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The population outcrossing rate (t) and adult inbreeding coefficient (F) are key parameters in mating system evolution. The magnitude of inbreeding depression as expressed in the field can be estimated given t and F via the method of Ritland (1990). For a given total sample size, the optimal design for the joint estimation of t and F requires sampling large numbers of families (100–400) with fewer offspring (1–4) per family. Unfortunately, the standard inference procedure (MLTR) yields significantly biased estimates for t and F when family sizes are small and maternal genotypes are unknown (a common occurrence when sampling natural populations). Here, we present a Bayesian method implemented in the program BORICE (Bayesian Outcrossing Rate and Inbreeding Coefficient Estimation) that effectively estimates t and F when family sizes are small and maternal genotype information is lacking. BORICE should enable wider use of the Ritland approach for field-based estimates of inbreeding depression. As proof of concept, we estimate t and F in a natural population of Mimulus guttatus. In addition, we describe how individual maternal inbreeding histories inferred by BORICE may prove useful in studies of inbreeding and its consequences.  相似文献   

Transitions from self‐incompatibility to self‐compatibility in angiosperms may be frequently driven by selection for reproductive assurance when mates or pollinators are rare, and are often succeeded by loss of inbreeding depression by purging. Here, we use experimental evolution to investigate the spread of self‐compatibility from one such population of the perennial plant Linaria cavanillesii into self‐incompatible (SI) populations that still have high inbreeding depression. We introduced self‐compatible (SC) individuals at different frequencies into replicate experimental populations of L. cavanillesii that varied in access to pollinators. Our experiment revealed a rapid shift to self‐compatibility in all replicates, driven by both greater seed set and greater outcross siring success of SC individuals. We discuss our results in the light of computer simulations that confirm the tendency of self‐compatibility to spread into SI populations under the observed conditions. Our study illustrates the ease with which self‐compatibility can spread among populations, a requisite for species‐wide transitions from self‐incompatibility to self‐compatibility.  相似文献   

Although often considered as evolutionary dead ends, selfing taxa may make an important contribution to plant evolution through hybridization with related outcrossing lineages. However, there is a shortage of studies examining the evolutionary dynamics of hybridization between outcrossing and selfing taxa. On the basis of differential pollinator attractiveness, production and competitive ability of pollen, as well as levels of inbreeding depression, we predict that the early products of hybridization between outcrossing and selfing lineages will be F1s and first-generation backcrosses sired mainly by the outcrossing lineage, together with selfed F2s containing a limited genetic contribution from the outcrosser. These predictions were tested using amplified fragment length polymorphism and chloroplast markers to analyze the composition of a recent hybrid swarm between predominantly outcrossing Geum rivale and predominantly selfing Geum urbanum. In line with predictions, the hybrid swarm comprised both parental species together with F1s and first-generation backcrosses to G. rivale alone. Chloroplast data suggested that G. rivale was the pollen parent for both observed hybrid classes. However, there was no evidence for F2 individuals, despite the fact that the F1 was fully self-compatible and able to auto-pollinate. The pollen fertility of F1s was only 30% lower than that of the parental taxa, and was fully restored in backcross hybrids. Predicting future evolution in the hybrid swarm will require an understanding of the mating patterns within and among the mix of parental, F1 and backcross genotypes that are currently present. However, these results support the hypothesis that introgression is likely to be asymmetrical from selfing to outcrossing lineages.  相似文献   

Androdioecy, the occurrence of males and hermaphrodites in a single population, is a rare breeding system because the conditions for maintenance of males are restrictive. In the androdioecious shrub Phillyrea angustifolia, high male frequencies are observed in some populations. The species has a sporophytic self‐incompatibility (SI) system with two self‐incompatibility groups, which ensures that two groups of hermaphrodites can each mate only with the other group, whereas males can fertilize hermaphrodites of both groups. Here, we analyse a population genetic model to investigate the dynamics of such an androdioecious species, assuming that self‐incompatibility and sex phenotypes are determined by a single locus. Our model confirms a previous prediction that a slight reproductive advantage of males relative to hermaphrodites allows the maintenance of males at high equilibrium frequencies. The model predicts different equilibria between hermaphrodites of the two SI groups and males, depending on the male advantage, the initial composition of the population and the population size, whose effect is studied through stochastic simulations. Although the model can generate high male frequencies, observed frequencies are considerably higher than the model predicts. We finally discuss how this model may help explain the large male frequency variation observed in other androdioecious species of Oleaceae: some species show only androdioecious populations, as P. angustifolia, whereas others show populations either completely hermaphrodite or androdioecious.  相似文献   

