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Egg provisions represent the complete energy supply of oviparous organisms from fertilization until hatching, and egg size is generally correlated with initial offspring size and a suite of other early fitness related traits. Since egg size is determined by the mother, little attention has been given to potential sources of paternal effects on either egg size or initial offspring size. This study considers two processes by which the sire can affect the egg size and/or initial body size of his offspring, in the multiply mated cricket, Gryllus firmus. The first is a paternal genetic effect, whereby differences in offspring genotype result in differences in the efficiency of metabolising available resources. The second is a paternal environmental effect, whereby the quality or size of paternal investment varies among male phenotypes and this is correlated with the size of eggs the females subsequently produce. Using a one-locus two-allele recessive mutation for pale eye colour as a marker, a mating experiment was designed which enabled the discrimination between eggs fertilized by two males mated simultaneously to a single female. The results of this experiment suggest that sire effects on egg and initial body size occur through both processes. Eggs fertilised by the two males were significantly different at day ten of development, suggesting that the genetic contribution of the sire is affecting embryonic body size. Further, a negative correlation was found between the head size of the pale eyed male and the size of all the eggs that the female laid, suggesting an effect of male size of the amount of nutrients the female receives from her mates. The results of this study suggest that paternal effects may be both more common and more profound than previously thought, and that studies examining early fitness traits that are correlated to egg size or initial body size, in oviparous animals, should consider the possibility and importance of the paternal contribution.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in egg size and hatching size, and the genetic and environmental trade‐offs that contribute to variation, are the basis of the evolution of life histories. The present study examined both univariate and multivariate temperature‐mediated plasticity of life‐history traits, as well as temperature‐mediated trade‐offs in egg size and clutch size, in two planktotrophic species of marine slipper limpets, Crepidula. Previous work with two species of Crepidula with large eggs and lecithotrophic development has shown a significant effect of temperature on egg size and hatching size. To further examine the effect of temperature on egg size in Crepidula, the effects of temperature on egg size and hatching size, as well as the possible trade‐offs with other the life‐history features, were examined for two planktotrophic species: Crepidula incurva and Crepidula cf. marginalis. Field‐collected juveniles were raised at 23 or 28 °C and egg size, hatching size, capsules/brood, eggs/capsule, time to hatch, interbrood interval, and final body weight were recorded. Consistent with results for the lecithotrophic Crepidula, egg size and hatching size decreased with temperature in the planktotrophic species. The affects of maternal identity and individual brood account for more than half of the intraspecific variation in egg size and hatching size. Temperature also showed a significant effect on reproductive rate, with time to hatch and interbrood interval both decreasing with increasing temperature. However, temperature had contrasting effects on the number of offspring. Crepidula cf. marginalis has significantly more eggs/capsule and therefore more eggs per brood at 28 °C compared to 23 °C, although capsules/brood did not vary with temperature. Crepidula incurva, on the other hand, produced significantly more capsules/brood and more eggs per brood at the lower temperature, whereas the number of eggs/capsule did not vary with temperature. The phenotypic variance–covariance matrix of life‐history variables showed a greater response to temperature in C. incurva than in C. cf. marginalis, and temperature induced trade‐offs between offspring size and number differ between the species. These differences suggest that temperature changes as a result of seasonal upwelling along the coast of Panama will effect the reproduction and evolution of life histories of these two co‐occurring species differently. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Social evolution has led to distinct life‐history patterns in social insects, but many colony‐level and individual traits, such as egg size, are not sufficiently understood. Thus, a series of experiments was performed to study the effects of genotypes, colony size and colony nutrition on variation in egg size produced by honey bee (Apis mellifera) queens. Queens from different genetic stocks produced significantly different egg sizes under similar environmental conditions, indicating standing genetic variation for egg size that allows for adaptive evolutionary change. Further investigations revealed that eggs produced by queens in large colonies were consistently smaller than eggs produced in small colonies, and queens dynamically adjusted egg size in relation to colony size. Similarly, queens increased egg size in response to food deprivation. These results could not be solely explained by different numbers of eggs produced in the different circumstances but instead seem to reflect an active adjustment of resource allocation by the queen in response to colony conditions. As a result, larger eggs experienced higher subsequent survival than smaller eggs, suggesting that honey bee queens might increase egg size under unfavourable conditions to enhance brood survival and to minimize costly brood care of eggs that fail to successfully develop, and thus conserve energy at the colony level. The extensive plasticity and genetic variation of egg size in honey bees has important implications for understanding life‐history evolution in a social context and implies this neglected life‐history stage in honey bees may have trans‐generational effects.  相似文献   

