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Six new species are described:Gagea anonyma, G. Staintonii, G. siphonantha, G. Grey-Wilsonii, G. chloroneura. All belong to subgen.Platyspermum (Boiss.)Miscz. Florae Iranicae praecursores63–68. — Praecursores praecurrentes: Pl. Syst. Evol.151, 281–293 (1986).  相似文献   

88 species and 20 subspecies ofCarex, altogether 94 taxa, occur in the area ofRechinger's Flora Iranica. Of these, 48 taxa, have an Euro-Siberian, 11 an Irano-Turanian and 35 a Central Asiatic distribution, the last including five species with connections to E. and tropical SE. Asia. The Saharo-Sindian element is missing. Endemic taxa are found in all groups. Eight taxa, endemic to the NW. Himalayas occur in the E. part of the area. The Euro-Siberian taxa are concentrated in the NW. of the area, but have connections to the east; similarly, Central-Asiatic taxa are concentrated in E. Afghanistan and N. Pakistan, but have connections to the west. Some Euro-Siberian taxa are widely distributed in the area, but avoid the most arid regions. The Irano-Turanian taxa are few and extend from Egypt through the area of Flora Iranica to Kazakhstan SSR and Central China.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Gagea tisoniana Peruzzi et al. sp. nov. is described and its taxonomic relationship is discussed. The new species, which appears to be endemic to central Italy, is close to G. pratensis (Pers.) Dumort., G. pusilla (F. W. Schmidt) Sweet, and other mainly poorly known [i.e. G. succedanea Griseb. et Schenk, G. transversalis Stev., and G. paczoskii (Zapal.) Grossh.] or as yet undescribed taxa from eastern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean area. The recognition of the new taxon G. tisoniana is claimed on the basis of anatomical, karyological, ecological, and phytogeographical data. Maps of the Italian distribution of G. pratensis (2 n  = 60), G. pusilla (2 n  = 24), and G. tisoniana (2 n  = 24) are presented, together with an analytical identification key. Finally, G. pratensis is recorded here for the first time in Tuscany (Monte Cetona).  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 337–347.  相似文献   

Two species ofConsolida are described as new:C. lorestanica is distributed in W. Iran (Lorestan), andC. kandaharica is endemic to S. Afghanistan.Dedicated to Hofrat Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of this 80th birthday.  相似文献   

All known Italian Gagea species (23) representing seven out of 14 sections were included in this study. Morphological, molecular and combined data support the basal position of G. trinervia (Anthericoides). According to the molecular data, the sections Anthericoides, Lloydia, Gagea, Minimae and Spathaceae are very well supported; representatives of the sections Didymobulbos and Fistulosae clustered together in the same clade. In this clade, several near-related species groups (series) were recognised. According to 35 morpho-anatomical, ontogenetic and karyological data the section Gagea forms a well-defined monophyletic clade. Within this clade G. tisoniana, G. pusilla and G. cfr. paczoskii are near related. The position of the critical putative hybrid taxa G. luberonensis and G. polidorii is discussed. New series Solenarium (Dulac) Peruzzi and Tison, Occidentales (A. Terracc.) Peruzzi and Tison and Saxatiles (A. Terracc.) Peruzzi and Tison are proposed.  相似文献   

The morpho-anatomy and histochemistry of the hysteranthous leaf ofUrginea maritima (L.) Baker and its adaptive strategies to the Mediterranean climate were investigated. The leaf ofU. maritima is 714 μm thick and possesses moderate specific leaf mass (8.564 mg cm-2) and low tissue density (136.5 mg cm-3). The epidermal cells are compactly arranged and covered with cuticle. The average density of stomata in lower epidermis is higher than that of the upper one. The mesophyll cells occupy 52.96% of the total volume of the leaf, while the mesophyll intercellular spaces and the air spaces occupy 30.41%. Idioblastic cells containing raphide bundles and different phenotypes of crystalloid inclusions, embedded in polysaccharides, occur in the lower side of the mesophyll. The presence of oil droplets and lipids is evident. Bundle sheath cells are hardly visible with no chloroplasts which are a pronounced C3 plant character. Plastids containing protein crystalloid inclusions are abundant in the protophloem sieve elements.U. maritima, a deciduous plant, possesses leaves with mesophytic characters, in order to optimize its adaptation to the seasonal fluctuation of environmental conditions of the Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

