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EMBO J 32: 2905–2919 10.1038/emboj.2013.199; published online September032013Some B cells of the adaptive immune system secrete polyreactive immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the absence of immunization or infection. Owing to its limited affinity and specificity, this natural IgG is thought to play a modest protective role. In this issue, a report reveals that natural IgG binds to microbes following their opsonization by ficolin and mannan-binding lectin (MBL), two carbohydrate receptors of the innate immune system. The interaction of natural IgG with ficolins and MBL protects against pathogenic bacteria via a complement-independent mechanism that involves IgG receptor FcγRI expressing macrophages. Thus, natural IgG enhances immunity by adopting a defensive strategy that crossovers the conventional boundaries between innate and adaptive microbial recognition systems.The adaptive immune system generates protective somatically recombined antibodies through a T cell-dependent (TD) pathway that involves follicular B cells. After recognizing antigen through the B-cell receptor (BCR), follicular B cells establish a cognate interaction with CD4+ T follicular helper (TFH) cells and thereafter either rapidly differentiate into short-lived IgM-secreting plasmablasts or enter the germinal centre (GC) of lymphoid follicles to complete class switch recombination (CSR) and somatic hypermutation (SHM) (Victora and Nussenzweig, 2012). CSR from IgM to IgG, IgA and IgE generates antibodies with novel effector functions, whereas SHM provides the structural correlate for the induction of affinity maturation (Victora and Nussenzweig, 2012). Eventually, this canonical TD pathway generates long-lived bone marrow plasma cells and circulating memory B cells that produce protective class-switched antibodies capable to recognize specific antigens with high affinity (Victora and Nussenzweig, 2012).In addition to post-immune monoreactive antibodies, B cells produce pre-immune polyreactive antibodies in the absence of conventional antigenic stimulation (Ehrenstein and Notley, 2010). These natural antibodies form a vast and stable repertoire that recognizes both non-protein and protein antigens with low affinity (Ehrenstein and Notley, 2010). Natural antibodies usually emerge from a T cell-independent (TI) pathway that involves innate-like B-1 and marginal zone (MZ) B cells. These are extrafollicular B-cell subsets that rapidly differentiate into short-lived antibody-secreting plasmablasts after detecting highly conserved microbial and autologus antigens through polyreactive BCRs and nonspecific germline-encoded pattern recognition receptors (Pone et al, 2012; Cerutti et al, 2013).The most studied natural antibody is IgM, a pentameric complement-activating molecule with high avidity but low affinity for antigen (Ehrenstein and Notley, 2010). In addition to promoting the initial clearance of intruding microbes, natural IgM regulates tissue homeostasis, immunological tolerance and tumour surveillance (Ochsenbein et al, 1999; Zhou et al, 2007; Ehrenstein and Notley, 2010). Besides secreting IgM, B-1 and MZ B cells produce IgG and IgA after receiving CSR-inducing signals from dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages and neutrophils of the innate immune system (Cohen and Norins, 1966; Cerutti et al, 2013). In humans, certain natural IgG and IgA are moderately mutated and show some specificity, which may reflect the ability of human MZ B cells to undergo SHM (Cerutti et al, 2013). Yet, natural IgG and IgA are generally perceived as functionally quiescent.In this issue, Panda et al show that natural IgG bound to a broad spectrum of bacteria with high affinity by cooperating with ficolin and MBL (Panda et al, 2013), two ancestral soluble lectins of the innate immune system (Holmskov et al, 2003). This binding involved some degree of specificity, because it required the presence of ficolin or MBL on the microbial surface as well as lower pH and decreased calcium concentration in the extracellular environment as a result of infection or inflammation (see Figure 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Ficolins and MBL are produced by hepatocytes and various cells of the innate immune system and opsonize bacteria after recognizing conserved carbohydrates. Low pH and calcium concentrations present under infection-inflammation conditions promote the interaction of ficolin or MBL with natural IgG on the surface of bacteria. The resulting immunocomplex is efficiently phagocytosed by macrophages through FcγR1 independently of the complement protein C3, leading to the clearance of bacteria.Ficolins and MBL are soluble pattern recognition receptors that opsonize microbes after binding to glycoconjugates through distinct carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) structures (Holmskov et al, 2003). While ficolins use a fibrinogen domain, MBL and other members of the collectin family use a C-type lectin domain attached to a collagen-like region (Holmskov et al, 2003). Similar to pentraxins, ficolins and MBL are released by innate effector cells and hepatocytes, and thus may have served as ancestral antibody-like molecules prior to the inception of the adaptive immune system (Holmskov et al, 2003; Bottazzi et al, 2010). Of note, MBL and the MBL-like complement protein C1q are recruited by natural IgM to mediate complement-dependent clearance of autologous apoptotic cells and microbes (Holmskov et al, 2003; Ehrenstein and Notley, 2010). Panda et al found that a similar lectin-dependent co-optation strategy enhances the protective properties of natural IgG (Panda et al, 2013).By using bacteria and the bacterial glycan N-acetylglicosamine, Panda et al show that natural IgG isolated from human serum or T cell-deficient mice interacted with the fibrinogen domain of microbe-associated ficolins (Panda et al, 2013). The resulting immunocomplex was phagocytosed by macrophages via the IgG receptor FcγRI in a complement-independent manner (Panda et al, 2013). The additional involvement of MBL was demonstrated by experiments showing that natural IgG retained some bacteria-binding activity in the absence of ficolins (Panda et al, 2013).Surface plasmon resonance provided some clues regarding the molecular requirements of the ficolin–IgG interaction (Panda et al, 2013), but the conformational changes required by ficolin to interact with natural IgG remain to be addressed. In particular, it is unclear what segment of the effector Fc domain of natural IgG binds to ficolins and whether Fc-associated glycans are involved in this binding. Specific glycans have been recently shown to mitigate the inflammatory properties of IgG emerging from TI responses (Hess et al, 2013) and this process could implicate ficolins and MBL. Moreover, it would be important to elucidate whether and how the antigen-binding Fab portion of natural IgG regulates its interaction with ficolins and MBL.The in vivo protective role of natural IgG was elegantly demonstrated by showing that reconstitution of IgG-deficient mice lacking the CSR-enzyme activation-induced cytidine deaminase with natural IgG from T cell-insufficient animals enhanced resistance to pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Panda et al, 2013). This protective effect was associated with reduced production of proinflammatory cytokines, occurred independently of the complement protein C3 and was impaired by peptides capable to inhibit the binding of natural IgG to ficolin (Panda et al, 2013). Additional in vivo studies will be needed to determine whether natural IgG exerts protective activity in mice lacking ficolin, MBL or FcγRI, and to ascertain whether these molecules also enhance the protective properties of canonical or natural IgG and IgA released by bone marrow plasma cells and mucosal plasma cells, respectively.In conclusion, the findings by Panda et al show that natural IgG adopts ‘crossover'' defensive strategies that blur the conventional boundaries between the innate and adaptive immune systems. The sophisticated integration of somatically recombined and germline-encoded antigen recognition systems described in this new study shall stimulate immunologists to further explore the often underestimated protective virtues of our vast natural antibody repertoire. This effort may lead to the development of novel therapies against infections.  相似文献   