Countergradient variation in norms of reaction can dampen the direct effects of environmental influences on phenotypic traits, allowing phenotypic similarity among populations despite exposure to different environmental conditions. Such norms of reaction may occur at any phase of the life‐history (e.g. growth rates during both embryonic and postembryonic stages may influence geographical variation in adult body size). We collected gravid female lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) from northern (Indiana), central (Mississippi), and southern (Florida) populations, spanning almost the full latitudinal range of the species. Adult females from the southern population were smaller. Intrinsic growth rates of hatchlings were higher for the central population than for the other two populations. This pattern does not parallel the countergradient variation previously found in embryonic developmental rates among these populations. Earlier hatching enhanced survival rates of juveniles to a similar degree among populations, although juvenile survival rates in the field generally increase with latitude in this species. Our data reveal geographical variation in the ways in which intrinsic developmental/growth rates and survival shift during ontogeny, and suggest that latitudinal patterns in adult body size (such as Bergmann's rule) can result from both faster growth, and longer periods of growth. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 202–209.  相似文献   

Life‐history traits such as fecundity and offspring size are shaped by investment trade‐offs faced by mothers and mediated by environmental conditions. We use a 21‐year time series for three populations of wild sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to test predictions for such trade‐offs and responses to conditions faced by females during migration, and offspring during incubation. In years when their 1100 km upstream migration was challenged by high water discharges, females that reached spawning streams had invested less in gonads by producing smaller but not fewer eggs. These smaller eggs produced lighter juveniles, and this effect was further amplified in years when the incubation water was warm. This latter result suggests that there should be selection for larger eggs to compensate in populations that consistently experience warm incubation temperatures. A comparison among 16 populations, with matching migration and rearing environments but different incubation environments (i.e., separate spawning streams), confirmed this prediction; smaller females produced larger eggs for their size in warmer creeks. Taken together, these results reveal how maternal phenotype and environmental conditions can shape patterns of reproductive investment and consequently juvenile fitness‐related traits within and among populations.  相似文献   

Models of parental investment typically assume that populations are well mixed and homogeneous and have devoted little attention to the impact of spatial variation in the local environment. Here, in a patch‐structured model with limited dispersal, we assess to what extent resource‐rich and resource‐poor mothers should alter the size of their young in response to the local environment in their patch. We show that limited dispersal leads to a correlation between maternal and offspring environments, which favours plastic adjustment of offspring size in response to local survival risk. Strikingly, however, resource‐poor mothers are predicted to respond more strongly to local survival risk, whereas resource‐rich mothers are predicted to respond less strongly. This lack of sensitivity on the part of resource‐rich mothers is favoured because they accrue much of their fitness through dispersing young. By contrast, resource‐poor mothers accrue a larger fraction of their fitness through philopatric young and should therefore respond more strongly to local risk. Mothers with more resources gain a larger share of their fitness through dispersing young partly because their fitness in the local patch is constrained by the limited number of local breeding spots. In addition, when resource variation occurs at the patch level, the philopatric offspring of resource‐rich mothers face stronger competition from the offspring of other local mothers, who also enjoy abundant resources. The effect of limited local breeding opportunities becomes less pronounced as patch size increases, but the impact of patch‐level variation in resources holds up even with many breeders per patch.  相似文献   

