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As part of a programme of comparative measurements of P d (diffusional water permeability) the RBCs (red blood cells) from an aquatic monotreme, platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), and an aquatic reptile, saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) were studied. The mean diameter of platypus RBCs was estimated by light microscopy and found to be ~6.3 μm. P d was measured by using an Mn2+‐doping 1H NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) technique. The P d (cm/s) values were relatively low: ~2.1×10?3 at 25°C, 2.5×10?3 at 30°C, 3.4×10?3 at 37°C and 4.5 at 42°C for the platypus RBCs and ~2.8×10?3 at 25°C, 3.2×10?3 at 30°C, 4.5×10?3 at 37°C and 5.7×10?3 at 42°C for the crocodile RBCs. In parallel with the low water permeability, the E a,d (activation energy of water diffusion) was relatively high, ~35 kJ/mol. These results suggest that “conventional” WCPs (water channel proteins), or AQPs (aquaporins), are probably absent from the plasma membranes of RBCs from both the platypus and the saltwater crocodile.  相似文献   

As part of a programme of comparative measurements of diffusional water permeability (Pd) the red blood cells (RBC) from Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) were studied. The cell dimensions were measured with light and electron microscopy, and by a newly described non-invasive technique, NMR q-space analysis. In view of its relative novelty for cell biologists, an overview of this technique is presented. The RBC revealed an ellipsoidal shape that is characteristic of avian RBC, with axis lengths ("diameters") estimated to be: a=16.0 microm; b=9.6 microm; c=5.0 microm. The values of P(d)were: 2.0 x 10(-3)cm s(-1)at 5 degrees C, 3.3 x 10(-3)cm s(-1)at 10 degrees C, 4.6 x 10(-3)cm s(-1)at 15 degrees C and approximately 5.4 x 10(-3)cm s(-1)at 20, 25, 30, 37 and 42 degrees C.There was a lack of inhibition of water permeability by p-chloromercuribenzensulfonate (PCMBS), the well-known inhibitor of RBC aquaporin. It was notable that in the temperature range 5-20 degrees C the NMR parameters, and hence the permeability, varied linearly as is found for other species, but at temperatures higher than 20 degrees C there was no temperature-dependence of Pd. Consequently, there was an obvious break at approximately 20 degrees C in the Arrhenius plot, of the mean residence life time of water inside the cells, 1/Te, versus temperature. For temperatures less than 20 degrees C the activation energy E(a,d) was 45.6 +/- 6.6 kJ/mol. For temperatures higher than 25 degrees C E(a,d) was zero. The lack of inhibition of water permeability by PCMBS and the very high value of E(a,d) for diffusive water exchange suggests that the water permeation occurs primarily via the membrane bilayer per se, i.e., there is no aquaporin in Little Penguin RBC. The discontinuity at approximately 20 degrees C in the Arrhenius plot is an interesting finding, not seen before in other species, and we suggest that it reflects a phase transition in the membrane lipids.  相似文献   

The polypeptide pattern of red blood cell (RBC) membranes from cow, sheep, horse, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, mouse, analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was compared to human RBC counterpart. Some qualitative and quantitative differences were noted. Among the high molecular weight components the bands 2.1- 2.3 appeared slightly decreased in rabbit and rat and increased in sheep RBC membranes. Band 3 appeared to have a higher molecular weight in the cow, guinea pig and mouse RBCs, and a lower molecular weight in the sheep RBCs. Band 4.1 from the RBC membranes of cow, sheep, rabbit and guinea pig was splitted into two sub-bands, while band 4.2 overlapped with band 4.1 in horse and guinea pig RBC membranes. There are marked differences in the number and position of bands in the 4.5 region, while band 4.9 is present in higher amounts in horse, rabbit and guinea pig RBC membranes. Band 6 (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) was undetectable in horse, rat and mouse RBC membranes and was decreased in sheep, rabbit and guinea pig. There are also major differences in the region of band 7 and below ("post-7"). Band 8 was undetectable in horse, cow and guinea pig, and was in higher amounts in rat. A band corresponding to a molecular weight of about 22 kD in the "post-8" region was present only in guinea pig RBC membranes.  相似文献   

The cell membrane permeability governs the rate of solute transport into and out of the cell, significantly affecting the cell's metabolic processes, viability, and potential usefulness in both biotechnological applications and physiological systems. Most previous studies of the cell membrane permeability have neglected the possible effects of suspending medium on membrane transport, even though there is extensive experimental evidence that suspending phase composition can significantly affect other properties related to the cell membrane (e.g., cell deformability, fragility, and aggregation rate). This study examined the effects of suspending phase composition (both proteins and electrolytes) on the permeability of human red blood cells to the metabolites creatinine and uric acid. Data were obtained using a stirred ultrafiltration device with direct cell- and proteinfree sampling through a semipermeable membrane. Both the uric acid and creatinine permeabilities were strongly affected by the suspending phase composition, with the permeabilities in different buffer solutions varying by as much as a factor of three. The predominant factors affecting the permeability were the presence (or absence) of chloride, phosphate/adenine, and proteins, although the magnitude and even the direction of these effects were significantly different for creatinine and uric acid transport. The dramatic differences in behavior for uric acid and creatinine reflect the different transport mechanisms for these solutes, with uric acid transported by a carrier-mediated mechanism and creatinine transported by passive diffusion through the lipid bilayer. These results provide important insights into the effects of solution environment on cell membrane transport and other cell membrane-mediated properties. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