Despite their role in marine systems, Sergestidae remain one of the most poorly understood families amongst planktonic shrimps with regard to phylogeny. Recent morphological and phylogenetic revisions of a number of sergestid genera have disentangled classificatory problems and emphasized the importance of reproductive structures for the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Sergestidae. Only three genera, Acetes, Peisos, and Sicyonella, remain unrevised phylogenetically. We undertook a phylogenetic analysis of these groups based on 124 morphological characters (120 binary, four multistate). Eighteen new characters were based on scanning electron microscopy studies of the clasping organ and petasma. The phylogenetic analysis revealed statistically supported monophyly of the clades Sicyonella and Acetes + Peisos. We combine Peisos and Acetes into a monophyletic genus Acetes, give emended diagnoses and keys to all species of Sicyonella and Acetes, and discuss morphological trends within these genera. We present maps of geographical distribution for all valid species of Acetes. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Calophyllum (Calophyllaceae), previously placed in Clusiaceae, is easily recognizable by its opposite entire leaves with close parallel venation alternating with resin canals. However, distinction between species has been difficult, because of infraspecific variation in tepal and stamen number and resemblance among species that share similar habitats. Here, I report the results of multivariate analyses of morphological and anatomical characters for Calophyllum in South America, and provide a taxonomic treatment for the genus in South America, the first since that of Vesque in 1893. Thirteen preliminary morphogroups were identified. Thirty‐two morphological characters of the leaf, flower and fruit from 401 specimens, and 17 anatomical leaf characters from 45 specimens were measured and analysed using principal component analyses (PCAs) and discriminant analyses (DAs). PCAs were used to find groups and DAs were used to validate those PCAs that were potential groups. Two main subgroups were identified in the general analysis. Subgroup M1 has terete stems and smaller leaves and flowers than subgroup M2, which, instead, has quadrangular stems. Only subgroup M2 showed distinctive clusters in regional and local analyses. Distinctive clusters and morphological and anatomical characters helped us to recognize four species in South America, including a new species, Calophyllum pubescens sp. nov. . In addition, a new species, Calophyllum mesoamericanum sp. nov. , is described from Central America. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London,  相似文献   

The systematics of the mainly yellow flowered Gagea species complex (Liliaceae) has long been considered difficult because only a few phenotypic features within this genus and as a result of hypothesized interspecific hybridisation. A molecular phylogenetic study of seven Gagea species (G. bohemica, G. lutea, G. minima, G. pomeranica, G. pratenis, G. spathacea and G. villosa) from Germany has been undertaken, based on plastid DNA sequences (trnL(UAA)-trnF(GAA), psbA-trnH) and on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Sequence divergence within the Gagea species ranges up to 15.5% for psbA-trnH, 22.0% for trnL-trnF and 23.7% for ITS (ITS1 + 5.8S rRNA + ITS2). Two subspecies of Gagea bohemica: G. bohemica subsp. saxatilis and G. bohemica subsp. bohemica are characterized by trnL-trnF data and morphological features. Analysis of the ITS region shows that G. pomeranica represents a hybrid of G. pratensis and G. lutea. Lloydia serotina was initially used as an outgroup species, but it was placed within the investigated Gagea species in the psbA-trnH and the trnL-trnF phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

Gagea genus, which is native to the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions, has attracted significant attention due to its biodiversity and potential health benefits. In this study, the biochemical composition and biological activities of methanol extracts from various parts of G. taurica were investigated, along with their anatomical and morphological characteristics. The best antimicrobial activity was found to be MeOH extracts of corm and leaf against several Candida strains with MIC=640 μg/mL. The highest level of phenolics together with significant results of antioxidant activities were observed in flowers extracts. The α-amylase inhibition assay results showed that the highest inhibition percentage was observed with acarbose (59 %), followed by leaf extract (43 %). Leaf exhibited the most effective inhibitory activity in AChE inhibition assay, whereas flower demonstrated the most significant inhibitory activity in BChE inhibition assay. Hesperidin was found as 1621.0001 ng/ml value in flower extract and 283.9339 ng/ml value leaf.  相似文献   