1. Density‐dependent phase polyphenism occurs when changes in density during the juvenile stages result in a developmental shift from one phenotype to another. Density‐dependent phase polyphenism is common among locusts (Orthoptera: Acrididae). 2. Previously, we demonstrated a longitudinal geographic cline in adult body size (western populations = small adults; eastern populations = large adults) in the eastern lubber grasshopper (Romalea microptera) in south Florida. As lubbers are confamilial with locusts, we hypothesised that the longitudinal size cline was partly due to density‐dependent phase polyphenism. 3. We tested the effect of density, population, and density×population interaction on life‐history traits (pronotum length, mass, cumulative development time, growth rate) of, and proportion surviving to, each of the five instars and the adult stage in a 2 × 3 factorial laboratory experiment with two lubber populations, each reared from hatchling to adult at three different densities. 4. The effect of density on life history and survival was independent of the effects of population on life history and survival. Higher densities led to larger adult sizes (pronotum, mass) and lower survivorship. The western population had smaller adult masses, fewer cumulative days to the adult stage, and higher survivorship than the eastern population. 5. Our data suggest that lubber grasshoppers exhibit density‐dependent phase polyphenism initiated by the physical presence of conspecifics. However, the plastic response of adult size to density observed in the laboratory is not consistent with the relationship between phenotypes and adult density in the field. Genetic differences between populations observed in the laboratory could contribute to size and life‐history differences among lubber populations in the field.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In libellulids, egg size differs between species and populations. There are also size differences within egg clutches of individual females.
2. Past experiments suggest that there are two different types of egg clutches in libellulids. Egg size decreases significantly during oviposition in species that perform non-contact guarding during oviposition. In contrast, in species ovipositing in tandem, egg size is randomly distributed.
3. This study deals with the possible consequences of egg size variation within the different egg clutch types. The study examined whether there is a correlation between egg development time, offspring sex or larval size and egg size.
4. The current experiments were conducted in Namibia and Germany. Five non-contact guarding and four tandem guarding libellulid species were used.
5. In some species larger eggs needed more time to develop, in some species no correlation between egg size and egg development time could be found, whereas in other species larger eggs developed faster.
6. The sex ratio was biased towards females in Leucorrhinia dubia and in Sympetrum striolatum and egg size was not associated with gender.
7. In both egg clutch types larger eggs resulted in larger larvae. In this study, evidence was found that the effects of egg size diminished with progressing larval development under good conditions. However, it is possible that the effects may have a greater influence under harsh circumstances.  相似文献   

Many marine organisms have pelagic larvae and these are often important agents of dispersal and establishment of exotic species. The larval phase and the hermaphroditic reproductive system of the invasive marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata are crucial in determining the success of this species along the European coasts. To analyse these factors, we developed seven microsatellite loci specific to C. fornicata. On the same set of individuals, the microsatellite loci exhibited a greater level of polymorphism than previously studied allozyme markers and, thus, will permit fine‐scale analysis and larval pool studies.  相似文献   

Collin R 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(9):2249-2262
The mode of development of marine invertebrates is thought to influence levels of population structure and the location of species range endpoints via differences in dispersal ability. To examine these effects, populations of three sympatric clades of sedentary, marine gastropods in the genus Crepidula were sampled along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America. A haplotype tree was constructed for each clade based on 640 bp sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I. Examination of the tree topology, and AMOVA analysis show that species with direct development (those hatching as benthic juveniles) have higher levels of population structure than do species with planktonic development. Both species in the direct-developing C. convexa clade have high levels of geographical differentiation, with most populations representing a discrete clade of haplotypes. The planktotrophic species C. fornicata contains two major haplotype clades, both of which include samples from throughout the Atlantic coast. In this species there is no geographical differentiation among haplotypes but AMOVA analysis detects a small but statistically significant level of geographical structure. The population structure within the C. plana species complex appears also to vary with mode of development: C. atrasolea, a direct-developing species, has higher levels of population structure than does C. depressa, a sympatric planktotrophic species. The coincident occurrence of range endpoints and genetic breaks along the east coast of Florida in both direct-developing species and species with planktonic development indicates that this biogeographic break is not due to development-specific mechanisms such as hydrographic effects on larval recruitment.  相似文献   

Geographical isolation can over time accumulate life‐history variation which can eventually lead to speciation. We used five species of Vaejovis scorpions that have been isolated from one another since the Pleistocene glaciation to identify if biogeographical patterns have allowed for the accumulation of life‐history variation among species. Gravid females were captured and brought back to the lab until giving birth. Once offspring had begun to disperse, measurements of female size, reproductive investment, offspring size, offspring number, and variation in offspring size were recorded. Differences in how each species allocated energy to these variables were analysed utilizing path analysis and structural equation modelling. Female and offspring size, litter size, and total litter mass differed among species, but relative energetic investment did not. Most significant differences among species were not present after removing the effect of female size, indicating that female size is a major source of life‐history variation. Path analyses indicated that there was no size–number trade‐off within any species and that each species allocates energy toward total litter mass differently. Additionally, as offspring size increased, the variation in offspring mass decreased. These results show that each species allocates the same relative amount of energy in different ways. The variation seen could be a response to environmental variability or uncertainty, a product of maternal effects, or caused by the sufficient accumulation of genetic differences due to geographical isolation. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 715–727.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased resource allocation in avian eggs has gained increasing interest. The adaptive explanations of such allocation are often related to life‐history strategies of the studied species. In some species, egg sexual size dimorphism (SSD) was suggested to promote future size differences between adults of each sex. In other species, egg SSD was invoked as an adaptive means by which a mother balances sex‐specific nestling mortality. According to the first scenario, mothers should produce bigger eggs for the bigger sex, thus across species, adult SSD should be a significant positive predictor of egg SSD. Under the second scenario, mothers should produce bigger eggs for the smaller sex. If different species use contrasting strategies, then a universal expectation is that there should be a significant relationship between the magnitude of adult SSD and the magnitude of egg SSD, irrespective of the direction of those differences. Our aim was to examine whether the direction of egg SSD is predicted by the direction of adult SSD or whether degree of egg SSD is related to degree of adult SSD. To answer that question, we performed meta‐analysis of 63 studies, which included information on egg SSD of 65 effect sizes from 51 avian species. We found that across species, adult SSD does not predict egg SSD. More importantly, the observed variation in effect sizes in our data set was largely explained by sampling error (variance). Although adult SSD is undoubtedly a prominent feature of birds, there is little evidence for egg SSD across avian species.  相似文献   

