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Talin is a large cytoskeletal protein that couples integrins to F-actin. Three actin-binding sites (ABS1-3) have been reported: one in the N-terminal head, and two in the C-terminal rod domain. Although the C-terminal ABS3 has been partially characterized, the presence and properties of ABS1 within the talin head are less well defined. We show here that the talin head binds F-actin in vitro and in vivo at a specific site within the actin filament. Thus, purified talin head liberated from gizzard talin by calpain cleavage cosediments with F-actin in a low salt buffer at pH 6.4 (conditions that are optimal for binding intact talin), and using recombinant polypeptides, we have mapped ABS1 to the FERM domain within the talin head. Both the F2 and F3 FERM subdomains contribute to binding, and EGFP-tagged FERM subdomains colocalize with actin stress fibers when expressed in COS cells. High-resolution electron microscopy of actin filaments decorated with F2F3 localizes binding to a site that is distinct from that recognized by members of the calponin-homology superfamily. Finally, we show that the FERM domain can couple F-actin to PIPkin, and by inference to integrins, since they bind to the same pocket in the F3 subdomain. This suggests that the talin FERM domain functions as a linker between PIPkin or integrins and F-actin at sites of cell-matrix adhesions.  相似文献   

The interaction between the cytoskeletal proteins talin and vinculin plays a key role in integrin-mediated cell adhesion and migration. We have determined the crystal structures of two domains from the talin rod spanning residues 482–789. Talin 482–655, which contains a vinculin-binding site (VBS), folds into a five-helix bundle whereas talin 656–789 is a four-helix bundle. We show that the VBS is composed of a hydrophobic surface spanning five turns of helix 4. All the key side chains from the VBS are buried and contribute to the hydrophobic core of the talin 482–655 fold. We demonstrate that the talin 482–655 five-helix bundle represents an inactive conformation, and mutations that disrupt the hydrophobic core or deletion of helix 5 are required to induce an active conformation in which the VBS is exposed. We also report the crystal structure of the N-terminal vinculin head domain in complex with an activated form of talin. Activation of the VBS in talin and the recruitment of vinculin may support the maturation of small integrin/talin complexes into more stable adhesions.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions (FAs) are integrin‐containing protein complexes regulated by a network of hundreds of protein–protein interactions. They are formed in a spatiotemporal manner upon the activation of integrin transmembrane receptors, which is crucial to trigger cell adhesion and many other cellular processes including cell migration, spreading and proliferation. Despite decades of studies, a detailed molecular level understanding on how FAs are organized and function is lacking due to their highly complex and dynamic nature. However, advances have been made on studying key integrin activators, talin and kindlin, and their associated proteins, which are major components of nascent FAs critical for initiating the assembly of mature FAs. This review will discuss the structural and functional findings of talin and kindlin and their immediate interaction network, which will shed light upon the architecture of nascent FAs and how they act as seeds for FA assembly to dynamically regulate diverse adhesion‐dependent physiological and pathological responses.  相似文献   

Fundamental to cell adhesion and migration, integrins are large heterodimeric membrane proteins that uniquely mediate inside‐out signal transduction, whereby adhesion to the extracellular matrix is activated from within the cell by direct binding of talin to the cytoplasmic tail of the β integrin subunit. Here, we report the first structure of talin bound to an authentic full‐length β integrin tail. Using biophysical and whole cell measurements, we show that a specific ionic interaction between the talin F3 domain and the membrane–proximal helix of the β tail disrupts an integrin α/β salt bridge that helps maintain the integrin inactive state. Second, we identify a positively charged surface on the talin F2 domain that precisely orients talin to disrupt the heterodimeric integrin transmembrane (TM) complex. These results show key structural features that explain the ability of talin to mediate inside‐out TM signalling.  相似文献   

