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A new species of Cattiena Hunt & Spiridonov, 2001 from a diplopod (Spirobolida: Pseudospirobolellidae Brolemann) collected near Sa Pa, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam, is described. Females of Cattiena fansipanis n. sp. are closely related to females of two other known species of the genus, C. trachelomegali Hunt & Spiridonov, 2001 and C. trigoniuli Hunt & Spiridonov, 2001, but can be distinguished by the distinctly more anterior position of the vulva, abrupt constriction of the body at the vulval level, presence of two swollen portions of the oviducts, and longer body and tail. Males of new species differ by having a rounded cephalic region followed by 13–14 annules which are larger than those which follow them, a different size and shape of the spicules and gubernaculum, and body and tail length. Three size groups of juveniles were found in the host gut lumen, presumably representing second, third and fourth juvenile stages. The morphology of the juvenile stages is described.  相似文献   

Yamasinaium noduligerum is a Japanese fungivorous millipede that is usually found on decaying logs fallen on the forest floor. Here we present observations on paternal egg-brooding behavior in this species. At the end of May to early June, we found males with eggs on the bark of the underside of fallen decaying logs and in old burrows and galleries excavated by wood-dwelling insects under the bark of the logs. The males showed a typical brooding posture where they curl the anterior part of the body around the egg mass. The egg masses contained, on average, 30.2 ± 13.7 (SD) eggs. The brooding males showed no aggressive responses when disturbed.  相似文献   

Millipedes tend to have a near random dispersion pattern when surface active. Only in a few species do juvenile stadia form dense swarms. This study describes the occurrence and composition of aggregations in an adult population of the tropical spirostreptid millipede Alloporus uncinatus (Attems) inhabiting riparian forest in Zimbabwe. Also presented are the results of a field experiment designed to induce aggregation behaviour in a separate population with the addition of high quality food to the habitat.
Our initial hypothesis that the natural aggregations of between six and 42 individuals observed during the period of surface activity were part of the mating system in this species was refuted. Few mature males were present in aggregates and less than 1%, of copula pairs sampled were taken from aggregates. The composition of aggregates and the results of the experiment suggest that aggregations are associated with the feeding activities of immature individuals and are not related to reproductive activity. We suggest that the aggregations observed in A. uncinatus , although related, may perform different functions to the swarming behaviours observed in other millipede species.  相似文献   

Rhinocricus Karsch, 1881 has 207 species occurring mainly in the Americas, and more than 60 of them were described from Brazil. The genus was proposed base  相似文献   

The mouthparts of seven species from five families of Diplopoda have been investigated with scanning electron microscopy. The distal segment of the mandible, the gnathal lobe, is the most complex structure. Although the biting and crushing parts among the examined genera arc always based on the same general scheme, typical modifications of these structures exist which are regarded to be taxon-specific. The density of the teeth on the pectinate lamellae appears to determine the size of the ingested food particles. A well-developed anterior fringe does not seem to be necessary for the ingestion of food.  相似文献   