Little is known about the breeding systems of perennial Lupinus species. We provide information about the breeding system of the perennial yellow bush lupine, Lupinus arboreus, specifically determining self-compatibility, outcrossing rate, and level of inbreeding depression. Flowers are self-compatible, but autonomous self-fertilization rarely occurs; thus selfed seed are a product of facilitated selfing. Based on four isozyme loci from 34 maternal progeny arrays of seeds we estimated an outcrossing rate of 0.78. However, when we accounted for differential maturation of selfed seeds, the outcrossing rate at fertilization was lower, ~0.64. Fitness and inbreeding depression of 11 selfed and outcrossed families were measured at four stages: seed maturation, seedling emergence, seedling survivorship, and growth at 12 wk. Cumulative inbreeding depression across all four life stages averaged 0.59, although variation existed between families for the magnitude of inbreeding depression. Inbreeding depression was not manifest uniformly across all four life stages. Outcrossed flowers produced twice as many seeds as selfed flowers, but the mean performance of selfed and outcrossed progeny was not different for emergence, seedling survivorship, and size at 12 wk. Counter to assumptions about this species, L. arboreus is both self-compatible and outcrosses ~78% of the time.  相似文献   

The congeners Rhinanthus angustifolius and Rhinanthus minor, two annual hemiparasites pollinated by bumblebees, are known to hybridise in the wild. Both species are self‐compatible, but the capacity for autonomous selfing is higher in R. minor. This suggests a difference in realized outcrossing rates, which have not been determined before in these species. Using microsatellites, both species turned out to have mixed mating systems, but with a much lower multilocus outcrossing rate (0.13) for R. minor compared to R. angustifolius (0.76). We hypothesised that a higher outcrossing rate should lead to a higher chance of heterospecific pollination, and we therefore determined the rate of hybrid formation on each species in an artificial mixed population. Hybrid seeds were produced at low frequency (4.5%), and no significant difference was found between the species. It is therefore likely that post‐pollination processes influence hybrid seed formation to counteract the expected difference in heterospecific pollen deposition. We checked fruit set, seed set and the rate of autonomous selfing in controlled crosses in the greenhouse in 2 years, and found that fruit set (2003) or seed set (2010) were lower in R. angustifolius × R. minor crosses relative to the reciprocal cross. Hybrid seeds produced on R. angustifolius also had a much lower germination rate, so most of the established F1 hybrid plants have the R. minor cytoplasm. The formation of advanced hybrids depends on pollinator preference, which is biased towards R. angustifolius if present in sufficient numbers, because it offers more rewards.  相似文献   