We have used gene disruption to isolate two talin (−/−) ES cell mutants that contain no intact talin. The undifferentiated cells (a) were unable to spread on gelatin or laminin and grew as rounded colonies, although they were able to spread on fibronectin (b) showed reduced adhesion to laminin, but not fibronectin (c) expressed much reduced levels of β1 integrin, although levels of α5 and αV were wild-type (d) were less polarized with increased membrane protrusions compared with a vinculin (−/−) ES cell mutant (e) were unable to assemble vinculin or paxillin-containing focal adhesions or actin stress fibers on fibronectin, whereas vinculin (−/−) ES cells were able to assemble talin-containing focal adhesions. Both talin (−/−) ES cell mutants formed embryoid bodies, but differentiation was restricted to two morphologically distinct cell types. Interestingly, these differentiated talin (−/−) ES cells were able to spread and form focal adhesion-like structures containing vinculin and paxillin on fibronectin. Moreover, the levels of the β1 integrin subunit were comparable to those in wild-type ES cells. We conclude that talin is essential for β1 integrin expression and focal adhesion assembly in undifferentiated ES cells, but that a subset of differentiated cells are talin independent for both characteristics.  相似文献   

The identification of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in adult human tissues and the disclosure of their self-renew-al and multi-lineage differentiation capabilities have provided exciting prospects for cell-based regeneration and tis-sue engineering. Although a considerable amount of data is available describing MSCs, there is still lack of information regarding the molecular mechanisms that govern their adhesion and migration. In this work, we will review the current state of knowledge on integrins and other adhesion molecules found to be expressed on MSCs. The discussed topics include the characteristics of MSCs and their clinical applications, integrins and their central role in cell-matrix attachment and migration, and comments on mobilization, differentiation and contribution to tumour development. Finally, by understanding the complex and fundamental pathways by which MSCs attach and migrate, it might be possible to fine-tune the strategies for effective and safe use of MSCs in regenerative therapies.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rap1 and the cytoskeletal protein talin regulate binding of C3bi‐opsonised red blood cells (RBC) to integrin αMβ2 in phagocytic cells, although the mechanism has not been investigated. Using COS‐7 cells transfected with αMβ2, we show that Rap1 acts on the β2 and not the αM chain, and that residues 732–761 of the β2 subunit are essential for Rap1‐induced RBC binding. Activation of αMβ2 by Rap1 was dependent on W747 and F754 in the β2 tails, which are required for talin head binding, suggesting a link between Rap1 and talin in this process. Using talin1 knock‐out cells or siRNA‐mediated talin1 knockdown in the THP‐1 monocytic cell line, we show that Rap1 acts upstream of talin but surprisingly, RIAM knockdown had little effect on integrin‐mediated RBC binding or cell spreading. Interestingly, Rap1 and talin influence each other's localisation at phagocytic cups, and co‐immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that they interact together. These results show that Rap1‐mediated activation of αMβ2 in macrophages shares both common and distinct features from Rap1 activation of αIIbβ3 expressed in CHO cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 999–1009, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