C. S. Crawford 《Oecologia》1976,24(3):265-276
Summary Production during an assumed 131-day feeding season in 1974 was estimated for Orthoporus ornatus between 4.0 and 12.0 mm in midsegment width at Tornillo Flat, Big Bend National Park, Texas.A conservative density estimate in 1973 of 1,302 millipedes ha-1 involved daily specimen removal from three, 929-m2 plots for a month. Each plot typified a different aspect of local desert vegetation; most specimens came from the plot with greatest plant diversity and relatively high (20%) cover.Production calculations using 1973 density estimates were based on increase in size-class specific dry weight (minus gut contents) between 14 May and 21 September, 1974. Production ha-1 of cuticle and tissue was estimated at 0.85 kg (1972 kcal), while that of tissue alone came to 0.29 kg (1971 kcal). Orthoporus ornatus from Albuquerque, New Mexico increased in dry weight during 92 days in 1974 more rapidly and to a greater extent than comparable size classes at Tornillo Flat.An estimated feeding-season energy budget based on ash-free values of shrub food eaten at Tornillo Flat indicated ingestion ha-1 of 3,434 g (13,712 kcal) and defecation of 3,181 g (9,187 kcal). An independent estimate of ingestion based on known ingestion rates was 8,851 g ha-1.Considering probable net primary production at Tornillo Flat, local O. ornatus exert a trophic impact similar to that of other large invertebrate detritivores elsewhere.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Ommatoiulus moreletii were studied in an open grassland and a dry sclerophyllous woodland in South Australia. During summer, O. moreletii aggregated in cool, moist sites (e.g. beneath tussocks of Lomandra fibrata (Liliaceae)) or burrowed underground. In autumn, the animals surfaced and dispersed. In a particularly hot and dry summer, mortality was demonstrated in the grassland but not in the woodland which was relatively cooler and moister. The survival of females from an autumn breeding season to the subsequent spring was inversely correlated with their maturity in autumn. The advantage to O. moreletii of survival of females after a poor breeding season is discussed with reference to den Boer's (1968) concept of "spreading of risk".  相似文献   

Som Nath  Bhakat 《Journal of Zoology》1987,212(3):419-428
Each of stadia II-VII and adults (stadia VIII) of Streptogonopus phipsoni (Pocock) can be distinguished by segment numbers, length, breadth and paired legs. Sexes are separate from stadium IV and sex ratios in immature stages were more or less 50% throughout the year, but high proportions of adult females are noted from June to September. High ratios of immature to adult were related to the breeding periods, from May to October, and in other months adults increased in proportion as a result of heavy mortality of immatures.
Adults were aggregated in distribution from April to October while solitary individuals were common in other months of the year.
Population density of S. phipsoni varied from 0.25 to 98 m-2 on the soil surface and 1 to 11.75 m-2 in the lower layer (0–7 cm deep). Biomass ranged from 12.25 to 2253 mg-2 on the surface and 50.75 to 424.75 mg-2 in the lower layer (0–7 cm deep).
A positive and significant correlation was found between mean monthly population density and mean monthly rainfall.
Streptogonopus phipsoni appears to complete its life cycle in one or two years  相似文献   

The muscular anatomy of the millipede Phyllogonostreptus nigrolabiatus (Newport, 1844) (Diplopoda; Spirostreptida; Harpagophoridae) is comprehensively surveyed. The musculature of the first three postcollum pleurotergites, the "thorax," and their associated appendages was found to be more complex than that of the postthoracic rings. It is hypothesized that the musculature of the postthoracic segments is derived relative to that of the thoracic segments, which retain primitively free sternites and are not diplosegments. This hypothesis is discussed relative to previous hypotheses positing that the anteriormost three leg-bearing rings in millipedes are diplosegments. The musculature of spirostreptid gonopods is described in detail for the first time. Comparison of the cephalic musculature is made with previously described musculature in Julida showing that, while many aspects of the musculature are conserved, there exist interordinal differences, documenting the potential utility of comparative anatomical studies for resolving millipede phylogeny.  相似文献   

Ammodesmidae are represented in western Africa by two species of a single genus, Ammodesmus Cook, 1896 (= Cenchrodesmus Cook, 1896, syn. n.). The type-species Ammodesmus granum Cook, 1896 (= Cenchrodesmus volutus Cook, 1896, syn. n.) is redescribed, based on neotype selection, as well as on additional samples, often containing numerous specimens, from Liberia, Guinea and the Ivory Coast. A new species is described from Mount Nimba, Guinea: Ammodesmus nimba sp. n.  相似文献   

Journal of Insect Behavior - Dung beetles of the Scarabaeinae subfamily are present in temperate and tropical ecosystems. Some species of these insects feed on millipede carcasses. The objective of...  相似文献   

