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Two glutamate receptors, metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5), and ionotropic NMDA receptors (NMDAR), functionally interact with each other to regulate excitatory synaptic transmission in the mammalian brain. In exploring molecular mechanisms underlying their interactions, we found that Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase IIα (CaMKIIα) may play a central role. The synapse‐enriched CaMKIIα directly binds to the proximal region of intracellular C terminal tails of mGluR5 in vitro. This binding is state‐dependent: inactive CaMKIIα binds to mGluR5 at a high level whereas the active form of the kinase (following Ca2+/calmodulin binding and activation) loses its affinity for the receptor. Ca2+ also promotes calmodulin to bind to mGluR5 at a region overlapping with the CaMKIIα‐binding site, resulting in a competitive inhibition of CaMKIIα binding to mGluR5. In rat striatal neurons, inactive CaMKIIα constitutively binds to mGluR5. Activation of mGluR5 Ca2+‐dependently dissociates CaMKIIα from the receptor and simultaneously promotes CaMKIIα to bind to the adjacent NMDAR GluN2B subunit, which enables CaMKIIα to phosphorylate GluN2B at a CaMKIIα‐sensitive site. Together, the long intracellular C‐terminal tail of mGluR5 seems to serve as a scaffolding domain to recruit and store CaMKIIα within synapses. The mGluR5‐dependent Ca2+ transients differentially regulate CaMKIIα interactions with mGluR5 and GluN2B in striatal neurons, which may contribute to cross‐talk between the two receptors.


Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is a Ser/Thr kinase necessary for long‐term memory formation and other Ca2+‐dependent signaling cascades such as fertilization. Here, we investigated the stability of CaMKIIα using a combination of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X‐ray crystallography, and mass photometry (MP). The kinase domain has a low thermal stability (apparent Tm = 36°C), which is slightly stabilized by ATP/MgCl2 binding (apparent Tm = 40°C) and significantly stabilized by regulatory segment binding (apparent Tm = 60°C). We crystallized the kinase domain of CaMKII bound to p‐coumaric acid in the active site. This structure reveals solvent‐exposed hydrophobic residues in the substrate‐binding pocket, which are normally buried in the autoinhibited structure when the regulatory segment is present. This likely accounts for the large stabilization that we observe in DSC measurements comparing the kinase alone with the kinase plus regulatory segment. The hub domain alone is extremely stable (apparent Tm ~ 90°C), and the holoenzyme structure has multiple unfolding transitions ranging from ~60°C to 100°C. Using MP, we compared a CaMKIIα holoenzyme with different variable linker regions and determined that the dissociation of both these holoenzymes occurs at a higher concentration (is less stable) compared with the hub domain alone. We conclude that within the context of the holoenzyme structure, the kinase domain is stabilized, whereas the hub domain is destabilized. These data support a model where domains within the holoenzyme interact.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been implicated in impairing muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) signaling activity. It remains unclear, however, whether alterations in the cell surface distribution of mAChRs following oxidative stress contribute to the diminished mAChR signaling activity. We report here that M1 and M2 mAChRs, stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, undergo sequestration following transient hypoxic-induced oxidative stress (2% O2). Sequestration of M1 and M2 mAChRs following transient hypoxia was associated with an increase in phosphorylation of these receptors. Over-expression of a catalytically inactive G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2 K220R) blocked the increased phosphorylation and sequestration of the M2, but not M1, mAChRs following transient hypoxia. Hypoxia induced phosphorylation and sequestration of the M1 mAChR was, however, blocked by over-expression of a catalytically inactive casein kinase 1 alpha (CK1alpha K46R). These results are the first demonstration that M1 and M2 mAChRs undergo sequestration following transient hypoxia. The data suggest that increased phosphorylation of M1 and M2 mAChRs underlies the mechanism responsible for sequestration of these receptors following transient hypoxia. We report here that distinct pathways involving CK1alpha and GRK2 mediated sequestration of M1 and M2 mAChRs following transient hypoxic-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