FERM domains are found in a diverse superfamily of signaling and adaptor proteins at membrane interfaces. They typically consist of three separately folded domains (F1, F2, F3) in a compact cloverleaf structure. The crystal structure of the N-terminal head of the integrin-associated cytoskeletal protein talin reported here reveals a novel FERM domain with a linear domain arrangement, plus an additional domain F0 packed against F1. While F3 binds β-integrin tails, basic residues in F1 and F2 are required for membrane association and for integrin activation. We show that these same residues are also required for cell spreading and focal adhesion assembly in cells. We suggest that the extended conformation of the talin head allows simultaneous binding to integrins via F3 and to PtdIns(4,5)P2-enriched microdomains via basic residues distributed along one surface of the talin head, and that these multiple interactions are required to stabilize integrins in the activated state.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic ubiquitin and ubiquitin‐like systems play crucial roles in various cellular biological processes. In this work, we determined the solution structure of SAMP1 from Haloferax volcanii by NMR spectroscopy. Under low ionic conditions, SAMP1 presented two distinct conformations, one folded β‐grasp and the other disordered. Interestingly, SAMP1 underwent a conformational conversion from disorder to order with ion concentration increasing, indicating that the ordered conformation is the functional form of SAMP1 under the physiological condition of H. volcanii. Furthermore, SAMP1 could interact with proteasome‐activating nucleotidase B, supposing a potential role of SAMP1 in the protein degradation pathway mediated by proteasome.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-like modifications are important mechanisms in cellular regulation, and are carried out through several steps with reaction intermediates being thioester conjugates of ubiquitin-like proteins with E1, E2, and sometimes E3. Despite their importance, a thorough characterization of the intrinsic stability of these thioester intermediates has been lacking. In this study, we investigated the intrinsic stability by using a model compound and the Ubc9∼SUMO-1 thioester conjugate. The Ubc9∼SUMO-1 thioester intermediate has a half life of approximately 3.6 h (hydrolysis rate k = 5.33 ± 2.8 ×10−5 s−1), and the stability decreased slightly under denaturing conditions (k = 12.5 ± 1.8 × 10−5 s−1), indicating a moderate effect of the three-dimensional structural context on the stability of these intermediates. Binding to active and inactive E3, (RanBP2) also has only a moderate effect on the hydrolysis rate (13.8 ± 0.8 × 10−5 s−1 for active E3 versus 7.38 ± 0.7 × 10−5 s−1 for inactive E3). The intrinsically high stability of these intermediates suggests that unwanted thioester intermediates may be eliminated enzymatically, such as by thioesterases, to regulate their intracellular abundance and trafficking in the control of ubiquitin-like modifications.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin (Ub) and the ubiquitin‐like proteins (Ubls) comprise a remarkable assortment of polypeptides that are covalently conjugated to target proteins (or other biomolecules) to modulate their intracellular localization, half‐life, and/or activity. Identification of Ub/Ubl conjugation sites on a protein of interest can thus be extremely important for understanding how it is regulated. While MS has become a powerful tool for the study of many classes of PTMs, the identification of Ub/Ubl conjugation sites presents a number of unique challenges. Here, we present an improved Ub/Ubl conjugation site identification strategy, utilizing SUMmOn analysis and an additional protease (lysyl endopeptidase C), as a complement to standard approaches. As compared with standard trypsin proteolysis‐database search protocols alone, the addition of SUMmOn analysis can (i) identify Ubl conjugation sites that are not detected by standard database searching methods, (ii) better preserve Ub/Ubl conjugate identity, and (iii) increase the number of identifications of Ub/Ubl modifications in lysine‐rich protein regions. Using this methodology, we characterize for the first time a number of novel Ubl linkages and conjugation sites, including alternative yeast (K54) and mammalian small ubiquitin‐related modifier (SUMO) chain (SUMO‐2 K42, SUMO‐3 K41) assemblies, as well as previously unreported NEDD8 chain (K27, K33, and K54) topologies.  相似文献   

