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Nitration of tyrosine residues has been shown to be an important oxidative modification in proteins and has been suggested to play a role in several diseases such as atherosclerosis, asthma, lung and neurodegenerative diseases. Detection of nitrated proteins has been mainly based on the use of nitrotyrosine‐specific antibodies. In contrast, only a small number of nitration sites in proteins have been unequivocally identified by MS. We have used a monoclonal 3‐NT‐specific antibody, and have synthesized a series of tyrosine‐nitrated peptides of prostacyclin synthase (PCS) in which a single specific nitration site at Tyr‐430 had been previously identified upon reaction with peroxynitrite 17 . The determination of antibody‐binding affinity and specificity of PCS peptides nitrated at different tyrosine residues (Tyr‐430, Tyr‐421, Tyr‐83) and sequence mutations around the nitration sites provided the identification of an epitope motif containing positively charged amino acids (Lys and/or Arg) N‐terminal to the nitration site. The highest affinity to the anti‐3NT‐antibody was found for the PCS peptide comprising the Tyr‐430 nitration site with a KD of 60 nM determined for the peptide, PCS(424‐436‐Tyr‐430NO2); in contrast, PCS peptides nitrated at Tyr‐421 and Tyr‐83 had substantially lower affinity. ELISA, SAW bioaffinity, proteolytic digestion of antibody‐bound peptides and affinity‐MS analysis revealed highest affinity to the antibody for tyrosine‐nitrated peptides that contained positively charged amino acids in the N‐terminal sequence to the nitration site. Remarkably, similar N‐terminal sequences of tyrosine‐nitration sites have been recently identified in nitrated physiological proteins, such as eosinophil peroxidase and eosinophil‐cationic protein. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We are developing a rapid, time‐resolved method using laser‐activated cross‐linking to capture protein‐peptide interactions as a means to interrogate the interaction of serum proteins as delivery systems for peptides and other molecules. A model system was established to investigate the interactions between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 2 peptides, the tridecapeptide budding‐yeast mating pheromone (α‐factor) and the decapeptide human gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH). Cross‐linking of α‐factor, using a biotinylated, photoactivatable p‐benzoyl‐L‐phenylalanine (Bpa)–modified analog, was energy‐dependent and achieved within seconds of laser irradiation. Protein blotting with an avidin probe was used to detect biotinylated species in the BSA‐peptide complex. The cross‐linked complex was trypsinized and then interrogated with nano‐LC–MS/MS to identify the peptide cross‐links. Cross‐linking was greatly facilitated by Bpa in the peptide, but some cross‐linking occurred at higher laser powers and high concentrations of a non‐Bpa–modified α‐factor. This was supported by experiments using GnRH, a peptide with sequence homology to α‐factor, which was likewise found to be cross‐linked to BSA by laser irradiation. Analysis of peptides in the mass spectra showed that the binding site for both α‐factor and GnRH was in the BSA pocket defined previously as the site for fatty acid binding. This model system validates the use of laser‐activation to facilitate cross‐linking of Bpa‐containing molecules to proteins. The rapid cross‐linking procedure and high performance of MS/MS to identify cross‐links provides a method to interrogate protein‐peptide interactions in a living cell in a time‐resolved manner.  相似文献   

Site‐specific chemical cross‐linking in combination with mass spectrometry analysis has emerged as a powerful proteomic approach for studying the three‐dimensional structure of protein complexes and in mapping protein–protein interactions (PPIs). Building on the success of MS analysis of in vitro cross‐linked proteins, which has been widely used to investigate specific interactions of bait proteins and their targets in various organisms, we report a workflow for in vivo chemical cross‐linking and MS analysis in a multicellular eukaryote. This approach optimizes the in vivo protein cross‐linking conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana, establishes a MudPIT procedure for the enrichment of cross‐linked peptides, and develops an integrated software program, exhaustive cross‐linked peptides identification tool (ECL), to identify the MS spectra of in planta chemical cross‐linked peptides. In total, two pairs of in vivo cross‐linked peptides of high confidence have been identified from two independent biological replicates. This work demarks the beginning of an alternative proteomic approach in the study of in vivo protein tertiary structure and PPIs in multicellular eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Protein oxidation by reactive oxygen species has been associated with aging and neurodegenerative disorders, and histidine is one of the major oxidation targets due to its metal‐chelating property and susceptibility to metal‐catalyzed oxidation. 