We present several predictions concerning the expression of genetic variation in, and covariation among, gender-related traits in perfect-flowered plant taxa with different breeding systems. We start with the inference that the pollen:ovule (P/O) ratio in obligately autogamous species (in which the ovules in a flower are fertilized only by the pollen it produces) should be under much stronger stabilizing selection than in outcrossing taxa. Consequently, we predict that obligately autogamous taxa should exhibit lower genetic coefficients of variation in the P/O ratio. Nevertheless, genetic variation in both pollen and ovule production per flower might persist within autogamous as well as outcrossing populations. In autogamous taxa, genotypes with relatively few pollen grains and ovules per flower (but producing relatively high numbers of flowers) and genotypes with comparatively high numbers of gametes per flower (but producing relatively few flowers) could co-exist if lifetime flower production is selectively neutral. In contrast, in outcrossers, the maintenance of genetic variation in ovule and pollen production per flower might result predominantly from their ability to maintain variation in phenotypic and functional gender. Given genetic variation in primary sexual traits, we predict that the genetic correlation between investment in male and female gametes per flower should qualitatively differ between selfers and outcrossers. We predict a positive genetic correlation between pollen and ovule production per flower in obligately autogamous taxa, primarily because strong stabilizing selection on the P/O ratio should select against the gender specialists that would be necessary to effect a negative genetic correlation between mean pollen and ovule production per flower. Moreover, the fact that autogamous individuals are 50% female and 50% male means that gender-biased phenotypes cannot be functionally gender-biased, preventing selection from favouring phenotypic extremes. In contrast, in outcrossing taxa, in which functionally male- and female-biased genotypes may co-exist, the maintenance of contrasting genders could contribute to the expression of negative genetic correlations between pollen and ovule production per flower. We discuss these and a number of corollary predictions, and we provide a preliminary empirical test of the first prediction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The majority of flowering plants rely on animals as pollen vectors. Thus, plant mating systems and pollen dispersal are strongly influenced by pollinator behaviour. In Australian sexually deceptive orchids pollinated by male thynnine wasps, outcrossing and extensive pollen flow is predicted due to floral deception, which minimizes multiple flower visitations within patches, and the movement of pollinators under mate‐search rather than foraging behaviours. This hypothesis was tested using microsatellite markers to reconstruct and infer paternity in two clonal, self‐compatible orchids. Offspring from naturally pollinated Chiloglottis valida and C. aff. jeanesii were acquired through symbiotic culture of seeds collected over three seasons. In both species, outcrossing was extensive (tm = 0.924–1.00) despite clone sizes up to 11 m wide. The median pollen flow distance based on paternity for both taxa combined was 14.5 m (n = 18, range 0–69 m), being larger than typically found by paternity analyses in other herbaceous plants. Unexpectedly for orchids, some capsules were sired by more than one father, with an average of 1.35 pollen donors per fruit. This is the first genetic confirmation of polyandry in orchid capsules. Further, we report a possible link between multiple paternity and increased seed fitness. Together, these results demonstrate that deceptive pollination by mate‐searching wasps enhances offspring fitness by promoting both outcrossing and within‐fruit paternal diversity.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that inbreeding depression (ID) should decline via purging in self‐fertilizing populations. Yet, intraspecific comparisons between selfing and outcrossing populations are few and provide only mixed support for this key evolutionary process. We estimated ID for large‐flowered (LF), predominantly outcrossing vs. small‐flowered (SF), predominantly selfing populations of the dune endemic Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia by comparing selfed and crossed progeny in glasshouse environments differing in soil moisture, and by comparing allozyme‐based estimates of the proportion of seeds selfed and inbreeding coefficient of mature plants. Based on lifetime measures of dry mass and flower production, ID was stronger in nine LF populations [mean δ = 1?(fitness of selfed seed/fitness of outcrossed seed) = 0.39] than 16 SF populations (mean δ = 0.03). However, predispersal ID during seed maturation was not stronger for LF populations, and ID was not more pronounced under simulated drought, a pervasive stress in sand dune habitat. Genetic estimates of δ were also higher for four LF (δ = 1.23) than five SF (δ = 0.66) populations; however, broad confidence intervals around these estimates overlapped. These results are consistent with purging, but selective interference among loci may be required to maintain strong ID in partially selfing LF populations, and trade‐offs between selfed and outcrossed fitness are likely required to maintain outcrossing in SF populations.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis lyrata is mostly outcrossing due to a sporophytic self‐incompatibility (SI) system but around the Great Lakes of North America some populations have experienced a loss of SI. We researched the loss of SI in a phylogeographic context. We used cpDNA and microsatellite markers to test if populations of North‐American A. lyrata around the Great Lakes have experienced different (recent) histories, and linked this with individually established selfing phenotype and population level realized outcrossing rates calculated based on variation in progeny arrays at multi‐locus microsatellite markers. We found three chloroplast haplotypes, in two of which the loss of self‐incompatibility had occurred independently. Shifts to high rates of inbreeding were most apparent in one of these lineages but individuals showing loss of SI occurred in all three. Self‐compatible individuals usually showed a reduction of observed heterozygosity (HO) compared to outcrossing individuals. In the lineage that included the populations with the highest levels of inbreeding, this reduction was more substantial. This may indicate that the loss of SI in this lineage did not occur as recently as in the other lineage. The geographic distribution of the haplotypes suggested that there had been at least two independent colonization routes to the north of the Great Lakes following the last glaciation. This is consistent with postglacial migration patterns that have been suggested for other organisms with limited dispersal, such as reptiles and amphibians.  相似文献   

