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Little attention has been paid to the use of multi‐sample batch‐marking studies, as it is generally assumed that an individual's capture history is necessary for fully efficient estimates. However, recently, Huggins et al. ( 2010 ) present a pseudo‐likelihood for a multi‐sample batch‐marking study where they used estimating equations to solve for survival and capture probabilities and then derived abundance estimates using a Horvitz–Thompson‐type estimator. We have developed and maximized the likelihood for batch‐marking studies. We use data simulated from a Jolly–Seber‐type study and convert this to what would have been obtained from an extended batch‐marking study. We compare our abundance estimates obtained from the Crosbie–Manly–Arnason–Schwarz (CMAS) model with those of the extended batch‐marking model to determine the efficiency of collecting and analyzing batch‐marking data. We found that estimates of abundance were similar for all three estimators: CMAS, Huggins, and our likelihood. Gains are made when using unique identifiers and employing the CMAS model in terms of precision; however, the likelihood typically had lower mean square error than the pseudo‐likelihood method of Huggins et al. ( 2010 ). When faced with designing a batch‐marking study, researchers can be confident in obtaining unbiased abundance estimators. Furthermore, they can design studies in order to reduce mean square error by manipulating capture probabilities and sample size.  相似文献   

Dispersal is considered to be a species‐specific trait, but intraspecific variation can be high. However, when and how this complex trait starts to differentiate during the divergence of species/lineages is unknown. Here, we studied the differentiation of movement behaviour in a large salamander population (Salamandra salamandra), in which individual adaptations to different habitat conditions drive the genetic divergence of this population into two subpopulations. In this system, salamanders have adapted to the deposition and development of their larvae in ephemeral ponds vs. small first‐order streams. In general, the pond habitat is characterized as a spatially and temporally highly unpredictable habitat, while streams provide more stable and predictable conditions for the development of larvae. We analysed the fine‐scale genetic distribution of larvae, and explored whether the adaptation to different larval habitat conditions has in turn also affected dispersal strategies and home range size of adult salamanders. Based on the genetic assignment of adult individuals to their respective larval habitat type, we show that pond‐adapted salamanders occupied larger home ranges, displayed long‐distance dispersal and had a higher variability of movement types than the stream‐adapted individuals. We argue that the differentiation of phenotypically plastic traits such as dispersal and movement characteristics can be a crucial component in the course of adaptation to new habitat conditions, thereby promoting the genetic divergence of populations.  相似文献   

The federally endangered Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens) was propagated and reared to taggable size (5–10 mm), and released to the Powell River, Tennessee, to augment a relict population. Methodology using passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags on these mussels greatly facilitated the detection process. The overall mean detection probability and survival rate of released individuals reached 97.8 to 98.4% and 99.7 to 99.9% (per month), respectively, during nine successive recapture occasions in the 2‐year study period, regardless of seasonality. Nonhierarchical models and hierarchical models incorporating individual and seasonal variations through a Bayesian approach were compared and resulted in similar performance of prediction for detection probability and survival rate of mussels. This is the first study to apply the mark–recapture method to laboratory‐reared mussels using PIT tags and stochastic models. Quantitative analyses for individual heterogeneity allowed examination of demographic variance and effects of heterogeneity on population dynamics, although the individual and seasonal variations were small in this study. Our results provide useful information in implementing conservation strategies of this faunal group and a framework for other species or similar studies.  相似文献   

The movements of juvenile burbot Lota lota were monitored continuously with an overall efficiency of 92·5%. The results show that passive integrated transponder (PIT) systems (or variations of them) are highly valuable for behavioural studies of small nocturnal fish species at the laboratory or mesocosm scale.  相似文献   

