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Mexico is considered an exceptional biogeographic area with a varied endemic flora, however spatial phylogenetic measures of biodiversity have not yet been estimated to understand how its flora assembled to form the current vegetation. Patterns of species richness, endemism, phylogenetic diversity, phylogenetic endemism and centers of neo‐ and paleo‐endemism were determined to examine differences and congruence among these measures, and their implications for conservation. Of 24 360 vascular plant species 10 235 (42%) are endemic. Areas of endemism and phylogenetic endemism were associated with dry forests in zones of topographic complexity in mountain systems, in deserts, and in isolated xeric vegetation. Every single locality where seasonally tropical dry forests have been reported in Mexico was identified as an area of endemism. Significant phylogenetic diversity was the most restricted and occurred in the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt and in the Sierra de Chiapas. Notably, the highest degree of phylogenetic clustering comprising neo‐, paleo‐, and super‐endemism was identified in southernmost Mexico. Most vascular plant lineages diverged in the Miocene (5–20 mya) when arid environments expanded across the world. The location of Mexico between two very large landmasses and the fact that more than fifty percent of its surface is arid favored the establishment of tropical lineages adapted to extreme seasonality and aridity. These lineages were able to migrate from both North and South America across Central America presumably during the Miocene and to diversify, illustrating the signature of the flora of Mexico of areas of endemism with a mixture of neo‐ and paleo‐endemism.  相似文献   

Nine dinucleotide microsatellites were developed in Astronium urundeuva (Anacardiaceae), a typical tree of the seasonally‐dry tropical forests of South America and characterized on three populations from Paraguay and Argentina. Seven microsatellites were found polymorphic in within population gene diversities ranging from 0.32 to 0.91, and an observed number of alleles varying between four and 20. Despite their relatively low number of alleles, these markers proved valuable tools in detecting genetic structure between three populations in Paraguay and North Argentina.  相似文献   

Matudaea is the only genus of the Hamamelidaceae found in South America. The genus is composed by two extant species, M. trinervia, from Mexico and Costa Rica, and Matudaea colombiana, from the Colombian Andes; additional fossil records are present in Central Europe. Population genetics, molecular phylogenetics and niche modelling approaches were applied to explain processes related with the trans-Panamanian M. trinervia/M. colombiana split and the putative colonization of the latter to the northern Andes. The split between the two Matudaea species was estimated during Middle Miocene. The colonization of Matudaea into South America could have been facilitated by the closure of the Isthmus of Panama and the global decreasing of temperature during Miocene. Five haplotypes of M. colombiana were identified, which show an eastwards decline of genetic diversity and suggest a founder effect in the colonization of Eastern cordillera of the Colombian Andes. We detected a niche conservatism signal between the two Matudaea species related with Temperature of Coldest Month and Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter bioclimatic variables; this signal might be related to the narrow altitudinal range occupied by the two species.  相似文献   

Eleven dinucleotide microsatellites were developed in Geoffroea spinosa (Leguminosae), a widespread tree of the seasonally dry Neotropical forests, and characterized on six populations from Peru, Argentina and Paraguay. Four of them amplified on the Peruvian populations only, probably because of mutations in the microsatellite flanking regions in the other populations. Ten microsatellites were found polymorphic, with within population gene diversities ranging from 0.17 to 0.95, and a number of alleles varying from seven to 19. A significant overall genetic differentiation was also found (θ = 0.212; P < 0.01).  相似文献   

Analytical methods are now available that can date all nodes in a molecular phylogenetic tree with one calibration, and which correct for variable rates of DNA substitution in different lineages. Although these techniques are approximate, they offer a new tool to investigate the historical construction of species-rich biomes. Dated phylogenies of globally distributed plant families often indicate that dispersal, even across oceans, rather than plate tectonics, has generated their wide distributions. By contrast, there are indications that animal lineages have undergone less long distance dispersal. Dating the origin of biome-specific plant groups offers a means of estimating the age of the biomes they characterize. However, rather than a simple emphasis on biome age, we stress the importance of studies that seek to unravel the processes that have led to the accumulation of large numbers of species in some biomes. The synthesis of biological inventory, systematics and evolutionary biology offered by the frameworks of neutral ecological theory and phylogenetic community structure offers a promising route for future work.  相似文献   