2‐Oxohistidine, the major product of histidine oxidation, has been recently identified as a stable marker of oxidative damage in biological systems, but its biophysical and biochemical properties are understudied, partly because of difficulties in its chemical synthesis. We developed an efficient method to generate a 2‐oxohistidine side chain using metal‐catalyzed oxidation, applicable to both monomers and peptides. By optimizing reagent ratios and pH buffering in Cu2+/ascorbate/O2 reaction system, we improved the yield more than tenfold compared to reported conditions, which allowed us to obtain homogeneously modified 2‐oxohisidine peptides for further studies. Analysis of 2‐oxohistidine‐containing model peptides by liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry demonstrated increased retention time in reverse‐phase chromatography and general stability of 2‐oxohistidine under electrospray ionization and collision‐induced dissociation. Thus, large‐scale analysis of 2‐oxohistidine‐modified proteome should be feasible using shotgun protein mass spectrometry, and we were able to observe such peptides in proteomics datasets. The feasibility of acquiring purified peptide probes and peptide antigens containing 2‐oxohistidine will help advance the study of this non‐enzymatic posttranslational modification. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The extent of deuterium labeling of hen lysozyme, its three-disulfide derivative, and the homologous alpha-lactalbumins, has been measured by both mass spectrometry and NMR. Different conformational states of the proteins were produced by varying the solution conditions. Alternate protein conformers were found to contain different numbers of 2H atoms. Furthermore, measurement in the gas phase of the mass spectrometer or directly in solution by NMR gave consistent results. The unique ability of mass spectrometry to distinguish distributions of 2H atoms in protein molecules is exemplified using samples prepared to contain different populations of 2H-labeled protein. A comparison of the peak widths of bovine alpha-lactalbumin in alternate solution conformations but containing the same average number of 2H atoms showed dramatic differences due to different 2H distributions in the two protein conformers. Measurement of 2H distributions by ESI-MS enabled characterization of conformational averaging and structural heterogeneity. In addition, a time course for hydrogen exchange was examined and the variation in distributions of 2H atom compared with simulations for different hydrogen exchange models. The results clearly show that exchange from the native state of bovine alpha-lactalbumin at 15 degrees C is dominated by local unfolding events.  相似文献   

Viral capsids are dynamic protein assemblies surrounding viral genomes. Despite the high-resolution structures determined by X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, their in-solution structure and dynamics can be probed by hydrogen exchange. We report here using hydrogen exchange combined with protein enzymatic fragmentation and mass spectrometry to determine the capsid structure and dynamics of a human rhinovirus, HRV14. Capsid proteins (VP1-4) were labeled with deuterium by incubating intact virus in D(2)O buffer at neutral pH. The labeled proteins were digested by immobilized pepsin to give peptides analyzed by capillary reverse-phase HPLC coupled with nano-electrospray mass spectrometry. Deuterium levels incorporated at amide linkages in peptic fragments were measured for different exchange times from 12 sec to 30 h to assess the amide hydrogen exchange rates along each of the four protein backbones. Exchange results generally agree with the crystal structure of VP1-4,with extended, flexible terminal and surface-loop regions in fast exchange and folded helical and sheet structures in slow exchange. In addition, three alpha-helices, one from each of VP1-3, exhibited very slow exchange, indicating high stability of the protomeric interface. The beta-strands at VP3 N terminus also had very slow exchange, suggesting stable pentamer contacts. It was noted, however, that the interface around the fivefold axis had fast and intermediate exchange, indicating relatively more flexibility. Even faster exchange rates were found in the N terminus of VP1 and most segments of VP4, suggesting high flexibilities, which may correspond to their potential roles in virus uncoating.  相似文献   