The attraction of wild tephritids to semiochemical‐based lures is the ideal basis for trap network design in detection programmes, but in practice, mass‐reared colony insects are usually used to determine trap efficiency. For Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett, a lower response by wild males compared with colony‐derived individuals, usually used to estimate attraction parameters, could mean that the sensitivity of detection networks targeting this pest is reduced. We describe the results of mark–release–recapture experiments with wild‐ and colony‐derived B. cucurbitae males in a grid of cuelure‐baited traps within a macadamia nut orchard in Hawaii Island designed to quantify the attraction of cuelure to each fly type. For colony males, we estimate a 65% probability of capture at 27 m, intermediate with previous estimates on the attraction of methyl eugenol to Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (36 m) and trimedlure to Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (14 m) at the same site. Results suggest similar response over distance by wild‐derived B. cucurbitae compared with colony in the field, but there may be qualitative differences in response between wild and colony based on very low response of wild males in a standard bioassay of attraction. For both fly types, the estimates of attraction in the smaller of two grid sizes tested were lower than for the larger spacing, suggesting trap competition was a factor at an intertrap distance of 75 m. Dispersal patterns within the grid were generally to the south for the colony‐derived males and more variable for the wild‐derived males. In neither case was the direction of recapture correlated with the prevailing direction of the wind.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology can be used to implement automated bird‐monitoring systems and, therefore, could be of use to field ornithologists. However, the cost of a large‐scale RFID network can be prohibitive for those with limited research budgets. We describe a simple RFID reader/data logger that can be constructed for less than $40 (excluding tools and a battery). This device can be mounted on birdfeeders, nest boxes, nests, or any location repeatedly visited by birds fitted with small RFID tags (i.e., passive integrated transponder or PIT tags). To demonstrate the potential of this low‐cost RFID reader, we monitored the use of feeders by wintering songbirds in central New York and generated a data set consisting of more than 500,000 feeder visits over 5 mo. These data revealed several interesting behaviors, including high visitation rates by some individuals (>200 visits per day), long‐distance movements between feeders (emigration and immigration), and species‐specific patterns of feeder use. Although the system performed well in relatively harsh winter conditions, occasional battery failures and water damage led to some loss of data. Nevertheless, we amassed over 8000 h of monitoring by investing approximately 6 h of labor per week. In addition to recording tag numbers and time stamps, the RFID reader can interface with sensors and actuators, permitting the collection of additional data (such as body mass) and allowing control of motors or solenoids to interact with targeted individuals. RFID technology has great potential for use in a variety of ornithological studies, and we hope our device helps make this technology more accessible.  相似文献   

The spotted eagle ray Aetobatus narinari is characterized by pigmentation patterns that are retained for up to 3·5 years. These pigmentations can be used to identify individuals through photo‐identification. Only one study has validated this technique, but no study has estimated the percentage of correct identification of the rays using this technique. In order to carry out demographic research, a reliable photographic identification technique is needed. To achieve this validation for A. narinari, a double‐mark system was established over 11 months and photographs of the dorsal surface of 191 rays were taken. Three body parts with distinctive natural patterns were analysed (dorsal surface of the cephalic region, dorsal surface of the pectoral fins and dorsal surface of the pelvic fins) in order to determine the body part that could be used to give the highest percentage of correct identification. The dorsal surface of the pectoral fins of A. narinari provides the most accurate photo‐identification to distinguish individuals (88·2%).  相似文献   

This study shows how capture–mark–recapture (CMR) models can provide robust estimates of detection heterogeneity (sources of bias) in underwater visual‐census data. Detection biases among observers and fish family groups were consistent between fished and unfished reef sites in Kenya, even when the overall level of detection declined between locations. Species characteristics were the greatest source of detection heterogeneity and large, highly mobile species were found to have lower probabilities of detection than smaller, site‐attached species. Fish family and functional‐group detectability were also found to be lower at fished locations, probably due to differences in local abundance. Because robust CMR models deal explicitly with sampling where not all species are detected, their use is encouraged for studies addressing reef‐fish community dynamics.  相似文献   