中国伞形科天胡荽亚科果实解剖特征及其系统学意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
经对中国伞形科天胡荽亚科 (Hydrocotyloideae)中天胡荽属 (HydrocotyleL .)积雪草属 (CentellaL .)和马蹄芹属(DickinsiaFranch .) 10种植物果实解剖结构的观察比较 ,发现 3属的果实横切面以合生面为基准可以分成 2个类型 ,即两侧压扁类型 (天胡荽属和积雪草属 )和背腹压扁类型 (马蹄芹属 )。除此之外 ,中果皮的外侧是否有色素块沉积、内侧是否有木化细胞层或厚壁细胞层以及最内层是否形成晶体细胞层 ,内果皮细胞的层数、排列方向以及有无棱槽油管等性状 ,可以作为区分 3属的重要解剖学特征。在此基础上 ,结合外部形态特征 ,讨论了该亚科及其内部各属的解剖学特征、属间区别及其演化关系。认为马蹄芹属应归属于Mulineae族 ,另外 2个属应归属于天胡荽族(Hydrocotyleae) ;3属中积雪草属原始而马蹄芹属进化 ;天胡荽亚科可能不是自然的类群 ,它的分类系统和演化地位有待深入研究。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the taxonomic value of a number of characters in the elucidation of relationships within the collective genus Polygonum L., and segregate genera Atraphaxis L., Calligonum L., Pteropyrum Jaub. & Spach., Oxygonum Burch., Fagopyrum Mill., Harpagocarpus Hutch. & Dandy and Polygonella Michx., 83 species of the tribe Polygoneae emend. Jaretzky were studied. The following floral characters were examined: stamen number, insertion and external morphology; structure and morphology of the floral nectaries; vasculature and surface morphology of the tepals.
Problems in floral morphology in Polygonaceae are discussed, together with relationships within the Family. The tribal division proposed by Haraldson (1978) is supported, but a new and different delimitation of genera is proposed. The present data support a division of Polygonum L. sensu lato and its related taxa into two tribes: Polygoneae (containing Polygonum L. sensu stricto, Fallopia Adans., Oxygonum Burch., Pteropyrum Jaub. & Sparh., Atraphaxis L. and Calligonum L.), and Persicarieae (containing Fagopyrum Mill., Harpagocarpus Hutch. & Dandy, Persicaria Mill. and Koenigia L.). The genus Reynoutria Houtt. is included as a section of Fallopia Adans.; Bislorta Mill., Aconogonon Reichenb. and Tovara Adans. are included within Persicaria Mill.
A number of new combinations are proposed in Persicaria and Fallopia .  相似文献   

Leaf morphological and anatomical structure and carbon isotope ratio (δ^13C) change with increasing tree height. To determine how tree height affects leaf characteristics, we measured the leaf area, specific leaf mass (ratio of leaf mass to leaf area [LMA]), thickness of the total leaf, cuticle, epidermis, palisade and sponge mesophyll, stomata traits and δ^13C at different heights of Parashorea chinensis with methods of light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. The correlation and stepwise regression between tree height and leaf structure traits were carried out with SPSS software. The results showed that leaf structures and δ^13C differed significantly along the tree height gradient. The leaf area, thickness of sponge mesophyll and size of stomata decreased with increasing height, whereas the thickness of lamina, palisade mesophyll, epidermis, and cuticle, ratios of palisade to spongy thickness, density of stomata and vascular bundles, LMA and δ^13C increased with tree height. Tree height showed a significant relationship with all leaf indices and the most significant relationship was with epidermis thickness, leaf area, cuticle thickness, δ^13C. The δ^13C value showed a significantly positive relationship with LMA (R = 0.934). Our results supported the hypothesis that the leaf structures exhibited more xeromorphic characteristics with the increasing gradient of tree height.  相似文献   

中国伞形科变豆菜亚科的果实解剖特征及其系统学意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
对中国伞形科变豆菜亚科 (Saniculoideae) 2属 (变豆菜属SaniculaL .和刺芹属EryngiumL .) 13种植物的果实形态结构进行了比较解剖学观察 ,从果实横切面形状及其合生面宽度、外果皮和中果皮外突所呈皮刺和鳞片或瘤状体的形态及皮刺中木化厚壁细胞组织的分布、外果皮细胞形状及其角质层厚度、中果皮细胞层数和结晶体类型及分布、色素块沉积、伴生分泌管和油管的大小及分布等方面对上述各属种进行了观察和分析 ,归纳出各属的果实解剖特征 ,探讨了属间演化水平 ,认为刺芹属果实较变豆菜属果实演化程度高。结合已有的研究结果 ,讨论了该亚科与伞形科天胡荽亚科 (Hydrocotyloideae)间的区别及其演化关系。  相似文献   

