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Cytosol and extruded DNA complexes from cultured chick embryo fibroblast cells have been separated by agarose gel chromatography at intervals after pulse labelling with [3H]thymidine. The proportion of the various cytosol components changed markedly with time: there was a lag period of 3 hr before the major labelled (5 X 10(5) dalton) DNA complex appeared in the cytosol, and a further lag period of 5 hr before it was extruded from the cell. Cultured chick embryo fibroblast, and rat spleen, cells rapidly and very efficiently import their own or each others cytosolic DNA complexes into their respective cytosol fractions: the material recovered from the cytosol of recipient cells is characteristic of the presented material. Homologous cytosolic DNA complex presented to chick embryo fibroblast cells also becomes associated with the nucleus. The rat at which this occurs is comparable with the rate of incorporation of [3H]thymidine into nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

1. The accumulation of [1-(14)C]glycine and the uptake, accumulation, incorporation (into protein, lipid, glycogen) and oxidation of l-[1-(14)C]leucine in 5-day-old chick embryo hearts were investigated in vitro, and the effects of insulin, puromycin and 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid on these processes were studied. 2. With glycine, the ratio of concentration of the labelled amino acid in the cell water to that in medium markedly exceeded unity. Insulin significantly increased this ratio. Puromycin did not prevent the insulin effect. 3. With leucine, the concentration ratio of the labelled amino acid between intracellular and extracellular water approached unity in the absence of puromycin and was doubled by its presence. In neither case did insulin substantially alter this ratio. The addition of 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid had no effect in the absence of insulin, but produced a significant increase of the concentration ratio in the presence of the hormone. 4. Leucine uptake was increased slightly by insulin in all experimental conditions except in the presence of puromycin, where a more pronounced stimulation was observed. The hormone had no effect on the incorporation of the labelled amino acid into protein, but accelerated its oxidation to carbon dioxide; the latter effect was particularly evident in the presence of puromycin and disappeared after the addition of 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid.  相似文献   

Abstract. Concanavalin A (Con A) was found to inhibit hexose uptake in cultured fibroblasts derived from 8-day chick embryos and to stimulate this process in those derived from 16day embryos. (1) Con-A effects depended on the duration of contact with cells and lectin and were inhibited by α-methylmannopyrannoside. (2) Con A was shown to mask about 70% of the hexose carriers in both 8- and 16-day embryo fibroblasts. Lectin altered the hexose uptake very rapidly. (3) Con A only modified the Vmax of the up- take system and did not alter the Km. This indicates that either the number or mobility of hexose carriers were modified by Con-A treatment. The differential effect of lectin could be due to a modification of the hexose-carrier mobility during the embryonic differentiation of fibroblasts. Secondary effects may affect cell growth.  相似文献   

M. gallisepticum infection of cultured chick embryo cells led to a sharp reduction the rate of 3H-thymidine and 3H-uridine incorporation into DNA and RNA cells, and almost completely suppressed the transposition of uridine label from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, this pointing to the inhibition of escape of RNA synthesized de novo into the infected cells cytoplasm. As suggested, weak labeling of the cytoplasm after prolonged (about several hours) incubation of cultured cells with labeled urine could indicate infection of cell cultures with the mycoplasmae.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthetase activity in chick embryonic liver is negligible compared to that in newly hatched, fed chicks. The enzyme activity is prematurely induced 5–50-fold in 20-day-old embryos and in newly hatched chicks by the administration of insulin, hydrocortisone, growth hormone, glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The induction of the enzyme activity is blocked by the administration of cycloheximide, indicating that new protein synthesis is required. Immunochemical titrations of different enzyme preparations from 5-day-old chicks, adult chicken and various inducer-treated embryos gave an identical equivalence point, indicating that the changes in synthetase activity after hormonal induction in embryos are related entirely to changes in content of enzyme. The increase in liver synthetase content after administration of insulin, glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP is directly related to an increase in the rate of synthetase synthesis. The induction of the synthetase activity by suboptimal doses of glucagon or cyclic AMP is potentiated by the phosphodiesterase inhibitory theophylline. There is a very rapid decay of synthetase activity, with a half-life of about 4 h after elevation to higher levels following administration of insulin, glucagon or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Glucagon and dibutyryl cyclic AMP induction of the synthetase activity is observed early in the embryonic development, whereas insulin induction is noted 2 days before hatching. Insulin, glucagon and cyclic AMP are potentially capable of altering the levels of glycolytic intermediates which may be involved in the induction of synthetase.  相似文献   

In this study it was shown that the injection of retinoic acid (RA) into incubated eggs on day 9 or 14 induced entry the males germ cells into preleptotene stage of prophase I on day 17, which are absent in the control embryos. At the same time the meiosis marker SCP3 was detected in the germ cells. Which was also absent at control embryos. On day 19 in male embryos the number of male germ cells at the stage preleptoteny increased, but there were no germ cells in the following stages of the prophase of meiosis. In 20-day-old chicks meiotic germ cells were absent. Thus, white it is shown that the influence of RA on the developing chicken embryos induces the entry of germ cells into preleptotene stage of prophase I meiosis. However, further meiotic transformations don't occur. Thus RA is only one of many factors providing meiotic cell division.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids at physiologic concentrations do not induce δ-aminolevulinic acid synthetase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway, in cultured chick embryo hepatocytes. Etiocholanolone-mediated induction of this enzyme is however markedly potentiated by cortisol (2.6-fold vs. 4.4-fold). The order of effectiveness in this “permissive” effect is dexamethasone ≥ cortisol > corticosterone > progesterone. The addition of 17α-methyltestosterone, an “anti-glucocorticoid”, substantially decreased the action of cortisol. This “permissive” action is specific for steroid hormones possessing glucocorticoid activity and may play an important role in heme biosynthesis.  相似文献   

