented by the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) of a lowland tapir ( Tapirus terrestris ), and a Indian tapir ( Tapirus indicus ), relative to modern horses, zebras, donkeys, and rhinoceroses. The phylogenetic analyses using standard parsimony, neighbour-joining and maximum likelihood algorithms revealed monophyly of the Perissodactyla and three clearly distinct lineages: the modern horses, tapirs, and rhinoceroses. However, the sister-taxon relationship of the tapirs to either the rhinoceroses or the horses was not resolved conclusively in the bootstrap analysis. Spectral analysis, in which phylogenetic information is displayed independently of any selected tree, revealed that the DNA sequences available do not contain enough phylogenetic signal for any of the alternative hypotheses on the basal diversification of perissodactyls. The short branch lengths among the three perissodactyl lineages suggest that they diverged within a relatively short period, a finding consistent with molecular divergence datings and the fossil evidence that indicates a major radiation of the early perissodactyls approximately 54–50 million years ago.  相似文献   

Jaarola M  Searle JB 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(12):2613-2621
In a distribution-wide phylogeographic survey of the field vole (Microtus agrestis), 75 specimens from 56 localities across Eurasia were examined for DNA sequence variation along the whole 1140 base pair (bp) mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene. The species is subdivided into three main mtDNA phylogeographic groups - western, eastern and southern - with largely allopatric distributions. The western phylogeographical group is found in west and central Europe and spread most probably from a glacial refugium in the Carpathians. The eastern group covers a large range from Lithuania to central Asia, and probably originated from a southeast European source (e.g. the southern Urals or the Caucasus). The southern group occupies an area from Portugal to Hungary, with division into two distinct mtDNA sublineages that presumably derive from separate glacial refugia in the Iberian Peninsula. Molecular clock estimates suggest that the western and eastern field vole populations separated during the last glaciation, whereas the southern population dates back 0.5-0.9 Myr. High levels of mtDNA variation indicate relatively large population sizes and subdivisions within phylogeographic groups during the last glaciation. We report a possible new suture zone in east Europe.  相似文献   

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