G protein coupling to M1 and M3 muscarinic receptors in sublingual glands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rat sublingual glandM1 and M3 muscarinic receptors each directlyactivate exocrine secretion. To investigate the functional role ofcoreceptor expression, we determined receptor-G protein coupling.Although membrane proteins of 40 and 41 kDa are ADP-ribosylated bypertussis toxin (PTX), and 44 kDa proteins by cholera toxin (CTX), bothcarbachol-stimulated high-affinity GTPase activity and the GTP-inducedshift in agonist binding are insensitive to CTX or PTX. Carbacholenhances photoaffinity labeling([-32P]GTP-azidoaniline) of only 42-kDa proteins thatare subsequently tractable to immunoprecipitation by antibodiesspecific for Gq or G11 but notG12 or G13. Carbachol-stimulatedphotoaffinity labeling as well as phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate(PIP2) hydrolysis is reduced 55% and 60%, respectively,by M1 receptor blockade with m1-toxin.Gq/11-specific antibody blocks carbachol-stimulated PIP2 hydrolysis. We also provide estimates of the molarratios of receptors to Gq and G11.Although simultaneous activation of M1 and M3receptors is required for a maximal response, both receptor subtypesare coupled to Gq and G11 to stimulateexocrine secretion via redundant mechanisms.


Benzilic ester derivatives with a basic moiety like N-methyl-4-piperidyl benzilates are potential drugs for the treatment of urinary incontinence, duodenal and gastric ulcers and Parkinson's disease. The effect of structural variations of chiral N-methyl-4-piperidyl benzilates was investigated using radioligand binding studies on muscarinic receptors (M1-M3). The results of the binding studies demonstrate that the absolute configuration and the aromatic substituent of benzilates have an influence on muscarinic affinity and selectivity. In this regard, (S)-configuration of benzilates and hydrophilic aromatic substituents seems to enhance muscarinic affinity. A model of the receptor ligand complex for N-methyl-4-piperidyl benzilates was obtained by molecular modelling. Both the affinity of enantiomeric benzilic esters and the subtype selectivity for muscarinic receptors are comprehensively explained by this model.  相似文献   

Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase 2 (CaMKII) is a multifunctional protein that is highly enriched in the synapse. It plays important roles in neuronal functions such as synaptic plasticity, synaptogenesis, and neural development. Gene duplication in zebrafish has resulted in the occurrence of seven CaMKII genes (camk2a, camk2b1, camk2b2, camk2g1, camk2g2, camk2d1, and camk2d2) that are developmentally expressed. In this study, we used single cell, real‐time quantitative PCR to investigate the expression of CaMKII genes in individual Mauthner cells (M‐cells) of 2 days post fertilization (dpf) zebrafish embryos. We found that out of seven different CaMKII genes, only the mRNA for CaMKII‐α was expressed in the M‐cell at detectable levels, while all other isoforms were undetectable. Morpholino knockdown of CaMKII‐α had no significant effect on AMPA synaptic currents (mEPSCs) but decreased the amplitude of NMDA mEPSCs. NMDA events exhibited a biexponential decay with τfast ≈ 30 ms and τslow ≈ 300 ms. Knockdown of CaMKII‐α specifically reduced the amplitude of the slow component of the NMDA‐mediated currents (mEPSCs), without affecting the fast component, the frequency, or the kinetics of the mEPSCs. Immunolabelling of the M‐cell showed increased dendritic arborizations in the morphants compared with controls, and knockdown of CaMKII‐α altered locomotor behaviors of touch responses. These results suggest that CaMKII‐α is present in embryonic M‐cells and that it plays a role in the normal development of excitatory synapses. Our findings pave the way for determining the function of specific CaMKII isoforms during the early stages of M‐cell development. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 145–162, 2015  相似文献   

We investigated the potential ability of p-fluoro-hexahydro-sila-difenidol (p-F-HHSiD) to discriminate between M1 and M3 muscarinic receptor subtypes using Chinese hamster ovary cells stably transfected with the genes encoding the two receptors. Both radioligand binding and functional assays were utilized for this purpose. In contrast to initial reports of a 14-fold selectivity of this antagonist for M3 versus M1 receptors, we have detected a qualitatively similar selectivity that was markedly smaller in magnitude.  相似文献   

Receptor internalization from the cell surface occurs through several mechanisms. Some of these mechanisms, such as clathrin coated pits, are well understood. The M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor undergoes internalization via a poorly-defined clathrin-independent mechanism. We used isotope coded affinity tagging and mass spectrometry to identify the scaffolding protein, receptor for activated C kinase (RACK1) as a protein enriched in M(2)-immunoprecipitates from M(2)-expressing cells over those of non-M(2) expressing cells. Treatment of cells with the agonist carbachol disrupted the interaction of RACK1 with M(2). We further found that RACK1 overexpression inhibits the internalization and subsequent down regulation of the M(2) receptor in a receptor subtype-specific manner. Decreased RACK1 expression increases the rate of agonist internalization of the M(2) receptor, but decreases the extent of subsequent down-regulation. These results suggest that RACK1 may both interfere with agonist-induced sequestration and be required for subsequent targeting of internalized M(2) receptors to the degradative pathway.  相似文献   

