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One feature of the mammalian circadian clock, situated in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), is its ability to measure day length and thereby contribute to the seasonal adaptation of physiology and behavior. The timing signal from the SCN, namely the 24 hr pattern of electrical activity, is adjusted according to the photoperiod being broader in long days and narrower in short days. Vasoactive intestinal peptide and gamma-aminobutyric acid play a crucial role in intercellular communication within the SCN and contribute to the seasonal changes in phase distribution. However, little is known about the underlying ionic mechanisms of synchronization. The present study was aimed to identify cellular mechanisms involved in seasonal encoding by the SCN. Mice were adapted to long-day (light–dark 16:8) and short-day (light–dark 8:16) photoperiods and membrane properties as well as K+ currents activity of SCN neurons were measured using patch-clamp recordings in acute slices. Remarkably, we found evidence for a photoperiodic effect on the fast delayed rectifier K+ current, that is, the circadian modulation of this ion channel’s activation reversed in long days resulting in 50% higher peak values during the night compared with the unaltered day values. Consistent with fast delayed rectifier enhancement, duration of action potentials during the night was shortened and afterhyperpolarization potentials increased in amplitude and duration. The slow delayed rectifier, transient K+ currents, and membrane excitability were not affected by photoperiod. We conclude that photoperiod can change intrinsic ion channel properties of the SCN neurons, which may influence cellular communication and contribute to photoperiodic phase adjustment.  相似文献   

哺乳动物的昼夜节律是基因编码的分子钟在体内产生的一种以大约24 h为周期的生理现象,使机体的生理过程与外界环境的变化相协调,是对环境适应的一种表现.在哺乳动物中,繁殖生理功能受生物钟系统的调节.在下丘脑-垂体-卵巢(hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian,HPO)轴的各组织中均已观察到生物钟基因的...  相似文献   

生物体通过内在的昼夜节律生物钟调整生理行为和代谢生化反应来适应昼夜环境周期性变化。哺乳动物的昼夜节律生物钟核心连锁环通过驱动特异性的转录因子来维持整个基因组转录的节律性。生物钟与代谢的内稳态密切相关,生物钟的紊乱会引起各种疾病,该领域的研究能够促进时间疗法的发展来维持生命的健康,甚至可以延缓衰老。  相似文献   

Wang GQ  Fu CL  Li JX  Du YZ  Tong J 《生理学报》2006,58(4):359-364
本研究旨在观察和比较视交叉上核(suprachiasmatic nucleus,SCN)与松果体(pineal gland,pG)中Clock基因内源性昼夜转录变化规律以及光照对其的影响。Sprague-Dawley大鼠在持续黑暗(constant darkness,DD)和12h光照:12h黑暗交替(12hourlight:12hour-darkcycle,LD)光制下分别被饲养8周(n=36)和4周n=36)后,在一昼夜内每隔4h采集一组SCN和PG组织(n=6),提取总RNA,用竞争性定量RT-PCR测定不同昼夜时点(circadian times.CT or zeitgeber times.ZT)各样品中Clock基因的mRNA相对表达量,通过余弦法和ClockLab软件获取节律参数,并经振幅检验是否存在昼夜节律性转录变化。结果如下:(1)SCN中Clock基因mRNA的转录在DD光制下呈现昼低夜高节律性振荡变化(P〈0.05),PG中Clock基因的转录也显示相似的内源性节律外观,即峰值出现于主观夜晚(SCN为CTl5,PG为CT18),谷值位于主观白天(SCN为CT3,PG为CT6)(P〉0.05)。(2)LD光制下SCN中Clock基因的转录也具有昼夜节律性振荡(P〈0.05),但与其DD光制下节律外观相比,呈现反时相节律变化(P〈0.05),且其表达的振幅及峰值的mRNA水平均增加(P〈0.05),而PG中Clock基因在LD光制下转录的相应节律参数变化却恰恰相反(P〈0.05)。(3)在LD光制下,光照使PG中Clock基因转录的节律外观反时相于SCN(P〈0.05),即在SCN和PG的峰值分别出现于光照期ZT10和黑暗期ZT17,谷值分别位于黑暗期ZT22和光照期ZT5。结果表明,Clock基因的昼夜转录在SCN和PG中存在同步的内源性节律本质,而光导引在这两个中枢核团调节Clock基因昼夜节律性转录方面有着不同的作用。  相似文献   

