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DNA supercoiling by DNA gyrase involves the cleavage of a DNA helix, the passage of another helix through the break, and the religation of the first helix. The cleavage-religation reaction involves the formation of a 5'-phosphotyrosine intermediate with the GyrA subunit of the gyrase (A(2)B(2)) complex. We report the characterization of mutations near the active-site tyrosine residue in GyrA predicted to affect the cleavage-religation reaction of gyrase. We find that mutations at Arg32, Arg47, His78 and His80 inhibit DNA supercoiling and other reactions of gyrase. These effects are caused by the involvement of these residues in the DNA cleavage reaction; religation is largely unaffected by these mutations. We show that these residues cooperate with the active-site tyrosine residue on the opposite subunit of the GyrA dimer during the cleavage-religation reaction.  相似文献   

Nucleosome-like structures have been efficiently assembled in vitro by interaction of cauliflower histones, pBR322 DNA and cauliflower DNA topoisomerase, as assayed by supercoiling of relaxed circular DNA and by digestion with micrococcal nuclease. The optimum ionic strength for supercoiling was 150 mM KCl and the optimum weight ratio of histone to DNA was approximately 1.0. Four histones, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, were necessary for the optimum assembling conditions, and the nucleosomes assembled protected DNA fragments of approximately 150 bp in length. It was found that cauliflower DNA topoisomerase acts not only as a DNA-relaxing enzyme but also as a chaperon factor for nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

It was found recently that bacterial type II DNA topoisomerase, topo IV, is much more efficient in relaxing (+) DNA supercoiling than (-) supercoiling. This means that the DNA-enzyme complex is chiral. This chirality can appear upon binding the first segment that participates in the strand passing reaction (G segment) or only after the second segment (T segment) joins the complex. The former possibility is analyzed here. We assume that upon binding the enzyme, the G segment forms a part of left-handed helical turn. This model is an extension of the hairpin model introduced earlier to explain simplification of DNA topology by these enzymes. Using statistical-mechanical simulation of DNA properties, we estimated different consequences of the model: (1) relative rates of relaxation of (+) and (-) supercoiling by the enzyme; (2) the distribution of positions of the G segment in supercoiled molecules; (3) steady-state distribution of knots in circular molecules created by the topoisomerase; (4) the variance of topoisomer distribution created by the enzyme; (5) the effect of (+) and (-) supercoiling on the binding topo II with G segment. The simulation results are capable of explaining nearly all available experimental data, at least semiquantitatively. A few predictions obtained in the model analysis can be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of the DNA gyrase B protein in cleavage and religation of DNA using site-directed mutagenesis. Three aspartate residues and a glutamate residue: E424, D498, D500 and D502, thought to co-ordinate a magnesium ion, were mutated to alanine; in addition, the glutamate residue and one aspartate residue were mutated to glutamine and asparagine, respectively. We have shown that these residues are important for the cleavage-religation reaction and are likely to be involved in magnesium ion co-ordination. On separate mutation of two of these aspartate residues to cysteine or histidine, the metal ion preference for the DNA relaxation activity of gyrase changed from magnesium to manganese (II). We present evidence to support the idea that cleavage of each DNA strand involves two or more metal ions, and suggest a scheme for the DNA cleavage chemistry of DNA gyrase involving two metal ions.  相似文献   

We investigated the mode of action of ES-1273, a novel DNA gyrase inhibitor obtained by optimization of ES-0615, which was found by screening our chemical library using anucleate cell blue assay. ES-1273 exhibited the same antibacterial activity against S. aureus strains with amino acid change(s) conferring quinolone- and coumarin-resistance as that against a susceptible strain. In addition, ES-1273 inhibited DNA gyrase supercoiling activity, but not ATPase activity of the GyrB subunit of DNA gyrase. Moreover, ES-1273 did not induce cleavable complex. These findings demonstrate that the mechanism by which ES-1273 inhibits DNA gyrase is different from that of the quinolones or the coumarins. Preincubation of DNA gyrase and substrate DNA prevented inhibition of DNA gyrase supercoiling activity by ES-1273. ES-1273 antagonized quinolone-induced cleavage. In electrophoretic mobility shift assay, no band representing DNA gyrase-DNA complex was observed in the presence of ES-1273. Taken together, these results indicate that ES-1273 prevents DNA from binding to DNA gyrase. Furthermore, our results from surface plasmon resonance experiments strongly suggest that ES-1273 interacts with DNA. Therefore, the interaction between ES-1273 and DNA prevents DNA from binding to DNA gyrase, resulting in inhibition of DNA gyrase supercoiling. Interestingly, we also found that ES-1273 inhibits topoisomerase IV and human topoisomerase IIalpha, but not human topoisomerase I. These findings indicate that ES-1273 is a type II topoisomerase specific inhibitor.  相似文献   