Post‐translational modification of proteins with prokaryotic ubiquitin‐like protein (Pup) is the bacterial equivalent of ubiquitination in eukaryotes. Mycobacterial pupylation is a two‐step process in which the carboxy‐terminal glutamine of Pup is first deamidated by Dop (deamidase of Pup) before ligation of the generated γ‐carboxylate to substrate lysines by the Pup ligase PafA. In this study, we identify a new feature of the pupylation system by demonstrating that Dop also acts as a depupylase in the Pup proteasome system in vivo and in vitro. Dop removes Pup from substrates by specific cleavage of the isopeptide bond. Depupylation can be enhanced by the unfolding activity of the mycobacterial proteasomal ATPase Mpa.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions play an important role in promoting embryo invasion; in particular, focal adhesions disassemble at the time of implantation in the rat, facilitating the detachment of the uterine luminal epithelium to allow the embryo to invade the endometrium. This study investigated focal adhesion protein, focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in the rat uterine luminal, and glandular epithelial cells to understand the dynamics of focal adhesions during early pregnancy. FAK undergoes extensive distributional change during early pregnancy, and surprisingly, FAK was not localized at the site of focal adhesions, instead being localized to the site of cell‐to‐cell contact and colocalizing with ZO‐1 on day 1 of pregnancy. At the time of implantation, FAK increases in the apical region of the uterine luminal epithelial cells which was regulated by progesterone. Using an in vitro co‐culture model of rat blastocysts attached to Ishikawa cells, FAK was present apically both in the rat blastocyst and the Ishikawa cells, suggesting a role in attachment andin mediating signal transduction between these two genetically different cell types. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hemerythrin‐like proteins have generally been studied for their ability to reversibly bind oxygen through their binuclear nonheme iron centers. However, in recent years, it has become increasingly evident that some members of the hemerythrin‐like superfamily also participate in many other biological processes. For instance, the binuclear nonheme iron site of YtfE, a hemerythrin‐like protein involved in the repair of iron centers in Escherichia coli, catalyzes the reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide, and the human F‐box/LRR‐repeat protein 5, which contains a hemerythrin‐like domain, is involved in intracellular iron homeostasis. Furthermore, structural data on hemerythrin‐like domains from two proteins of unknown function, PF0695 from Pyrococcus furiosus and NMB1532 from Neisseria meningitidis, show that the cation‐binding sites, typical of hemerythrin, can be absent or be occupied by metal ions other than iron. To systematically investigate this functional and structural diversity of the hemerythrin‐like superfamily, we have collected hemerythrin‐like sequences from a database comprising fully sequenced proteomes and generated a cluster map based on their all‐against‐all pairwise sequence similarity. Our results show that the hemerythrin‐like superfamily comprises a large number of protein families which can be classified into three broad groups on the basis of their cation‐coordinating residues: (a) signal‐transduction and oxygen‐carrier hemerythrins (H‐HxxxE‐HxxxH‐HxxxxD); (b) hemerythrin‐like (H‐HxxxE‐H‐HxxxE); and, (c) metazoan F‐box proteins (H‐HExxE‐H‐HxxxE). Interestingly, all but two hemerythrin‐like families exhibit internal sequence and structural symmetry, suggesting that a duplication event may have led to the origin of the hemerythrin domain.  相似文献   

The muscleblind‐like (MBNL) proteins 1, 2, and 3, which contain four CCCH zinc finger motifs (ZF1–4), are involved in the differentiation of muscle inclusion by controlling the splicing patterns of several pre‐mRNAs. Especially, MBNL1 plays a crucial role in myotonic dystrophy. The CCCH zinc finger is a sequence motif found in many RNA binding proteins and is suggested to play an important role in the recognition of RNA molecules. Here, we solved the solution structures of both tandem zinc finger (TZF) motifs, TZF12 (comprising ZF1 and ZF2) and TZF34 (ZF3 and ZF4), in MBNL2 from Homo sapiens. In TZF12 of MBNL2, ZF1 and ZF2 adopt a similar fold, as reported previously for the CCCH‐type zinc fingers in the TIS11d protein. The linker between ZF1 and ZF2 in MBNL2 forms an antiparallel β‐sheet with the N‐terminal extension of ZF1. Furthermore, ZF1 and ZF2 in MBNL2 interact with each other through hydrophobic interactions. Consequently, TZF12 forms a single, compact global fold, where ZF1 and ZF2 are approximately symmetrical about the C2 axis. The structure of the second tandem zinc finger (TZF34) in MBNL2 is similar to that of TZF12. This novel three‐dimensional structure of the TZF domains in MBNL2 provides a basis for functional studies of the CCCH‐type zinc finger motifs in the MBNL protein family.  相似文献   

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