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Aim To study the effects of isolation and size of small tropical islands on species assemblages of bees (superfamily Apoidea) and wasps (superfamily Vespoidea). Location Twenty islands in the Kepulauan Seribu Archipelago off the coast of west Java, Indonesia. The size of surveyed islands ranges between 0.75 and 41.32 ha; their distance from the coast of Java varies between 3 and 62 km. Methods Field work was conducted from February to May 2005. Bees and wasps were caught with a sweep net during sampling units of 15 min, continuing until four consecutive samples revealed no new species. Total species richness was quantified by the estimators Chao 2, first‐order jackknife and Michaelis–Menten. The software binmatnest was used to test for nestedness of species assemblages. Similarities of species composition between islands were quantified by Sørensen’s similarity index. Results Eighty‐two species were recorded on the 20 surveyed islands. Species richness declined with increasing isolation of islands from the source area, Java. Although the size of the largest island exceeded that of the smallest island by a factor of almost 60, island size only very weakly affected species richness of bees; no effect of island size was found for wasps. Mean body size of species decreased with increasing island isolation. Nestedness of island faunas was only weakly developed. Species composition of both superfamilies was affected by island isolation, but not by island size. Main conclusions While the species–isolation relationship on the very small islands of Kepulauan Seribu followed the prediction of MacArthur and Wilson’s equilibrium theory, the absence of a species–area relationship indicated a weak ‘small‐island effect’, at least in wasps. The combination of an only weakly developed pattern of nested species subsets, the shift in species compositions and the decline of mean body size with increasing island isolation from the source area indicates that biotic interactions and different species traits contribute to the shaping of communities of bees and wasps within the archipelago. The potential of biotic interactions for generating distribution patterns of species within the archipelago is also emphasized by the observed restriction of some species with apparently high dispersal abilities to outer islands.  相似文献   

Aim To assess how ant species richness and structure of ant communities are influenced by island age (disturbance history) in a dynamic archipelago. Location Cabra Corral dam, Salta Province, north‐west Argentina (25°08′ S, 65°20′ W). Methods Ant species richness on remaining fragments (islands) of a flooded forest was determined, as well as island area, isolation and age. Simple linear regressions were performed to assess relationships between ant species richness and those insular variables. Furthermore, a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was conducted in order to determine the relative influence of each insular variable on ant species richness. Islands were categorized in two age classes (old and young) and co‐occurrence analyses were applied within each class to evaluate changes in community structure because of interspecific competition. Results Simple regression analyses indicated a moderate, positive effect of island area on ant species richness. Weak, marginally non‐significant relationships were found between ant species richness and both island isolation and island age, showing the tendency for there to be a decrease in ant species richness with island isolation and that ant species richness might be higher in old islands. The multiple regression analysis indicated that island isolation and age had no significant effects on the number of ant species, island area being the only independent variable retained in the analysis. On the contrary, whereas a random pattern of species co‐occurrence was found on young islands, ant communities in old islands showed a significantly negative pattern of species co‐occurrence, suggesting that the effect of competition on community structure was stronger on older islands than on younger islands. Main conclusions Island area was the most important variable explaining ant species richness on the islands of Cabra Corral dam. However, both island isolation and island age (or disturbance history) might also contribute to shape the observed community patterns. The present study also shows that island age significantly affects the strength with which interspecific interactions structure ant communities on islands.  相似文献   

  • 1 For over three decades the equilibrium theory of island biogeography has galvanized studies in ecological biogeography. Studies of oceanic islands and of natural habitat islands share some similarities to continental studies, particularly in developed regions where habitat fragmentation results from many land uses. Increasingly, remnant habitat is in the form of isolates created by the clearing and destruction of natural areas. Future evolution of a theory to predict patterns of species abundance may well come from the application of island biogeography to habitat fragments or isolates.
  • 2 In this paper we consider four factors other than area and isolation that influence the number and type of mammal species coexisting in one place: habitat diversity, habitat disturbance, species interactions and guild assembly rules. In all examples our data derive from mainland habitat, fragmented to differing degrees, with different levels of isolation.
  • 3 Habitat diversity is seen to be a good predictor of species richness. Increased levels of disturbance produce a relatively greater decrease in species richness on smaller than on larger isolates. Species interactions in the recolonization of highly disturbed sites, such as regenerating mined sites, is analogous to island colonization. Species replacement sequences in secondary successions indicate not just how many, but which species are included. Lastly, the complement of species established on islands, or in insular habitats, may be governed by guild assembly rules. These contributions may assist in taking a renewed theory into the new millennium.