Our previous data indicate that M3 muscarinic receptors mediate carbachol induced bladder contractions. The data presented here were obtained by selective alkylation of M3 receptors with 4-DAMP mustard and suggest that the M2 receptor subtype may be involved in inhibition of beta-adrenergic receptor induced relaxation, therefore, allowing recontraction. Alkylation resulted in 85% of M3 receptors and 65% of M2 receptors unable to bind radioligand as demonstrated by subtype selective immunoprecipitation. Rat bladder strips subjected to our alkylation procedure contracted submaximally, and direct carbachol contractions were inhibited by antagonists with affinities consistent with M3 receptor mediated contraction. In contrast, the affinities of antagonists for inhibition of carbachol induced recontractions following isoproterenol stimulated relaxation in the presence of 90 mM KCl, indicated a contractile function for the M2 receptor that was not observed in control strips. In conclusion, these studies demonstrate a possible role for the M2 subtype in bladder smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that antagonists of Gs‐coupled receptors do not activate cAMP signalling, because they do not stimulate cAMP production via Gs‐protein/adenylyl cyclase activation. Here, we report a new signalling pathway whereby antagonists of β1‐adrenergic receptors (β1ARs) increase cAMP levels locally without stimulating cAMP production directly. Binding of antagonists causes dissociation of a preformed complex between β1ARs and Type‐4 cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDE4s). This reduces the local concentration of cAMP‐hydrolytic activity, thereby increasing submembrane cAMP and PKA activity. Our study identifies receptor/PDE4 complex dissociation as a novel mechanism of antagonist action that contributes to the pharmacological properties of β1AR antagonists and might be shared by other receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

A new class of 4-acetamidopiperidine derivatives has been synthesized and investigated for human muscarinic receptor subtype selectivity. Introduction of a hydrocarbon chain of appropriate length into the piperidine nitrogen of the racemic N-(piperidin-4-yl)-2-cyclobutyl-2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetamide platform conferred up to 70-fold selectivity for human muscarinic M3 receptors over M2 receptors. Subsequent synthetic derivatizations resulted in highly potent M3 receptor antagonists with selectivity greater than two orders of magnitude for M3 over M2 receptors, from which the analogue 4r was selected. Preparation of both enantiomers of 4r led to the identification of (2R)-N-[1-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)piperidin-4-yl]-2-cyclopentyl-2-hyd roxy-2-phenylacetamide (J-104129, (R)-4r), which exhibited 120-fold selectivity for M3 receptors (Ki = 4.2 nM) over M2 receptors (Ki = 490 nM). In isolated rat trachea, (R)-4r potently and specifically antagonized acetylcholine (ACh)-induced responses with a K(B) value of 3.3 nM. The highly subtype-selective profile was also seen in isolated rat tissue assays (50-fold) and in anesthetized rats (> 250-fold). Oral administration of J-104129 ((R)-4r) antagonized ACh-induced bronchoconstriction with an ED50 value of 0.58 mg/kg in rats. Thus, J-104129 ((R)-4r) may effectively facilitate bronchodilation in the treatment of obstructive airway disease.  相似文献   