Aim Spatial evolutionary and ecological vicariance analysis (SEEVA) is a simple analytical method that evaluates environmental or ecological divergence associated with evolutionary splits. It integrates evolutionary hypotheses, phylogenetic data, and spatial, temporal, environmental and geographical information to elucidate patterns. Using a phylogeny of Prepusa Mart. and Senaea Taub. (Angiospermae: Gentianaceae), SEEVA is used to describe the radiation and ecological patterns of this basal gentian group across south‐eastern Brazil. Location Latin America, global. Methods Environmental data for 151 geolocated botanical collections, associated with specimens from seven species, were compiled with Arc GIS, and were matched with geolocated base layers of eight climatological variables, as well as one each of geological, soil type, elevational and vegetation variables. Sister groups were defined on the basis of the six nested nodes that defined the phylogenetic tree of these two genera. A (0, 1)‐scaled divergence index (D) was defined and tested for each of 12 environmental and for each of the six phylogenetic nodes, by means of contingency analyses. We contrast divergence indices of nested clades, allopatric and sympatric sister clades. Results The level of ecological divergence between sister clades/species, defined in terms of D measures, was substantial for five of six nodes, with 21 of 72 environmental comparisons having D > 0.75. Soil types and geological age of bedrock were strongly divergent only for basal nodes in the phylogeny, by contrast with temperature and precipitation, which exhibited strong divergence at all nodes. There has been strong divergence and progressive occupation of wetter and colder habitats throughout the history of Prepusa. Nodes separating allopatric sister clades exhibited larger niche divergence than did those separating sympatric sister clades. Main conclusions SEEVA provides a multi‐source, direct analysis method for correlating field collections, phylogenetic hypotheses, species distributions and georeferenced environmental data. Using SEEVA, it was possible to quantify and test the divergence between sister lineages, illustrating both niche conservatism and ecological specialization. SEEVA permits elucidation of historical and ecological vicariance for evolutionary lineages, and is amenable to wide application, taxonomically, geographically and ecologically.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that high morphological similarity between closely related species of small-eared shrews resulted from a recent divergence and intermittent population connectivity, presumably due to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations and associated changes in forest habitat distribution. Here we examined the morphological variation of two sister species of small-eared shrews inhabiting cloud forests from Mexico, Cryptotis obscurus and C. mexicanus. We then used ecological niche modelling to provide compelling evidence for current environmental barriers for population connectivity, and for detecting divergent ecological niches between candidate species. Our results indicated that the species boundaries in this clade should be subject to change. High morphological similarity suggested that populations of C. obscurus and C. mexicanus located west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, a major geographic barrier for montane species, are conspecific. Niche divergence between these two putative species was not supported indicating niche conservatism across the evolutionary history of these small-eared shrews. In addition, several barriers seem to play a main role for current lineage divergence between populations within this clade. The population located east of the Isthmus, previously referred to C. mexicanus, might prove to represent a new species based on morphological distinction and current geographic isolation. We have highlighted that estimating species’ potential distributions provides insights to evaluating the effect of geographic barriers on lineage divergence and making stronger inferences when delimiting species.  相似文献   

Background and AimsSeveral biogeographical models have been proposed to explain the colonization and diversification patterns of Macaronesian lineages. In this study, we calculated the diversification rates and explored what model best explains the current distribution of the 15 species endemic to the Canary Islands belonging to Helianthemum sect. Helianthemum (Cistaceae).MethodsWe performed robust phylogenetic reconstructions based on genotyping-by-sequencing data and analysed the timing, biogeographical history and ecological niche conservatism of this endemic Canarian clade.Key ResultsOur phylogenetic analyses provided strong support for the monophyly of this clade, and retrieved five lineages not currently restricted to a single island. The pristine colonization event took place in the Pleistocene (~1.82 Ma) via dispersal to Tenerife by a Mediterranean ancestor.ConclusionsThe rapid and abundant diversification (0.75–1.85 species per million years) undergone by this Canarian clade seems the result of complex inter-island dispersal events followed by allopatric speciation driven mostly by niche conservatism, i.e. inter-island dispersal towards niches featuring similar environmental conditions. Nevertheless, significant instances of ecological niche shifts have also been observed in some lineages, making an important contribution to the overall diversification history of this clade.  相似文献   

