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Little is known about the effects of exercise intensity on compensatory changes in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) when adjusted for adipose, liver and skeletal muscle insulin resistance (IR). Fifteen participants (8F, Age: 49.9±3.6yr; BMI: 31.0±1.5kg/m2; VO2peak: 23.2±1.2mg/kg/min) with prediabetes (ADA criteria, 75g OGTT and/or HbA1c) underwent a time-course matched Control, and isocaloric (200kcal) exercise at moderate (MIE; at lactate threshold (LT)), and high-intensity (HIE; 75% of difference between LT and VO2peak). A 75g OGTT was conducted 1 hour post-exercise/Control, and plasma glucose, insulin, C-peptide and free fatty acids were determined for calculations of skeletal muscle (1/Oral Minimal Model; SMIR), hepatic (HOMAIR), and adipose (ADIPOSEIR) IR. Insulin secretion rates were determined by deconvolution modeling for GSIS, and disposition index (DI; GSIS/IR; DISMIR, DIHOMAIR, DIADIPOSEIR) calculations. Compared to Control, exercise lowered SMIR independent of intensity (P<0.05), with HIE raising HOMAIR and ADIPOSEIR compared with Control (P<0.05). GSIS was not reduced following exercise, but DIHOMAIR and DIADIPOSEIR were lowered more following HIE compared with Control (P<0.05). However, DISMIR increased in an intensity based manner relative to Control (P<0.05), which corresponded with lower post-prandial blood glucose levels. Taken together, pancreatic insulin secretion adjusts in an exercise intensity dependent manner to match the level of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue. Further work is warranted to understand the mechanism by which exercise influences the cross-talk between tissues that regulate blood glucose in people with prediabetes.  相似文献   

To explore regional differences in triglyceride retention in white adipose tissues of growing male rats, the mass of adipocytes from epididymal, retroperitoneal, inguinal, and mesenteric tissues were followed with time. In order to attempt to explain regional differences, adipose tissue metabolism was studied in vivo and in vitro. (U-14 C) oleic acid in sesame oil was given by gastric gavage to conscious male and female rats, and accumulation and half-life of radioactivity measured. Lipoprotein lipase activity and lipolysis were studied in vitro. Adipocyte triglyceride mass increased linearly in all the depots during 4 months of observation. The increase in mass was more pronounced in retroperitoneal (0.31 μg) and epididymal (0.30 μg) than in mesenteric (0.11 μg) or inguinal (0.05 μg) adipocytes. In the fed state label from (U-14C) oleic acid first increased with time in liver, muscle, and adipose tissues. In the liver radioactivity peaked at 4 hours, and was not measurable in either liver or muscle after a time point between 24 hours to 1 week. In contrast label continued to increase in adipose tissues up to about 16 hours to 24 hours, suggesting transfer of label by recirculation from liver and muscle to adipose tissues. Thereafter the radioactivity decreased. When expressed per adipocyte uptake of label was not significantly different between white adipose tissues. The rate of decrease between 7 days and 4 months was, however, more rapid in mesenteric and inguinal than, particularly, epididymal, and, probably, retroperitoneal adipocytes. These results were partly parallel to in vitro data on lipoprotein lipase activity, which was not different between depots, and the rate of lipolysis, which was higher in mesenteric than other adipocytes. These results suggest that differences in weight increase of adipose tissue regions are due mainly to differences in the rate of mobilization of adipocyte triglycerides. When expressed per gram triglyceride, uptake and mobilization of label were clearly more rapid in mesenteric than other white adipose tissues. This is probably explained by a combination of a higher adipocyte density plus the metabolic characteristics of adipocytes in this depot. Since mesenteric adipose tissue is smaller than the other depots studied, the absolute contribution of this tissue to the energy supply of the body is probably not different from that of other adipose tissues, however. A large uptake and short half life was observed in interscapular adipose tissue. This region contains brown adipocytes, and the results therefore suggest that lipid uptake for thermogenic purposes is of a considerable magnitude. It was concluded that among white adipose tissues, the mesenteric tissue has a rapid turnover of triglyceride. This is probably due to a combination of a high density and specific metabolic characteristics of these adipocytes. Factors in the microenvironment of adipocytes probably contribute to the high turnover either directly, or by modification of cellular characteristics.  相似文献   