We recently reported that induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) prepared from different human origins acquired similar glycan profiles to one another as well as to human embryonic stem cells. Although the results strongly suggested attainment of specific glycan expressions associated with the acquisition of pluripotency, the detailed glycan structures remained to be elucidated. Here, we perform a quantitative glycome analysis targeting both N- and O-linked glycans derived from 201B7 human iPSCs and human dermal fibroblasts as undifferentiated and differentiated cells, respectively. Overall, the fractions of high mannose-type N-linked glycans were significantly increased upon induction of pluripotency. Moreover, it became evident that the type of linkage of Sia on N-linked glycans was dramatically changed from α-2–3 to α-2–6, and the expression of α-1–2 fucose and type 1 LacNAc structures became clearly apparent, while no such glycan epitopes were detected in fibroblasts. The expression profiles of relevant glycosyltransferase genes were fully consistent with these results. These observations indicate unambiguously the manifestation of a “glycome shift” upon conversion to iPSCs, which may not merely be the result of the initialization of gene expression, but could be involved in a more aggressive manner either in the acquisition or maintenance of the undifferentiated state of iPSCs.Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)1 are genetically manufactured pluripotent cells obtained by the transfection of reprogramming factors. Such iPSCs were first reported in 2006 for the mouse (1) and in 2007 for humans (2, 3). Although iPSCs have already been used in the fields of drug development and disease models (47), basic aspects of iPSCs largely remain to be elucidated to provide us with a fuller understanding of their properties and for therapeutic applications to be developed in the field of regenerative medicine. These aspects include the need for a definitive system to be established to evaluate their properties; e.g. pluripotency, differentiation propensity, risk of possible contamination of xenoantigens, and even the potential for tumorigenesis. Cell surface glycans are often referred to as the “cell signature,” which changes dramatically depending on the cell properties and conditions (8) as a result of changes in gene expression, including epigenetic modifications of glycan-related molecules. Glycans, because of their outermost cell-surface locations and structural complexity, are considered to be most advantageous communication molecules, playing roles in various biological phenomena. Indeed, SSEA3/4 and Tra-1–60/81, which have been used to discriminate pluripotency, are cell surface glycan epitopes that respond to some specific antibodies (912).Glycan-mediated cell-to-cell interactions have been shown to play important roles in various biological phenomena including embryogenesis and carcinogenesis (1316). This might also be the case for the acquisition and maintenance of iPSC and ESC pluripotency, although there remains much to clarify concerning the roles of cell surface glycans in these events. Thus, the development of novel cell surface markers to evaluate the properties of iPSCs and ESCs is keenly required. Toward this goal, a glycomic approach has been made by several groups (1720). In our previous study using an advanced lectin microarray technique (21), thirty-eight lectins capable of discriminating between iPSCs and SCs were statistically selected, and the characteristic features of the pluripotent state were obtained. The glycan profiles of the parent SCs, derived from four different tissues, were totally different from one another and from those of the iPSCs. Despite this observation, the technique used lacks the ability to determine detailed glycan structures or allow their quantification. For this purpose, a conventional approach based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization (MALDI) - time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) was undertaken for both the definitive identification of glycan structures and their quantitative comparison, which remained unclear in the previous analysis (21).We report here structural data on N-linked and O-linked glycans derived from the human iPSC 201B7 cell line (2) and human dermal fibroblasts (SC) representing undifferentiated and differentiated cells, respectively. For quantitative comparison, the glycans were liberated by gas-phase hydrazinolysis from similar numbers of cells (2225) fluorescently tagged with 2-aminopyridine (2-AP) at their reducing terminus (26, 27), following which the derived pyridylaminated (PA-) glycans were purified by multiple-mode (i.e. anion-exchange, size-fractionation and reverse-phase) HPLC. Their structures were determined and quantified by HPLC mapping assisted with MALDI-TOF-MS and exoglycosidase digestion analyses. This report thus provides the first structural evidence showing the occurrence of a dynamic “glycome shift” upon induction of pluripotency.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) retain a memory of their origin and exhibit biased differentiation potential. This finding reveals a severe limitation in the application of iPSCs to cell-based therapy because it means that certain cell types are not available for reprogramming for patients. Here we show that the iPSC differentiation process is accompanied by profound gene expression and epigenetic modifications that reflect cells'' origins. Under typical conditions for mammary differentiation, iPSCs reprogrammed from tail-tip fibroblasts (TF-iPSCs) activated a fibroblast-specific signature that was not compatible with mammary differentiation. Strikingly, under optimized conditions, including coculture with iPSCs derived from the mammary epithelium or in the presence of pregnancy hormones, the fibroblast-specific signature of TF-iPSCs obtained during differentiation was erased and cells displayed a mammary-specific signature with a markedly enhanced ability for mammary differentiation. These findings provide new insights into the precise control of differentiation conditions that may have applications in personalized cell-based therapy.The mammary gland is a primary target for carcinogenesis. Breast cancer occurs at a high rate and affects one in eight women in Western countries during their lifetime.1, 2 In the United States alone, 232 340 new invasive breast cancer cases were reported for women in 2013 and 39 620 patients died.3 Regenerative therapy of the damaged mammary gland tissues is the best way to restore breast functions; therefore, the creation of stem cells that are capable of developing into fully functional mammary glands is desirable. There are two distinct types of pluripotent stem cells that may be used for this purpose. The first is embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from the inner cell mass of embryonic blastocysts,4 and the second is induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained by reprogramming somatic cells.5 Although, in theory, both ESCs and iPSCs can be differentiated into any type of mature cell, use of the latter is more desirable because it does not require the killing of embryos, and the cells can be derived from virtually any type of tissue. In addition, because iPSCs can be generated from the same patient, the use of iPSCs avoids the immunosuppressive reactions that have long hampered organ and tissue transplantation.6, 7, 8 However, recent studies have shown that some iPSCs seem to retain a memory of their origin and exhibit skewed potential during differentiation for tissue/organ formation.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 This feature may represent a limitation if certain cell types from diseased tissues or organs are not available for reprogramming.Numerous studies about the use of ESCs have indicated that, although these cells have the potential to generate all cell types, their differentiation depends critically on many factors.14, 15, 16 Precise conditions are required for driving cells into specific pathways leading to new lineage formation (reviewed in Murry and Keller17 and Cahan and Daley18). Based on these observations, we hypothesized that the skewed differentiation of iPSCs could be overcome by providing favorable conditions for differentiation. To test this hypothesis, we have generated iPSCs from mouse mammary epithelial cells (ME-iPSCs) and mouse-tail fibroblasts (TF-iPSCs), and have studied the gene expression profiles and epigenetic modifications during differentiation. We found that, although these iPSCs activate distinct signature memories that are reflective of their origins during the differentiation process, the fate of iPSCs could be redirected under optimized conditions in favor of the formation of a desired tissue/organ.  相似文献   

The erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) was discovered and described in red blood cells (RBCs), stimulating its proliferation and survival. The target in humans for EpoR agonists drugs appears clear—to treat anemia. However, there is evidence of the pleitropic actions of erythropoietin (Epo). For that reason, rhEpo therapy was suggested as a reliable approach for treating a broad range of pathologies, including heart and cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease), spinal cord injury, stroke, diabetic retinopathy and rare diseases (Friedreich ataxia). Unfortunately, the side effects of rhEpo are also evident. A new generation of nonhematopoietic EpoR agonists drugs (asialoEpo, Cepo and ARA 290) have been investigated and further developed. These EpoR agonists, without the erythropoietic activity of Epo, while preserving its tissue-protective properties, will provide better outcomes in ongoing clinical trials. Nonhematopoietic EpoR agonists represent safer and more effective surrogates for the treatment of several diseases such as brain and peripheral nerve injury, diabetic complications, renal ischemia, rare diseases, myocardial infarction, chronic heart disease and others.In principle, the erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) was discovered and described in red blood cell (RBC) progenitors, stimulating its proliferation and survival. Erythropoietin (Epo) is mainly synthesized in fetal liver and adult kidneys (13). Therefore, it was hypothesized that Epo act exclusively on erythroid progenitor cells. Accordingly, the target in humans for EpoR agonists drugs (such as recombinant erythropoietin [rhEpo], in general, called erythropoiesis-simulating agents) appears clear (that is, to treat anemia). However, evidence of a kaleidoscope of pleitropic actions of Epo has been provided (4,5). The Epo/EpoR axis research involved an initial journey from laboratory basic research to clinical therapeutics. However, as a consequence of clinical observations, basic research on Epo/EpoR comes back to expand its clinical therapeutic applicability.Although kidney and liver have long been considered the major sources of synthesis, Epo mRNA expression has also been detected in the brain (neurons and glial cells), lung, heart, bone marrow, spleen, hair follicles, reproductive tract and osteoblasts (617). Accordingly, EpoR was detected in other cells, such as neurons, astrocytes, microglia, immune cells, cancer cell lines, endothelial cells, bone marrow stromal cells and cells of heart, reproductive system, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, pancreas and skeletal muscle (1827). Conversely, Sinclair et al.(28) reported data questioning the presence or function of EpoR on nonhematopoietic cells (endothelial, neuronal and cardiac cells), suggesting that further studies are needed to confirm the diversity of EpoR. Elliott et al.(29) also showed that EpoR is virtually undetectable in human renal cells and other tissues with no detectable EpoR on cell surfaces. These results have raised doubts about the preclinical basis for studies exploring pleiotropic actions of rhEpo (30).For the above-mentioned data, a return to basic research studies has become necessary, and many studies in animal models have been initiated or have already been performed. The effect of rhEpo administration on angiogenesis, myogenesis, shift in muscle fiber types and oxidative enzyme activities in skeletal muscle (4,31), cardiac muscle mitochondrial biogenesis (32), cognitive effects (31), antiapoptotic and antiinflammatory actions (3337) and plasma glucose concentrations (38) has been extensively studied. Neuro- and cardioprotection properties have been mainly described. Accordingly, rhEpo therapy was suggested as a reliable approach for treating a broad range of pathologies, including heart and cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease), spinal cord injury, stroke, diabetic retinopathy and rare diseases (Friedreich ataxia).Unfortunately, the side effects of rhEpo are also evident. Epo is involved in regulating tumor angiogenesis (39) and probably in the survival and growth of tumor cells (25,40,41). rhEpo administration also induces serious side effects such as hypertension, polycythemia, myocardial infarction, stroke and seizures, platelet activation and increased thromboembolic risk, and immunogenicity (4246), with the most common being hypertension (47,48). A new generation of nonhematopoietic EpoR agonists drugs have hence been investigated and further developed in animals models. These compounds, namely asialoerythropoietin (asialoEpo) and carbamylated Epo (Cepo), were developed for preserving tissue-protective properties but reducing the erythropoietic activity of native Epo (49,50). These drugs will provide better outcome in ongoing clinical trials. The advantage of using nonhematopoietic Epo analogs is to avoid the stimulation of hematopoiesis and thereby the prevention of an increased hematocrit with a subsequent procoagulant status or increased blood pressure. In this regard, a new study by van Rijt et al. has shed new light on this topic (51). A new nonhematopoietic EpoR agonist analog named ARA 290 has been developed, promising cytoprotective capacities to prevent renal ischemia/reperfusion injury (51). ARA 290 is a short peptide that has shown no safety concerns in preclinical and human studies. In addition, ARA 290 has proven efficacious in cardiac disorders (52,53), neuropathic pain (54) and sarcoidosis-induced chronic neuropathic pain (55). Thus, ARA 290 is a novel nonhematopoietic EpoR agonist with promising therapeutic options in treating a wide range of pathologies and without increased risks of cardiovascular events.Overall, this new generation of EpoR agonists without the erythropoietic activity of Epo while preserving tissue-protective properties of Epo will provide better outcomes in ongoing clinical trials (49,50). Nonhematopoietic EpoR agonists represent safer and more effective surrogates for the treatment of several diseases, such as brain and peripheral nerve injury, diabetic complications, renal ischemia, rare diseases, myocardial infarction, chronic heart disease and others.  相似文献   

p53 loss of heterozygosity (p53LOH) is frequently observed in Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) patients who carry a mutant (Mut) p53 germ-line mutation. Here, we focused on elucidating the link between p53LOH and tumor development in stem cells (SCs). Although adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) robustly underwent p53LOH, p53LOH in induced embryonic pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) was significantly attenuated. Only SCs that underwent p53LOH induced malignant tumors in mice. These results may explain why LFS patients develop normally, yet acquire tumors in adulthood. Surprisingly, an analysis of single-cell sub-clones of iPSCs, MSCs and ex vivo bone marrow (BM) progenitors revealed that p53LOH is a bi-directional process, which may result in either the loss of wild-type (WT) or Mut p53 allele. Interestingly, most BM progenitors underwent Mutp53LOH. Our results suggest that the bi-directional p53LOH process may function as a cell-fate checkpoint. The loss of Mutp53 may be regarded as a DNA repair event leading to genome stability. Indeed, gene expression analysis of the p53LOH process revealed upregulation of a specific chromatin remodeler and a burst of DNA repair genes. However, in the case of loss of WTp53, cells are endowed with uncontrolled growth that promotes cancer.Heterozygosity, caused by a mutation in a single allele of a tumor suppressor gene (TSG), is one of the first steps in malignant transformation.1 Often, TSGs undergo loss of the wild-type (WT) allele, designated as loss of heterozygosity (LOH).2, 3, 4 Patients with the rare cancer predisposition Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS), carrying germ-line heterozygous p53 mutations,5 apparently exhibit normal development yet later in adult life develop a wide spectrum of tumors; predominantly sarcomas,6, 7, 8 where 40–60% of tumors exhibit WT p53 loss of heterozygosity (p53LOH).8Giving that cancer development could be associated with stemness deregulation challenges, the notion that the occurrence of p53LOH in stem cells (SCs) may contribute to the emergence of cancer SCs. Genomic fidelity is a hallmark of SCs.9 The genome of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) is extremely stable, whereas adult stem cells (ASCs) exhibit a less stable genome.10 Genetic deregulation in ASCs was shown to be associated with tumor development.11, 12, 13 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that acquire mutations in oncogenes/TSGs such as p53 may function as tumor-initiating cells leading to de-novo sarcomagensis.14, 15, 16, 17 Furthermore, MSCs isolated from young mice, aged in culture acquired clinically relevant p53 mutations.18 In all, these findings suggest a link between p53 inactivation in SCs and tumorigenesis.Although induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) seemed to represent ESCs,19, 20 several studies questioned the assumption that iPSCs are as genomically stable as ESCs.21, 22, 23, 24 p53 was found to have a major role in the generation of iPSCs both in attenuating reprogramming and controlling the quality of the reprogrammed cells.25, 26 An additional role of p53 during reprogramming may be an indirect effect on cell proliferation27 and on the restriction of mesenchymal–epithelial transition during the early phases of reprogramming.28 Importantly, Mutp53 cells exhibiting a fully reprogrammed iPSC phenotype in vitro, form malignant tumors in vivo, instead of the benign teratomas induced by the WTp53-iPSCs.25 As p53 is the guardian of the genome, it is important to investigate how p53LOH would affect genome stability and tumorigenicity of iPSCs.The availability of in vitro SC p53LOH models (iPSCs, MSCs) can help decipher the role of p53LOH in cancer initiation. Indeed, the incidence of p53LOH was found to be extremely different between these SCs. Surprisingly, we found that reprograming of heterozygous p53 (HZp53) fibroblasts, which frequently undergo p53LOH, gave rise to iPSC clones, most of which retained their HZp53 status and exhibited features of normal WTp53-iPSCs. However, p53LOH process is robust in MSCs. Interestingly, single-cell sub-cloning of iPSCs, MSCs and ex vivo bone marrow (BM) progenitors revealed that, in addition to the loss of the WTp53, loss of the Mutp53 allele also takes place. Of note, this bi-directional p53LOH occurred in an age-dependent manner linking LOH to aging and tumorigenesis. Surprisingly, most of the p53LOH events in BM progenitors preferred the loss of the Mutp53 allele. Taken together, our results of a bi-directional p53LOH process, accompanied by a burst of DNA repair pathways, may suggest that p53LOH can be regarded as a DNA repair event. In the case of a DNA repair-orientated productive LOH process, where the Mutp53 allele is lost, cells are rescued of tumorigenesis. However, when the WTp53 allele is lost, cells become prone to tumor initiation.  相似文献   



