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We have investigated BM (bone marrow)‐derived MSCs (mesenchymal stem cells) for the treatment of liver injury. It was hypothesized that MSC‐mediated resolution of liver injury could occur through an antioxidative process. After being injected with CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride), mice were injected with syngenic BM‐derived MSCs or normal saline. Oxidative stress activity of the MSCs was determined by the analysis of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and SOD (superoxide dismutase) activity. In addition, cytoprotective genes of the liver tissue were assessed by real‐time PCR and ARE (antioxidant‐response element) reporter assay. Up‐regulated ROS of CCl4‐treated liver cells was attenuated by co‐culturing with MSCs. Suppression of SOD by adding an SOD inhibitor decreased the effect of MSCs on injured liver cells. MSCs significantly increased SOD activity and inhibited ROS production in the injured liver. The gene expression levels of Hmox‐1 (haem oxygenase‐1), BI‐1 (Bax inhibitor‐1), HGF (hepatocyte growth factor), GST (glutathione transferase) and Nrf2 (nuclear factor‐erythoid 2 p45 subunit‐related factor 20), attenuated by CCl4, were increased up to basal levels after MSC transplantation. In addition, MSCs induced an ARE, shown by luciferase activity, which represented a cytoprotective response in the injured liver. Evidence of a new cytoprotective effect is shown in which MSCs promote an antioxidant response and supports the potential of using MSC transplantation as an effective treatment modality for liver disease.  相似文献   

End‐stage liver fibrosis frequently progresses to portal vein thrombosis, formation of oesophageal varices, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver failure. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), when transplanted in vivo, migrate into fibrogenic livers and then differentiate into hepatocyte‐like cells or fuse with hepatocytes to protect liver function. Moreover, they can produce various growth factors and cytokines with anti‐inflammatory effects to reverse the fibrotic state of the liver. In addition, only a small number of MSCs migrate to the injured tissue after cell transplantation; consequently, multiple studies have investigated effective strategies to improve the survival rate and activity of MSCs for the treatment of liver fibrosis. In this review, we intend to arrange and analyse the current evidence related to MSC transplantation in liver fibrosis, to summarize the detailed mechanisms of MSC transplantation for the reversal of liver fibrosis and to discuss new strategies for this treatment. Finally, and most importantly, we will identify the current problems with MSC‐based therapies to repair liver fibrosis that must be addressed in order to develop safer and more effective routes for MSC transplantation. In this way, it will soon be possible to significantly improve the therapeutic effects of MSC transplantation for liver regeneration, as well as enhance the quality of life and prolong the survival time of patients with liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

Activated factor X has a central role in the coagulation activation and also contributes to chronic inflammation and tissue fibrosis. In this study, rivaroxaban, a direct factor X inhibitor, attenuates liver fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Male rats were randomly allocated into three groups: a control group, CCl 4 fibrotic group, and CCl 4+rivaroxaban (5 mg/kg) group. Liver fibrosis was induced by subcutaneous injection of CCl 4 twice a week for 6 weeks. Rivaroxaban significantly restored the biochemical parameter including inflammatory and fibrosis markers with histopathological evidence using routine and Masson trichrome staining. It reduced also the expression of tissue factor, fibrin, transforming growth factor and α‐smooth muscle actin in the liver tissues. This concludes that rivaroxaban attenuates liver injury caused by CCl 4, at least in part by inhibiting coagulation and proinflammatory activation. In conclusion, rivaroxaban may be used for the management of liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

Liver fibrosis is a disease caused by long‐term damage that is related to a number of factors. The current research on the treatment of liver fibrosis mainly focuses on the activation of hepatic stellate cell, in addition to protecting liver cells. byakangelicin has certain anti‐inflammatory ability, but its effect on liver fibrosis is unclear. This study aims to explore whether byakangelicin plays a role in the development of liver fibrosis and to explore its mechanism. We determined that byakangelicin has a certain ability to resist fibrosis and reduce liver cell damage in a model of carbon tetrachloride–induced liver fibrosis in mice. Thereafter, we performed further verification in vitro. The signalling pathways of two important pro‐fibrotic cytokines, transforming growth factor‐β and platelet‐derived growth factor, were studied. Results showed that byakangelicin can inhibit related pathways. According to the hepatoprotective effect of byakangelicin observed in animal experiments, we studied the effect of byakangelicin on 4‐HNE–induced hepatocyte (HepG2) apoptosis and explored its related pathways. The results showed that byakangelicin could attenuate 4‐HNE–induced hepatocyte apoptosis via inhibiting ASK‐1/JNK signalling. In conclusion, byakangelicin could improve carbon tetrachloride–induced liver fibrosis and liver injury by inhibiting hepatic stellate cell proliferation and activation and suppressing hepatocyte apoptosis.  相似文献   