Aim Islands have often been used as model systems in community ecology. The incorporation of information on phylogenetic relatedness of species in studies of island assemblage structure is still uncommon, but could provide valuable insights into the processes of island community assembly. We propose six models of island community assembly that make different predictions about the associations between co‐occurrences of species pairs on islands, phylogenetic relatedness and ecological similarity. We then test these models using data on mammals of Southeast Asian islands. Location Two hundred and forty islands of the Sundaland region of Southeast Asia. Methods We quantified the co‐occurrence of species pairs on islands, and identified pairs that co‐occur more frequently (positive co‐occurrence) or less frequently (negative co‐occurrence) than expected under null models. We then examined the distributions of these significantly deviating pairs with respect to phylogenetic relatedness and ecological differentiation, and compared these patterns with those predicted by the six community assembly models. We used permutation regression to test whether co‐occurrence patterns are predicted by relatedness, body size difference or difference in diet quality. Separate co‐occurrence matrices were analysed in this way for seven mammal families and four smaller subsets of the islands of Sundaland. Results In many matrices, average numbers of negative co‐occurrences were higher than expected under null models. This is consistent with assemblage structuring by competition, but may also result from low geographic overlap of species pairs, which contributes to negative co‐occurrences at the archipelago‐wide level. Distributions of species pairs within plots of phylogenetic distance × ecological differentiation were consistent with competition, habitat filtering or within‐island speciation models, depending on the taxon. Regressions indicated that co‐occurrence was more likely among closely related species pairs within the Viverridae and Sciuridae, but in most matrices phylogenetic distance was unrelated to co‐occurrence. Main conclusions Simple deterministic models linking co‐occurrence with phylogeny and ecology are a useful framework for interpreting distributions and assemblage structure of island species. However, island assemblages in Sundaland have probably been shaped by a complex idiosyncratic set of interacting ecological and evolutionary processes, limiting the predictive power of such models.  相似文献   

Aim To test relationships between the richness and composition of vascular plants and birds and attributes of habitat fragments using a model land‐bridge island system, and to investigate whether the effects of fragmentation differ depending on species natural history traits. Location Thousand Island Lake, China. Methods We compiled presence/absence data of vascular plant and bird species through exhaustive surveys of 41 islands. Plant species were assigned to two categories: shade‐intolerant and shade‐tolerant species; bird species were assigned to three categories: edge, interior, and generalist species. We analysed the relationships between island attributes (area, isolation, elevation, shape complexity, and perimeter to area ratio) and species richness using generalized linear models (GLMs). We also investigated patterns of composition in relation to island attributes using ordination (redundancy analysis). Results We found that island area explained a high degree of variation in the species richness of all species groups. The slope of the species–area relationship (z) was 0.16 for all plant species and 0.11 for all bird species. The lowest z‐value was for generalist birds (0.04). The species richness of the three plant species groups was associated with island area per se, while that of all, generalist, and interior birds was explained mainly by elevation, and that of edge bird species was associated primarily with island shape. Patterns of species composition were most strongly related to elevation, island shape complexity, and perimeter to area ratio rather than to island area per se. Species richness had no significant relationship with isolation, but species composition did. We also found differential responses among the species groups to changes in island attributes. Main conclusions Within the Thousand Island Lake system, the effects of fragmentation on both bird and plant species appear to be scale‐dependent and taxon‐specific. The number of plant species occurring on an island is strongly correlated with island area, and the richness of birds and the species composition of plants and birds are associated with variables related to habitat heterogeneity. We conclude that the effects of fragmentation on species diversity and composition depend not only on the degree of habitat loss but also on the specific patterns of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to analyse whether, and how, the inclusion of habitat specialists and edge‐preferring species modifies the species–area relationship predictions of the island biogeography theory for an insect group (ground beetles, Coloptera: Carabidae) living in natural fragments. Species–habitat island area relationships applied to terrestrial habitat islands can be distorted by the indiscriminate inclusion of all species occurring in the fragments. Matrices surrounding terrestrial habitat fragments can provide colonists that do not necessarily distinguish the fragment from the matrix and can survive and reproduce there. Edge‐preferring species can further distort the expected relationship, as smaller fragments have larger edge:core ratios. Location Nineteen forest fragments were studied in the Bereg Plain, Hungary, and SW Ukraine. This area contains natural forest patches, mainly of oak and hornbeam, and supports a mountain entomofauna. Methods Ground beetles (Carabidae) present in the 19 forest patches were categorized into generalists, forest specialists and edge‐preferring species. We analysed the relationship between species richness and fragment area using species richness in the different categories. Results The assemblages contained a high share of generalist species (species that occur also in the surrounding matrix). Forest patch size and the number of generalist species showed a marginally significant negative relationship, indicating that generalist species were more important in smaller patches. Forest specialist species richness was correlated positively with patch area. Edge‐preferring species were shown to influence the species–area relationship: the number of edge‐preferring species increased with the edge:area ratio. Main conclusions Both generalist and edge‐preferring species can considerably distort the species–area relationship. Island biogeography theory can be applied to habitat islands only if the habitat islands are defined correctly from the viewpoint of the target species.  相似文献   