The gut microbiota is essential to human health throughout life, yet the acquisition and development of this microbial community during infancy remains poorly understood. Meanwhile, there is increasing concern over rising rates of cesarean delivery and insufficient exclusive breastfeeding of infants in developed countries. In this article, we characterize the gut microbiota of healthy Canadian infants and describe the influence of cesarean delivery and formula feeding.


We included a subset of 24 term infants from the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) birth cohort. Mode of delivery was obtained from medical records, and mothers were asked to report on infant diet and medication use. Fecal samples were collected at 4 months of age, and we characterized the microbiota composition using high-throughput DNA sequencing.


We observed high variability in the profiles of fecal microbiota among the infants. The profiles were generally dominated by Actinobacteria (mainly the genus Bifidobacterium) and Firmicutes (with diverse representation from numerous genera). Compared with breastfed infants, formula-fed infants had increased richness of species, with overrepresentation of Clostridium difficile. Escherichia–Shigella and Bacteroides species were underrepresented in infants born by cesarean delivery. Infants born by elective cesarean delivery had particularly low bacterial richness and diversity.


These findings advance our understanding of the gut microbiota in healthy infants. They also provide new evidence for the effects of delivery mode and infant diet as determinants of this essential microbial community in early life.The human body harbours trillions of microbes, known collectively as the “human microbiome.” By far the highest density of commensal bacteria is found in the digestive tract, where resident microbes outnumber host cells by at least 10 to 1. Gut bacteria play a fundamental role in human health by promoting intestinal homeostasis, stimulating development of the immune system, providing protection against pathogens, and contributing to the processing of nutrients and harvesting of energy.1,2 The disruption of the gut microbiota has been linked to an increasing number of diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, necrotizing enterocolitis, diabetes, obesity, cancer, allergies and asthma.1 Despite this evidence and a growing appreciation for the integral role of the gut microbiota in lifelong health, relatively little is known about the acquisition and development of this complex microbial community during infancy.3Two of the best-studied determinants of the gut microbiota during infancy are mode of delivery and exposure to breast milk.4,5 Cesarean delivery perturbs normal colonization of the infant gut by preventing exposure to maternal microbes, whereas breastfeeding promotes a “healthy” gut microbiota by providing selective metabolic substrates for beneficial bacteria.3,5 Despite recommendations from the World Health Organization,6 the rate of cesarean delivery has continued to rise in developed countries and rates of breastfeeding decrease substantially within the first few months of life.7,8 In Canada, more than 1 in 4 newborns are born by cesarean delivery, and less than 15% of infants are exclusively breastfed for the recommended duration of 6 months.9,10 In some parts of the world, elective cesarean deliveries are performed by maternal request, often because of apprehension about pain during childbirth, and sometimes for patient–physician convenience.11The potential long-term consequences of decisions regarding mode of delivery and infant diet are not to be underestimated. Infants born by cesarean delivery are at increased risk of asthma, obesity and type 1 diabetes,12 whereas breastfeeding is variably protective against these and other disorders.13 These long-term health consequences may be partially attributable to disruption of the gut microbiota.12,14Historically, the gut microbiota has been studied with the use of culture-based methodologies to examine individual organisms. However, up to 80% of intestinal microbes cannot be grown in culture.3,15 New technology using culture-independent DNA sequencing enables comprehensive detection of intestinal microbes and permits simultaneous characterization of entire microbial communities. Multinational consortia have been established to characterize the “normal” adult microbiome using these exciting new methods;16 however, these methods have been underused in infant studies. Because early colonization may have long-lasting effects on health, infant studies are vital.3,4 Among the few studies of infant gut microbiota using DNA sequencing, most were conducted in restricted populations, such as infants delivered vaginally,17 infants born by cesarean delivery who were formula-fed18 or preterm infants with necrotizing enterocolitis.19Thus, the gut microbiota is essential to human health, yet the acquisition and development of this microbial community during infancy remains poorly understood.3 In the current study, we address this gap in knowledge using new sequencing technology and detailed exposure assessments20 of healthy Canadian infants selected from a national birth cohort to provide representative, comprehensive profiles of gut microbiota according to mode of delivery and infant diet.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate oxidases are biotechnologically interesting enzymes that require a tightly or covalently bound cofactor for activity. Using the industrial workhorse Corynebacterium glutamicum as the expression host, successful secretion of a normally cytosolic FAD cofactor-containing sorbitol–xylitol oxidase from Streptomyces coelicolor was achieved by using the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) protein export machinery for protein translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane. Our results demonstrate for the first time that, also for cofactor-containing proteins, a secretory production strategy is a feasible and promising alternative to conventional intracellular expression strategies.The secretory expression of recombinant proteins can offer significant process advantages over cytosolic production strategies, since secretion into the growth medium greatly facilitates downstream processing and therefore can significantly reduce the costs of producing a desired target protein (Quax, 1997). And, in fact, the enormous secretion capacity of certain Gram-positive bacteria (e.g. various Bacillus species) has been used since many years in industry for the production of mainly host-derived secretory proteins such as proteases and amylases, resulting in amounts of more than 20 g l−1 culture medium (Harwood and Cranenburg, 2008). In contrast, attempts to use Bacillus species for the secretory production of heterologous proteins have often failed or led to disappointing results, a fact that, among other reasons, could in many cases be attributed to the presence of multiple cell wall-associated and secreted proteases that rapidly degraded the heterologous target proteins (Li et al., 2004; Sarvas et al., 2004; Westers et al., 2011). Therefore, an increasing need exists to explore alternative host systems with respect to their ability to express and secrete problematic and/or complex heterologous proteins of biotechnological interest.So far, the Gram-positive bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum has been used in industry mainly for the production of amino acids and other low-molecular weight compounds (Leuchtenberger et al., 2005; Becker and Wittmann, 2011; Litsanov et al., 2012). However, various recent reports have indicated that C. glutamicum might likewise possess a great potential as an alternative host system for the secretory expression of foreign proteins. Corynebacterium glutamicum belongs to a class of diderm Gram-positive bacteria that, besides the cytoplasmic membrane, possess an additional mycolic acid-containing outer membrane-like structure that acts as an extremely efficient permeability barrier for hydrophilic compounds (Hoffmann et al., 2008; Zuber et al., 2008). Despite this fact, an efficient secretion of various heterologous proteins into the growth medium of this microorganism has been observed (e.g. Billman-Jacobe et al., 1995; Meissner et al., 2007; Kikuchi et al., 2009; Tateno et al., 2009; Tsuchidate et al., 2011).In bacteria, two major export pathways exist for the transport of proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane that fundamentally differ with respect to the folding status of their respective substrate proteins during the actual translocation step. The general secretion (Sec) system transports its substrates in a more or less unfolded state and folding takes places on the trans side of the membrane after the actual transport event (Yuan et al., 2010; du Plessis et al., 2011). In contrast, the alternative twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system translocates its substrates in a fully folded form and therefore provides an attractive alternative for the secretory production of proteins that cannot be produced in a functional form via the Sec route (Brüser, 2007). Carbohydrate oxidases are biotechnologically interesting enzymes (van Hellemond et al., 2006) that are excluded from Sec-dependent secretion since they depend on a tightly or covalently bound