Sex allocation by simultaneous hermaphrodites is theoretically influenced by selfing rate, which is in turn influenced by the benefits of enhanced genomic transmission and reproductive assurance relative to the cost of inbreeding depression. The experimental investigation of these influences in seed plants has a rich pedigree, yet although such an approach is equally relevant to colonial invertebrates, which globally dominate subtidal communities on firm substrata, such studies have been scarce. We reared self‐compatible genets of the marine bryozoan Celleporella hyalina s.l. in the presence and absence of allosperm, and used molecular genetic markers for paternity analysis of progeny to test theoretical predictions that: (1) genets from focal populations with high selfing rates show less inbreeding depression than from focal populations with low selfing rates; (2) genets whose selfed progeny show inbreeding depression prefer outcross sperm (allosperm); and (3) genets bias sex allocation toward female function when reared in reproductive isolation. Offspring survivorship and paternity analysis were used to estimate levels of inbreeding depression and preference for outcrossing or selfing. Sex allocation was assessed by counting male and female zooids. As predicted, inbreeding depression was severe in selfed progeny of genets derived from the populations with low self‐compatibility rates, but, with one exception, was not detected in selfed progeny of genets derived from the populations with higher self‐compatibility rates. Also, as predicted, genets whose selfed progeny showed inbreeding depression preferred outcrossing, and a genet whose selfed progeny did not show inbreeding depression preferred selfing. Contrary to prediction, sex allocation in the majority of genets was not influenced by reproductive isolation. Lack of economy of male function may reflect the over‐riding influence of allosperm‐competition in typically dense breeding populations offering good opportunity for outcrossing. We suggest that hermaphroditism may be a plesiomorphic character of the crown group Bryozoa, prevented by phylogenetic constraint from being replaced by gonochorism and therefore not necessarily adaptive in all extant clades. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 519–531.  相似文献   

Ongoing ambitions are to understand the evolution of costly polyandry and its consequences for species ecology and evolution. Emerging patterns could stem from feed‐back dynamics between the evolving mating system and its genetic environment, defined by interactions among kin including inbreeding. However, such feed‐backs are rarely considered in nonselfing systems. We use a genetically explicit model to demonstrate a mechanism by which inbreeding depression can select for polyandry to mitigate the negative consequences of mating with inbred males, rather than to avoid inbreeding, and to elucidate underlying feed‐backs. Specifically, given inbreeding depression in sperm traits, costly polyandry evolved to ensure female fertility, without requiring explicit inbreeding avoidance. Resulting sperm competition caused evolution of sperm traits and further mitigated the negative effect of inbreeding depression on female fertility. The evolving mating system fed back to decrease population‐wide homozygosity, and hence inbreeding. However, the net overall decrease was small due to compound effects on the variances in sex‐specific reproductive success and paternity skew. Purging of deleterious mutations did not eliminate inbreeding depression in sperm traits or hence selection for polyandry. Overall, our model illustrates that polyandry evolution, both directly and through sperm competition, might facilitate evolutionary rescue for populations experiencing sudden increases in inbreeding.  相似文献   