RBCs (red blood cells) circulating through narrow blood capillaries withstand major deformation. The mechanical and chemical stresses commonly exerted on RBCs continue to attract interest for the study of membrane structure and function. Snake venoms are lethal biochemical 'cocktails' that often contain haemotoxins, metalloproteinases, myotoxins, neurotoxins, phosphodiesterases, phospholipases and proteases. We have monitored the effects of 4 snake venoms (Pseudechis guttatus, Oxyuranus scutellatus, Notechis scutatus and Naja kaouthia) on human RBCs using NMR spectroscopy, DIC (differential interference contrast) and confocal light microscopy. RBCs underwent reproducible stomatocytosis, with unusual geographical-like indentations, spherocytosis, followed by rapid lysis. Confocal micrographs using a fluorescent dye linked to phalloidin showed that the change in morphology was associated with the aggregation of actin in the cytoskeleton. (31)P NMR saturation transfer experiments recorded transport of the univalent anion HPA (hypophosphite) on a subsecond time scale, thereby reporting on the function of capnophorin or Band 3 linked to the cytoskeleton; anion-exchange activity was substantially reduced by venom treatment. We propose a molecular-cytological hypothesis for the shape and functional changes that is different from, or supplementary to, the more 'traditional' bilayer-couple hypothesis more often used to account for similar morphological changes invoked by other reagents.  相似文献   

Summary As 15% of band 3 protein, the assumed chloride channel, is associated with spectrin, the major peripheral protein of a lattice located at the red cell membrane-cytosol interface, the present study was undertaken to evaluate whether a rearrangement of the lattice modifies the functional property of band 3 protein. Such a rearrangement was modulated by depletion of cell ATP and/or by accumulation of Ca2+ ions within the cell.ATP depletion induces an inhibition of the electroneutral one-for-one chloride exchanges. Neither the modification of red cell morphology due to ATP depletion (discocyte-echinocyte transformation) nor a direct effect of the decrease in internal ATP level can account for this inhibition. On the other hand, it seems reasonable to consider that inhibition is related to the changes in membrane protein organization (formation of heteropolymers) induced by the decrease in ATP level. But it does not appear that the degree of inhibition is modified when this altered assembly of membrane protein is stabilized by disulfide linkages.Accumulation of Ca2+ ions in the cell at a relatively low concentration (10m range) inhibits chloride exchange without apparent modification of the assembly of membrane proteins. This effect of calcium on chloride exchanges is speculatively denoted as a direct effect of calcium.Calcium loading of fresh red cells at higher concentrations (500 to 1000 m) obtained by use of the ionophore A23187 induces a very strong inhibition of chloride exchanges. In this case, inhibition can be reasonably accounted for by two simultaneous effects of calcium: a direct effect which explains half of the inhibition and an indirect effect due to the formation of membrane protein complexes stabilized by covalent crosslinkages (activation by Ca2+ ions of a transglutaminase).It is interesting to note that intracellular calcium, whatever the level, inhibits electroneutral exchanges of chloride but increases net chloride movements.  相似文献   

Red blood cells contain a protein that activates membrane-bound (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ transport. The red blood cell activator protein is similar to a modulator protein that stimulates cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase. Wang and Desai [Journal of Biological Chemistry 252:4175–4184, 1977] described a modulator-binding protein that antagonizes the activation of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase by modulator protein. In the present work, modulator-binding protein was shown to antagonize the activation of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ transport by red blood cell activator protein. The results further demonstrate the similarity between the activator protein from human red blood cells and the modulator protein from bovine brain.  相似文献   

The precise nature of band 3 protein and its involvement in oxalate exchange in the red blood cells (RBCs) of renal failure patients has not been studied in detail. Therefore, here we studied the oxalate exchange and binding by band 3 protein in RBCs of humans with conditions of acute and chronic renal failure (ARF and CRF). The RBCs of ARF and CRF patients exhibited abnormal red cell morphology and an increased resistance to osmotic hemolysis. Further, an increase in the cholesterol content and decrease in the activities of Na+-K+-, Ca2+-, and Mg2+-ATPases of membranes were observed in the RBCs of ARF and CRF patients. A decrease in the oxalate flux was observed in the RBCs of ARF and CRF patients. The oxalate-binding activities of the RBC membranes were significantly lower in ARF (20 pmoles/mg protein) and CRF (5.3 pmoles/mg protein) patients as compared to that in the normal subjects (36 pmoles/mg protein). DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-200 column chromatography purification profiles revealed a distinctive shift in oxalate-binding activity of band 3 protein of RBCs of ARF and CRF patients as compared to that of the normal subjects. It was also observed from the binding studies with a fluorescent dye, eosin-5-maleimide, which specifically binds to band 3 protein, that the RBCs of ARF and CRF patients exhibited only 53 and 32% of abundance of band 3 protein, respectively, as compared to that in the RBCs of the normal subjects, thus revealing a decrease in the band 3 protein content in ARF and CRF patients. These results for the first time showed a decrease in the oxalate exchange in RBCs of patients with ARF and CRF, which was also concomitant with the low levels of abundance of band 3 protein.  相似文献   

