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A family of calcium-responsive protein kinases is abundant in plant cell extracts but has not been identified in animals and fungi. These enzymes have a unique structure consisting of a protein kinase catalytic domain fused to carboxy-terminal autoregulatory and calmodulin-like domains. In this report, we present the amino acid sequences for eight new Arabidopsis cDNA clones encoding isoforms of this enzyme. Three isoforms were expressed as fusion proteins in Escherichia coli and exhibited calcium-stimulated protein kinase activity. We propose CPK as the gene designation for this family of enzymes and describe a phylogenetic analysis for all known isoforms.  相似文献   

A second cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (cAPX; EC gene from Arabidopsis thaliana has been characterised. This second gene (designated APX1b) maps to linkage group 3 and potentially encodes a cAPX as closely related to that from other dicotyledonous species as to the other member of this gene family (Kubo et al, 1993, FEBS Lett 315: 313–317; here designated APX1a), which maps to linkage group 1. In contrast, the lack of sequence similarity in non-coding regions of the genes implies that they are differentially regulated. Under non-stressed conditions only APX1a is expressed. APX1b was identified during low-stringency probing using a cDNA coding for pea cAPX which, in turn, was recovered from a cDNA library by immunoscreening with an antiserum raised against tea plastidial APX (pAPX). No pAPX cDNAs were recovered, despite the antiserum displaying specificity for pAPX in Western blots.Abbreviations ATG methionine translation initiation codon - bp base pair - cAPX cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase - pAPX plastidial ascorbate peroxidase - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism Accession numbers: The APX1b sequence is in the EMBL database under accession number X80036M.S. gratefully acknowledges the support from the Junta Nacional de Investigaçâo Cientifica e Tecnológia, Portugal (grant number BD/394/90-IE). This work was supported by the Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council through a grant-in-aid to the John Innes Centre.  相似文献   

A genomic clone for the cyc07 gene, which is expressed specifically at the S phase during the cell cycle in synchronous cultures of periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) cells, was isolated. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the clone revealed that the cyc07 gene consists of seven exons separated by six introns. Genomic Southern analysis indicated that the cyc07 gene is present as a single copy per haploid genome in periwinkle. Expression of related genes was detected in a wide range of other plants. Transgenic Arabidopsis plants were generated that expressed the gene for -glucuronidase (GUS) under the control of the promoter of the cyc07 gene. The tissue-specific pattern of expression directed by the promoter was investigated by analysis of GUS activity. Histochemical tests demonstrated that 589 bp of the 5-upstream sequence of the cyc07 gene could direct specifical expression of the GUS reporter gene in meristematic tissues in transgenic plants. The spatial pattern of expression directed by the promoter was closely correlated with meristematic activity and cell proliferation, suggesting an association between the function of the cyc07 gene and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

DNA polymorphisms among Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes are widely used as genetic markers in map-based cloning strategies. New PCR-based molecular markers do not only facilitate molecular mapping, but can also be used to obtain reliable sequence information for cladistic analyses. We have used CAPS (cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences) markers and a direct sequencing strategy to estimate genetic similarity among eighteen Arabidopsis ecotypes. Sequences at four loci, two from the nuclear and two from a non-nuclaar genome, were analysed. For each ecotype more than 1000pb of sequence information was obtained, and genetic similarity was calculated from a total of 35 polymorphic sites using a character-based approach. Divergence ranged from zero up to 50 discordant characters among the 72 characters defined by the polymorphisms. Separate calculations based on the nuclear and the non-nuclear sequences were performed and revealed a number of common features, including the existence of small clusters of very closely related ecotypes separated from each other by extensive sequence divergence. Our results provide information useful especially to investigators setting up crosses for chromosome landing strategies.  相似文献   

Oleosins are proteins associated with lipid bodies mainly synthesised during seed development. Using a subtractive hybridisation approach two new members of the oleosin gene family of Arabidopsis thaliana have been isolated. The quantitative and temporal expression patterns of both genes are found to be affected in the fus3 mutant defective in late embryogenesis. This pattern is interpreted as a molecular marker for a mutant specific developmental change from a seed maturation toa germination pathway.  相似文献   