In systemic hemolysis and in hematuric forms of kidney injury, the major heme scavenging protein, hemopexin (HPX), becomes depleted, and the glomerular microvasculature (glomeruli) is exposed to high concentrations of unbound heme, which, in addition to causing oxidative injury, can activate complement cascades; thus, compounding extent of injury. It is unknown whether unbound heme can also activate specific complement regulatory proteins that could defend against complement-dependent injury. Isolated rat glomeruli were incubated in media supplemented with HPX-deficient (HPX) or HPX-containing (HPX+) sera as a means of achieving different degrees of heme partitioning between incubation media and glomerular cells. Expression of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 and of the complement activation inhibitors, decay-accelerating factor (DAF), CD59, and complement receptor-related gene Y (Crry), was assessed by western blot analysis. Expression of HO-1 and of the GPI-anchored DAF and CD59 proteins increased in isolated glomeruli incubated with HPX sera with no effect on Crry expression. Exogenous heme (hemin) did not further induce DAF but increased Crry expression. HPX modulates heme-mediated induction of complement activation controllers in glomeruli. This effect could be of translational relevance in glomerular injury associated with hematuria.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of two doses of Tenoxicam, a type 2 cyclooxygenase inhibitor, administration on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant redox system in cortex of the brain in rats. Twenty-two male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups. First group was used as control. 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight Tenoxicam were intramuscularly administrated to rats constituting the second and third groups for 10 days, respectively. Both dose of Tenoxicam administration resulted in significant increase in the glutathione peroxidase activity, reduced glutathione and vitamins C and E of cortex of the brain. The lipid peroxidation levels in the cortex of the brain were significantly decreased by the administration. Vitamin A and β-carotene concentration was not affected by the administration. There was no statistical difference in all values between 10 and 20 mg Tenoxicam administrated groups. In conclusion, treatment of brain with 10 and 20 mg Tenoxicam has protective effects on the oxidative stress by inhibiting free radical and supporting antioxidant redox system.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) lives and replicates within macrophages in a foamy, lipid-laden phagosome. The lipids provide essential nutrition for the mycobacteria, and M. leprae infection modulates expression of important host proteins related to lipid metabolism. Thus, M. leprae infection increases the expression of adipophilin/adipose differentiation-related protein (ADRP) and decreases hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), facilitating the accumulation and maintenance of lipid-rich environments suitable for the intracellular survival of M. leprae. HSL levels are not detectable in skin smear specimens taken from leprosy patients, but re-appear shortly after multidrug therapy (MDT). This study examined the effect of MDT components on host lipid metabolism in vitro, and the outcome of rifampicin, dapsone and clofazimine treatment on ADRP and HSL expression in THP-1 cells. Clofazimine attenuated the mRNA and protein levels of ADRP in M. leprae-infected cells, while those of HSL were increased. Rifampicin and dapsone did not show any significant effects on ADRP and HSL expression levels. A transient increase of interferon (IFN)-β and IFN-γ mRNA was also observed in cells infected with M. leprae and treated with clofazimine. Lipid droplets accumulated by M. leprae-infection were significantly decreased 48 h after clofazimine treatment. Such effects were not evident in cells without M. leprae infection. In clinical samples, ADRP expression was decreased and HSL expression was increased after treatment. These results suggest that clofazimine modulates lipid metabolism in M. leprae-infected macrophages by modulating the expression of ADRP and HSL. It also induces IFN production in M. leprae-infected cells. The resultant decrease in lipid accumulation, increase in lipolysis, and activation of innate immunity may be some of the key actions of clofazimine.  相似文献   