Liver fibrosis is a disorder in which inflammatory reactions play an important role, and central to the progression and pathogenesis of this disease are the immune-specific cells known as macrophages. Macrophage types are distinguished from each other by the expression of a series of surface markers. STAT6 and Arg1 play an important role in the polarization of macrophages, so these two factors are downstream of interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-13 cytokines and cause to differentiate M2. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the independent effects of imatinib and mesenchymal cell treatment on the polarization of macrophages in rat models of liver fibrosis. The liver fibrosis was induced by the injection of CCL4 for 6 weeks in Sprague–Dawley rats. Then, rats were divided into four different groups, and the effects of imatinib and mesenchymal cells on the expression of Arg1, Ly6c, and STAT6 were evaluated. Histopathology experiments considered the amelioration effect of treatments. Our results showed that Arg1 expression was significantly increased in the groups treated with mesenchymal cells and imatinib compared to the control group. On the other hand, expression of STAT6 was significantly increased in the imatinib-treated mice compared to mesenchymal and control groups. Moreover, the expression of LY6C significantly decreased in imatinib and mesenchymal treated groups compared to the control group. Therefore, our data showed that mesenchymal stem cells and imatinib significantly modulate the fibrotic process in rat models of fibrosis, probably by polarizing macrophages towards an anti-inflammatory profile and increasing the frequency of these cells in liver tissue.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) respond to a variety of differentiation signal provided by their local environments. A large portion of these signals originate from the extracellular matrix (ECM). At the same time, MSCs secrete various matrix‐altering agents, including proteases, that alter ECM‐encoded differentiation signals. Here we investigated the interactions between MSC and ECM produced by endothelial cells (EC‐matrix), focusing not only on the differentiation signals provided by EC‐matrix, but also on MSC‐alteration of these signals and the resultant affects on MSC differentiation. MSCs were cultured on EC‐matrix modified in one of three distinct ways. First, MSCs cultured on native EC‐matrix underwent endothelial cell (EC) differentiation early during the culture period and smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation at later time points. Second, MSCs cultured on crosslinked EC‐matrix, which is resistant to MSC modification, differentiated towards an EC lineage only. Third, MSCs cultured on EC‐matrix pre‐modified by MSCs underwent SMC‐differentiation only. These MSC‐induced matrix alterations were found to deplete the factors responsible for EC‐differentiation, yet activate the SMC‐differentiation factors. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the EC‐matrix contains factors that support MSC differentiation into both ECs and SMCs, and that these factors are modified by MSC‐secreted agents. By analyzing the framework by which EC‐matrix regulates differentiation in MSCs, we have uncovered evidence of a feedback system in which MSCs are able to alter the very matrix signals acting upon them. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 706–713, 2009. Published 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been investigated to treat liver diseases, but the efficiency of MSCs to treat chronic liver diseases is conflicting. FGF21 can reduce inflammation and fibrosis. We established FGF21‐secreting adipose derived stem cells (FGF21_ADSCs) to enhance the effects of ADSCs and transplanted them into thioacetamide (TAA)‐induced liver fibrosis mice via the tail vein. Transplantation of FGF21_ADSCs significantly improved liver fibrosis by decreasing serum hyaluronic acid and reducing the expression of fibrosis‐related factors such as α‐smooth muscle actin (α‐SMA), collagen and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase‐1 (TIMP‐1) compared with the Empty_ADSCs by inhibition of p‐JNK, NF‐κB and p‐Smad2/3 signalling. α‐lactoalbumin (LA) and lactotransferrin (LTF), secretory factors produced from FGF21_ADSCs inhibited TGF‐β1‐induced expression of α‐SMA and collagen in LX‐2 cells. These results suggest that transplantation of FGF21_ADSCs inhibited liver fibrosis more effectively than Empty_ADSCs, possibly via secretion of α‐LA and LTF.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease is a common progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. We investigated whether cell therapy with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) had a protective effect on progressive dopaminergic neuronal loss in vitro and in vivo. In primary mesencephalic cultures, hMSCs treatment significantly decreased MG-132-induced dopaminergic neuronal loss with a significant reduction of caspase-3 activity. In rats received systemic injection of MG-132, hMSCs treatment in MG-132-treated rats dramatically reduced the decline in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive cells, showing an approximately 50% increase in the survival of TH-immunoreactive cells in the substantia nigra compared with the MG-132-treated group. Additionally, hMSC treatment significantly decreased OX-6 immunoreactivity and caspase-3 activity. Histological analysis showed that the number of NuMA-positive cells was 1.7% of total injected hMSCs and 35.7% of these cells were double-stained with NuMA and TH. Adhesive-removal test showed that hMSCs administration in MG-132-treated rats had a tendency to decrease in the mean removal time. This study demonstrates that hMSCs treatment had a protective effect on progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons induced by MG-132 in vitro and in vivo. Complex mechanisms mediated by trophic effects of hMSCs and differentiation of hMSCs into functional TH-immunoreactive neurons may work in the neuroprotective process.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation alone may be insufficient for treatment of liver fibrosis because of complicated histopathological changes in the liver. Given that miR‐122 plays an essential role in liver fibrosis by negatively regulating the proliferation and transactivation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), this study investigated whether miR‐122 modification can improve the therapeutic efficacy of adipose tissue‐derived MSCs in treating liver fibrosis. MiR‐122‐modified AMSCs (AMSC‐122) were constructed through lentivirus‐mediated transfer of pre‐miR‐122. MiR‐122‐modified AMSCs expressed high level of miR‐122, while they retained their phenotype and differentiation potential as naïve AMSCs. AMSC‐122 more effectively suppressed the proliferation of and collagen maturation in HSCs than scramble miRNA‐modified AMSCs. In addition, AMSC‐derived exosomes mediated the miR‐122 communication between AMSCs and HSCs, further affecting the expression levels of miR‐122 target genes, such as insulin‐like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF1R), Cyclin G(1) (CCNG1) and prolyl‐4‐hydroxylase α1 (P4HA1), which are involved in proliferation of and collagen maturation in HSCs. Moreover, miR‐122 modification enhanced the therapeutic efficacy of AMSCs in the treatment of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)‐induced liver fibrosis by suppressing the activation of HSCs and alleviating collagen deposition. Results demonstrate that miR‐122 modification improves the therapeutic efficacy of AMSCs through exosome‐mediated miR‐122 communication; thus, miR‐122 modification is a new potential strategy for treatment of liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