We describe three new species of forest robin in the genus Stiphrornis; two from West Africa and one from the Congo Basin. Each species represents a distinct phylogenetic lineage based on genetic analysis. In addition to genetic differentiation, each new species is diagnosable from other Stiphrornis lineages by morphology, and by plumage. One of the new species appears to be restricted to the Central and Brong-Ahafo Regions of Ghana, and another is restricted to Benin and the Central Region of Ghana. In Ghana, these two new species presumably come into contact with Stiphrornis erythrothorax (Western Region of Ghana and westward), and there is evidence that one of the new species has a distinguishably different song from erythrothorax. The distribution of the third new species is primarily on the south bank of the Congo River, near the city of Kisangani. Recognition of these species provides additional evidence that Afrotropical forests are harbouring substantial cryptic diversity, and that our knowledge of the drivers of this diversity remains poorly documented across the region.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BF2A0BE6-1140-4EFF-9035-380D61AB03AE  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of tribes Cicereae, Trifolieae, and Vicieae was carried out using 33 morphological, anatomical, karyological, and chemotaxonomical characteristics. Transformation polarities of the character states were developed by comparison with the character states of the genus Galega, the sister group of the tribes. Cicereae and Vicieae were found to be a monophyletic group, and Trifolieae was its sister group. The seven synapomorphic characters of Cicereae and Vicieae were presumed to be: germination hypogeal vs. epigeal; first leaf in seedlings scarious vs. laminous; leaves paripinnately and tendrilous vs. imparipinnately and etendrilous; postchalazal vascular bundle present in seed coats vs. absent; a cotyledon flap present at antihilar side vs. absent; radicles short in seeds vs. long; and plumules long in seeds vs. short.  相似文献   

The progressive expansion of the Australian arid zone during the last 20 Ma appears to have spurred the diversification of several families of plants, vertebrates and invertebrates, yet such taxonomic groups appear to show limited niche radiation. Here, we test whether speciation is associated with niche conservatism (constraints on ecological divergence) or niche divergence in a tribe of marsupial mice (Sminthopsini; 23 taxa) that includes the most speciose genus of living dasyurids, the sminthopsins. To that end, we integrated phylogenetic data with ecological niche modelling, to enable us to reconstruct the evolution of climatic suitability within Sminthopsini. Niche overlap among species was low‐moderate (but generally higher than expected given environmental background similarity), and the degree of phylogenetic clustering increased with aridity. Climatic niche reconstruction illustrates that there has been little apparent evolution of climatic tolerance within clades. Accordingly, climatic disparity tends to be accumulated among clades, suggesting considerable niche conservatism. Our results also indicate that evolution of climatic tolerances has been heterogeneous across different dimensions of climate (temperature vs. precipitation) and across phylogenetic clusters (Sminthopsis murina group vs. other groups). Although some results point to the existence of shifts in climatic niches during the speciation of sminthopsins, our study provides evidence for substantial phylogenetic niche conservatism in the group. We conclude that niche diversification had a low impact on the speciation of this tribe of small, but highly mobile marsupials.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence analysis of 5.8S subunit and internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), the molecular phylogenetic tree of representative species of Pipizini and three groups of Syrphidae with different feeding habits (seven species belong to six genera) was constructed. Meanwhile, the phylogenetic tree of tribes (including Pipizini and other 17 tribes of Syrphidae) was constructed using morphological characteristics of adults and larvae and the number of chromosomes. Both the results show that the relationship between Pipizini and predatory groups is closer than that between Pipizini and saprophagous groups. So it is suggested that Pipizini be transferred from Milesiinae to Syrphinae.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence analysis of 5.8S subunit and internal transcribed spacers (ITS ) of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), the molecular phylogenetic tree of representative species of Pipizini and three groups of Syrphidae with different feeding habits (seven species belong to six genera) was constructed. Meanwhile, the phylogenetic tree of tribes (including Pipizini and other 17 tribes of Syrphidae) was constructed using morphological characteristics of adults and larvae and the number of chromosomes. Both the results show that the relationship between Pipizini and predatory groups is closer than that between Pipizini and saprophagous groups. So it is suggested that Pipizini be transferred from Milesiinae to Syrphinae.  相似文献   