Aim To create a map of bird species richness (BSR) in East Asia and to examine the effect of area, isolation, primary productivity, topographic heterogeneity, and human population density on BSR. Location East Asia (from 70° E to 180° E longitude), including the eastern half of the Palaearctic Region, the entire Oriental Region, and the entire Wallacea Subregion. Methods The breeding ranges of 2406 terrestrial bird species were mapped and overlaid to create a species richness map. The BSR map was transformed into a 100 × 100 km quadrat system, and BSR was analysed in relation to land area, average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), elevation range, and average population density. Results In general, BSR declined from the Tropics to the Arctic. In mainland East Asia, however, BSR was highest around the Tropic of Cancer, and fluctuated between 30° and 50° N. Islands had lower BSR than adjacent mainland areas. The NDVI was strongly positively correlated with BSR in mainland areas and on islands. For mainland areas, NDVI explained 65% of the BSR variation, and topographic heterogeneity explained an additional 6% in ordinary least‐squares regression. On islands, NDVI explained 66% of BSR variation, island area explained 13%, and distance to mainland accounted for 1%. Main conclusions In East Asia, we suggest that primary productivity is the key factor underpinning patterns of BSR. Primary productivity sets the upper limits of the capacity of habitats to support bird species. In isolated areas such as islands and peninsulas, however, BSR might not reach the richness limits set by primary productivity because the degree of isolation and area size also can affect species richness. Other factors, such as spatial heterogeneity, biotic interactions, and perturbations, may also affect species richness. However, their effects are secondary and are not as strong as primary productivity, isolation, and area size.  相似文献   

In this response we have incorporated data on gastropod and seaweed biodiversity referred to by Ávila et al. (2016, Journal of Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/jbi.12816 ) to allow an updated analysis on marine shallow‐water biogeography patterns. When compared to the biogeography patterns reported in Hachich et al. (2015, Journal of Biogeography, 42 , 1871–1882), we find (1) no differences in the patterns originally reported for reef fish or seaweeds, (2) minor differences in gastropod species–area and species–age patterns and (3) a significant difference for the gastropod species‐isolation pattern. In our original work, we reported that there was limited evidence that gastropod species richness was influenced by island isolation; however, our new analysis reveals a power‐model relationship between these variables. Thus, we are now able to conclude that gastropod species diversity, whose dispersal capacity is intermediate between seaweeds (lowest) and reef fish (highest), is also influenced by island isolation.  相似文献   

In a recent article, Hachich et al. (2015, Journal of Biogeography, 42 , 1871–1882) studied the large‐scale biogeographical patterns of the species–area, species–island age and species–isolation relationships associated with marine shallow‐water groups (reef fish, gastropods and seaweeds) from 11 Atlantic archipelagos. We here express our concerns regarding the data accuracy used to compute the different models that tested the null hypothesis of species richness being independent of the selected variables. In our commentary, we focus mainly on the use of out‐of‐date checklists of gastropod and seaweed species from different archipelagos, but we also point out inaccuracies in some island age estimates and explain our disagreement with the use of the 200 m depth limit for the shallow‐water gastropods and seaweeds.  相似文献   

Aim Although bats of the Caribbean have been studied extensively, previous work is largely restricted to zoogeography, phylogeography or the effects of island characteristics on species richness. Variation among islands in species composition that is related to geographical or environmental variation remains poorly understood for much of the Caribbean. Location Caribbean islands, including the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. Methods Using presence–absence data, we assessed the extent to which island area, maximum island elevation, inter‐island distance and hurricane‐induced disturbance affected patterns of composition and nestedness for bats in the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. Analyses were conducted for all species, as well as for two broadly defined guilds: carnivores and herbivores. Results For the Bahamas, only inter‐island distance accounted for variation in species composition between islands. For the Greater and Lesser Antilles, differences in island area and inter‐island distance accounted for differences in species composition between islands. Variation in species composition was not related significantly to differences in elevation or hurricane‐related disturbance. In general, results of analyses restricted to a particular broad guild (i.e. carnivores or herbivores) mirrored those for all bats. Bat species composition was nested significantly in each island group. Nestedness was stronger in the Greater Antilles and in the Lesser Antilles than in the Bahamas. Carnivore assemblages were nested significantly in the Greater and in the Lesser Antilles, but not in the Bahamas. In contrast, herbivore assemblages were nested significantly in each island group. Main conclusions Inter‐island distance had a greater effect on compositional similarity of Caribbean bat assemblages than did island area, elevation or disturbance related to hurricanes. Differential immigration and hierarchical habitat distributions associated with elevational relief are likely to be primary causes for nestedness of Caribbean bat assemblages.  相似文献   