Many neurological disorders are associated with abnormal oscillatory dynamics. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is responsible for the timing and synchronization of physiological processes. We performed experiments on PERIOD2::LUCIFERASE transgenic “knock-in” mice. In these mice, a gene that is expressed in a circadian pattern is fused to an inserted gene that codes for luciferase, which is a bioluminescent enzyme. A one-time 3 min magnetic stimulation (MS) was applied to excised slices of the SCN. The MS consisted of a 50-mT field that was turned on and off 4,500 times. The rise time and fall time of the field were 75 μs. A photon count that extended over the full 5 days that the slice remained viable, subsequently revealed how the MS affected the circadian cycle. The MS was applied at points in the circadian cycle that correspond to either maximal or minimal bioluminescence. It was found that both the amplitude and period of the endogenous circadian oscillation are affected by MS and that the effects strongly depend on where in the circadian cycle the stimulation was applied. Our MS dose is in the same range as clinically applied doses, and our findings imply that transcranial MS may be instrumental in remedying disorders that originate in circadian rhythm abnormalities. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:63–72 © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Daily rhythms in mammals are controlled by the circadian system, which is a collection of biological clocks regulated by a central pacemaker within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus. Changes in SCN function have pronounced consequences for behaviour and physiology; however, few studies have examined whether individual differences in circadian behaviour reflect changes in SCN function. Here, PERIOD2::LUCIFERASE mice were exposed to a behavioural assay to characterize individual differences in baseline entrainment, rate of re-entrainment and free-running rhythms. SCN slices were then collected for ex vivo bioluminescence imaging to gain insight into how the properties of the SCN clock influence individual differences in behavioural rhythms. First, individual differences in the timing of locomotor activity rhythms were positively correlated with the timing of SCN rhythms. Second, slower adjustment during simulated jetlag was associated with a larger degree of phase heterogeneity among SCN neurons. Collectively, these findings highlight the role of the SCN network in determining individual differences in circadian behaviour. Furthermore, these results reveal novel ways that the network organization of the SCN influences plasticity at the behavioural level, and lend insight into potential interventions designed to modulate the rate of resynchronization during transmeridian travel and shift work.  相似文献   

为探讨多能性转录因子OCT4和SOX2在昆明小鼠(Mus musculus)2-细胞胚胎发育过程中与2-细胞胚胎阻滞发生的相关性,本研究应用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测了小鼠卵母细胞及在M16培养液中培养的不同发育阶段体外受精胚Oct4和Sox2基因的表达,并利用实时荧光定量PCR和免疫荧光技术比较了2-细胞胚、2-细胞阻滞胚和4-细胞胚的OCT4和SOX2的表达与定位。采用ANOVA对实验所得的数据进行分析,P0.05被认为是具有显著性差异。研究结果显示,2-细胞胚只有24.8%发育成4-细胞胚,75.2%的2-细胞胚发生了阻滞。Sox2和Oct4的m RNA在MⅡ期卵母细胞、原核胚、2-细胞胚、4-细胞胚、桑椹胚和囊胚中都有表达。Oct4 m RNA的表达水平在4-细胞胚显著高于2-细胞胚和2-细胞阻滞胚(P0.05),Sox2 m RNA的表达水平在2-细胞胚显著高于2-细胞阻滞胚和4-细胞胚(P0.05),而后两者之间没有差异(P0.05)。OCT4蛋白在2-细胞胚和4-细胞胚中与核共定位,但在2-细胞阻滞胚中弥散存在于胞质中。SOX2蛋白在以上3类胚胎中始终定位于细胞核。上述结果提示,转录因子OCT4和SOX2的表达和定位与小鼠2-细胞胚胎发育阻滞相关,母源性SOX2表达的维持对胚胎合子基因组激活(ZGA)的发生具有重要作用,母源性OCT4的异常定位可能影响了合子基因组激活相关基因的激活,而合子中Oct4的表达影响合子基因组激活后胚胎的发育。  相似文献   