HVA22 is an ABA- and stress-inducible gene first isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Homologues of HVA22 have been found in plants, animals, fungi and protozoa, but not in prokaryotes, suggesting that HVA22 plays a unique role in eukaryotes. Five HVA22 homologues, designated AtHVA22a, b, c, d and e, have been identified in Arabidopsis. These five AtHVA22 homologues can be separated into two subfamilies, with AtHVA22a, b and c grouped in one subfamily and AtHVA22d and e in the other. Phylogenetic analyses show that AtHVA22d and e are closer to barley HVA22 than to AtHVA22a, bandc, suggesting that the two subfamilies had diverged before the divergence of monocots and dicots. The distribution and size of exons of AtHVA22 homologues and barley HVA22 are similar, suggesting that these genes are descendents of a common ancestor. AtHVA22 homologues are differentially regulated by ABA, cold, dehydration and salt stresses. These four treatments enhance AtHVA22a, d and e expression, but have little or even suppressive effect on AtHVA22c expression. ABA and salt stress induce AtHVA22b expression, but cold stress suppresses ABA induction of this gene. Expression of AtHVA22d is the most tightly regulated by these four treatments among the five homologues. In general, AtHVA22 homologues are expressed at a higher level in flower buds and inflorescence stems than in rosette and cauline leaves. The expression level of these homologues in immature siliques is the lowest among all tissues analyzed. It is suggested that some of these AtHVA22 family members may play a role in stress tolerance, and others are involved in plant reproductive development.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis GIGANTEA (GI) gene has been shown to be involved in the regulation of the oxidative stress response; however, little is known about the mechanism by which GI gene regulates the oxidative stress response. We show here that enhanced tolerance of the gi-3 mutant to oxidative stress is associated, at least in part, with constitutive activation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) genes. The gi-3 plants were more tolerant to parquart (PQ) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-mediated oxidative stress than wild-type plants. Analyses of concentrations of endogenous H2O2 and superoxide anion radicals as well as lipid peroxidation revealed that enhanced tolerance of gi-3 plants to oxidative stress was not due to defects in the uptake of PQ or the sequestration of PQ from its site of action, and that the gi-3 mutation alleviated oxidative damage of plant cells from PQ stress. Moreover, the gi-3 mutant showed constitutive activation of cytosolic Cu/ZnSOD and plastidic FeSOD as well as cytosolic APX1 and stromal APX genes, which at least in part contributed to constitutive increases in activities of anti-oxidative enzymes SOD and APX, respectively. To our knowledge, we demonstrate, for the first time, that GI gene regulates the oxidative stress response, at least in part, through modulation of SOD and APX genes.  相似文献   

Five constructions containing deletions of the promoter from an auxin-inducible gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, AtAux2-11, were fused to the coding region of the reporter gene LacZ, which encodes -galactosidase, and a polyadenylation 3-untranslated nopaline synthase sequence from Agrobacterium. These chimeric genes were introduced into Arabidopsis by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, and expression of the gene was examined by spectrophotometric and histochemical analyses. A 600 bp fragment from the AtAux2-11 promoter conferred histochemical patterns of staining similar to the longest 5 promoter tested, a 3.0 kb fragment. Localization of AtAux2-11/LacZ activity in the transgenic plants revealed spatial and temporal expression patterns that correlated with tissues and cells undergoing physiological processes modulated by auxin. LacZ activity was expressed in the elongating region of roots, etiolated hypocotyls, and anther filaments. Expression was detected in the vascular cylinder of the root and the vascular tissue, epidermis, and cortex of the hypocotyl, and filament. The AtAux2-11/LacZ gene was preferentially expressed in cells on the elongating side of hypocotyls undergoing gravitropic curvature. Expression of the chimeric gene in the hypocotyls of light-grown seedlings was less than that in etiolated seedling hypcotyls. The AtAux2-11/LacZ gene was active in the root cap, and expression in the root stele increased at sites of lateral root initiation. Staining was evident in cell types that develop lignified cell walls, e.g. trichomes, anther endothecial cells, and especially developing xylem. The chimeric gene was not expressed in primary meristems. While the magnitude of expression increased after application of exogenous auxin (2,4-D), the histochemical localization of AtAux2-11/LacZ remained unchanged.Transgenic plants with a 600 bp promoter construct (–0.6 kb AtAux2-11/LacZ) had higher levels of basal and auxin-inducible expression than plants with a 3.0 kb promoter construct. Transgenic plants with a –500 bp promoter had levels of expression similar to the –3.0 kb construct. The –0.6 kb AtAux2-11/LacZ gene responded maximally to a concentration of 5 × 10–6 to 5 × 10–5 M 2,4-D and was responsive to as little as 5 × 10–8 M. The evidence presented here suggests that this gene may play a role in several auxin-mediated developmental and physiological processes.co-first authors  相似文献   