Humanin (HN) is a linear 24‐aa peptide recently detected in human Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. HN specifically inhibits neuronal cell death in vitro induced by ß‐amyloid (Aß) peptides and by amyloid precursor protein and its gene mutations in familial AD, thereby representing a potential therapeutic lead structure for AD; however, its molecular mechanism of action is not well understood. We report here the identification of the binding epitopes between HN and Aß(1–40) and characterization of the interaction structure through a molecular modeling study. Wild‐type HN and HN‐sequence mutations were synthesized by SPPS and the HPLC‐purified peptides characterized by MALDI‐MS. The interaction epitopes between HN and Aß(1–40) were identified by affinity‐MS using proteolytic epitope excision and extraction, followed by elution and mass spectrometric characterization of the affinity‐bound peptides. The affinity‐MS analyses revealed HN(5–15) as the epitope sequence of HN, whereas Aß(17–28) was identified as the Aß interaction epitope. The epitopes and binding sites were ascertained by ELISA of the complex of HN peptides with immobilized Aß(1–40) and by ELISA with Aß(1–40) and Aß‐partial sequences as ligands to immobilized HN. The specificity and affinity of the HN‐Aß interaction were characterized by direct ESI‐MS of the HN‐Aß(1–40) complex and by bioaffinity analysis using a surface acoustic wave biosensor, providing a KD of the complex of 610 n m . A molecular dynamics simulation of the HN‐Aß(1–40) complex was consistent with the binding specificity and shielding effects of the HN and Aß interaction epitopes. These results indicate a specific strong association of HN and Aß(1–40) polypeptide and provide a molecular basis for understanding the neuroprotective function of HN. Copyright © 2012 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The binding of the HIV‐1 Rev protein as an oligomer to a viral RNA element, the Rev‐response element (RRE), mediates nuclear export of genomic RNA. Assembly of the Rev–RRE ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex is nucleated by the binding of the first Rev molecule to stem IIB of the RRE. This is followed by stepwise addition of a total of ~six Rev molecules along the RRE through a combination of RNA–protein and protein–protein interactions. RRE stem II, which forms a three‐way junction consisting of stems IIA, IIB and IIC, has been shown to bind to two Rev molecules in a cooperative manner, with the second Rev molecule binding to the junction region of stem II. The results of base substitutions at the stem II junction, and characterization of stem II junction variants selected from a randomized library showed that an “open” flexible structure is preferred for binding of the second Rev molecule, and that binding of the second Rev molecule to the junction region is not sequence‐specific. Alanine substitutions of a number of Rev amino acid residues implicated to be important for Rev folding in previous structural studies were found to result in a dramatic decrease in the binding of the second Rev molecule. These results support the model that proper folding of Rev is critical in ensuring that the flexible RRE is able to correctly position Rev molecules for specific RNP assembly, and suggests that targeting Rev folding may be effective in the inhibition of Rev function. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The DH‐PH domain tandems of Dbl‐homology guanine nucleotide exchange factors catalyze the exchange of GTP for GDP in Rho‐family GTPases, and thus initiate a wide variety of cellular signaling cascades. Although several crystal structures of complexes of DH‐PH tandems with cognate, nucleotide free Rho GTPases are known, they provide limited information about the dynamics of the complex and it is not clear how accurately they represent the structures in solution. We used a complementary combination of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS), and hydrogen‐deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS) to study the solution structure and dynamics of the DH‐PH tandem of RhoA‐specific exchange factor PDZRhoGEF, both in isolation and in complex with nucleotide free RhoA. We show that in solution the DH‐PH tandem behaves as a rigid entity and that the mutual disposition of the DH and PH domains remains identical within experimental error to that seen in the crystal structure of the complex, thus validating the latter as an accurate model of the complex in vivo. We also show that the nucleotide‐free RhoA exhibits elevated dynamics when in complex with DH‐PH, a phenomenon not observed in the crystal structure, presumably due to the restraining effects of crystal contacts. The complex is readily and rapidly dissociated in the presence of both GDP and GTP nucleotides, with no evidence of intermediate ternary complexes.  相似文献   

Stavudine (d4T, 2′,3′‐didehydro‐2′,3′‐dideoxythymidine) was one of the first chain‐terminating nucleoside analogs used to treat HIV infection. We present the first structure of the active, triphosphate form of d4T (d4TTP) bound to a catalytic complex of HIV‐1 RT/dsDNA template‐primer. We also present a new strategy for disulfide (S–S) chemical cross‐linking between N6 of a modified adenine at the second overhang base to I63C in the fingers subdomain of RT. The cross‐link site is upstream of the duplex‐binding region of RT, however, the structure is very similar to published RT structures with cross‐linking to Q258C in the thumb, which suggests that cross‐linking at either site does not appreciably perturb the RT/DNA structures. RT has a catalytic maximum at pH 7.5. We determined the X‐ray structures of the I63C‐RT/dsDNA/d4TTP cross‐linked complexes at pH 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, and 9.5. We found small (~0.5 Å), pH‐dependent motions of the fingers subdomain that folds in to form the dNTP‐binding pocket. We propose that the pH‐activity profile of RT relates to this motion of the fingers. Due to side effects of neuropathy and lipodystrophy, use of d4T has been stopped in most countries, however, chemical modification of d4T might lead to the development of a new class of nucleoside analogs targeting RNA and DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