Mutations in BSCL2 underlie human congenital generalized lipodystrophy type 2 disease. We previously reported that Bscl2 −/− mice develop lipodystrophy of white adipose tissue (WAT) due to unbridled lipolysis. The residual epididymal WAT (EWAT) displays a browning phenotype with much smaller lipid droplets (LD) and higher expression of brown adipose tissue marker proteins. Here we used targeted lipidomics and gene expression profiling to analyze lipid profiles as well as genes involved in lipid metabolism in WAT of wild-type and Bscl2−/− mice. Analysis of total saponified fatty acids revealed that the residual EWAT of Bscl2−/− mice contained a much higher proportion of oleic18:1n9 acid concomitant with a lower proportion of palmitic16:0 acid, as well as increased n3- polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) remodeling. The acyl chains in major species of triacylglyceride (TG) and diacylglyceride (DG) in the residual EWAT of Bscl2−/− mice were also enriched with dietary fatty acids. These changes could be reflected by upregulation of several fatty acid elongases and desaturases. Meanwhile, Bscl2−/− adipocytes from EWAT had increased gene expression in lipid uptake and TG synthesis but not de novo lipogenesis. Both mitochondria and peroxisomal β-oxidation genes were also markedly increased in Bscl2−/− adipocytes, highlighting that these machineries were accelerated to shunt the lipolysis liberated fatty acids through uncoupling to dissipate energy. The residual subcutaneous white adipose tissue (ScWAT) was not browning but displays similar changes in lipid metabolism. Overall, our data emphasize that, other than being essential for adipocyte differentiation, Bscl2 is also important in fatty acid remodeling and energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the sex‐dependent differences in the response of key parameters involved in thermogenesis and control of body weight in brown adipose tissue (BAT) and white adipose tissue (WAT) in postcafeteria‐fed rats, a model of dietary obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: BAT and WAT were obtained from male and female control and postcafeteria‐fed Wistar rats. Postcafeteria‐fed rats were initially fed with cafeteria diet from day 10 of life until day 110 (cafeteria period) and with standard chow diet from then until day 180 of life (postcafeteria period). Body mass and energy intake were evaluated. Biometric parameters were analyzed in interscapular BAT (IBAT). Levels of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), α2‐adrenergic receptor (AR), and β3‐AR proteins and UCP1, UCP2, UCP3, β3‐AR, and leptin mRNAs, in IBAT or WAT, were studied by Western blot and Northern blot analyses, respectively. Results: Rats attained 59% (females) and 39% (males) increase in body weight at the end of the cafeteria period. During the postcafeteria period, the rats showed a loss of body weight, which was higher in females. Postcafeteria‐fed female rats also presented higher activation of thermogenic parameters in IBAT, including UCP1, UCP2, and UCP3 mRNAs. Female control rats showed lower levels of both α2 and β3‐ARs in BAT compared with male rats, but these levels in postcafeteria‐fed female and male rats were the same, because males tended to down‐regulate them. Levels of leptin mRNA in response to the postcafeteria state depended on gender and the specific WAT depot studied. Discussion: It is suggested that in postcafeteria‐fed female rats, BAT thermogenic capacity becomes more efficiently activated than in males. Female rats also showed a bigger weight loss. The parallel regulation of the levels of UCP2 and UCP3 mRNAs, with respect to UCP1 mRNA, with higher activation in female postcafeteria‐fed rats, suggests a possible role of both UCP2 and UCP3 in the regulation of energy expenditure and in the control of body weight. The distinct responses to overweight of α2 and β3‐ARs—which were sex dependent—and leptin mRNA—which depended on both sex and WAT depot—also support the different response of thermogenesis‐related parameters between overweight males and females.  相似文献   