The Portuguese millipede Ommatoiulus moreletii is widespread in South Australia, well-established in Victoria and Tasmania and has recently been found in Perth. Western Australia. It is predicted that this millipede will eventually occur in pest numbers in large areas of southern Australia. Within South Australia, O. moreletii initially erupts in very large numbers following invasion of a new area, then declines to a lower abundance. The decrease in abundance may be caused by a shortage of food. There was no evidence to suggest changes in the sex ratio, age distribution or percentage maturity of O. moreletii following invasion. However, millipedes in newly-invaded areas were larger (and therefore more fecund in the case of females) than those in older populations. There was no evidence that O. moreletii is competing with native millipedes in South Australia. Three to four years after a bushfire in a Eucalyptus woodland, there was no difference between the numbers of O. moreletii in burnt and unburnt areas.  相似文献   

The alimentary tract of the desert millipede Orthoporus ornatus is essentially a straight tube consisting of a histologically distinct foregut, midgut, pylorus, hindgut, and rectum. Common to each region, but often different in regional appearance, are an outer sheath layer, longitudinal and circular muscle layers, a basement membrane, and an inner epithelial layer. Foregut and midgut lumina are lined by a cuticular intima, while a peritrophic membrane occurs in the midgut lumen. Gut structure is considered in the context of the known feeding habits and digestive efficiency of this long-lived, seasonally restricted detritivore.  相似文献   


During investigations on the induction of the 70 kD stress protein family (hsp70, stress-70) in Julus scandinavius following exposure to different biohazards, the colour of the supernatant of the homogenate was closely correlated to the hsp70 level. Hsp70 has recently been shown to be a suitable biomarker for sublethal toxicity in soil animals. Control millipedes typically exhibited red or red-orange supernatants whilst the supernatant of starved or toxin-exposed diplopods was orange, orange-yellow, or even bright yellow. Based on these observations, a quantitative colour test was established which was found to be able to indicate the degree of stress situations caused by exposure to heavy metals (cadmium, zinc), organic pollutants (lindane, PCB 52), or by food deprivation in laboratory tests. It is suggested that this is caused by a breakdown of the red-orange bilirubins into orange-yellow urobilins.  相似文献   

The first species of the small Afrotropical family Ammodesmidae discovered in central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo) belongs to the genus Ammodesmus Cook, 1896, which was hitherto known only from two species in western Africa. A key is given to incorporate Ammodesmus congoensis sp. n., a species also showing an evident sex dimorphism: ♂ densely hirsute, ♀ with much longer and sparser tergal setae.  相似文献   

Diplopods (millipedes) are known for their irregular body segmentation. Most importantly, the number of dorsal segmental cuticular plates (tergites) does not match the number of ventral structures (e.g., sternites). Controversial theories exist to explain the origin of this so-called diplosegmentation. We have studied the embryology of a representative diplopod, Glomeris marginata, and have analyzed the segmentation genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), cubitus-interruptus (ci), and wingless (wg). We show that dorsal segments can be distinguished from ventral segments. They differ not only in number and developmental history, but also in gene expression patterns. engrailed, hedgehog, and cubitus-interruptus are expressed in both ventral and dorsal segments, but at different intrasegmental locations, whereas wingless is expressed only in the ventral segments, but not in the dorsal segments. Ventrally, the patterns are similar to what has been described from Drosophila and other arthropods, consistent with a conserved role of these genes in establishing parasegment boundaries. On the dorsal side, however, the gene expression patterns are different and inconsistent with a role in boundary formation between segments, but they suggest that these genes might function to establish the tergite borders. Our data suggest a profound and rather complete decoupling of dorsal and ventral segmentation leading to the dorsoventral discrepancies in the number of segmental elements. Based on gene expression, we propose a model that may resolve the hitherto controversial issue of the correlation between dorsal tergites and ventral leg pairs in basal diplopods (e.g., Glomeris) and is suggestive also for derived, ring-forming diplopods (e.g., Juliformia).  相似文献   

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