In the present study we show results of a large-scale proteome analysis of the recently sequenced plant Arabidopsis thaliana. On the basis of a previously published sequential protein extraction protocol, we prepared protein extracts from eight different A. thaliana tissues (primary leaf, leaf, stem, silique, seedling, seed, root, and inflorescence) and analysed these by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A total of 6000 protein spots, from three of these tissues, namely primary leaf, silique and seedling, were excised and the contained proteins were analysed by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry peptide mass fingerprinting. This resulted in the identification of the proteins contained in 2943 spots, which were found to be products of 663 different genes. In this report we present and discuss the methodological and biological results of our plant proteome analysis.  相似文献   

Due to their high triacylglyceride content, microalgae are intensively investigated for bio‐economy and food applications. However, lipid analysis is a laborious task incorporating extraction, transesterification and typically gas chromatographic measurement. Co‐elution induces a significant risk of fatty acid misidentification and thus, additional purification steps like thin layer chromatography are needed. Contrary to database matching approaches, solely targeted analysis is facilitated as compound identification is driven by matching retention times or indices with standard substances. In this context, a rapid workflow for the analysis of algal fatty acids is presented. In‐situ transesterification was used to simplify sample preparation and conditions were optimized towards fast processing. If results are needed at the very day of sampling, direct processing without a preceding drying step is feasible to obtain a rough estimate about the occurrence of the major compounds. Coupling gas chromatography and time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry enables untargeted analysis. Unknown compounds may be identified by structural reconstruction of their respective fragmentation patterns and by database matching to routinely avoid mismatches by co‐elution of disturbing agents. The developed workflow was successfully applied to derive the exact stereochemistry of all fatty acids from Chlorella vulgaris and a systematic shift depending on physiological state of the cells was confirmed.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus core-antigen (capsid protein) and e-antigen (an immune regulator) have almost complete sequence identity, yet the dimeric proteins (termed Cp149d and Cp(−10)149d, respectively) adopt quite distinct quaternary structures. Here we use hydrogen deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) to study their structural properties. We detect many regions that differ substantially in their HDX dynamics. Significantly, whilst all regions in Cp(−10)149d exchange by EX2-type kinetics, a number of regions in Cp149d were shown to exhibit a mixture of EX2- and EX1-type kinetics, hinting at conformational heterogeneity in these regions. Comparison of the HDX of the free Cp149d with that in assembled capsids (Cp149c) indicated increased resistance to exchange at the C-terminus where the inter-dimer contacts occur. Furthermore, evidence of mixed exchange kinetics were not observed in Cp149c, implying a reduction in flexibility upon capsid formation. Cp(−10)149d undergoes a drastic structural change when the intermolecular disulphide bridge is reduced, adopting a Cp149d-like structure, as evidenced by the detected HDX dynamics being more consistent with Cp149d in many, albeit not all, regions. These results demonstrate the highly dynamic nature of these similar proteins. To probe the effect of these structural differences on the resulting antigenicity, we investigated binding of the antibody fragment (Fab E1) that is known to bind a conformational epitope on the four-helix bundle. Whilst Fab E1 binds to Cp149c and Cp149d, it does not bind non-reduced and reduced Cp(−10)149d, despite unhindered access to the epitope. These results imply a remarkable sensitivity of this epitope to its structural context.  相似文献   

