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The embryological characteristics of Gomortegaceae, which are poorly understood, were investigated on the basis of Gomortega nitida, the only species of the family, to understand better the evolution of this group within Laurales. Comparisons with other Laurales and Magnoliales (a sister group of Laurales) show that Gomortega has many embryological features in common with the other lauralean families. Notably, Gomortega shares a testa without or with at best only a poorly developed mesotesta as a synapomorphy with all other Laurales. The genus further shares anthers dehisced by valves as a synapomorphy with the other Laurales (except for Calycanthaceae and Monimiaceae), and a non-multiplicative testa and bisporangiate anther as synapomorphies with Atherospermataceae and Siparunaceae (although the non-multiplicative testa occurs as a homoplasy in Monimiaceae, and the bisporangiate anther in Monimiaceae pro parte, Lauraceae pro parte and Hernandiaceae, respectively). Gomortega shows simultaneous cytokinesis to form pollen grains, a one-celled ovule archesporium and non-specialized chalaza, all or part of which may be synapomorphies shared with Atherospermataceae. Gomortega appears to have no embryological autapomorphies, but further comparison with Atherospermataceae is required.Kweon Heo and Yukitoshi Kimoto contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Embryological characters of Siparunaceae, which are poorly understood, were studied on the basis of two constituent genera, an African Glossocalyx and a South American Siparuna, to better understand their evolution within Laurales. These two genera have many embryological characteristics in common with the other lauralean families. Noticeably, they share the multi-celled ovule archesporium (uncertain in Glossocalyx) as a synapomorphy with all the other lauralean families except Lauraceae, the anthers dehisced by valves as a synspomorphy with all the other lauralean families except Calycanthaceae and Monimiaceae, and the bisporangiate anther as a synapomorphy with Gomortegaceae and Atherospermataceae. Siparunaceae are, however, distinct from all other laularean families in having unitegmic ovules that were derived from bitegmic ovules, probably due to an elimination of the outer integument. Likewise, the lack of the testa (i.e., developed outer integument), the "endotegmic" seed coat, and the perichalazal seed at maturity are also characteristics of Siparunaceae. Within the family, Siparuna differs from Glossocalyx in having plural tetrads of megaspores and plural, starchy-rich, one-nucleate, tubular embryo sacs (autapomorphies). On the other hand, Glossocalyx is characterized by having bilaterally flattened seeds (autapomorphy). Although functional aspects of those autapomorphies are uncertain, both Glossocalyx and Siparuna show evolution in different embryological characters.  相似文献   

Lauraceae are relatively well-known embryologically and embryological data are available for 23 of about 50 genera. In this paper we present the embryology of Eusideroxylon , an unstudied and key genus within Cryptocaryeae, which are positioned basally in the evolution of Lauraceae, and discuss the evolution of embryological characters in the family. Based on comparisons of over 50 characters, it was found that Eusideroxylon is consistent with Aspidostemon , the core Cryptocaryeae ( Beilschmiedia , Cryptocarya , Endiandra and Potameia ), Caryodaphnopsis and Cassytha in having a glandular anther tapetum. The core Cryptocaryeae further agrees with both Caryodaphnopsis and Cassytha in having an embryo sac protruding from the nucellus. In light of the phylogenetic trees available, both the glandular tapetum and the embryo sac protruding from the nucellus have evolved as homoplasies in Lauraceae, once each in a clade of Cryptocaryeae, and the Caryodaphnopsis and Cassytha clade, respectively. Such character-state distributions suggest that it is better to place both Caryodapnopsis and Cassytha in the same clade as the core Cryptocaryeae. Embryologically, Eusideroxylon appears to have an intermediate state between Hypodaphnis , a genus positioned basal-most in the family, and the core Cryptocaryeae. Supplementary data on the anther and seed of Hypodaphnis are also provided.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 187–201.  相似文献   