The genes of E. coli are located on a circular chromosome of 4.6 million basepairs. This 1.6 mm long molecule is compressed into a nucleoid to fit inside the 1-2 m cell in a functional format. To examine the role of DNA supercoiling as nucleoid compaction force we modulated the activity of DNA gyrase by electronic, genetic, and chemical means. A model based on physical properties of DNA and other cell components predicts that relaxation of supercoiling expands the nucleoid. Nucleoid size did not increase after reduction of DNA gyrase activity by genetic or chemical means, but nucleoids did expand upon chemical inhibition of gyrase in chloramphenicol-treated cells, indicating that supercoiling may help to compress the genome.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(10):1573-1587.e8
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Whereas reverse gyrase is considered as a strong marker of thermophily, the function of this peculiar type IA topoisomerase still remains to be elucidated. The archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus encodes two reverse gyrases, TopR1 and TopR2. This duplication seems to be important because most of Crenarcheota exhibit two copies of reverse gyrase. However, to date, while TopR1 has been well characterized, no characterization of TopR2 has been reported. In this study, we describe for the first time the activity of S. solfataricus TopR2 that appears as a new reverse gyrase. Indeed, in spite of the sequence similarities between TopR1 and TopR2, we evidence unexpected great differences between the two enzymes. While TopR1 exhibits ATP-independent relaxation activity, TopR2 does not, and its activity is strictly dependent on the presence of ATP. Whereas TopR1 is a distributive topoisomerase, TopR2 exhibits an amazing high intrinsic processivity compared to all the topoisomerases studied so far. TopR2 is able to introduce a very high number of positive superturns in DNA, while TopR1 generates weakly positively supercoiled DNA. Finally, TopR2 behaves differently from TopR1 when incubated at different assay temperatures. All the results presented in this study indicate that TopR1 and TopR2 have, in vitro, different activities suggesting different functions in vivo.  相似文献   

The induction by interleukin-2 of DNA topoisomerase I and DNA topoisomerase II activities in the human T cell line HuT 78 was investigated. HuT 78 cells were treated with 1000 U of interleukin-2/ml, and extracts of the HuT 78 nuclei were prepared over a 24 h period. The extracts were assayed quantitatively for the activities of DNA topoisomerase I and DNA topoisomerase II. Three concomitant, transient increases of 3- to 11-fold in the specific activities of both DNA topoisomerase I and DNA topoisomerase II were observed following treatment with IL-2 at 0.5, 4, and 10 h after treatment with interleukin-2. The specific activities of both enzymes returned to base-line values after each of these transient increases. These results reveal that the activities of DNA topoisomerase I and DNA topoisomerase II are highly regulated in HuT 78 cells upon treatment with IL-2.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli transiently increases both the [ATP]/[ADP] ratio and the negative supercoiling of plasmid DNA when it is shifted to high osmolarity. Here we report that a mutant lacking all saturable K+ transport systems increases the negative supercoiling of the plasmid DNA under upshock but cannot further relax DNA. The mutant dnaK756 behaves like the K+ transport mutant.  相似文献   

The dynamics of DNA topology during replication are still poorly understood. Bacterial plasmids are negatively supercoiled. This underwinding facilitates strand separation of the DNA duplex during replication. Leading the replisome, a DNA helicase separates the parental strands that are to be used as templates. This strand separation causes overwinding of the duplex ahead. If this overwinding persists, it would eventually impede fork progression. In bacteria, DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV act ahead of the fork to keep DNA underwound. However, the processivity of the DNA helicase might overcome DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. It was proposed that the overwinding that builds up ahead of the fork could force it to swivel and diffuse this positive supercoiling behind the fork where topoisomerase IV would also act to maintain replicating the DNA underwound. Putative intertwining of sister duplexes in the replicated region are called precatenanes. Fork swiveling and the formation of precatenanes, however, are still questioned. Here, we used classical genetics and high resolution two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis to examine the torsional tension of replication intermediates of three bacterial plasmids with the fork stalled at different sites before termination. The results obtained indicated that precatenanes do form as replication progresses before termination.  相似文献   

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