The trade‐off between offspring size and number can present a conflict between parents and their offspring. Because egg size is constrained by clutch size, the optimal egg size for offspring fitness may not always be equivalent to that which maximizes parental fitness. We evaluated selection on egg size in three turtle species (Apalone mutica, Chelydra serpentina and Chrysemys picta) to determine if optimal egg sizes differ between offspring and their mothers. Although hatching success was generally greater for larger eggs, the strength and form of selection varied. In most cases, the egg size that maximized offspring fitness was greater than that which maximized maternal fitness. Consistent with optimality theory, mean egg sizes in the populations were more similar to the egg sizes that maximized maternal fitness, rather than offspring fitness. These results provide evidence that selection has maximized maternal fitness to achieve an optimal balance between egg size and number.  相似文献   

John W. Rowe 《Oecologia》1994,99(1-2):35-44
Interpopulation variation in egg size, clutch size and clutch mass was studied 3 years in four populations of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) from western Nebraska. Body size varied among all populations and was larger in two large (56–110 ha), sandhills lake populations than in two populations in smaller habitats (1.5–3.6 ha) of the Platte River floodplain. Reproductive parameters (egg mass, clutch mass, and clutch size) generally increased with maternal body size within populations. Clutch wet and dry mass varied among populations but largely as a function of maternal body size. Clutch size was largest in the sandhills lake populations, both absolutely and relative to maternal body size. Egg mass was smallest in the sandhills lakes and varied annually in one population. Over all populations, an egg sizeclutch size trade-off was detected (a negative correlation between egg mass and clutch size) after statistically removing maternal body size effects. Egg wet mass and clutch size were negatively correlated over all years within the sandhills populations and in some years in three populations. Although egg size varied within populations, egg size and clutch size covaried as expected by optimal offspring size models. Thus, patterns of egg size variation should be interpreted in the context of proximate or adaptive maternal body size and temporal effects. Comparisons among populations suggest that large egg size relative to maternal body size may occur when juvenile growth potential is poor and mean maternal body size is small.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory predicts that females who experienced stressful conditions, such as larval competition or malnutrition, should increase their investment in individual offspring to increase offspring fitness (the adaptive parental hypothesis). In contrast, it has been shown that when females were reared under stressful conditions, they become smaller, which consequently decreases egg size (the parental stress hypothesis). To test whether females adjust their egg volume depending on larval competition, independent of maternal body mass constraint, we used a pest species of stored adzuki beans, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). The eggs of females reared with competitors were smaller than those of females reared alone, supporting the parental stress hypothesis; however, correcting for female body size, females reared with competitors produced larger eggs than those reared in the absence of competition, supporting the adaptive parental hypothesis, as predicted. The phenotypic plasticity in females' investment in each offspring in stressful environments counteracts the constraint of body size on egg size.  相似文献   

Abstract In many organisms, large offspring have improved fitness over small offspring, and thus their size is under strong selection. However, due to a trade-off between offspring size and number, females producing larger offspring necessarily must produce fewer unless the total amount of reproductive effort is unlimited. Because differential gene expression among environments may affect genetic covariances among traits, it is important to consider environmental effects on the genetic relationships among traits. We compared the genetic relationships among egg size, lifetime fecundity, and female adult body mass (a trait linked to reproductive effort) in the seed beetle, Stator limbatus , between two environments (host-plant species Acacia greggii and Cercidium floridum ). Genetic correlations among these traits were estimated through half-sib analysis, followed with artificial selection on egg size to observe the correlated responses of lifetime fecundity and female body mass. We found that the magnitude of the genetic trade-off between egg size and lifetime fecundity differed between environments–a strong trade-off was estimated when females laid eggs on C. floridum seeds, yet this trade-off was weak when females laid eggs on A. greggii seeds. Also differing between environments was the genetic correlation between egg size and female body mass–these traits were positively genetically correlated for egg size on A. greggii seeds, yet uncorrelated on C. floridum seeds. On A. greggii seeds, the evolution of egg size and traits linked to reproductive effort (such as female body mass) are not independent from each other as commonly assumed in life-history theory.  相似文献   