Much recent progress in evolutionary biology is based on the inference of ancestral states and past transformations in important traits on phylogenetic trees. These exercises often assume that the tree is known without error and that ancestral states and character change can be mapped onto it exactly. In reality, there is often considerable uncertainty about both the tree and the character mapping. Recently introduced Bayesian statistical methods enable the study of character evolution while simultaneously accounting for both phylogenetic and mapping uncertainty, adding much needed credibility to the reconstruction of evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Developmental characters — including oocyte and yolk cell structure, patterns of cleavage, and modes of gastrulation — are presented and examined in relation to the phylogeny of the Turbellaria. Eggshell granules, which have been demonstrated to occur in the oocytes of entolecithal eggs and the yolk cells of ectolecithal eggs, are compared among species, and their potential value as a taxonomic character is discussed. The quartet 4d spiral cleavage of the entolecithal egg of polyclads is described as reminiscent of the primitive pattern of early development for the Turbellaria. This is compared to duet spiral cleavage of acoels, and possible phylogenetic schemes involving the two types of spiral cleavage are reviewed. The link between the precise spiral cleavage, which characterizes development of most archoophorans, and blastomere separation (Blastomeren-Anarchie), which occurs in several neoophoran orders, is established by the occurrence of quartet 4d spiral cleavage in one neoophoran order, and of both quartet spiral cleavage and Blastomeren-Anarchie in different species of a second neoophoran order. The epibolic gastrulation of polyclads is described as primitive for the Turbellaria because of its similarity to that of other members of the Spiralia. Although no identical process occurs in neoophoran development, the earlier event of formation of the hull membrane in some neoophorans, and the later event of formation of the definitive epidermis in all neoophorans studied are presented as processes of possible homology to the epibolic gastrulation of polyclads. The lack of correspondence between polyclads and neoophorans in the relationship of the definitive body axes to the egg axis is discussed, and an hypothesis is advanced to account for the differences. The phylogenetic relationships indicated by known developmental phenomena differ only slightly from the scheme presented by Karling in 1974.  相似文献   

Cucurbitaceae contain c. 800 species in 130 genera and are among the economically most important families of plants. We inferred their phylogeny based on chloroplast DNA sequences from two genes, one intron, and two spacers (rbcL, matK, trnL, trnL-trnF, rpl20-rps12) obtained for 171 species in 123 genera. Molecular data weakly support the traditional subfamilies Cucurbitoideae (111 genera) and Nhandiroboideae (19 genera, 60 species), and recover most of the eleven tribes, but almost none of the subtribes. Indofevillea khasiana is sister to all other Cucurbitoideae, and the genera of Joliffieae plus a few Trichosantheae form a grade near the base of Cucurbitoideae. A newly discovered large clade consists of the ancestrally Asian genera Nothoalsomitra, Luffa, Gymnopetalum, Hodgsonia, Trichosanthes, and the New World tribe Sicyeae. Genera that are poly- or paraphyletic include Ampelosicyos, Cucumis, Ibervillea, Neoachmandra, Psiguria, Trichosanthes, and Xerosicyos. Flower characters, especially number of free styles, fusion of filaments and/or anthers, tendril type, and pollen size, exine, and aperture number correlate well with the chloroplast phylogeny, while petal and fruit characters as well as karyotype exhibit much evolutionary flexibility.  相似文献   

对旌节花科和省沽油科 4属 13种花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜的观察 ,其中有些种是第一次观察或报道。这两个科的花粉为近球形到球形 ,3孔沟 (省沽油科银鹊树属TapisciaOliv花粉除外 ,为 3沟 )。它们的花粉大小和外壁纹饰有一定差异。旌节花科花粉相对较小 ,一般为 18~ 2 8 2× 17 5~ 2 6 5 μm ,外壁表面为穴状纹饰。省沽油科花粉较大 ,为 2 8~ 4 0× 2 8 5~4 0 5 μm (银鹊树属花粉只有 13 5~ 17 9× 12 5~ 18μm) ,外壁表面为细网状纹饰。这两个科的花粉特征在某种程度上具有一定的相似性 ,故就孢粉学而言它们具有颇为密切的关系  相似文献   