Aerial survey is an important, widely employed approach for estimating free‐ranging wildlife over large or inaccessible study areas. We studied how a distance covariate influenced probability of double‐observer detections for birds counted during a helicopter survey in Canada’s central Arctic. Two observers, one behind the other but visually obscured from each other, counted birds in an incompletely shared field of view to a distance of 200 m. Each observer assigned detections to one of five 40‐m distance bins, guided by semi‐transparent marks on aircraft windows. Detections were recorded with distance bin, taxonomic group, wing‐flapping behavior, and group size. We compared two general model‐based estimation approaches pertinent to sampling wildlife under such situations. One was based on double‐observer methods without distance information, that provide sampling analogous to that required for mark–recapture (MR) estimation of detection probability, , and group abundance, , along a fixed‐width strip transect. The other method incorporated double‐observer MR with a categorical distance covariate (MRD). A priori, we were concerned that estimators from MR models were compromised by heterogeneity in due to un‐modeled distance information; that is, more distant birds are less likely to be detected by both observers, with the predicted effect that would be biased high, and biased low. We found that, despite increased complexity, MRD models (ΔAICc range: 0–16) fit data far better than MR models (ΔAICc range: 204–258). However, contrary to expectation, the more naïve MR estimators of were biased low in all cases, but only by 2%–5% in most cases. We suspect that this apparently anomalous finding was the result of specific limitations to, and trade‐offs in, visibility by observers on the survey platform used. While MR models provided acceptable point estimates of group abundance, their far higher stranded errors (0%–40%) compared to MRD estimates would compromise ability to detect temporal or spatial differences in abundance. Given improved precision of MRD models relative to MR models, and the possibility of bias when using MR methods from other survey platforms, we recommend avian ecologists use MRD protocols and estimation procedures when surveying Arctic bird populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Many animals autotomize their tails to facilitate escape from predators. Although tail autotomy can increase the likelihood of surviving a predatory encounter, it may entail subsequent costs, including reduced growth, loss of energy stores, a reduction in reproductive output, loss of social status and a decreased probability of survival during subsequent encounters with predators. To date, few studies have investigated the potential fitness costs of tail autotomy in natural populations. I investigated whether tail loss influenced survival, growth and territory occupation of juvenile velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii in a population where predatory snakes were common. During the 3‐year mark–recapture study, 32% of juveniles voluntarily autotomized their tails when first captured. Analysis of survival using the program mark showed that voluntary tail autotomy did not influence the subsequent survival of juvenile geckos. Survival was age‐dependent and was higher in 1‐year‐old animals (0.98) than in hatchlings (0.76), whereas recapture probabilities were time‐dependent. Growth rates of tailed and tailless juveniles were very similar, but tailless geckos had slow rates of tail regeneration (0.14 mm day−1). Tail autotomy did not influence rock usage by geckos, and both tailed and tailless juveniles used few rocks as diurnal retreat sites (means of 1.64 and 1.47 rocks, respectively) and spent long time periods (85 and 82 days) under the same rocks. Site fidelity may confer survival advantages to juveniles in populations sympatric with ambush foraging snakes. My results show that two potential fitness costs of tail autotomy – decreased growth rates and a lower probability of survival – did not occur in juveniles from this population. However, compared with juveniles, significantly fewer adult geckos (17%) voluntarily autotomized their tails during capture. Because adults possess large tails that are used for lipid storage, the energetic costs of tail autotomy are likely to be much higher in adult than in juvenile O. lesueurii.  相似文献   