Previous studies have quantified variation in environmental maternal effects (EME) within populations, but these effects could differ among populations as well. In this study we grew clonal replicates of individuals from three populations of the annual plant Diodia teres in their native and non-native environments. Our goal was to estimate the effects of maternal environment and maternal population on seed and seedling traits. Seeds that were produced in this field study were then planted in two soil types to quantify effects of the offspring environment on seedling traits. There was substantial variation among populations for seed weight. We found population variation for EME, and maternal environment by offspring environment interactions. We conclude that variation among populations in EME may be an unrecognized component of local adaptation, and that attempts to control maternal effects by statistically accounting for variation in seed weight may be ineffective.  相似文献   

An approach frequently used to demonstrate a genetic basis for population-level phenotypic differences is to employ common garden rearing designs, where observed differences are assumed to be attributable to primarily additive genetic effects. Here, in two common garden experiments, we employed factorial breeding designs between wild and domestic, and among wild populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). We measured the contribution of additive (V(A)) and maternal (V(M)) effects to the observed population differences for 17 life history and fitness-related traits. Our results show that, in general, maternal effects contribute more to phenotypic differences among populations than additive genetic effects. These results suggest that maternal effects are important in population phenotypic differentiation and also signify that the inclusion of the maternal source of variation is critical when employing models to test population differences in salmon, such as in local adaptation studies.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that organisms living in heterogeneous environmentswill exhibit phenotypic plasticity. One trait that may be particularlyimportant in this context is the clutch or brood size becauseit is simultaneously a maternal and offspring characteristic.In this paper, I test the hypothesis that the burying beetle,Nicrophorus orbicollis, adjusts brood size, in part, in anticipationof the reproductive environment of its adult offspring. N. orbicollisuse a small vertebrate carcass as a food resource for theiryoung. Both parents provide parental care and actively regulatebrood size through filial cannibalism. The result is a positivecorrelation between brood size and carcass size. Adult bodysize is an important determinant of reproductive success forboth sexes, but only at higher population densities. I testthree predictions generated by the hypothesis that beetles adjustbrood size in response to population density. First, averageadult body size should vary positively with population density.Second, brood size on a given-sized carcass should be larger(producing more but smaller young) in low-density populationsthan in high-density populations. Third, females should respondadaptively to changes in local population density by producinglarger broods when population density is low and small broodswhen population density is high. All three predictions weresupported using a combination of field and laboratory experiments.These results (1) show that brood size is a phenotypically plastictrait and (2) support the idea that brood size decisions arean intergenerational phenomenon that varies with the anticipatedcompetitive environment of the offspring.  相似文献   

Direct development and water dependence entail limited vagility in freshwater fauna. In these organisms, the population structure is probably linked to restrictions imposed by the habitat. In this study we investigate the relative contribution of processes stimulating the divergence of populations of Biomphalaria costata (Biese, 1951) and Biomphalaria crequii (Courty, 1907), two freshwater snails occurring in two contiguous and fragmented closed basins from the Andean Altiplano using mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) sequences, shell morphometric and radular morphology. In order to clarify the species boundaries, a third allopatric species was included: Biomphalaria aymara Valdovinos & Stuardo, 1991. Molecular analyses recovered two distinct clades: one composed of B. aymara from the Isluga swamps and B. costata from Spring 1 in Salar de Carcote, the single spring occupied by this species, and another integrated by snails from 12 springs spread across the Salar de Carcote and the Salar de Ascotán assigned to B. crequii, originally described from the Salar de Ascotán. Unlike shell morphometrics, radular morphology was informative for distinguishing these species. The division of the lineages occurred in the Late Pleistocene. A subclade that includes snails from the southernmost springs in Salar de Ascotán suggests fragmentation of the distribution of B. crequii associated with landscape discontinuities. In addition to microvicariance signals, the private haplotypes scattered around both salt spans show that close‐range dispersal is a common biogeographic process in this species. As evolutionary units, the single isolated and restricted population of B. costata has a high priority for conservation. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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