cofactor for their activity and, for this reason, require that their folding and cofactor insertion has to take place in the cytosol. Because C. glutamicum has shown to be an excellent host for the Tat-dependent secretion of the cofactor-less model protein GFP (Meissner et al., 2007; Teramoto et al., 2011), we now asked whether it is likewise possible to secrete a cofactor-containing enzyme into the supernatant of C. glutamicum using the same protein export route.As a model protein, we chose the sorbitol–xylitol oxidase (SoXy) from Streptomyces coelicolor, a normally cytosolic enzyme that possesses a covalently bound FAD molecule as cofactor (Heuts et al., 2007; Forneris et al., 2008). FAD is incorporated into the apoprotein in a post-translational and self-catalytic process that only occurs if the polypeptide chain has adopted a correctly folded structure (Heuts et al., 2007; 2009). To direct SoXy into the Tat export pathway of C. glutamicum, we constructed a gene encoding a TorA–SoXy hybrid precursor in which SoXy is fused to the strictly Tat-specific signal peptide of the periplasmic Escherichia coli Tat substrate trimethylamine N-oxide reductase (TorA) (Fig. 1) which, in our previous study, has been proven to be a functional and strictly Tat-specific signal peptide also in C. glutamicum (Meissner et al., 2007). The corresponding torAsoxy gene was cloned into the expression vector pEKEx2 (Eikmanns et al., 1991) under the control of an IPTG-inducible Ptac promotor. After transformation of the resulting plasmid pTorA–SoXy into the C. glutamicum ATCC13032 wild-type strain, two independent colonies of the resulting recombinant C. glutamicum (pTorA–SoXy) strain and, as a control, a colony of a strain that contained the empty expression vector without insert [C. glutamicum (pEKEx2)] were grown in CGXII medium (Keilhauer et al., 1993) at 30°C for 16 h in the presence of 1 mM IPTG. Subsequently, the proteins present in the culture supernatants were analysed by SDS-PAGE followed by staining with Coomassie blue. As shown in Fig. 2, in the supernatants of the pTorA–SoXy-containing cells (lanes 3 and 4), a prominent protein band of approximately 44 kDa can be detected, the size of which is very similar to the calculated molecular mass (44.4 kDa) of SoXy. Since this band is completely lacking in the supernatant of the control strain (lane 2), this strongly suggests that this band corresponds to SoXy that has been secreted into the culture supernatant of C. glutamicum (pTorA–SoXy). And, in fact, this suggestion was subsequently confirmed in a direct way by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry after extraction of the protein out of the gel followed by tryptic digestion (Schaffer et al., 2001) (data not shown).Open in a separate windowFigure 1The TorA–SoXy hybrid precursor protein. Upper part: Schematic drawing of the relevant part of the pTorA–SoXy expression vector. Ptac, IPTG-inducible tac promotor. RBS, ribosome binding site. To maintain the authentic TorA signal peptidase cleavage site, the first four amino acids of the mature TorA protein (black bar) were retained in the TorA–SoXy fusion protein. White bar: TorA signal peptide (TorASP); grey bar: SoXy (amino acids 2–418). Lower part: Amino acid sequence of the signal peptide and early mature region of the TorA–SoXy hybrid precursor. The twin-arginine consensus motif of the TorA signal peptide is underlined. The four amino acids derived from mature TorA are shown in italics. The signal peptidase cleavage site is indicated by an arrowhead.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Secretion of SoXy into the growth medium of C. glutamicum. Cells of C. glutamicum ATCC13032 containing the empty vector pEKEx2 and two independently transformed colonies of C. glutamicum (pTorA–SoXy) were grown overnight in 5 ml of BHI medium (Difco) at 30°C. The cells were washed once with CGXII medium (Keilhauer et al., 1993) and inoculated to an OD600 of 0.5 in 5 ml of fresh CGXII medium containing 1 mM IPTG. After 16 h of further growth at 30°C, the supernatant fractions were prepared as described previously (Meissner et al., 2007). Samples corresponding to an equal number of cells were subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by staining with Coomassie blue. Lane 1, molecular mass marker (kDa). Lane 2, C. glutamicum (pEKEx2); lanes 3 and 4, C. glutamicum (pTorA–SoXy). The position of the secreted SoXy protein is indicated by an arrow.Next, the supernatant of C. glutamicum (pTorA–SoXy) was analysed for SoXy enzyme activity by measuring the production of H2O2 that is formed during the enzymatic conversion of sorbitol to fructose (Meiattini, 1983). Six hours after induction of gene expression by 1 mM IPTG, an enzymatic activity of 10.3 ± 1.6 nmol min−1 ml−1 could be determined in the supernatant of C. glutamicum (pTorA–SoXy). In contrast, no such activity was found in the supernatant of the control strain C. glutamicum (pEKEx2). From these results we conclude that we have succeeded in the secretion of enzymatically active and therefore FAD cofactor-containing SoXy into the culture supernatant of C. glutamicum.Finally, we examined whether the secretion of SoXy had in fact occurred via the Tat pathway of C. glutamicum. Plasmid pTorA–SoXy was used to transform C. glutamcium ATCC13032 wild type and a C. glutamicum ΔTatAC mutant strain that lacks two essential components of the Tat transport machinery and therefore does not possess a functional Tat translocase (Meissner et al., 2007). The corresponding cells were grown in BHI medium (Difco) at 30°C in the presence of 1 mM IPTG for 6 h. Subsequently, the proteins present in the cellular and the supernatant fractions of the corresponding cells were analysed by SDS-PAGE followed by Western blotting using SoXy-specific antibodies. As shown in Fig. 3, polypeptides corresponding to the unprocessed TorA–SoXy precursor and some minor smaller degradation products of it can be detected in the cellular fractions of both the wild-type and the ΔTatAC deletion strains (lanes 3 and 5). In the supernatant fraction of the Tat+ wild-type strain (lane 4), but not that of the ΔTatAC strain (lane 6), a polypeptide corresponding to mature SoXy is present, clearly showing that export of SoXy in the wild-type strain had occurred in a strictly Tat-dependent manner. Another noteworthy finding is the observation that hardly any mature SoXy protein accumulated in the cellular fraction of the Tat+ wild-type strain (lane 3), indicating that SoXy is, after its Tat-dependent translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane and processing by signal peptidase, rapidly transported out of the intermembrane space across the mycolic acid-containing outer membrane into the supernatant. However, the mechanism of how proteins cross this additional permeability barrier is completely unknown so far (Bitter et al., 2009).Open in a separate windowFigure 3Transport of TorA–SoXy occurs in a strictly Tat-dependent manner. Plasmid pTorA–SoXy was transformed into C. glutamcium ATCC13032 (Tat+) and a C. glutamicum ΔTatAC mutant that lacks a functional Tat translocase (Meissner et al., 2007). As a control, the empty pEKEx2 expression vector was transformed into C. glutamicum ATCC13032 (Tat+). The respective strains were grown overnight in 5 ml of BHI medium (Difco) at 30°C. The cells were washed once with BHI and resuspended in 20 ml of fresh BHI medium containing 1 mM IPTG. After 6 h of further growth at 30°C, the cellular (C) and supernatant (S) fractions were prepared as described previously (Meissner et al., 2007). Samples of the C and S fractions were subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting using anti-SoXy antibodies as indicated at the top of the figure. Lanes 1 and 2: C. glutamicum ATCC13032 (pEKEx2); lanes 3 and 4: C. glutamicum ATCC13032 (pTorA–SoXy); lanes 5 and 6: C. glutamicum ΔTatAC (pTorA–SoXy). Asterisk: TorA–SoXy precursor; arrow: secreted SoXy protein. The positions of molecular mass markers (kDa) are indicated at the left margin of the figure.To the best of our knowledge, our results represent the first documented example of the successful secretion of a normally cytosolic, cofactor-containing protein via the Tat pathway in an active form into the culture supernatant of a recombinant expression host. Our results clearly show that, also for this biotechnologically very interesting class of proteins, a secretory production strategy can be a promising alternative to conventional intracellular expression strategies. Besides for SoXy and other FAD-containing carbohydrate oxidases, for which various applications are perceived by industry such as the in situ generation of hydrogen peroxide for bleaching and disinfection performance in technical applications, their use in the food and drink industry, as well as their use in diagnostic applications and carbohydrate biosynthesis processes (Oda and Hiraga, 1998; Murooka and Yamashita, 2001; van Hellemond et al., 2006; Heuts et al., 2007), a secretory production strategy might now be an attractive option also for biotechnologically relevant enzymes that are used as biocatalysts in chemo-enzymatic syntheses and that possess cofactors other than FAD, such as pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent ω-transaminases (Mathew and Yun, 2012) or various thiamin diphosphate (TDP)-dependent enzymes (Müller et al., 2009).  相似文献   