Life‐histories and demographic parameters of southern temperate bird species have been little studied. We estimated return rates between years and sexes, and adult apparent survival and recapture probabilities with mark–recapture data on White‐rumped Swallows and found a lower return rate of unsuccessful females. There was little support for influences of sex or year on survival rates. The estimates were equivalent to the lowest value reported for a northern congener, in contrast to the prediction of geographical variation under life‐history theory.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs between current and future reproduction are central to the evolution of life histories. Experiments that manipulate brood size provide an effective approach to investigating future costs of current reproduction. Most manipulative studies to date, however, have addressed only the short‐term effects of brood size manipulation. Our goal was to determine whether survival or breeding costs of reproduction in a long‐lived species manifest beyond the subsequent breeding season. To this end, we investigated long‐term survival and breeding effects of a multi‐year reproductive cost experiment conducted on black‐legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla, a long‐lived colonial nesting seabird. We used multi‐state capture–recapture modeling to assess hypotheses regarding the role of experimentally reduced breeding effort and other factors, including climate phase and colony size and productivity, on future survival and breeding probabilities during the 16‐yr period following the experiment. We found that forced nest failures had a positive effect on breeding probability over time, but had no effect on long‐term survival. This apparent canalization of survival suggests that adult survival is the most important parameter influencing fitness in this long‐lived species, and that adults should pay reproductive costs in ways that do not compromise this critical life history parameter. When declines in adult survival rate are observed, they may indicate populations of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Size‐assortative mating is a nonrandom association of body size between members of mating pairs and is expected to be common in species with mutual preferences for body size. In this study, we investigated whether there is direct evidence for size‐assortative mating in two species of pipefishes, Syngnathus floridae and S. typhle, that share the characteristics of male pregnancy, sex‐role reversal, and a polygynandrous mating system. We take advantage of microsatellite‐based “genetic‐capture” techniques to match wild‐caught females with female genotypes reconstructed from broods of pregnant males and use these data to explore patterns of size‐assortative mating in these species. We also develop a simulation model to explore how positive, negative, and antagonistic preferences of each sex for body size affect size‐assortative mating. Contrary to expectations, we were unable to find any evidence of size‐assortative mating in either species at different geographic locations or at different sampling times. Furthermore, two traits that potentially confer a fitness advantage in terms of reproductive success, female mating order and number of eggs transferred per female, do not affect pairing patterns in the wild. Results from model simulations demonstrate that strong mating preferences are unlikely to explain the observed patterns of mating in the studied populations. Our study shows that individual mating preferences, as ascertained by laboratory‐based mating trials, can be decoupled from realized patterns of mating in the wild, and therefore, field studies are also necessary to determine actual patterns of mate choice in nature. We conclude that this disconnect between preferences and assortative mating is likely due to ecological constraints and multiple mating that may limit mate choice in natural populations.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes are frequently used as a model for adaptive genetic diversity. Although associations between Mhc and disease resistance are frequently documented, little is known about the fitness consequences of Mhc variation in wild populations. Further, most work to date has involved testing associations between Mhc genotypes and fitness components. However, the functional diversity of the Mhc, and hence the mechanism by which selection on Mhc acts, depends on how genotypes map to the functional properties of Mhc molecules. Here, we test three hypotheses that relate Mhc diversity to fitness: (i) the maximal diversity hypothesis, (ii) the optimal diversity hypothesis and (iii) effect of specific Mhc types. We combine mark–recapture methods with analysis of long‐term breeding data to investigate the effects of Mhc class I functional diversity (Mhc supertypes) on individual fitness in a wild great tit (Parus major) population. We found that the presence of three different Mhc supertypes was associated with three different components of individual fitness: survival, annual recruitment and lifetime reproductive success (LRS). Great tits possessing Mhc supertype 3 experienced higher survival rates than those that did not, whereas individuals with Mhc supertype 6 experienced higher LRS and were more likely to recruit offspring each year. Conversely, great tits that possessed Mhc supertype 5 had reduced LRS. We found no evidence for a selective advantage of Mhc diversity, in terms of either maximal or optimal supertype diversity. Our results support the suggestion that specific Mhc types are an important determinant of individual fitness.  相似文献   

To study growth rates, movements and estimate population size of shortfin eels Anguilla australis in a small lake (2·5 ha) near Christchurch, New Zealand, 617 A. australis were tagged with PIT tags. Tag retention was high (95%) and over the seven recapture events spread over 2 years, 55% of tagged A. australis were recaptured. Growth of recaptured A. australis averaged 13·1 mm year?1 and declined slightly with increasing total length. Distance moved from original capture site increased with increasing time at large. Population estimates of A. australis > 400 mm (susceptible to capture by fyke net) from recaptures of individuals averaged 1451 A. australis, with a biomass of 170 kg ha?1. An average of 6·6% of the estimated total population matured as male silver A. australis each year. Results from radio‐tracking of four A. australis gave an average nightly foraging area of 2780 m2, and there was no apparent preference for inshore movement (within 5–6 m of the shoreline) or offshore movement. Fyke‐net efficiency (total catch relative to the estimated total population available to each net) measured over four consecutive nights fishing was 88%. The lack of precision of the shoreline triangulation system used, ±10 m, meant that the positional data were considered too coarse to be used in a proposed novel population estimation technique based on determining population size within foraging areas.  相似文献   