The poorly known Haloragaceae R. Br. (Saxifragales) are highly diverse in habit (small trees to submerged aquatics) and labile in floral merosity (2-4), both uncommon among the core eudicots. This family has a cosmopolitan distribution, but taxonomic diversity is concentrated in Australia. An explicit phylogenetic approach has not previously been utilized to examine relationships or character evolution in this family. We used molecular evidence from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnK and matK regions under both Bayesian and parsimony analyses to address phylogenetic relationships. Combined molecular analyses defined a monophyletic Haloragaceae with the woody genera (Haloragodendron, Glischrocaryon) sister to the rest. Relationships among many genera were well resolved, with genera as currently delimited generally well supported, although there were notable exceptions; a new genus (Trihaloragis) is recognized, and the aquatic genus Meionectes is again distinct from Haloragis. Three new species combinations are also recognized. There are multiple (two or three) origins of the submerged aquatic habit in the family and potentially an intermediate reversal to the terrestrial habit, neither previously demonstrated in a core eudicot family using an explicit phylogenetic hypothesis. Ancestral character analyses suggest two origins of trimerous flowers and multiple reductions to dimerous flowers throughout Haloragaceae.  相似文献   

Aspects of the life history ofKyllinga monocephala are described. Anther wall development corresponds to the Monocot type. The endothecium shows spiral thickenings. The tapetum is glandular and has uninucleate cells. Ubisch granules are present. Mature pollen grains (pseudomonads) are 3-celled at maturity. Ovules are bitegmic, crassinucellate and develop a funicular obturator. The embryo development conforms to theJuncus-variation of the Onagrad type. Endosperm, seed coat and pericarp are described.  相似文献   

Abeliophyllum, a monotypic endemic genus of Oleaceae, resembles Forsythia in various morphological characters, but its phylogenetic position is disputed and no embryological study of the genus has been carried out. We investigated more than 40 embryological characters of Abeliophyllum, compared them with previous information on Oleaceae, and discusses its phylogenetic relationships. Abeliophyllum is similar to other genera of Oleaceae in many embryological features, having some distinct features such as the mode of anther wall formation, formation of a nucellar cap, and formation of obturator and hypostase. The basic type of anther wall development and formation of a nucellar cap have not previously been reported in Oleaceae. In addition, differentiation of the obturator and formation of hypostase are not reported in the previously investigated genera of the family. Compared with close relatives, the seed coat structure of Abeliophyllum resembles Forsythia more than Fontanesia and supports existing molecular data which place Abeliophyllum as the sister group of Forsythia.  相似文献   

The embryo sac formation, endosperm formation, and embryo development in all species of JapaneseMitella andM. diphylla of North America were studied. Monosporic 8-nucleate embryo sac formation of thePolygonum type was found in all the species. In endosperm formation, the Cellular type was found in all species of sect.Mitellaria, and the Helobial type inM. nuda, M. diphylla, andM. integripetala. The Helobial type inM. integripetala was somewhat aberrant and approximated to the Cellular type. In embryo development, three types were distinguishable in sect.Mitellaria: Type A (most of the species), Type B (M. acerina) and Type C (M. pauciflora andM. furusei var.furusei). Type B is an intermediate type between A and C.Mitella integripetala also shows Type A, and the types ofM. nuda andM. diphylla are similar to Type A, except for the shape of suspensor. From outgroup comparison, Type A is suggested to be primitive and Type C to be most derivative in sect.Mitellaria. The affinity of some species in sect.Mitellaria is discussed from the embryogenic data obtained.  相似文献   

Acoela are marine microscopic worms currently thought to be the sister taxon of all other bilaterians. Acoels have long been used as models in evolutionary scenarios, and generalized conclusions about acoel and bilaterian ancestral features are frequently drawn from studies of single acoel species. There is no extensive phylogenetic study of Acoela and the taxonomy of the 380 species is chaotic. Here we use two nuclear ribosomal genes and one mitochondrial gene in combination with 37 morphological characters in an analysis of 126 acoel terminals (about one-third of the described species) to estimate the phylogeny and character evolution of Acoela. We present an estimate of posterior probabilities for ancestral character states at 31 control nodes in the phylogeny. The overall reconstruction signal based on the shape of the posterior distribution of character states was computed for all morphological characters and control nodes to assess how well these were reconstructed. The body-wall musculature appears more clearly reconstructed than the reproductive organs. Posterior similarity to the root was calculated by averaging the divergence between the posterior distributions at the nodes and the root over all morphological characters. Diopisthoporidae is the sister group to all other acoels and has the highest posterior similarity to the root. Convolutidae, including several "model" acoels, is most divergent. Finally, we present a phylogenetic classification of Acoela down to the family level where six previous family level taxa are synonymized.  相似文献   