Thioltransferase (glutaredoxin) was purified from human red blood cells essentially as described previously (Mieyal JJ et al., 1991a, Biochemistry 30:6088-6097). The primary sequence of the HPLC-pure enzyme was determined by tandem mass spectrometry and found to represent a 105-amino acid protein of molecular weight 11,688 Da. The physicochemical and catalytic properties of this enzyme are common to the group of proteins called glutaredoxins among the family of thiol:disulfide oxidoreductases that also includes thioredoxin and protein disulfide isomerase. Although this human red blood cell glutaredoxin (hRBC Grx) is highly homologous to the 3 other mammalian Grx proteins whose sequences are known (calf thymus, rabbit bone marrow, and pig liver), there are a number of significant differences. Most notably an additional cysteine residue (Cys-7) occurs near the N-terminus of the human enzyme in place of a serine residue in the other proteins. In addition, residue 51 of hRBC Grx displayed a mixture of Asp and Asn. This result is consistent with isoelectric focusing analysis, which revealed 2 distinct bands for either the oxidized or reduced forms of the protein. Because the enzyme was prepared from blood combined from a number of individual donors, it is not clear whether this Asp/Asn ambiguity represents inter-individual variation, gene duplication, or a deamidation artifact of purification.  相似文献   

Many membrane peptides and protein domains contain functionally important cationic Arg and Lys residues, whose insertion into the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer encounters significant energy barriers. To understand how these cationic molecules overcome the free energy barrier to insert into the lipid membrane, we have used solid-state NMR spectroscopy to determine the membrane-bound topology of these peptides. A versatile array of solid-state NMR experiments now readily yields the conformation, dynamics, orientation, depth of insertion, and site-specific protein-lipid interactions of these molecules. We summarize key findings of several Arg-rich membrane peptides, including β-sheet antimicrobial peptides, unstructured cell-penetrating peptides, and the voltage-sensing helix of voltage-gated potassium channels. Our results indicate the central role of guanidinium-phosphate and guanidinium-water interactions in dictating the structural topology of these cationic molecules in the lipid membrane, which in turn account for the mechanisms of this functionally diverse class of membrane peptides.  相似文献   

Several factors have been proposed to influence the red blood cell storage lesion including storage duration, blood component manufacturing methodology, and donor characteristics [1,18]. The objectives of this study were to determine the impact of manufacturing method and donor characteristics on water permeability and membrane quality parameters.Red blood cell units were obtained from volunteer blood donors and grouped according to the manufacturing method and donor characteristics of sex and age. Membrane water permeability and membrane quality parameters, including deformability, hemolysis, osmotic fragility, hematologic indices, supernatant potassium, and supernatant sodium, were determined on day 5 ± 2, day 21, and day 42. Regression analysis was applied to evaluate the contribution of storage duration, manufacturing method, and donor characteristics on storage lesion.This study found that units processed using a whole blood filtration manufacturing method exhibited significantly higher membrane water permeability throughout storage compared to units manufactured using red cell filtration. Additionally, significant differences in hemolysis, supernatant potassium, and supernatant sodium were seen between manufacturing methods, however there were no significance differences between donor age and sex groups.Findings of this study suggest that the membrane-related storage lesion is initiated prior to the first day of storage with contributions by both blood manufacturing process and donor variability. The findings of this work highlight the importance of characterizing membrane water permeability during storage as it can be a predictor of the biophysical and chemical changes that affect the quality of stored red blood cells during hypothermic storage.  相似文献   

Hemolysin E (HlyE), a pore-forming protein-toxin and a potential virulence factor of Escherichia coli, exhibits cytotoxic activity to mammalian cells. However, very little is known about how the different individual segments contribute in the toxic activity of the protein. Toward this end, the role of a 33-residue segment comprising the amino acid region 88 to 120, which contains the putative transmembrane domain in the tail region of HlyE has been addressed in the toxic activity of the protein-toxin by characterizing the related wild type and mutant peptides and the whole protein. Along with the 33-residue wild type peptide, H-88, two mutants of the same size were synthesized; in one mutant a conserved valine at 89th position was replaced by aspartic acid and in the other both glycine and valine at the 88th and 89th positions were substituted by aspartic acid residues. These mutations were also incorporated in the whole toxin HlyE. Results showed that only H-88 but not its mutants permeabilized both lipid vesicles and human red blood cells (hRBCs). Interestingly, while H-88 exhibited a moderate lytic activity to human red blood cells, the mutants were not active. Drastic reduction in the depolarization of hRBCs and hemolytic activity of the whole toxin HlyE was also observed as a result of the same double and single amino acid substitution in it. The results indicate an important role of the amino acid segment 88-120, containing the putative transmembrane domain of the tail region of the toxin in the toxic activity of hemolysin E.  相似文献   

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