Despite the widespread study of genetic variation in admixed human populations, such as African-Americans, there has not been an evaluation of the effects of recent admixture on patterns of polymorphism or inferences about population demography. These issues are particularly relevant because estimates of the timing and magnitude of population growth in Africa have differed among previous studies, some of which examined African-American individuals. Here we use simulations and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data collected through direct resequencing and genotyping to investigate these issues. We find that when estimating the current population size and magnitude of recent growth in an ancestral population using the site frequency spectrum (SFS), it is possible to obtain reasonably accurate estimates of the parameters when using samples drawn from the admixed population under certain conditions. We also show that methods for demographic inference that use haplotype patterns are more sensitive to recent admixture than are methods based on the SFS. The analysis of human genetic variation data from the Yoruba people of Ibadan, Nigeria and African-Americans supports the predictions from the simulations. Our results have important implications for the evaluation of previous population genetic studies that have considered African-American individuals as a proxy for individuals from West Africa as well as for future population genetic studies of additional admixed populations.STUDIES of archeological and genetic data show that anatomically modern humans originated in Africa and more recently left Africa to populate the rest of the world (Tishkoff and Williams 2002; Barbujani and Goldstein 2004; Garrigan and Hammer 2006; Reed and Tishkoff 2006; Campbell and Tishkoff 2008; Jakobsson et al. 2008; Li et al. 2008). Given the central role Africa has played in the origin of diverse human populations, understanding patterns of genetic variation and the demographic history of populations within Africa is important for understanding the demographic history of global human populations. The availability of large-scale single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data sets coupled with recent advances in statistical methodology for inferring parameters in population genetic models provides a powerful means of accomplishing these goals (Keinan et al. 2007; Boyko et al. 2008; Lohmueller et al. 2009; Nielsen et al. 2009).It is important to realize that studies of African demographic history using genetic data have come to qualitatively different conclusions regarding important parameters. Some recent studies have found evidence for ancient (>100,000 years ago) two- to fourfold growth in African populations (Adams and Hudson 2004; Marth et al. 2004; Keinan et al. 2007; Boyko et al. 2008). Other studies have found evidence of very recent growth (Pluzhnikov et al. 2002; Akey et al. 2004; Voight et al. 2005; Cox et al. 2009; Wall et al. 2009) or could not reject a model with a constant population size (Pluzhnikov et al. 2002; Voight et al. 2005). It is unclear why studies found such different parameter estimates. However, these studies all differ from each other in the amount of data considered, the types of data used (e.g., SNP genotypes vs. full resequencing), the genomic regions studied (e.g., noncoding vs. coding SNPs), and the types of demographic models considered (e.g., including migration vs. not including migration postseparation of African and non-African populations).Another important way in which studies of African demographic history differ from each other is in the populations sampled. Some studies have focused on genetic data from individuals sampled from within Africa (Pluzhnikov et al. 2002; Adams and Hudson 2004; Voight et al. 2005; Keinan et al. 2007; Cox et al. 2009; Wall et al. 2009), while other studies included American individuals with African ancestry (Adams and Hudson 2004; Akey et al. 2004; Marth et al. 2004; Boyko et al. 2008). While there is no clear correspondence between those studies which sampled native African individuals (as opposed to African-Americans) and particular growth scenarios, it is clear from previous studies that African-American populations do differ from African populations in their recent demographic history. In particular, genetic studies suggest that there is wide variation in the degree of European admixture in most African-American individuals in the United States and that they have, on average, ∼80% African ancestry and 20% European ancestry (Parra et al. 1998; Pfaff et al. 2001; Falush et al. 2003; Patterson et al. 2004; Tian et al. 2006; Lind et al. 2007; Reiner et al. 2007; Price et al. 2009; Bryc et al. 2010). Furthermore, both historical records and genetic evidence suggest that the admixture process began quite recently, within the last 20 generations (Pfaff et al. 2001; Patterson et al. 2004; Seldin et al. 2004; Tian et al. 2006). Recent population admixture can alter patterns of genetic variation in a discernible and predictable way. For example, recently admixed populations will exhibit correlation in allele frequencies (i.e., linkage disequilibrium) among markers that differ in frequency between the parental populations. This so-called admixture linkage disequilibrium (LD) (Chakraborty and Weiss 1988) can extend over long physical distances (Lautenberger et al. 2000) and decays exponentially with time the since the admixture process began (i.e., recently admixed populations typically exhibit LD over a longer physical distance than anciently admixed populations).While it is clear that African-American populations have a different recent demographic history than do African populations from within Africa and that admixture tracts can be identified in admixed individuals (Falush et al. 2003; Patterson et al. 2004; Tang et al. 2006; Sankararaman et al. 2008a,b; Price et al. 2009; Bryc et al. 2010), the effect that admixture has on other patterns of genetic variation remains unclear. For example, Xu et al. (2007) found similar LD decay patterns when comparing African-American and African populations. It is also unclear whether the recent admixture affects our ability to reconstruct ancient demographic events (such as expansions that predate the spread of humans out of Africa) from whole-genome SNP data. Most studies of demographic history have summarized the genome-wide SNP data by allele frequency or haplotype summary statistics. If these summary statistics are not sensitive to the recent European admixture, then the African-American samples may yield estimates of demographic parameters that are close to the true demographic parameters for the ancestral, unsampled, African populations. This would suggest that the differences in growth parameter estimates obtained from African populations cannot be explained by certain studies sampling African-American individuals and others sampling African individuals from within Africa. However, if these statistics are sensitive to recent admixture, then they may give biased estimates of growth parameters.Here, we examine the effect of recent admixture on the estimation of population demography. In particular, we estimate growth parameters from simulated data sets using SNP frequencies as well as a recently developed haplotype summary statistic (Lohmueller et al. 2009). We compare the demographic parameter estimates made from the admixed and nonadmixed populations and find that some parameter estimates are qualitatively similar between the two populations when inferred using allele frequencies. Inferences of growth using haplotype-based approaches appear to be more sensitive to recent admixture than inferences based on SNP frequencies. We discuss implications that our results have for interpreting studies of demography in admixed populations.  相似文献   

Schultz AS  Finegan B  Nykiforuk CI  Kvern MA 《CMAJ》2011,183(18):E1334-E1344


Many hospitals have adopted smoke-free policies on their property. We examined the consequences of such polices at two Canadian tertiary acute-care hospitals.