吕文  刘文哲 《植物学报》2010,45(6):713-722
从开花动态、传粉昆虫、花的形态结构、繁育系统、花粉活力和柱头可授性等方面研究了我国特有珍稀植物瘿椒树(Tapiscia sinensis Oliv.)的传粉生物学特性。瘿椒树是典型的雄全异株植物,两性花中含有功能性花粉,且自交亲和,但雄花花粉活力和萌发力是两性花的10倍以上。雄株和两性植株具有相同开花物候期,花期均为5月下旬至6月上旬,单花期为4-5天,雄花和两性花的5枚花药开裂的不同步性明显延长了散粉时间。两性花雌蕊先熟,柱头可授性较长。具有适应风媒和虫媒传粉的花部特征。传粉昆虫主要为蜜蜂科(Apidae)和食蚜蝇科(Syrphidae)昆虫,访花高峰期为8:30-10:30。维持瘿椒树雄全异株的可能机制是:雄株总体上增加了异交花粉的数量和质量;两性花的雄蕊为该物种提供了繁殖保障,同时为传粉者提供了报酬。  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that the monophyletic classes Orbiliomycetes and Pezizomycetes are among the earliest diverging branches of Pezizomycotina, the largest subphylum of the Ascomycota. Although Orbiliomycetes is resolved as the most basal lineage in some analyses, molecular support for the node resolving the relationships between the two classes is low and topologies are unstable. We provide ultrastructural evidence to inform the placement of Orbiliomycetes by studying an Orbilia, a member of the only order (Orbiliales) of the class. The truncate ascus apex in the Orbilia is thin-walled except at the margin, and an irregular wall rupture of the apex permits ascospore discharge. Ascus, ascogenous and non-ascogenous hyphae were simple septate, with septal pores plugged by unelaborated electron-dense, non-membranous occlusions. Globose Woronin bodies were located on both sides of the septum. Nuclear division was characterized by the retention of an intact nuclear envelope, and a two-layered disk-shaped spindle pole body. The less differentiated nature of the spore discharge apparatus and septal pore organization supports an earliest diverging position of Orbiliomycetes within the subphylum, while the closed nuclear division and disk-shaped spindle pole body are interpreted as ancestral state characters for Ascomycota.  相似文献   

Variation in diversification rates is often studied by investigating traits related to species' ecology and life history. Often, however, it is unknown whether these traits evolve gradually or in punctuated bursts during speciation. Using phylogenetic data and species' present-day trait information, we present a novel approach to assessing the mode of character change while accounting for trait-dependent speciation and extinction. Our model, "Binary-State Speciation and Extinction-node enhanced state shift" (BiSSE-ness), estimates both the rate of change occurring along lineages and the probability of change occurring during speciation, as well as independent speciation and extinction rates for each character state. Using simulations, we found that BiSSE-ness is able to distinguish along-lineage and speciational change and accurately estimate the parameters associated with character change and diversification rates. We applied BiSSE-ness to an empirical primate data set and found evidence for along-lineage changes in primate mating systems and social behaviors, whereas shifts in habitat were associated with speciation. In cases where trait changes may be linked to the speciation process itself (e.g., niche-related traits), BiSSE-ness provides a suitable framework with which to simultaneously address questions regarding species diversification and character change.  相似文献   

The taxonomic value and evolutionary significance of 30 leaf epidermal characters from 238 samples representing 127 species of all seven genera in the tribe Gaultherieae (Ericaceae) and two outgroup genera were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The character states were coded and optimized onto a maximum‐likelihood tree based on previous molecular data with Fitch parsimony and hierarchical Bayesian analysis to trace the evolution of character states throughout all internodes in the phylogenetic tree for Gaultherieae. Leaf epidermal characters were found to be largely consistent within species, but highly variable at interspecific and higher taxonomic levels. The most recent common ancestral states of 15 characters diagnosed various lineages recovered from prior studies, some with no prior morphological support. Relatively high frequencies of state change occur in the eastern Asian clade Gaultheria series Gymnobotrys + Diplycosia, the American clade G. subsection Dasyphyta p.p., the core East Asian clade and the Australia/New Zealand clade. The characters with the highest frequencies of state change are the outer stomatal ledge ornamentation type, the stomatal apparatus level, stomatal density and area, and the type of abaxial trichomes. These character state change patterns may provide insight into the ecological adaptions of Gaultherieae during their evolutionary history. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 686–710.  相似文献   

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