Summary Normal and aborted seeds from two recessive embryo-lethal mutants (79A and 124D) of Arabidopsis thaliana were shown to be distributed nonrandomly along the length of heterozygous siliques. Significantly more than half of the aborted seeds in these two mutants were located in the top half of the silique, in the region closest to the stigma surface. Segregation ratios (percent aborted seeds) were unusually low at the base of the silique, and slightly higher than expected at the tip. In contrast, aborted seeds from four other embryo-lethal mutants (87A, 123B, 50B, and 71E) were distributed randomly along the length of the silique. These results suggest that the mutant genes in 79A and 124D are expressed during both the gametophytic (n) and sporophytic (2n) phases of development. These two mutants provide further evidence for the hypothesis that many genes expressed prior to fertilization also perform a critical function during growth and development of the sporophyte. Embryo-lethal mutants of Arabidopsis may therefore be useful in future studies of gametophytic gene expression and the regulation of pollen-tube growth in higher plants.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is of supermolecular architecture, and is composed of various types of heterogeneous polymers. A few thousand enzymes and structural proteins are directly involved in the construction processes, and in the functional aspects of the dynamic architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana. Most of these proteins are encoded by multigene families, and most members within each family share significant similarities in structural features, but often exhibit differing expression profiles and physiological functions. Thus, for the molecular dissection of cell wall dynamics, it is necessary to distinguish individual members within a family of proteins. As a first step towards characterizing the processes involved in cell wall dynamics, we have manufactured a gene-specific 70-mer oligo microarray that consists of 765 genes classified into 30 putative families of proteins that are implicated in the cell wall dynamics of Arabidopsis. By using this array system, we identified several sets of genes that exhibit organ preferential expression profiles. We also identified gene sets that are expressed differentially at certain specific growth stages of the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem. Our results indicate that there is a division of roles among family members within each of the putative cell wall-related gene families.  相似文献   

Shortly after the release of singlet oxygen (1O2) in chloroplasts drastic changes in nuclear gene expression occur in the conditional flu mutant of Arabidopsis that reveal a rapid transfer of signals from the plastid to the nucleus. Factors involved in this retrograde signaling were identified by mutagenizing a transgenic flu line expressing a 1O2-responsive reporter gene. The reporter gene consisted of the luciferase open reading frame and the promoter of an AAA-ATPase gene (At3g28580) that was selectively activated by 1O2 but not by superoxide or hydrogen peroxide. A total of eight second-site mutants were identified that either constitutively activate the reporter gene and the endogenous AAA-ATPase irrespectively of whether 1O2 was generated or not (constitutive activators of AAA-ATPase, caa) or abrogated the 1O2-dependent up-regulation of these genes as seen in the transgenic parental flu line (non-activators of AAA-ATPase, naa). The characterization of the mutants strongly suggests that 1O2-signaling does not operate as an isolated linear pathway but rather forms an integral part of a signaling network that is modified by other signaling routes and impacts not only stress responses of plants but also their development. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Aiswarya Baruah and Klára Šimková contributed equally to the article.  相似文献   

Numerous Arabidopsis genes have been cloned that correspond to putative pathogen defense-related genes identified in parsley (Petroselinum crispum). Treatment of Arabidopsis cells with fungal elicitor leads to rapid accumulation of the respective mRNAs with time courses comparable to those observed for their counterparts in parsley. Evolutionary sequence conservation of many of these genes in several plant species suggests they code for important plant functions.  相似文献   

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