Chiral considerations are found to be very much relevant in various aspects of forensic toxicology and pharmacology. In forensics, it has become increasingly important to identify the chirality of doping agents to avoid legal arguments and challenges to the analytical findings. The scope of this study was to develop an liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LCMS) method for the enantiomeric separation of typical illicit drugs such as ephedrines (ie, 1S,2R(+)‐ephedrine and 1R,2S(?)‐ephedrine) and pseudoephedrine (ie, R,R(?)‐pseudoephedrine and S,S(+)‐pseudoephedrine) by using normal phase chiral liquid chromatography–high‐resolution mass spectrometry technique. Results show that the Lux i‐amylose‐1 stationary phase has very broad and balancing‐enantio‐recognition properties towards ephedrine analogues, and this immobilized chiral stationary phase may offer a powerful tool for enantio‐separation of different types of pharmaceuticals in the normal phase mode. The type of mobile phase and organic modifier used appear to have dramatic influences on separation quality. Since the developed method was able to detect and separate the enantiomers at very low levels (in pico grams), this method opens easy access for the unambiguous identification of these illicit drugs and can be used for the routine screening of the biological samples in the antidoping laboratories.  相似文献   

Interference with protein–protein interactions of interfaces larger than 1500 Å2 by small drug‐like molecules is notoriously difficult, particularly if targeting homodimers. The tRNA modifying enzyme Tgt is only functionally active as a homodimer. Thus, blocking Tgt dimerization is a promising strategy for drug therapy as this protein is key to the development of Shigellosis. Our goal was to identify hot‐spot residues which, upon mutation, result in a predominantly monomeric state of Tgt. The detailed understanding of the spatial location and stability contribution of the individual interaction hot‐spot residues and the plasticity of motifs involved in the interface formation is a crucial prerequisite for the rational identification of drug‐like inhibitors addressing the respective dimerization interface. Using computational analyses, we identified hot‐spot residues that contribute particularly to dimer stability: a cluster of hydrophobic and aromatic residues as well as several salt bridges. This in silico prediction led to the identification of a promising double mutant, which was validated experimentally. Native nano‐ESI mass spectrometry showed that the dimerization of the suggested mutant is largely prevented resulting in a predominantly monomeric state. Crystal structure analysis and enzyme kinetics of the mutant variant further support the evidence for enhanced monomerization and provide first insights into the structural consequences of the dimer destabilization. Proteins 2014; 82:2713–2732. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Owing to its high temporal sensitivity, saliva has distinct advantages for measuring steroids, compared with other noninvasive samples such as urine and feces. Here, we report the validity of assaying salivary cortisol (C) and testosterone (T) using liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS) in captive male chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes. For both the C and T concentrations, we found positive relationships between saliva and plasma. The concentrations of C and T in saliva showed clear patterns of diurnal fluctuation, whereas those in urine and feces did not. These results suggest that the salivary steroid concentrations can be regarded as good indicators of circulating steroid levels. We also developed and validated an efficient method for collecting saliva samples from cotton rope. Although rope includes inherent steroid‐like compounds and may affect the accuracy of steroid measurements, our rope‐washing procedures effectively removed intrinsic steroidal materials. There was a significant association between the C and T concentrations measured from saliva collected from rope licked by the chimpanzees and those measured from saliva collected directly from the mouth. Salivary T values estimated by LC/MS‐MS were similar to those measured by radioimmunoassay. The results indicate the usefulness of saliva as a noninvasive steroid measure and that steroids in the saliva of chimpanzees can be accurately measured by LC‐MS/MS. Am. J. Primatol. 71:696–706, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Introduction – Aconitum szechenyianum Gay. is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb with the detumescent and styptic effects and antitumor activity. There have been only a few researches on its chemical components, but no detailed report has appeared on its fatty acids. Objective – To develop a simple and effective method for the extraction of fatty acids from A. zechenyianum Gay. and then to investigate the fatty acid components. Methodology – Microwave‐assisted extraction (MAE) was optimized with response surface methodology, and the fatty acid compositions of extract were determined by GC–MS with previous derivatisation to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). The results were compared with that obtained by classical Soxhlet extraction (SE). Results – Compared with SE, MAE showed significantly higher fatty acid yields, shorter extraction time, and lower energy and solvent consumption. The major fatty acids in A. szechenyianum Gay. are linoleic acid, palmitic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid and stearic acid, and the unsaturated fatty acids occupy 66.4% of the total fatty acids. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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