The study assessed immunohistochemically the location and distribution of various non-collagenous matrix proteins (fibronectin, laminin, tenascin-C, osteocalcin, thrombospondin-1, vitronectin and undulin) in musculoskeletal tissues of rat. Fibronectin and thrombospondin-1 were found to be ubiquitous in the studied tissues. High immunoreactivity of these proteins was found in the extracellular matrix of the anatomical sites where firm bindings are needed, i.e. between muscle fibres and fibre bundles, between the collagen fibres of a tendon and at myotendinous junctions, osteotendinous junctions and articular cartilage. Tenascin-C was found in the extracellular matrix of regions where especially high forces are transmitted from one tissue component to the other, such as myotendinous junctions and osteotendinous junctions. Laminin was demonstrated in the basement membranes of the muscle cells and capillaries of the muscle–tendon units. Osteocalc in immunoreactivity concentrated in the extracellular matrix of areas of newly formed bone tissue, i.e. in the subperiosteal and subchondral regions, osteoid tissue and mineralized fibrocartilage zone of the osteotendinous junction. Mild vitronectin activity could be seen in the extracellular matrix of the osteotendinous and myotendinous junctions, and high activity around the bone marrow cells. Undulin could be demonstrated in the extracellular matrix (i.e. on the collagen fibres) of the tendon and epimysium only. However, it was co-distributed with fibronectin and tenascin-C. Together, these findings on the normal location and distribution of these non-collagenous proteins in the musculoskeletal tissues help to form the basis of knowledge against which the location and distribution of the these proteins in various pathological processes could be compared.  相似文献   

We isolated a cDNA of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnT-1) from rat liver and analyzed GnT-I mRNA expression in several rat tissues. We found that GnT-I mRNA was expressed in a tissue-specific manner and the pattern of its expression was suggested to be species-specific by comparison with the reported result in mice.  相似文献   

Feeding tests were carried out on rats to clarify the mechanisms of fatty liver formation induced by autoxidized methyl linoleate. Lipid peroxides prepared by autoxidation of highly purified methyl linoleate were given orally to rats. Triglyceride and glycogen contents in liver were determined and enzyme activities including triglyceride synthetase and α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase were also examined. The following results were obtained. 1. Triglyceride accumulation in rat liver fed autoxidized methyl linoleate was observed. 2. Increase in triglyceride content in rat liver was soon followed by the decrease of hepatic glycogen. 3. When rats were starved prior to introduction of autoxidized methyl linoleate, hepatic triglyceride accumulation did not occur. 4. The activities of α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase and triglyceride synthetase in liver, and those of glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and leucine aminopeptidase in plasma were practically similar among the rats of test groups fed fresh or autoxidized methyl linoleate and the control fed diet without methyl linoleate. 5. The addition of l-carnitine which is a stimulator of fatty acid oxidation retarded the accumulation of the hepatic triglyceride mentioned above.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is associated with diabetic impairment of uterine function, ultimately leading to reduced fertility. Its etiology may involve oxidative damage by reactive oxygen substances, and protection against this damage can be offered by antioxidant supplementation. In the present study, the effects of a vitamin E-plus-selenium (VESe) combination on lipid peroxidation (MDA) and the scavenging enzyme activity in the uterine endometrium of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats were investigated. Twenty-four female rats were equally divided into three groups as follows: group I (control); group II (diabetic); group III (diabetic + VESe), STZ + vitamin E (60?mg/kg over 1?day) + selenium-treated (Na2SeO3, 1?mg/kg over 1?day). After 4?weeks of receiving the VESe treatment, endometrium samples were taken from the uterus. Although the VESe treatment decreased the MDA and blood glucose levels in the STZ group, the observed values remained significantly higher than in the controls. Catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase activities and body weight gain were significantly (p?<?0.01) lower in STZ groups as compared to control group, whereas their activities were (p?<?0.01) increased by VESe treatment. However, there was no significant difference on body weight gain and uterine weights between control and STZ + VESe groups. In conclusion, the endometrial complications caused by oxidative stress, and the abnormal blood glucose levels in diabetic of rats, can be alleviated by strengthening the physiological antioxidative defense through the administration of vitamin E and Se.  相似文献   