Ma FH  Higashira-Hoshi H  Itoh Y 《Life sciences》2002,70(10):1159-1172
A highly purified rat urinary bladder smooth muscle cell culture was obtained by a modified enzymic isolation method, and the presence of functional muscarinic as well as beta-adrenergic receptors were subsequently determined. At 7-10 days of culture, cells became elongated and spindle-shaped showing a typical "hills and valleys" form. They were stained with anti-alpha-actin and anti-myosin antibodies. Radiolabeled ligand binding using [3H]N-methylscopolamine and [3H]CGP12177 showed that these cells expressed muscarinic and beta-adrenergic receptors. Stimulation of cultured cells with carbachol inhibited the forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP formation, caused an elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration measured by fura-2 fluorometry. The latter response was almost completely blocked by 4-DAMP, a selective muscarinic M3 antagonist. On the other hand, stimulation of cultured cells with isoproterenol enhanced the basal cyclic AMP formation, which was reversed by carbachol. Therefore, the presence of functional muscarinic (both M2 and M3) as well as beta-adrenergic receptors was confirmed in pure culture of the rat bladder smooth muscle cells obtained by using an enzymic isolation method.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that keratinocyte (KC) migration is modulated by distinct muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor subtypes, we inactivated signaling through specific receptors in in vitro and in vivo models of reepithelialization by subtype-selective antagonists, small interfering RNA, and gene knockout in mice. KC migration and wound reepithelialization were facilitated by M4 and inhibited by M3. Additional studies showed that M4 increases expression of "migratory" integrins alpha5beta1, alphaVbeta5, and alphaVbeta6, whereas M3 up-regulates "sedentary" integrins alpha2beta1 and alpha3beta1. Inhibition of migration by M3 was mediated through Ca2+-dependent guanylyl cyclase-cyclic GMP-protein kinase G signaling pathway. The M4 effects resulted from inhibition of the inhibitory pathway involving the adenylyl cyclase-cyclic AMP-protein kinase A pathway. Both signaling pathways intersected at Rho, indicating that Rho kinase provides a common effector for M3 and M4 regulation of cell migration. These findings offer novel insights into the mechanisms of ACh-mediated modulation of KC migration and wound reepithelialization, and may aid the development of novel methods to promote wound healing.  相似文献   

Binding of receptor-recognized forms of tetrameric human α2-macroglobulin (α2M*) to a macrophage signaling receptor induces cAMP synthesis, increases in inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) synthesis, and a concomitant rise in cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]i). The α2M* signaling receptor is coupled to a pertussis-toxin insensitive G protein. Binding of α2M* also occurs to the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein/α2M receptor (LRP/α2MR), but this binding does not induce signal transduction. Rat α1-inhibitor-3 (α1I3) is a monomeric member of the α-macroglobulin/complement superfamily. Like α2M, it can react with proteinases or methylamine which induces a conformational change causing activated α1I3 to bind to LRP/α2MR. We now report that α1I3-methylamine binds to the macrophage α2M* signaling receptor inducing a rapid rise in the synthesis of IP3 with a subsequent 1.5- to 3-fold rise in [Ca2+]i. α1I3-methylamine binding to macrophages also caused a statistically significant elevation in cAMP. Native α1I3, like α2M, was unable to induce signal transduction. α1I3 forms a complex with α1-microglobulin, which has a distinct conformation from α1I3 and is recognized by LRP/α2MR. This complex also induces an increase in [Ca2+]i comparable to the effect of α1I3-methylamine on macrophages. It is concluded that activation of α1I3 by methylamine or binding of α1-microglobulin causes similar conformational changes in the inhibitor, exposing the receptor recognition site for the α2M* signaling receptor, as well as for LRP/α2MR. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Olianas MC  Onali P 《Life sciences》1999,65(21):2233-2240
In membranes of Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the cloned human M1-M4 muscarinic receptor subtypes, PD 102807, a novel M4 selective antagonist, was found to counteract the M4 receptor-induced stimulation of [35S]-GTPgammaS binding to membrane G proteins with a pK(B) of 7.40, a value which was 63-, 33- and 10-fold higher than those displayed at M1 (pK(B) = 5.60), M2 (pK(B) = 5.88) and M3 (pK(B) = 6.39) receptor subtypes, respectively. In rat striatal membranes, PD 102807 antagonized the muscarinic inhibition of dopamine (DA) D1 receptor-stimulated adenylyl cyclase with a pK(B) value of 7.36. In contrast, in membranes of rat frontal cortex, PD 102807 displayed lower potencies in antagonizing either the muscarinic facilitation of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)-stimulated adenylyl cyclase (pK(B) = 5.79) or inhibition of Ca2+/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM)-stimulated enzyme activity (pK(B) = 5.95). In each response investigated, PD 102807 interacted with muscarinic receptors in a manner typical of a simple competitive antagonist. These data provide additional evidence that PD 102807 is a M4-receptor preferring antagonist and that this compound can discriminate the striatal muscarinic receptors inhibiting DA D1 receptor activity from the cortical receptors mediating the potentiation of CRH receptor signalling and the inhibition of Ca2+/CaM-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity.  相似文献   

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