We conducted a qualitative study using ethnographic techniques over a six-month period. Participants (n = 186) shared their perspectives on and experiences with tobacco dependence and managing the use of tobacco, as well as their impressions of the smoke-free policy. We interviewed inpatients individually from eight wards (n = 82), key policy-makers (n = 9) and support staff (n = 14) and held 16 focus groups with health care providers and ward staff (n = 81). We also reviewed ward documents relating to tobacco dependence and looked at smoking-related activities on hospital property.


Noncompliance with the policy and exposure to secondhand smoke were ongoing concerns. Peoples’ impressions of the use of tobacco varied, including divergent opinions as to whether such use was a bad habit or an addiction. Treatment for tobacco dependence and the management of symptoms of withdrawal were offered inconsistently. Participants voiced concerns over patient safety and leaving the ward to smoke.


Policies mandating smoke-free hospital property have important consequences beyond noncompliance, including concerns over patient safety and disruptions to care. Without adequately available and accessible support for withdrawal from tobacco, patients will continue to face personal risk when they leave hospital property to smoke.Canadian cities and provinces have passed smoking bans with the goal of reducing people’s exposure to secondhand smoke in workplaces, public spaces and on the property adjacent to public buildings.1,2 In response, Canadian health authorities and hospitals began implementing policies mandating smoke-free hospital property, with the goals of reducing the exposure of workers, patients and visitors to tobacco smoke while delivering a public health message about the dangers of smoking.25 An additional anticipated outcome was the reduced use of tobacco among patients and staff. The impetuses for adopting smoke-free policies include public support for such legislation and the potential for litigation for exposure to second-hand smoke.2,4Tobacco use is a modifiable risk factor associated with a variety of cancers, cardiovascular diseases and respiratory conditions.611 Patients in hospital who use tobacco tend to have more surgical complications and exacerbations of acute and chronic health conditions than patients who do not use tobacco.611 Any policy aimed at reducing exposure to tobacco in hospitals is well supported by evidence, as is the integration of interventions targetting tobacco dependence.12 Unfortunately, most of the nearly five million Canadians who smoke will receive suboptimal treatment,13 as the routine provision of interventions for tobacco dependence in hospital settings is not a practice norm.1416 In smoke-free hospitals, two studies suggest minimal support is offered for withdrawal, 17,18 and one reports an increased use of nicotine-replacement therapy after the implementation of the smoke-free policy.19Assessments of the effectiveness of smoke-free policies for hospital property tend to focus on noncompliance and related issues of enforcement.17,20,21 Although evidence of noncompliance and litter on hospital property2,17,20 implies ongoing exposure to tobacco smoke, half of the participating hospital sites in one study reported less exposure to tobacco smoke within hospital buildings and on the property.18 In addition, there is evidence to suggest some decline in smoking among staff.18,19,21,22We sought to determine the consequences of policies mandating smoke-free hospital property in two Canadian acute-care hospitals by eliciting lived experiences of the people faced with enacting the policies: patients and health care providers. In addition, we elicited stories from hospital support staff and administrators regarding the policies.  相似文献   

Insulin-dependent translocation of glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) to the plasma membrane of fat and skeletal muscle cells plays the key role in postprandial clearance of blood glucose. Glut4 represents the major cell-specific component of the insulin-responsive vesicles (IRVs). It is not clear, however, whether the presence of Glut4 in the IRVs is essential for their ability to respond to insulin stimulation. We prepared two lines of 3T3-L1 cells with low and high expression of myc7-Glut4 and studied its translocation to the plasma membrane upon insulin stimulation, using fluorescence-assisted cell sorting and cell surface biotinylation. In undifferentiated 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, translocation of myc7-Glut4 was low regardless of its expression levels. Coexpression of sortilin increased targeting of myc7-Glut4 to the IRVs, and its insulin responsiveness rose to the maximal levels observed in fully differentiated adipocytes. Sortilin ectopically expressed in undifferentiated cells was translocated to the plasma membrane regardless of the presence or absence of myc7-Glut4. AS160/TBC1D4 is expressed at low levels in preadipocytes but is induced in differentiation and provides an additional mechanism for the intracellular retention and insulin-stimulated release of Glut4.Adipocytes, skeletal muscle cells, and some neurons respond to insulin stimulation by translocating intracellular glucose transporter 4 (Glut4) to the plasma membrane. In all these cells, the insulin-responsive pool of Glut4 is localized in small membrane vesicles, the insulin-responsive vesicles (IRVs; Kandror and Pilch, 2011 ; Bogan, 2012 ). The protein composition of these vesicles has been largely characterized (Kandror and Pilch, 2011 ; Bogan, 2012 ). The IRVs consist predominantly of Glut4, insulin-responsive aminopeptidase (IRAP), sortilin, low-density-lipoprotein receptor–related protein 1 (LRP1), SCAMPs, and VAMP2. Glut4, IRAP, and sortilin physically interact with each other, which might be important for the biogenesis of the IRVs (Shi and Kandror, 2007 ; Shi et al., 2008 ). In addition, the IRVs compartmentalize recycling receptors, such as the transferrin receptor and the IGF2/mannose 6-phosphate receptor, although it is not clear whether these receptors represent obligatory vesicular components or their presence in the IRVs is explained by mass action (Pilch, 2008 ), inefficient sorting, or other reasons.Deciphering of the protein composition of the IRVs is important because it is likely to explain their unique functional property: translocation to the plasma membrane in response to insulin stimulation. Even if we presume that IRV trafficking is controlled by loosely associated peripheral membrane proteins, the latter should still somehow recognize the core vesicular components that create the “biochemical individuality” of this compartment. In spite of our knowledge of the IRV protein composition, however, the identity of the protein(s) that confer insulin sensitivity to these vesicles is unknown.Insulin responsiveness of the IRVs was associated with either IRAP or Glut4. Thus it was shown that Glut4 interacted with the intracellular anchor TUG (Bogan et al., 2003 , 2012 ), whereas IRAP associated with other proteins implemented in the regulation of Glut4 translocation, such as AS160 (Larance et al., 2005 ; Peck et al., 2006 ), p115 (Hosaka et al., 2005 ), tankyrase (Yeh et al., 2007 ), and several others (reviewed in Bogan, 2012 ). Results of these studies, or at least their interpretations, are not necessarily consistent with each other, as the existence of multiple independent anchors for the IRVs is, although possible, unlikely.Ablation of the individual IRV proteins has also led to controversial data. Thus knockout of IRAP decreases total protein levels of Glut4 but does not affect its translocation in the mouse model (Keller et al., 2002 ). On the contrary, knockdown of IRAP in 3T3-L1 adipocytes has a strong inhibitory effect on translocation of Glut4 (Yeh et al., 2007 ). In yet another study, knockdown of IRAP in 3T3-L1 adipocytes did not affect insulin-stimulated translocation of Glut4 but increased its plasma membrane content under basal conditions (Jordens et al., 2010 ). By the same token, total or partial ablation of Glut4 had various effects on expression levels, intracellular localization, and translocation of IRAP (Jiang et al., 2001 ; Abel et al., 2004 ; Carvalho et al., 2004 ; Gross et al., 2004 ; Yeh et al., 2007 ). Knockdown of either sortilin or LRP1 decreased protein levels of Glut4 (Shi and Kandror, 2005 ; Jedrychowski et al., 2010 ).One model that might explain these complicated and somewhat inconsistent results is that depletion of either major integral protein of the IRVs disrupts the network of interactions between vesicular proteins and thus decreases the efficiency of protein sorting into the IRVs (Kandror and Pilch, 2011 ). Correspondingly, the remaining IRV components that cannot be faithfully compartmentalized in the vesicles are either degraded (Jiang et al., 2001 ; Keller et al., 2002 ; Abel et al., 2004 ; Carvalho et al., 2004 ; Shi and Kandror, 2005 ; Yeh et al., 2007 ; Jedrychowski et al., 2010 ) or mistargeted (Jiang et al., 2001 ; Jordens et al., 2010 ), depending on experimental conditions and types of cells used in these studies. In other words, knockdown of any major IRV component may decrease vesicle formation along with insulin responsiveness. Thus, in spite of a large body of literature, the identity of protein(s) that confer insulin responsiveness to the IRVs is unknown.Here we used a gain-of-function approach to address this question. Specifically, we attempted to “build” functional IRVs in undifferentiated 3T3-L1 preadipocytes by forced expression of the relevant proteins. Undifferentiated preadipocytes do not express Glut4 or sortilin and lack IRVs (ElJack et al., 1999 ; Shi and Kandror, 2005 ; Shi et al., 2008 ). Correspondingly, IRAP, which is expressed in these cells, shows low insulin response (Ross et al., 1998 ; Shi et al., 2008 ). We found that ectopic expression of increasing amounts of Glut4 in undifferentiated preadipocytes does not lead to its marked translocation to the plasma membrane upon insulin stimulation. On the contrary, sortilin expressed in undifferentiated preadipocytes was localized in the IRVs and was translocated to the plasma membrane in response to insulin stimulation. Moreover, upon coexpression with Glut4, sortilin dramatically increased its insulin responsiveness to the levels observed in fully differentiated adipocytes. Thus sortilin may represent the key component of the IRVs, which is responsible not only for the formation of vesicles (Shi and Kandror, 2005 ; Ariga et al., 2008 ; Hatakeyama and Kanzaki, 2011 ), but also for their insulin responsiveness. It is worth noting that sortilin levels are significantly decreased in obese and diabetic humans and mice (Kaddai et al., 2009 ). We thus suggest that sortilin may be a novel and important target in the fight against insulin resistance and diabetes.Our experiments also demonstrate that undifferentiated preadipocytes lack a mechanism for the full intracellular retention of Glut4 that can be achieved by ectopic expression of AS160/TBC1D4.  相似文献   