The effects of the interactions between dietary carbohydrates and copper deficiency on superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities and their roles in peroxidative pathways were investigated. Weanling rats were fed diets deficient in copper and containing either 62% starch, fructose, or glucose. Decreased activity of SOD was noted in all rats fed the copper-deficient diets regardless of the nature of dietary carbohydrate. However, the decreased activity was more pronouced in rats fed fructose. Feeding the fructose diets decreased the activity of GSH-Px by 25 and 50% in the copper-supplemented and copper-deficient rats, respectively, compared to enzyme activities in rats fed similar diets containing either starch or glucose. The decreased SOD and GSH-Px activities in rats fed the fructose diet deficient in copper were associated with increased tissue per-oxidation and decreased hepatic adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When the fructose in the diet of copper-deficient rats was replaced with either starch or glucose, tissue SOD and GSH-Px activities were increased and these increases in enzyme activity were associated with a tendency toward reduced mitochondrial peroxidation when compared to the corre-sponding values for rats fed fructose throughout the experiment Dietary fructose aggrevated the symptoms associated with copper deficiency, but starch or glucose ameliorated them. The protective effects were more pronounced with starch than with glucose.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(3):179-185
The effects of ebselen(2-pheny1-1,2-benzoisoselenazol-3(2H)-one), a synthetic seleno-organic compound with glutathione peroxidase-like activity were investigated on lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes. Ebselen inhibited malondialdehyde production coupled to the lipid peroxidation stimulated by either ADP-iron-ascorbate or CC14. The inhibitory activity of ebselen on each system was strongly increased by a 5-min preincubation with liver microsomes; the IC50 values against ADP-Fe-ascorbate-stimulated and CC14-stimulated lipid peroxidation were 1.6/jM and 70 μM respectively. Ebselen also inhibited the endogenous lipid peroxidation with a NADPH-generating system, but it slightly stimulated the endogenous activity of ADP-Fe-ascorbate-stimulated lipid peroxidation (without a NADPH-generating system). Furthermore, ebselen inhibited oxygen uptake coupled to the lipid peroxidation by ADP-Fe-ascorbate and NADPH-ADP-iron; the IC50 values were 2.5μM AND 20.3 μM respectively. Ebselen also prolonged the lag-time of onset of ADP-Fe-ascorbate-stimulated lipid peroxidation significantly, but not that observed with NADPH-ADP-Fe-stimulated lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

骨骼肌细胞和脂肪细胞在分化生长速度上相对竞争的平衡点是猪肉质和胴体性状的决定因素.利用Oligo功能分类芯片检测了瘦肉型的长白猪和脂肪型的太湖猪在初生、1、2、3、4和5月龄间背最长肌中肌肉生长和脂肪沉积相关基因的动态表达变化.差异表达分析结果显示,在初生至5月龄的品种间分别有15、16、11、13、18和20个基因的表达差异倍数大于2倍.品种内的方差分析表明,长白猪分别有18和22个基因,太湖猪分别有3和7个基因在月龄间的表达差异达极显著(P<0.01)和显著水平(P<0.05).主成分分析结果显示,先降后升是两品种内最具代表性的基因表达模式,且长白猪和太湖猪分别有7和6个基因的表达模式明显偏离其他基因,提示其可能受到了重要的调控. 此外,5个差异表达基因的荧光定量RT-PCR验证结果均与芯片结果呈正相关趋势.以上结果筛选出了对于猪肉质和胴体性状可能具有重要影响,值得深入研究的一些候选基因,为深入研究生长发育过程中参与肌纤维生长和脂肪酸合成关键基因的表达变化规律和互作调控机制提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