Hymenaea stigonocarpa is a neotropical tree that is economically important due to its high‐quality wood; however, because it has been exploited extensively, it is currently considered threatened. Microsatellite loci were used to investigate the pollen and seed dispersal, mating patterns, spatial genetic structure (SGS), genetic diversity, and inbreeding depression in H. stigonocarpa adults, juveniles, and open‐pollinated seeds, which were sampled from isolated trees in a pasture and trees within a forest fragment in the Brazilian savannah. We found that the species presented a mixed mating system, with population and individual variations in the outcrossing rate (0.53–1.0). The studied populations were not genetically isolated due to pollen and seed flow between the studied populations and between the populations and individuals located outside of the study area. Pollen and seed dispersal occurred over long distances (>8 km); however, the dispersal patterns were isolated by distance, with a high frequency of mating occurring between near‐neighbor trees and seeds dispersed near the parent trees. The correlated mating for individual seed trees was higher within than among fruits, indicating that fruits present a high proportion of full‐sibs. Genetic diversity and SGS were similar among the populations, but offspring showed evidence of inbreeding, mainly originating from mating among related trees, which suggests inbreeding depression between the seed and adult stages. Selfing resulted in a higher inbreeding depression than mating among relatives, as assessed through survival and height. As the populations are not genetically isolated, both are important targets for in situ conservation to maintain their genetic diversity; for ex situ conservation, seeds can be collected from at least 78 trees in both populations separated by at least 250 m.  相似文献   

Water and nutrient fluxes for single stands of different tree species have been reported in numerous studies, but comparative studies of nutrient and hydrological budgets of common European deciduous tree species are rare. Annual fluxes of water and inorganic nitrogen (N) were established in a 30‐year‐old common garden design with stands of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), small‐leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) replicated at two sites in Denmark, Mattrup and Vallø during 2 years. Mean annual percolation below the root zone (mm yr?1±SE, n=4) ranked in the following order: maple (351±38)>lime (284±32), oak (271±25), beech (257±30), ash (307±69)? spruce (75±24). There were few significant tree species effects on N fluxes. However, the annual mean N throughfall flux (kg N ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) for spruce (28±2) was significantly larger than for maple (12±1), beech (11±1) and oak (9±1) stands but not different from that of lime (15±3). Ash had a low mean annual inorganic N throughfall deposition of 9.1 kg ha?1, but was only present at Mattrup. Annual mean of inorganic N leaching (kg ha?1 yr?1±SE, n=4) did not differ significantly between species despite of contrasting tree species mean values; beech (25±9)>oak (16±10), spruce (15±8), lime (14±8)? maple (1.9±1), ash (2.0±1). The two sites had similar throughfall N fluxes, whereas the annual leaching of N was significantly higher at Mattrup than at Vallø. Accordingly, the sites differed in soil properties in relation to rates and dynamics of N cycling. We conclude that tree species affect the N cycle differently but the legacy of land use exerted a dominant control on the N cycle within the short‐term perspective (30 years) of these stands.  相似文献   

Genetically controlled self‐incompatibility systems represent links between genetic diversity and plant demography with the potential to directly impact on population dynamics. We use an individual‐based spatial simulation to investigate the demographic and genetic consequences of different self‐incompatibility systems for plants that vary in reproductive capacity and lifespan. The results support the idea that, in the absence of inbreeding effects, populations of self‐incompatible species will often be smaller and less viable than self‐compatible species, particularly for shorter‐lived organisms or where potential fecundity is low. At high ovule production and low mortality, self‐incompatible and self‐compatible species are demographically similar, thus self‐incompatibility does not automatically lead to reduced mate availability or population viability. Overall, sporophytic codominant self‐incompatibility was more limiting than gametophytic or sporophytic dominant systems, which generally behaved in a similar fashion. Under a narrow range of conditions, the sporophytic dominant system maintained marginally greater mate availability owing to the production of S locus homozygotes. While self‐incompatibility reduces population size and persistence for a broad range of conditions, the actual number of S alleles, beyond that required for reproduction, is important for only a subset of life histories. For these situations, results suggest that addition of new S alleles may result in significant demographic rescue.  相似文献   

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