Yunnanopilia longistaminea (W.Z. Li) C.Y. Wu & D.Z. Li, which is a controversial species in Opiliaceae, is treated as a variety of Champereia manillana (Blume) Merrill in the Flora of China and morphological analysis has produced conflicting results regarding its affinity to Melientha and Champereia. To determine the systematic position of Yunnanopilia in Opiliaceae, we selected two nuclear regions (internal transcribed spacer [ITS4‐ITS5] and 18S rDNA) and four chloroplast regions (rbcL, matK, psbAtrnH, and trnStrnG) to test the phylogenetics of the family Opiliaceae using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analysis. Morphological characteristics were also examined to clarify the similarities and differences among Y. longistaminea and two closely related species. Agonandra was located at the basal position in the family Opiliaceae; in the large clade including other remaining genera, two main clades were clearly identified and correlated with inflorescence morphological characteristics. All samples of Y. longistaminea formed a clade. Yunnanopilia, Melientha, and Champereia were more closely related than other genera of Opiliaceae. Yunnanopilia longistaminea was sister to M. suavis Pierre and was more closely related to M. suavis than to C. manillana. Morphological analysis also showed that differences in the inflorescences and flowers between Y. longistaminea and M. suavis were substantial enough to warrant the retention of Y. longistaminea in its current genus. Thus, we suggest that the monotypic Yunnanopilia be treated as a distinct genus and that the name Y. longistaminea should be adopted.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence analysis of 5.8S subunit and internal transcribed spacers (ITS ) of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), the molecular phylogenetic tree of representative species of Pipizini and three groups of Syrphidae with different feeding habits (seven species belong to six genera) was constructed. Meanwhile, the phylogenetic tree of tribes (including Pipizini and other 17 tribes of Syrphidae) was constructed using morphological characteristics of adults and larvae and the number of chromosomes. Both the results show that the relationship between Pipizini and predatory groups is closer than that between Pipizini and saprophagous groups. So it is suggested that Pipizini be transferred from Milesiinae to Syrphinae.  相似文献   

Parthenocissus (the Virginia creeper genus, Vitaceae) consists of 13 species and shows a disjunct distribution between Asia and North America. We investigated the inflorescence structure, calyx morphology, appendages on the inner side of petals, leaf epidermis, pollen and seed characters throughout the genus. A combined phylogenetic analysis with 27 morphological and 4137 molecular characters was conducted and the result was largely congruent with that of the previous molecular work, but with higher resolution. The combined analysis identified two clades corresponding to the Asian and North American taxa. Parthenocissus feddei was resolved as closely related to the clade containing P. cuspidifera, P. heterophylla and P. semicordata. The four species share synapomorphies of having conspicuously raised veinlets, an obscurely five‐ (to eight‐) lobed calyx, appendages on the inner side of petals covering the entire length of anthers and foveolate pollen exine ornamentation. Within the Old World clade, the pentafoliolate species were weakly supported as more closely related to species with both simple and trifoliolate leaves. Furthermore, the ancestral states of tendril apices, inflorescence structure, appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were reconstructed on the molecular strict consensus tree. The appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were suggested to be important characters in the taxonomy of Parthenocissus, especially for species with trifoliolate leaves. Finally, the previous classifications of Parthenocissus were evaluated within the phylogenetic framework. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

To investigate the phylogenetic and phylogeographical relationships of arvicolines, we use several Western European ground voles. More particularly, our study is focused on Microtus ( Terricola ) savii and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus . These two allopatric species are usually considered as having originated from the same ancestor, possibly M . ( T. ) mariaclaudiae . We propose molecular and morphological approaches: nucleotidic data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes and global morphological analyses from the first lower molar. Four other Terricola species ( multiplex , lusitanicus , duodecimcostatus , subterraneus ) were added to the data set for both analyses, and two other vole species ( Clethrionomys glareolus and Chionomys nivalis ) as outgroup to the molecular analysis, and five fossil populations to the morphological one. Palaeontological data are also widely taken into account. Both molecular and morphological analyses indicate that intra- Terricola relationships reflect the present-day geographical distribution of our data set species. Our results show that M. ( T. ) savii and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus are from separate speciation events leading to two different biogeographical groups, respectively the Alpine–Italian group and the French–Iberian group, the latter being much more homogeneous. These speciation events could be related to Quaternary climatic changes, which induced southward migration, leading first to M. ( T. ) savii and second to M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus . The classical hypothesis of a geographical speciation for these two taxa from M. ( T. ) mariaclaudiae is invalid. However, the morphological data suggest a potential phylogenetic relationship between M. ( T. ) mariaclaudiae (ancestor) and M. ( T. ) pyrenaicus (descendant).  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 309–323.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among nine genera and 28 species of the southern African tribe Podalyrieae were estimated from sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA as well as morphological and chemical data. Morphological and ITS sequence data produced cladograms with similar topologies, both supporting the monophyly of Podalyrieae (excluding Hypocalyptus ). The combined data sets indicate that subtribe Xiphothecinae are monophyletic, but embedded within Podalyriinae. The high degree of congruence between previous taxonomic hypotheses and those based on DNA data provides further evidence for the utility of ITS sequences in studying phylogeny.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 159–170.  相似文献   

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