The method of Goldberg et al. (J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 13, 543, 1952) for phosphorylase was so modified as to yield reproducible and reliable results. Tissues were frozen in liquid nitrogen, sectioned in a cryostat at —22 C, immersed overnight in acetone at dry-ice temperature, coated with celloidin, incubated in a medium containing glucose-1-phosphate, NaF, acetate buffer pH 5.8, and lead nitrate with or without addition of adenosine 5'-phosphate, washed in water, and the stain developed with either dilute ammonium sulfide solution or an aqueous solution of I2-KI, 1:2:300. The technique demonstrates phosphorylase activity in sarcoplasm and in cytoplasm of hepatic cells.  相似文献   

采用离子交换层析和免疫印迹法分离、纯化和分析血红素和苯肼诱导后大鼠肝脏、脑组织.结果显示:纯化诱导后的大鼠肝脏,获得 HO-1和 HO-2,前者活性高于后者为2∶1.未诱导的大鼠肝脏仅获得HO-2,但诱导剂作用后,HO-1活性明显增加,而HO-2未见改变.HO-1和HO-2表观分子质量分别为30 ku和36 ku.诱导剂未作用的肝脏及作用的脑层析后仅获得HO-2活性的洗脱峰.免疫印迹法检测发现大鼠肝脏HO-2抗体与脑HO-2间有交叉反应,与肝脏HO-1无反应.实验表明在诱导剂作用的大鼠肝脏内含HO-1和HO-2同工酶,其中HO-1为诱导型酶.诱导剂作用的脑仅含HO-2.两种构型在表观分子质量,诱导性和免疫化学特性方面明显不同.  相似文献   

Information about lipid content and fatty acid (FA) composition of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatos) edible tissues is very limited in comparison to other meat sources. Thus, this work aims to present the first in-depth characterization of the FA profile of meat, subcutaneous adipose tissue and liver of muskoxen living in West Greenland. Furthermore, we aim to evaluate the effect of sex in the FA composition of these edible tissues. Samples from muscle (Longissimus dorsi), subcutaneous adipose tissue and liver were collected from female and male muskoxen, which were delivered at the butchery in Kangerlussuaq (West Greenland) during the winter hunting season. The lipid content of muscle, adipose tissue and liver averaged 284, 846 and 173 mg/g of dry tissue, respectively. This large lipid contents confirms that in late winter, when forage availability is scarce, muskoxen from West Greenland still have high fat reserves, demonstrating that they are well adapted to seasonal feed restriction. A detailed characterization of FA and dimethylacetal composition of muskoxen muscle, subcutaneous adipose tissue and liver showed that there are little differences on FA composition between sexes. Nevertheless, the 18:1cis-9 was the most abundant FA in muscle and adipose tissue, reaching 43% of total FA in muscle. The high content of 18:1cis-9 suggests that it can be selectively stored in muskoxen tissues. Regarding the nutritional composition of muskoxen edible tissues, they are not a good source of polyunsaturated FA; however, they may contribute to a higher fat intake. Information about the FA composition of muskoxen meat and liver is scarce, so this work can contribute to the characterization of the nutritional fat properties of muskoxen edible tissues and can be also useful to update food composition databases.  相似文献   

Titration curves of ovalbumin and s-ovalbumin were compared in studies of changes in properties of ovalbumin on conversion to s-ovalbumin. Although there are 49 carboxyl groups in ovalbumin, two were not titrated in 0.25 M KCl but on conversion to s-ovalbumin. A similar change was also noted in the two carboxyl groups of ovalbumin in denaturation with guanidine hydrochloride. Liberation of carboxyl groups was noted in ovalbumin samples which were assumed to contain various amounts of intermediate and the isoelectric focusing patterns of these samples also changed. No difference was noted in the both amounts of ionizable amino groups and phenolic hydroxyl groups between ovalbumin and s-ovalbumin. This seems to show that these two groups are not concerned with the liberation of carboxyl groups during ovalbumin-s-ovalbumin transformation.  相似文献   

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