Elucidating the temporal order of silencing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Izaurralde E 《EMBO reports》2012,13(8):662-663

The vertebrate tight junction is a critical claudin-based cell–cell junction that functions to prevent free paracellular diffusion between epithelial cells. In Drosophila, this barrier is provided by the septate junction, which, despite being ultrastructurally distinct from the vertebrate tight junction, also contains the claudin-family proteins Megatrachea and Sinuous. Here we identify a third Drosophila claudin, Kune-kune, that localizes to septate junctions and is required for junction organization and paracellular barrier function, but not for apical-basal polarity. In the tracheal system, septate junctions have a barrier-independent function that promotes lumenal secretion of Vermiform and Serpentine, extracellular matrix modifier proteins that are required to restrict tube length. As with Sinuous and Megatrachea, loss of Kune-kune prevents this secretion and results in overly elongated tubes. Embryos lacking all three characterized claudins have tracheal phenotypes similar to any single mutant, indicating that these claudins act in the same pathway controlling tracheal tube length. However, we find that there are distinct requirements for these claudins in epithelial septate junction formation. Megatrachea is predominantly required for correct localization of septate junction components, while Sinuous is predominantly required for maintaining normal levels of septate junction proteins. Kune-kune is required for both localization and levels. Double- and triple-mutant combinations of Sinuous and Megatrachea with Kune-kune resemble the Kune-kune single mutant, suggesting that Kune-kune has a more central role in septate junction formation than either Sinuous or Megatrachea.EPITHELIA are essential for separating physiologically distinct body compartments and regulating trafficking between them. For proper function, it is imperative that epithelia maintain effective barriers against free paracellular diffusion. To this end, epithelial cells contain occluding junctions, which regulate paracellular permeability. In vertebrates, this is accomplished by tight junctions (TJ), structures that are characterized by regions of close membrane apposition between adjacent cells known as “kissing points” (Tsukita and Furuse 2002). While the TJ is made up of at least 40 different components (Schneeberger and Lynch 2004), the core proteins responsible for the paracellular barrier are the claudins (Angelow et al. 2008).Claudins are four-transmembrane domain proteins that form homo- and heterophilic interactions within the same cell (Furuse et al. 1999; Blasig et al. 2006) and with claudins in adjacent cells (Furuse et al. 1999), thereby establishing the paracellular seal. There are 24 members of the claudin family in mammals, many of which display distinct, tissue-specific expression patterns (Kiuchi-Saishin et al. 2002; Angelow et al. 2008). Mutations in several claudins can cause significant paracellular permeability defects in mice. For example, mutations in claudin-14 increase TJ permeability in the organ of Corti and cause deafness (Ben-Yosef et al. 2003), while loss of claudin-1 compromises epidermal barrier function (Furuse et al. 2002).In Drosophila, primary (ectodermally derived) epithelia lack discernable TJs and instead use pleated septate junctions (SJ) for the paracellular barrier (Baumgartner et al. 1996; Lamb et al. 1998; Genova and Fehon 2003; Paul et al. 2003). However, despite sharing a common barrier function, vertebrate TJs and invertebrate SJs differ in several ways. While vertebrate TJs are positioned apical to adherens junctions (AJ) and contain conserved apical polarity proteins, SJs are basal to AJs and contain conserved basolateral polarity proteins (reviewed in Tepass 2003; Wu and Beitel 2004). In addition, SJs do not contain kissing points, but rather ladder-like septa that span the intermembrane space (Lane and Swales 1982; Tepass and Hartenstein 1994).Beyond their general epithelial barrier function, SJs are also required for several tissue-specific processes. Glial cells, for example, ensheath nerve fibers and use SJs to maintain the blood–brain barrier (Auld et al. 1995; Baumgartner et al. 1996; Schwabe et al. 2005). In the embryonic tracheal system, SJs are required for the apical secretion of the lumenal matrix modifying proteins, Vermiform (Verm) and Serpentine (Serp), which act through undefined pathways to restrict tube length (Wang et al. 2006). This secretory pathway appears to be specific for Verm and Serp, since other apical proteins are secreted normally in SJ mutants. SJ proteins have also been shown to play a role in morphogenesis of the heart tube, even though this tissue lacks typical SJ septa (Yi et al. 2008).Although SJs have clear differences from vertebrate TJs, SJs contain at least two claudins, Megatrachea (Mega) and Sinuous (Sinu), both of which are required for the paracellular barrier (Behr et al. 2003; Wu et al. 2004; Stork et al. 2008). In this article, we identify a third claudin, Kune-kune (Kune), that is an integral SJ protein. Like the other claudins, Kune is required for maintaining epithelial paracellular barrier and tracheal tube size control and is not required for apical-basal polarity. We also find that, of all three characterized claudins, Kune has a more severe SJ phenotype, suggesting that it is a more central player in SJ organization and function than previously characterized Drosophila claudins.  相似文献   

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