Most members of Sapindales are characterized by compound leaves, but several genera also (or only) produce simple or unifoliolate leaves. A few genera may bear stipules or pseudostipules. Little is known about the morphological structure and morphogenesis of these types of leaves in Sapindales, but this information is required for comparative and evolutionary studies. Metrodorea is a Neotropical genus of Rutaceae, comprising species presenting compound and unifoliolate leaves, plus heterophylly, together with an intriguing bud‐protecting structure at the leaf base. The aims of the present study are: (1) to examine leaf morphogenesis in Metrodorea and in closely related species (four Esenbeckia spp., Helietta apiculata and Raulinoa echinata); and (2) to improve our understanding of the morphological evolution of leaves in Metrodorea and Rutaceae. Our data show that the hood‐shaped structure at the base of the leaf in Metrodorea, usually interpreted as a sheath, is, in fact, a pair of united stipules, a synapomorphy of the genus. In the species studied, it is possible to recognize two main types of unifoliolate leaf: early unifoliolate leaves and late unifoliolate leaves. We also found that the number of leaflets in the studied species is dependent on the late or early determination of the leaf primordium, and that loss of leaflets may have been favoured by the restriction of space available for development within the cavity formed by the pair of united stipules. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 267–282.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic and taxonomic significance of morphological and anatomical trends in fruits of tribe Crotalarieae has been evaluated, with emphasis on the genus Crotalaria and its seemingly distinctive, inflated and balloon‐shaped pods. In addition to the normal explosive dehiscence as a means of dispersal, several genera (including Crotalaria) show independent evolution of modifications apparently adapted for dispersal by wind, water and gravity. Transverse sections were made of mature pods of 142 species from the 12 currently recognized genera of Crotalarieae. The taxa differ in the orientation of the fibres (related to dehiscence or non‐dehiscence), the overall thickness of the fruit wall, the relative proportions of the pericarp layers, the degree of lignification and the presence or absence of trichomes. Three basic pericarp types can be distinguished: type I, with one, two or three zones of various numbers of cell layers of fibres (almost all genera); type II, with a single cell layer of fibres (only in Rothia, Robynsiophyton, Lebeckia and Lotononis sections Listia and Leobordea); and type III, with one zone of several cell layers of gelatinous fibres and multicellular trichomes associated with the endocarp (only in some species of Calobota and Wiborgiella). Considerable variation was encountered in the tribe, but Crotalaria appears to be rather uniform, with type I predominating. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 165 , 84–106.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and transpiration rates of transgenic (expressing yeast-derived invertase targeted to the vacuole) tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves were, respectively, 50 and 70% of those of a wild type at 20°C, 350 cm3 m?3 CO2 concentration, 450 μmol (photons) m?2 s?1 of light intensity, and 70% relative air humidity. These differences could be attributed: (a) to changes in leaf anatomy and, consequently, to changes in gases diffusion between the cells' surfaces and the atmosphere; (b) to different stomatal apertures, and, for the photosynthesis rate, (c) to the altered CO2 assimilation rate. Our objective was to estimate the relative contributions of these three sources of difference. Measurements on the wild-type and the transgenic leaf cross-sections gave values for the cell area index (CAI, cell area surface per unit of leaf area surface) of 15.91 and 13.97, respectively. The two-dimensional model 2DLEAF for leaf gas exchange was used to estimate quantitatively anatomical, stomatal and biochemical components of these differences. Transpiration rate was equal to 0.9 for the wild-type and to 0.63 mmol m?2 s?1 for the transgenic leaf: 24.0% of the difference (0.066 mmol m?2 s?1 was caused by the greater cell area surface in the wild-type leaf, and 66.0% was caused by a smaller stomatal aperture in the transgenic leaf. Photosynthetic rate was 3.10 and 1.55 μmol m?2 s?1 for the wild-type and transgenic leaves, respectively. Only 10.3% of this difference (0.16 μmol m?2 s?1) was caused by the difference in CAI, and the remaining 89.7% was caused by altered CO2 assimilation rate.  相似文献   

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