It was reported elsewhere (Gasparian, Grigorian, 1989a) that in the secondary chick embryo cell culture, after its superinoculation with additional homologous cells, the cell population density increased and the cell proliferation was activated. It has been shown in the present paper that the cell proliferation rate increase after inoculation of fixed cells, as well. The results obtained are discussed as a direct evidence for growth-stimulating effect of contacts between homologous cells.  相似文献   

1. Isolated chick embryo heart cells were used to investigate the mode of action of insulin on the transport of three naturally occurring amino acids: l-proline, l-serine and glycine. Initial velocities of uptake were measured over a period of 5min with an 80-fold range of amino acid concentration. Corrections for amino acid diffusion, incorporation into protein and conversion into carbon dioxide were introduced. 2. The uptake processes approximated Michaelis-Menten kinetics within definite ranges of amino acid concentrations. A single transport system for proline and at least two transport systems for serine and glycine were detected. 3. The kinetic effects of insulin on transport systems for the amino acids tested were consistent with an acceleration of the maximal velocity of the process, without substantial changes in substrate concentration for half-maximal transport velocity. 4. These hormonal effects were not essentially altered by the corrections for amino acid incorporation into protein and conversion into carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

1. The development, localization and heterogeneity of acid phosphatase and a Zn(2+)-activated acid phosphatase in cellular fractions of developing chick liver were studied. 2. Acid phosphatase is distributed abundantly in the particulate and soluble fractions. The soluble fraction is rich in Zn(2+)-activated acid phosphatase, which attains its peak activity at about 15 days of incubation. 3. The particulate acid phosphatase activity is inhibited by fluoride but not by sodium l(+)-tartrate or cysteine. On the other hand, the soluble Zn(2+)-activated acid phosphatase activity is inhibited by sodium l(+)-tartrate and cysteine but not by fluoride. 4. The pH optimum of these two enzymes is similar at about 5.6. 5. The soluble Zn(2+)-activated acid phosphatase activity appears to be thermally stabilized by the treatment with Triton X-100 or bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells (ECs) that line the inner surface of blood vessels are continuously exposed to shear stress induced by blood flow in vivo, and shear stress affects ATP-dependent macromolecular transport in ECs. However, the relationship between the ATP production and shear stress is still unclear. We, therefore, evaluated mitochondrial ATP synthesis activity in cultured endothelial cells exposed to shear stress, using a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and a mitochondrial membrane potential probe (5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3, 3'-tetraethyl-benzimidazolycarbocyanine iodide, JC-1). Low shear stress (10 dyn/cm(2)) increased mitochondrial membrane potential by 30%. On the contrary, high shear stress (60 dyn/cm(2)) decreased it by 20%. This observation was consistent with the ATP-dependent albumin uptake into endothelial cells. Our results indicate that ATP synthetic activity is related to the albumin uptake into endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Three different temperature sensitive mutants derived from the Syrian hamster cell line BHK 21 were found to have greatly reduced DNA synthesis at the non-permissive temperature. These mutants are distinct by complementation analysis and behave at the non-permissive temperature as cell cycle traverse defective mutants. Microfluorometric analysis of mutant populations arrested at the non-permissive temperature shows an accumulation of cells with G1 DNA content. Mutants ts 13 and ts HJ4 synchronized in G1 by serum or isoleucine deprivation and shifted to the non-permissive temperature at the time of release do not enter the S phase, while in the case of mutant ts 11 preincubation at the non-permissive temperature before release is required to completely prevent its entry into S. Ts 13 and ts 11 are able to traverse the S phase at the non-permissive temperature when synchronized at the boundary G1/S; in this case, preincubation of ts 11 at the non-permissive temperature before release does not affect the ability of these cells to perform DNA synthesis. On the other hand, ts HJ4 appears to traverse S only partially when tested under similar conditions. Temperature shift experiments of mutant populations at different times after isoleucine synchronization suggest that ts 13 and ts 11 are blocked at the non-permissive temperature in early G1, whereas ts HJ4 is probably affected near the initiation of DNA synthesis, or in some early S function.  相似文献   

The major type of collagen synthesized by fibroblasts or bone cells, type I collagen, consists of two chains normally found in a 2:1 ratio designated alpha 1(I)2 alpha 2(I) or more simply alpha 1(I)2 alpha 2. I have analyzed the relative synthesis of type I chains in these cells under conditions which reduce the initiation of protein synthesis. It was found that in bone cells, which make a large amount of collagen, the alpha 1(I):alpha 2 ratio is unaltered whereas in fibroblasts, which make smaller amounts of collagen, the alpha 2 chain is particularly sensitive to these same conditions. Examination of the collagen secreted into the medium, under these same conditions, also revealed an altered chain ratio from cells making low amounts of collagen.  相似文献   

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