A synthetic model is presented to enlarge the evolutionary framework of the General Dynamic Model (GDM) and the Glacial Sensitive Model (GSM) of oceanic island biogeography from the terrestrial to the marine realm. The proposed ‘Sea‐Level Sensitive’ dynamic model (SLS) of marine island biogeography integrates historical and ecological biogeography with patterns of glacio‐eustasy, merging concepts from areas as diverse as taxonomy, biogeography, marine biology, volcanology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, palaeontology, geochronology and geomorphology. Fundamental to the SLS model is the dynamic variation of the littoral area of volcanic oceanic islands (defined as the area between the intertidal and the 50‐m isobath) in response to sea‐level oscillations driven by glacial–interglacial cycles. The following questions are considered by means of this revision: (i) what was the impact of (global) glacio‐eustatic sea‐level oscillations, particularly those of the Pleistocene glacial–interglacial episodes, on the littoral marine fauna and flora of volcanic oceanic islands? (ii) What are the main factors that explain the present littoral marine biodiversity on volcanic oceanic islands? (iii) How can differences in historical and ecological biogeography be reconciled, from a marine point of view? These questions are addressed by compiling the bathymetry of 11 Atlantic archipelagos/islands to obtain quantitative data regarding changes in the littoral area based on Pleistocene sea‐level oscillations, from 150 thousand years ago (ka) to the present. Within the framework of a model sensitive to changing sea levels, we discuss the principal factors affecting the geographical range of marine species; the relationships between modes of larval development, dispersal strategies and geographical range; the relationships between times of speciation, modes of larval development, ecological zonation and geographical range; the influence of sea‐surface temperatures and latitude on littoral marine species diversity; the effect of eustatic sea‐level changes and their impact on the littoral marine biota; island marine species–area relationships; and finally, the physical effects of island ontogeny and its associated submarine topography and marine substrate on littoral biota. Based on the SLS dynamic model, we offer a number of predictions for tropical, subtropical and temperate volcanic oceanic islands on how rates of immigration, colonization, in‐situ speciation, local disappearance, and extinction interact and affect the marine biodiversity around islands during glacials and interglacials, thus allowing future testing of the theory.  相似文献   

Records of Hipparchia semele on British and Irish islands have been modelled against island area, isolation (sea and land distance) and the size of the nearest potential source populations. All three variables have been found to contribute significantly to the presence or absence of H. semele on the islands. Isolation is a more significant predictor than island area. This result differs from the multiple species case where area was found to be a more important influence than isolation. Records on islands are also shown to depend on the size of populations at the nearest sources; this underpins the relationships identified for the multiple species case, first, between the number of species on islands and at nearest sources and, second, between the incidence of species on islands and at nearest sources. There are clear indications that smaller islands may become increasingly marginalized for H.semele; with ongoing habitat loss, because isolation increases and source populations become sparser, the probability of H. semele recolonizing islands also decreases.  相似文献   

Understanding how species diversity is related to sampling area and spatial scale is central to ecology and biogeography. Small islands and small sampling units support fewer species than larger ones. However, the factors influencing species richness may not be consistent across scales. Richness at local scales is primarily affected by small‐scale environmental factors, stochasticity and the richness at the island scale. Richness at whole‐island scale, however, is usually strongly related to island area, isolation and habitat diversity. Despite these contrasting drivers at local and island scales, island species–area relationships (SARs) are often constructed based on richness sampled at the local scale. Whether local scale samples adequately predict richness at the island scale and how local scale samples influence the island SAR remains poorly understood. We investigated the effects of different sampling scales on the SAR of trees on 60 small islands in the Raja Ampat archipelago (Indonesia) using standardised transects and a hierarchically nested sampling design. We compared species richness at different grain sizes ranging from single (sub)transects to whole islands and tested whether the shape of the SAR changed with sampling scale. We then determined the importance of island area, isolation, shape and habitat quality at each scale on species richness. We found strong support for scale dependency of the SAR. The SAR changed from exponential shape at local sampling scales to sigmoidal shape at the island scale indicating variation of species richness independent of area for small islands and hence the presence of a small‐island effect. Island area was the most important variable explaining species richness at all scales, but habitat quality was also important at local scales. We conclude that the SAR and drivers of species richness are influenced by sampling scale, and that the sampling design for assessing the island SARs therefore requires careful consideration.  相似文献   

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