At present, liver fibrosis is a major challenge of global health. When hepatocyte regeneration cannot compensate for hepatocyte death, it will develop into liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease. Initially, collagen produced by myofibroblasts plays a role in maintaining liver integrity, but excessive collagen accumulation can inhibit the residual liver function, leading to liver failure. At present, many scientists are actively looking for drugs to alleviate liver fibrosis. In the current study, we investigated the potential role of uridine in the treatment of liver fibrosis (uridine is a plant/animal‐derived pyrimidine nucleoside, therefore uridine can also be ingested and absorbed by the body, accompanied by the process of food intake). For this, we systematically studied the effect of uridine on CCl4‐induced liver fibrosis in vitro and in vivo through a series of technologies, such as Western blot, laser confocal scanning microscope, ELISA and immunohistochemistry. The experimental results showed that uridine can effectively reduce the accumulation of collagen in liver. Furthermore, uridine can improve the activity of liver cells and alleviate CCl4‐induced liver injury. Furthermore, uridine can significantly alleviate the risk factors caused by hepatic stellate cell activation, uridine treatment significantly down‐regulated the expression of α‐SMA, collagen type‐I and fibronectin. In conclusion, the current research shows that uridine can alleviate CCl4‐induced liver fibrosis, suggesting that uridine can be used as a potential drug to alleviate liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

Liver fibrosis (LF) is the result of a vicious cycle between inflammation-induced chronic hepatocyte injury and persistent activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-based therapy may represent a potential remedy for treatment of LF. However, the fate of transplanted MSCs in LF remains largely unknown. In the present study, the fate and antifibrotic effect of MSCs were explored in a LF model induced by CCl4 in mouse. Additionally, MSCs were stimulated in vitro with LF-associated factors, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), to mimic the LF microenvironment. We unveiled that MSCs exhibited autophagy in response to the LF microenvironment through Becn1 upregulation both in vivo and in vitro. However, autophagy suppression induced by Becn1 knockdown in MSCs resulted in enhanced antifibrotic effects on LF. The improved antifibrotic potential of MSCs may be attributable to their inhibitory effects on T lymphocyte infiltration, HSCs proliferation, as well as production of TNF-α, IFN-γ, and TGF-β1, which may be partially mediated by elevated paracrine secretion of PTGS2/PGE2. Thus, autophagy manipulation in MSCs may be a novel strategy to promote their antifibrotic efficacy.  相似文献   