1. Alzheimer's disease is associated with circadian rhythm disturbances, probably because of beta amyloid-induced neuronal damage of hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN).2. Since there is no published study on the circadian consequences of injecting beta amyloid peptide in experimental animals, one objective of the present study was to examine circadian locomotor activity in Syrian hamsters injected with beta amyloid peptide 25–35 into both SCN.3. Because one of the proposed therapies for circadian alterations in dementia is the administration of melatonin, a chronobiotic agent with antioxidant properties, the preventive effect of melatonin on the circadian changes produced by beta amyloid microinjection into SCN was also assessed.4. Wheel running activity was recorded by using the Dataquest III system in male golden hamsters kept under 14:10 light–dark photoperiods. Animals received microinjections of beta amyloid peptide 25–35 (100 M solution, 1 L) or saline in each SCN. Only those animals with neuronal lesions larger than 10% of SCN after beta amyloid injection were considered for further analysis.5. To assess the effect of melatonin on beta-amyloid peptide activity, melatonin was given in the drinking water (25 g/mL) starting 15 days in advance to the microinjection of beta amyloid peptide into SCN.6. Beta amyloid-treated hamsters exhibited a significant phase advance of onset of running activity of about 22 min as compared to saline-injected animals. They also showed a significantly greater variability in onset time of wheel running activity, mainly evident from 6 to 15 days of treatment.7. Melatonin administration in the drinking water prevented the phase advance of onset time and the increased variability of onset time brought about by beta amyloid peptide.8. The results support the existence of a neuroprotective effect of melatonin on beta amyloid-induced circadian changes in hamsters.  相似文献   

A Clock polymorphism T to C situated in the 3′ untranslated region (3′‐UTR) has been associated with human diurnal preference. At first, Clock 3111C had been reported as a marker for evening preference. However these data are controversial, and data both corroborating and denying them have been reported. This study hypothesizes that differences in Clock genotypes could be observed if extreme morning‐type subjects were compared with extreme evening‐type subjects, and the T3111C and T257G polymorphisms were studied. The possible relationship between both polymorphisms and delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) was also investigated. An interesting and almost complete linkage disequilibrium between the polymorphisms T257G in the 5′ UTR region and the T3111C in the 3′ UTR region of the Clock gene is described. Almost always, a G in position 257 corresponds to a C in position 3111, and a T in position 257 corresponds to a T in position 3111. The possibility of an interaction of these two regions in the Clock messenger RNA structure that could affect gene expression was analyzed using computer software. The analyses did not reveal an interaction between those two regions, and it is unlikely that this full allele correspondence affects Clock gene expression. These results show that there is no association between either polymorphism T3111C or T257G in the Clock gene with diurnal preference or delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS). These controversial data could result from the possible effects of latitude and clock genes interaction on circadian phenotypes.  相似文献   

Biological clock components have been detected in many epithelial tissues of the digestive tract of mammals (oral mucosa, pancreas, and liver), suggesting the existence of peripheral circadian clocks that may be entrainable by food. Our aim was to investigate the expression of main peripheral clock genes in colonocytes of healthy humans and in human colon carcinoma cell lines. The presence of clock components was investigated in single intact colonic crypts isolated by chelation from the biopsies of 25 patients (free of any sign of colonic lesions) undergoing routine colonoscopy and in cell lines of human colon carcinoma (Caco2 and HT29 clone 19A). Per‐1, per‐2, and clock mRNA were detected by real‐time RT‐PCR. The three‐dimensional distributions of PER‐1, PER‐2, CLOCK, and BMAL1 proteins were recorded along colonic crypts by immunofluorescent confocal imaging. We demonstrate the presence of per‐1, per‐2, and clock mRNA in samples prepared from colonic crypts of 5 patients and in all cell lines. We also demonstrate the presence of two circadian clock proteins, PER‐1 and CLOCK, in human colonocytes on crypts isolated from 20 patients (15 patients for PER‐1 and 6 for CLOCK) and in colon carcinoma cells. Establishing the presence of clock proteins in human colonic crypts is the first step toward the study of the regulation of the intestinal circadian clock by nutrients and feeding rhythms.  相似文献   

Prokineticin 2 (PK2) has been indicated as an output signaling molecule for the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) circadian clock. Most of these studies were performed with nocturnal animals, particularly mice and rats. In the current study, the PK2 and its receptor, PKR2, was cloned from a species of diurnal macaque monkey. The macaque monkey PK2 and PKR2 were found to be highly homologous to that of other mammalian species. The mRNA expression of PK2 and PKR2 in the macaque brain was examined by in situ hybridization. The expression patterns of PK2 and PKR2 in the macaque brain were found to be quite similar to that of the mouse brain. Particularly, PK2 mRNA was shown to oscillate in the SCN of the macaque brain in the same phase and with similar amplitude with that of nocturnal mouse brain. PKR2 expression was also detected in known primary SCN targets, including the midline thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei. In addition, we detected the expression of PKR2 mRNA in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) of both macaque and mouse brains. As a likely SCN to dorsal raphe projection has previously been indicated, the expression of PKR2 in the raphe nuclei of both macaque and mouse brain signifies a possible role of DR as a previously unrecognized primary SCN projection target.  相似文献   

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