1. The aquatic macrophyte Podostemum ceratophyllum has been shown to increase stream productivity, abundance and biomass of benthic invertebrates, and local occurrences of some stream fishes. However, experimental evidence that fishes preferentially associate with Podostemum is lacking, and the value of Podostemum as a predictor of stream fish assemblage composition has not been studied. 2. We conducted two short‐term (2 week), small‐scale (36 m2) experimental manipulations of Podostemum cover in the Conasauga River (Georgia and Tennessee, U.S.), and found higher abundances of benthic insectivorous fishes in patches with augmented (>80%) compared to reduced (7%) Podostemum cover. In an observational study, we quantified associations among percent cover of Podostemum, fish species richness, land cover, shoal length and base‐flow turbidity at 20 randomly selected shoals from a 39‐km reach that spanned a gradient of decreasing forest land cover. 3. Richness of all fish species and of lotic fishes peaked in the centre of the study reach, and richness was weakly correlated with predictor variables. Occupancy models for individual species also indicated that longitudinal position was a strong covariate for 13 of 19 species examined, with little support that Podostemum cover influenced occupancy. 4. Local associations may reflect choices by benthic fishes to utilise Podostemum, whereas downstream decline in fish species richness and Podostemum cover may reflect altered capacity of the system to support native species.  相似文献   

In this study, the spot pattern in Hippocampus guttulatus was analysed using a computer programme algorithm that allowed individual comparison. This methodology was first tested in a controlled environment using 51 adult and 55 juvenile H. guttulatus. Positive matches were obtained in 86·3 and 83·6% of the adults and juveniles, respectively. In a second experiment, monthly surveys were carried out in five selected locations in the Ria Formosa Lagoon, south Portugal, over the course of a year and a total of 980 photographs were analysed. Photographed H. guttulatus were re‐sighted one to nine times during the course of the survey period with an overall re‐sight record of over 30%. Photo‐identification was therefore shown to be a useful tool for non‐invasive mark–recapture studies that can be successfully used to survey the population abundance of H. guttulatus aged 6 months or older in consecutive years. This could be of great value when considering the assessment of H. guttulatus populations and understanding changes over time.  相似文献   

David Norman  Will J. Peach 《Ibis》2013,155(2):284-296
Long‐term studies can provide powerful insights into the relative importance of different demographic and environmental factors determining avian population dynamics. Here we use 23 years of capture–mark–recapture data (1981–2003) to estimate recruitment and survival rates for a Sand Martin Riparia riparia population in Cheshire, NW England. Inter‐annual variation in recruitment and adult survival was positively related to rainfall in the sub‐Saharan wintering grounds, but unrelated to weather conditions on the breeding grounds. After allowing for the effects of African rainfall, both demographic rates were negatively density‐dependent: adult survival was related to the size of the western European Sand Martin population (probably reflecting competition for resources in the shared wintering grounds) while recruitment was related to the size of the local study population in Cheshire (potentially reflecting competition for nesting sites or food). Local population size was more sensitive to variation in adult survival than to variation in recruitment, and an increase in population size after 1995 was driven mainly by the impact of more favourable conditions in the African wintering grounds on survival rates of adults. Overwinter survival in this long‐distance Palaearctic migrant is determined partly by the amount of suitable wetland foraging habitat in the sub‐Saharan wintering grounds (which is limited by the extent of summer rainfall) and partly by the number of birds exploiting that habitat.  相似文献   

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