Tibetan medicine Herpetospermum caudigerum Wall. (HCW) has long been employed to treat hepatitis, inflammatory diseases and jaundice according to the records of “The Four Medical Tantras” in China. This study was investigated to explore the protective effects of HCW on hepatic fibrosis and the possible mechanism in a rat model. Hepatic fibrosis was established by intragastric administration of 3 ml/kg carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) twice a week for 6 weeks. CCl4‐treated rats were received HCW (1 and 3 g/kg/d) and silymarin (0.1 g/kg/d) from 3 to 6 weeks. The results showed that HCW could significantly decrease the levels of AST, ALT, HA, LN, PCIII, Col IV, TNF‐α, IL‐1β and IL‐6. Moreover, HCW could effectively inhibit collagen deposition and reduce the pathological damage. Analysis experiments finally exhibited that HCW was able to markedly inhibit hepatic fibrosis by modulating the expressions of NF‐κB p65, IκBα, Samd3 and TGF‐β1 proteins. Therefore, our results suggest that HCW has hepatoprotective activity against CCl4‐induced hepatic fibrosis in rats by regulating the inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Microglial cells have an essential role in neurodegenerative disorders, such as multiple sclerosis. They are divided into two subgroups: M1 and M2 phenotypes. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), with neuroprotective and immunomodulating properties, could improve these diseases. We evaluate the immunomodulating effects of MSC on microglial phenotypes and the improvement of demyelination in a cuprizone (CPZ) model of multiple sclerosis (MS). For inducing the chronic demyelination model, C57BL6 mice were given a diet with 0.2% CPZ (w/w) for 12 weeks. In the MSC group, cells were transplanted into the right lateral ventricle of mice. The expression of targeted genes was assessed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. M1 and M2 microglial phenotypes were assessed by immunohistochemistry of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and Arg-1, respectively. Remyelination was studied by luxal fast blue (LFB) staining and electron microscopy (EM). We found that MSC transplantation reduced the expression level of M1-specific messenger RNA (mRNA; iNOS and CD86) but increased the expression level of M2 specific genes (CD206, Arg-1, and CX3CR1) in comparison to the CPZ group. Moreover, cell therapy significantly decreased the M1 marker (iNOS+ cells), but M2 marker (Arg-1+ cells) significantly increased in comparison with the CPZ group. In addition, MSC treatment significantly increased the CX3CL1 expression level in comparison with the CPZ group and led to improvement in remyelination, which was confirmed by LFB and EM images. The results showed that MSC transplantation increases the M2 and decreases the M1 phenotype in MS. This change was accompanied by decrease in demyelination and axonal injury and indicated that MSCs have a positive effect on MS by modification of microglia cells.  相似文献   

目的观察脐带间充质干细胞(UC-MSC)对慢性实验性肝损伤的治疗作用并探讨其分子生物学机理。方法 50只7周龄的NOD/SCID小鼠注射四氯化碳(CCL4)制备慢性肝损伤模型后,应用随机数字表的方法随机将实验小鼠随机分成2组:模型组(25只)和UC-MSC移植组(25只)。UC-MSC移植组通过尾静脉注射移植1×106 UC-MSC,模型组注射同样体积的PBS。分别于移植后1、2、3和4周收集肝组织,应用免疫组织化学,RT-PCR和Western blot的方法分析细胞移植前后肝组织的病理生理学特征的变化。采用t检验和方差分析进行统计学分析。结果 UC-MSC移植治疗后肝组织表达人肝细胞特异性AFP,Alb,和内皮细胞特异性CD31,Flk-1。细胞移植4周后v WF标记的血管密度明显增加,同时伴有部分的肝功能改善,谷丙转氨酶(ALT)水平从(55.71±11.33)U/L减至(36.75±12.80)U/L(P〈0.05)。此外,本研究结果表明UC-MSC分泌几种重要的生长因子HGF,FGF-2,VEGF,和VEGF受体通过旁分泌的途径发挥肝组织修复的功能。结论在CCL4诱导的慢性肝损伤模型肝组织,人UC-MSC可以分化成肝细胞样细胞和内皮细胞样细胞,同时旁分泌多种细胞生长因子修复损伤的肝细胞,并伴有肝功能的改善。认为UCMSC移植或许成为将来肝脏损伤疾病一个重要的治疗选择。  相似文献   

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